[INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:23]PJG Start [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:23]LocalSourceVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:23]PackageSourceVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:23]AoUnityStarter Start [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:23]Start App [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:23]ResourceCache.Instance.resLoadMode=AssetBundle [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:23]ResourceCache.Instance.isLuaBundle=True [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:23]AoUnityStarter OnToluaBundleLoaded:resPath=luascripts/64/tolua,isSuccess=True [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:23]AoUnityStarter OnBootstrapBundleLoaded:resPath=luascripts/64/bootstrap,isSuccess=True [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:23]AoUnityStarter StartLua [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:23]ver20100 jit: false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:23]os: OSX, arch: arm64 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:23][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{closure}=======================腾讯渠道包======================= [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:29][@bootstrap/check/CheckMgr.lua:0]:{_updateInfoByTree}leaf,id:501url:1flag:Finetag:0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:29][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{start}BootstrapLauncherBase start [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:29][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{start}BootstrapLauncherBase startHotUpdate [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:30][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{onHotupdateDone}BootstrapLauncherBase onHotupdateDone [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:30][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{loadLuaBundles}BootstrapLauncherBase loadLuaBundles [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:30][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncher.lua:0]:{_onCopyObbDone}拷贝obb文件到外部目录完毕,继续走启动逻辑! [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:30][@bootstrap/BootstrapHandlerDolphin.lua:0]:{closure}热更新流程完毕 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:30][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{closure}BootstrapLauncherBase _onLuaBundleLoaded luascripts/64/framework true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:31][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{closure}BootstrapLauncherBase _onLuaBundleLoaded luascripts/64/frameworkext true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:31][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{closure}BootstrapLauncherBase _onLuaBundleLoaded luascripts/64/otherlogic true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:31][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{closure}BootstrapLauncherBase _onLuaBundleLoaded luascripts/64/logic/config true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:31][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{closure}BootstrapLauncherBase _onLuaBundleLoaded luascripts/64/logic/extensions true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:31][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{closure}BootstrapLauncherBase _onLuaBundleLoaded luascripts/64/logic/story true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:31][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncher.lua:0]:{onLuaBundlesDone}游戏业务lua的ab已经加载完毕,开始启动游戏业务 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:31][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{onLuaBundlesDone}BootstrapLauncherBase onLuaBundlesDone [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:32][@framework/LogicLauncherBase.lua:0]:{loadMainManifest}LogicLauncherBase loadMainManifest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:32][@framework/LogicLauncherBase.lua:0]:{onManifestLoaded}LogicLauncherBase onManifestLoaded [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:33][@logic/common/performance/PerformanceMgr.lua:0]:{setResourcesMode}默认高端机 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:33][@logic/common/performance/PerformanceMgr.lua:0]:{setResourcesMode}缓冲区路径 = /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/81DBD81E-33E9-4951-AF94-C22A8FC3C8A7/Library/UnityCache/Shared [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:33][@logic/common/performance/PerformanceMgr.lua:0]:{setResourcesMode}默认缓冲区文件超时时间,sec,min,hour,day = 12960000 216000 3600 150 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:33][@logic/common/performance/PerformanceMgr.lua:0]:{setResourcesMode}默认缓冲区空间单位kb,最大,空闲,已用 = -1 -209 208 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:33][@logic/common/performance/PerformanceMgr.lua:0]:{setResourcesMode}设置了超时时间后,缓冲区文件超时时间,sec,min,hour,day = 2592000 43200 720 30 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:33][@logic/common/performance/PerformanceMgr.lua:0]:{setResourcesMode}设置了空间后,缓冲区空间单位mb,最大,空闲,已用 = 1024 815 208 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:33][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{handleResPreLoadMgrFinish}游戏预加载资源完毕,游戏准备好了,可以玩了 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:33][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/common/state/GameStateMgr:0: GameStateMgr:_createNotifyLocalState notifyLocalStateType1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/notice/noticeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/notice/noticetextcell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/notice/noticeimagecell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:35][@logic/extensions/notice/view/NoticeView.lua:0]:{onEnter}NoticeView:onEnter() [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:35][@logic/extensions/notice/view/NoticeView.lua:0]:{onEnter}[{"msgOrder":729,"msgUrl":"","msgId":"141446","endTime":"1712764799","openId":"","contentType":0,"startTime":"1710762900","msgScene":"1","msgType":0,"msgContent":"亲爱的少主:\r\n\r\n全新主题活动版本【追风逐火】即将上线!为保证空桑良好的运行秩序,管理司将于3月19日(周二)凌晨0:00至9:00关闭空桑入口,进行内部更新维护,待维护完毕后重新开启。\r\n期间少主将无法进入空桑,维护时长或有增减,具体详情可关注后续告示,还请少主耐心以待,管理司全员拜谢!\r\n【更新时间】3月19日(周二)凌晨0:00至9:00\r\n【更新方式】停机更新维护\r\n\r\n【更新内容】\r\n【追风逐火】全新语音长篇活动剧情限时开启!\r\n开启时间:2024年3月19日更新后至2024年4月10日23:59\r\n背景地域:雾山幻道\r\n出场角色:空桑少主、「川味火锅」(CV谷江山)、「麻婆豆腐」(CV星潮)\r\n友情客串:胜云楼主(CV郭耘菡)、记忆拾荒者(CV田茗旗)、解说员(CV杨潇然)、居民甲(CV巨峰)、出租车司机(CV橙璃)\r\n剧情介绍:断崖边,红色越野赛车的车头正挂在悬崖外边,少主与麻婆豆腐在车内缓缓睁开眼睛。身处于此的原由,竟是一点都记不起来了……\r\n主要奖励:参与主题活动可获得活动货币「珍贵相片」,通关全部剧情关卡可以获得专属徽章「驰雾间」。\r\n温馨提示:活动期间,观看过的活动剧情故事将收纳于图鉴故事中。\r\n\r\n【飞驰之礼】累计登录免费领取鹄羹时装「醇香暖忆」\r\n活动时间:2024年3月19日更新后至2024年4月10日23:59\r\n活动说明:柔光映彩绸,焦糖添暖忆。温暖的灯光自门内流淌而出,那人身穿焦糖色柔软线衫,笑意盈盈地用精心准备的礼物迎接你归家。\r\n每日登录游戏即可领取奖励,累计登录指定天数可领取鹄羹时装「醇香暖忆」、活动专属徽章「整装势」,更有魂芯等好礼相赠!\r\n\r\n【闻香拾忆】参与活动,赢取活动专属徽章「闻旧忆」\r\n活动时间:2024年3月19日更新后至2024年4月10日23:59\r\n活动说明:进入随机赛道后,暂时失忆的少主发现,美食香气可令自己想起一些零碎记忆,继而拼凑出完整回忆,于是尝试烹饪不同菜肴来寻回过往。\r\n参加活动可获得活动专属徽章「闻旧忆」与活动货币「珍贵相片」,珍贵相片可用于活动商店兑换奖励。\r\n\r\n【一锤定音】全新趣味玩法上线\r\n活动时间:2024年3月19日更新后至2024年4月10日23:59\r\n活动说明:第一届空桑赛车比赛即将开始,为帮助大家提升竞技水平,蟹酿橙研发了一系列新型载具,并为此举办一场拍卖会,所有载具价高者得,所得收入将用于支持空桑的各种兴趣活动。\r\n温馨提示:游戏结束时,评分越高,可获得的活动奖励越丰厚!本活动每日可参与3次,参与次数每日05:00刷新。\r\n\r\n【活动商店】收集「珍贵相片」兑换好礼\r\n开放时间:2024年3月19日更新后至2024年4月12日23:59\r\n活动说明:活动期间,少主参与主题活动将获得活动货币「珍贵相片」,可用于在活动商店中兑换各种奖励。活动专属徽章「越前迹」、魂芯、天工石等丰厚好礼等你来拿!\r\n\r\n【逐山越岭】挑战异闻关卡,赢取通关奖励!\r\n活动时间:2024年3月26日10:00至2024年4月10日23:59\r\n活动说明:越野赛即将开始,请领航员少主和赛车手进行最后的检查,佩戴好安全设备。在比赛中,保持高度专注和冷静至关重要。请及时向赛车手传达前方路况等关键信息,协力夺取比赛胜利!\r\n逐山越岭共有20层历练关卡,通过每层关卡均可获得丰厚首通奖励!活动将以最高通关层数、最少通关回合数以及其达成时间点为依据进行排名,如进入排行榜指定名次内,还将获得相应的排行奖励。\r\n奖励内容:「调料信物」、「膳具碎片·御」等丰富好礼。\r\n温馨提示:活动关卡将随活动时间逐渐开放,通过每个关卡均可获得丰厚首通奖励,通关后方可前往下一关。\r\n\r\n【画廊写生】玩法奖励新增全新画作\r\n更新说明:2024年3月19日更新后,【画廊写生】玩法奖励新增尚品画作「百仁全鸭成员证」「万字扣肉成员证」「菌子火锅成员证」「万寿羹成员证」「蟠桃饭成员证」「蜜汁塘藕成员证」「日月套三环成员证」「拆烩鲢鱼头成员证」「青精饭成员证」「水晶肴肉成员证」。\r\n\r\n【天工祈福】「游艺荟萃」主题家具套装常驻!\r\n更新说明:2024年3月19日更新后,「游艺荟萃」主题家具套装将会常驻于【巧圣阁】中,更多主题套装将在后续版本陆续常驻于巧圣阁。\r\n少主可根据提示在【巧圣阁-巧圣仙师阁】下拉列表中选择自己想要祈福的常驻主题家具阁,消耗「天工石」进行祈福,即可获取主题家具。\r\n温馨提示:家具祈福保底机制依旧生效。\r\n\r\n【优化更新与问题修复】\r\n全新原声音乐「追风逐火」上架【音乐商店】。\r\n\r\n如有任何疑问建议,可联系QQ群客服进行反馈。\r\n食物语官方交流群:778276627\r\n《食物语》空桑管理司","msgTitle":"3月19日空桑更新告示"},{"msgOrder":0,"msgUrl":"","msgId":"128059","endTime":"1924945200","openId":"","contentType":0,"startTime":"1630393200","msgScene":"1","msgType":0,"msgContent":"亲爱的少主:\r\n从2021年8月31日开始,根据国家新闻出版署发布的《关于进一步严格管理 切实防止未成年人沉迷网络游戏的通知》,食物语新的防沉迷措施规则如下:\r\n\r\n【游戏时长限制】\r\n未成年用户仅可在周五、周六、周日和法定节假日的20时至21时进行游戏。\r\n\r\n【游戏消费限制】\r\n未满12周岁的用户无法进行游戏充值;\r\n12周岁(含)以上未满16周岁的用户,单次充值上限50元人民币,每月充值上限200元人民币;\r\n16周岁(含)以上未成年用户,单次充值上限100元人民币,每月充值上限400元人民币。\r\n\r\n【游客模式限制】\r\n全面关闭iOS游客体验模式。\r\n\r\n具体规则请见国家新闻出版署《关于进一步严格管理 切实防止未成年人沉迷网络游戏的通知》\r\n \r\n健康系统新规则全量覆盖后,所有用户每日时长刷新时间为每日0点,通过健康系统强制的时段、时长和消费管理,我们希望可以帮助未成年少主建立健康的游戏习惯。\r\n \r\n感谢您的支持与理解。\r\n\r\n如有任何疑问建议,可联系QQ群客服进行反馈。\r\n食物语官方交流群:715572047\r\n\r\n《食物语》空桑管理司","msgTitle":"关于《健康系统》的说明"},{"msgOrder":0,"msgUrl":"","msgId":"122656","endTime":"1924948800","openId":"","contentType":0,"startTime":"1617796800","msgScene":"1","msgType":0,"msgContent":"亲爱的少主:\r\n\r\n为了维护空桑的公平秩序,同时保障少主利益和账号信息安全,我们郑重警示,由于第三方充值平台没有任何安全保障,容易产生以下风险:\r\n\r\n1、造成游戏账号及密码信息泄露,进而有机会导致游戏内金玉、魂芯、道具等财产遭受损失;\r\n2、第三方代充平台不受任何官方保护,如果发生扣费却充值不到账的问题,《食物语》官方不予处理,还请您自行向第三方充值平台进行售后维权。\r\n\r\n为了保障账号财产安全,强烈建议iOS少主使用苹果应用商店AppStore支付渠道进行充值,以免遭受不必要的损失。如果发现有少主使用第三方充值平台,我们也会采取相应的处罚措施,包括但不限于扣除代充获取的资源和金玉,严重者,可能会被封停游戏账号噢!\r\n\r\n感谢各位少主对《食物语》的支持和理解,绿色和谐的空桑环境,需要我们共同维护。\r\n\r\n《食物语》空桑管理司·敬上","msgTitle":"《食物语》禁止第三方代充公告"},{"msgOrder":0,"msgUrl":"","msgId":"122652","endTime":"1924952400","openId":"","contentType":0,"startTime":"1573736400","msgScene":"1","msgType":0,"msgContent":"近期有少主反馈,在某些平台有食物语拆包信息流出。管理司特此提示,拆解游戏包体获得未公布的数据和图片等内容是一种违法行为,对于游戏创作和发行本身亦有伤害。同时因近期部分少主反馈在食魂评论中出现了贬低食魂或CV等的内容,且部分玩家曾利用自制剧情来传播不当内容,为保障空桑的基本秩序、营造良好的游戏环境,管理司特制定本信息文明公约。\r\n\r\n本公约条款适用于食物语所有玩家,适用于所有发言形式,包括但不限于:游戏内评论、自制剧情、游戏外社区与玩家群发言等。每个食魂也是空桑少主心头的珍宝,空桑和谐友爱的环境和未来发展的无限可能需要大家共同维护。\r\n\r\n食物语游戏内及相关社群禁止发布和传播以下内容:\r\n(一)反党、反政府、反社会的言论或侮辱、诋毁党和国家的内容;\r\n(二)淫秽、色情信息或进行利用自制剧情进行淫秽、色情表演等内容; \r\n(三)涉及毒品、枪支弹药、管制刀具等违法、违禁品的内容;\r\n(四)宣扬赌博、邪教、封建迷信的内容;\r\n(五)暴力、血腥、凶杀、恐怖或教唆犯罪的内容;\r\n(六)恶意谩骂、侮辱、诽谤、侵犯他人合法权益、贬低食魂或CV等引战性质内容;\r\n(七)侵犯他人著作权、抄袭他人作品的内容;\r\n(八)传播或贩卖非法破解客户端获取信息的内容;\r\n(九)展示其他商业广告或其他垃圾营销信息;\r\n(十)其他法律、行政法规禁止的、或违反公序良俗的内容;\r\n\r\n食物语游戏内的玩家可使用“举报”功能对违规的内容进行举报。官方核实后会立即对违规行为进行处理。如果发现用户的举报是无效的恶意行为,官方也将进行相应的处理。\r\n对于涉嫌违法犯罪的内容,管理司将向公安机关提供相关内容和线索,并配合公安机关的调查。\r\n具体游戏内处罚策略请见:https:\/\/swy.qq.com\/web201902\/news\/news_detail.shtml?newsid=7911851\r\n\r\n营造和谐有爱的游戏环境,离不开管理司与少主的共同努力,让我们携起手来,共同打造绿色健康、文明积极的《食物语》空桑世界!\r\n\r\n《食物语》空桑管理司","msgTitle":"《食物语》信息文明公约"},{"msgOrder":0,"msgUrl":"","msgId":"122651","endTime":"1924945200","openId":"","contentType":0,"startTime":"1594983600","msgScene":"1","msgType":0,"msgContent":"近期收到部分少主反映,在聊天频道中收到不明身份的私聊骚扰,询问是否卖号等询问出售游戏账号等相关信息。\r\n管理司在此提醒少主,这类私聊交易信息多为不实内容,还请您谨慎判断,以防上当受骗,造成不必要的损失。\r\n如果您遇到此类情况,可以点击其头像通过【举报】投诉该账号,或保留截图向客服人员进行反馈,我们会对该账号进行核查及处理。\r\n\r\n如有任何疑问建议,可联系QQ群客服进行反馈。\r\n食物语官方交流群:866958543\r\n《食物语》空桑管理司","msgTitle":"有关游戏内账号交易等私聊骚扰的温馨提示"},{"msgOrder":0,"msgUrl":"","msgId":"119904","endTime":"1885636800","openId":"","startTime":"1567080000","msgScene":"1","msgType":0,"contentType":1,"picArray":[{"screenDir":2,"hashValue":"b3bbccbef72894726b1a8e24dcc33713","picPath":"\/private\/var\/mobile\/Containers\/Data\/Application\/81DBD81E-33E9-4951-AF94-C22A8FC3C8A7\/Library\/Caches\/MSDK\/Notice_119904_b3bbccbef72894726b1a8e24dcc33713.png"}]}] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_mudanyancai_skill3_01.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/g-s02_29_xuanwo_01.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/hit_zongzi_skill1_04.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_075_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_80024.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_sequence_jgt_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_017.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_019.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 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16:6:37][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{beginGetBtSessionId}registerNeedNameAuthListener [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:37][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{getWakeupMessage}getWakeupMessage: {} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:37][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTrace}priority@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView:0: LoginView:_reregisterListenerAndLogin; nil; nil stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTrace' logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView: in function '_reregisterListenerAndLogin' logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView: in function 'beginGetBtSessionId' logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/notice/view/NoticeView: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:37][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 3 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:37][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTrace}priority@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView:0: LoginView:_reregisterListenerAndLogin; nil; true stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTrace' logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView: in function '_reregisterListenerAndLogin' logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView: in function 'beginGetBtSessionId' logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/notice/view/NoticeView: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:37][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{registerLoginListener}registerLoginListener [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:37][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTrace}priority@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView:0: [SDK登录]====>请求; nil stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTrace' 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[INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:37][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{_msdkLoginListener}MSDK登录返回失败,自动登录不成功要手动点击按钮,把三个登录按钮显示出来,statusCode: -2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:37][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{getDeviceType}simulator result:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:37][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{getWakeupMessage}getWakeupMessage: {} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:38][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{getSDKType}获取包sdk类型 getSDKType = 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:38][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:42][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTrace}priority@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView:0: LoginView:_reregisterListenerAndLogin; 2; nil stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTrace' logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView: in function '_reregisterListenerAndLogin' logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:42][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 3 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:42][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTrace}priority@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView:0: LoginView:_reregisterListenerAndLogin; 2; true stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTrace' logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView: in function '_reregisterListenerAndLogin' logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:42][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{registerLoginListener}registerLoginListener [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:42][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTrace}priority@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView:0: [SDK登录]====>请求; 2 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTrace' logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView: in function '_reregisterListenerAndLogin' logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:42]GameDevice isFront = False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:43]GameDevice isFront = True [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:44][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{func}onLoginListener [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:44][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTrace}priority@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView:0: [SDK登录]==<==返回; 0; 78_poVSW2ENl-67ejbkVWgwZpr6v2t2yaxjfmkWmIc7JRO1Xalq3JPTCouuz-3L9Tveii3cUXmZiCU473g7dlGJMNtublh8aZIrj0qu7P-VJlw; 1711440403; wechat_wx-1001-iap-1001-wx-wx2282c66d8250ddf7-oBI611DZPbsNu7HxT8chYorXQeB4; 314f02422376b85b0370cb447a9f4138; oBI611DZPbsNu7HxT8chYorXQeB4; 0; 1; 0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTrace' logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView: in function logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl: in function '' logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl: in function 'func' framework/native/NativeBridge: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:44][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{_msdkLoginListener}MSDK登录返回成功,看下参数======= 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16:6:44]LocalSourceVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:44]PackageSourceVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:44][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{sendMSDKGetServerListRequest}needSaveZoneInfo true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:44][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{sendMSDKGetServerListRequest}InitTdiroBI611DZPbsNu7HxT8chYorXQeB4 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:44][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{sendMSDKGetServerListRequest}treeIdnil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:44][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{sendMSDKGetServerListRequest}finalTreeId4 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:44][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent:0: Log info, currentBranchName:release/month-1, gGameConfigUrlType:Dis, isThisCheck:false, isGuest:0, targetServerOS:IOS, areaId:1, pfKey:314f02422376b85b0370cb447a9f4138 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:44][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{getSDKType}获取包sdk类型 getSDKType = 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:44][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{getSimplefriends}http-获取同玩好友(部分)url===== https://login.swy.qq.com:40001/loadsimplefriends.jsp 调用native发送httpdns请求,参数: {"url":"https:\/\/login.swy.qq.com:40001\/loadsimplefriends.jsp","method":"GET","param":{"openId":"oBI611DZPbsNu7HxT8chYorXQeB4","platId":0,"areaId":1,"accessToken":"78_poVSW2ENl-67ejbkVWgwZpr6v2t2yaxjfmkWmIc7JRO1Xalq3JPTCouuz-3L9Tveii3cUXmZiCU473g7dlGJMNtublh8aZIrj0qu7P-VJlw"}} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:44][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{requestWithForm}-native 的HTTP请求 发送请求======================= param= {"url":"https:\/\/login.swy.qq.com:40001\/loadsimplefriends.jsp","method":"GET","param":{"openId":"oBI611DZPbsNu7HxT8chYorXQeB4","platId":"0","areaId":"1","accessToken":"78_poVSW2ENl-67ejbkVWgwZpr6v2t2yaxjfmkWmIc7JRO1Xalq3JPTCouuz-3L9Tveii3cUXmZiCU473g7dlGJMNtublh8aZIrj0qu7P-VJlw"}} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:44][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{_tryShowNameAuthMsgBox}tryShowNameAuthMsgBox 1 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16:6:44][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{closure}http-获取同玩好友(部分)返回数据========= {"friendInfos":[{"friendName":"健伟⊙ω⊙","openId":"oBI611IoXDObU5yRiNnmS56iBDdc","pictureUrl":"https://wx.qlogo.cn/mmhead/PiajxSqBRaELapcwKr4CXnW6AyC3zzibrMgGkW5icibytG11MYHH992ZKw"},{"friendName":"辉姑娘","openId":"oBI611Gi-mioD0LlcD6LjVTM3SGY","pictureUrl":"https://wx.qlogo.cn/mmhead/iamnicXPzr3cVmYSTCgr67FtGTb77wLtEGSptJgSheucf2NCicZNkibiaaY9kdiciaUpqnkNjYvswB0eEc"},{"friendName":"Hello","openId":"oBI611M8WqnXyRimPLM5znNSeSKE","pictureUrl":"https://wx.qlogo.cn/mmopen/vi_32/Q3auHgzwzM5LAw87x8Tc5Zn20utScVZRwL2hA6R5Ahn9sDBRtVWd85G0XPibeJGyRwVczryHo8QsLgeqA2lrecg"},{"friendName":"Walking","openId":"oBI611CkBCoyAMRWXxXXNX0hp14k","pictureUrl":"https://wx.qlogo.cn/mmopen/vi_32/RjtZ7HK2lll2przmS2vBpR1yXFxMpUUIhul2knqzBmybnu6jXib4AkfncKxW8O6uVDC3f5SOakYx369Xss4iawJw"}],"resultCode":0} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]ProgramVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]CurrentProgramVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]ProgramVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]CurrentProgramVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]LocalSourceVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]PackageSourceVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]CurrentSourceVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:0,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]progressValue:0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 0 3000 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:3,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]progressValue:0.1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 3 3000 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:6,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]progressValue:0.2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 6 3000 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:9,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]progressValue:0.3 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 9 3000 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack 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16:6:45][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 18 3000 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:20,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]progressValue:0.6666667 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 20 3000 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:23,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]progressValue:0.7666667 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 23 3000 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo with 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16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取资源版本信息,nowSize:2,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]progressValue:0.06666667 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取资源版本信息 2 3000 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取资源版本信息,nowSize:5,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]progressValue:0.1666667 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取资源版本信息 5 3000 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取资源版本信息,nowSize:7,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]progressValue:0.2333333 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取资源版本信息 7 3000 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取资源版本信息,nowSize:10,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]progressValue:0.3333333 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取资源版本信息 10 3000 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取资源版本信息,nowSize:13,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]progressValue:0.4333333 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取资源版本信息 13 3000 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo with 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16:6:45][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取资源版本信息 22 3000 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取资源版本信息,nowSize:23,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45]progressValue:0.7666667 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:45][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取资源版本信息 23 3000 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]当前已是最新资源版本,更新结束 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}热更新流程完毕 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{isNeedUpdateServerInfo}isNeedUpdateServerInfo,fail count0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{isNeedUpdateServerInfo}isNeedUpdateServerInfo,delta time1711354006 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{isNeedUpdateServerInfo}isNeedUpdateServerInfo,true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{getSDKType}获取包sdk类型 getSDKType = 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]LocalSourceVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]PackageSourceVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{getSDKType}获取包sdk类型 getSDKType = 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]LocalSourceVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]PackageSourceVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent:0: Log info, currentBranchName:release/month-1, gGameConfigUrlType:Dis, isThisCheck:false, isGuest:0, targetServerOS:IOS, areaId:1, pfKey:314f02422376b85b0370cb447a9f4138 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{getSDKType}获取包sdk类型 getSDKType = 2 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[INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{func}-native 的HTTP请求 返回结果======================= result= {"msgkey":"key_http_request","statusCode":200,"header":"{\"Content-Type\":\"application\\\/json;charset=utf-8\",\"Content-Length\":\"194\",\"Server\":\"Apache-Coyote\\\/1.1\",\"Date\":\"Mon, 25 Mar 2024 08:06:46 GMT\"}","body":"{\"areaId\":4,\"isAdmin\":true,\"resultCode\":0,\"sessionId\":\"5d85f9c2-435c-4941-9519-0cfa16d3ad6a\",\"userName\":\"1002_oBI611DZPbsNu7HxT8chYorXQeB4\",\"zoneInfo\":{\"id\":401,\"name\":\"\",\"prefix\":\"\",\"state\":1}}","requestUrl":"https:\/\/login.swy.qq.com:40001\/login.jsp"} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{closure}http-腾讯专用web登陆返回数据========= {"areaId":4,"isAdmin":true,"resultCode":0,"sessionId":"5d85f9c2-435c-4941-9519-0cfa16d3ad6a","userName":"1002_oBI611DZPbsNu7HxT8chYorXQeB4","zoneInfo":{"id":401,"name":"","prefix":"","state":1}} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent:0: Log info, currentBranchName:release/month-1, gGameConfigUrlType:Dis, isThisCheck:false, isGuest:0, targetServerOS:IOS, areaId:1, pfKey:314f02422376b85b0370cb447a9f4138 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{getSDKType}获取包sdk类型 getSDKType = 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{sendWebStartRequest}http-进入游戏url===== https://login.swy.qq.com:40001/startgame.jsp 调用native发送httpdns请求,参数: {"url":"https:\/\/login.swy.qq.com:40001\/startgame.jsp","method":"GET","param":{"pfKey":"314f02422376b85b0370cb447a9f4138","pf":"wechat_wx-1001-iap-1001-wx-wx2282c66d8250ddf7-oBI611DZPbsNu7HxT8chYorXQeB4","regChannel":"1001","installChannel":"1001","openKey":"78_poVSW2ENl-67ejbkVWgwZpr6v2t2yaxjfmkWmIc7JRO1Xalq3JPTCouuz-3L9Tveii3cUXmZiCU473g7dlGJMNtublh8aZIrj0qu7P-VJlw","zoneId":401,"sessionId":"5d85f9c2-435c-4941-9519-0cfa16d3ad6a","isIOSSimulator":"0"}} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{requestWithForm}-native 的HTTP请求 发送请求======================= param= {"url":"https:\/\/login.swy.qq.com:40001\/startgame.jsp","method":"GET","param":{"pfKey":"314f02422376b85b0370cb447a9f4138","pf":"wechat_wx-1001-iap-1001-wx-wx2282c66d8250ddf7-oBI611DZPbsNu7HxT8chYorXQeB4","regChannel":"1001","installChannel":"1001","openKey":"78_poVSW2ENl-67ejbkVWgwZpr6v2t2yaxjfmkWmIc7JRO1Xalq3JPTCouuz-3L9Tveii3cUXmZiCU473g7dlGJMNtublh8aZIrj0qu7P-VJlw","zoneId":"401","sessionId":"5d85f9c2-435c-4941-9519-0cfa16d3ad6a","isIOSSimulator":"0"}} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{func}-native 的HTTP请求 返回结果======================= result= {"msgkey":"key_http_request","statusCode":200,"header":"{\"Content-Type\":\"application\\\/json;charset=utf-8\",\"Content-Length\":\"90\",\"Server\":\"Apache-Coyote\\\/1.1\",\"Date\":\"Mon, 25 Mar 2024 08:06:46 GMT\"}","body":"{\"ip\":\"game.swy.qq.com\",\"isAdmin\":true,\"pid\":401006,\"port\":40106,\"resultCode\":0,\"state\":1}","requestUrl":"https:\/\/login.swy.qq.com:40001\/startgame.jsp"} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{closure}http-进入游戏返回数据========= {"ip":"game.swy.qq.com","isAdmin":true,"pid":401006,"port":40106,"resultCode":0,"state":1} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{tssSdkSetUserInfoEx}发送tsssdk的登录信息=========== 2 oBI611DZPbsNu7HxT8chYorXQeB4 wx2282c66d8250ddf7 4 1002_oBI611DZPbsNu7HxT8chYorXQeB4 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{_realonClickLogin}click login btn,ip=game.swy.qq.com,port=40106 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{sendSocketConnect}立即开始执行Socket连接服务器, ip=, port= game.swy.qq.com 40106 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/common/sdk/SDKManager.lua:0]:{}===SDKManager.impl.queryHostByDomain param.ipv6 or param.ipv4 看看是啥==== [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/common/sdk/SDKManager.lua:0]:{}===SDKManager.impl.queryHostByDomain resultIp====== [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]==============link network is ipv4============ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]1 status:Connecting [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]1 Connect,ip=,port=40106,verson=0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{}看看刚调用执行Socket连接服务器的结果,此结果不代表连接结果,是表示有没有system socket还未回来,true表示 旧的 已经回来过,可以开始连接,, result= true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{}==============已经发出去了socket连接,等结果把 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]1 AsyncConnectCallBack call by system,connectingVersion=0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]1 AsyncConnectCallBack End:Status=Connecting,socket.Connected=True [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]1 Same version,socket.Connected=True [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]1 Do EndConnect [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]1 Do EndConnect Done [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]1 status:Connected [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]1 ConnectSucc True [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{closure}===============执行Socket连接服务器完毕,看下结果吧:1, true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=-1,cmd=1,size=83 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:46]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=-1,cmd=1,status=0,size=18 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=2,status=0,size=72 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 161 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 623 infos { id: 10456 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 10684 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 10717 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 52 infos { id: 10409 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateRedDotPush <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 49 2 || 0 UpdateRedDotPush 0 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=2,status=0,size=23 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 506 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateRedDotPush <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 49 2 || 0 UpdateRedDotPush 1 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=9,status=0,size=17 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}data { id: 29 value: 204 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SimplePropertyPush <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 20 9 || 0 SimplePropertyPush 2 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{getWakeupMessage}getWakeupMessage: {} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 20 10 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HasCreatePlayerRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=10,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=10,status=0,size=10 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}hasCreatedPlayer: true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HasCreatePlayerReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 20 10 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066594082862139 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HasCreatePlayerReply 4 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController.lua:0]:{removeListenerGetMSDKMyInfo}=========取消监听获取腾讯个人信息事件========= [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController.lua:0]:{addListenerGetMSDKMyInfo}=========开始监听腾讯的获取个人信息回调========= [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 22 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroInfoListRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 20 3 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetPlayerInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 8 1 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetHeroFormationListRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=22,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 23 1 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=3,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroCharacterInfoListRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=8,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 51 1 当前队列数量= 5 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=23,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = EquipInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 10 3 当前队列数量= 6 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetItemListRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 31 1 当前队列数量= 7 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMainDungeonRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 20 33 当前队列数量= 8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetSvrFunctionBanRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 67 1 当前队列数量= 9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetSceneInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=51,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 11 3 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMidasCurrencyInfoAysnRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=10,cmd=3,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}openKey: 78_poVSW2ENl-67ejbkVWgwZpr6v2t2yaxjfmkWmIc7JRO1Xalq3JPTCouuz-3L9Tveii3cUXmZiCU473g7dlGJMNtublh8aZIrj0qu7P-VJlw pf: wechat_wx-1001-iap-1001-wx-wx2282c66d8250ddf7-oBI611DZPbsNu7HxT8chYorXQeB4 pfKey: 314f02422376b85b0370cb447a9f4138 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=31,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 78 4 当前队列数量= 11 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=33,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetAllConstructionInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityId: 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=67,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=11,cmd=3,size=231 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=78,cmd=4,size=11 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=22,cmd=1,status=0,size=37771 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=3,status=0,size=2483 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=8,cmd=1,status=0,size=1117 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=23,cmd=1,status=0,size=3288 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=51,cmd=1,status=0,size=248 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=10,cmd=3,status=0,size=1716 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=31,cmd=1,status=0,size=1812 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=33,status=0,size=13 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=67,cmd=1,status=0,size=18 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=3,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=78,cmd=4,status=0,size=10 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=35,cmd=5,status=0,size=13 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heros { heroId: 959737140 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2055 baseAttr { hp: 956 atk: 110 def: 108 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1600855404000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100058 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1427956508 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2127 baseAttr { hp: 2066 atk: 182 def: 215 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1641584796000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 2904 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100137 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1427956507 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2064 baseAttr { hp: 1212 atk: 99 def: 122 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1641584777000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100097 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 729030012 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2006 baseAttr { hp: 2495 atk: 227 def: 202 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1590719557000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9304 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100008 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1914143002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2156 baseAttr { hp: 1442 atk: 137 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1706117942000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41215600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100173 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1387833002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2085 baseAttr { hp: 1122 atk: 127 def: 119 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1635353422000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100080 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1277962047 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2036 baseAttr { hp: 913 atk: 115 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1625211899000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100038 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1073838101 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1607514624000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1073838103 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2034 baseAttr { hp: 1139 atk: 105 def: 116 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1607514624000 rank: 1 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41203400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100036 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1073838102 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2023 baseAttr { hp: 1285 atk: 98 def: 115 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1607514624000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100025 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1073838105 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1607514624000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1073838104 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2008 baseAttr { hp: 968 atk: 108 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1607514624000 rank: 1 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41200800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100006 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1073838107 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2037 baseAttr { hp: 1858 atk: 185 def: 174 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1607514624000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 2154 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100039 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 959737134 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2026 baseAttr { hp: 894 atk: 123 def: 88 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1600855219000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41202600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100028 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1073838106 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1607514624000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1073838109 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2041 baseAttr { hp: 1142 atk: 108 def: 106 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1607514624000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41204100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100043 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 959737129 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2002 baseAttr { hp: 1073 atk: 114 def: 104 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1600855023000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41200200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100002 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1073838108 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2034 baseAttr { hp: 1139 atk: 105 def: 116 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1607514624000 rank: 1 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41203400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100036 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1122317563 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2024 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 122 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611799736000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100026 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1073838110 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2034 baseAttr { hp: 1139 atk: 105 def: 116 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1607514624000 rank: 1 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41203400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100036 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1428292866 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1641800389000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 724556810 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2013 baseAttr { hp: 2339 atk: 274 def: 213 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1590579003000 rank: 2 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41201300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 11340 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300020 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100018 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1885533002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2045 baseAttr { hp: 961 atk: 115 def: 94 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1699483531000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41204500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100105 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1885533003 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2024 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 122 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1699483653000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100026 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006993 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2045 baseAttr { hp: 961 atk: 115 def: 94 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715077000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41204500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100105 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1577931046 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2099 baseAttr { hp: 1291 atk: 137 def: 116 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660791717000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100106 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006992 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2018 baseAttr { hp: 979 atk: 121 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715077000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41201800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100021 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1885533004 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1699483667000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1885533005 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1699483680000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006987 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715077000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006986 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2041 baseAttr { hp: 1142 atk: 108 def: 106 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715077000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41204100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100043 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006985 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2058 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 120 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715077000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41205800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205810 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100059 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006984 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2022 baseAttr { hp: 942 atk: 118 def: 90 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715077000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41202200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100024 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006991 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2035 baseAttr { hp: 953 atk: 118 def: 119 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715077000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100037 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1184423340 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1614321414000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1184423341 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2025 baseAttr { hp: 978 atk: 109 def: 107 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1614321414000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100027 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006990 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2079 baseAttr { hp: 1228 atk: 108 def: 93 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715077000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300001 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100072 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006989 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2074 baseAttr { hp: 1433 atk: 121 def: 139 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715077000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207410 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 5 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300024 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100068 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006988 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 928 atk: 128 def: 99 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715077000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100041 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 783100309 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2017 baseAttr { hp: 3706 atk: 408 def: 381 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 456 atk: 92 def: 69 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1593140026000 rank: 2 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41201704 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41201701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201703 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 101419 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 2 skinId: 100023 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 456 atk: 92 def: 69 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563261 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2041 baseAttr { hp: 1142 atk: 108 def: 106 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374609000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41204100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100043 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563260 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2045 baseAttr { hp: 961 atk: 115 def: 94 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374609000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41204500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100105 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563263 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2033 baseAttr { hp: 2067 atk: 223 def: 227 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374609000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41203300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 7421 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100035 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563262 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2018 baseAttr { hp: 979 atk: 121 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374609000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41201800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100021 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1073838140 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2021 baseAttr { hp: 1742 atk: 241 def: 179 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1607514710000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41202100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 2495 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100015 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563259 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2066 baseAttr { hp: 1228 atk: 136 def: 133 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374609000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100078 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563268 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2037 baseAttr { hp: 1219 atk: 121 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374609000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100039 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563265 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374609000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563264 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2002 baseAttr { hp: 1073 atk: 114 def: 104 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374609000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41200200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100002 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563523 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 9997 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374987000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100112 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563267 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374609000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563266 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2036 baseAttr { hp: 913 atk: 115 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374609000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100038 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006963 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2055 baseAttr { hp: 956 atk: 110 def: 108 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715052000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100058 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 961401349 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1601017713000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 5 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006962 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2035 baseAttr { hp: 953 atk: 118 def: 119 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715052000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100037 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006961 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2023 baseAttr { hp: 1285 atk: 98 def: 115 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715052000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100025 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1577931079 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2041 baseAttr { hp: 1142 atk: 108 def: 106 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660791733000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41204100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100043 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006960 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2079 baseAttr { hp: 1228 atk: 108 def: 93 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715052000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300001 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100072 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006955 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2008 baseAttr { hp: 968 atk: 108 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715052000 rank: 1 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41200800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100006 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006954 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2035 baseAttr { hp: 953 atk: 118 def: 119 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715052000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100037 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 665323003 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2000 baseAttr { hp: 1881 atk: 180 def: 153 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1587950079000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41200000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200003 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 3084 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300001 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 1 skinId: 100001 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006959 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2008 baseAttr { hp: 968 atk: 108 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715052000 rank: 1 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41200800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100006 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006958 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2025 baseAttr { hp: 978 atk: 109 def: 107 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715052000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100027 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1277962105 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1625212037000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006957 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2119 baseAttr { hp: 1096 atk: 127 def: 125 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715052000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41211900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100124 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 959737187 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2041 baseAttr { hp: 1142 atk: 108 def: 106 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1600855943000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41204100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100043 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1258006956 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2045 baseAttr { hp: 961 atk: 115 def: 94 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622715052000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41204500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100105 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563293 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2022 baseAttr { hp: 942 atk: 118 def: 90 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374687000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41202200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100024 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563549 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2035 baseAttr { hp: 953 atk: 118 def: 119 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606375025000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100037 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563548 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2002 baseAttr { hp: 1073 atk: 114 def: 104 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606375025000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41200200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100002 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1277962102 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2034 baseAttr { hp: 1139 atk: 105 def: 116 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1625212019000 rank: 1 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41203400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100036 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563551 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2034 baseAttr { hp: 1139 atk: 105 def: 116 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606375025000 rank: 1 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41203400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100036 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563295 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2022 baseAttr { hp: 942 atk: 118 def: 90 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374687000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41202200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100024 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563550 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2002 baseAttr { hp: 1073 atk: 114 def: 104 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606375025000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41200200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100002 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563294 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2023 baseAttr { hp: 1285 atk: 98 def: 115 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374687000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100025 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563545 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2023 baseAttr { hp: 1285 atk: 98 def: 115 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606375025000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100025 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563547 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2038 baseAttr { hp: 1036 atk: 132 def: 125 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606375025000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41203800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100040 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563546 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2055 baseAttr { hp: 956 atk: 110 def: 108 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606375025000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100058 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563557 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2058 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 120 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606375058000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41205800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205810 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100059 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563301 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374687000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563300 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374687000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563556 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2024 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 122 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606375050000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100026 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563302 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374687000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563553 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606375025000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563297 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 928 atk: 128 def: 99 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374687000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100041 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563296 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2025 baseAttr { hp: 978 atk: 109 def: 107 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374687000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100027 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563552 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2058 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 120 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606375025000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41205800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205810 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100059 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563299 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2035 baseAttr { hp: 953 atk: 118 def: 119 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374687000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100037 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563554 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2058 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 120 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606375025000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41205800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205810 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100059 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563298 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2034 baseAttr { hp: 1139 atk: 105 def: 116 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374687000 rank: 1 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41203400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100036 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1903263002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2155 baseAttr { hp: 1271 atk: 137 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1703716984000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41215500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100172 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 959737155 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2008 baseAttr { hp: 968 atk: 108 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1600855685000 rank: 1 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41200800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100006 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563580 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2058 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 120 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606375075000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41205800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205810 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100059 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 729029878 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1485 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1590719536000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 315 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563591 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2035 baseAttr { hp: 953 atk: 118 def: 119 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606375088000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 8 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100037 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1577931140 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2024 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 122 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660791744000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100026 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563339 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374743000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1122942049 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2003 baseAttr { hp: 971 atk: 111 def: 101 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611801158000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100009 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563351 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2104 baseAttr { hp: 1148 atk: 127 def: 113 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374753000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100111 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563602 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2055 baseAttr { hp: 956 atk: 110 def: 108 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606375105000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100058 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563352 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2025 baseAttr { hp: 978 atk: 109 def: 107 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374765000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100027 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 961401581 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2038 baseAttr { hp: 1036 atk: 132 def: 125 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1601021534000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41203800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 5 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100040 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1154059883 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1612775775000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 665323018 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2012 baseAttr { hp: 2210 atk: 233 def: 239 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 456 atk: 40 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 85 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1587950119000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41201200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201203 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 9302 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 1 skinId: 100017 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 456 atk: 40 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 85 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1154059882 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1612775775000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1154059885 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2025 baseAttr { hp: 978 atk: 109 def: 107 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1612775775000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100027 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1154059884 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1612775775000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1154059887 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2044 baseAttr { hp: 1324 atk: 115 def: 114 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1612775775000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41204400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300020 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100046 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1154059886 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2024 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 122 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1612775775000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100026 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 961401317 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1601016942000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 961401574 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2018 baseAttr { hp: 979 atk: 121 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1601021011000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41201800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100021 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1577930943 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660791678000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563383 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2023 baseAttr { hp: 1285 atk: 98 def: 115 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374774000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100025 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1518704433 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2023 baseAttr { hp: 1285 atk: 98 def: 115 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1652254884000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100025 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1122936923 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2008 baseAttr { hp: 968 atk: 108 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611800473000 rank: 1 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41200800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100006 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 961401338 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2018 baseAttr { hp: 979 atk: 121 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1601017405000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41201800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100021 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1154059889 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2034 baseAttr { hp: 1139 atk: 105 def: 116 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1612775775000 rank: 1 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41203400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100036 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1154059888 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2035 baseAttr { hp: 953 atk: 118 def: 119 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1612775775000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100037 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1154059891 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2003 baseAttr { hp: 971 atk: 111 def: 101 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1612775775000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100009 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1154059890 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2022 baseAttr { hp: 942 atk: 118 def: 90 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1612775775000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41202200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100024 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 724556782 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 1105 atk: 152 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1590578843000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 326 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100041 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 961401481 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2008 baseAttr { hp: 968 atk: 108 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1601019279000 rank: 1 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41200800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100006 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1577930952 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2003 baseAttr { hp: 971 atk: 111 def: 101 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660791678000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100009 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1577930949 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 928 atk: 128 def: 99 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660791678000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100041 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563404 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2036 baseAttr { hp: 913 atk: 115 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374783000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100038 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1577930948 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660791678000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1577930951 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2022 baseAttr { hp: 942 atk: 118 def: 90 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660791678000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41202200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100024 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1577930950 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2057 baseAttr { hp: 1265 atk: 113 def: 132 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660791678000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100060 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1577930945 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2034 baseAttr { hp: 1139 atk: 105 def: 116 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660791678000 rank: 1 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41203400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100036 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1577930944 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2003 baseAttr { hp: 971 atk: 111 def: 101 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660791678000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100009 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1577930947 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2003 baseAttr { hp: 971 atk: 111 def: 101 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660791678000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100009 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1577930946 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2036 baseAttr { hp: 913 atk: 115 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660791678000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100038 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563415 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2024 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 122 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374790000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100026 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1535216472 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2034 baseAttr { hp: 1139 atk: 105 def: 116 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655286153000 rank: 1 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41203400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100036 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1259105493 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622855573000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563428 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2035 baseAttr { hp: 953 atk: 118 def: 119 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374809000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100037 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 961401515 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2008 baseAttr { hp: 968 atk: 108 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1601020025000 rank: 1 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41200800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100006 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563426 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2002 baseAttr { hp: 1073 atk: 114 def: 104 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374801000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41200200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100002 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1122316301 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611799682000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1122316300 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2057 baseAttr { hp: 1265 atk: 113 def: 132 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611799682000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100060 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1122942727 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2003 baseAttr { hp: 971 atk: 111 def: 101 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611801268000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100009 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1122316303 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2030 baseAttr { hp: 1243 atk: 118 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611799682000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41203000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100032 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1040563439 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2003 baseAttr { hp: 971 atk: 111 def: 101 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606374819000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100009 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 961401511 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1601019930000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1122316302 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2002 baseAttr { hp: 1073 atk: 114 def: 104 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611799682000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41200200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100002 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1122316297 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2008 baseAttr { hp: 968 atk: 108 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611799682000 rank: 1 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41200800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100006 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1122316299 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611799682000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1122316298 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2055 baseAttr { hp: 956 atk: 110 def: 108 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611799682000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100058 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1577931004 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660791706000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 665323098 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2002 baseAttr { hp: 1534 atk: 163 def: 149 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1587950499000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41200200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 1333 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100002 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 959737024 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2008 baseAttr { hp: 968 atk: 108 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1600852905000 rank: 1 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41200800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100006 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1122316305 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2002 baseAttr { hp: 1073 atk: 114 def: 104 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611799682000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41200200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100002 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1122316304 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2076 baseAttr { hp: 1876 atk: 284 def: 260 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611799682000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9246 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100075 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1122316306 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611799682000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 959737036 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2055 baseAttr { hp: 1047 atk: 121 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1600853259000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 126 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100058 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1124023301 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2041 baseAttr { hp: 1142 atk: 108 def: 106 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611801378000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41204100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100043 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 959737032 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2026 baseAttr { hp: 1065 atk: 147 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1600853121000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41202600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 315 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100028 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 961401522 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 6653392 heroTypeIdx: 2003 baseAttr { hp: 971 atk: 111 def: 101 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1601020441000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100009 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 0 atk: 0 def: 0 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroInfoListReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 22 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13336804136634 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 10 || 0 HeroInfoListReply 5 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=4,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}playerInfo { userId: 6653392 name: lql gender: 1 portrait: 11100128 exp: 12190 signature: chefTitle: 0 roleNum: 50 heroRate: 32.7 dungeonCount: 175 longWarCount: 5 serialLoginDays: 1 totalLoginDays: 142 heroCharCover: 2000 frame: 11110235 touchCountLeft: 5 registerTime: 1587949828 lastLogoutTime: 1710373488 birthday: pvpScore: 0 pvpFightCount: 0 usingSkinId: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 characterCover { heroCharCover: 2000 lastUpdateTime: 0 autoChangeDaily: false } isReturn: true mentorRoleId: 0 worldLevel: 100 settingInfos { settingId: 1 isOpen: false } settingInfos { settingId: 2 isOpen: true } bondCardAtlasLevel: 1 bondCardAtlasCover: 0 chatBubbleId: 11640001 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 2 count: 5611641 lastRecoverTime: 1587949803000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 3 count: 12 lastRecoverTime: 1587949803000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 4 count: 2681 lastRecoverTime: 1711353903000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 5 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1587949803000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 6 count: 2981 lastRecoverTime: 1587949803000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 7 count: 300 lastRecoverTime: 1587949803000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 8 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1587949803000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 9 count: 2024 lastRecoverTime: 1587949803000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 10 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1587949803000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 11 count: 100 lastRecoverTime: 1587949803000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 12 count: 490 lastRecoverTime: 1587949803000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 13 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1587949803000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 14 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1587949803000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 15 count: 3 lastRecoverTime: 1587949803000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 1711400400000 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 16 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1587949803000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 21 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1587949803000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 22 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1590478612000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 23 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1590478612000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 24 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1590478612000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 25 count: 1 lastRecoverTime: 1594796992000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 1711400400000 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 26 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1594796992000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 27 count: 580 lastRecoverTime: 1599122856000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 29 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1690942686000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 30 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1600852595000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 31 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1606374588000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 32 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1690942686000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 33 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1607855722000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 34 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1690942686000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 35 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1690942686000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 37 count: 20 lastRecoverTime: 1711319883000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 38 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1640817483000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 39 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1690942686000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 40 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1690942686000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 42 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1690942686000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 43 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1690942686000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 45 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1690942686000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 46 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1690942686000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 47 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1695233766000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 49 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1709806898000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } simplePropertyList { id: 4 value: 250 } simplePropertyList { id: 11 value: 250 } simplePropertyList { id: 25 value: 10001 } simplePropertyList { id: 29 value: 204 } guideInfo { guideId: 1 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 2 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 3 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 4 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 5 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 6 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 9 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 10 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 11 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 13 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 14 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 15 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 16 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 17 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 18 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 19 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 20 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 21 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 22 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 23 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 24 stepId: 0 } guideInfo { guideId: 25 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 26 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 27 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 28 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 29 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 31 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 44 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 45 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 46 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 49 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 50 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 52 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 53 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 56 stepId: -1 } openInfo { id: 1 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 2 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 3 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 4 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 5 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 6 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 7 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 8 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 9 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 10 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 11 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 12 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 13 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 14 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 15 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 16 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 17 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 18 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 19 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 20 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 21 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 22 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 23 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 24 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 25 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 27 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 28 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 29 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 30 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 31 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 32 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 33 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 34 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 35 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 36 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 37 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 38 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 40 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 41 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 42 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 43 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 44 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 45 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 46 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 47 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 48 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 49 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 50 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 51 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 307 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 52 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 53 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 54 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 55 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 56 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 57 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 58 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 59 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 60 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 61 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 62 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 63 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 64 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 65 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 66 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 67 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 68 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 69 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 70 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 71 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 72 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 73 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 74 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 77 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 78 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 80 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 81 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 82 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 83 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 85 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 86 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 87 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 88 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 89 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 90 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 91 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 92 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 94 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 95 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 96 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 97 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 98 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 99 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 100 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 101 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 102 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 103 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 104 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 105 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 106 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 107 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 110 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 111 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 112 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 113 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 114 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 115 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 116 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 117 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 119 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 120 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 123 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 125 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 127 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 128 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 129 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 130 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 132 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 133 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 134 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 137 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 138 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 139 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 140 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 141 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 142 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 143 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 145 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 146 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 147 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 148 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 149 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 150 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 151 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 152 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 153 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 154 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 155 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 156 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 157 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 158 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 159 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 160 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 161 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 162 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 163 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 164 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 165 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 166 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 167 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 168 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 169 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 170 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 171 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 172 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 173 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 174 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 175 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 176 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 177 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 178 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 179 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 180 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 181 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 182 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 183 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 184 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 185 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 186 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 187 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 188 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 189 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 190 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 191 isOpen: false } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetPlayerInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 20 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13336804136634 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 GetPlayerInfoReply 6 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/user/agent/UserAgent.lua:0]:{sendSDkPlayerSensorsTrack}发送sdk需要的统计, {"loginTime":"2024-03-25 16:06:55","roleExp":12190,"serverId":"401","registerTime":1587949828,"lastLogoutTime":"2024-03-14 07:44:48","roleId":"6653392","roleCTime":1587949828,"type":2,"roleName":"lql","serverName":"且试五味","roleLevel":18} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 3 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 5 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 6 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 7 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 10 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 11 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 12 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 13 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 14 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 16 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 21 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 22 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 23 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 24 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 26 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 27 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 29 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 31 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 32 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 33 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 34 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 35 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 38 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 39 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 40 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 42 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 43 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 45 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 46 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 47 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 49 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1001 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1002 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEPowerFull}removepush id 1002 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1003 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 11 : 30 的推送 推送ID为 1003 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1004 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 17 : 30 的推送 推送ID为 1004 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1005 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setExploreFinish}removepush id 1005 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1006 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setCookFinish}removepush id 1006 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1007 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 8 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1007 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1008 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 12 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1008 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1009 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 16 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1009 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1010 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 20 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1010 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1011 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 3 的 8 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1011 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1012 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 5 的 16 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1012 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1013 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 0 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1013 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1014 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1015 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1016 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 7 的 9 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1016 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1017 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 9 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1017 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1018 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 2 的 9 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1018 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1019 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 20 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1019 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1020 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1021 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1022 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1023 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1024 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1025 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1026 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1027 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1028 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1029 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1030 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1031 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1032 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1033 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1034 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1035 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1036 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1037 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1038 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1039 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1040 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1041 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1042 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1043 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1044 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1045 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1046 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1047 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1048 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1049 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1050 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1051 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1052 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1053 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1054 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1055 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1056 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1057 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1058 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1059 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1060 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1061 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1062 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1063 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1064 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1065 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1066 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1067 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1068 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1069 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1070 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1071 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1072 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1073 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1074 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1075 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1076 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1077 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1078 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1079 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1080 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1081 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1082 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1083 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1084 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1085 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1086 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1087 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1088 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1089 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1090 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1091 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1092 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1093 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1094 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1095 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1096 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1097 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1098 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1099 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1100 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1101 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1102 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1103 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1104 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1105 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1106 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1107 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1108 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1109 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1110 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1111 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1112 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1113 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1114 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1115 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1116 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1117 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1118 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1119 [INFO:2024-3-25 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16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1129 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1130 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1131 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1132 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1133 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1134 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1135 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1136 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1137 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1138 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1139 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1140 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1141 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1142 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1143 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1144 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1145 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1146 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1147 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1148 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1149 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1150 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1151 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1152 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1153 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1154 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1155 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1156 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1157 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1158 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1159 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1160 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1161 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1162 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1163 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1164 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1165 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1166 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1167 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1168 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1169 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1170 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1171 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1172 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1173 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1174 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1175 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1176 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1177 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1178 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1179 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1180 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1181 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1182 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1183 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1184 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1185 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1186 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1187 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1188 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1189 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1190 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1191 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1192 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1193 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1194 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1195 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1196 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1197 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1198 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1199 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1200 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1201 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1202 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1203 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1204 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1205 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1206 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1207 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1209 [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setClientRecord}set client record push .... nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setClientRecord}removepush id 1209 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1210 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1211 [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/ksw/controller/KSWRedDotController.lua:0]:{getKeyOnLocalToList}🚀【ksw】 获取本地红点数据 key v RedDotHarvestTime [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalUtils.lua:0]:{handleKswPush}set ksw push... table: 0x015b30f4c8 { } 0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalUtils.lua:0]:{handleKswPush}removepush id 1211 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1212 [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/ksw/controller/KSWRedDotController.lua:0]:{getKeyOnLocalToList}🚀【ksw】 获取本地红点数据 key v RedDotBuiltgAndUpgradeTime [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalUtils.lua:0]:{handleKswPush}set ksw push... table: 0x015b311920 { } 0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalUtils.lua:0]:{handleKswPush}removepush id 1212 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1213 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1214 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1215 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1216 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1217 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1218 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1219 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1220 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1221 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1222 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1223 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1224 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1225 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1226 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1227 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1228 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1229 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1230 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1231 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1232 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1233 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1234 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1235 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1236 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1237 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1238 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1239 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1240 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1241 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1242 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setActivityNotices}注册活动推送2024-04-08 09:00:00 id = 124211 interval = 1183993000 serverNow = 1711354007 noticeItem.timeStamp = 1712538000 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setActivityNotices}注册活动推送2024-04-09 09:00:00 id = 124221 interval = 1270393000 serverNow = 1711354007 noticeItem.timeStamp = 1712624400 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setActivityNotices}注册活动推送2024-04-10 09:00:00 id = 124231 interval = 1356793000 serverNow = 1711354007 noticeItem.timeStamp = 1712710800 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]ProgramVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]ProgramVersion: [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/msdk/pandora/PandoraService.lua:0]:{setNormalInfo}sAppId: 1107043530 sRoleId: 6653392 sAcountType: wx sOpenId: oBI611DZPbsNu7HxT8chYorXQeB4 sAccessToken: 78_poVSW2ENl-67ejbkVWgwZpr6v2t2yaxjfmkWmIc7JRO1Xalq3JPTCouuz-3L9Tveii3cUXmZiCU473g7dlGJMNtublh8aZIrj0qu7P-VJlw sArea 4 sPartition: 401 sPayToken: 78_poVSW2ENl-67ejbkVWgwZpr6v2t2yaxjfmkWmIc7JRO1Xalq3JPTCouuz-3L9Tveii3cUXmZiCU473g7dlGJMNtublh8aZIrj0qu7P-VJlw sGameVer: sPlatID: 0 sChannelId: 1001 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}formationInfoList { formationId: 1 formationHeros { index: 0 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1073838140 } formationHeros { index: 1 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 783100309 equipUniqueIds: 1366980094 equipUniqueIds: 1012847127 equipUniqueIds: 1818129520 } formationHeros { index: 2 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1427956508 } formationHeros { index: 3 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1122316304 } state: 1 name: 队伍一 typeId: 1 seq: 1 } formationInfoList { formationId: 2 state: 1 name: 队伍二 typeId: 1 seq: 2 } formationInfoList { formationId: 3 state: 1 name: 队伍三 typeId: 1 seq: 3 } formationInfoList { formationId: 4 state: 2 name: 队伍四 typeId: 1 seq: 4 } formationInfoList { formationId: 5 state: 2 name: 队伍五 typeId: 1 seq: 5 } formationInfoList { formationId: 6 state: 2 name: 队伍六 typeId: 1 seq: 6 } formationInfoList { formationId: 7 state: 2 name: 队伍七 typeId: 1 seq: 7 } formationInfoList { formationId: 8 state: 2 name: 队伍八 typeId: 1 seq: 8 } formationInfoList { formationId: 9 state: 2 name: 队伍九 typeId: 1 seq: 9 } formationInfoList { formationId: 10 state: 2 name: 队伍十 typeId: 1 seq: 10 } formationInfoList { formationId: 11 state: 2 name: 队伍十一 typeId: 1 seq: 11 } formationInfoList { formationId: 12 state: 2 name: 队伍十二 typeId: 1 seq: 12 } formationInfoList { formationId: 13 state: 2 name: 队伍十三 typeId: 1 seq: 13 } formationInfoList { formationId: 14 state: 2 name: 队伍十四 typeId: 1 seq: 14 } formationInfoList { formationId: 15 state: 2 name: 队伍十五 typeId: 1 seq: 15 } formationInfoList { formationId: 16 state: 2 name: 队伍十六 typeId: 1 seq: 16 } formationInfoList { formationId: 17 state: 2 name: 队伍十七 typeId: 1 seq: 17 } formationInfoList { formationId: 18 state: 2 name: 队伍十八 typeId: 1 seq: 18 } formationInfoList { formationId: 19 state: 2 name: 队伍十九 typeId: 1 seq: 19 } formationInfoList { formationId: 20 state: 2 name: 队伍二十 typeId: 1 seq: 20 } formationInfoList { formationId: 21 state: 2 name: 二十一 typeId: 1 seq: 21 } formationInfoList { formationId: 22 state: 2 name: 二十二 typeId: 1 seq: 22 } formationInfoList { formationId: 23 state: 2 name: 二十三 typeId: 1 seq: 23 } formationInfoList { formationId: 24 state: 2 name: 二十四 typeId: 1 seq: 24 } formationInfoList { formationId: 25 state: 2 name: 二十五 typeId: 1 seq: 25 } formationInfoList { formationId: 26 state: 2 name: 二十六 typeId: 1 seq: 26 } formationInfoList { formationId: 27 state: 2 name: 二十七 typeId: 1 seq: 27 } formationInfoList { formationId: 28 state: 2 name: 二十八 typeId: 1 seq: 28 } formationInfoList { formationId: 29 state: 2 name: 二十九 typeId: 1 seq: 29 } formationInfoList { formationId: 30 state: 2 name: 三十 typeId: 1 seq: 30 } formationInfoList { formationId: 31 state: 2 name: 三十一 typeId: 1 seq: 31 } formationInfoList { formationId: 32 state: 2 name: 三十二 typeId: 1 seq: 32 } formationInfoList { formationId: 33 state: 2 name: 三十三 typeId: 1 seq: 33 } formationInfoList { formationId: 20001 state: 1 name: 妖变队伍 typeId: 2 seq: 20001 } formationInfoList { formationId: 34 state: 2 name: 三十四 typeId: 1 seq: 34 } formationInfoList { formationId: 20002 state: 1 name: 凶戾队伍 typeId: 2 seq: 20002 } formationInfoList { formationId: 35 state: 2 name: 三十五 typeId: 1 seq: 35 } formationInfoList { formationId: 30004 state: 1 name: 队伍一 typeId: 3 seq: 30004 } formationInfoList { formationId: 30005 state: 1 name: 队伍二 typeId: 3 seq: 30005 } formationInfoList { formationId: 30006 state: 1 name: 队伍三 typeId: 3 seq: 30006 } formationInfoList { formationId: 30007 state: 1 name: 队伍一 typeId: 3 seq: 30007 } formationInfoList { formationId: 30008 state: 1 name: 队伍二 typeId: 3 seq: 30008 } formationInfoList { formationId: 30009 state: 1 name: 队伍三 typeId: 3 seq: 30009 } formationInfoList { formationId: 30010 state: 1 name: 队伍一 typeId: 3 seq: 30010 } formationInfoList { formationId: 30011 state: 1 name: 队伍二 typeId: 3 seq: 30011 } formationInfoList { formationId: 30012 state: 1 name: 队伍三 typeId: 3 seq: 30012 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetHeroFormationListReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 8 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13336804136634 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 8 || 0 GetHeroFormationListReply 7 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heroCharacters { heroId: 2054 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1047003 voice: 1047015 voice: 1047014 voice: 1047013 voice: 1047011 infos: 1000330 unreadInfos: 1000330 usingSkinId: 100056 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2055 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1045004 voice: 1045003 voice: 1045015 voice: 1045014 voice: 1045013 voice: 1045010 infos: 1000336 unreadInfos: 1000336 usingSkinId: 100058 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 3 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2057 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1056003 voice: 1056013 voice: 1056014 voice: 1056015 voiceHeard: 1056015 infos: 1000348 unreadInfos: 1000348 usingSkinId: 100060 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2058 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1055011 voice: 1055013 voice: 1055014 voice: 1055015 voice: 1055003 infos: 1000354 unreadInfos: 1000354 usingSkinId: 100059 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2061 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1073013 voice: 1073014 voice: 1073015 voice: 1073003 infos: 1000372 unreadInfos: 1000372 usingSkinId: 100081 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 9997 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1104003 voice: 1104013 voice: 1104014 voice: 1104015 infos: 1000636 unreadInfos: 1000636 usingSkinId: 100112 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 9999 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1043003 voice: 1043015 voice: 1043014 voice: 1043013 infos: 1000000 unreadInfos: 1000000 usingSkinId: 100048 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2064 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1088003 voice: 1088013 voice: 1088014 voice: 1088015 infos: 1000390 unreadInfos: 1000390 usingSkinId: 100097 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2066 exp: 140 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1070000 voice: 1070001 voice: 1070003 voice: 1070004 voice: 1070006 voice: 1070013 voice: 1070014 voice: 1070015 voiceHeard: 1070000 voiceHeard: 1070001 voiceHeard: 1070013 voiceHeard: 1070014 voiceHeard: 1070015 infos: 1000402 usingSkinId: 100078 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2066001 maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 1 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 2 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2067 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1071013 voice: 1071014 voice: 1071015 voice: 1071003 voiceHeard: 1071013 voiceHeard: 1071014 voiceHeard: 1071015 voiceHeard: 1071003 infos: 1000408 unreadInfos: 1000408 usingSkinId: 100079 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2070 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1058003 voice: 1058013 voice: 1058014 voice: 1058015 infos: 1000426 unreadInfos: 1000426 usingSkinId: 100062 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2074 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1059011 voice: 1059013 voice: 1059014 voice: 1059015 voice: 1059003 infos: 1000450 unreadInfos: 1000450 usingSkinId: 100068 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2076 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1068003 voice: 1068004 voice: 1068005 voice: 1068006 voice: 1068008 voice: 1068009 voice: 1068013 voice: 1068014 voice: 1068015 voiceHeard: 1068003 voiceHeard: 1068014 voiceHeard: 1068015 infos: 1000462 unreadInfos: 1000462 usingSkinId: 100075 hasShowInjureView: true maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 19 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 19 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 1 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2079 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1064003 voice: 1064013 voice: 1064014 voice: 1064015 infos: 1000480 unreadInfos: 1000480 usingSkinId: 100072 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2081 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1106003 voice: 1106013 voice: 1106014 voice: 1106015 infos: 1000492 unreadInfos: 1000492 usingSkinId: 100094 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2085 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1072003 voice: 1072013 voice: 1072014 voice: 1072015 infos: 1000516 unreadInfos: 1000516 usingSkinId: 100080 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2099 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1099013 voice: 1099014 voice: 1099015 voice: 1099003 infos: 1000600 unreadInfos: 1000600 usingSkinId: 100106 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2104 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1102003 voice: 1102013 voice: 1102014 voice: 1102015 voiceHeard: 1102003 voiceHeard: 1102013 voiceHeard: 1102014 voiceHeard: 1102015 infos: 1000630 unreadInfos: 1000630 usingSkinId: 100111 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2119 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1114003 voice: 1114013 voice: 1114014 voice: 1114015 infos: 1000726 unreadInfos: 1000726 usingSkinId: 100124 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2127 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1127013 voice: 1127015 voice: 1127014 voice: 1127003 voice: 1127005 voice: 1127004 voice: 1127006 voiceHeard: 1127015 infos: 1000774 unreadInfos: 1000774 usingSkinId: 100137 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 14 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2000 exp: 290 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1000015 voice: 1000014 voice: 1000013 voice: 1000009 voice: 1000023 voice: 1000006 voice: 1000005 voice: 1000004 voice: 1000003 voice: 1000002 voice: 1000001 voice: 1000000 voiceHeard: 1000015 voiceHeard: 1000002 infos: 1000006 usingSkinId: 100001 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2000001 maxBreakthroughCount: 1 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 14 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2002 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1002015 voice: 1002014 voice: 1002013 voice: 1002009 voice: 1002006 voice: 1002004 voice: 1002003 infos: 1000018 unreadInfos: 1000018 usingSkinId: 100002 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 10 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2003 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1003003 voice: 1003015 voice: 1003014 voice: 1003013 infos: 1000024 unreadInfos: 1000024 usingSkinId: 100009 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2006 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1006015 voice: 1006014 voice: 1006013 voice: 1006009 voice: 1006007 voice: 1006006 voice: 1006005 voice: 1006004 voice: 1006003 infos: 1000042 unreadInfos: 1000042 usingSkinId: 100008 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2008 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1008015 voice: 1008014 voice: 1008013 voice: 1008011 voice: 1008003 infos: 1000054 unreadInfos: 1000054 usingSkinId: 100006 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2012 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1014015 voice: 1014014 voice: 1014013 voice: 1014009 voice: 1014008 voice: 1014007 voice: 1014023 voice: 1014006 voice: 1014005 voice: 1014004 voice: 1014003 voiceHeard: 1014015 voiceHeard: 1014014 voiceHeard: 1014013 voiceHeard: 1014005 voiceHeard: 1014004 voiceHeard: 1014003 infos: 1000078 unreadInfos: 1000078 usingSkinId: 100017 hasShowInjureView: true maxBreakthroughCount: 1 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2013 exp: 0 injuredNum: 1 voice: 1012015 voice: 1012014 voice: 1012013 voice: 1012012 voice: 1012026 voice: 1012009 voice: 1012008 voice: 1012007 voice: 1012006 voice: 1012005 voice: 1012004 voice: 1012003 infos: 1000084 unreadInfos: 1000084 usingSkinId: 100018 hasShowInjureView: true maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 21 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2017 exp: 43 injuredNum: 2 voice: 1027023 voice: 1027015 voice: 1027014 voice: 1027013 voice: 1027012 voice: 1027009 voice: 1027008 voice: 1027007 voice: 1027006 voice: 1027005 voice: 1027004 voice: 1027003 voice: 1027026 voice: 1027025 infos: 1000108 usingSkinId: 100023 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 2 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 40 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 40 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 1 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2018 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1028015 voice: 1028014 voice: 1028013 voice: 1028003 infos: 1000114 unreadInfos: 1000114 usingSkinId: 100021 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2021 exp: 0 injuredNum: 1 voice: 1021007 voice: 1021006 voice: 1021005 voice: 1021004 voice: 1021003 voice: 1021015 voice: 1021014 voice: 1021013 voice: 1021026 voice: 1021009 voice: 1021008 voiceHeard: 1021015 voiceHeard: 1021014 infos: 1000132 usingSkinId: 100015 hasShowInjureView: true maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 13 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 13 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 1 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2022 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1034015 voice: 1034014 voice: 1034013 voice: 1034003 infos: 1000138 unreadInfos: 1000138 usingSkinId: 100024 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2023 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1033003 voice: 1033015 voice: 1033014 voice: 1033013 infos: 1000144 unreadInfos: 1000144 usingSkinId: 100025 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2024 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1039003 voice: 1039015 voice: 1039014 voice: 1039013 infos: 1000150 unreadInfos: 1000150 usingSkinId: 100026 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2025 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1015003 voice: 1015015 voice: 1015014 voice: 1015013 infos: 1000156 unreadInfos: 1000156 usingSkinId: 100027 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2026 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1038015 voice: 1038014 voice: 1038013 voice: 1038010 voice: 1038003 infos: 1000162 unreadInfos: 1000162 usingSkinId: 100028 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 5 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2155 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1159013 voice: 1159015 voice: 1159014 voice: 1159003 infos: 1000942 unreadInfos: 1000942 usingSkinId: 100172 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2156 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1160003 voice: 1160013 voice: 1160015 voice: 1160014 infos: 1000948 unreadInfos: 1000948 usingSkinId: 100173 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2029 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1032015 voice: 1032014 voice: 1032013 voice: 1032003 infos: 1000180 unreadInfos: 1000180 usingSkinId: 100031 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2030 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1026015 voice: 1026014 voice: 1026013 voice: 1026003 voiceHeard: 1026013 voiceHeard: 1026003 infos: 1000186 usingSkinId: 100032 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2033 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1023007 voice: 1023006 voice: 1023005 voice: 1023004 voice: 1023003 voice: 1023015 voice: 1023014 voice: 1023013 voice: 1023009 infos: 1000204 unreadInfos: 1000204 usingSkinId: 100035 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 18 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2034 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1024015 voice: 1024014 voice: 1024013 voice: 1024011 voice: 1024003 infos: 1000210 unreadInfos: 1000210 usingSkinId: 100036 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2035 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1042015 voice: 1042014 voice: 1042013 voice: 1042011 voice: 1042003 infos: 1000216 unreadInfos: 1000216 usingSkinId: 100037 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2036 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1061013 voice: 1061014 voice: 1061015 voice: 1061003 infos: 1000222 unreadInfos: 1000222 usingSkinId: 100038 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2037 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1031006 voice: 1031005 voice: 1031004 voice: 1031003 voice: 1031015 voice: 1031014 voice: 1031013 infos: 1000228 unreadInfos: 1000228 usingSkinId: 100039 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 12 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2038 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1030015 voice: 1030014 voice: 1030013 voice: 1030011 voice: 1030007 voice: 1030005 voice: 1030004 voice: 1030003 voiceHeard: 1030015 infos: 1000234 unreadInfos: 1000234 usingSkinId: 100040 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2039 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1019006 voice: 1019004 voice: 1019003 voice: 1019015 voice: 1019014 voice: 1019013 voice: 1019011 voice: 1019009 infos: 1000240 unreadInfos: 1000240 usingSkinId: 100041 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 5 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2041 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1020015 voice: 1020014 voice: 1020013 voice: 1020003 infos: 1000252 unreadInfos: 1000252 usingSkinId: 100043 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2044 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1037003 voice: 1037015 voice: 1037014 voice: 1037013 voiceHeard: 1037003 voiceHeard: 1037015 voiceHeard: 1037014 voiceHeard: 1037013 infos: 1000270 unreadInfos: 1000270 usingSkinId: 100046 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2045 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1100003 voice: 1100013 voice: 1100014 voice: 1100015 infos: 1000276 unreadInfos: 1000276 usingSkinId: 100105 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2046 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1051010 voice: 1051013 voice: 1051014 voice: 1051015 voice: 1051003 infos: 1000282 unreadInfos: 1000282 usingSkinId: 100050 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 5 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroCharacterInfoListReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 23 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.24282416328788 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 7 || 0 HeroCharacterInfoListReply 8 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1001 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1041 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1042 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1043 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}注册了 432000 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1001 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1366980094 defineId: 701017 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 783100309 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 783100309 } gainTime: 1600852623000 loveLevel: 0 userId: 6653392 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1074134352 defineId: 702017 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 665323018 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 665323018 } gainTime: 1592643188000 loveLevel: 0 userId: 6653392 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1012847127 defineId: 703017 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 783100309 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 783100309 } gainTime: 1590579002000 loveLevel: 0 userId: 6653392 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1818129520 defineId: 702031 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 783100309 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 783100309 } gainTime: 1625299889000 loveLevel: 0 userId: 6653392 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1967170751 defineId: 701023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 665323018 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 665323018 } gainTime: 1635353125000 loveLevel: 0 userId: 6653392 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = EquipInfoResponse <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 51 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.24282416328788 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 6 || 0 EquipInfoResponse 9 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { itemId: 10000026 count: 7 lastUseTime: 1583118455000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090093 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1580262662000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000016 count: 7 lastUseTime: 1569316657000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11050016 count: 100 lastUseTime: 1598406586000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140001 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1584427187000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000017 count: 6 lastUseTime: 1598406586000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090084 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1593763893000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11060006 count: 192 lastUseTime: 1556415173000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000008 count: 26 lastUseTime: 1556414925000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11070008 count: 29 lastUseTime: 1580262662000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000009 count: 36 lastUseTime: 1556415178000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11070009 count: 40 lastUseTime: 1580262662000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090104 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1593763893000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11070010 count: 39 lastUseTime: 1574839198000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11070011 count: 43 lastUseTime: 1580262662000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000015 count: 20 lastUseTime: 1569486350000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090110 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1629255512000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141181 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1629255512000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11070001 count: 9860 lastUseTime: 1561107151000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11070002 count: 5990 lastUseTime: 1561107153000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11070003 count: 1875 lastUseTime: 1561107155000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140530 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1569317822000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11070004 count: 750 lastUseTime: 1561107159000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11070005 count: 250 lastUseTime: 1569316677000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11070006 count: 3250 lastUseTime: 1561107157000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11070007 count: 35 lastUseTime: 1569485352000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090102 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1593763893000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11190024 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1556413803000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090061 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1580262662000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090063 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1593763893000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11190018 count: 18 lastUseTime: 1574839134000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11040001 count: 134 lastUseTime: 1556414318000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090048 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1580262662000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11190019 count: 12 lastUseTime: 1574839134000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11040002 count: 78 lastUseTime: 1561107071000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11040003 count: 26 lastUseTime: 1569318639000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090052 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1559043024000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090054 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1580262662000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11050008 count: 100 lastUseTime: 1598406586000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090073 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1593763893000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11050009 count: 56 lastUseTime: 1569317259000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090075 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1580262662000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11050012 count: 100 lastUseTime: 1598406586000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11050013 count: 9 lastUseTime: 1569317259000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090078 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1580262662000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11210131 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1623750123000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11050001 count: 9 lastUseTime: 1569317259000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090064 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1580262662000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11050004 count: 100 lastUseTime: 1598406586000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11050005 count: 9 lastUseTime: 1569317259000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11240043 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1559043024000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11210090 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1596355542000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090028 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1580262662000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11210082 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1591319059000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11180001 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1580262525000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11210086 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1593824826000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140089 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1582785994000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11210107 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1607241383000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090042 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1593763893000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11210111 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1609637821000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090044 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1593763893000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090033 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1623750134000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11030001 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1569485508000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140852 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1598406586000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11210102 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1603817366000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140855 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1601258710000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11190004 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1591147490000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140681 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1585031643000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140680 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1584427111000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000123 count: 9 lastUseTime: 1593675899000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11249999 count: 5 lastUseTime: 1574839258000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11240013 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1569670061000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11240012 count: 5 lastUseTime: 1556415086000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11160002 count: 93 lastUseTime: 1559043024000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11160003 count: 34 lastUseTime: 1559043023000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11210050 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1569554445000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090115 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1593763893000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140677 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1585031643000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11240025 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1610048599000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11210072 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1585031602000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11099999 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1580262662000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11240017 count: 4 lastUseTime: 1569670041000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090005 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1593763893000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11210071 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1585031586000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11210196 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1667947233000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetItemListReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 10 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.24282416328788 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 5 || 0 GetItemListReply 10 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2002#1 bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001031 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001041 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001071 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001081 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2008#1 bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001091 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2026#1 bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001101 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2055#1 bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001111 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001121 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2055#1|4#2002#1|4#2008#1|4#2041#1|4#2026#1 bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002012 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002021 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002022 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002041 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002051 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002062 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002071 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002081 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002082 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002091 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2029#1 bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002101 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002102 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002111 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2018#1 bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2008#1|4#2029#1|4#2018#1|4#2003#1 bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002121 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2054#1 bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002123 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2008#1 bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003012 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003021 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003022 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003031 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003041 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003061 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003062 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003071 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003081 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003082 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20000 barrierId: 20000001 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20001 barrierId: 20001011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20001 barrierId: 20001021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20001 barrierId: 20001031 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20002 barrierId: 20002011 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20003 barrierId: 20003011 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20004 barrierId: 20004011 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50001 barrierId: 50001011 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50002 barrierId: 50002011 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50003 barrierId: 50003011 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50004 barrierId: 50004011 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50005 barrierId: 50005011 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001021 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110001 barrierId: 110001011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110001 barrierId: 110001021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110001 barrierId: 110001031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2008#1|4#2003#2|4#2041#1 bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110001 barrierId: 110001041 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001011 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001021 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001031 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001041 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001051 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001061 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001071 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001081 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 921001 barrierId: 921001011 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } notFirstInDungeonId: 10002 notFirstInDungeonId: 10001 notFirstInDungeonId: 10003 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMainDungeonReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 31 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.30003941431642 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 4 || 0 GetMainDungeonReply 11 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}banIds: 36000000 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetSvrFunctionBanReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 20 33 所需时间单位秒 = 0.30003941431642 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 3 || 0 GetSvrFunctionBanReply 12 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}scenes { id: 1 expireTime: 0 isUsing: true autoChange: false } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetSceneInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 67 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.30003941431642 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 GetSceneInfoReply 13 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMidasCurrencyInfoAysnReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 11 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.33332166448236 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetMidasCurrencyInfoAysnReply 14 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityId: 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetAllConstructionInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 78 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.33332166448236 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetAllConstructionInfoReply 15 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/stat/agent/StatAgent.lua:0]:{sendSubmitClientDataRequest}腾讯渠道才用注册渠道 SDKManager.getRegisterChannelId() = 1001 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/stat/agent/StatAgent.lua:0]:{sendSubmitClientDataRequest}iPhone ARM64E [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/stat/agent/StatAgent.lua:0]:{sendSubmitClientDataRequest}Apple A15 GPU [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/stat/agent/StatAgent.lua:0]:{sendSubmitClientDataRequest}Metal [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitClientDataRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}clientData { phoneModel: iPhone14,2 sdkVersion: 1.8.0 sdkType: 1 imsi: E22C2BC5-DFCA-4174-A31D-0D90A120BF9C imei: E22C2BC5-DFCA-4174-A31D-0D90A120BF9C gameVersionName: 1.0.97 gameVersionCode: 100 gamepackageName: com.tencent.swy densityDpi: 3 displayScreenWidth: 844 displayScreenHeight: 390 networkInfo: WIFI sysVersion: 17.4.1 othersdkVersion: channelId: 1001 pushRegisterId: cpuHardware: iPhone ARM64E memory: 5627 gLRender: Apple A15 GPU gLVersion: Metal startFromGameCenter: false installChannel: 1001 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=1,size=227 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController.lua:0]:{}===========注意:拉取一些进入主界面需要的请求数据,非关键路径数据,以下协议都配置到没有返回不会卡菊花不重连=========== [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 3 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = AntiAddUserRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}clientVersion: 100 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 37 9 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetFoodRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 37 2 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetKitchenRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=3,size=11 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 20 30 当前队列数量= 5 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=37,cmd=9,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetPopUpMessageRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=37,cmd=2,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=30,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 54 1 当前队列数量= 6 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetHeroTaskInfosRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 49 1 当前队列数量= 7 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 33 14 当前队列数量= 8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = LoadFriendInfosRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 57 1 当前队列数量= 9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GuildGetReqest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}includeExtInfo: false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 57 27 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GuildGetJoinOfflineReqest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 23 12 当前队列数量= 11 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroCharacterSkinRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 20 49 当前队列数量= 12 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetXinYueSuperLevelRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=54,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=49,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 20 64 当前队列数量= 13 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = LoadingBgGetRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=33,cmd=14,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=57,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController.lua:0]:{}===========做一些进入主界面的初始化处理工作=========== [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=57,cmd=27,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 10 当前队列数量= 14 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=23,cmd=12,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}isOpenView: false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=49,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 20 62 当前队列数量= 15 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=64,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetClientRecordRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=10,size=11 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=62,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController: in function 'enterMainScene' logic/logicLauncher/LogicLauncher: in function 'beginCreateRoleAfterFinishAndEnterGame' logic/logicLauncher/LogicLauncher: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/controller/PlayerController: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/constructionstorage/agent/ConstructionStoreAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{openInAppEvent}打开IAE Card [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}id: 1 userCount: 189 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = JoinChatRoomPush <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 35 5 || 0 JoinChatRoomPush 16 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{func}==========deep link 返回结果: {"url":"https:\/\/swy.qq.com\/app\/wx2282c66d8250ddf7\/oauth?code=0718XaGa1vhB9H0AJ2Ga1XgOgf18XaGw&state=weixin","msgkey":"key_universal_link","statusCode":0} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}currencyInfo { count: 109400 totalPayCount: 0 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = MidasCurrencyInfoAysnPush <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 4 || 0 MidasCurrencyInfoAysnPush 17 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitClientDataReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066687874495983 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 15 || 0 SubmitClientDataReply 18 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=13,cmd=3,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=37,cmd=9,status=0,size=192 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=37,cmd=2,status=0,size=114 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=30,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]DestroyUnusedResources:33,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=1,status=0,size=3517 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = AntiAddUserReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10004400089383 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 14 || 0 AntiAddUserReply 19 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}food { foodId: 10001 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 90 } food { foodId: 10801 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 100 } food { foodId: 10801 tag: 3 num: 30 makeCount: 100 } food { foodId: 11102 tag: 5#4 num: 30 makeCount: 60 } food { foodId: 10802 tag: 3 num: 30 makeCount: 30 } food { foodId: 10001 tag: 5 num: 0 makeCount: 90 } food { foodId: 10801 tag: 5 num: 40 makeCount: 100 } food { foodId: 10002 tag: 5 num: 0 makeCount: 30 } food { foodId: 10101 tag: 5 num: 0 makeCount: 9 } food { foodId: 10501 tag: 5#4 num: 0 makeCount: 30 } food { foodId: 10201 tag: 5 num: 0 makeCount: 30 } food { foodId: 11101 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 60 } food { foodId: 11102 tag: 3 num: 30 makeCount: 60 } food { foodId: 11101 tag: 5 num: 0 makeCount: 60 } food { foodId: 11401 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 30 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetFoodReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 37 9 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10004400089383 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 13 || 0 GetFoodReply 20 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}kitchen { position: 1 heroUniqueId: 1258006989 cookBookId: 0 num: 0 beginTime: 1631683620000 endTime: 1631683620000 addTime: 0 helpTime: 0 uniqueId: 0 } kitchen { position: 2 heroUniqueId: 961401581 cookBookId: 0 num: 0 beginTime: 1631684768000 endTime: 1631684768000 addTime: 0 helpTime: 0 uniqueId: 0 } kitchen { position: 3 heroUniqueId: 961401349 cookBookId: 0 num: 0 beginTime: 1631685156000 endTime: 1631685156000 addTime: 0 helpTime: 0 uniqueId: 0 } askHelpCount: 0 canUseLuwuHelpCount: 10 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetKitchenReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 37 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10004400089383 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 12 || 0 GetKitchenReply 21 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setCookFinish}removepush id 1006 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetPopUpMessageReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 20 30 所需时间单位秒 = 0.24020208790898 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 11 || 0 GetPopUpMessageReply 22 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000001 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000129 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2074 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622715077 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000128 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2074 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622715077 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000003 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2002 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000004 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2003 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000007 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2006 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000135 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2079 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622715052 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000009 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2008 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000013 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2012 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000143 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2076 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000271 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2127 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1641584796 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000014 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2013 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000142 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2076 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000144 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2076 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000272 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2127 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1641584796 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000019 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2018 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000018 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 1 lastFinishedTime: 1614321596 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000149 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2066 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000148 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2066 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000023 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2022 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000151 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2067 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000022 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2021 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000150 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2066 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000025 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2024 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000153 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2085 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1635353422 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000024 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2023 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000152 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2067 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000027 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2026 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000026 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2025 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000154 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2085 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1635353422 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000031 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2030 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000030 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2029 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000035 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2034 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000034 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2033 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000037 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2036 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000036 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2035 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000039 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2038 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000038 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2037 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000040 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2039 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000042 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2041 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000045 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2044 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1612775776 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000047 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2046 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000046 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2045 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000177 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2064 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1641584777 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000055 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2054 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000056 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2055 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000059 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2058 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000058 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2057 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000063 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 9999 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1625211932 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000062 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2061 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000067 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2006 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000071 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2012 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000201 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2099 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1660791717 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000072 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2013 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000200 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2099 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1660791717 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000202 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2099 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1660791717 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000076 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 1 lastFinishedTime: 1625299985 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000079 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2021 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000209 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2104 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000211 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 9997 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000082 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2030 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000210 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2104 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000085 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2033 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000087 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2038 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000086 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2037 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000217 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2081 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622715077 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000090 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2044 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1612775776 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000218 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2081 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622715077 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000363 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2155 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1703716985 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000109 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2017 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000237 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2119 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622715052 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000365 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2155 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1703716985 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000364 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2155 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1703716985 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000111 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2021 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000367 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2156 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1706117942 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000238 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2119 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622715052 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000366 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2156 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1706117942 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000368 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2156 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1706117942 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000118 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2057 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000127 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2074 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622715077 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000126 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2070 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611800473 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } heroCounts { heroId: 2054 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2055 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2057 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2058 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2061 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 9997 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 9999 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2064 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2066 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2067 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2070 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2074 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2076 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2079 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2081 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2085 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2099 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2104 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2119 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2127 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2000 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2002 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2003 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2006 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2008 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2012 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2013 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2017 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2018 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2021 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2022 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2023 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2024 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2025 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2026 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2155 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2156 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2029 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2030 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2033 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2034 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2035 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2036 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2037 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2038 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2039 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2041 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2044 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2045 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2046 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1711400400 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetHeroTaskInfosReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 54 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.24020208790898 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 10 || 0 GetHeroTaskInfosReply 23 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_050_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_055.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_057.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_02.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_collider.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_zjm.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_a.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_b.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_a.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_b.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab instance: @32ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=1,status=0,size=1829 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab instance: @133ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage.lua:0]:{_onAllLoaded}-------------主城主场景加载完毕,开始打开主界面--------------- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_stageLoadFinishedHandler}成功加载了一个新的场景的舞台,但当前场景还未进入完毕,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_checkAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZoneMgr: in function '_loadedCallback' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZone: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{_sendAfterLoginRecord}TGPAHelperController:_sendAfterLoginRecord()============= [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerOpenId}recordPlayerOpenId [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerGameInfo}recordPlayerGameInfo [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerGameInfo}openid oBI611DZPbsNu7HxT8chYorXQeB4 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerGameInfo}roleid 6653392 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerGameInfo}areaid 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerGameInfo}openid oBI611DZPbsNu7HxT8chYorXQeB4 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerGameInfo}appid 638860620 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerGameInfo}platid Wechat [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]ProgramVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]LocalSourceVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]PackageSourceVersion: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 4 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=33,cmd=14,status=0,size=446 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 100 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=57,cmd=1,status=0,size=186 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=57,cmd=27,status=0,size=10 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=23,cmd=12,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=64,status=0,size=36 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=10,status=0,size=362 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=62,status=0,size=55 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 9#205 完成 0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=49,status=0,size=10 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 512 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 256 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 1 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 257 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 769 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 258 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 6 infos { id: 2054 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2055 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2057 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2058 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2061 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 9997 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 9999 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2064 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2067 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2070 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2074 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2076 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2079 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2081 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2085 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2099 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2104 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2119 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2127 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2002 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2003 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2006 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2008 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2012 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2013 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2018 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2022 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2023 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2024 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2025 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2026 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2155 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2156 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2029 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2033 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2034 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2035 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2036 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2037 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2038 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2039 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2041 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2044 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2045 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2046 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 11 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 268 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 781 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 269 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 270 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 272 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 276 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 790 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 280 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 281 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1711400400 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 286 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 32 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 33 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 289 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 34 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 552 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 296 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 808 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 297 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 298 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 43 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 44 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 1711368000 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 45 infos { id: 2 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 49 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 50 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 1711411200 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 51 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 52 infos { id: 10001 value: 0 time: 1711382400 } infos { id: 10035 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 10011 value: 1 time: 1711359000 } infos { id: 10013 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 824 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 569 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 570 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 61 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 573 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 62 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 319 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 322 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 326 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 327 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 72 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 81 infos { id: 2 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 3 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 4 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 83 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 339 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 852 infos { id: 10765 value: 1 time: 1711382400 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 853 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 88 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 89 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 93 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 99 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 355 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 100 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 101 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 108 infos { id: 1 value: 0 time: 1711918800 } infos { id: 2 value: 0 time: 1711918800 } infos { id: 3 value: 0 time: 1711918800 } infos { id: 4 value: 0 time: 1711918800 } infos { id: 5 value: 0 time: 1711918800 } infos { id: 6 value: 0 time: 1711918800 } infos { id: 7 value: 0 time: 1711918800 } infos { id: 8 value: 0 time: 1711918800 } infos { id: 9 value: 0 time: 1711918800 } infos { id: 10 value: 0 time: 1711918800 } infos { id: 11 value: 0 time: 1711918800 } infos { id: 12 value: 0 time: 1711918800 } infos { id: 13 value: 0 time: 1711918800 } infos { id: 14 value: 0 time: 1711918800 } infos { id: 15 value: 0 time: 1711918800 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 623 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 117 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 121 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 378 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 123 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 635 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 124 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 636 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 126 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 640 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 386 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 131 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 1711400400 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 387 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 132 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 1711893600 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 133 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 135 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 647 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 648 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 137 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 138 infos { id: 1 value: 1 time: 1711400400 } infos { id: 3 value: 1 time: 1711893600 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 395 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 396 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 397 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 142 infos { id: 0 value: 2 time: 1711400400 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 398 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 144 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 145 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 657 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 148 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 150 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 152 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 664 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 412 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 161 infos { id: 0 value: 3 time: 1711359000 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 162 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 164 infos { id: 6 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 167 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1711382400 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 168 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 684 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 176 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 177 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 182 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 183 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 184 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 440 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 192 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 208 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 464 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 209 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 465 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 466 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 467 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 724 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 468 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 213 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 1711900800 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 214 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 1711900800 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 473 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 474 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 732 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 734 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 223 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 226 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 738 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 227 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 743 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 744 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 233 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 745 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 239 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 242 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 755 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 246 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 249 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1711400400 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 506 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 252 replaceAll: false } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 49 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.50007188227028 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 GetRedDotInfosReply 24 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}friendIds: 7157997 friendIds: 10132251 friendIds: 11312558 friendIds: 8566406 friendIds: 11949745 friendIds: 11382823 friendIds: 11312551 friendIds: 12343863 friendIds: 12488754 friendIds: 11362083 friendIds: 11591742 friendIds: 11425471 friendIds: 10633776 friendIds: 11334079 friendIds: 10597941 friendIds: 11362873 friendIds: 12338344 friendIds: 12364841 friendIds: 12341162 friendIds: 8303078 friendIds: 2442684 friendIds: 11232690 friendIds: 9134997 friendIds: 9913480 friendIds: 12343843 friendIds: 4936808 friendIds: 10618246 friendIds: 9428905 friendIds: 10595085 friendIds: 4371951 friendIds: 9458109 friendIds: 10057015 friendIds: 8886325 friendIds: 8813365 friendIds: 8987450 friendIds: 10057261 friendIds: 11211167 friendIds: 11260447 friendIds: 11427611 friendIds: 10618260 friendIds: 495423 friendIds: 10235430 friendIds: 8915763 friendIds: 9750698 friendIds: 11259371 friendIds: 9607891 friendIds: 11233769 friendIds: 10508644 friendIds: 11312872 friendIds: 11362666 friendIds: 11361253 friendIds: 9793500 friendIds: 11312864 friendIds: 10272721 friendIds: 8534093 friendIds: 10650861 friendIds: 11382754 friendIds: 10532465 friendIds: 9696192 friendIds: 11282175 friendIds: 7005886 friendIds: 10595065 friendIds: 10165953 friendIds: 10424773 friendIds: 12569445 friendIds: 8648920 friendIds: 10056772 friendIds: 11587054 friendIds: 7218097 friendIds: 8677862 friendIds: 7541776 friendIds: 10534851 friendIds: 390624 friendIds: 7265035 friendIds: 8926818 friendIds: 11336262 friendIds: 9876346 friendIds: 10131574 friendIds: 11503553 friendIds: 11361119 friendIds: 10014446 friendIds: 7249046 friendIds: 10038241 friendIds: 10235364 friendIds: 11391441 friendIds: 11310545 friendIds: 7191954 friendIds: 10452960 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = LoadFriendInfosReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 33 14 所需时间单位秒 = 0.50007188227028 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 8 || 0 LoadFriendInfosReply 25 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}guildInfo { guildId: 164902 name: 今天你出货了吗 cliqueId: 1 purpose: heroId: 2014 level: 1 liveness: 1500 memberCount: 37 auditJoin: false leaderMember { userId: 10720899 nickName: 傅景深 position: 1 liveness: 340 isOnline: false datetime: 1711342278 portrait: 11100315 frame: 11110226 level: 98 banChatTime: 0 gender: 1 isReturn: false } myMember { userId: 6653392 nickName: lql position: 4 liveness: 0 isOnline: true datetime: 1711354007 portrait: 11100128 frame: 11110235 level: 18 banChatTime: 0 gender: 1 isReturn: true } extInfo { } capital: 37500 geCapital: 37500 createTime: 1597454032 mergeTime: 0 skinId: 100020 } createSNCount: 0 leaveTime: 1607831540 joinTime: 1627632711 leaveReason: 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GuildGetReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 57 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.50007188227028 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 7 || 0 GuildGetReply 26 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}joinOffline: false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GuildGetJoinOfflineReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 57 27 所需时间单位秒 = 0.72261617984623 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 6 || 0 GuildGetJoinOfflineReply 27 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroCharacterSkinReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 23 12 所需时间单位秒 = 0.72261617984623 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 5 || 0 HeroCharacterSkinReply 28 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}usingIds: 1 usingIds: 2 usingIds: 3 usingIds: 4 usingIds: 5 usingIds: 6 usingIds: 7 usingIds: 8 usingIds: 9 usingIds: 10 usingIds: 11 usingIds: 12 usingIds: 13 usingIds: 14 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = LoadingBgGetReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 20 64 所需时间单位秒 = 0.72261617984623 移走了序号= 2 的消息,当前队列数量= 4 || 0 LoadingBgGetReply 29 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_main_0 isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_main_1 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/animations/mainview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/chat.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/container.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gopanel.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/imgstaicfavor.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/txtaddfavor.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/main/mainview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/promo/promoimagecell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/common/speechbubble.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/groupinviteinfo.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/maingroupchattips.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/main/maingroupchattips.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_gemcollect isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gemcollectfloattips.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/bedroom/treasure/gemcollectfloattips.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:timeline/materials/focus.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/live2dcharacter.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 4 当前队列数量= 5 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMonthCardInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 22 当前队列数量= 6 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=4,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetWeeklyCardInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=22,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/ksw/controller/KSWRedDotController.lua:0]:{getKeyOnLocalToList}🚀【ksw】 获取本地红点数据 key v RedDotUnLockAreaTime [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/ksw/controller/KSWRedDotController.lua:0]:{getKeyOnLocalToList}🚀【ksw】 获取本地红点数据 key v RedDotHarvestTime [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/ksw/controller/KSWRedDotController.lua:0]:{getKeyOnLocalToList}🚀【ksw】 获取本地红点数据 key v RedDotBuiltgAndUpgradeTime [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/ksw/controller/KSWRedDotController.lua:0]:{getKeyOnLocalToList}🚀【ksw】 获取本地红点数据 key v RedDotUnLockAreaTime [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/ksw/controller/KSWRedDotController.lua:0]:{getKeyOnLocalToList}🚀【ksw】 获取本地红点数据 key v RedDotHarvestTime [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/ksw/controller/KSWRedDotController.lua:0]:{getKeyOnLocalToList}🚀【ksw】 获取本地红点数据 key v RedDotBuiltgAndUpgradeTime [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/ksw/controller/KSWRedDotController.lua:0]:{getKeyOnLocalToList}🚀【ksw】 获取本地红点数据 key v RedDotUnLockAreaTime [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/ksw/controller/KSWRedDotController.lua:0]:{getKeyOnLocalToList}🚀【ksw】 获取本地红点数据 key v RedDotHarvestTime [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/ksw/controller/KSWRedDotController.lua:0]:{getKeyOnLocalToList}🚀【ksw】 获取本地红点数据 key v RedDotBuiltgAndUpgradeTime [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter.lua:0]:{_processDone}Live2DCharacter 动作+表情完了,可以重复触摸 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:stopExpression stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'stopExpression' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playExps' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/main/view/MainCharacterView: in function 'playCharacterVoice' logic/extensions/main/view/MainCharacterView: in function 'setMainCharacter' logic/extensions/main/view/MainCharacterView: in function 'onEnter' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_doOpen' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 20 22 当前队列数量= 7 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ReconnectBattleInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 4 6 当前队列数量= 8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ReconnectBattleRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=22,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 75 1 当前队列数量= 9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=4,cmd=6,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = MentorAllInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/common/facade/CommonFacade.lua:0]:{clearFloatTipsCacheAndRelease}恢复飘字,清空缓存的飘字 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=75,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 1 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetTopupInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 10 当前队列数量= 11 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}isOpenView: false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 50 1 当前队列数量= 12 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetActivityInfosRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/playerinfo/model/PlayerInfoModel.lua:0]:{isSuperR}TCL: ilevel:0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isSuperR false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isShow false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 31 17 当前队列数量= 13 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetJinyumantangInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 12 当前队列数量= 14 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetCustomizedGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=10,size=11 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=50,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=31,cmd=17,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=12,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 22 34 当前队列数量= 15 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SummonPoolRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}poolId: 0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=22,cmd=34,size=11 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 43 39 当前队列数量= 16 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetUnReadNewspaperRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 7 当前队列数量= 17 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=43,cmd=39,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=7,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 137 1 当前队列数量= 18 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get137InfosRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=137,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/270012.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 8202 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8203 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8204 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8501 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8502 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8603 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7003 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7004 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7005 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7006 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7007 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1008 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1009 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1010 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1103 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1105 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1108 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1110 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1113 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1114 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1115 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1116 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1117 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 11601 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1401 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1402 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1403 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1606 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10024 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10025 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10106 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6100 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 4084 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 10 所需时间单位秒 = 0.8450933014974 移走了序号= 2 的消息,当前队列数量= 17 || 0 GetGiftBagInfoReply 30 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 5 当前队列数量= 18 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetStoreFreeGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=5,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}recordInfos { primaryId: 3 secondaryId1: 1 secondaryId2: 0 doneCount: 1 extData: } recordInfos { primaryId: 2 secondaryId1: 11023 secondaryId2: 0 doneCount: 1612404000 extData: } recordInfos { primaryId: 6 secondaryId1: 74001 secondaryId2: 0 doneCount: 1660752000 extData: } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetClientRecordReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 20 62 所需时间单位秒 = 0.8450933014974 移走了序号= 2 的消息,当前队列数量= 17 || 0 GetClientRecordReply 31 1 [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setClientRecord}set client record push .... nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setClientRecord}removepush id 1209 [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setClientRecord}set client record push .... nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setClientRecord}removepush id 1210 [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/extensions/pandora/controller/PandoraMsgController.lua:0]:{closure}收到潘多拉入口展示,模块名= notice [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/extensions/pandora/controller/PandoraMsgController.lua:0]:{closure}收到潘多拉回调红点,模块名= notice 红点数= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/atlas/ui_views_emoji_zh isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/emoji/ui_emoji.asset isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/fb_icon/huodong.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/common/hugeng_0.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100001_hugeng/100001_hugeng_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/user_headicon/11100128_head_q.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/user_headoutline/11110235_user_headoutline.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/main_icon/icon_184.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/main_icon/wordicon_12.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_075_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_068.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_chunjiicon.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/main_icon/icon_185.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/main_icon/wordicon_185.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=22,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=22,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=4,cmd=6,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=75,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=1,status=0,size=5195 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=10,status=0,size=362 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]language/zh/bigbg/fb_icon/huodong.png instance: @43ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):idle.mtn,default:nil stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/unit/component/live2D/UnitCompLive2D: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=50,cmd=1,status=0,size=845 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=31,cmd=17,status=0,size=10 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=12,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=22,cmd=34,status=0,size=62 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=43,cmd=39,status=0,size=100 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=41,cmd=7,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=137,cmd=1,status=0,size=34 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=41,cmd=5,status=0,size=18 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}ilevel: 0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetXinYueSuperLevelReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 20 49 所需时间单位秒 = 0.9001406757161 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 15 || 0 GetXinYueSuperLevelReply 33 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/extensions/playerinfo/model/PlayerInfoModel.lua:0]:{isSuperR}TCL: ilevel:0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isSuperR false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isShow false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMonthCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.17752449586987 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 14 || 0 GetMonthCardInfoReply 34 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 11 2 当前队列数量= 15 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetCurrencyInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}currencyId: 4 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetWeeklyCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 22 所需时间单位秒 = 0.17752449586987 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 14 || 0 GetWeeklyCardInfoReply 35 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=11,cmd=2,size=11 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=2,status=0,size=26 [ERROR:2024-3-25 16:6:49]Live2D Cubism 2.1 / RenderMode.DrawMeshNow Error live2dmodel.draw() must be called in OnPostRender() or OnRenderObject() . ------------------- live2d.   :drawLast() [ERROR:2024-3-25 16:6:49]Live2D Cubism 2.1 / RenderMode.DrawMeshNow Error live2dmodel.draw() must be called in OnPostRender() or OnRenderObject() . ------------------- live2d.   :drawLast() [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]bigbg/user_headicon/11100128_head_q.png instance: @353ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]bigbg/user_headoutline/11110235_user_headoutline.png instance: @353ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]bigbg/main_icon/icon_184.png instance: @353ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]language/zh/bigbg/main_icon/wordicon_12.png instance: @353ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]bigbg/main_icon/icon_185.png instance: @353ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]language/zh/bigbg/main_icon/wordicon_185.png instance: @353ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ReconnectBattleInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 20 22 所需时间单位秒 = 0.48908637836576 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 13 || 0 ReconnectBattleInfoReply 36 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ReconnectBattleReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 4 6 所需时间单位秒 = 0.48908637836576 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 12 || 0 ReconnectBattleReply 37 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleReconnectMgr.lua:0]:{_tryReconnect}无可重连的战斗 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = MentorAllInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 75 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.48908637836576 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 11 || 0 MentorAllInfoReply 38 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100001_hugeng/action/idle.mtn.bytes isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100001_hugeng/expression/kaixin.exp.json isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:kaixin.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainViewPresentor.lua:0]:{_onEnterAnimationDone}主界面打开动画完毕,广播主界面打开完毕GlobalNotify.BeginShowMainViewFinish,准备好了,对于启动流程有作用的 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 48 3 当前队列数量= 12 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GuideStartRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}guideId: 24 stepId: 13201 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/extensions/guide/core/action/BaseGuideAction.lua:0]:{onStart}start guide_24_13201 SpecialGuideActionBattleAssist [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=48,cmd=3,size=14 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=48,cmd=3,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{getWakeupMessage}getWakeupMessage: {} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: startstr { [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: endstr } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: jumpString nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 32 1 当前队列数量= 13 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetAllMailsRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=32,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { topupId: 4100 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10307 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10308 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10309 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10310 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10311 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10312 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10313 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10314 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10315 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10316 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10410 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10416 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10417 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10418 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10419 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10420 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10421 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10422 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10423 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10424 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10425 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10426 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10427 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10428 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10429 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10430 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10431 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8402 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8403 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8404 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8405 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8406 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8407 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8408 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8409 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8410 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8411 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8412 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8413 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8414 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8415 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8416 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8417 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8418 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10531 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10532 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10533 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10555 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10604 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10605 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10606 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10607 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10608 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10609 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10610 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10611 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10612 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10613 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10614 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10615 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8604 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8605 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8606 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8607 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8608 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10716 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10717 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10718 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10719 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10720 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10721 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8706 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8707 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10819 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10820 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10821 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10822 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10823 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10824 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10825 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10826 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10916 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10917 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10918 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10919 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10920 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10921 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10926 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10927 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10928 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10929 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10930 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10931 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10932 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10933 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11016 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11017 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11018 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11019 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11020 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11021 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11022 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11023 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11026 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11029 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11030 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11031 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11127 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11215 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11216 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11217 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11218 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11219 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11220 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11221 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11222 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11223 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11224 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9215 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1024 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9216 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1025 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9217 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1026 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1027 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1028 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11307 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11308 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11309 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11310 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11311 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11312 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11313 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11314 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11315 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11323 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11324 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11325 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11326 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11327 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11328 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7300 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11402 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11403 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11404 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11405 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11406 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11407 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11408 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11409 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11410 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11411 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11412 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11413 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11414 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11415 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11421 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11422 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11423 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11424 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1218 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1219 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1220 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11501 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11502 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11503 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11504 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11505 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11506 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11507 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11508 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11509 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11510 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11511 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11512 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11513 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11514 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11515 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11521 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11522 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11523 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11524 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11525 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11526 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11527 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11528 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11529 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11530 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11531 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11532 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11533 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11534 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11535 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11536 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11537 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11538 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11539 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11540 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11541 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11542 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11543 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11544 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11545 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11546 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1307 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11547 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1308 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11548 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1309 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11549 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1310 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11550 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1311 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11551 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1312 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11552 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1313 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11553 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11554 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11555 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11556 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1317 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1318 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5414 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1319 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5415 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1320 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1321 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1323 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9515 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1324 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9516 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1325 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9517 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1326 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9518 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9519 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9520 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9521 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9522 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7501 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7502 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7503 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7504 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7505 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7506 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7507 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7508 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11604 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7509 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11605 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7510 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11606 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7511 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11607 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7512 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11608 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7513 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11609 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7514 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11610 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11611 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11612 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11613 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11614 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11615 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11616 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11617 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11618 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1402 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1403 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1404 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11706 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11707 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11708 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11709 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11710 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11711 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11712 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11713 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11714 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11715 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7706 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7707 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7708 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7709 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7710 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7711 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7712 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7713 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7714 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7720 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7721 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7722 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9819 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9820 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9821 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9822 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9823 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9826 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5800 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9916 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9917 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9918 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9919 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9920 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10016 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10017 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4037 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4038 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4039 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 2001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6100 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4081 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4082 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4083 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4084 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4085 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4086 buyCount: 0 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetTopupInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.54414558783174 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 12 || 0 GetTopupInfoReply 39 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/topup/agent/TopupAgent:0: MidasMarketingInfo ====> TopupAgent:_queryMarketingInfo; zoneId=4; roleId=6653392 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 8202 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8203 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8204 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8501 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8502 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8603 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7003 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7004 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7005 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7006 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7007 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1008 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1009 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1010 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1103 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1105 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1108 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1110 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1113 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1114 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1115 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1116 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1117 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 11601 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1401 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1402 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1403 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1606 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10024 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10025 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10106 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6100 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 4084 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 10 所需时间单位秒 = 0.54414558783174 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 11 || 0 GetGiftBagInfoReply 40 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 5 当前队列数量= 12 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetStoreFreeGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=5,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityInfos { id: 10251 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10252 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10264 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10279 startTime: 1619626200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10303 startTime: 1625432400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10323 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10332 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10338 startTime: 1630339800000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10355 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10364 startTime: 1636563600000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10367 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10392 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10409 startTime: 1646237400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10410 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10423 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10435 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10450 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10462 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10475 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10486 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10492 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10532 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10542 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10552 startTime: 1681938000000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10557 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10582 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10602 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10627 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10641 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10642 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10657 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10663 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10682 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10691 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10700 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10701 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10702 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10706 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10710 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10712 startTime: 1695226200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10715 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10732 startTime: 1700669400000 endTime: 1921593599000 } activityInfos { id: 10733 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10739 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10749 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10756 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10758 startTime: 1710778200000 endTime: 1712764799000 } activityInfos { id: 10759 startTime: 1710778200000 endTime: 1712764799000 } activityInfos { id: 10761 startTime: 1710778200000 endTime: 1712937599000 } activityInfos { id: 10764 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10765 startTime: 1710778200000 endTime: 1712764799000 } activityInfos { id: 20008 startTime: 1611763800000 endTime: 1740412799000 } activityInfos { id: 10003 startTime: 1546376402000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10004 startTime: 1546376403000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10005 startTime: 1546376404000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10007 startTime: 1546376400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10011 startTime: 1639774800000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10013 startTime: 1710363600000 endTime: 1711555199000 } activityInfos { id: 10014 startTime: 1556053200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10017 startTime: 1546376400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10018 startTime: 1546376400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10035 startTime: 1711080000000 endTime: 1711512000000 } activityInfos { id: 10037 startTime: 1569445200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10038 startTime: 1710371123417 endTime: 1711573200000 } activityInfos { id: 10040 startTime: 1710371123417 endTime: 1711573200000 } activityInfos { id: 10041 startTime: 1710371123417 endTime: 1711573200000 } activityInfos { id: 10043 startTime: 1710371123417 endTime: 1711573200000 } activityInfos { id: 10048 startTime: 1569675600000 endTime: 1913126399000 } activityInfos { id: 10064 startTime: 1559048400000 endTime: 0 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetActivityInfosReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 50 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.54414558783174 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 11 || 0 GetActivityInfosReply 41 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=32,cmd=1,status=0,size=2206 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=2,status=0,size=22 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=41,cmd=5,status=0,size=18 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 40 1 当前队列数量= 12 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetExploreInfosRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 103 1 当前队列数量= 13 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get103InfosRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 107 1 当前队列数量= 14 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get107InfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 105 1 当前队列数量= 15 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get105InfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=40,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=103,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=107,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=105,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}time: 0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetJinyumantangInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 31 17 所需时间单位秒 = 0.67016300931573 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 14 || 0 GetJinyumantangInfoReply 42 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 5 expiredTime: 0 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetCustomizedGiftBagInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 12 所需时间单位秒 = 0.67016300931573 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 13 || 0 GetCustomizedGiftBagInfoReply 43 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}summonPools { poolId: 1 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 2 doneCount: 14 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false poolSkewRare { rareId: 5 count: 1 } heroSkewRare { heroId: 2021 count: 1 poolCount: 13 cdTime: 13 } extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 12 } summonPools { poolId: 9997 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 0 doneCount: 0 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 0 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SummonPoolReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 22 34 所需时间单位秒 = 0.67016300931573 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 12 || 0 SummonPoolReply 44 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=40,cmd=1,status=0,size=222 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 10002 updateTime: 1600857035 } infos { id: 10003 updateTime: 1601017584 } infos { id: 10004 updateTime: 1614654455 } infos { id: 10005 updateTime: 1614654732 } infos { id: 18002 updateTime: 1612775776 } infos { id: 20002 updateTime: 1601600574 } infos { id: 20003 updateTime: 1614075262 } infos { id: 20004 updateTime: 1626947167 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetUnReadNewspaperReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 43 39 所需时间单位秒 = 0.71085780113935 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 11 || 0 GetUnReadNewspaperReply 45 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}expireTime: 1602217530 refreshCount: 3 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 41 7 所需时间单位秒 = 0.71085780113935 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 10 || 0 GetMysteryStoreInfoReply 46 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 2 count: 0 } infos { id: 6 count: 3 } infos { id: 1 count: 0 } infos { id: 12 count: 0 } day: 12 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get137InfosReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 137 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.71085780113935 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 Get137InfosReply 47 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/main_icon/icon_4.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/main_icon/wordicon_4.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/main_icon/yiweishixin.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1058.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=103,cmd=1,status=0,size=922 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=107,cmd=1,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=105,cmd=1,status=0,size=10 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]bigbg/main_icon/icon_4.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]language/zh/bigbg/main_icon/wordicon_4.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]bigbg/main_icon/yiweishixin.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1058.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 1 todayHasGain: false currentRound: 1 currentHasGain: 10 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetStoreFreeGiftBagInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 41 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.62169509753585 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 8 || 0 GetStoreFreeGiftBagInfoReply 48 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}currencyInfo { currencyId: 4 count: 2681 lastRecoverTime: 1711353903000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetCurrencyInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 11 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.56664772331715 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 7 || 0 GetCurrencyInfoReply 49 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEPowerFull}removepush id 1002 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GuideStartReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 48 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.25508584082127 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 6 || 0 GuideStartReply 50 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}userMail { incrId: 1488680507 mailId: 20035 params: 魂芯(限时)#贝币 attachment: 2#2#100 state: 0 createTime: 1708932588000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 711528680 mailId: 136 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1604474249000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1488680506 mailId: 20035 params: 温泉票根#贝币 attachment: 2#2#2500 state: 0 createTime: 1708932588000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1479316584 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1706742007000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 2月1日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1493386375 mailId: 20014 params: attachment: 2#2#6000|2#1#20|2#7#100 state: 0 createTime: 1709806899000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1479316585 mailId: 20014 params: attachment: 2#2#6000|2#1#20|2#7#100 state: 0 createTime: 1706767013000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1493386374 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1709766001000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月7日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1488680509 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1708556411000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 2月22日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1493386373 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1709161202000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 2月29日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1488680508 mailId: 20035 params: 拨霞供突破#贝币 attachment: 2#2#10 state: 0 createTime: 1708932588000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1497980801 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1710781202000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月19日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1147399630 mailId: 95 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1655174024000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 661982651 mailId: 301301 params: lql attachment: 1#11240013#2 state: 1 createTime: 1601206056000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 661982650 mailId: 301701 params: lql attachment: 1#11240017#2 state: 1 createTime: 1601206034000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1495735902 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1710370802000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月14日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1477748618 mailId: 29 params: attachment: 2#2#1000 state: 0 createTime: 1706681317000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetAllMailsReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 32 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.39486338198185 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 5 || 0 GetAllMailsReply 51 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 124 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateRedDotPush <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 49 2 || 0 UpdateRedDotPush 52 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 1 todayHasGain: false currentRound: 1 currentHasGain: 10 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetStoreFreeGiftBagInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 41 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.39486338198185 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 4 || 0 GetStoreFreeGiftBagInfoReply 53 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}exploreInfos { id: 0 startExploreTime: 0 finishExploreTime: 0 exploreId: 1 recommendHero: 2003 recommendHero: 2008 recommendHero: 2032 recommendHero: 2001 recommendHero: 2048 } exploreInfos { id: 301 startExploreTime: 1699483713000 finishExploreTime: 1699485513000 exploreTeamHeroIds: 729029878 exploreTeamHeroIds: 959737032 exploreTeamHeroIds: 665323003 exploreTeamHeroIds: 665323098 exploreId: 2 recommendHero: 2026 recommendHero: 2013 recommendHero: 2007 recommendHero: 2024 recommendHero: 9999 } exploreInfos { id: 0 startExploreTime: 0 finishExploreTime: 0 exploreId: 3 recommendHero: 2020 recommendHero: 2055 recommendHero: 2027 recommendHero: 2035 recommendHero: 2039 } exploreInfos { id: 0 startExploreTime: 0 finishExploreTime: 0 exploreId: 4 recommendHero: 2003 recommendHero: 2038 recommendHero: 2025 recommendHero: 2023 recommendHero: 2029 } exploreInfos { id: 0 startExploreTime: 0 finishExploreTime: 0 exploreId: 5 recommendHero: 2050 recommendHero: 2049 recommendHero: 2031 recommendHero: 2018 recommendHero: 2014 } exploreInfos { id: 0 startExploreTime: 0 finishExploreTime: 0 exploreId: 6 recommendHero: 2024 recommendHero: 2037 recommendHero: 2011 recommendHero: 2049 recommendHero: 2030 } exploreInfos { id: 0 startExploreTime: 0 finishExploreTime: 0 exploreId: 7 recommendHero: 2004 recommendHero: 9999 recommendHero: 2052 recommendHero: 2041 recommendHero: 2039 } maxUnlockTeam: 1 exploreTime: 0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetExploreInfosReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 40 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.43336075544357 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 3 || 0 GetExploreInfosReply 54 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setExploreFinish}removepush id 1005 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { day: 1 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 正月廿一 } infos { day: 2 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 正月廿二 } infos { day: 3 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 正月廿三 } infos { day: 4 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 正月廿四 } infos { day: 5 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 正月廿五 lunarFestival: 惊蛰 } infos { day: 6 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 正月廿六 } infos { day: 7 hasSignIn: false luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 72 drawIds: 75 drawIds: 78 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 正月廿七 } infos { day: 8 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 正月廿八 } infos { day: 9 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 正月廿九 } infos { day: 10 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月初一 } infos { day: 11 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月初二 lunarFestival: 龙抬头 } infos { day: 12 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月初三 } infos { day: 13 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月初四 } infos { day: 14 hasSignIn: false luckLevel: 1 drawIds: 91 drawIds: 67 drawIds: 9 drawIds: 62 lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月初五 } infos { day: 15 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月初六 } infos { day: 16 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月初七 } infos { day: 17 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月初八 } infos { day: 18 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月初九 } infos { day: 19 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月初十 } infos { day: 20 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月十一 lunarFestival: 春分 } infos { day: 21 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月十二 } infos { day: 22 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月十三 } infos { day: 23 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月十四 } infos { day: 24 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月十五 } infos { day: 25 hasSignIn: false luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 5 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 9 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 甲辰龙年 lunarMonthAndDay: 二月十六 } serverTime: 1711354009689 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get103InfosReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 103 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.43336075544357 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 Get103InfosReply 55 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}onlineTime: 2 updateTime: 1711354007 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get107InfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 107 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.43336075544357 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 Get107InfoReply 56 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{getWakeupMessage}getWakeupMessage: {} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: startstr { [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: endstr } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: jumpString nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 50 5 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetActivityPictureShowCountRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}rechargeNum: 0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get105InfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 105 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.46672458946705 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 Get105InfoReply 57 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=50,cmd=5,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/ui_fangkuang_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_030.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_qiandao.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/ui_lwbt/ui_lwbt.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/ui_lwbt/ui_lwbt-ui_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/xiaoyugan_ui_npc/xiaoyugan_ui_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/xiaoyugan_ui_npc/xiaoyugan_ui_npc-ui_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=50,cmd=5,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}showCount: 0 showCount: 0 showCount: 0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetActivityPictureShowCountReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 50 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066708292812109 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetActivityPictureShowCountReply 58 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 50 6 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = IncActivityPictureShowCountRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=50,cmd=6,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:50]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=50,cmd=6,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = IncActivityPictureShowCountReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:50][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 50 6 所需时间单位秒 = 0.033334292471409 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 IncActivityPictureShowCountReply 59 1 [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:50][@logic/extensions/pandora/controller/PandoraMsgController.lua:0]:{closure}拍脸模块资源准备好= pop [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:50][@logic/extensions/pandora/controller/PandoraPanelController.lua:0]:{setPopReady}Pandora bPopReady= pop [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:50][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{getWakeupMessage}getWakeupMessage: {} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:50][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: startstr { [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:50][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: endstr } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:50][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: jumpString nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:50][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/headlineview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/promo/headline/headlineview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:50][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/headline/headlineview_bg_1.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:50]language/zh/bigbg/headline/headlineview_bg_1.png instance: @66ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{getWakeupMessage}getWakeupMessage: {} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: startstr { [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: endstr } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: jumpString nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 21 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMonthCardSimpleInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=21,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=21,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMonthCardSimpleInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 21 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066711626946926 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetMonthCardSimpleInfoReply 60 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{getWakeupMessage}getWakeupMessage: {} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: startstr { [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: endstr } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:51][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: jumpString nil [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:52][@logic/extensions/pandora/controller/PandoraMsgController.lua:0]:{closure}潘多拉界面加载完成, 模块名= Pop [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:52][@logic/extensions/pandora/controller/PandoraMsgController.lua:0]:{closure}潘多拉活动中心关闭主动通知游戏, 关闭模块= Pop [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:52][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:52][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:52][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=5,id=105 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbEnterOperController: in function '_startEnterFbScene' logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbEnterOperController: in function 'enterMainFbScene' logic/extensions/fb/facade/FbFacade: in function 'enterFbSelectScene' logic/extensions/main/view/MainView: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:52][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:52][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:52][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:52][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:52][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:52][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:52][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]DestroyUnusedResources:64,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=5,id=105 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s09_wrold-map/g-s09_wrold-map_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_other_204.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_003.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s09_wrold-map/texture/glow_01_wx_1.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s09_wrold-map/texture/g-s31_yunwu.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s09_wrold-map/texture/noise_086_wx.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s30_jnhb/texture/trail_035_gt.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s31_hzsx/fbx/g-s31_yunwu.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s09_wrold-map/g-s09_wrold-map_p0.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_fb_0 isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/chat.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/fbselectview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/fbselectview_switch.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbselectview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/fbdungeonitem.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbdungeonitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_promo_spring isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/promo/promo119view.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_explore_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbactivityitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_main_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/groupinviteinfo.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_chatadnfriend isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/commmoninnerpushtipsview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/commonactbosssign.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s09_wrold-map/g-s09_wrold-map_stage.prefab instance: @33ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s09_wrold-map/g-s09_wrold-map_p0.prefab instance: @234ms [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:53][@logic/scene/fbselect/interaction/FbSelectInteraction.lua:0]:{lerpToMapArea}1 stack traceback: logic/scene/fbselect/interaction/FbSelectInteraction: in function 'lerpToMapArea' logic/scene/fbselect/factory/FbSelectSceneFactory: in function '_locateMapArea' logic/scene/fbselect/factory/FbSelectSceneFactory: in function 'onEnterSceneFinished' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/fbselect/stage/FbSelectSceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/fbselect/stage/FbSelectSceneStage: in function '_onZonesLoadFinish' logic/scene/fbselect/factory/FbSelectSceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZoneMgr: in function '_loadedCallback' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZone: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=5,id=105,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/fbselect/stage/FbSelectSceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/fbselect/stage/FbSelectSceneStage: in function '_onZonesLoadFinish' logic/scene/fbselect/factory/FbSelectSceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZoneMgr: in function '_loadedCallback' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZone: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 7 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 101 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 5#105 完成 0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 7 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=7,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=41,cmd=7,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}expireTime: 1602217530 refreshCount: 3 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 41 7 所需时间单位秒 = 0.34286054968834 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetMysteryStoreInfoReply 61 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/270005.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:54][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:55][@logic/scene/fbselect/interaction/FbSelectInteraction.lua:0]:{closure}TCL1 1 1 10001 [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:55][@logic/scene/fbselect/interaction/FbSelectInteraction.lua:0]:{closure}TCL2 1 true table: 0x0146358630 { 1 = 10001, 2 = "榕城春愿聚", 3 = 1, 4 = 1, 5 = "1.5#0", 6 = 0, 7 = "", 8 = "main_10001", 9 = "", 10 = 1, 11 = 1100001, 12 = "第1章", 13 = 1, 14 = 1, 15 = 0, 16 = 1, 17 = 0, 18 = 0, 19 = 0, 20 = "", __index = function: 0x0145d22cd0, } [WARN:2024-3-25 16:6:55][@logic/scene/fbselect/interaction/FbSelectInteraction.lua:0]:{closure}TCL3 10001 true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s09_wrold-map/fbx/g-s09_wrold-map_p1.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s09_wrold-map/fbx/g-s09_wrold-map_p1_collider.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s09_wrold-map/g-s09_wrold-map_p1.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s09_wrold-map/texture/g-s09_ground_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s09_wrold-map/texture/g-s09_obj_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:55]language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s09_wrold-map/g-s09_wrold-map_p1.prefab instance: @68ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/fb/fbmissionitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_xianshizhandou.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/btncomment.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/fbbarriersetinfoview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/materials/ui_image_additive.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbbarriersetinfoview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbdifficulty.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/promo/promofbmulrewardcell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 70 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetConsumeItemRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=70,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=70,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetConsumeItemReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 70 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.12777754664421 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetConsumeItemReply 62 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000340.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_075_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/item_ssr.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000001.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/130014_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100001_hugen_xuyuan/100001_hugen_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100001_hugen_xuyuan/100001_hugen_xuyuan-ui_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]bigbg/itemicon/1000340.png instance: @37ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]bigbg/itemicon/1000001.png instance: @37ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:57]bigbg/headicon_small/130014_head_small.png instance: @37ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 52 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetAidInfoListRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}type: 1 id: 10001011 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=52,cmd=2,size=16 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gotitle.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbinfoteamview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_achievementandteam isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_fb_automaticpvp_1 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/herogrid/memberitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/commonteamitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/common/speechbubble.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/battle/supportitemview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 8 9 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SelectFormationRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}formationId: 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=8,cmd=9,size=11 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000305.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/10000242.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000489.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]bigbg/itemicon/1000305.png instance: @10ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]bigbg/itemicon/10000242.png instance: @10ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]bigbg/itemicon/1000489.png instance: @10ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/imagecharacter/100015_zd01.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/skinlib/widget/widget_imagetext.asset isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/imagecharacter/100026_zd01.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/imagecharacter/100139_zd01.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/imagecharacter/100080_zd01.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]++++++++++++++++拿到的tsssdk的c#的data长度70 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]))))((((((转换为lua的buffer数据长度(((((70____________70 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 70 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}=============sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包完毕,等协议过去-=-============================= [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 1 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]__________删除tsssdk++++++sb数据________ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=1,size=81 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:6:59]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=52,cmd=2,status=0,size=768 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=2,status=0,size=3815 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=8,cmd=4,status=0,size=95 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=8,cmd=9,status=0,size=10 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=13,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}aidInfos { id: -1 name: 鹄羹 level: 1 type: 0 hero { heroId: 0 heroTypeIdx: 2000 level: 1 rank: 1 sks { skillId: 41200000 } sks { skillId: 41200001 } sks { skillId: 41200002 } skinId: 100001 breakthroughCnt: 0 } } aidInfos { id: 12569445 name: 伊芸敏 level: 83 type: 1 logoutTime: 1711344767972 cd: 0 hero { heroId: 1883445100 heroTypeIdx: 2028 level: 100 rank: 5 sks { skillId: 41202800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202802 strengthenLevel: 1 } skinId: 100030 breakthroughCnt: 0 quality: 0 state: 385 contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 } } aidInfos { id: 12338344 name: 伊偃安 level: 39 type: 1 logoutTime: 1708757242000 cd: 0 hero { heroId: 1821673072 heroTypeIdx: 2152 level: 20 rank: 1 sks { skillId: 41215200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215202 strengthenLevel: 1 } skinId: 100168 breakthroughCnt: 0 quality: 0 state: 1 contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 } } aidInfos { id: 11361119 name: 伊洙筮 level: 31 type: 1 logoutTime: 1707962746000 cd: 0 hero { heroId: 1572750733 heroTypeIdx: 2014 level: 50 rank: 3 sks { skillId: 41201400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201402 strengthenLevel: 1 } skinId: 100020 breakthroughCnt: 0 quality: 0 state: 389 contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 } } aidInfos { id: 11336262 name: 若耶希 level: 33 type: 1 logoutTime: 1706931887000 cd: 0 hero { heroId: 1566761809 heroTypeIdx: 2109 level: 45 rank: 3 sks { skillId: 41210900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210902 strengthenLevel: 1 } skinId: 100120 breakthroughCnt: 0 quality: 0 state: 385 contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 } } aidInfos { id: 10595085 name: 阡方 level: 24 type: 1 logoutTime: 1703432581000 cd: 0 hero { heroId: 1407813596 heroTypeIdx: 9997 level: 1 rank: 1 sks { skillId: 41999700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999702 strengthenLevel: 1 } skinId: 100112 breakthroughCnt: 0 quality: 0 state: 1 contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 } } aidInfos { id: 303563 name: Ruibow level: 18 type: 2 logoutTime: 1691263175000 cd: 0 hero { heroId: 5054550 heroTypeIdx: 2000 level: 20 rank: 1 sks { skillId: 41200000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200003 strengthenLevel: 2 } skinId: 100001 breakthroughCnt: 1 quality: 0 state: 17 contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 } } aidInfos { id: 6792124 name: 伊卿巍 level: 18 type: 2 logoutTime: 1706379474000 cd: 0 hero { heroId: 695635483 heroTypeIdx: 2000 level: 20 rank: 1 sks { skillId: 41200000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200003 strengthenLevel: 2 } skinId: 100001 breakthroughCnt: 1 quality: 0 state: 17 contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 } } aidInfos { id: 710022 name: 草莓薄馅儿 level: 18 type: 2 logoutTime: 1711157508048 cd: 0 hero { heroId: 1947876836 heroTypeIdx: 2028 level: 40 rank: 2 sks { skillId: 41202800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202802 strengthenLevel: 1 } skinId: 100030 breakthroughCnt: 0 quality: 0 state: 161 contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 } } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetAidInfoListReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 52 2 所需时间单位秒 = 1.0668262839317 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 3 || 0 GetAidInfoListReply 63 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 101 infos { id: 959737140 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1427956508 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1427956507 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 729030012 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1914143002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1387833002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1277962047 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838101 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838103 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838102 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838105 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838104 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838107 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 959737134 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838106 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838109 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 959737129 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838108 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122317563 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838110 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1428292866 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 724556810 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1885533002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1885533003 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006993 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577931046 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006992 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1885533004 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1885533005 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006987 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006986 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006985 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006984 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006991 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1184423340 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1184423341 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006990 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006989 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006988 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 783100309 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563261 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563260 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563263 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563262 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838140 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563259 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563268 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563265 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563264 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563523 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563267 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563266 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006963 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401349 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006962 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006961 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577931079 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006960 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006955 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006954 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 665323003 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006959 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006958 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1277962105 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006957 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 959737187 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006956 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563293 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563549 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563548 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1277962102 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563551 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563295 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563550 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563294 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563545 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563547 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563546 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563557 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563301 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563300 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563556 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563302 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563553 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563297 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563296 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563552 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563299 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563554 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563298 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1903263002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 959737155 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563580 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 729029878 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563591 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577931140 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563339 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122942049 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563351 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563602 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563352 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401581 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059883 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 665323018 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059882 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059885 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059884 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059887 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059886 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401317 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401574 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930943 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563383 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1518704433 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122936923 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401338 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059889 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059888 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059891 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059890 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 724556782 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401481 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930952 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930949 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563404 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930948 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930951 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930950 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930945 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930944 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930947 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930946 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563415 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1535216472 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1259105493 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563428 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401515 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563426 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316301 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316300 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122942727 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316303 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563439 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401511 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316302 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316297 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316299 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316298 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577931004 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 665323098 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 959737024 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316305 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316304 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316306 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 959737036 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1124023301 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 959737032 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401522 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 744 infos { id: 959737140 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1427956508 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1427956507 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 729030012 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1914143002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1387833002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1277962047 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838101 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838103 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838102 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838105 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838104 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838107 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 959737134 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838106 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838109 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 959737129 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838108 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122317563 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838110 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1428292866 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 724556810 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1885533002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1885533003 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006993 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577931046 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006992 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1885533004 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1885533005 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006987 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006986 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006985 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006984 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006991 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1184423340 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1184423341 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006990 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006989 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006988 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 783100309 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563261 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563260 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563263 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563262 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1073838140 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563259 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563268 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563265 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563264 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563523 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563267 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563266 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006963 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401349 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006962 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006961 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577931079 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006960 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006955 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006954 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 665323003 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006959 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006958 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1277962105 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006957 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 959737187 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1258006956 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563293 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563549 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563548 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1277962102 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563551 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563295 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563550 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563294 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563545 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563547 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563546 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563557 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563301 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563300 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563556 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563302 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563553 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563297 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563296 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563552 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563299 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563554 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563298 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1903263002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 959737155 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563580 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 729029878 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563591 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577931140 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563339 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122942049 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563351 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563602 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563352 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401581 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059883 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 665323018 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059882 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059885 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059884 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059887 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059886 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401317 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401574 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930943 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563383 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1518704433 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122936923 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401338 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059889 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059888 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059891 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1154059890 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 724556782 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401481 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930952 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930949 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563404 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930948 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930951 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930950 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930945 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930944 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930947 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577930946 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563415 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1535216472 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1259105493 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563428 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401515 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563426 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316301 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316300 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122942727 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316303 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1040563439 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401511 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316302 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316297 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316299 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316298 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1577931004 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 665323098 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 959737024 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316305 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316304 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1122316306 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 959737036 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1124023301 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 959737032 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 961401522 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateRedDotPush <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 49 2 || 0 UpdateRedDotPush 64 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}formationInfoList { formationId: 1 formationHeros { index: 0 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1073838140 } formationHeros { index: 1 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 783100309 equipUniqueIds: 1366980094 equipUniqueIds: 1012847127 equipUniqueIds: 1818129520 } formationHeros { index: 2 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1427956508 } formationHeros { index: 3 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1122316304 } state: 1 name: 队伍一 typeId: 1 seq: 1 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = FormatioChangePush <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 8 4 || 0 FormatioChangePush 65 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}formationId: 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SelectFormationReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 8 9 所需时间单位秒 = 1.0505019500852 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 SelectFormationReply 66 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.88383128494024 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SubmitAntiDataReply 68 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100001_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100028_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100161_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0]bigbg/headicon_small/100001_head_small.png instance: @12ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0]bigbg/headicon_small/100028_head_small.png instance: @12ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0]bigbg/headicon_small/100161_head_small.png instance: @12ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100022_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:0]bigbg/headicon_small/100022_head_small.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 31 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = StartBarrierRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001011 formationId: 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=31,cmd=2,size=19 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=31,cmd=2,status=0,size=26 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}battleId: 10010112 battleId: 10010113 triggerId: 7 triggerId: 8 triggerId: 9 triggerId: 10 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = StartBarrierReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 31 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099766165018082 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 StartBarrierReply 69 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 7 time: 4000 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=14 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 7 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=7,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/extensions/fb/core/core/util/FbUtil.lua:0]:{checkBarrierPlayStoryId}已通关,剧情未勾选,不播放story -> 10001011 1000100 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2021 isShaping:false skinId:100015 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41202100,41202101,41202102] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10001509,10001507,10001508] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2017 isShaping:false skinId:100023 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41201704,41201701,41201703] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10002607,10002609,10002608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2127 isShaping:false skinId:100137 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41212700,41212701,41212702] otherSkills:[41212501,41212505,41212508,41212510,41212514] allSkillActions:[10013619,10013909,10013908,10013907,10013608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:100075 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207600,41207601,41207602] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10008007,10008009,10008008] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(monster) -> id:12221 isShaping:false skinId:130029 otherSkillId:nil skills:[42122211,42122212,0] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[13002907,13002908] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(monster) -> id:12209 isShaping:false skinId:130020 otherSkillId:nil skills:[42122091,42122092,0] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[13002007,13002008] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(monster) -> id:12221 isShaping:false skinId:130029 otherSkillId:nil skills:[42122211,42122212,0] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[13002907,13002908] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=2,id=220008 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbSelectController: in function '_onEnterBarrierScene' logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbSelectController: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/fb/agent/FbAgent: in function '_onNotifyStartBarrier' logic/extensions/fb/agent/FbAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=5,id=105 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.052871957421303 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 70 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=41,cmd=7,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}expireTime: 1602217530 refreshCount: 3 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 41 7 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099943208508193 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetMysteryStoreInfoReply 71 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]DestroyUnusedResources:66,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=2,id=220008 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}ArtUpgradeUtil 场景:g-s32_brsl_p 是旧场景 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/common/ArtUpgradeUtil: in function 'log' logic/common/state/scene/CameraSet: in function 'init' logic/scene/battle/stage/SceneLoader: in function 'onEnterScene' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnter' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/schedule/ScheduleEntry: in function 'update' framework/schedule/Scheduler: in function [builtin#21]: at 0x010f8b0df4 event: in function '' event: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{beginCreate}开始加载全部英雄 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllRole}外部传入需要加载的[英雄]总数=4,已经加载过了的数量=0,检查后真正要加载的总数=4 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllRole}英雄id=2021_1,加载的特效[总数=]11,路径=["effect\/prefabs\/atk_jironjinsisun_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_jironjinsisun_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_jironjinsisun_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_jironjinsisun_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_jironjinsisun_skill2_boneskill.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_monstshow.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_roledie.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_buff.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_debuff.prefab"] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllRole}英雄id=2017_2,加载的特效[总数=]7,路径=["effect\/prefabs\/show_yipinguo_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_yipinguo_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_yipinguo_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_yipinguo_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_yipinguo_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab"] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllRole}英雄id=2127_3,加载的特效[总数=]11,路径=["effect\/prefabs\/show_whz_skill4.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_hmsbc_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_whz_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_whz_skill4.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_hmsbc_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_hmsbc_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_hmsbc_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_hmsbc_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_whz_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab"] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllRole}英雄id=2076_4,加载的特效[总数=]8,路径=["effect\/prefabs\/atk_flt_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_skill3_camera.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_loop.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab"] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{beginCreate}开始加载全部怪物 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllMonster}外部传入需要加载的[怪物]总数=3,已经加载过了的数量=0,检查后真正要加载的总数=3 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllMonster}怪物id=10010112_1_12221,加载的特效[总数=]5,路径=["effect\/prefabs\/atk_lajiaochoudoufu_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_lajiaochoudoufu_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_lajiaochoudoufu_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_chaofeng.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab"] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllMonster}怪物id=10010112_2_12209,加载的特效[总数=]6,路径=["effect\/prefabs\/atk_bailuoboguai_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_bailuoboguai_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_bailuoboguai_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_bailuoboguai_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_chaofeng.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab"] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllMonster}怪物id=10010112_999_12221,加载的特效[总数=]5,路径=["effect\/prefabs\/atk_lajiaochoudoufu_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_lajiaochoudoufu_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_lajiaochoudoufu_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_chaofeng.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab"] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerCommonderBase.lua:0]:{onEnterScene}进入场景开始监听触发器事件===== [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/extensions/fb/core/core/util/FbUtil.lua:0]:{checkBarrierPlayStoryId}已通关,剧情未勾选,不播放story -> 10001011 1000100 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s32_brsl/g-s32_brsl_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_other_028.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_093.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/common_elems/effect_prefab/hudie/effect_longhuo_5.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/common_elems/environments/weather/texture/water-pro_normal_small-waves3.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/common_elems/environments/weather/texture/water-pro-fresnel.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/common_elems/scene_effect_assets/fbx/effect_typlant_lookcamera.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/common_elems/scene_effect_assets/texture/s-effect_guang_a.psd isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/common_elems/scene_effect_assets/texture/s-effect_leaf_03.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s32_brsl/fbx/g-s32_effect_shiliu.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s32_brsl/fbx/g-s32_effect_water.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s32_brsl/fbx/g-s32_plant.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s32_brsl/fbx/g-s32_plant_top.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s32_brsl/fbx/g-s32_ty_02.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s32_brsl/texture/effect/noise_015_gt.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s32_brsl/texture/effect/noise_053_djs.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s32_brsl/texture/g-s32_ground_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s32_brsl/texture/g-s32_obj_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s32_brsl/texture/g-s32_sky_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s32_brsl/texture/g-s32_ty_02.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s32_brsl/texture/s32_ground_rgb.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s39_dlyj/texture/smoke_001_wx_2.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s32_brsl/g-s32_brsl_p.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100015_jironjinsisun_xuyuan/100015_jironjinsisun_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100015_jironjinsisun_xuyuan/100015_jironjinsisun_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:12 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_003_025_025_000_050.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_003_025_025_025_050.png isPreload:False refCount:7 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_004.png isPreload:False refCount:9 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_075_000.png isPreload:False refCount:9 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_016.png isPreload:False refCount:7 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_023.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_005.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_018.png isPreload:False refCount:7 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_jironjinsisun_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_sixiwanzi_skill1_003.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/daoguang_001.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/fire_007.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_003_025_025_075_050.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_005.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_007.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_017.png isPreload:False refCount:11 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_031.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_038.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_030.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_jironjinsisun_skill3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_100002_skill1_006.fbx isPreload:False refCount:7 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_003_025_025_025_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_012.png isPreload:False refCount:12 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_043.png isPreload:False refCount:8 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/hit_jironjinsisun_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/huanxing_002.fbx isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_003.png isPreload:False refCount:7 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_002.png isPreload:False refCount:8 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_010.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_jironjinsisun_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_003_025_025_050_050.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_000_025.png isPreload:False refCount:7 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_050_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_021.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_jironjinsisun_skill2_boneskill.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/battle_heroact.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/tiaodai_046.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_013.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_21.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_006.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_003.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_020.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/battle_monstshow.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_000.png isPreload:False refCount:7 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/battle_roledie.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_000_000.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_013.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/battle_buff.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_001.png isPreload:False refCount:10 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_001.png isPreload:False refCount:11 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_008.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/battle_debuff.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_battle_0 isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_battle_1 isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/battle/battleunitui_hero.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100026_yipinguo_xuyuan/100026_yipinguo_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100026_yipinguo_xuyuan/100026_yipinguo_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/100002_skill2_002.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/fire_008.png isPreload:False refCount:8 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_003.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_007.png isPreload:False refCount:11 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_030.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_yipinguo_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/hit_yipinguo_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/huanxing_003.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/yuanhuan_004.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_001_025_025_050_025.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_046.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_020.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_008.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_yipinguo_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_003_025_025_075_075.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_001_025_025_025_075.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_052.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_053.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_yipinguo_skill3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_005.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_022.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_026.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_027.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_039.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_yipinguo_skill3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100139_hmsbc_xuyuan/100139_hmsbc_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100139_hmsbc_xuyuan/100139_hmsbc_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_100.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_075_025.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_whz_skill4.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_hgtg_skill3_03.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_tujuezhenzi_skill1_02.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_tujuezhenzi_skill1_03.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/hit_dezhoupaji_skill2_01.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/crack_031.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_029.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_014.png isPreload:False refCount:8 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_035.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_glow_jgt_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_glow_tg_001.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_jwhy_mask_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_sxtgy_mask_007.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_001.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_003.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_004.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_005.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_010.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_other_026.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_067.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_132.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_hmsbc_skill3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_100062_zty_p_skill1_002.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_004.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_051.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_122.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/mask_013.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_038.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_whz_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/hit_tangyuan_skill1_1.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/crack_037.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_22.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_flt_mask_003.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_007.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_014.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_044.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_086.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_092.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_whz_skill4.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/banyuan01.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/show_sixiwanzi_skill3_01.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/crack_023.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_flt_trail_002.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_047.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_020.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_trail_003.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_trail_034.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/mask_005.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_024_1.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_112.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_113.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_hmsbc_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_012.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_016.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_023.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_hmsbc_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_003_025_025_000_075.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_019.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_013.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/hit_hmsbc_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_hmsbc_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_whz_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100080_flt_xuyuan/100080_flt_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100080_flt_xuyuan/100080_flt_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/daoguang_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/shizipian_002.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/zhua_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_003_025_025_000_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_023.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_011.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_016.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_048.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_049.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_flt_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_flt_skill3_camera.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_075.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_flt_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_baozaifan_skill3_05.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_029.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_flt_loop.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_flt_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_hgtg_skill3_01.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/m_flt_mianpian_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/m_flt_yuan_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/m_flt_yuan_002.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/m_flt_yuan_004.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_flt_galaxy_001.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_flt_mask_004.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_flt_other_001.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_flt_other_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_flt_other_004.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_other_jgt_0010.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_other_jgt_007.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_other_jgt_008.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_other_jgt_013.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_smoke_hgtg_001.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_flt_skill3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/130029_lajiaochoudoufu_guaiwu/130029_lajiaochoudoufu_guaiwu.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/130029_lajiaochoudoufu_guaiwu/130029_lajiaochoudoufu_guaiwu_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_lajiaochoudoufu_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/hit_lajiaochoudoufu_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/huanxing_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_005.png isPreload:False refCount:8 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_lajiaochoudoufu_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/effect/prefabs/battle_chaofeng.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/battle/battleunitui.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/130020_bailuoboguai_guaiwu/130020_bailuoboguai_guaiwu.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/130020_bailuoboguai_guaiwu/130020_bailuoboguai_guaiwu_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_bailuoboguai_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_bailuoboguai_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_100002_skill1_007.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_007.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_bailuoboguai_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_003.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_004.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_004.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/hit_bailuoboguai_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/equip.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_battleunitui_buff_tip_txt.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_battleunitui_damage_critic_txt.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_battleunitui_damage_txt.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/materials/ui_image_additive.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/battle/battlefloating.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:Packages/com.unity.postprocessing/PostProcessing/PostProcessResources.asset isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s32_brsl/g-s32_brsl_stage.prefab instance: @60ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_stageLoadFinishedHandler}成功加载了一个新的场景的舞台,但当前场景还未进入完毕,类型=2,id=220008 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage.lua:0]:{closure}1 ====== 战斗场景[舞台]加载完毕 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s32_brsl/g-s32_brsl_p.prefab instance: @81ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage.lua:0]:{} ====== 战斗场景[第22000801个地图区域]加载完毕! [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage.lua:0]:{_onFirstZonesLoaded}2 ====== 战斗场景[第一个地图区域]加载完毕 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2021_1 ====== MyRole_2021_1 英雄的模型 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_heroact.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_debuff.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_jironjinsisun_skill2_boneskill.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_jironjinsisun_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_roledie.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_buff.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_jironjinsisun_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_monstshow.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/hit_jironjinsisun_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_jironjinsisun_skill3.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2021_1 ====== MyRole_2021_1 英雄的特效总数[11],全部加载好的路径["effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_debuff.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_jironjinsisun_skill2_boneskill.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_jironjinsisun_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_roledie.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_buff.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_jironjinsisun_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_monstshow.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_jironjinsisun_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_jironjinsisun_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab"] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2021_1 ====== MyRole_2021_1 英雄的头顶ui [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2017_2 ====== MyRole_2017_2 英雄的头顶ui [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2127_3 ====== MyRole_2127_3 英雄的头顶ui [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2076_4 ====== MyRole_2076_4 英雄的头顶ui [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2017_2 ====== MyRole_2017_2 英雄的模型 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/show_yipinguo_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_heroact.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_yipinguo_skill3.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_yipinguo_skill3.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_yipinguo_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/hit_yipinguo_skill1.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2017_2 ====== MyRole_2017_2 英雄的特效总数[7],全部加载好的路径["effect\/prefabs\/show_yipinguo_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_yipinguo_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_yipinguo_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_yipinguo_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_yipinguo_skill1.prefab"] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2127_3 ====== MyRole_2127_3 英雄的模型 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_heroact.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_whz_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_whz_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_hmsbc_skill3.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_hmsbc_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_hmsbc_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_whz_skill4.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/hit_hmsbc_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_hmsbc_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_whz_skill4.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:1][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2127_3 ====== MyRole_2127_3 英雄的特效总数[11],全部加载好的路径["effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_whz_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_whz_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_hmsbc_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_hmsbc_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_hmsbc_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_whz_skill4.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_hmsbc_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_hmsbc_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_whz_skill4.prefab"] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2076_4 ====== MyRole_2076_4 英雄的模型 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/atk_flt_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_flt_skill3.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_flt_skill3_camera.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_flt_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_flt_loop.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_heroact.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_flt_skill2.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2076_4 ====== MyRole_2076_4 英雄的特效总数[8],全部加载好的路径["effect\/prefabs\/atk_flt_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_skill3_camera.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_loop.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_skill2.prefab"] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 10010112_1_12221 ====== Monster_10010112_1_12221 怪物的模型 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 10010112_999_12221 ====== Monster_10010112_999_12221 怪物的模型 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/hit_lajiaochoudoufu_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_chaofeng.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_lajiaochoudoufu_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_lajiaochoudoufu_skill2.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 10010112_1_12221 ====== Monster_10010112_1_12221 怪物的特效总数[5],全部加载好的路径["effect\/prefabs\/hit_lajiaochoudoufu_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_chaofeng.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_lajiaochoudoufu_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_lajiaochoudoufu_skill2.prefab"] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/hit_lajiaochoudoufu_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_chaofeng.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_lajiaochoudoufu_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_lajiaochoudoufu_skill2.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 10010112_999_12221 ====== Monster_10010112_999_12221 怪物的特效总数[5],全部加载好的路径["effect\/prefabs\/hit_lajiaochoudoufu_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_chaofeng.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_lajiaochoudoufu_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_lajiaochoudoufu_skill2.prefab"] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 10010112_1_12221 ====== Monster_10010112_1_12221 怪物的头顶ui [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 10010112_2_12209 ====== Monster_10010112_2_12209 怪物的头顶ui [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 10010112_999_12221 ====== Monster_10010112_999_12221 怪物的头顶ui [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 10010112_2_12209 ====== Monster_10010112_2_12209 怪物的模型 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/show_bailuoboguai_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/hit_bailuoboguai_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_bailuoboguai_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_bailuoboguai_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_chaofeng.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 10010112_2_12209 ====== Monster_10010112_2_12209 怪物的特效总数[6],全部加载好的路径["effect\/prefabs\/show_bailuoboguai_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_bailuoboguai_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_bailuoboguai_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_bailuoboguai_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_chaofeng.prefab"] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage.lua:0]:{}3 ====== 战斗场景[所有unit]加载完毕 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_oneMonsterLoaded}TCL:怪物及其特效总加载时长为 0.3869s [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage.lua:0]:{}4 ====== 战斗场景[预热资源]加载完毕 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=2,id=220008,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage: in function '_checkAllLoaded' logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage: in function '_onVolumeLoaded' logic/scene/battle/BattleVolumeComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbSelectController.lua:0]:{}进入副本系统, barrierId: 10001011 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{initTriggers}initTriggers: 4 zoneId: nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 7 找到: true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 8 找到: true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 9 找到: true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 10 找到: true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 7 挂点: hudie_npc_p zoneId: 22000801 zoneName: g-s32_brsl_p [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 8 挂点: hudie_npc_p_1 zoneId: 22000801 zoneName: g-s32_brsl_p [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 10 挂点: hudie_npc_p_3 zoneId: 22000801 zoneName: g-s32_brsl_p [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 9 挂点: hudie_npc_p_2 zoneId: 22000801 zoneName: g-s32_brsl_p [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2021 isShaping:false skinId:100015 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41202100,41202101,41202102] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10001509,10001507,10001508] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2017 isShaping:false skinId:100023 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41201704,41201701,41201703] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10002607,10002609,10002608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2127 isShaping:false skinId:100137 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41212700,41212701,41212702] otherSkills:[41212501,41212505,41212508,41212510,41212514] allSkillActions:[10013619,10013909,10013908,10013907,10013608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:100075 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207600,41207601,41207602] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10008007,10008009,10008008] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2021 isShaping:false skinId:100015 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41202100,41202101,41202102] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10001509,10001507,10001508] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2017 isShaping:false skinId:100023 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41201704,41201701,41201703] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10002607,10002609,10002608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2127 isShaping:false skinId:100137 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41212700,41212701,41212702] otherSkills:[41212501,41212505,41212508,41212510,41212514] allSkillActions:[10013619,10013909,10013908,10013907,10013608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:100075 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207600,41207601,41207602] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10008007,10008009,10008008] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/extensions/fb/core/core/util/FbUtil.lua:0]:{checkBarrierPlayStoryId}已通关,剧情未勾选,不播放story -> 10001011 1000100 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTrace}priority@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleSystem:0: 【BattleSystem】 开始玩法 -》 ; 1; 1; 10001011 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTrace' logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleSystem: in function 'beginFB' logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbSelectController: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage: in function '_checkAllLoaded' logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage: in function '_onVolumeLoaded' logic/scene/battle/BattleVolumeComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 7 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 101 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 2#220008 完成 0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage.lua:0]:{_onAllLoaded}4 ====== 战斗场景已经加载完毕,所有东西准备好,可以玩耍 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:font/diyfont/battle_damage.fontsettings isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:font/diyfont/battle_damage_critic.fontsettings isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:font/diyfont/battle_heal.fontsettings isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/volume/volume_bloom.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage.lua:0]:{_onAllLoaded}4 ====== 战斗场景已经加载完毕,所有东西准备好,可以玩耍 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/270013.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/hudie_npc/hudie_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/hudie_npc/hudie_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 7 go: SceneTrigger_7_4 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 8 go: SceneTrigger_8_4 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 10 go: SceneTrigger_10_4 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 9 go: SceneTrigger_9_4 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/joystick/joystickpanel.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/btnauto.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/btnbeginattack.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/chat.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/enemyinfo.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gobtn.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gohero.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/battle/battleview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/battle/battleunitdetailview_buffcell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/interruptbattleview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/battle/bossskillitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/battle/challengeitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/hero/skilltipsdetailitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 6 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ManualBattleLogRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=6,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/fbscenenameview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/battle/fbscenenameview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:font/diyfont/battle_damage_total.fontsettings isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:font/diyfont/battle_cd.fontsettings isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/ui_fangkuang_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_012.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_auto.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=6,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ManualBattleLogReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 6 所需时间单位秒 = 0.15643945708871 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 ManualBattleLogReply 72 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:3][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:3][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}UnitCompAnimatorControllerMyRole_2076_4 show commingEffect show_flt_loop in action 10008015 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_displayComingEffect' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_operaBeginCurAction' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_handleActionStart' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function [C]: at 0x010f86cdb0 [C]: in function '__newindex' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitBattleSpine: in function '_updateAnimation' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitBattleSpine: in function 'play' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function 'playAnimation' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function 'battleAction' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/impl/UnitBattle: in function 'execLoopMotionById' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleSpineMoveHandler: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleMover: in function 'update' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/impl/UnitBattlePlayer: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}UnitCompAnimatorControllerMyRole_2076_4 show commingEffect show_flt_loop in action 10008015 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_displayComingEffect' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_operaBeginCurAction' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_handleActionStart' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4][@logic/extensions/fb/core/core/component/FbAutoFightHandler.lua:0]:{_onUpdate}队长碰到战斗点 -------------> barrierId,waveIndex,finishedWaveCount 10001011 1 0 -14.067421030998 0 -0.3 -15.5 0 0 1.4325789690018 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4][@logic/extensions/fb/core/core/component/FbSpaceTriggerHandler.lua:0]:{startFbEnter}startFbEnter ok-------> barrierId: 10001011 turnIndex: 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2021 isShaping:false skinId:100015 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41202100,41202101,41202102] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10001509,10001507,10001508] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2017 isShaping:false skinId:100023 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41201704,41201701,41201703] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10002607,10002609,10002608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2127 isShaping:false skinId:100137 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41212700,41212701,41212702] otherSkills:[41212501,41212505,41212508,41212510,41212514] allSkillActions:[10013619,10013909,10013908,10013907,10013608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:100075 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207600,41207601,41207602] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10008007,10008009,10008008] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: clear all effect object pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbadjustbattleformationeffectview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_jinruzhandou.prefab [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用UIParticle方式, effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_jinruzhandou.prefab [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}UnitCompAnimatorControllerMyRole_2076_4 show commingEffect show_flt_loop in action 10008004 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_displayComingEffect' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_operaReturnIdle' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_handleActionStart' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function [C]: at 0x010f86cdb0 [C]: in function '__newindex' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitBattleSpine: in function '_updateAnimation' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitBattleSpine: in function 'play' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function 'playAnimation' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function 'setCurIdleActionDataId' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/impl/UnitBattle: in function 'execBattleIdleMotionById' logic/extensions/fb/core/behavior/actionfight/BBAdjustBattleFormation: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/schedule/ScheduleEntry: in function 'update' framework/schedule/Scheduler: in function [builtin#21]: at 0x010f8b0df4 event: in function '' event: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_003.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_018.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_jinruzhandou.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2021 isShaping:false skinId:100015 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41202100,41202101,41202102] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10001509,10001507,10001508] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2017 isShaping:false skinId:100023 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41201704,41201701,41201703] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10002607,10002609,10002608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2127 isShaping:false skinId:100137 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41212700,41212701,41212702] otherSkills:[41212501,41212505,41212508,41212510,41212514] allSkillActions:[10013619,10013909,10013908,10013907,10013608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:100075 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207600,41207601,41207602] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10008007,10008009,10008008] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_monstshow.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2021 isShaping:false skinId:100015 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41202100,41202101,41202102] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10001509,10001507,10001508] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2017 isShaping:false skinId:100023 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41201704,41201701,41201703] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10002607,10002609,10002608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2127 isShaping:false skinId:100137 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41212700,41212701,41212702] otherSkills:[41212501,41212505,41212508,41212510,41212514] allSkillActions:[10013619,10013909,10013908,10013907,10013608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:100075 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207600,41207601,41207602] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10008007,10008009,10008008] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_monstshow.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}UnitCompAnimatorControllerMyRole_2076_4 show commingEffect show_flt_loop in action 10008004 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_displayComingEffect' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_operaReturnIdle' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_handleActionStart' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2021 isShaping:false skinId:100015 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41202100,41202101,41202102] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10001509,10001507,10001508] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2017 isShaping:false skinId:100023 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41201704,41201701,41201703] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10002607,10002609,10002608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2127 isShaping:false skinId:100137 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41212700,41212701,41212702] otherSkills:[41212501,41212505,41212508,41212510,41212514] allSkillActions:[10013619,10013909,10013908,10013907,10013608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:100075 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207600,41207601,41207602] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10008007,10008009,10008008] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2021 isShaping:false skinId:100015 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41202100,41202101,41202102] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10001509,10001507,10001508] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2017 isShaping:false skinId:100023 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41201704,41201701,41201703] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10002607,10002609,10002608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2127 isShaping:false skinId:100137 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41212700,41212701,41212702] otherSkills:[41212501,41212505,41212508,41212510,41212514] allSkillActions:[10013619,10013909,10013908,10013907,10013608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:100075 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207600,41207601,41207602] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10008007,10008009,10008008] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2021 isShaping:false skinId:100015 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41202100,41202101,41202102] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10001509,10001507,10001508] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2017 isShaping:false skinId:100023 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41201704,41201701,41201703] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10002607,10002609,10002608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2127 isShaping:false skinId:100137 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41212700,41212701,41212702] otherSkills:[41212501,41212505,41212508,41212510,41212514] allSkillActions:[10013619,10013909,10013908,10013907,10013608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:100075 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207600,41207601,41207602] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10008007,10008009,10008008] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2021 isShaping:false skinId:100015 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41202100,41202101,41202102] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10001509,10001507,10001508] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2017 isShaping:false skinId:100023 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41201704,41201701,41201703] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10002607,10002609,10002608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2127 isShaping:false skinId:100137 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41212700,41212701,41212702] otherSkills:[41212501,41212505,41212508,41212510,41212514] allSkillActions:[10013619,10013909,10013908,10013907,10013608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:100075 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207600,41207601,41207602] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10008007,10008009,10008008] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2021 isShaping:false skinId:100015 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41202100,41202101,41202102] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10001509,10001507,10001508] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2017 isShaping:false skinId:100023 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41201704,41201701,41201703] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10002607,10002609,10002608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2127 isShaping:false skinId:100137 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41212700,41212701,41212702] otherSkills:[41212501,41212505,41212508,41212510,41212514] allSkillActions:[10013619,10013909,10013908,10013907,10013608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:100075 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207600,41207601,41207602] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10008007,10008009,10008008] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2021 isShaping:false skinId:100015 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41202100,41202101,41202102] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10001509,10001507,10001508] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2017 isShaping:false skinId:100023 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41201704,41201701,41201703] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10002607,10002609,10002608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2127 isShaping:false skinId:100137 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41212700,41212701,41212702] otherSkills:[41212501,41212505,41212508,41212510,41212514] allSkillActions:[10013619,10013909,10013908,10013907,10013608] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:100075 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207600,41207601,41207602] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10008007,10008009,10008008] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 31 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = StartBattleRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=31,cmd=4,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=31,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = StartBattleReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 31 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066684044897556 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 StartBattleReply 73 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 4 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = EnterBattleRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 50 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetActivityInfosRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=4,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=50,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1001 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1002 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEPowerFull}removepush id 1002 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1003 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 11 : 30 的推送 推送ID为 1003 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1004 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 17 : 30 的推送 推送ID为 1004 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1005 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setExploreFinish}removepush id 1005 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1006 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setCookFinish}removepush id 1006 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1007 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 8 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1007 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1008 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 12 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1008 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1009 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 16 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1009 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1010 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 20 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1010 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1011 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 3 的 8 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1011 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1012 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 5 的 16 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1012 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1013 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 0 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1013 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1014 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1015 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1016 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 7 的 9 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1016 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1017 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 9 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1017 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1018 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 2 的 9 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1018 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1019 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 20 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1019 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1020 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1021 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1022 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1023 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1024 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1025 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1026 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1027 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1028 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1029 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1030 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1031 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1032 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1033 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1034 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1035 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1036 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1037 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1038 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1039 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1040 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1041 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1042 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1043 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1044 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1045 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1046 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1047 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1048 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1049 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1050 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1051 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1052 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1053 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1054 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1055 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1056 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1057 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1058 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1059 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1060 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1061 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1062 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1063 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1064 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1065 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1066 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1067 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1068 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1069 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1070 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1071 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1072 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1073 [INFO:2024-3-25 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16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1083 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1084 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1085 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1086 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1087 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1088 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1089 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1090 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1091 [INFO:2024-3-25 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16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1100 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1101 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1102 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1103 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1104 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1105 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1106 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1107 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1108 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1109 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1110 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1111 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1112 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1113 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1114 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1115 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1116 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1117 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1118 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1119 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1120 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1121 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1122 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1123 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1124 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1125 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1126 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1127 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1128 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1129 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1130 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1131 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1132 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1133 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1134 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1135 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1136 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1137 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1138 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1139 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1140 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1141 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1142 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1143 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1144 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1145 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1146 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1147 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1148 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1149 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1150 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1151 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1152 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1153 [INFO:2024-3-25 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16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1181 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1182 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1183 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1184 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1185 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1186 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1187 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1188 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1189 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1190 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1191 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1192 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1193 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1194 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1195 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1196 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1197 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1198 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1199 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1200 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1201 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1202 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1203 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1204 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1205 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1206 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1207 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1209 [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setClientRecord}set client record push .... nil [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setClientRecord}removepush id 1209 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1210 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1211 [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/ksw/controller/KSWRedDotController.lua:0]:{getKeyOnLocalToList}🚀【ksw】 获取本地红点数据 key v RedDotHarvestTime [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalUtils.lua:0]:{handleKswPush}set ksw push... table: 0x0151b3d230 { } 0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalUtils.lua:0]:{handleKswPush}removepush id 1211 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1212 [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/ksw/controller/KSWRedDotController.lua:0]:{getKeyOnLocalToList}🚀【ksw】 获取本地红点数据 key v RedDotBuiltgAndUpgradeTime [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalUtils.lua:0]:{handleKswPush}set ksw push... table: 0x015583bc58 { } 0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalUtils.lua:0]:{handleKswPush}removepush id 1212 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1213 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1214 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1215 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1216 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1217 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1218 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1219 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1220 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1221 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1222 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1223 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1224 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1225 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1226 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1227 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1228 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1229 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1230 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1231 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1232 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1233 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1234 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1235 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1236 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1237 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1238 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1239 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1240 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1241 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1242 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1001 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1041 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1042 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1043 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}注册了 432000 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1042 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setActivityNotices}注册活动推送2024-04-08 09:00:00 id = 124211 interval = 1183975000 serverNow = 1711354025 noticeItem.timeStamp = 1712538000 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setActivityNotices}注册活动推送2024-04-09 09:00:00 id = 124221 interval = 1270375000 serverNow = 1711354025 noticeItem.timeStamp = 1712624400 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setActivityNotices}注册活动推送2024-04-10 09:00:00 id = 124231 interval = 1356775000 serverNow = 1711354025 noticeItem.timeStamp = 1712710800 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=50,cmd=1,status=0,size=845 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}battle { attacker { units { id: 1 modelId: 2021 skinId: 100015 position: 1 baseAttributes { hp: 1742 thp: 1742 atk: 241 def: 179 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 sp: 0 max_sp: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41202100 position: 1 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41202101 position: 2 CD: 0 maxCD: 4 } skillInfo { skillId: 41202102 position: 3 CD: 1 maxCD: 5 } buffState { buffId: 301033 duration: 1 id: 7 } battleUnitType: 1 userId: 6653392 summonType: 0 isTransform: false contractLevel: -1 isCopy: false } units { id: 2 modelId: 2017 skinId: 100023 position: 2 baseAttributes { hp: 4162 thp: 4162 atk: 500 def: 450 critic: 101 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 69 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 sp: 0 max_sp: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41201704 position: 1 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41201701 position: 2 CD: 0 maxCD: 4 } skillInfo { skillId: 41201703 position: 3 CD: 2 maxCD: 5 } buffState { buffId: 301033 duration: 1 id: 8 } battleUnitType: 1 userId: 6653392 summonType: 0 isTransform: false contractLevel: -1 isCopy: false } units { id: 3 modelId: 2127 skinId: 100137 position: 3 baseAttributes { hp: 2066 thp: 2066 atk: 182 def: 215 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 sp: 0 max_sp: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41212700 position: 1 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41212701 position: 2 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41212702 position: 3 CD: 1 maxCD: 5 } skillInfo { skillId: 41212710 position: 4 CD: 0 } buffState { buffId: 301033 duration: 1 id: 9 } battleUnitType: 1 userId: 6653392 summonType: 0 isTransform: false contractLevel: -1 isCopy: false } units { id: 4 modelId: 2076 skinId: 100075 position: 4 baseAttributes { hp: 1876 thp: 1876 atk: 284 def: 260 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 sp: 0 max_sp: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41207600 position: 1 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41207601 position: 2 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41207602 position: 3 CD: 1 maxCD: 6 } buffState { buffId: 301033 duration: 1 id: 10 } battleUnitType: 1 userId: 6653392 summonType: 0 isTransform: false contractLevel: -1 isCopy: false } maxReliveCount: 4 remainReliveCount: 4 userIds: 6653392 } defender { units { id: 5 modelId: 12221 skinId: 130029 position: 1 baseAttributes { hp: 203 thp: 203 atk: 114 def: 125 critic: 110 critic_dmg: 540 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 sp: 0 max_sp: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 42122211 position: 1 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 42122212 position: 2 CD: 0 maxCD: 3 } battleUnitType: 2 userId: 0 summonType: 0 isTransform: false contractLevel: -1 isCopy: false } units { id: 6 modelId: 12209 skinId: 130020 position: 2 baseAttributes { hp: 88 thp: 88 atk: 62 def: 94 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 sp: 0 max_sp: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 42122091 position: 1 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 42122092 position: 2 CD: 0 maxCD: 3 } battleUnitType: 2 userId: 0 summonType: 0 isTransform: false contractLevel: -1 isCopy: false } maxReliveCount: 0 remainReliveCount: 0 } curRound: 1 maxRound: 30 isFinish: false extraRoundTeamType: 0 } round0 { isFinish: false round: 0 extraRoundTeamType: 0 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = EnterBattleReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 4 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.083376169204712 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 EnterBattleReply 74 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/battle/data/Battlespace.lua:0]:{initialize}开始战斗---------------------- { "attacker": { "units": [ { "id":1, "modelId":2021, "skinId":100015, "position":1, "baseAttributes": { "hp":1742, "thp":1742, "atk":241, "def":179, "critic":100, 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id: 10332 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10338 startTime: 1630339800000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10355 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10364 startTime: 1636563600000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10367 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10392 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10409 startTime: 1646237400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10410 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10423 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10435 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10450 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10462 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10475 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10486 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10492 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10532 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10542 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10552 startTime: 1681938000000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10557 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10582 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10602 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10627 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10641 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10642 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10657 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10663 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10682 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10691 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10700 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10701 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10702 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10706 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10710 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10712 startTime: 1695226200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10715 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10732 startTime: 1700669400000 endTime: 1921593599000 } activityInfos { id: 10733 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10739 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10749 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10756 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10758 startTime: 1710778200000 endTime: 1712764799000 } activityInfos { id: 10759 startTime: 1710778200000 endTime: 1712764799000 } activityInfos { id: 10761 startTime: 1710778200000 endTime: 1712937599000 } activityInfos { id: 10764 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10765 startTime: 1710778200000 endTime: 1712764799000 } activityInfos { id: 20008 startTime: 1611763800000 endTime: 1740412799000 } activityInfos { id: 10003 startTime: 1546376402000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10004 startTime: 1546376403000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10005 startTime: 1546376404000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10007 startTime: 1546376400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10011 startTime: 1639774800000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10013 startTime: 1710363600000 endTime: 1711555199000 } activityInfos { id: 10014 startTime: 1556053200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10017 startTime: 1546376400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10018 startTime: 1546376400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10035 startTime: 1711080000000 endTime: 1711512000000 } activityInfos { id: 10037 startTime: 1569445200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10038 startTime: 1710371123417 endTime: 1711573200000 } activityInfos { id: 10040 startTime: 1710371123417 endTime: 1711573200000 } activityInfos { id: 10041 startTime: 1710371123417 endTime: 1711573200000 } activityInfos { id: 10043 startTime: 1710371123417 endTime: 1711573200000 } activityInfos { id: 10048 startTime: 1569675600000 endTime: 1913126399000 } activityInfos { id: 10064 startTime: 1559048400000 endTime: 0 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetActivityInfosReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 50 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.083376169204712 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetActivityInfosReply 75 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{beginCreate}开始加载全部英雄 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{beginCreate}开始加载全部怪物 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/bufficon/dad_love_0.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]bigbg/bufficon/dad_love_0.png instance: @65ms [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleExtraRoundController.lua:0]:{setExtraRoundType}TCL:setExtraRoundType------------ 0 [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonRequestBeginRound.lua:0]:{onStart}回合开始:请求----------------------> [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonRequestBeginRound.lua:0]:{_tryBeginRound}回合开始:确认----------------------> [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBeginRound.lua:0]:{_tryCloseTimeStopEffect}TCL:begin round, try close time stop effect----- 0 table: 0x01524717b8 { _roundId = 1, _isFinish = false, _isEndFinish = false, _steps = { }, _startTime = 0, extraRoundTeamType = 0, _isReconnect = false, isPreRound = true, setExtraRoundType = function: 0x0152472a58, addStepMO = function: 0x01524724c0, New = function: 0x0152473d50, getUnitPickedSkillId = function: 0x01524715c8, copyFromPlaybackNO = function: 0x0152471cd0, onNotifyUserRoundPick = function: 0x0152471568, getStepMO = function: 0x0152472490, getRoundId = function: 0x0152473668, copyFromNO = function: 0x01524724f0, hasUnitPickedSkill = function: 0x0152471788, getIsUserReady = function: 0x0152471598, setIsFinish = function: 0x01524731a8, __index = { setExtraRoundType = function: 0x0152472a58, addStepMO = function: 0x01524724c0, New = function: 0x0152473d50, getUnitPickedSkillId = function: 0x01524715c8, copyFromPlaybackNO = function: 0x0152471cd0, onNotifyUserRoundPick = function: 0x0152471568, getStepMO = function: 0x0152472490, getRoundId = function: 0x0152473668, copyFromNO = function: 0x01524724f0, hasUnitPickedSkill = function: 0x0152471788, getIsUserReady = function: 0x0152471598, setIsFinish = function: 0x01524731a8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0152473b18, setEndData = function: 0x0152471d30, getStartTime = function: 0x0152473698, getStepCount = function: 0x01524727b8, setData = function: 0x0152471d00, ctor = function: 0x01524729f8, isDataDone = function: 0x0152471f98, onComplete = function: 0x01524731d8, setIsReconnect = function: 0x0151cf0b58, __newindex = function: 0x01524738e8, setRoundId = function: 0x0152472a28, hasUnitReliveInfo = function: 0x0152472788, isReadyToPick = function: 0x0152471fc8, isFinish = function: 0x0152473208, getReliveReplyNO = function: 0x0152472758, isReconnect = function: 0x0151cf0b88, onDataInit = function: 0x0152471f68, __newindex = function: 0x01524736d0, }, setEndData = function: 0x0152471d30, getStartTime = function: 0x0152473698, getStepCount = function: 0x01524727b8, setData = function: 0x0152471d00, ctor = function: 0x01524729f8, isDataDone = function: 0x0152471f98, onComplete = function: 0x01524731d8, setIsReconnect = function: 0x0151cf0b58, __newindex = function: 0x01524738e8, setRoundId = function: 0x0152472a28, hasUnitReliveInfo = function: 0x0152472788, isReadyToPick = function: 0x0152471fc8, isFinish = function: 0x0152473208, getReliveReplyNO = function: 0x0152472758, isReconnect = function: 0x0151cf0b88, onDataInit = function: 0x0152471f68, } [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleExtraRoundController.lua:0]:{checkCloseTimeStopEffect}TCL:回合开始推送,检测关闭时停效果 0 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundPick.lua:0]:{_tryFinish}1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundPick.lua:0]:{_tryFinish}table: 0x01524717b8 { _roundId = 1, _isFinish = false, _isEndFinish = false, _steps = { }, _startTime = 0, extraRoundTeamType = 0, _isReconnect = false, isPreRound = true, setExtraRoundType = function: 0x0152472a58, addStepMO = function: 0x01524724c0, New = function: 0x0152473d50, getUnitPickedSkillId = function: 0x01524715c8, copyFromPlaybackNO = function: 0x0152471cd0, onNotifyUserRoundPick = function: 0x0152471568, getStepMO = function: 0x0152472490, getRoundId = function: 0x0152473668, copyFromNO = function: 0x01524724f0, hasUnitPickedSkill = function: 0x0152471788, getIsUserReady = function: 0x0152471598, setIsFinish = function: 0x01524731a8, __index = { setExtraRoundType = function: 0x0152472a58, addStepMO = function: 0x01524724c0, New = function: 0x0152473d50, getUnitPickedSkillId = function: 0x01524715c8, copyFromPlaybackNO = function: 0x0152471cd0, onNotifyUserRoundPick = function: 0x0152471568, getStepMO = function: 0x0152472490, getRoundId = function: 0x0152473668, copyFromNO = function: 0x01524724f0, hasUnitPickedSkill = function: 0x0152471788, getIsUserReady = function: 0x0152471598, setIsFinish = function: 0x01524731a8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0152473b18, setEndData = function: 0x0152471d30, getStartTime = function: 0x0152473698, getStepCount = function: 0x01524727b8, setData = function: 0x0152471d00, ctor = function: 0x01524729f8, isDataDone = function: 0x0152471f98, onComplete = function: 0x01524731d8, setIsReconnect = function: 0x0151cf0b58, __newindex = function: 0x01524738e8, setRoundId = function: 0x0152472a28, hasUnitReliveInfo = function: 0x0152472788, isReadyToPick = function: 0x0152471fc8, isFinish = function: 0x0152473208, getReliveReplyNO = function: 0x0152472758, isReconnect = function: 0x0151cf0b88, onDataInit = function: 0x0152471f68, __newindex = function: 0x01524736d0, }, setEndData = function: 0x0152471d30, getStartTime = function: 0x0152473698, getStepCount = function: 0x01524727b8, setData = function: 0x0152471d00, ctor = function: 0x01524729f8, isDataDone = function: 0x0152471f98, onComplete = function: 0x01524731d8, setIsReconnect = function: 0x0151cf0b58, __newindex = function: 0x01524738e8, setRoundId = function: 0x0152472a28, hasUnitReliveInfo = function: 0x0152472788, isReadyToPick = function: 0x0152471fc8, isFinish = function: 0x0152473208, getReliveReplyNO = function: 0x0152472758, isReconnect = function: 0x0151cf0b88, onDataInit = function: 0x0152471f68, } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/battle/agent/BattleAgent.lua:0]:{sendReliveBattleUnitsRequest}开始发送救人---------------------------- {} [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 4 5 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ReliveBattleUnitsRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=4,cmd=5,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_battle/100015_head_battle.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_battle/100026_head_battle.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_battle/100139_head_battle.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_battle/100080_head_battle.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=4,cmd=5,status=0,size=12 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]bigbg/headicon_battle/100015_head_battle.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]bigbg/headicon_battle/100026_head_battle.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]bigbg/headicon_battle/100139_head_battle.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]bigbg/headicon_battle/100080_head_battle.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}reliveData { isFinish: false } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ReliveBattleUnitsReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 4 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066716458648443 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 ReliveBattleUnitsReply 76 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/battle/agent/BattleAgent.lua:0]:{}返回发送救人(0)---------------------------- { "reliveData": { "isFinish":false } } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 4 9 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = EndRoundRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=4,cmd=9,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=4,cmd=9,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}isFinish: false nextRoundId: 1 extraRoundTeamType: 0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = EndRoundReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 4 9 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066678792238235 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 EndRoundReply 77 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/battle/handler/BattleFlowHandler.lua:0]:{endReport}回合播报完成,结束一回合=============== [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/battle/handler/BattleUnitReliveHandler.lua:0]:{endRoundRelive}救人成功,最后本战斗剩余救人次数 4 [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonRequestBeginRound.lua:0]:{onStart}回合开始:请求----------------------> [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:5][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonRequestBeginRound.lua:0]:{_tryBeginRound}回合开始:确认----------------------> [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:6][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBeginRound.lua:0]:{_tryCloseTimeStopEffect}TCL:begin round, try close time stop effect----- 0 table: 0x0152bc82e0 { _roundId = 1, _isFinish = false, _isEndFinish = false, _startTime = 0, extraRoundTeamType = 0, _isReconnect = false, isPreRound = false, setExtraRoundType = function: 0x0152472a58, addStepMO = function: 0x01524724c0, New = function: 0x0152473d50, getUnitPickedSkillId = function: 0x01524715c8, copyFromPlaybackNO = function: 0x0152471cd0, onNotifyUserRoundPick = function: 0x0152471568, getStepMO = function: 0x0152472490, getRoundId = function: 0x0152473668, copyFromNO = function: 0x01524724f0, hasUnitPickedSkill = function: 0x0152471788, getIsUserReady = function: 0x0152471598, setIsFinish = function: 0x01524731a8, __index = { setExtraRoundType = function: 0x0152472a58, addStepMO = function: 0x01524724c0, New = function: 0x0152473d50, getUnitPickedSkillId = function: 0x01524715c8, copyFromPlaybackNO = function: 0x0152471cd0, onNotifyUserRoundPick = function: 0x0152471568, getStepMO = function: 0x0152472490, getRoundId = function: 0x0152473668, copyFromNO = function: 0x01524724f0, hasUnitPickedSkill = function: 0x0152471788, getIsUserReady = function: 0x0152471598, setIsFinish = function: 0x01524731a8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0152473b18, setEndData = function: 0x0152471d30, getStartTime = function: 0x0152473698, getStepCount = function: 0x01524727b8, setData = function: 0x0152471d00, ctor = function: 0x01524729f8, isDataDone = function: 0x0152471f98, onComplete = function: 0x01524731d8, setIsReconnect = function: 0x0151cf0b58, __newindex = function: 0x01524738e8, setRoundId = function: 0x0152472a28, hasUnitReliveInfo = function: 0x0152472788, isReadyToPick = function: 0x0152471fc8, isFinish = function: 0x0152473208, getReliveReplyNO = function: 0x0152472758, isReconnect = function: 0x0151cf0b88, onDataInit = function: 0x0152471f68, __newindex = function: 0x01524736d0, }, setEndData = function: 0x0152471d30, getStartTime = function: 0x0152473698, getStepCount = function: 0x01524727b8, setData = function: 0x0152471d00, ctor = function: 0x01524729f8, isDataDone = function: 0x0152471f98, onComplete = function: 0x01524731d8, setIsReconnect = function: 0x0151cf0b58, __newindex = function: 0x01524738e8, setRoundId = function: 0x0152472a28, hasUnitReliveInfo = function: 0x0152472788, isReadyToPick = function: 0x0152471fc8, isFinish = function: 0x0152473208, getReliveReplyNO = function: 0x0152472758, isReconnect = function: 0x0151cf0b88, onDataInit = function: 0x0152471f68, } [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:6][@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleExtraRoundController.lua:0]:{checkCloseTimeStopEffect}TCL:回合开始推送,检测关闭时停效果 0 false [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:7][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/msgboxview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/msgboxview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:7][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@logic/extensions/fb/core/behavior/actionfight/BBPlayBattleStep.lua:0]:{onInterrupt}BBPlayBattleStep:onInterrupt -> 战斗被中断 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 4 3 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = FinishBattleRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}isAbort: true [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 31 11 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = AbortBarrierRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=4,cmd=3,size=11 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=31,cmd=11,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=17 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=45,cmd=3,status=0,size=47 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 4 change: 1 count: 2680 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 78 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEPowerFull}removepush id 1002 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=140,cmd=3,status=0,size=23 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=2,status=0,size=57 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=4,cmd=3,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=31,cmd=11,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { id: 61000007 progress: 1 hasFinished: false donCount: 0 } taskInfos { id: 60000010 progress: 1 hasFinished: false donCount: 0 } taskInfos { id: 60000009 progress: 1 hasFinished: false donCount: 0 } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateTaskPush <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 45 3 || 0 UpdateTaskPush 79 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activities { activityId: 10409 defineId: 13 progress: 1 finished: false isDoubleScore: false isDoubleBonus: false } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Act140InfoPush <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 140 3 || 0 Act140InfoPush 80 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 623 infos { id: 10456 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 10684 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 10717 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 52 infos { id: 10364 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateRedDotPush <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 49 2 || 0 UpdateRedDotPush 81 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = BattleResultReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 4 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.16676479578018 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 BattleResultReply 82 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = AbortBarrierReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 31 11 所需时间单位秒 = 0.16676479578018 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 AbortBarrierReply 83 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_battle_fail isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/fbfailview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/battle/fbsuggestfailview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/imagetext/f_02.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_050_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_fbfailview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:9][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:9]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_explore_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:9]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_fbfightresultview_objcommon.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:9]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_fbfightresultview_objmission.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:9]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/fb/fbfailresultview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:9]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_032.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:9]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_fubenshibai.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:9]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/item_sr.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:9]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待3帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/imagecharacter/100026_dp01.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]++++++++++++++++拿到的tsssdk的c#的data长度34 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]))))((((((转换为lua的buffer数据长度(((((34____________34 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 34 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}=============sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包完毕,等协议过去-=-============================= [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}antiData: "  hello, world [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]__________删除tsssdk++++++sb数据________ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=1,size=45 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTrace}priority@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleSystem:0: 【BattleSystem】 结束玩法 -》 ; 1; 1; 10001011 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTrace' logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleSystem: in function '_onDestroyCallback' logic/extensions/battle/ecs/BattleContextBase: in function 'destroy' logic/extensions/battle/context/BattleContext: in function 'destroy' logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleSystem: in function 'closeContext' logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbController: in function 'exitFbSpace' logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbController: in function 'exitFbSceneAndGoToSelectScene' logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbController: in function 'onFbFailViewClose' logic/extensions/fb/core/core/impl/FbSpace: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewComponent: in function 'localNotify' logic/extensions/fb/view/FbFailResultView: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=5,id=105 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/fb/config/FbExitConfig: in function 'exitMainFb' logic/extensions/fb/config/FbExitConfig: in function 'exitFbToScene' logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbController: in function 'exitFbSceneAndGoToSelectScene' logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbController: in function 'onFbFailViewClose' logic/extensions/fb/core/core/impl/FbSpace: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewComponent: in function 'localNotify' logic/extensions/fb/view/FbFailResultView: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerCommonderBase.lua:0]:{onExitScene}退出场景移除监听触发器事件===== [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=2,id=220008 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: clear all effect object pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: clear all effect object pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: clear all effect object pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: clear all effect object pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: clear all effect object pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: clear all effect object pool [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=13,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099869292229414 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SubmitAntiDataReply 85 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]DestroyUnusedResources:290,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=5,id=105 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s09_wrold-map/g-s09_wrold-map_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s09_wrold-map/texture/g-s09_ground_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s09_wrold-map/texture/g-s09_obj_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s09_wrold-map/fbx/g-s09_wrold-map_p1.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s09_wrold-map/fbx/g-s09_wrold-map_p1_collider.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s09_wrold-map/g-s09_wrold-map_p1.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_other_204.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_003.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s09_wrold-map/texture/glow_01_wx_1.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s09_wrold-map/texture/g-s31_yunwu.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s09_wrold-map/texture/noise_086_wx.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s30_jnhb/texture/trail_035_gt.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s31_hzsx/fbx/g-s31_yunwu.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s09_wrold-map/g-s09_wrold-map_p0.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_fb_0 isPreload:False refCount:7 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/chat.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/fbselectview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/fbselectview_switch.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbselectview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/fbdungeonitem.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbdungeonitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_promo_spring isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/promo/promo119view.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_explore_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbactivityitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_main_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/groupinviteinfo.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_chatadnfriend isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/commmoninnerpushtipsview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/commonactbosssign.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/btncomment.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/fbbarriersetinfoview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/materials/ui_image_additive.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbbarriersetinfoview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbdifficulty.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/promo/promofbmulrewardcell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s09_wrold-map/g-s09_wrold-map_stage.prefab instance: @33ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s09_wrold-map/g-s09_wrold-map_p1.prefab instance: @67ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s09_wrold-map/g-s09_wrold-map_p0.prefab instance: @168ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 7 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=7,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/scene/fbselect/interaction/FbSelectInteraction.lua:0]:{lerpToMapArea}1 stack traceback: logic/scene/fbselect/interaction/FbSelectInteraction: in function 'lerpToMapArea' logic/scene/fbselect/factory/FbSelectSceneFactory: in function '_locateMapArea' logic/scene/fbselect/factory/FbSelectSceneFactory: in function 'onEnterSceneFinished' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/fbselect/stage/FbSelectSceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/fbselect/stage/FbSelectSceneStage: in function 'onViewsLoaded' logic/scene/fbselect/viewhandler/FbSelectSceneViewHandler: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=5,id=105,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/fbselect/stage/FbSelectSceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/fbselect/stage/FbSelectSceneStage: in function 'onViewsLoaded' logic/scene/fbselect/viewhandler/FbSelectSceneViewHandler: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 7 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 101 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 5#105 完成 0 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/fb/fbmissionitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_xianshizhandou.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000340.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_075_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/item_ssr.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000001.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/130014_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100001_hugen_xuyuan/100001_hugen_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100001_hugen_xuyuan/100001_hugen_xuyuan-ui_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/210076.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=41,cmd=7,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]bigbg/itemicon/1000340.png instance: @10ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]bigbg/itemicon/1000001.png instance: @10ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10]bigbg/headicon_small/130014_head_small.png instance: @10ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}expireTime: 1602217530 refreshCount: 3 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:10][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 41 7 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099969041533768 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetMysteryStoreInfoReply 86 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:11][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:12][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2024-3-25 16:7:14][@logic/scene/fbselect/interaction/FbSelectInteraction.lua:0]:{lerpToMapArea}1 stack traceback: logic/scene/fbselect/interaction/FbSelectInteraction: in function 'lerpToMapArea' logic/scene/fbselect/interaction/FbSelectInteraction: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/fb/view/FbSelectView: in function [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:15][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 5 time: 22000 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:15]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=15 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:15]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:15]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:15][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066596332937479 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 87 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:17][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gotitle.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/fbmtrentranceview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/fbmtrentranceview_bg.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbmtrentranceview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbmtrentranceviewcell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/commonbg/fbmaterialmainview_bg.jpg isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg1_1.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg2_1.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/fb_icon/material_name_1.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fb_icon/material_icon_1.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg1_2.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg2_2.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/fb_icon/material_name_2.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fb_icon/material_icon_2.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg1_3.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg2_3.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/fb_icon/material_name_3.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fb_icon/material_icon_3.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg1_4.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg2_4.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/fb_icon/material_name_4.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fb_icon/material_icon_4.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]bigbg/commonbg/fbmaterialmainview_bg.jpg instance: @56ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg1_1.png instance: @33ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg2_1.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]language/zh/bigbg/fb_icon/material_name_1.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]bigbg/fb_icon/material_icon_1.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg1_2.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg2_2.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]language/zh/bigbg/fb_icon/material_name_2.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]bigbg/fb_icon/material_icon_2.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg1_3.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg2_3.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]language/zh/bigbg/fb_icon/material_name_3.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]bigbg/fb_icon/material_icon_3.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg1_4.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]bigbg/fb_icon/material_bg2_4.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]language/zh/bigbg/fb_icon/material_name_4.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:18]bigbg/fb_icon/material_icon_4.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 55 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=11 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gotype.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/turntable.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbexperienceview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbexperiencell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 31 13 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetTurntableInfoRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=31,cmd=13,size=9 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.09975141659379 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 88 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000305.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/10000242.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=31,cmd=13,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}turntableId: 1 turntableLogicId: 0 lastUseTurntableId: 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetTurntableInfoReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 31 13 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066656585782766 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetTurntableInfoReply 89 1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20]bigbg/itemicon/1000305.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:20]bigbg/itemicon/10000242.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:21]++++++++++++++++拿到的tsssdk的c#的data长度307 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:21]))))((((((转换为lua的buffer数据长度(((((307____________307 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:21][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 307 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:21][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}=============sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包完毕,等协议过去-=-============================= [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:21][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:21][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataRequest [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:21] [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:21]__________删除tsssdk++++++sb数据________ [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:21]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=1,size=319 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:21]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:21]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=13,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:21][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:21][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataReply <--- [INFO:2024-3-25 16:7:21][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066749166697264 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SubmitAntiDataReply 91 1