[INFO:2023-5-25 7:8:59]PJG Start [INFO:2023-5-25 7:8:59]LocalSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:8:59]PackageSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:8:59]AoUnityStarter Start [INFO:2023-5-25 7:8:59]Start App [INFO:2023-5-25 7:8:59]ResourceCache.Instance.resLoadMode=AssetBundle [INFO:2023-5-25 7:8:59]ResourceCache.Instance.isLuaBundle=True [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:0]AoUnityStarter OnToluaBundleLoaded:resPath=luascripts/64/tolua,isSuccess=True [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:0]AoUnityStarter OnBootstrapBundleLoaded:resPath=luascripts/64/bootstrap,isSuccess=True [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:0]AoUnityStarter StartLua [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:0]ver20100 jit: false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:0]os: OSX, arch: arm64 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:0][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{closure}=======================腾讯渠道包======================= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:7][@bootstrap/check/CheckMgr.lua:0]:{_updateInfoByTree}leaf,id:501url:1flag:Finetag:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:7][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{start}BootstrapLauncherBase start [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:7][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{start}BootstrapLauncherBase startHotUpdate [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:18][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{onHotupdateDone}BootstrapLauncherBase onHotupdateDone [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:18][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{loadLuaBundles}BootstrapLauncherBase loadLuaBundles [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:18][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncher.lua:0]:{_onCopyObbDone}拷贝obb文件到外部目录完毕,继续走启动逻辑! [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:18][@bootstrap/BootstrapHandlerDolphin.lua:0]:{closure}热更新流程完毕 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:18][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{closure}BootstrapLauncherBase _onLuaBundleLoaded luascripts/64/framework true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:18][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{closure}BootstrapLauncherBase _onLuaBundleLoaded luascripts/64/frameworkext true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:18][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{closure}BootstrapLauncherBase _onLuaBundleLoaded luascripts/64/otherlogic true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:19][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{closure}BootstrapLauncherBase _onLuaBundleLoaded luascripts/64/logic/config true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:19][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{closure}BootstrapLauncherBase _onLuaBundleLoaded luascripts/64/logic/extensions true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:19][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{closure}BootstrapLauncherBase _onLuaBundleLoaded luascripts/64/logic/story true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:19][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncher.lua:0]:{onLuaBundlesDone}游戏业务lua的ab已经加载完毕,开始启动游戏业务 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:19][@bootstrap/BootstrapLauncherBase.lua:0]:{onLuaBundlesDone}BootstrapLauncherBase onLuaBundlesDone [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:19][@framework/LogicLauncherBase.lua:0]:{loadMainManifest}LogicLauncherBase loadMainManifest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:20][@framework/LogicLauncherBase.lua:0]:{onManifestLoaded}LogicLauncherBase onManifestLoaded [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:21][@logic/common/performance/PerformanceMgr.lua:0]:{setResourcesMode}默认高端机 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:21][@logic/common/performance/PerformanceMgr.lua:0]:{setResourcesMode}缓冲区路径 = /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C916B232-8951-413D-805D-DB22FDA731DB/Library/UnityCache/Shared [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:21][@logic/common/performance/PerformanceMgr.lua:0]:{setResourcesMode}默认缓冲区文件超时时间,sec,min,hour,day = 12960000 216000 3600 150 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:21][@logic/common/performance/PerformanceMgr.lua:0]:{setResourcesMode}默认缓冲区空间单位kb,最大,空闲,已用 = -1 -1022 1021 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:21][@logic/common/performance/PerformanceMgr.lua:0]:{setResourcesMode}设置了超时时间后,缓冲区文件超时时间,sec,min,hour,day = 2592000 43200 720 30 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:21][@logic/common/performance/PerformanceMgr.lua:0]:{setResourcesMode}设置了空间后,缓冲区空间单位mb,最大,空闲,已用 = 1024 2 1021 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:21][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{handleResPreLoadMgrFinish}游戏预加载资源完毕,游戏准备好了,可以玩了 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:21][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/common/state/GameStateMgr:0: GameStateMgr:_createNotifyLocalState notifyLocalStateType1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/notice/noticeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/notice/noticetextcell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False 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7:9:22][@logic/extensions/notice/view/NoticeView.lua:0]:{onEnter}[{"msgOrder":652,"msgUrl":"","msgId":"138335","endTime":"1685548799","openId":"","contentType":0,"startTime":"1684929480","msgScene":"1","msgType":0,"msgContent":"亲爱的少主:\r\n\r\n为保证空桑良好的运行秩序,管理司将于5月25日(周四)早上6:00至9:00关闭空桑入口,进行内部更新维护,待维护完毕后重新开启~\r\n期间少主将无法进入空桑,维护时长或有增减,具体详情可关注后续告示,还请少主耐心以待,管理司全员拜谢!\r\n【更新时间】5月25日(周四)早上6:00至9:00\r\n【更新方式】停机更新维护\r\n\r\n【更新内容】\r\n【俗世藏锋·持守怀新】全语音长篇活动剧情限时开启!\r\n开启时间:2023年5月25日更新后至2023年5月31日23:59\r\n背景地域:武当山\r\n出场角色:空桑少主、「雄黄酒」(CV余昌宇)、「八卦汤」(CV云惟一)\r\n友情客串:金银蹄髈(CV李兰陵)、伏妖天师(CV蔡壮壮)、伏魔天师(CV蔡杰)、殓堂副堂主(CV魏一凡)、清风(CV蔡海婷)、明月(CV张振)、大娘(CV唐雨荷)、百姓(CV兰陶倚)\r\n剧情介绍:听闻非我道的踪影出现在武当山,少主与金银蹄髈一同前去查探。山上落雪纷然,拨开雾霭云海,那疑是无路的山重水复后骤然出现一座道馆……\r\n温馨提示:活动期间,观看过的活动剧情故事会永久收纳于图鉴故事中。\r\n\r\n【除妖卫道】「雄黄酒」限时活动召唤阵开启!\r\n活动时间:2023年5月25日10:00至2023年5月31日23:59\r\n活动说明:【除妖卫道】活动召唤阵开启,御品食魂「雄黄酒」召唤概率限时提升,「雄黄酒」召唤概率占御品食魂总概率的50%!\r\n温馨提示:本次复刻主题活动结束后,御品食魂「雄黄酒」将就近随更新版本进入常驻召唤阵。\r\n\r\n【大拙若巧】「八卦汤」限时活动召唤阵开启!\r\n活动时间:2023年5月25日10:00至2023年5月31日23:59\r\n活动说明:【大拙若巧】活动召唤阵开启,御品食魂「八卦汤」召唤概率限时提升,「八卦汤」召唤概率占御品食魂总概率的50%!\r\n温馨提示:本次复刻主题活动结束后,御品食魂「八卦汤」将就近随更新版本进入常驻召唤阵。\r\n\r\n【限时祈福】「壶里乾坤」套装登场,云观风格家具限时祈福\r\n活动时间:2023年5月25日10:00至2023年6月7日23:59\r\n活动说明:活动期间,少主在活动巧圣阁中消耗「天工石」进行祈福,即可获取云观风格家具。\r\n温馨提示:本期家具祈福保底机制依旧生效。\r\n\r\n【空桑纪念币】空桑限时掉落特色纪念币\r\n活动时间:2023年5月25日更新后至2023年5月31日23:59\r\n活动说明:活动期间,通关主线及资源关卡均会掉落「空桑纪念币」。「空桑纪念币」可用于在复刻商店中兑换复刻活动商品,或者解锁<图鉴-故事篇-活动故事>中往期已复刻过的活动剧情。复刻商店中材料页签的限购商品将在本次更新后刷新限购次数。\r\n\r\n【力争上游】空桑趣味玩法系列竞赛活动更新!\r\n竞赛时间:2023年5月25日10:00至2023年5月31日23:59\r\n活动说明:【空桑游乐园】本期开放竞赛活动的玩法为【特技镜头】,限时竞赛期间的成绩将被计入竞赛排行榜。活动结束后将按照玩法的竞赛排行榜成绩进行排名,通过邮件于竞赛玩法结束次日05:00发放排名奖励,排名前十的少主将获得活动限时专属头像「胜杯在握」!\r\n温馨提示1:日常排行榜与竞赛排行榜可在【排行榜-游乐园】右上角切换查看。\r\n温馨提示2:限时竞赛期间取得的历史最高成绩将同时被记录进日常排行榜。\r\n\r\n【与日俱进】活动限时开启!\r\n活动时间:2023年5月25日更新后至2023年5月31日23:59\r\n活动说明:完成事务任务可获得「事务手记」,提升事务进展等级;事务进展等级达到指定要求可获得「膳具碎片·珍」、「小份五色土」、「体力」等好礼!购买事务手记解锁【特殊奖励】可额外获得「膳具碎片·御」、「膳具盒·珍」等奖励!购买【高级事务手记】可获赠更多奖励!\r\n温馨提示:【普通事务手记】与【高级事务手记】仅可选择其一购买,还请少主留意哦~\r\n\r\n【睡意绵绵】预告登录活动限时开启!\r\n活动时间:2023年5月27日05:00至2023年5月31日23:59\r\n活动说明:全新主题活动【睡意绵绵】即将开启!活动期间,累计登录达到指定天数即可领取「膳具碎片·御」等好礼!\r\n\r\n【优化更新与问题修复】\r\n1.优化「雉羹」被动技能【玄羽赤炎】的技能效果,击杀处于【锁定】状态的目标也可触发该被动技能;并修复「雉羹」在【万钧阁】触发伤害异常的问题;\r\n2.修复家具「蟹酿橙画卷」图标显示不正确的问题;\r\n3.优化【守护遗珠】玩法选中守护意向牌后的视觉呈现。\r\n\r\n如有任何疑问建议,可联系QQ群客服进行反馈。\r\n食物语官方交流群:546834515\r\n《食物语》空桑管理司","msgTitle":"5月25日空桑更新告示"},{"msgOrder":0,"msgUrl":"","msgId":"128059","endTime":"1924945200","openId":"","contentType":0,"startTime":"1630393200","msgScene":"1","msgType":0,"msgContent":"亲爱的少主:\r\n从2021年8月31日开始,根据国家新闻出版署发布的《关于进一步严格管理 切实防止未成年人沉迷网络游戏的通知》,食物语新的防沉迷措施规则如下:\r\n\r\n【游戏时长限制】\r\n未成年用户仅可在周五、周六、周日和法定节假日的20时至21时进行游戏。\r\n\r\n【游戏消费限制】\r\n未满12周岁的用户无法进行游戏充值;\r\n12周岁(含)以上未满16周岁的用户,单次充值上限50元人民币,每月充值上限200元人民币;\r\n16周岁(含)以上未成年用户,单次充值上限100元人民币,每月充值上限400元人民币。\r\n\r\n【游客模式限制】\r\n全面关闭iOS游客体验模式。\r\n\r\n具体规则请见国家新闻出版署《关于进一步严格管理 切实防止未成年人沉迷网络游戏的通知》\r\n \r\n健康系统新规则全量覆盖后,所有用户每日时长刷新时间为每日0点,通过健康系统强制的时段、时长和消费管理,我们希望可以帮助未成年少主建立健康的游戏习惯。\r\n \r\n感谢您的支持与理解。\r\n\r\n如有任何疑问建议,可联系QQ群客服进行反馈。\r\n食物语官方交流群:715572047\r\n\r\n《食物语》空桑管理司","msgTitle":"关于《健康系统》的说明"},{"msgOrder":0,"msgUrl":"","msgId":"122656","endTime":"1924948800","openId":"","contentType":0,"startTime":"1617796800","msgScene":"1","msgType":0,"msgContent":"亲爱的少主:\r\n\r\n为了维护空桑的公平秩序,同时保障少主利益和账号信息安全,我们郑重警示,由于第三方充值平台没有任何安全保障,容易产生以下风险:\r\n\r\n1、造成游戏账号及密码信息泄露,进而有机会导致游戏内金玉、魂芯、道具等财产遭受损失;\r\n2、第三方代充平台不受任何官方保护,如果发生扣费却充值不到账的问题,《食物语》官方不予处理,还请您自行向第三方充值平台进行售后维权。\r\n\r\n为了保障账号财产安全,强烈建议iOS少主使用苹果应用商店AppStore支付渠道进行充值,以免遭受不必要的损失。如果发现有少主使用第三方充值平台,我们也会采取相应的处罚措施,包括但不限于扣除代充获取的资源和金玉,严重者,可能会被封停游戏账号噢!\r\n\r\n感谢各位少主对《食物语》的支持和理解,绿色和谐的空桑环境,需要我们共同维护。\r\n\r\n《食物语》空桑管理司·敬上","msgTitle":"《食物语》禁止第三方代充公告"},{"msgOrder":0,"msgUrl":"","msgId":"122652","endTime":"1924952400","openId":"","contentType":0,"startTime":"1573736400","msgScene":"1","msgType":0,"msgContent":"近期有少主反馈,在某些平台有食物语拆包信息流出。管理司特此提示,拆解游戏包体获得未公布的数据和图片等内容是一种违法行为,对于游戏创作和发行本身亦有伤害。同时因近期部分少主反馈在食魂评论中出现了贬低食魂或CV等的内容,且部分玩家曾利用自制剧情来传播不当内容,为保障空桑的基本秩序、营造良好的游戏环境,管理司特制定本信息文明公约。\r\n\r\n本公约条款适用于食物语所有玩家,适用于所有发言形式,包括但不限于:游戏内评论、自制剧情、游戏外社区与玩家群发言等。每个食魂也是空桑少主心头的珍宝,空桑和谐友爱的环境和未来发展的无限可能需要大家共同维护。\r\n\r\n食物语游戏内及相关社群禁止发布和传播以下内容:\r\n(一)反党、反政府、反社会的言论或侮辱、诋毁党和国家的内容;\r\n(二)淫秽、色情信息或进行利用自制剧情进行淫秽、色情表演等内容; \r\n(三)涉及毒品、枪支弹药、管制刀具等违法、违禁品的内容;\r\n(四)宣扬赌博、邪教、封建迷信的内容;\r\n(五)暴力、血腥、凶杀、恐怖或教唆犯罪的内容;\r\n(六)恶意谩骂、侮辱、诽谤、侵犯他人合法权益、贬低食魂或CV等引战性质内容;\r\n(七)侵犯他人著作权、抄袭他人作品的内容;\r\n(八)传播或贩卖非法破解客户端获取信息的内容;\r\n(九)展示其他商业广告或其他垃圾营销信息;\r\n(十)其他法律、行政法规禁止的、或违反公序良俗的内容;\r\n\r\n食物语游戏内的玩家可使用“举报”功能对违规的内容进行举报。官方核实后会立即对违规行为进行处理。如果发现用户的举报是无效的恶意行为,官方也将进行相应的处理。\r\n对于涉嫌违法犯罪的内容,管理司将向公安机关提供相关内容和线索,并配合公安机关的调查。\r\n具体游戏内处罚策略请见:https:\/\/swy.qq.com\/web201902\/news\/news_detail.shtml?newsid=7911851\r\n\r\n营造和谐有爱的游戏环境,离不开管理司与少主的共同努力,让我们携起手来,共同打造绿色健康、文明积极的《食物语》空桑世界!\r\n\r\n《食物语》空桑管理司","msgTitle":"《食物语》信息文明公约"},{"msgOrder":0,"msgUrl":"","msgId":"122651","endTime":"1924945200","openId":"","contentType":0,"startTime":"1594983600","msgScene":"1","msgType":0,"msgContent":"近期收到部分少主反映,在聊天频道中收到不明身份的私聊骚扰,询问是否卖号等询问出售游戏账号等相关信息。\r\n管理司在此提醒少主,这类私聊交易信息多为不实内容,还请您谨慎判断,以防上当受骗,造成不必要的损失。\r\n如果您遇到此类情况,可以点击其头像通过【举报】投诉该账号,或保留截图向客服人员进行反馈,我们会对该账号进行核查及处理。\r\n\r\n如有任何疑问建议,可联系QQ群客服进行反馈。\r\n食物语官方交流群:866958543\r\n《食物语》空桑管理司","msgTitle":"有关游戏内账号交易等私聊骚扰的温馨提示"},{"msgOrder":0,"msgUrl":"","msgId":"119904","endTime":"1885636800","openId":"","startTime":"1567080000","msgScene":"1","msgType":0,"contentType":1,"picArray":[{"screenDir":2,"hashValue":"b3bbccbef72894726b1a8e24dcc33713","picPath":"\/private\/var\/mobile\/Containers\/Data\/Application\/C916B232-8951-413D-805D-DB22FDA731DB\/Library\/Caches\/MSDK\/Notice_119904_b3bbccbef72894726b1a8e24dcc33713.png"}]}] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/materials/noname.png isPreload:False refCount:7 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_laweihezheng_skill3_2_04.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/huanxing_002.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/m_sxtgy_yuan_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest 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path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_017.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_045.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/mask_026.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_402.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_021.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_017.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/scene_denglu_gf032.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/dengluye_chouguiyu/dengluye_chouguiyu.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/dengluye_chouguiyu/dengluye_chouguiyu_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:22][@logic/extensions/notice/view/NoticeImageCell.lua:0]:{onSetMo}imageUrl: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C916B232-8951-413D-805D-DB22FDA731DB/Library/Caches/MSDK/Notice_119904_b3bbccbef72894726b1a8e24dcc33713.png [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:23][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordChangeFpsTarget}=========self._helperInstace.recordChangeFpsTarget====== 30 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_laweihezheng_skill3_2_05.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/crack_003.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_other_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_other_024.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_064.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_014.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/wx_glow_30_wx.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_toucheffect.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:23][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:23][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{beginGetBtSessionId}registerNeedNameAuthListener [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:23][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{getWakeupMessage}getWakeupMessage: {} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:23][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTrace}priority@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView:0: LoginView:_reregisterListenerAndLogin; nil; nil stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTrace' logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView: in 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7:9:24][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTrace}priority@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView:0: [SDK登录]==<==返回; 0; 68_44Dgx7yAcZTBuYpMlrA3ydZ6bkfRs4b_cD_9N8jpyw8zZ1Asqk1TmyyEqjRd0SgtLWVAmzlp1H4GgOwmvQFWZd4iOQ1pBqKNBMAyP0_3pbw; 1685016717; wechat_wx-Test-iap-1001-wx-wx2282c66d8250ddf7-oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0; 9bd6e87610d873720820d68f6cbbd30a; oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0; 0; 1; 0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTrace' logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView: in function logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl: in function '' logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl: in function 'func' framework/native/NativeBridge: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{_msdkLoginListener}MSDK登录返回成功,看下参数======= 68_44Dgx7yAcZTBuYpMlrA3ydZ6bkfRs4b_cD_9N8jpyw8zZ1Asqk1TmyyEqjRd0SgtLWVAmzlp1H4GgOwmvQFWZd4iOQ1pBqKNBMAyP0_3pbw 1685016717 wechat_wx-Test-iap-1001-wx-wx2282c66d8250ddf7-oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0 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7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{sendMSDKGetServerListRequest}InitTdiroBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{sendMSDKGetServerListRequest}treeIdnil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{sendMSDKGetServerListRequest}finalTreeId4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent:0: Log info, currentBranchName:release/month-1, gGameConfigUrlType:Dis, isThisCheck:false, isGuest:0, targetServerOS:IOS, areaId:1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{getSDKType}获取包sdk类型 getSDKType = 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{getSimplefriends}http-获取同玩好友(部分)url===== https://login.swy.qq.com:40001/loadsimplefriends.jsp 调用native发送httpdns请求,参数: {"url":"https:\/\/login.swy.qq.com:40001\/loadsimplefriends.jsp","method":"GET","param":{"openId":"oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0","platId":0,"areaId":1,"accessToken":"68_44Dgx7yAcZTBuYpMlrA3ydZ6bkfRs4b_cD_9N8jpyw8zZ1Asqk1TmyyEqjRd0SgtLWVAmzlp1H4GgOwmvQFWZd4iOQ1pBqKNBMAyP0_3pbw"}} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{requestWithForm}-native 的HTTP请求 发送请求======================= param= {"url":"https:\/\/login.swy.qq.com:40001\/loadsimplefriends.jsp","method":"GET","param":{"openId":"oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0","platId":"0","areaId":"1","accessToken":"68_44Dgx7yAcZTBuYpMlrA3ydZ6bkfRs4b_cD_9N8jpyw8zZ1Asqk1TmyyEqjRd0SgtLWVAmzlp1H4GgOwmvQFWZd4iOQ1pBqKNBMAyP0_3pbw"}} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{_tryShowNameAuthMsgBox}tryShowNameAuthMsgBox 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{getWakeupMessage}getWakeupMessage: {} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/common/msdk/kingcard/Kingcard.lua:0]:{func}=========腾讯大王卡情况=====00000000000000000000000000000===== {"operator":-2,"product":0,"kingcard":0} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/floattipsitem.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/floattips.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24]QueryTree result: Success, 0, 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24]node,id:4node.ParentId:-1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24]node,id:401node.ParentId:4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24]node,id:402node.ParentId:4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/helper/LoginControllerHelper.lua:0]:{_buildServerMoByNode}leaf,id:401 url:1 flag:Unavailable tag:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24]ProgramVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/helper/LoginControllerHelper.lua:0]:{_buildServerMoByNode}TCL: log RoleInfos in this node, node id: 401 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/helper/LoginControllerHelper.lua:0]:{_logRoleInfo}TCL: roleInfo.LeafId, roleInfo.RoleName,roleInfo.RoleLevel,LastLoginTime,roleInfo.UserData 401 小怪兽 100 1684967495 {"portrait":11100284,"frame":11110265} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/helper/LoginControllerHelper.lua:0]:{_buildServerMoByNode}TCL: log final node, node id: 401 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/helper/LoginControllerHelper.lua:0]:{_logRoleInfo}TCL: roleInfo.LeafId, roleInfo.RoleName,roleInfo.RoleLevel,LastLoginTime,roleInfo.UserData 401 小怪兽 100 1684967495 {"portrait":11100284,"frame":11110265} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/helper/LoginControllerHelper.lua:0]:{_buildServerMoByNode}TCL: GameUtils.json.encode(info) {"level":100,"vipLevel":0,"id":401,"frame":11110265,"name":"小怪兽","portrait":11100284} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/helper/LoginControllerHelper.lua:0]:{_buildServerMoByNode}leaf,id:402 url:1 flag:Unavailable tag:Recommend [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24]ProgramVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/helper/LoginControllerHelper.lua:0]:{_buildServerMoByNode}TCL: log RoleInfos in this node, node id: 402 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/helper/LoginControllerHelper.lua:0]:{_logRoleInfo}TCL: roleInfo.LeafId, roleInfo.RoleName,roleInfo.RoleLevel,LastLoginTime,roleInfo.UserData 402 凌wx 5 1597906417 {"portrait":11100001,"frame":11110001} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/helper/LoginControllerHelper.lua:0]:{_logRoleInfo}TCL: roleInfo.LeafId, roleInfo.RoleName,roleInfo.RoleLevel,LastLoginTime,roleInfo.UserData 402 来打小怪兽 26 1673942313 {"portrait":11100001,"frame":11110001} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/helper/LoginControllerHelper.lua:0]:{_buildServerMoByNode}TCL: log final node, node id: 402 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/helper/LoginControllerHelper.lua:0]:{_logRoleInfo}TCL: roleInfo.LeafId, roleInfo.RoleName,roleInfo.RoleLevel,LastLoginTime,roleInfo.UserData 402 来打小怪兽 26 1673942313 {"portrait":11100001,"frame":11110001} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/extensions/login/helper/LoginControllerHelper.lua:0]:{_buildServerMoByNode}TCL: GameUtils.json.encode(info) {"level":26,"vipLevel":0,"id":402,"frame":11110001,"name":"来打小怪兽","portrait":11100001} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{getSDKType}获取包sdk类型 getSDKType = 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:24][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]ProgramVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]CurrentProgramVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]ProgramVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]CurrentProgramVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]LocalSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]PackageSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]CurrentSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:1,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.03333334 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 1 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:4,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.1333333 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 4 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:7,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.2333333 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 7 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:10,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.3333333 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 10 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:13,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.4333333 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 13 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:15,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 15 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{func}-native 的HTTP请求 返回结果======================= result= {"msgkey":"key_http_request","statusCode":200,"header":"{\"Content-Type\":\"application\\\/json;charset=utf-8\",\"Content-Length\":\"686\",\"Server\":\"Apache-Coyote\\\/1.1\",\"Date\":\"Wed, 24 May 2023 23:09:25 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{"friendInfos":[{"friendName":"Wenlong","openId":"oBI611GYe91fA8U0s9GAK2WYLrsc","pictureUrl":"https://wx.qlogo.cn/mmhead/O5IB5rptd1picRA1wo558UjhlKJD7pU71kiaLbnB2UAR4dmVtUhOBmCw"},{"friendName":"cisy","openId":"oBI611IiohY_3BS0g857NiKXzuLA","pictureUrl":"https://wx.qlogo.cn/mmhead/DmTSLTdleevQxj1haEiczJ7sGtVrsbQTibOXl1UDBicLVqg1ae438hdVA"},{"friendName":"树涛","openId":"oBI611IuxdOuMZrc502fE-ayqkjE","pictureUrl":"https://wx.qlogo.cn/mmhead/PiajxSqBRaEJF4X3zBcb2NlLl6vXk16sGJjLu9uqtxdjE3GqJ2lCwdg"},{"friendName":"大敏敏","openId":"oBI611OmLFcxafl38xkP2NvSUep4","pictureUrl":"https://wx.qlogo.cn/mmhead/Q3auHgzwzM44icBEibz3z1FPV6FTtuBCElMLyge8UoptDSC37ejBcTXg"}],"resultCode":0} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:18,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 18 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:21,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 21 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:24,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 24 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取程序版本信息,nowSize:27,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取程序版本信息 27 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]当前已是最新应用版本,应用版本更新结束,开始资源版本更新 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]ProgramVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]CurrentProgramVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]LocalSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]PackageSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]CurrentSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]ProgramVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]CurrentProgramVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]LocalSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]PackageSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]CurrentSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取资源版本信息,nowSize:2,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.06666667 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取资源版本信息 2 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取资源版本信息,nowSize:5,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.1666667 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取资源版本信息 5 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取资源版本信息,nowSize:7,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.2333333 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取资源版本信息 7 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取资源版本信息,nowSize:10,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.3333333 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取资源版本信息 10 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取资源版本信息,nowSize:13,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.4333333 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取资源版本信息 13 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取资源版本信息,nowSize:16,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.5333334 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取资源版本信息 16 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取资源版本信息,nowSize:18,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取资源版本信息 18 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with IIPSMobileVersionCallBack [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo,msg:获取资源版本信息,nowSize:21,totalSize:3000,isDownloading:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]progressValue:0.7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{closure}_onUpdateProgressInfo:msg, nowSize, totalSize, isDownloading: 获取资源版本信息 21 3000 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:25]OnUpdateProgressInfo with 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7:9:26][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{isNeedUpdateServerInfo}isNeedUpdateServerInfo,delta time1684969766 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{isNeedUpdateServerInfo}isNeedUpdateServerInfo,true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{getSDKType}获取包sdk类型 getSDKType = 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26]LocalSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26]PackageSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{getSDKType}获取包sdk类型 getSDKType = 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26]LocalSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26]PackageSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent:0: Log info, currentBranchName:release/month-1, gGameConfigUrlType:Dis, isThisCheck:false, isGuest:0, targetServerOS:IOS, areaId:1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{getSDKType}获取包sdk类型 getSDKType = 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{sendMSDKLoginAndStartRequest}http-腾讯专用web登陆url===== https://login.swy.qq.com:40001/login.jsp 调用native发送httpdns请求,参数: {"url":"https:\/\/login.swy.qq.com:40001\/login.jsp","method":"GET","param":{"openId":"oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0","isAppleId":"0","sysType":"1","platId":"0","isGuest":"0","btSessionId":"68_44Dgx7yAcZTBuYpMlrA3ydZ6bkfRs4b_cD_9N8jpyw8zZ1Asqk1TmyyEqjRd0SgtLWVAmzlp1H4GgOwmvQFWZd4iOQ1pBqKNBMAyP0_3pbw","areaId":"1","clientVersion":""}} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{requestWithForm}-native 的HTTP请求 发送请求======================= param= {"url":"https:\/\/login.swy.qq.com:40001\/login.jsp","method":"GET","param":{"openId":"oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0","isAppleId":"0","sysType":"1","platId":"0","isGuest":"0","btSessionId":"68_44Dgx7yAcZTBuYpMlrA3ydZ6bkfRs4b_cD_9N8jpyw8zZ1Asqk1TmyyEqjRd0SgtLWVAmzlp1H4GgOwmvQFWZd4iOQ1pBqKNBMAyP0_3pbw","areaId":"1","clientVersion":""}} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{func}-native 的HTTP请求 返回结果======================= result= {"msgkey":"key_http_request","statusCode":200,"header":"{\"Content-Type\":\"application\\\/json;charset=utf-8\",\"Content-Length\":\"194\",\"Server\":\"Apache-Coyote\\\/1.1\",\"Date\":\"Wed, 24 May 2023 23:09:26 GMT\"}","body":"{\"areaId\":4,\"isAdmin\":true,\"resultCode\":0,\"sessionId\":\"f83f4dfa-e3ec-406f-bc9b-f2eae7df6342\",\"userName\":\"1002_oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0\",\"zoneInfo\":{\"id\":401,\"name\":\"\",\"prefix\":\"\",\"state\":1}}","requestUrl":"https:\/\/login.swy.qq.com:40001\/login.jsp"} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{closure}http-腾讯专用web登陆返回数据========= {"areaId":4,"isAdmin":true,"resultCode":0,"sessionId":"f83f4dfa-e3ec-406f-bc9b-f2eae7df6342","userName":"1002_oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0","zoneInfo":{"id":401,"name":"","prefix":"","state":1}} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent:0: Log info, currentBranchName:release/month-1, gGameConfigUrlType:Dis, isThisCheck:false, isGuest:0, targetServerOS:IOS, areaId:1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@bootstrap/BootstrapHelper.lua:0]:{getSDKType}获取包sdk类型 getSDKType = 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{sendWebStartRequest}http-进入游戏url===== https://login.swy.qq.com:40001/startgame.jsp 调用native发送httpdns请求,参数: {"url":"https:\/\/login.swy.qq.com:40001\/startgame.jsp","method":"GET","param":{"pfKey":"9bd6e87610d873720820d68f6cbbd30a","pf":"wechat_wx-Test-iap-1001-wx-wx2282c66d8250ddf7-oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0","regChannel":"Test","installChannel":"1001","openKey":"68_44Dgx7yAcZTBuYpMlrA3ydZ6bkfRs4b_cD_9N8jpyw8zZ1Asqk1TmyyEqjRd0SgtLWVAmzlp1H4GgOwmvQFWZd4iOQ1pBqKNBMAyP0_3pbw","zoneId":401,"sessionId":"f83f4dfa-e3ec-406f-bc9b-f2eae7df6342","isIOSSimulator":"0"}} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{requestWithForm}-native 的HTTP请求 发送请求======================= param= {"url":"https:\/\/login.swy.qq.com:40001\/startgame.jsp","method":"GET","param":{"pfKey":"9bd6e87610d873720820d68f6cbbd30a","pf":"wechat_wx-Test-iap-1001-wx-wx2282c66d8250ddf7-oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0","regChannel":"Test","installChannel":"1001","openKey":"68_44Dgx7yAcZTBuYpMlrA3ydZ6bkfRs4b_cD_9N8jpyw8zZ1Asqk1TmyyEqjRd0SgtLWVAmzlp1H4GgOwmvQFWZd4iOQ1pBqKNBMAyP0_3pbw","zoneId":"401","sessionId":"f83f4dfa-e3ec-406f-bc9b-f2eae7df6342","isIOSSimulator":"0"}} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{func}-native 的HTTP请求 返回结果======================= result= {"msgkey":"key_http_request","statusCode":200,"header":"{\"Content-Type\":\"application\\\/json;charset=utf-8\",\"Content-Length\":\"90\",\"Server\":\"Apache-Coyote\\\/1.1\",\"Date\":\"Wed, 24 May 2023 23:09:26 GMT\"}","body":"{\"ip\":\"game.swy.qq.com\",\"isAdmin\":true,\"pid\":401005,\"port\":40105,\"resultCode\":0,\"state\":1}","requestUrl":"https:\/\/login.swy.qq.com:40001\/startgame.jsp"} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{closure}http-进入游戏返回数据========= {"ip":"game.swy.qq.com","isAdmin":true,"pid":401005,"port":40105,"resultCode":0,"state":1} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{tssSdkSetUserInfoEx}发送tsssdk的登录信息=========== 2 oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0 wx2282c66d8250ddf7 4 1002_oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@logic/extensions/login/view/LoginView.lua:0]:{_realonClickLogin}click login btn,ip=game.swy.qq.com,port=40105 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:26][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{sendSocketConnect}立即开始执行Socket连接服务器, ip=, port= game.swy.qq.com 40105 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27][@logic/common/sdk/SDKManager.lua:0]:{}===SDKManager.impl.queryHostByDomain param.ipv6 or param.ipv4 看看是啥==== [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27][@logic/common/sdk/SDKManager.lua:0]:{}===SDKManager.impl.queryHostByDomain resultIp====== [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27]==============link network is ipv4============ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27]1 status:Connecting [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27]1 Connect,ip=,port=40105,verson=0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{}看看刚调用执行Socket连接服务器的结果,此结果不代表连接结果,是表示有没有system socket还未回来,true表示 旧的 已经回来过,可以开始连接,, result= true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{}==============已经发出去了socket连接,等结果把 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27]1 AsyncConnectCallBack call by system,connectingVersion=0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27]1 AsyncConnectCallBack End:Status=Connecting,socket.Connected=True [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27]1 Same version,socket.Connected=True [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27]1 Do EndConnect [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27]1 Do EndConnect Done [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27]1 status:Connected [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27]1 ConnectSucc True [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{closure}===============执行Socket连接服务器完毕,看下结果吧:1, true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=-1,cmd=1,size=83 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=-1,cmd=1,status=0,size=18 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=9,status=0,size=18 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}data { id: 29 value: 1385 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SimplePropertyPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:27][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 20 9 || 0 SimplePropertyPush 0 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{getWakeupMessage}getWakeupMessage: {} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 20 10 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HasCreatePlayerRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=10,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=10,status=0,size=10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}hasCreatedPlayer: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HasCreatePlayerReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 20 10 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066328208893538 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HasCreatePlayerReply 2 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController.lua:0]:{removeListenerGetMSDKMyInfo}=========取消监听获取腾讯个人信息事件========= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController.lua:0]:{addListenerGetMSDKMyInfo}=========开始监听腾讯的获取个人信息回调========= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 22 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroInfoListRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 20 3 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=22,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetPlayerInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 8 1 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetHeroFormationListRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=3,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 23 1 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=8,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroCharacterInfoListRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 51 1 当前队列数量= 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = EquipInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=23,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 10 3 当前队列数量= 6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=51,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetItemListRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 31 1 当前队列数量= 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMainDungeonRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=10,cmd=3,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=31,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 20 33 当前队列数量= 8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetSvrFunctionBanRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 67 1 当前队列数量= 9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetSceneInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 11 3 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMidasCurrencyInfoAysnRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}openKey: 68_44Dgx7yAcZTBuYpMlrA3ydZ6bkfRs4b_cD_9N8jpyw8zZ1Asqk1TmyyEqjRd0SgtLWVAmzlp1H4GgOwmvQFWZd4iOQ1pBqKNBMAyP0_3pbw pf: wechat_wx-Test-iap-1001-wx-wx2282c66d8250ddf7-oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0 pfKey: 9bd6e87610d873720820d68f6cbbd30a [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=33,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=67,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=11,cmd=3,size=231 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=22,cmd=1,status=0,size=58359 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=3,status=0,size=2974 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=8,cmd=1,status=0,size=1956 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=23,cmd=1,status=0,size=10865 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=51,cmd=1,status=0,size=9743 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heros { heroId: 1769919871 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598113000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919869 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2075 baseAttr { hp: 1164 atk: 133 def: 157 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598113000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100076 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787390 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2086 baseAttr { hp: 1131 atk: 128 def: 114 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118876000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100086 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919857 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598080000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919854 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598080000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919852 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2078 baseAttr { hp: 1028 atk: 144 def: 96 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598080000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100071 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1776643062 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683767903279 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919849 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598080000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 122549076 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2031 baseAttr { hp: 7675 atk: 708 def: 720 critic: 190 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2770 atk: 75 def: 240 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 120 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1569325507000 rank: 4 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203104 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41203101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203103 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 1155575 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 2 skinId: 100033 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2770 atk: 75 def: 240 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 120 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2770 atk: 75 def: 240 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 120 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1527341331 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2134 baseAttr { hp: 1223 atk: 134 def: 139 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1653893286000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300024 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100146 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 806571529 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2092 baseAttr { hp: 3590 atk: 424 def: 372 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 931 atk: 54 def: 166 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1594288591000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 101349 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100096 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 931 atk: 54 def: 166 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 931 atk: 54 def: 166 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1667319675 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2072 baseAttr { hp: 1294 atk: 129 def: 141 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1671186207000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100089 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256909552 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2071 baseAttr { hp: 2612 atk: 228 def: 300 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622687551000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10164 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140210 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1667319674 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2144 baseAttr { hp: 2487 atk: 245 def: 267 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1671186199000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10080 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300023 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100156 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256909553 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622687551000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1667319677 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2091 baseAttr { hp: 1256 atk: 141 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1671186220000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100095 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160029 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1353123002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2065 baseAttr { hp: 2707 atk: 340 def: 259 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 90 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1631140442000 rank: 2 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 24024 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300039 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300027 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100077 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160002 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1667319678 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2077 baseAttr { hp: 1353 atk: 134 def: 114 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1671186232000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100070 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160028 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 19102466 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2013 baseAttr { hp: 1108 atk: 135 def: 101 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567555953000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41201300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300020 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100018 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787358 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118863000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 139170401 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2078 baseAttr { hp: 1028 atk: 144 def: 96 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1569772015000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100071 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1579542537 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2085 baseAttr { hp: 1122 atk: 127 def: 119 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660800917000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100080 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160026 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1042575880 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2066 baseAttr { hp: 3660 atk: 414 def: 397 critic: 117 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606398483000 rank: 2 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 102276 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100078 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 6 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 32553408 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567685917000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580167 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2150 baseAttr { hp: 1347 atk: 134 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752168 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41215000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300044 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300040 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100166 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580165 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2041 baseAttr { hp: 1142 atk: 108 def: 106 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752166 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41204100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100043 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580162 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2057 baseAttr { hp: 1265 atk: 113 def: 132 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752163 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100060 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580163 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2058 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 120 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752164 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41205800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205810 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100059 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1495992093 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2132 baseAttr { hp: 2572 atk: 241 def: 262 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1648797136000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10164 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100143 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580160 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744277 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580161 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 928 atk: 128 def: 99 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752161 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100041 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 929223002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2009 baseAttr { hp: 2655 atk: 233 def: 272 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1599089697000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41200900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9660 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100012 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580170 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 928 atk: 128 def: 99 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752171 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100041 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580168 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2023 baseAttr { hp: 1285 atk: 98 def: 115 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752169 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100025 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580169 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752170 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1403763092 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1637805520000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 173450768 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2005 baseAttr { hp: 1149 atk: 121 def: 130 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1570531499000 rank: 1 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41200500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100010 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1326385990 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2021 baseAttr { hp: 2112 atk: 293 def: 217 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1629946322000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41202100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10164 state: 5 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100015 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 16286900 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2037 baseAttr { hp: 3684 atk: 363 def: 347 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567521840000 rank: 2 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 101574 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100039 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256903866 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2119 baseAttr { hp: 2088 atk: 241 def: 239 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622685696000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41211907 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41211905 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41211906 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 10080 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 5 skinId: 140142 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1550020658 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1657639267000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1659193009 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1669856475000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 141141567 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2033 baseAttr { hp: 3438 atk: 363 def: 373 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1326 atk: 100 def: 145 critic: 18 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 8 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1569824735000 rank: 2 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41203307 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203308 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203309 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 101976 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140132 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1326 atk: 100 def: 145 critic: 18 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 8 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1326 atk: 100 def: 145 critic: 18 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 8 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1556865181 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2136 baseAttr { hp: 2242 atk: 266 def: 257 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 1000 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1658369122000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10164 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100148 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1768243004 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2110 baseAttr { hp: 1465 atk: 171 def: 169 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682527669000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41211000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 374 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140285 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1768243003 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2149 baseAttr { hp: 6227 atk: 739 def: 653 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 960 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1140 atk: 274 def: 239 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 19 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682526992000 rank: 4 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 780581 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100165 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1140 atk: 274 def: 239 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 19 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1845 atk: 251 def: 172 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 142 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1768243002 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2150 baseAttr { hp: 7041 atk: 704 def: 584 critic: 190 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 4520 atk: 200 def: 412 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 136 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682526972000 rank: 4 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41215000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 784003 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300044 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300040 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100166 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 4520 atk: 200 def: 412 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 136 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 4520 atk: 200 def: 412 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 136 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5039149 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2034 baseAttr { hp: 7884 atk: 668 def: 778 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 690 atk: 43 def: 86 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567478608000 rank: 5 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41203407 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203408 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203409 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1991453 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140241 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 690 atk: 43 def: 86 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 690 atk: 43 def: 86 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 690 atk: 43 def: 86 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 690 atk: 43 def: 86 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5039151 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2074 baseAttr { hp: 6060 atk: 507 def: 590 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567478608000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207404 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41207410 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207403 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 420853 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300024 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 2 skinId: 100068 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160023 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1728547171 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2121 baseAttr { hp: 1386 atk: 140 def: 103 critic: 120 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676011761000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100130 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1409263002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2089 baseAttr { hp: 1166 atk: 120 def: 130 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1638399948000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100091 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 937586058 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2007 baseAttr { hp: 7657 atk: 1073 def: 767 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2395 atk: 292 def: 224 critic: 339 critic_dmg: 154 dodge: 18 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1599556563000 rank: 5 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200707 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200708 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200709 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2531010 state: 385 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300023 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140237 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2395 atk: 292 def: 224 critic: 339 critic_dmg: 154 dodge: 18 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 4552 atk: 181 def: 310 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 96 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 700 atk: 69 def: 118 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2395 atk: 292 def: 224 critic: 339 critic_dmg: 154 dodge: 18 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 34 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1556865186 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1658369122000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 803130807 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2011 baseAttr { hp: 3250 atk: 384 def: 365 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1594261902000 rank: 2 luck: 2 sks { skillId: 41201107 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201108 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201106 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 102102 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 6 skinId: 140065 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160005 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1540127655 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2030 baseAttr { hp: 1243 atk: 118 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655952407000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41203000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100032 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1550020631 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2004 baseAttr { hp: 1252 atk: 138 def: 123 critic: 120 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1657639203000 rank: 1 luck: 2 sks { skillId: 41200400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300044 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100007 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1540127668 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2135 baseAttr { hp: 2900 atk: 249 def: 205 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655952423000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9438 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100147 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1550020635 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2060 baseAttr { hp: 1132 atk: 128 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1657639203000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140236 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1538069974 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655861211000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1242049140 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1620372829000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1196873002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2066 baseAttr { hp: 1228 atk: 136 def: 133 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1615414953000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100078 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 6 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5039153 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2001 baseAttr { hp: 7973 atk: 791 def: 837 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1146 atk: 41 def: 224 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567478608000 rank: 5 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41200107 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200108 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200109 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2273497 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300018 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140110 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1146 atk: 41 def: 224 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1146 atk: 41 def: 224 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1540127665 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2060 baseAttr { hp: 1132 atk: 128 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655952423000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140236 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5039154 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567478608000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 74123796 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2038 baseAttr { hp: 5535 atk: 730 def: 640 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 960 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1941 atk: 73 def: 273 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 11 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1568270658000 rank: 4 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41203807 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203808 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203809 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1037043 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140022 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1941 atk: 73 def: 273 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 11 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1941 atk: 73 def: 273 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 11 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256909933 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2120 baseAttr { hp: 3825 atk: 379 def: 452 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622687947000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 102066 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100125 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 59476231 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2022 baseAttr { hp: 3982 atk: 464 def: 376 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 80 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1568075268000 rank: 3 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41202207 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202208 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202209 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 367413 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140013 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1254799941 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2075 baseAttr { hp: 1164 atk: 133 def: 157 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622529094000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100076 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1123538534 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2044 baseAttr { hp: 1324 atk: 115 def: 114 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611801559000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41204400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 8 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300020 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100046 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 52174218 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2044 baseAttr { hp: 5796 atk: 454 def: 512 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 80 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567942458000 rank: 3 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41204407 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41204408 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41204409 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 420810 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300020 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140140 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 52174213 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2026 baseAttr { hp: 3633 atk: 546 def: 366 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 780 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567942443000 rank: 3 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41202607 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202608 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202609 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 420992 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 100028 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1254799957 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2085 baseAttr { hp: 1122 atk: 127 def: 119 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622529157000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100080 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160026 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813517 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1064406992 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2104 baseAttr { hp: 2187 atk: 242 def: 216 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606896346000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210407 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41210408 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41210406 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 9400 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 6 skinId: 140214 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160037 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813516 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813519 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813518 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2012 baseAttr { hp: 1160 atk: 122 def: 125 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41201200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100017 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1582457078 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660819892000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813513 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256909390 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622687364000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813512 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2095 baseAttr { hp: 1252 atk: 137 def: 124 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100109 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1162443744 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2084 baseAttr { hp: 9682 atk: 1073 def: 725 critic: 270 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2744 atk: 374 def: 303 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 181 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1613022530000 rank: 5 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208407 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41208408 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41208409 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2531010 state: 385 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300024 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140047 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2744 atk: 374 def: 303 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 181 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 4595 atk: 230 def: 461 critic: 134 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 25 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 5075 atk: 78 def: 299 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 224 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2744 atk: 374 def: 303 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 181 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1254799968 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2069 baseAttr { hp: 3276 atk: 377 def: 368 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1471 atk: 192 def: 155 critic: 124 critic_dmg: 92 dodge: 13 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622529188000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206907 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41206908 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41206909 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 102098 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140096 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1471 atk: 192 def: 155 critic: 124 critic_dmg: 92 dodge: 13 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1471 atk: 192 def: 155 critic: 124 critic_dmg: 92 dodge: 13 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5033214 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2012 baseAttr { hp: 4645 atk: 541 def: 508 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 780 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1046 atk: 41 def: 170 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567475140000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41201204 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41201205 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41201206 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 420744 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 4 skinId: 140219 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1046 atk: 41 def: 170 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1046 atk: 41 def: 170 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1762243005 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2148 baseAttr { hp: 1183 atk: 123 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1681340073000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100161 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1762243004 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1681340073000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1254799996 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2075 baseAttr { hp: 1164 atk: 133 def: 157 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622529224000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 32 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100076 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5033206 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2000 baseAttr { hp: 2424 atk: 233 def: 197 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567475122000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41200007 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200008 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200009 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 9291 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300001 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140042 quality: 4 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160016 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1220603002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2075 baseAttr { hp: 3451 atk: 401 def: 460 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1617834827000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207503 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 101340 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 1 skinId: 100076 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1579542682 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2138 baseAttr { hp: 1242 atk: 130 def: 186 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660801020000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 32 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100150 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580150 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2045 baseAttr { hp: 961 atk: 115 def: 94 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710381 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41204500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100105 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1473115405 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2097 baseAttr { hp: 3742 atk: 410 def: 330 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 4575 atk: 184 def: 128 critic: 75 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1645170009000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209703 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 97596 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 1 skinId: 100101 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 4575 atk: 184 def: 128 critic: 75 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 184 def: 128 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1403764074 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2095 baseAttr { hp: 1252 atk: 137 def: 124 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1637805774000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100109 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1467314612 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1644563824000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580148 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710379 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580149 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710380 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787445 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118895000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580146 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2023 baseAttr { hp: 1285 atk: 98 def: 115 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710377 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100025 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580147 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2041 baseAttr { hp: 1142 atk: 108 def: 106 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710378 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41204100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100043 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580144 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2018 baseAttr { hp: 979 atk: 121 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710375 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41201800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100021 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580159 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 928 atk: 128 def: 99 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744276 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100041 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1473115399 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1645170009000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580157 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2036 baseAttr { hp: 913 atk: 115 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744274 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100038 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787453 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2147 baseAttr { hp: 3053 atk: 388 def: 408 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 536 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2474 atk: 163 def: 196 critic: 23 critic_dmg: 110 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118895000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 64840 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100159 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2474 atk: 163 def: 196 critic: 23 critic_dmg: 110 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2474 atk: 163 def: 196 critic: 23 critic_dmg: 110 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580154 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2079 baseAttr { hp: 1228 atk: 108 def: 93 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744271 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300001 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100072 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787451 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2057 baseAttr { hp: 1265 atk: 113 def: 132 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118895000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100060 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580155 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744272 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580152 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2050 baseAttr { hp: 1284 atk: 120 def: 106 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744269 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41205000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100055 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580153 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2024 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 122 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744270 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100026 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580130 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2063 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 126 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683360326328 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300018 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100104 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1495119816 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1648695137000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580131 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683360326329 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1471753583 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1644892493000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580142 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2064 baseAttr { hp: 1212 atk: 99 def: 122 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710373 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100097 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580143 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710374 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5035157 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2040 baseAttr { hp: 7067 atk: 883 def: 801 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476915000 rank: 5 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41204007 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41204008 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41204009 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1918926 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140036 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 5185 atk: 126 def: 262 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 224 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580141 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2024 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 122 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710371 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100026 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1448163468 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2010 baseAttr { hp: 1299 atk: 134 def: 124 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1643388458000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41201000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100016 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5035153 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2006 baseAttr { hp: 2058 atk: 187 def: 166 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476915000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 2310 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140187 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5035154 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2056 baseAttr { hp: 2346 atk: 230 def: 220 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476915000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9403 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100057 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1732380060 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676722480000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5035155 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2003 baseAttr { hp: 3762 atk: 402 def: 384 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 80 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476915000 rank: 3 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200307 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200308 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200309 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 228012 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 100009 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160015 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1732380061 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676722480000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1556865069 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2104 baseAttr { hp: 1148 atk: 127 def: 113 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1658369096000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100111 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160037 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 638844155 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2020 baseAttr { hp: 1137 atk: 123 def: 127 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1586827866000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100014 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787422 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2085 baseAttr { hp: 1122 atk: 127 def: 119 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118888000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100080 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160026 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787423 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118888000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580124 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2055 baseAttr { hp: 956 atk: 110 def: 108 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683360326322 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100058 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787420 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118888000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580125 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2023 baseAttr { hp: 1285 atk: 98 def: 115 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683360326323 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100025 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 871601438 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2086 baseAttr { hp: 1131 atk: 128 def: 114 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1597286229000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100086 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580123 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683360326321 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919888 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2131 baseAttr { hp: 1182 atk: 127 def: 107 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100142 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919889 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919886 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919887 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2079 baseAttr { hp: 1228 atk: 108 def: 93 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300001 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100072 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1210233043 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2059 baseAttr { hp: 1225 atk: 118 def: 124 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1616838595000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41205900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205910 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100073 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1148133020 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2016 baseAttr { hp: 6753 atk: 975 def: 645 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2180 atk: 246 def: 180 critic: 64 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1612399918000 rank: 5 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41201607 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201608 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201609 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1999911 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140188 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2180 atk: 246 def: 180 critic: 64 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2180 atk: 246 def: 180 critic: 64 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1688445520 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2145 baseAttr { hp: 3997 atk: 340 def: 507 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1673494051000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 82320 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100157 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919882 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919883 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919880 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919877 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2127 baseAttr { hp: 1276 atk: 112 def: 132 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598113000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100137 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787405 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118882000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919873 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2015 baseAttr { hp: 1259 atk: 123 def: 102 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598113000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41201500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100004 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1630110761 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2123 baseAttr { hp: 9588 atk: 784 def: 998 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1560 atk: 160 def: 248 critic: 40 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 96 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1665098886000 rank: 5 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212304 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41212301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212303 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 1959564 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 2 skinId: 100132 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1560 atk: 160 def: 248 critic: 40 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 96 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1560 atk: 160 def: 248 critic: 40 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 96 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5033293 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2002 baseAttr { hp: 5658 atk: 641 def: 538 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 960 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2110 atk: 128 def: 304 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 29 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567475298000 rank: 4 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41200207 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200208 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200209 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 995811 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140189 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2110 atk: 128 def: 304 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 29 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 80 def: 304 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 29 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1691086285 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2127 baseAttr { hp: 1276 atk: 112 def: 132 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1673516977000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100137 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188332 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538207000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188334 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538207000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1733974603 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676882489000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 871601894 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2052 baseAttr { hp: 10610 atk: 843 def: 920 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 5415 atk: 167 def: 511 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 170 hit: 0 } createTime: 1597286285000 rank: 5 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41205207 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41205208 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41205206 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 2531010 state: 273 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300027 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 6 skinId: 140029 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 5415 atk: 167 def: 511 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 170 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 5415 atk: 276 def: 336 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 33 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 5415 atk: 167 def: 511 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 170 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 40 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160033 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1733974595 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676882478000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1733974599 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2006 baseAttr { hp: 1310 atk: 119 def: 106 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676882489000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100008 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636547732 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2028 baseAttr { hp: 1404 atk: 125 def: 131 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666232635000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300025 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140261 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1714072328 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2052 baseAttr { hp: 1506 atk: 121 def: 126 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1674833049000 rank: 1 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41205200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300027 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100054 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 40 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160033 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1477135150 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1645692038000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1650945359 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2027 baseAttr { hp: 1150 atk: 119 def: 136 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1668650672000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300022 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100029 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 948151721 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2060 baseAttr { hp: 1132 atk: 128 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1600308404000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140236 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188300 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538194000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188303 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2148 baseAttr { hp: 1183 atk: 123 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538194000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100161 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1326386238 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1629946386000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1121775078 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2106 baseAttr { hp: 1347 atk: 129 def: 164 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611799551000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300027 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100116 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 803129502 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2064 baseAttr { hp: 2310 atk: 190 def: 233 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1594261739000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10080 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100097 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1738511581 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677654657000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 253111388 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2051 baseAttr { hp: 2369 atk: 225 def: 230 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1573201419000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41205100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10080 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300038 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300022 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100049 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1403765991 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2125 baseAttr { hp: 2275 atk: 262 def: 262 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1637805975000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212511 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9576 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100134 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1574223002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2138 baseAttr { hp: 5098 atk: 516 def: 733 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1718 atk: 119 def: 466 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 25 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 96 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660759696000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 336824 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100150 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1718 atk: 119 def: 466 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 25 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 96 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 5835 atk: 136 def: 176 critic: 107 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1718 atk: 119 def: 466 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 25 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 96 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 253111385 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2017 baseAttr { hp: 8412 atk: 976 def: 842 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 240 def: 233 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1573201419000 rank: 5 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41201707 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201705 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41201706 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 2531010 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 5 skinId: 140021 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 240 def: 233 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 4595 atk: 240 def: 233 critic: 75 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1574223003 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2139 baseAttr { hp: 3615 atk: 421 def: 366 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1628 atk: 40 def: 123 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660759713000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 102052 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300044 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300041 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100151 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1628 atk: 40 def: 123 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1628 atk: 40 def: 123 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 72174877 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2043 baseAttr { hp: 7162 atk: 694 def: 715 critic: 190 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2741 atk: 99 def: 391 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 17 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1568236422000 rank: 4 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41204304 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41204301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204303 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 1155749 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 2 skinId: 100045 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2741 atk: 99 def: 391 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 17 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 770 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 770 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2741 atk: 99 def: 391 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 17 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 8 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1471082748 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2128 baseAttr { hp: 5428 atk: 507 def: 379 critic: 151 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1645084516000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 180416 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300027 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100138 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1800 atk: 179 def: 126 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 670426281 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2035 baseAttr { hp: 6041 atk: 593 def: 717 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1588212444000 rank: 4 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203507 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203508 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203509 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1156121 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140038 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1650945850 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2143 baseAttr { hp: 2930 atk: 265 def: 232 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 616 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1668650743000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9400 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100155 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1100371703 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2076 baseAttr { hp: 7025 atk: 1074 def: 902 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 3168 atk: 506 def: 435 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 638 dodge: 33 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1609730843000 rank: 5 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207607 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41207608 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41207609 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2531010 state: 385 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140121 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 3168 atk: 506 def: 435 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 638 dodge: 33 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 3956 atk: 397 def: 452 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 136 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 920 atk: 66 def: 107 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 3168 atk: 506 def: 435 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 638 dodge: 33 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 30 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 727488574 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2090 baseAttr { hp: 2035 atk: 240 def: 255 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1590717936000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209007 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41209008 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41209009 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 10080 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140155 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1353955280 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2048 baseAttr { hp: 2472 atk: 267 def: 207 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1631153365000 rank: 1 luck: 2 sks { skillId: 41204800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10164 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100053 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1733974591 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676882478000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1733974589 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2006 baseAttr { hp: 1310 atk: 119 def: 106 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676882478000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100008 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1235910338 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2102 baseAttr { hp: 1132 atk: 125 def: 123 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1619711717000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100113 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1688445385 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2005 baseAttr { hp: 1149 atk: 121 def: 130 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1673493999000 rank: 1 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41200500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100010 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1723400150 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2021 baseAttr { hp: 1109 atk: 153 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1675501645000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41202100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100015 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1752272129 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679754235000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188241 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2079 baseAttr { hp: 1228 atk: 108 def: 93 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538177000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300001 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100072 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188242 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2148 baseAttr { hp: 1183 atk: 123 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538177000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100161 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188245 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538177000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1471082715 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2077 baseAttr { hp: 1675 atk: 166 def: 141 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1645084422000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 400 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100070 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160028 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188244 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538177000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1100371683 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2053 baseAttr { hp: 1121 atk: 128 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1609730766000 rank: 1 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41205300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100082 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1531953207 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1654510469000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 803129509 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2091 baseAttr { hp: 5160 atk: 600 def: 460 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 780 dodge: 80 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1318 atk: 54 def: 192 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1594261739000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 421061 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100095 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1318 atk: 54 def: 192 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1318 atk: 54 def: 192 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160029 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 835915439 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2098 baseAttr { hp: 1156 atk: 128 def: 109 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1595573917000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100099 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1326386289 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2121 baseAttr { hp: 5175 atk: 577 def: 400 critic: 165 critic_dmg: 780 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2636 atk: 223 def: 203 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 152 dodge: 20 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1629946402000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 318280 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140233 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2636 atk: 223 def: 203 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 152 dodge: 20 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2636 atk: 223 def: 203 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 152 dodge: 20 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1420401111 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1640432915000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 38051270 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2050 baseAttr { hp: 3745 atk: 370 def: 313 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567775265000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41205000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 101654 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100055 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 281428802 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2030 baseAttr { hp: 2132 atk: 203 def: 207 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1574425888000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41203000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 5040 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100032 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636549646 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2063 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 126 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666235685000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300018 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100104 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636549658 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666235780000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1765604009 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1681965088000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1437580302 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1643077721000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1716870647 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2109 baseAttr { hp: 1278 atk: 138 def: 116 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1675006799000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300041 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100120 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1123537759 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611801452000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1650944973 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2142 baseAttr { hp: 2765 atk: 237 def: 350 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1668650626000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9893 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100154 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636549669 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666235813000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 643109371 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2087 baseAttr { hp: 2512 atk: 262 def: 212 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1587002830000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10080 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100087 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636549689 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2063 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 126 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666235843000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300018 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100104 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256904537 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622685773000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 213752581 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2015 baseAttr { hp: 6087 atk: 703 def: 519 critic: 190 critic_dmg: 960 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2145 atk: 181 def: 126 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 142 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1571972302000 rank: 4 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41201507 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201505 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41201506 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 918229 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 5 skinId: 140054 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2145 atk: 181 def: 126 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 142 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 131 def: 126 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636549682 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2114 baseAttr { hp: 1284 atk: 136 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 560 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666235843000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41211400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100153 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256909654 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2119 baseAttr { hp: 1096 atk: 127 def: 125 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622687624000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41211900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100124 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1488373003 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2074 baseAttr { hp: 1433 atk: 121 def: 139 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1647471692000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207410 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 4 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300024 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100068 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160023 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1651257810 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1668675125000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5033867 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 1060 atk: 146 def: 113 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476074000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 222 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140168 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1696416474 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2146 baseAttr { hp: 3958 atk: 358 def: 472 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 890 atk: 40 def: 262 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 83 effect_resist: 64 hit: 0 } createTime: 1673746103000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 101624 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300023 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100158 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 890 atk: 40 def: 262 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 83 effect_resist: 64 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 890 atk: 40 def: 262 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 83 effect_resist: 64 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1776586286 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2025 baseAttr { hp: 978 atk: 109 def: 107 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683944138595 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100027 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160035 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1353955192 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2094 baseAttr { hp: 1130 atk: 124 def: 125 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1631153333000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 5 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100108 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1744083003 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678315629000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188403 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2057 baseAttr { hp: 1265 atk: 113 def: 132 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100060 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188405 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188404 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188407 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2148 baseAttr { hp: 1183 atk: 123 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100161 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188406 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2113 baseAttr { hp: 6148 atk: 492 def: 509 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 80 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 168 def: 165 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41211300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 413972 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300023 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100162 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 168 def: 165 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 168 def: 165 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1631604887 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2063 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 126 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1665199937000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300018 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100104 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5985667 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2035 baseAttr { hp: 1816 atk: 225 def: 226 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567481000000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9600 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100037 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188410 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5985670 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2027 baseAttr { hp: 6705 atk: 570 def: 767 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1649 atk: 135 def: 180 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567481000000 rank: 4 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202707 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202705 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41202706 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 962624 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300022 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 5 skinId: 140133 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1649 atk: 135 def: 180 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1649 atk: 135 def: 180 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5034899 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2008 baseAttr { hp: 5567 atk: 567 def: 609 critic: 190 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1570 atk: 185 def: 208 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476776000 rank: 4 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41200807 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200808 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200809 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1100771 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1570 atk: 185 def: 208 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1570 atk: 185 def: 208 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160039 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1775084075 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2036 baseAttr { hp: 913 atk: 115 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683434154182 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100038 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188362 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2148 baseAttr { hp: 1183 atk: 123 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538219000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100161 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188365 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538219000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1123538202 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2020 baseAttr { hp: 3499 atk: 357 def: 390 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611801510000 rank: 2 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202007 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202005 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41202006 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 102010 state: 5 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 5 skinId: 140141 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1536287871 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655458054000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1123538200 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2032 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 134 def: 136 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611801510000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300023 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100034 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188368 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538219000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1736907892 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2013 baseAttr { hp: 1108 atk: 135 def: 101 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677205039000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41201300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300020 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100018 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 643108768 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2057 baseAttr { hp: 1265 atk: 113 def: 132 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1587002775000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100060 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1465217186 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2014 baseAttr { hp: 1127 atk: 143 def: 137 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1644480615000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41201400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 5 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100020 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1353957188 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2096 baseAttr { hp: 9380 atk: 1001 def: 960 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 5175 atk: 125 def: 260 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 224 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1631154578000 rank: 5 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209607 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41209608 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41209609 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2531010 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140069 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 5175 atk: 125 def: 260 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 224 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 948152187 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2062 baseAttr { hp: 4646 atk: 549 def: 463 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 780 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1600308447000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 276276 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100103 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1421582657 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1640769485000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroInfoListReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 22 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.2666747495532 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 HeroInfoListReply 3 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=10,cmd=3,status=0,size=18838 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}playerInfo { userId: 273900 name: 小怪兽 gender: 1 portrait: 11100284 exp: 1797473 signature: chefTitle: 0 roleNum: 120 heroRate: 82.2 dungeonCount: 8094 longWarCount: 3554 serialLoginDays: 2 totalLoginDays: 801 heroCharCover: 2150 frame: 11110265 touchCountLeft: 0 registerTime: 1567475037 lastLogoutTime: 1684933651 birthday: 10-10 pvpScore: 1541 pvpFightCount: 770 usingSkinId: 110113 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 characterCover { heroCharCover: 2150 lastUpdateTime: 1682528931 autoChangeDaily: false } isReturn: false mentorRoleId: 1 worldLevel: 100 settingInfos { settingId: 1 isOpen: false } settingInfos { settingId: 2 isOpen: true } bondCardAtlasLevel: 19 bondCardAtlasCover: 0 chatBubbleId: 11640005 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 2 count: 56523478 lastRecoverTime: 1567475028000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 3 count: 125448 lastRecoverTime: 1567475028000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 4 count: 4272 lastRecoverTime: 1684969728000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 5 count: 3338 lastRecoverTime: 1567475028000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 6 count: 80533 lastRecoverTime: 1567475028000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 7 count: 117730 lastRecoverTime: 1567475028000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 8 count: 91795 lastRecoverTime: 1567475028000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 9 count: 500 lastRecoverTime: 1567475028000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 10 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1567475028000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 11 count: 848 lastRecoverTime: 1567475028000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 12 count: 11869 lastRecoverTime: 1567475028000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 13 count: 730 lastRecoverTime: 1571970362000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 14 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1575104903000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 15 count: 3 lastRecoverTime: 1585899983000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 1685048400000 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 16 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1585899983000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 21 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1585899983000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 22 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1588208336000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 23 count: 570 lastRecoverTime: 1588208336000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 24 count: 250 lastRecoverTime: 1590022781000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 25 count: 1 lastRecoverTime: 1594258241000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 1685048400000 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 26 count: 1094 lastRecoverTime: 1594258241000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 27 count: 8868 lastRecoverTime: 1596064840000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 29 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1677115221000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 30 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1600306726000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 31 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1606333625000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 32 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1677115221000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 33 count: 9 lastRecoverTime: 1607581476000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 34 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1677115221000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 35 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1677115221000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 37 count: 9 lastRecoverTime: 1684945802000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 38 count: 1911 lastRecoverTime: 1640190602000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 39 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1677115221000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 40 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1677115221000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 42 count: 0 lastRecoverTime: 1673486315000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 43 count: 300 lastRecoverTime: 1676011396000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } currencyInfo { currencyId: 45 count: 600 lastRecoverTime: 1684362980026 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } simplePropertyList { id: 4 value: 300 } simplePropertyList { id: 11 value: 295 } simplePropertyList { id: 25 value: 10001 } simplePropertyList { id: 29 value: 1385 } guideInfo { guideId: 1 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 2 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 3 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 4 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 5 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 6 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 9 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 10 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 11 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 13 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 14 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 15 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 16 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 17 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 18 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 19 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 20 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 21 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 22 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 23 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 24 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 25 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 26 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 27 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 28 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 29 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 31 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 32 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 33 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 34 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 35 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 36 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 37 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 38 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 39 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 40 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 41 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 42 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 43 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 44 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 45 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 46 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 47 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 48 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 49 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 50 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 51 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 52 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 53 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 54 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 56 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 57 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 58 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 59 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 60 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 61 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 62 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 63 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 64 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 65 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 66 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 67 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 68 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 69 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 70 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 71 stepId: -1 } guideInfo { guideId: 77 stepId: -1 } openInfo { id: 1 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 2 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 3 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 4 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 5 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 6 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 7 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 8 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 9 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 10 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 11 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 12 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 13 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 14 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 15 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 16 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 17 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 18 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 19 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 20 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 21 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 22 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 23 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 24 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 25 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 27 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 28 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 29 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 30 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 31 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 32 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 33 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 34 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 35 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 36 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 37 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 38 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 40 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 41 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 42 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 43 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 44 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 45 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 46 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 47 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 48 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 49 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 50 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 51 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 307 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 52 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 53 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 54 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 55 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 56 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 57 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 58 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 59 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 60 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 61 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 62 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 63 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 64 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 65 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 66 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 67 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 68 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 69 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 70 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 71 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 72 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 73 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 74 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 77 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 78 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 80 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 81 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 82 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 83 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 85 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 86 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 87 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 88 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 89 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 90 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 91 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 92 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 94 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 95 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 96 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 97 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 98 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 99 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 100 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 101 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 102 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 103 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 104 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 105 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 106 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 107 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 110 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 111 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 112 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 113 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 114 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 115 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 116 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 117 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 119 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 120 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 123 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 125 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 127 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 128 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 129 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 130 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 132 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 133 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 134 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 137 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 138 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 139 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 140 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 141 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 142 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 143 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 145 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 146 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 147 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 148 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 149 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 150 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 151 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 152 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 153 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 154 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 155 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 156 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 157 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 158 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 159 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 160 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 161 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 162 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 163 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 164 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 165 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 166 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 167 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 168 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 169 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 170 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 171 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 172 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 173 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 174 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 175 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 176 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 177 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 178 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 179 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 180 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 181 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 182 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 183 isOpen: false } openInfo { id: 184 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 185 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 186 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 187 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 188 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 189 isOpen: true } openInfo { id: 190 isOpen: true } runHouseHeroUniqueIds: 1256909552 runHouseHeroUniqueIds: 803130807 runHouseHeroUniqueIds: 1064406992 runHouseHeroUniqueIds: 643109371 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetPlayerInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 20 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.38203174620867 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 8 || 0 GetPlayerInfoReply 4 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/user/agent/UserAgent.lua:0]:{sendSDkPlayerSensorsTrack}发送sdk需要的统计, {"loginTime":"2023-05-25 07:09:47","roleExp":1797473,"serverId":"401","registerTime":1567475037,"lastLogoutTime":"2023-05-24 21:07:31","roleId":"273900","roleCTime":1567475037,"type":2,"roleName":"小怪兽","serverName":"且试五味","roleLevel":100} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 21 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 22 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 23 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 24 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 27 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 29 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 31 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 32 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 33 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 34 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 35 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}passedCount = 23965 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 38 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 39 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 40 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 42 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 43 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 45 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1002 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEPowerFull}removepush id 1002 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1003 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 11 : 30 的推送 推送ID为 1003 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1004 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 17 : 30 的推送 推送ID为 1004 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1005 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setExploreFinish}removepush id 1005 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1006 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setCookFinish}removepush id 1006 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1007 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 8 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1007 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1008 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 12 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1008 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1009 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 16 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1009 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1010 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 20 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1010 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1011 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 3 的 8 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1011 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1012 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 5 的 16 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1012 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1013 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 0 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1013 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1014 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1015 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1016 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 7 的 0 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1016 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1017 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 0 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1017 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1018 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 2 的 0 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1018 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1019 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 20 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1019 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1020 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 7 的 12 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1020 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1021 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 12 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1021 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1022 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1023 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1024 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1025 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1026 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1027 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1028 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1029 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1030 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1031 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1032 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1033 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1034 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1035 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1036 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1037 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1038 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1039 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1040 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1042 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1043 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1044 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1045 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1046 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1047 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1048 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1049 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1050 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1051 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1052 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1053 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1054 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1055 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1056 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1057 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1058 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1059 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1060 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1061 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1062 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1063 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1064 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1065 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1066 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1067 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1068 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1069 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1070 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1071 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1072 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1073 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1074 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1075 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1076 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1077 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1078 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1079 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1080 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1081 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1082 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=31,cmd=1,status=0,size=9107 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1083 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=33,status=0,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1084 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=67,cmd=1,status=0,size=28 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=3,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1085 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=35,cmd=5,status=0,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1086 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=4,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1087 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1088 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1089 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1090 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1091 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1092 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1093 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1094 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1095 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1096 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1097 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1098 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1099 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1100 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1101 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1102 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1103 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1104 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1105 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1106 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1107 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1108 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1109 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1110 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1111 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1112 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1113 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1114 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1115 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1116 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1117 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1118 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1119 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1120 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1121 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1122 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1123 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1124 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1125 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1126 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1127 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1128 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1129 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1130 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1131 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1132 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1133 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1134 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1135 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1136 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1137 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1138 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1139 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1140 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1141 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1142 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1143 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1144 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1145 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1146 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1147 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1148 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1149 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1150 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1151 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1152 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1153 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1154 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1155 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1156 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1157 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1158 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1159 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1160 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1161 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1162 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1163 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1164 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1165 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1166 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1167 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1168 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1169 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1170 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1171 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1172 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1173 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1174 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1175 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1176 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1177 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1178 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1179 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1180 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1181 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1182 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1183 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1184 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1185 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1186 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1187 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1188 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1189 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1190 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1191 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1192 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1193 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1194 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1195 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1196 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1197 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]ProgramVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]ProgramVersion: [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/msdk/pandora/PandoraService.lua:0]:{setNormalInfo}sAppId: 1107043530 sRoleId: 273900 sAcountType: wx sOpenId: oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0 sAccessToken: 68_44Dgx7yAcZTBuYpMlrA3ydZ6bkfRs4b_cD_9N8jpyw8zZ1Asqk1TmyyEqjRd0SgtLWVAmzlp1H4GgOwmvQFWZd4iOQ1pBqKNBMAyP0_3pbw sArea 4 sPartition: 401 sPayToken: 68_44Dgx7yAcZTBuYpMlrA3ydZ6bkfRs4b_cD_9N8jpyw8zZ1Asqk1TmyyEqjRd0SgtLWVAmzlp1H4GgOwmvQFWZd4iOQ1pBqKNBMAyP0_3pbw sGameVer: sPlatID: 0 sChannelId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}formationInfoList { formationId: 1 formationHeros { index: 0 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 equipUniqueIds: 1194020764 equipUniqueIds: 1787838584 equipUniqueIds: 1984763687 } formationHeros { index: 1 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 937586058 equipUniqueIds: 2604010754 equipUniqueIds: 2612497206 equipUniqueIds: 2612497213 } formationHeros { index: 2 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 equipUniqueIds: 30252107 equipUniqueIds: 2612497208 equipUniqueIds: 6192517 } formationHeros { index: 3 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1353957188 equipUniqueIds: 2604010759 equipUniqueIds: 1012841653 equipUniqueIds: 2564349851 } state: 1 name: 一 typeId: 1 seq: 1 } formationInfoList { formationId: 2 formationHeros { index: 0 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 equipUniqueIds: 1984763687 equipUniqueIds: 1194020764 equipUniqueIds: 1787838584 } formationHeros { index: 1 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 937586058 equipUniqueIds: 2604010754 equipUniqueIds: 2612497206 equipUniqueIds: 2612497213 } formationHeros { index: 2 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5033293 equipUniqueIds: 1894005365 equipUniqueIds: 1179460756 equipUniqueIds: 137527497 } formationHeros { index: 3 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 equipUniqueIds: 30252107 equipUniqueIds: 16632122 equipUniqueIds: 6192517 } state: 1 name: 毒队 typeId: 1 seq: 2 } formationInfoList { formationId: 3 formationHeros { index: 0 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1353957188 equipUniqueIds: 2604010759 equipUniqueIds: 1012841653 equipUniqueIds: 2564349851 } formationHeros { index: 1 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1148133020 equipUniqueIds: 2360083381 equipUniqueIds: 1155825926 equipUniqueIds: 1899650754 } formationHeros { index: 2 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1630110761 equipUniqueIds: 2128650759 equipUniqueIds: 2128650751 equipUniqueIds: 1044050768 } formationHeros { index: 3 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5039149 } state: 1 name: 三 typeId: 1 seq: 3 } formationInfoList { formationId: 4 formationHeros { index: 0 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1768243002 equipUniqueIds: 848133825 equipUniqueIds: 1873972199 equipUniqueIds: 1155879334 } formationHeros { index: 1 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 equipUniqueIds: 2612497207 equipUniqueIds: 2612497217 equipUniqueIds: 2604010751 } formationHeros { index: 2 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 937586058 equipUniqueIds: 2604010754 equipUniqueIds: 2612497206 equipUniqueIds: 2612497213 } formationHeros { index: 3 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5039149 } state: 1 name: 四 typeId: 1 seq: 4 } formationInfoList { formationId: 5 formationHeros { index: 0 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 equipUniqueIds: 30252107 equipUniqueIds: 16632122 equipUniqueIds: 6192517 } formationHeros { index: 1 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 equipUniqueIds: 1194020764 equipUniqueIds: 1787838584 equipUniqueIds: 1984763687 } formationHeros { index: 2 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 937586058 equipUniqueIds: 1335395694 equipUniqueIds: 1155879334 equipUniqueIds: 1899650751 } formationHeros { index: 3 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5039149 equipUniqueIds: 1389896547 } state: 1 name: 困难本 typeId: 1 seq: 5 } formationInfoList { formationId: 6 formationHeros { index: 0 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1650944973 } formationHeros { index: 1 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1650945850 } formationHeros { index: 2 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1636549682 } formationHeros { index: 3 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1574223003 equipUniqueIds: 1192830380 } state: 1 name: 队伍六 typeId: 1 seq: 6 } formationInfoList { formationId: 7 formationHeros { index: 0 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1448163468 } formationHeros { index: 1 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1550020631 } state: 1 name: 队伍七 typeId: 1 seq: 7 } formationInfoList { formationId: 8 state: 1 name: 队伍八 typeId: 1 seq: 8 } formationInfoList { formationId: 9 state: 1 name: 队伍九 typeId: 1 seq: 9 } formationInfoList { formationId: 10 state: 1 name: 队伍十 typeId: 1 seq: 10 } formationInfoList { formationId: 11 state: 1 name: 队伍十一 typeId: 1 seq: 11 } formationInfoList { formationId: 12 state: 1 name: 队伍十二 typeId: 1 seq: 12 } formationInfoList { formationId: 13 state: 1 name: 队伍十三 typeId: 1 seq: 13 } formationInfoList { formationId: 14 state: 1 name: 队伍十四 typeId: 1 seq: 14 } formationInfoList { formationId: 15 state: 1 name: 队伍十五 typeId: 1 seq: 15 } formationInfoList { formationId: 16 state: 1 name: 队伍十六 typeId: 1 seq: 16 } formationInfoList { formationId: 17 state: 1 name: 队伍十七 typeId: 1 seq: 17 } formationInfoList { formationId: 18 state: 1 name: 队伍十八 typeId: 1 seq: 18 } formationInfoList { formationId: 19 state: 1 name: 队伍十九 typeId: 1 seq: 19 } formationInfoList { formationId: 20 state: 1 name: 队伍二十 typeId: 1 seq: 20 } formationInfoList { formationId: 21 state: 1 name: 二十一 typeId: 1 seq: 21 } formationInfoList { formationId: 22 state: 1 name: 二十二 typeId: 1 seq: 22 } formationInfoList { formationId: 23 state: 1 name: 二十三 typeId: 1 seq: 23 } formationInfoList { formationId: 24 state: 1 name: 二十四 typeId: 1 seq: 24 } formationInfoList { formationId: 25 state: 1 name: 二十五 typeId: 1 seq: 25 } formationInfoList { formationId: 26 state: 1 name: 二十六 typeId: 1 seq: 26 } formationInfoList { formationId: 27 state: 1 name: 二十七 typeId: 1 seq: 27 } formationInfoList { formationId: 28 state: 1 name: 二十八 typeId: 1 seq: 28 } formationInfoList { formationId: 29 state: 1 name: 二十九 typeId: 1 seq: 29 } formationInfoList { formationId: 30 state: 1 name: 三十 typeId: 1 seq: 30 } formationInfoList { formationId: 20001 formationHeros { index: 0 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 253111385 } formationHeros { index: 1 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5033214 equipUniqueIds: 1155825894 equipUniqueIds: 1887823967 } formationHeros { index: 2 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 871601894 equipUniqueIds: 14533301 equipUniqueIds: 1894005365 equipUniqueIds: 1155825731 } formationHeros { index: 3 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5039153 equipUniqueIds: 1894005363 equipUniqueIds: 1389896547 equipUniqueIds: 1374274192 } state: 1 name: 妖变队伍 typeId: 2 seq: 20001 } formationInfoList { formationId: 20002 formationHeros { index: 0 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 937586058 equipUniqueIds: 848133825 equipUniqueIds: 1155825744 equipUniqueIds: 1194020764 } formationHeros { index: 1 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 equipUniqueIds: 30252107 equipUniqueIds: 16632122 equipUniqueIds: 6192517 } formationHeros { index: 2 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1353957188 equipUniqueIds: 1899650751 equipUniqueIds: 1787838584 equipUniqueIds: 1899650754 } formationHeros { index: 3 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 equipUniqueIds: 28438296 equipUniqueIds: 1012841653 equipUniqueIds: 137527497 } state: 1 name: 凶戾队伍 typeId: 2 seq: 20002 } formationInfoList { formationId: 30001 formationHeros { index: 0 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 equipUniqueIds: 30252107 equipUniqueIds: 16632122 equipUniqueIds: 6192517 } formationHeros { index: 1 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1148133020 equipUniqueIds: 2360083381 equipUniqueIds: 1155825926 equipUniqueIds: 1899650754 } formationHeros { index: 2 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5035157 equipUniqueIds: 2604010759 equipUniqueIds: 1012841653 equipUniqueIds: 2564349851 } formationHeros { index: 3 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 equipUniqueIds: 1194020764 equipUniqueIds: 1787838584 equipUniqueIds: 1984763687 } state: 1 name: 队伍一 typeId: 3 seq: 30001 } formationInfoList { formationId: 30002 formationHeros { index: 0 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1630110761 equipUniqueIds: 2128650759 equipUniqueIds: 2128650751 equipUniqueIds: 1044050768 } formationHeros { index: 1 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 871601894 equipUniqueIds: 2604010753 equipUniqueIds: 1894005363 equipUniqueIds: 1389896547 } formationHeros { index: 2 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 122549076 equipUniqueIds: 1715139645 equipUniqueIds: 1155825731 equipUniqueIds: 16633894 } formationHeros { index: 3 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1768243002 equipUniqueIds: 848133825 equipUniqueIds: 1873972199 equipUniqueIds: 1155879334 } state: 1 name: 队伍二 typeId: 3 seq: 30002 } formationInfoList { formationId: 30003 formationHeros { index: 0 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 937586058 equipUniqueIds: 2604010754 equipUniqueIds: 2612497206 equipUniqueIds: 2612497213 } formationHeros { index: 1 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 253111385 equipUniqueIds: 136592926 equipUniqueIds: 14533301 equipUniqueIds: 1335395694 } formationHeros { index: 2 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1471082748 equipUniqueIds: 2604010765 equipUniqueIds: 1894005365 equipUniqueIds: 2612497243 } formationHeros { index: 3 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 equipUniqueIds: 2612497244 equipUniqueIds: 2612497217 equipUniqueIds: 2604010751 } state: 1 name: 队伍三 typeId: 3 seq: 30003 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetHeroFormationListReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 8 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.38203174620867 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 7 || 0 GetHeroFormationListReply 5 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heroCharacters { heroId: 2048 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1044015 voice: 1044014 voice: 1044013 voice: 1044010 voice: 1044003 infos: 1000294 usingSkinId: 100053 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 20 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 1 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2050 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1048015 voice: 1048014 voice: 1048013 voice: 1048012 voice: 1048010 voice: 1048009 voice: 1048006 voice: 1048004 voice: 1048003 infos: 1000306 usingSkinId: 100055 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 40 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2051 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1052003 voice: 1052010 voice: 1052011 voice: 1052013 voice: 1052014 voice: 1052015 infos: 1000312 usingSkinId: 100049 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2052 exp: 30000 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1049040 voice: 1049041 voice: 1049042 voice: 1049024 voice: 1049025 voice: 1049027 voice: 1049028 voice: 1049029 voice: 1049030 voice: 1049031 voice: 1049032 voice: 1049033 voice: 1049034 voice: 1049035 voice: 1049036 voice: 1049037 voice: 1049038 voice: 1049039 voice: 1049008 voice: 1049009 voice: 1049010 voice: 1049011 voice: 1049012 voice: 1049013 voice: 1049014 voice: 1049015 voice: 1049016 voice: 1049017 voice: 1049018 voice: 1049019 voice: 1049020 voice: 1049021 voice: 1049023 voice: 1049000 voice: 1049001 voice: 1049002 voice: 1049003 voice: 1049004 voice: 1049005 voice: 1049006 voice: 1049007 voiceHeard: 1049016 voiceHeard: 1049017 voiceHeard: 1049018 voiceHeard: 1049019 voiceHeard: 1049020 voiceHeard: 1049021 infos: 1000318 infos: 1000319 infos: 1000320 infos: 1000321 infos: 1000322 infos: 1000323 usingSkinId: 140029 hasShowInjureView: true storyId: 2052003 storyId: 2052002 storyId: 2052001 maxBreakthroughCount: 6 maxRank: 5 maxLevel: 100 contractUnlockTime: 1601274797 contractLevel: 40 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 100 } contractDurations { conditionId: 6 count: 0 duration: 0 updateTime: 0 } contractContent: 彼此的故事,待你书写第一页。可在此处留下你想要对他说的话,或是值得记录的文字。 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2053 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1074003 voice: 1074004 voice: 1074011 voice: 1074013 voice: 1074014 voice: 1074015 infos: 1000324 usingSkinId: 100082 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2054 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1047004 voice: 1047003 voice: 1047015 voice: 1047014 voice: 1047013 voice: 1047011 infos: 1000330 usingSkinId: 100056 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2055 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1045004 voice: 1045003 voice: 1045015 voice: 1045014 voice: 1045013 infos: 1000336 usingSkinId: 100058 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2056 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1046015 voice: 1046014 voice: 1046013 voice: 1046010 voice: 1046004 voice: 1046003 infos: 1000342 usingSkinId: 100057 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2057 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1056003 voice: 1056011 voice: 1056027 voice: 1056013 voice: 1056014 voice: 1056015 infos: 1000348 usingSkinId: 100060 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2058 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1055013 voice: 1055014 voice: 1055015 voice: 1055003 voice: 1055004 infos: 1000354 usingSkinId: 100059 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2059 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1065013 voice: 1065014 voice: 1065015 voice: 1065003 infos: 1000360 usingSkinId: 100073 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2060 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1066003 voice: 1066027 voice: 1066013 voice: 1066014 voice: 1066015 infos: 1000366 usingSkinId: 140236 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2061 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1073013 voice: 1073014 voice: 1073015 voice: 1073003 infos: 1000372 usingSkinId: 100081 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2062 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1095027 voice: 1095003 voice: 1095004 voice: 1095037 voice: 1095005 voice: 1095038 voice: 1095006 voice: 1095039 voice: 1095010 voice: 1095012 voice: 1095013 voice: 1095014 voice: 1095015 infos: 1000378 usingSkinId: 100103 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 3 maxLevel: 53 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 9999 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1043003 voice: 1043015 voice: 1043014 voice: 1043013 infos: 1000000 usingSkinId: 100048 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2063 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1094003 voice: 1094004 voice: 1094006 voice: 1094027 voice: 1094013 voice: 1094014 voice: 1094015 infos: 1000384 usingSkinId: 100104 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2064 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1088003 voice: 1088004 voice: 1088010 voice: 1088013 voice: 1088014 voice: 1088015 infos: 1000390 usingSkinId: 100097 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2065 exp: 75 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1069008 voice: 1069010 voice: 1069012 voice: 1069013 voice: 1069014 voice: 1069015 voice: 1069003 voice: 1069004 voice: 1069005 voice: 1069006 infos: 1000396 usingSkinId: 100077 hasShowInjureView: true maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 26 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2066 exp: 479 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1070016 voice: 1070048 voice: 1070003 voice: 1070024 voice: 1070025 voice: 1070010 voice: 1070012 voice: 1070013 voice: 1070014 voice: 1070046 voice: 1070015 voice: 1070047 voiceHeard: 1070016 voiceHeard: 1070013 infos: 1000402 usingSkinId: 100078 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2066001 maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 40 contractUnlockTime: 1615415294 contractLevel: 6 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 40 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 3 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2067 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1071013 voice: 1071014 voice: 1071015 voice: 1071003 voice: 1071004 voice: 1071006 infos: 1000408 usingSkinId: 100079 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2069 exp: 462 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1057025 voice: 1057010 voice: 1057012 voice: 1057013 voice: 1057014 voice: 1057015 voice: 1057016 voice: 1057003 voice: 1057004 voice: 1057023 voiceHeard: 1057016 infos: 1000420 usingSkinId: 100064 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2069001 maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 40 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2070 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1058003 voice: 1058013 voice: 1058014 voice: 1058015 infos: 1000426 usingSkinId: 100062 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2071 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1081056 voice: 1081057 voice: 1081058 voice: 1081010 voice: 1081013 voice: 1081014 voice: 1081046 voice: 1081015 voice: 1081003 infos: 1000432 usingSkinId: 140210 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2072 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1083013 voice: 1083014 voice: 1083015 voice: 1083003 infos: 1000438 unreadInfos: 1000438 usingSkinId: 100089 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 1 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 1 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2073 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1082003 voice: 1082013 voice: 1082014 voice: 1082015 infos: 1000444 usingSkinId: 100090 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2074 exp: 1275 injuredNum: 1 voice: 1059025 voice: 1059026 voice: 1059000 voice: 1059001 voice: 1059002 voice: 1059003 voice: 1059004 voice: 1059005 voice: 1059006 voice: 1059007 voice: 1059008 voice: 1059009 voice: 1059010 voice: 1059011 voice: 1059012 voice: 1059013 voice: 1059014 voice: 1059015 voice: 1059016 voice: 1059022 voice: 1059023 voiceHeard: 1059012 voiceHeard: 1059013 voiceHeard: 1059016 infos: 1000450 infos: 1000451 usingSkinId: 100068 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2074001 maxBreakthroughCount: 2 maxRank: 3 maxLevel: 60 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2075 exp: 400 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1067024 voice: 1067003 voice: 1067004 voice: 1067005 voice: 1067006 voice: 1067009 voice: 1067010 voice: 1067012 voice: 1067013 voice: 1067014 voice: 1067015 voice: 1067016 voice: 1067023 voiceHeard: 1067016 infos: 1000456 usingSkinId: 100076 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2075001 maxBreakthroughCount: 1 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 40 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 40 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 3 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2076 exp: 8315 injuredNum: 1 voice: 1068048 voice: 1068049 voice: 1068050 voice: 1068051 voice: 1068052 voice: 1068053 voice: 1068054 voice: 1068055 voice: 1068056 voice: 1068057 voice: 1068032 voice: 1068033 voice: 1068035 voice: 1068036 voice: 1068037 voice: 1068038 voice: 1068039 voice: 1068040 voice: 1068041 voice: 1068042 voice: 1068043 voice: 1068046 voice: 1068047 voice: 1068016 voice: 1068017 voice: 1068018 voice: 1068019 voice: 1068023 voice: 1068024 voice: 1068025 voice: 1068026 voice: 1068027 voice: 1068031 voice: 1068000 voice: 1068001 voice: 1068002 voice: 1068003 voice: 1068004 voice: 1068005 voice: 1068006 voice: 1068007 voice: 1068008 voice: 1068009 voice: 1068010 voice: 1068012 voice: 1068013 voice: 1068014 voice: 1068015 voiceHeard: 1068016 voiceHeard: 1068017 voiceHeard: 1068018 voiceHeard: 1068019 voiceHeard: 1068040 voiceHeard: 1068041 voiceHeard: 1068042 voiceHeard: 1068043 infos: 1000462 infos: 1000463 infos: 1000464 usingSkinId: 100075 hasShowInjureView: true storyId: 2076002 storyId: 2076001 maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 5 maxLevel: 100 contractUnlockTime: 1629912274 contractLevel: 30 contractValues { conditionId: 4 value: 0 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 9 } contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 100 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2077 exp: 0 injuredNum: 1 voice: 1062003 voice: 1062004 voice: 1062005 voice: 1062006 voice: 1062007 voice: 1062008 voice: 1062026 voice: 1062011 voice: 1062013 voice: 1062014 voice: 1062015 infos: 1000468 usingSkinId: 100070 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 6 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 6 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 1 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2078 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1063013 voice: 1063014 voice: 1063015 voice: 1063003 infos: 1000474 usingSkinId: 100071 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2079 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1064003 voice: 1064004 voice: 1064013 voice: 1064014 voice: 1064015 infos: 1000480 usingSkinId: 100072 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2081 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1106003 voice: 1106004 voice: 1106006 voice: 1106013 voice: 1106014 voice: 1106015 infos: 1000492 usingSkinId: 100094 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2084 exp: 30000 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1076016 voice: 1076017 voice: 1076018 voice: 1076019 voice: 1076020 voice: 1076021 voice: 1076022 voice: 1076024 voice: 1076025 voice: 1076026 voice: 1076028 voice: 1076000 voice: 1076001 voice: 1076002 voice: 1076003 voice: 1076004 voice: 1076005 voice: 1076006 voice: 1076007 voice: 1076008 voice: 1076009 voice: 1076010 voice: 1076011 voice: 1076013 voice: 1076014 voice: 1076015 voiceHeard: 1076016 voiceHeard: 1076017 voiceHeard: 1076018 voiceHeard: 1076019 voiceHeard: 1076020 voiceHeard: 1076021 voiceHeard: 1076022 voiceHeard: 1076025 voiceHeard: 1076015 infos: 1000510 infos: 1000511 infos: 1000512 infos: 1000513 infos: 1000514 infos: 1000515 usingSkinId: 100083 hasShowInjureView: true storyId: 2084003 storyId: 2084002 storyId: 2084001 maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 5 maxLevel: 100 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2085 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1072003 voice: 1072013 voice: 1072014 voice: 1072015 infos: 1000516 usingSkinId: 100080 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2086 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1079011 voice: 1079013 voice: 1079014 voice: 1079015 voice: 1079003 infos: 1000522 usingSkinId: 100086 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2087 exp: 6315 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1078000 voice: 1078001 voice: 1078002 voice: 1078003 voice: 1078010 voice: 1078013 voice: 1078014 voice: 1078015 voice: 1078016 voice: 1078017 voice: 1078018 voice: 1078024 voice: 1078025 voiceHeard: 1078016 voiceHeard: 1078017 voiceHeard: 1078018 infos: 1000528 infos: 1000529 infos: 1000530 usingSkinId: 100087 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2087002 storyId: 2087001 maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2089 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1085013 voice: 1085014 voice: 1085015 voice: 1085003 infos: 1000540 usingSkinId: 100091 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2090 exp: 555 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1087024 voice: 1087000 voice: 1087001 voice: 1087002 voice: 1087003 voice: 1087004 voice: 1087005 voice: 1087006 voice: 1087010 voice: 1087013 voice: 1087014 voice: 1087015 voice: 1087016 voice: 1087023 voiceHeard: 1087016 infos: 1000546 usingSkinId: 100093 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2090001 maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2091 exp: 1800 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1089009 voice: 1089010 voice: 1089012 voice: 1089013 voice: 1089014 voice: 1089015 voice: 1089016 voice: 1089017 voice: 1089024 voice: 1089000 voice: 1089001 voice: 1089002 voice: 1089003 voice: 1089004 voice: 1089005 voice: 1089006 voiceHeard: 1089016 voiceHeard: 1089017 infos: 1000552 infos: 1000553 usingSkinId: 100095 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2091001 maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 3 maxLevel: 60 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2092 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1090003 voice: 1090004 voice: 1090006 voice: 1090009 voice: 1090010 voice: 1090012 voice: 1090013 voice: 1090014 voice: 1090015 infos: 1000558 usingSkinId: 100096 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 40 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2094 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1097011 voice: 1097013 voice: 1097014 voice: 1097015 voice: 1097003 voice: 1097004 infos: 1000570 usingSkinId: 100108 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2095 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1098003 voice: 1098013 voice: 1098014 voice: 1098015 infos: 1000576 usingSkinId: 100109 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2096 exp: 10156 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1092032 voice: 1092034 voice: 1092038 voice: 1092039 voice: 1092040 voice: 1092041 voice: 1092042 voice: 1092043 voice: 1092044 voice: 1092016 voice: 1092017 voice: 1092018 voice: 1092019 voice: 1092023 voice: 1092024 voice: 1092025 voice: 1092027 voice: 1092028 voice: 1092000 voice: 1092001 voice: 1092002 voice: 1092003 voice: 1092004 voice: 1092005 voice: 1092006 voice: 1092007 voice: 1092008 voice: 1092009 voice: 1092010 voice: 1092012 voice: 1092013 voice: 1092014 voice: 1092015 voiceHeard: 1092016 voiceHeard: 1092017 voiceHeard: 1092018 voiceHeard: 1092019 voiceHeard: 1092041 voiceHeard: 1092042 voiceHeard: 1092043 voiceHeard: 1092044 infos: 1000582 infos: 1000583 infos: 1000584 infos: 1000585 usingSkinId: 100100 hasShowInjureView: true storyId: 2096002 storyId: 2096001 maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 5 maxLevel: 100 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2097 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1093009 voice: 1093010 voice: 1093012 voice: 1093013 voice: 1093014 voice: 1093015 voice: 1093003 voice: 1093004 voice: 1093005 voice: 1093006 voice: 1093023 infos: 1000588 usingSkinId: 100101 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 1 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 39 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2098 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1091013 voice: 1091014 voice: 1091015 voice: 1091003 infos: 1000594 usingSkinId: 100099 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2102 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1107013 voice: 1107014 voice: 1107015 voice: 1107003 infos: 1000618 usingSkinId: 100113 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2104 exp: 100 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1102003 voice: 1102004 voice: 1102006 voice: 1102023 voice: 1102013 voice: 1102014 voice: 1102015 infos: 1000630 usingSkinId: 140214 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2104001 maxBreakthroughCount: 6 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2106 exp: 960 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1109031 voice: 1109000 voice: 1109017 voice: 1109001 voice: 1109002 voice: 1109019 voice: 1109003 voice: 1109035 voice: 1109020 voice: 1109004 voice: 1109021 voice: 1109022 voiceHeard: 1109022 infos: 1000648 infos: 1000649 usingSkinId: 100116 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2106001 maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2109 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1113013 voice: 1113014 voice: 1113015 voice: 1113003 voice: 1113004 voice: 1113006 infos: 1000666 unreadInfos: 1000666 usingSkinId: 100120 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2110 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1112033 voice: 1112003 voice: 1112004 voice: 1112037 voice: 1112038 voice: 1112039 voice: 1112027 voice: 1112013 voice: 1112014 voice: 1112015 voice: 1112031 voiceHeard: 1112033 voiceHeard: 1112003 voiceHeard: 1112004 voiceHeard: 1112037 voiceHeard: 1112038 voiceHeard: 1112039 voiceHeard: 1112027 voiceHeard: 1112013 voiceHeard: 1112014 voiceHeard: 1112015 infos: 1000672 unreadInfos: 1000672 usingSkinId: 100121 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 6 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 1684967495 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2113 exp: 1535 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1149009 voice: 1149010 voice: 1149013 voice: 1149012 voice: 1149015 voice: 1149014 voice: 1149016 voice: 1149024 voice: 1149001 voice: 1149000 voice: 1149003 voice: 1149002 voice: 1149005 voice: 1149004 voice: 1149006 infos: 1000690 infos: 1000691 unreadInfos: 1000690 unreadInfos: 1000691 usingSkinId: 100162 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 3 maxLevel: 59 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2114 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1141013 voice: 1141015 voice: 1141014 voice: 1141003 voice: 1141004 infos: 1000696 unreadInfos: 1000696 usingSkinId: 100153 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2119 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1114003 voice: 1114004 voice: 1114006 voice: 1114023 voice: 1114010 voice: 1114013 voice: 1114014 voice: 1114015 infos: 1000726 usingSkinId: 100124 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 5 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2120 exp: 2685 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1115025 voice: 1115001 voice: 1115000 voice: 1115003 voice: 1115002 voice: 1115004 voice: 1115006 voice: 1115010 voice: 1115013 voice: 1115012 voice: 1115015 voice: 1115014 voice: 1115017 voice: 1115016 voiceHeard: 1115017 voiceHeard: 1115016 infos: 1000732 infos: 1000733 usingSkinId: 100125 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2120001 storyId: 2120002 maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 40 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2121 exp: 8524 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1121041 voice: 1121040 voice: 1121043 voice: 1121042 voice: 1121044 voice: 1121049 voice: 1121050 voice: 1121053 voice: 1121054 voice: 1121025 voice: 1121024 voice: 1121027 voice: 1121029 voice: 1121028 voice: 1121031 voice: 1121030 voice: 1121033 voice: 1121032 voice: 1121035 voice: 1121034 voice: 1121037 voice: 1121039 voice: 1121038 voice: 1121073 voice: 1121075 voice: 1121074 voice: 1121077 voice: 1121076 voice: 1121079 voice: 1121081 voice: 1121083 voice: 1121082 voice: 1121085 voice: 1121084 voice: 1121087 voice: 1121086 voice: 1121060 voice: 1121065 voice: 1121064 voice: 1121067 voice: 1121066 voice: 1121069 voice: 1121068 voice: 1121070 voice: 1121009 voice: 1121010 voice: 1121013 voice: 1121012 voice: 1121015 voice: 1121014 voice: 1121017 voice: 1121016 voice: 1121019 voice: 1121018 voice: 1121001 voice: 1121000 voice: 1121003 voice: 1121002 voice: 1121005 voice: 1121004 voice: 1121006 voiceHeard: 1121041 voiceHeard: 1121040 voiceHeard: 1121039 infos: 1000738 infos: 1000739 infos: 1000740 usingSkinId: 140233 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2121001 storyId: 2121002 maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 3 maxLevel: 55 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2123 exp: 3078 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1123025 voice: 1123024 voice: 1123003 voice: 1123005 voice: 1123004 voice: 1123007 voice: 1123006 voice: 1123009 voice: 1123010 voice: 1123013 voice: 1123012 voice: 1123015 voice: 1123014 voice: 1123017 voice: 1123016 voice: 1123023 infos: 1000750 infos: 1000751 unreadInfos: 1000751 usingSkinId: 100132 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2123001 maxBreakthroughCount: 2 maxRank: 5 maxLevel: 92 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2125 exp: 1400 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1125008 voice: 1125010 voice: 1125013 voice: 1125015 voice: 1125014 voice: 1125016 voice: 1125001 voice: 1125000 voice: 1125003 voice: 1125002 voice: 1125005 voice: 1125004 voice: 1125007 voice: 1125006 voiceHeard: 1125016 infos: 1000762 infos: 1000763 usingSkinId: 100134 hasShowInjureView: true storyId: 2125001 maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2127 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1127013 voice: 1127015 voice: 1127014 voice: 1127003 infos: 1000774 unreadInfos: 1000774 usingSkinId: 100137 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2128 exp: 4548 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1128017 voice: 1128016 voice: 1128018 voice: 1128025 voice: 1128027 voice: 1128001 voice: 1128000 voice: 1128003 voice: 1128002 voice: 1128004 voice: 1128006 voice: 1128010 voice: 1128013 voice: 1128012 voice: 1128015 voice: 1128014 voiceHeard: 1128017 voiceHeard: 1128016 infos: 1000781 infos: 1000780 usingSkinId: 100138 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2128001 storyId: 2128002 maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 3 maxLevel: 47 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2131 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1131013 voice: 1131015 voice: 1131014 voice: 1131003 infos: 1000798 unreadInfos: 1000798 usingSkinId: 100142 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2132 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1132003 voice: 1132004 voice: 1132010 voice: 1132013 voice: 1132015 voice: 1132014 infos: 1000804 usingSkinId: 100143 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2134 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1135013 voice: 1135015 voice: 1135014 voice: 1135003 infos: 1000816 usingSkinId: 100146 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2135 exp: 980 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1136001 voice: 1136000 voice: 1136016 voice: 1136003 voice: 1136002 voice: 1136010 voice: 1136013 voice: 1136015 voice: 1136014 voiceHeard: 1136016 infos: 1000823 infos: 1000822 usingSkinId: 100147 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2135001 maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2136 exp: 86 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1137025 voice: 1137009 voice: 1137010 voice: 1137013 voice: 1137015 voice: 1137014 voice: 1137003 voice: 1137004 voice: 1137006 infos: 1000828 usingSkinId: 100148 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2138 exp: 956 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1138000 voice: 1138003 voice: 1138005 voice: 1138004 voice: 1138007 voice: 1138006 voice: 1138009 voice: 1138008 voice: 1138010 voice: 1138013 voice: 1138012 voice: 1138015 voice: 1138014 voice: 1138016 voice: 1138025 voice: 1138027 voice: 1138028 voiceHeard: 1138016 infos: 1000834 infos: 1000835 usingSkinId: 100150 hasShowInjureView: true storyId: 2138001 maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 3 maxLevel: 56 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2139 exp: 27 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1139025 voice: 1139009 voice: 1139010 voice: 1139013 voice: 1139012 voice: 1139015 voice: 1139014 voice: 1139003 voice: 1139005 voice: 1139004 voice: 1139006 infos: 1000840 usingSkinId: 100151 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 40 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2142 exp: 2624 injuredNum: 1 voice: 1142001 voice: 1142000 voice: 1142003 voice: 1142002 voice: 1142004 voice: 1142007 voice: 1142006 voice: 1142008 voice: 1142013 voice: 1142012 voice: 1142015 voice: 1142014 voice: 1142017 voice: 1142016 voice: 1142025 voice: 1142026 infos: 1000846 infos: 1000847 unreadInfos: 1000846 unreadInfos: 1000847 usingSkinId: 100154 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2142001 storyId: 2142002 maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2143 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1143013 voice: 1143012 voice: 1143015 voice: 1143014 voice: 1143003 voice: 1143004 infos: 1000852 unreadInfos: 1000852 usingSkinId: 100155 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2144 exp: 5920 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1144017 voice: 1144016 voice: 1144003 voice: 1144018 voice: 1144010 voice: 1144013 voice: 1144015 voice: 1144014 voiceHeard: 1144017 voiceHeard: 1144016 voiceHeard: 1144018 infos: 1000858 infos: 1000859 infos: 1000860 usingSkinId: 100156 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2144001 maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2145 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1145010 voice: 1145013 voice: 1145012 voice: 1145015 voice: 1145014 voice: 1145003 infos: 1000864 unreadInfos: 1000864 usingSkinId: 100157 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 37 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2146 exp: 2695 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1146001 voice: 1146000 voice: 1146003 voice: 1146002 voice: 1146005 voice: 1146004 voice: 1146006 voice: 1146009 voice: 1146010 voice: 1146013 voice: 1146012 voice: 1146015 voice: 1146014 voice: 1146017 voice: 1146016 infos: 1000870 infos: 1000871 unreadInfos: 1000871 usingSkinId: 100158 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 40 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2147 exp: 3856 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1147025 voice: 1147010 voice: 1147013 voice: 1147012 voice: 1147015 voice: 1147014 voice: 1147017 voice: 1147001 voice: 1147016 voice: 1147000 voice: 1147003 voice: 1147002 infos: 1000876 infos: 1000877 unreadInfos: 1000876 unreadInfos: 1000877 usingSkinId: 100159 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 35 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2148 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1148003 voice: 1148004 voice: 1148013 voice: 1148015 voice: 1148014 infos: 1000882 unreadInfos: 1000882 usingSkinId: 100161 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2149 exp: 232 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1152003 voice: 1152005 voice: 1152004 voice: 1152007 voice: 1152006 voice: 1152025 voice: 1152009 voice: 1152010 voice: 1152013 voice: 1152012 voice: 1152015 voice: 1152014 infos: 1000900 unreadInfos: 1000900 usingSkinId: 100165 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 4 maxLevel: 71 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2150 exp: 1874 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1153009 voice: 1153010 voice: 1153013 voice: 1153012 voice: 1153015 voice: 1153014 voice: 1153017 voice: 1153016 voice: 1153025 voice: 1153024 voice: 1153001 voice: 1153000 voice: 1153003 voice: 1153002 voice: 1153005 voice: 1153004 voice: 1153006 infos: 1000906 infos: 1000907 unreadInfos: 1000906 unreadInfos: 1000907 usingSkinId: 100166 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 4 maxLevel: 71 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2000 exp: 10 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1000015 voice: 1000014 voice: 1000013 voice: 1000010 voice: 1000009 voice: 1000023 voice: 1000006 voice: 1000005 voice: 1000004 voice: 1000003 infos: 1000006 usingSkinId: 140042 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2001 exp: 3474 injuredNum: 1 voice: 1001007 voice: 1001006 voice: 1001005 voice: 1001004 voice: 1001003 voice: 1001027 voice: 1001026 voice: 1001025 voice: 1001024 voice: 1001023 voice: 1001018 voice: 1001017 voice: 1001016 voice: 1001015 voice: 1001014 voice: 1001013 voice: 1001012 voice: 1001011 voice: 1001010 voice: 1001009 voice: 1001008 voiceHeard: 1001018 voiceHeard: 1001017 infos: 1000012 infos: 1000013 usingSkinId: 100003 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2001002 storyId: 2001001 maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 5 maxLevel: 96 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2002 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1002023 voice: 1002015 voice: 1002014 voice: 1002013 voice: 1002012 voice: 1002010 voice: 1002009 voice: 1002008 voice: 1002007 voice: 1002006 voice: 1002005 voice: 1002004 voice: 1002003 infos: 1000018 usingSkinId: 140189 hasShowInjureView: true maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 4 maxLevel: 76 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2003 exp: 75 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1003023 voice: 1003006 voice: 1003005 voice: 1003004 voice: 1003003 voice: 1003015 voice: 1003014 voice: 1003013 voice: 1003012 voice: 1003011 voice: 1003010 voice: 1003009 infos: 1000024 usingSkinId: 100009 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 3 maxLevel: 50 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2004 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1004079 voice: 1004015 voice: 1004078 voice: 1004014 voice: 1004077 voice: 1004013 voice: 1004004 voice: 1004003 voice: 1004067 infos: 1000030 usingSkinId: 100007 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 1 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 1 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2005 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1005006 voice: 1005004 voice: 1005003 voice: 1005015 voice: 1005014 voice: 1005013 voice: 1005011 infos: 1000036 usingSkinId: 100010 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2006 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1006015 voice: 1006014 voice: 1006013 voice: 1006027 voice: 1006010 voice: 1006003 infos: 1000042 usingSkinId: 140187 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 13 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2007 exp: 12474 injuredNum: 1 voice: 1007007 voice: 1007006 voice: 1007005 voice: 1007004 voice: 1007003 voice: 1007002 voice: 1007001 voice: 1007000 voice: 1007023 voice: 1007019 voice: 1007018 voice: 1007017 voice: 1007016 voice: 1007015 voice: 1007014 voice: 1007013 voice: 1007012 voice: 1007010 voice: 1007009 voice: 1007008 voice: 1007026 voice: 1007025 voice: 1007024 voice: 1007055 voice: 1007054 voice: 1007053 voice: 1007052 voice: 1007051 voice: 1007050 voice: 1007049 voice: 1007048 voice: 1007047 voice: 1007071 voice: 1007070 voice: 1007066 voice: 1007059 voice: 1007058 voice: 1007057 voice: 1007056 voice: 1007082 voice: 1007081 voice: 1007080 voice: 1007079 voice: 1007078 voice: 1007077 voice: 1007076 voice: 1007075 voice: 1007074 voice: 1007073 voice: 1007072 voiceHeard: 1007019 voiceHeard: 1007018 voiceHeard: 1007082 voiceHeard: 1007017 voiceHeard: 1007081 voiceHeard: 1007016 voiceHeard: 1007080 voiceHeard: 1007079 infos: 1000048 infos: 1000049 infos: 1000050 infos: 1000051 usingSkinId: 140237 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2007002 storyId: 2007001 maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 5 maxLevel: 100 contractUnlockTime: 1612317490 contractLevel: 34 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 100 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 10 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2008 exp: 10 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1008015 voice: 1008014 voice: 1008013 voice: 1008012 voice: 1008011 voice: 1008010 voice: 1008009 voice: 1008007 voice: 1008006 voice: 1008005 voice: 1008004 voice: 1008003 voice: 1008023 infos: 1000054 usingSkinId: 140050 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 4 maxLevel: 78 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2009 exp: 349 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1009003 voice: 1009001 voice: 1009000 voice: 1009015 voice: 1009014 voice: 1009013 voice: 1009010 voice: 1009025 infos: 1000060 usingSkinId: 100012 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2009001 maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 20 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 2 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2010 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1010015 voice: 1010014 voice: 1010013 voice: 1010004 voice: 1010003 infos: 1000066 usingSkinId: 100016 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2011 exp: 150 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1011023 voice: 1011006 voice: 1011005 voice: 1011004 voice: 1011003 voice: 1011015 voice: 1011014 voice: 1011013 voice: 1011012 voice: 1011010 infos: 1000072 usingSkinId: 100011 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 6 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 40 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2012 exp: 456 injuredNum: 3 voice: 1014028 voice: 1014026 voice: 1014025 voice: 1014024 voice: 1014023 voice: 1014022 voice: 1014016 voice: 1014015 voice: 1014014 voice: 1014013 voice: 1014012 voice: 1014010 voice: 1014009 voice: 1014008 voice: 1014007 voice: 1014006 voice: 1014005 voice: 1014004 voice: 1014003 voiceHeard: 1014016 infos: 1000078 usingSkinId: 140219 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2012001 maxBreakthroughCount: 4 maxRank: 3 maxLevel: 60 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2013 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1012015 voice: 1012014 voice: 1012013 voice: 1012011 voice: 1012003 infos: 1000084 usingSkinId: 100018 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2014 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1013003 voice: 1013015 voice: 1013014 voice: 1013013 voice: 1013011 infos: 1000090 usingSkinId: 100020 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2015 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1016015 voice: 1016014 voice: 1016013 voice: 1016012 voice: 1016010 voice: 1016009 voice: 1016008 voice: 1016007 voice: 1016006 voice: 1016005 voice: 1016004 voice: 1016003 voice: 1016023 infos: 1000096 usingSkinId: 140054 hasShowInjureView: true maxBreakthroughCount: 5 maxRank: 4 maxLevel: 74 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2016 exp: 3200 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1018028 voice: 1018025 voice: 1018024 voice: 1018023 voice: 1018017 voice: 1018016 voice: 1018015 voice: 1018014 voice: 1018013 voice: 1018012 voice: 1018010 voice: 1018009 voice: 1018008 voice: 1018007 voice: 1018006 voice: 1018005 voice: 1018004 voice: 1018003 voiceHeard: 1018017 voiceHeard: 1018016 infos: 1000102 infos: 1000103 usingSkinId: 140188 hasShowInjureView: true storyId: 2016002 storyId: 2016001 maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 5 maxLevel: 93 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2017 exp: 6850 injuredNum: 1 voice: 1027023 voice: 1027018 voice: 1027017 voice: 1027016 voice: 1027015 voice: 1027014 voice: 1027013 voice: 1027012 voice: 1027010 voice: 1027009 voice: 1027008 voice: 1027007 voice: 1027006 voice: 1027005 voice: 1027004 voice: 1027003 voice: 1027002 voice: 1027001 voice: 1027000 voice: 1027026 voice: 1027025 voice: 1027024 voiceHeard: 1027018 voiceHeard: 1027017 voiceHeard: 1027016 infos: 1000108 infos: 1000109 infos: 1000110 usingSkinId: 140021 hasShowInjureView: true storyId: 2017002 storyId: 2017001 maxBreakthroughCount: 5 maxRank: 5 maxLevel: 100 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 100 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 8 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2018 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1028015 voice: 1028014 voice: 1028013 voice: 1028004 voice: 1028003 infos: 1000114 usingSkinId: 100021 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2020 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1022015 voice: 1022014 voice: 1022013 voice: 1022012 voice: 1022011 voice: 1022010 voice: 1022023 voice: 1022006 voice: 1022004 voice: 1022003 infos: 1000126 usingSkinId: 100014 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 5 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 40 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2021 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1021004 voice: 1021003 voice: 1021015 voice: 1021014 voice: 1021013 voice: 1021011 voice: 1021010 infos: 1000132 usingSkinId: 100015 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 20 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 20 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 1 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2022 exp: 0 injuredNum: 1 voice: 1034026 voice: 1034023 voice: 1034015 voice: 1034014 voice: 1034013 voice: 1034012 voice: 1034010 voice: 1034009 voice: 1034008 voice: 1034007 voice: 1034006 voice: 1034005 voice: 1034004 voice: 1034003 infos: 1000138 usingSkinId: 100024 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 3 maxLevel: 57 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2023 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1033003 voice: 1033015 voice: 1033014 voice: 1033013 voice: 1033011 voice: 1033010 infos: 1000144 usingSkinId: 100025 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 6 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2024 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1039003 voice: 1039015 voice: 1039014 voice: 1039013 infos: 1000150 usingSkinId: 100026 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2025 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1015004 voice: 1015003 voice: 1015015 voice: 1015014 voice: 1015013 voice: 1015011 voice: 1015027 infos: 1000156 usingSkinId: 140262 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2026 exp: 23 injuredNum: 3 voice: 1038026 voice: 1038025 voice: 1038024 voice: 1038023 voice: 1038015 voice: 1038014 voice: 1038013 voice: 1038012 voice: 1038011 voice: 1038010 voice: 1038009 voice: 1038008 voice: 1038007 voice: 1038006 voice: 1038005 voice: 1038004 voice: 1038003 infos: 1000162 usingSkinId: 100028 hasShowInjureView: true maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 3 maxLevel: 60 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2027 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1041006 voice: 1041005 voice: 1041004 voice: 1041003 voice: 1041028 voice: 1041027 voice: 1041023 voice: 1041015 voice: 1041014 voice: 1041013 voice: 1041012 voice: 1041011 voice: 1041010 voice: 1041009 infos: 1000168 usingSkinId: 140284 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 5 maxRank: 4 maxLevel: 75 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2028 exp: 100 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1035003 voice: 1035015 voice: 1035047 voice: 1035014 voice: 1035013 voice: 1035059 voice: 1035058 voice: 1035057 infos: 1000174 unreadInfos: 1000174 usingSkinId: 140261 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 1 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 2 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2029 exp: 0 injuredNum: 1 voice: 1032015 voice: 1032014 voice: 1032013 voice: 1032011 voice: 1032026 voice: 1032008 voice: 1032007 voice: 1032006 voice: 1032004 voice: 1032003 infos: 1000180 usingSkinId: 100031 hasShowInjureView: true maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2030 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1026015 voice: 1026014 voice: 1026013 voice: 1026010 voice: 1026003 infos: 1000186 usingSkinId: 100032 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 16 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2031 exp: 13259 injuredNum: 1 voice: 1025007 voice: 1025006 voice: 1025005 voice: 1025004 voice: 1025003 voice: 1025002 voice: 1025001 voice: 1025000 voice: 1025026 voice: 1025025 voice: 1025024 voice: 1025023 voice: 1025019 voice: 1025018 voice: 1025017 voice: 1025016 voice: 1025015 voice: 1025014 voice: 1025013 voice: 1025012 voice: 1025010 voice: 1025009 voice: 1025008 voiceHeard: 1025019 voiceHeard: 1025018 voiceHeard: 1025017 voiceHeard: 1025016 infos: 1000192 infos: 1000193 infos: 1000194 infos: 1000195 usingSkinId: 100033 hasShowInjureView: true storyId: 2031002 storyId: 2031003 storyId: 2031001 maxBreakthroughCount: 2 maxRank: 4 maxLevel: 80 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 80 } contractValues { conditionId: 8 value: 11 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2032 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1040015 voice: 1040014 voice: 1040013 voice: 1040003 infos: 1000198 usingSkinId: 100034 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2033 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1023023 voice: 1023006 voice: 1023005 voice: 1023004 voice: 1023003 voice: 1023015 voice: 1023014 voice: 1023013 voice: 1023012 voice: 1023010 voice: 1023009 infos: 1000204 usingSkinId: 100035 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 40 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2034 exp: 435 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1024015 voice: 1024014 voice: 1024013 voice: 1024012 voice: 1024011 voice: 1024010 voice: 1024009 voice: 1024007 voice: 1024006 voice: 1024005 voice: 1024004 voice: 1024003 voice: 1024000 voice: 1024027 voice: 1024023 voice: 1024016 infos: 1000210 usingSkinId: 140241 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 5 maxLevel: 93 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2035 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1042023 voice: 1042015 voice: 1042014 voice: 1042013 voice: 1042012 voice: 1042011 voice: 1042010 voice: 1042009 voice: 1042008 voice: 1042007 voice: 1042006 voice: 1042005 voice: 1042004 voice: 1042003 infos: 1000216 usingSkinId: 100037 hasShowInjureView: true maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 4 maxLevel: 80 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2036 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1061011 voice: 1061013 voice: 1061014 voice: 1061015 voice: 1061003 infos: 1000222 usingSkinId: 100038 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2037 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1031006 voice: 1031004 voice: 1031003 voice: 1031015 voice: 1031014 voice: 1031013 voice: 1031012 voice: 1031010 infos: 1000228 usingSkinId: 100039 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 2 maxLevel: 40 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2038 exp: 0 injuredNum: 1 voice: 1030026 voice: 1030023 voice: 1030015 voice: 1030014 voice: 1030013 voice: 1030012 voice: 1030011 voice: 1030010 voice: 1030009 voice: 1030008 voice: 1030007 voice: 1030006 voice: 1030005 voice: 1030004 voice: 1030003 infos: 1000234 usingSkinId: 100040 hasShowInjureView: true maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 4 maxLevel: 77 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2039 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1019006 voice: 1019004 voice: 1019003 voice: 1019015 voice: 1019014 voice: 1019013 voice: 1019011 voice: 1019027 voice: 1019009 infos: 1000240 usingSkinId: 140168 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 4 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2040 exp: 14639 injuredNum: 1 voice: 1017027 voice: 1017025 voice: 1017024 voice: 1017007 voice: 1017006 voice: 1017005 voice: 1017004 voice: 1017003 voice: 1017002 voice: 1017001 voice: 1017000 voice: 1017023 voice: 1017022 voice: 1017019 voice: 1017018 voice: 1017017 voice: 1017016 voice: 1017015 voice: 1017014 voice: 1017013 voice: 1017012 voice: 1017011 voice: 1017010 voice: 1017009 voice: 1017008 voiceHeard: 1017019 voiceHeard: 1017018 voiceHeard: 1017017 voiceHeard: 1017016 voiceHeard: 1017000 voiceHeard: 1017015 voiceHeard: 1017014 infos: 1000246 infos: 1000247 infos: 1000248 infos: 1000249 usingSkinId: 100042 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2040003 storyId: 2040002 storyId: 2040001 maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 5 maxLevel: 92 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2041 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1020015 voice: 1020014 voice: 1020013 voice: 1020004 voice: 1020003 infos: 1000252 usingSkinId: 100043 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2043 exp: 4511 injuredNum: 2 voice: 1036015 voice: 1036014 voice: 1036013 voice: 1036012 voice: 1036010 voice: 1036009 voice: 1036008 voice: 1036007 voice: 1036006 voice: 1036005 voice: 1036004 voice: 1036003 voice: 1036002 voice: 1036001 voice: 1036000 voice: 1036031 voice: 1036030 voice: 1036029 voice: 1036028 voice: 1036026 voice: 1036025 voice: 1036024 voice: 1036023 voice: 1036018 voice: 1036017 voice: 1036016 voiceHeard: 1036018 voiceHeard: 1036017 voiceHeard: 1036016 infos: 1000264 infos: 1000265 usingSkinId: 100045 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2043002 storyId: 2043001 maxBreakthroughCount: 2 maxRank: 4 maxLevel: 80 contractUnlockTime: 1621469887 contractLevel: 8 contractValues { conditionId: 9 value: 80 } contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2044 exp: 100 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1037023 voice: 1037006 voice: 1037004 voice: 1037003 voice: 1037015 voice: 1037014 voice: 1037013 voice: 1037012 voice: 1037011 voice: 1037010 voice: 1037009 infos: 1000270 usingSkinId: 100046 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2044001 maxBreakthroughCount: 7 maxRank: 3 maxLevel: 60 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2045 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1100003 voice: 1100013 voice: 1100014 voice: 1100015 infos: 1000276 usingSkinId: 100105 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } heroCharacters { heroId: 2046 exp: 0 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1051013 voice: 1051014 voice: 1051015 voice: 1051003 voice: 1051004 voice: 1051006 infos: 1000282 usingSkinId: 100050 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 1 maxLevel: 1 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroCharacterInfoListReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 23 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.38203174620867 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 6 || 0 HeroCharacterInfoListReply 6 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1042 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1043 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}注册了 432000 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1155825894 defineId: 703008 experience: 80 heroUniqueId: 5033214 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5033214 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 5033214 } gainTime: 1594374339000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1715139645 defineId: 702009 experience: 285 heroUniqueId: 122549076 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 122549076 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 122549076 } gainTime: 1619453519000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2676638086 defineId: 701019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1683691200416 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2676638085 defineId: 703019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1683691200416 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1171772865 defineId: 701022 experience: 400 heroUniqueId: 1735787453 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1735787453 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1735787453 } gainTime: 1595138021000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1155879109 defineId: 702008 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 806571529 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 806571529 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 806571529 } gainTime: 1594392399000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2372569418 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1664505893000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1012841597 defineId: 701013 experience: 30 heroUniqueId: 141141567 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 141141567 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 141141567 } gainTime: 1590571579000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010768 defineId: 703049 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 213752581 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 213752581 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 213752581 } gainTime: 1678316229000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010769 defineId: 703041 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678316229000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 957162278 defineId: 702022 experience: 200 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1589420590000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 50650409 defineId: 701022 experience: 440 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 2 gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2674947392 defineId: 701023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1683434945414 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010758 defineId: 703009 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678315472000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010759 defineId: 703009 experience: 300 heroUniqueId: 1353957188 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1353957188 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 5035157 } gainTime: 1678315475000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010756 defineId: 702033 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678315392000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010757 defineId: 703040 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678315469000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010754 defineId: 701020 experience: 280 heroUniqueId: 937586058 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 937586058 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 937586058 } gainTime: 1678315384000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010755 defineId: 703030 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678315392000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010752 defineId: 703041 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678314765000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010753 defineId: 703003 experience: 2560 heroUniqueId: 871601894 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 871601894 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 871601894 } gainTime: 1678314768000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010766 defineId: 701049 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 213752581 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 213752581 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 213752581 } gainTime: 1678316229000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010767 defineId: 702025 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678316229000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 136592926 defineId: 703022 experience: 1225 heroUniqueId: 253111385 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 253111385 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 253111385 } gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010764 defineId: 701031 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678316229000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010765 defineId: 701015 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1471082748 } gainTime: 1678316229000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2688003083 defineId: 702023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1684557723419 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2372569430 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1664505951000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2688003082 defineId: 703013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1684557723419 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010760 defineId: 701002 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 1751188406 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1751188406 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1751188406 } gainTime: 1678315477000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010761 defineId: 703016 experience: 320 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678315479000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1019631238 defineId: 702008 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 803129509 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 803129509 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 803129509 } gainTime: 1590715110000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2365806913 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1663923035000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 63632265 defineId: 701022 experience: 435 heroUniqueId: 1254799968 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1254799968 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1254799968 } gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2001321226 defineId: 703029 experience: 240 heroUniqueId: 1574223002 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1574223002 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1574223002 } gainTime: 1637805554000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 848133825 defineId: 702030 experience: 5335 heroUniqueId: 1768243002 isLocked: false star: 3 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1768243002 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 2 heroUniqueId: 937586058 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1768243002 } gainTime: 1586766587000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1153900680 defineId: 703010 experience: 250 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 2 heroUniqueId: 937586058 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 3 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } gainTime: 1594288924000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2674947391 defineId: 702013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1683434945414 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2635216706 defineId: 702019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680573653000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2624638497 defineId: 702022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679388317000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2635216707 defineId: 701022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680573653000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2624638498 defineId: 702022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679388317000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2678646268 defineId: 701022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1683873581156 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2678646269 defineId: 701022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1683873581156 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1873972199 defineId: 701007 experience: 240 heroUniqueId: 1768243002 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1768243002 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1768243002 } gainTime: 1629447557000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1153900689 defineId: 703008 experience: 400 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 2 gainTime: 1594288937000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2635216708 defineId: 701022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680573653000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2635216709 defineId: 701019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680573653000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 848133840 defineId: 701013 experience: 200 heroUniqueId: 5985670 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5985670 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 5985670 } gainTime: 1586766616000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2399985003 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1665735211000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 14533301 defineId: 701013 experience: 1230 heroUniqueId: 253111385 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 253111385 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 253111385 } gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2629008091 defineId: 701013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679723778000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2629008090 defineId: 703019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679723778000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2629008089 defineId: 702013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679723778000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2629008088 defineId: 702023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679723778000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 921840799 defineId: 702013 experience: 215 heroUniqueId: 5985670 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5985670 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 5985670 } gainTime: 1588124768000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1886884377 defineId: 703012 experience: 230 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 3 heroUniqueId: 1574223002 } gainTime: 1629975839000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2365806967 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1663923646000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2657341467 defineId: 701013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1681906386000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2657341466 defineId: 702013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1681906386000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2399985013 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1665735286000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2629009971 defineId: 701019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679795655000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497207 defineId: 703034 experience: 240 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 } gainTime: 1678849104000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1155825765 defineId: 701008 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 803129509 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 803129509 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 803129509 } gainTime: 1594373863000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497206 defineId: 703020 experience: 200 heroUniqueId: 937586058 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 937586058 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 937586058 } gainTime: 1678849104000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497205 defineId: 703036 experience: 160 heroUniqueId: 1696416474 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1696416474 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1696416474 } gainTime: 1678849104000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2399985039 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1665735511000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497204 defineId: 703028 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849104000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497203 defineId: 703028 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849104000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2667801991 defineId: 703008 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1682416454000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2667801990 defineId: 702023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1682416454000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2365806980 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1663923861000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2629009972 defineId: 703023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679795655000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497215 defineId: 703042 experience: 320 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849120000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497214 defineId: 701028 experience: 40 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849120000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497213 defineId: 702020 experience: 240 heroUniqueId: 937586058 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 937586058 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 937586058 } gainTime: 1678849120000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497212 defineId: 702014 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849120000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497211 defineId: 701038 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849120000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2399985024 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1665735362000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497210 defineId: 701038 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849120000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497209 defineId: 701040 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849120000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497208 defineId: 702016 experience: 300 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849120000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2678850876 defineId: 703019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1683768241645 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1894005365 defineId: 702015 experience: 240 heroUniqueId: 5033293 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5033293 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1471082748 } gainTime: 1630633011000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2678850877 defineId: 702018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1683768241645 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2635216775 defineId: 703023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680574508000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1012841675 defineId: 703008 experience: 50 heroUniqueId: 803129509 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 803129509 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 803129509 } gainTime: 1590571738000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 109483025 defineId: 703008 experience: 475 heroUniqueId: 1735787453 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1735787453 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1735787453 } gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1894005363 defineId: 701037 experience: 230 heroUniqueId: 871601894 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 871601894 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 2 heroUniqueId: 871601894 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 3 heroUniqueId: 1574223002 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 871601894 } gainTime: 1630633007000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1012841671 defineId: 702022 experience: 1040 heroUniqueId: 1735787453 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1735787453 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1735787453 } gainTime: 1590571738000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1155825730 defineId: 701008 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 806571529 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 806571529 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 806571529 } gainTime: 1594373717000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1155825731 defineId: 703008 experience: 180 heroUniqueId: 122549076 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 122549076 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 122549076 } gainTime: 1594373717000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 24094150 defineId: 702008 experience: 285 heroUniqueId: 1574223002 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1574223002 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1574223002 } gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 28438296 defineId: 701027 experience: 1620 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 2 gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1155825741 defineId: 701022 experience: 95 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1594373785000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2399985062 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1665735842000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1353115149 defineId: 702008 experience: 440 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 2 gainTime: 1600154113000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2629001246 defineId: 702018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679538096000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2629001245 defineId: 703018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679538096000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2676125488 defineId: 701018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1683540763728 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2676125489 defineId: 702018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1683540763728 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1155825744 defineId: 701007 experience: 1600 heroUniqueId: 1574223002 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1574223002 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 2 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1574223002 } gainTime: 1594373785000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1192830380 defineId: 702008 experience: 640 heroUniqueId: 1574223003 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1574223003 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1574223003 } gainTime: 1595918200000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1194020764 defineId: 703030 experience: 4835 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 isLocked: false star: 3 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 2 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } gainTime: 1595919786000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2639845349 defineId: 702013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680941397000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2639845350 defineId: 702013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680941397000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2399985075 defineId: 701022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1665735994000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2542418244 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1674833126000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2637070846 defineId: 702019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680654133000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 93163357 defineId: 701008 experience: 1280 heroUniqueId: 72174877 isLocked: false star: 3 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 72174877 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 72174877 } gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2637070845 defineId: 701019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680654133000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2538268575 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1674545354000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2616496417 defineId: 701008 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679035144000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2616496418 defineId: 702022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679035144000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1155878973 defineId: 703008 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 806571529 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 806571529 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 806571529 } gainTime: 1594392108000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1179460756 defineId: 701008 experience: 450 heroUniqueId: 5033293 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5033293 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 5033293 } gainTime: 1595459911000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1887823967 defineId: 702008 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 5033214 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5033214 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 5033214 } gainTime: 1630075951000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 16633894 defineId: 701008 experience: 275 heroUniqueId: 122549076 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 122549076 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 122549076 } gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2630933516 defineId: 701023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679882478000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2630933517 defineId: 703018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679882478000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1179460755 defineId: 701008 experience: 200 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1595459911000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2616496427 defineId: 701008 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679035186000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497239 defineId: 703033 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849148000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2670390730 defineId: 702023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1682835622000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497238 defineId: 701033 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849148000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2128650754 defineId: 703043 experience: 240 heroUniqueId: 5034899 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5034899 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 5034899 } gainTime: 1647473233000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497237 defineId: 701012 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849148000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2670390729 defineId: 703019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1682835622000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2128650755 defineId: 702043 experience: 685 heroUniqueId: 1326386289 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1326386289 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1326386289 } gainTime: 1647473244000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497236 defineId: 701012 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849148000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497235 defineId: 703039 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849148000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2128650756 defineId: 701043 experience: 240 heroUniqueId: 5034899 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5034899 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 5034899 } gainTime: 1647473256000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2128650757 defineId: 701042 experience: 320 heroUniqueId: 1326386289 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1326386289 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1326386289 } gainTime: 1647473261000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497234 defineId: 702030 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849148000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497233 defineId: 701024 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 1696416474 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1696416474 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1696416474 } gainTime: 1678849148000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2128650758 defineId: 702042 experience: 300 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1647473269000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2564350014 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1676020919000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497232 defineId: 702033 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849148000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1155878914 defineId: 702022 experience: 400 heroUniqueId: 1254799968 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1254799968 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1254799968 } gainTime: 1594391963000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2128650759 defineId: 703042 experience: 320 heroUniqueId: 1630110761 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1630110761 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1630110761 } gainTime: 1647473275000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1787838584 defineId: 702030 experience: 1605 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } gainTime: 1622800089000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497245 defineId: 701032 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849155000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497244 defineId: 703035 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 } gainTime: 1678849148000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1012841653 defineId: 702009 experience: 6650 heroUniqueId: 1353957188 isLocked: false star: 3 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1353957188 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 3 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 5035157 } gainTime: 1590571702000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497243 defineId: 703021 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1471082748 } gainTime: 1678849148000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497242 defineId: 702029 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849148000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2616496409 defineId: 701008 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679035103000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 76874875 defineId: 703013 experience: 225 heroUniqueId: 5985670 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5985670 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 5985670 } gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497241 defineId: 703047 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849148000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497240 defineId: 703030 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849148000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497223 defineId: 701048 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849134000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1133627232 defineId: 702013 experience: 80 heroUniqueId: 141141567 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 141141567 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 141141567 } gainTime: 1593851937000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497222 defineId: 703028 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849134000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497221 defineId: 702005 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849134000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497220 defineId: 702005 experience: 40 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 } gainTime: 1678849134000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497217 defineId: 701034 experience: 80 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 } gainTime: 1678849120000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1335395694 defineId: 702011 experience: 6660 heroUniqueId: 1473115405 isLocked: false star: 3 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1473115405 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 2 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 3 heroUniqueId: 1574223002 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 253111385 } gainTime: 1599758366000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497216 defineId: 703048 experience: 320 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849120000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497231 defineId: 701002 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849138000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2691701384 defineId: 701023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1684744629826 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497230 defineId: 701015 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849138000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2691701385 defineId: 701023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1684744629826 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497229 defineId: 701049 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849138000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2667928063 defineId: 702023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1682473140000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497228 defineId: 703027 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849138000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 137527497 defineId: 703027 experience: 240 heroUniqueId: 5033293 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5033293 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 5033293 } gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2667928062 defineId: 703013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1682473140000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497227 defineId: 703027 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849138000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2564039209 defineId: 701022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1676012634000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497226 defineId: 703025 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849138000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497225 defineId: 702017 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1678849138000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1155826144 defineId: 701008 experience: 180 heroUniqueId: 74123796 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 74123796 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 74123796 } gainTime: 1594375602000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2674458233 defineId: 701013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1683360194578 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2373931630 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1664524316000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2674458234 defineId: 701013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1683360194578 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2633653731 defineId: 701019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680225378000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2682232006 defineId: 702018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1684146485103 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2360083381 defineId: 702038 experience: 285 heroUniqueId: 1148133020 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1148133020 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1148133020 } gainTime: 1663237524000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2682232005 defineId: 701018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1684146485103 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2559224721 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1675761355000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2683943141 defineId: 701013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1684316301253 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2633653732 defineId: 702022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680225378000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2638171681 defineId: 702018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680752391000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2128650751 defineId: 702016 experience: 295 heroUniqueId: 1630110761 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1630110761 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1630110761 } gainTime: 1647471238000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2683943142 defineId: 702019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1684316301253 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2638171680 defineId: 701018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680752391000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2638171679 defineId: 701019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680752391000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2638171678 defineId: 703018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680752391000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2638171677 defineId: 703018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680752391000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2638171676 defineId: 703023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680752391000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2638171675 defineId: 701023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680752391000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2638171674 defineId: 701023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680752391000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2689904510 defineId: 701023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1684675705380 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2564349939 defineId: 701022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1676020637000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2689904511 defineId: 702013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1684675705380 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2564349940 defineId: 702022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1676020637000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2564349930 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1676020590000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2419044633 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1666689920000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1155826143 defineId: 701008 experience: 320 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 3 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } gainTime: 1594375602000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2629307782 defineId: 703019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679700821000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2629307783 defineId: 702023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679700821000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2373931584 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1664524086000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 26920155 defineId: 702008 experience: 1220 heroUniqueId: 72174877 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 72174877 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 72174877 } gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2564349851 defineId: 701021 experience: 160 heroUniqueId: 1353957188 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1353957188 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 5035157 } gainTime: 1676020079000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1155879334 defineId: 703031 experience: 1625 heroUniqueId: 1768243002 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1768243002 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 2 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1768243002 } gainTime: 1594393259000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2564349852 defineId: 701022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1676020079000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2393642985 defineId: 702008 experience: 200 heroUniqueId: 5034899 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5034899 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 5034899 } gainTime: 1665481928000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2393642982 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1665481928000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2630936454 defineId: 703023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679974995000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2630936455 defineId: 701022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679974995000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2369515619 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1664241314000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2630936456 defineId: 702008 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679974995000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2630936457 defineId: 701019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679974995000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2663328219 defineId: 701019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1682237659000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2663328218 defineId: 702023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1682237659000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 848134123 defineId: 702015 experience: 4500 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 3 gainTime: 1586767542000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2680476333 defineId: 702023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1684046728518 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2694671860 defineId: 702013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1684930559267 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2680476334 defineId: 702013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1684046728518 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1984763687 defineId: 701030 experience: 240 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } gainTime: 1637036762000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1044050768 defineId: 701010 experience: 230 heroUniqueId: 1630110761 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1630110761 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 2 heroUniqueId: 937586058 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1630110761 } gainTime: 1591917094000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2694671859 defineId: 703019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1684930559267 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2373931534 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1664523869000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2627422703 defineId: 702019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679476101000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1374274192 defineId: 703008 experience: 1170 heroUniqueId: 5039153 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 5039153 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 5039153 } gainTime: 1601274691000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2365802115 defineId: 701018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1663832087000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2454475214 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1668740015000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2678798895 defineId: 702019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1683944223061 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1899650751 defineId: 701035 experience: 240 heroUniqueId: 1473115405 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1473115405 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1473115405 } gainTime: 1631140486000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2678798894 defineId: 702023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1683944223061 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 30252107 defineId: 701017 experience: 5070 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 isLocked: false star: 3 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 2 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 } gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2331434864 defineId: 703030 experience: 160 heroUniqueId: 1751188406 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1751188406 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1751188406 } gainTime: 1661996768000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2365802116 defineId: 703018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1663832087000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2631099739 defineId: 703023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680080818000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2631099738 defineId: 702023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680080818000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 4326359 defineId: 703008 experience: 1230 heroUniqueId: 72174877 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 72174877 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 72174877 } gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2372533488 defineId: 703018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1664439238000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2372533493 defineId: 703018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1664439352000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2372533494 defineId: 703018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1664439352000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2365802152 defineId: 703018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1663833843000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2633746251 defineId: 702013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680308935000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2633746250 defineId: 702013 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1680308935000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 227285563 defineId: 703018 experience: 40 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1389896547 defineId: 702003 experience: 6660 heroUniqueId: 871601894 isLocked: false star: 3 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 871601894 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 2 heroUniqueId: 871601894 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 871601894 } gainTime: 1601944960000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1735340754 defineId: 703022 experience: 415 heroUniqueId: 1254799968 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1254799968 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1254799968 } gainTime: 1621464844000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1735340753 defineId: 701022 experience: 120 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1621464844000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 976803832 defineId: 703013 experience: 40 heroUniqueId: 141141567 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 141141567 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 141141567 } gainTime: 1589938952000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2454475144 defineId: 701022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1668739593000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 16632122 defineId: 702017 experience: 5320 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 isLocked: false star: 3 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 2 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 } gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2604010751 defineId: 702034 experience: 120 heroUniqueId: 213752581 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 213752581 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 } gainTime: 1678314760000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2454475138 defineId: 701022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1668739552000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2646150753 defineId: 701018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1681340490000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2646150752 defineId: 703019 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1681340435000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2646150754 defineId: 701018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1681340490000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 6192517 defineId: 703017 experience: 4995 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 isLocked: false star: 3 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 2 heroUniqueId: 871601894 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 } gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1295995106 defineId: 702008 experience: 200 heroUniqueId: 74123796 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 74123796 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 74123796 } gainTime: 1598602680000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2454475155 defineId: 703022 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1668739644000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1155825926 defineId: 701021 experience: 240 heroUniqueId: 1148133020 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1148133020 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1148133020 } gainTime: 1594374465000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2646150751 defineId: 701018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1681340435000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1397562021 defineId: 703008 experience: 200 heroUniqueId: 74123796 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 74123796 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 74123796 } gainTime: 1602212134000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2629004122 defineId: 701023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679615253000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2629004121 defineId: 701023 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1679615253000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1162663102 defineId: 703008 experience: 580 heroUniqueId: 1326386289 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1326386289 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1326386289 } gainTime: 1594711359000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 1899650754 defineId: 703030 experience: 240 heroUniqueId: 1148133020 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1148133020 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1148133020 } gainTime: 1631142271000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2658491279 defineId: 703018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1681954636000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2658491278 defineId: 702018 experience: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 1 gainTime: 1681954636000 loveLevel: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = EquipInfoResponse <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 51 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.44053211808205 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 5 || 0 EquipInfoResponse 7 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { itemId: 11090089 count: 6 lastUseTime: 1598442558000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141290 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1637324915000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141291 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1637717592000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090088 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1606269567000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090091 count: 7 lastUseTime: 1562852220000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090090 count: 11 lastUseTime: 1560414833000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141289 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1637200777000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090093 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1598442558000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090092 count: 5 lastUseTime: 1563174087000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090095 count: 4 lastUseTime: 1598442561000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141292 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1637582607000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090094 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1598442558000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090081 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1582762642000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141282 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1638848790000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090080 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1598442558000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090083 count: 15 lastUseTime: 1555230594000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090085 count: 12 lastUseTime: 1563174089000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141287 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1637481378000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090084 count: 9 lastUseTime: 1559035711000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090087 count: 11 lastUseTime: 1567578845000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090086 count: 6 lastUseTime: 1566961494000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090105 count: 6 lastUseTime: 1580265822000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090104 count: 7 lastUseTime: 1580265822000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141307 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1641029849000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090107 count: 12 lastUseTime: 1580265822000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090106 count: 7 lastUseTime: 1580265822000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090109 count: 5 lastUseTime: 1598442558000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141310 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1639647913000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090108 count: 9 lastUseTime: 1598442558000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090110 count: 6 lastUseTime: 1589161713000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141309 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1641130586000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090097 count: 5 lastUseTime: 1568222380000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090096 count: 6 lastUseTime: 1570929747000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090099 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1585675023000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090098 count: 14 lastUseTime: 1568222380000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090101 count: 8 lastUseTime: 1585675023000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141302 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1640049163000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141303 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1640126199000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090100 count: 5 lastUseTime: 1587917530000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090103 count: 8 lastUseTime: 1582762642000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141300 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1639743476000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090102 count: 4 lastUseTime: 1598442558000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090057 count: 5 lastUseTime: 1536700477000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090056 count: 31 lastUseTime: 1536108129000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090059 count: 10 lastUseTime: 1559035721000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090058 count: 20 lastUseTime: 1537263896000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090061 count: 17 lastUseTime: 1555230596000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090060 count: 13 lastUseTime: 1560414831000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141263 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1634696786000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090063 count: 9 lastUseTime: 1569738698000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090062 count: 11 lastUseTime: 1580265822000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090049 count: 20 lastUseTime: 1559035715000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090048 count: 41 lastUseTime: 1537924201000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090051 count: 18 lastUseTime: 1563265103000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090050 count: 29 lastUseTime: 1537791372000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090053 count: 16 lastUseTime: 1559035717000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090052 count: 26 lastUseTime: 1539488674000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141252 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1635821951000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090055 count: 31 lastUseTime: 1536067024000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090054 count: 64 lastUseTime: 1536405596000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090073 count: 8 lastUseTime: 1559035711000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090072 count: 10 lastUseTime: 1555230596000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090075 count: 12 lastUseTime: 1555230592000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141272 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1635154024000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090074 count: 17 lastUseTime: 1536067024000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141278 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1637828446000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090077 count: 16 lastUseTime: 1540684454000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090076 count: 14 lastUseTime: 1541331043000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090079 count: 15 lastUseTime: 1537924201000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141277 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1637652567000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090078 count: 9 lastUseTime: 1538219007000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090065 count: 14 lastUseTime: 1560414833000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090064 count: 11 lastUseTime: 1562754291000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090067 count: 5 lastUseTime: 1563923922000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090066 count: 13 lastUseTime: 1555230592000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090069 count: 11 lastUseTime: 1562754291000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090068 count: 7 lastUseTime: 1560414831000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090071 count: 11 lastUseTime: 1562754296000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090070 count: 4 lastUseTime: 1567578845000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141269 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1635060466000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141358 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1646019864000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11340011 count: 340 lastUseTime: 1625394159000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141357 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1645957026000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141346 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1642487870000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141344 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1641960026000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141345 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1642893065000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141350 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1646734168000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141374 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1647312596000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141372 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1646553739000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141362 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1646396005000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141360 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1645669673000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141361 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1646900470000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141366 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1646118011000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090121 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1598442558000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141323 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1641909406000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090120 count: 6 lastUseTime: 1598442558000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090123 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1606269567000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090122 count: 6 lastUseTime: 1598442558000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090125 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1606269570000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090124 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1606269567000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090115 count: 4 lastUseTime: 1598442561000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090117 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1608662728000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141318 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1640249619000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090116 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1608662728000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141316 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1639830381000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090119 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1598442561000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 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0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141240 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1632386581000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090043 count: 32 lastUseTime: 1536700477000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090042 count: 25 lastUseTime: 1565851051000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141241 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1632015162000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090045 count: 29 lastUseTime: 1564698746000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141246 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1633236686000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090044 count: 46 lastUseTime: 1536155885000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141244 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1632967048000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090047 count: 31 lastUseTime: 1537742435000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141245 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1633135300000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090046 count: 24 lastUseTime: 1555230592000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090033 count: 43 lastUseTime: 1536067024000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090032 count: 46 lastUseTime: 1536138360000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141232 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1632704852000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090035 count: 45 lastUseTime: 1536067024000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141233 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1632491234000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090034 count: 43 lastUseTime: 1555230594000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090037 count: 39 lastUseTime: 1536672702000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090036 count: 42 lastUseTime: 1536766351000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141239 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1632791279000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } 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11090015 count: 32 lastUseTime: 1536491519000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141212 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1629385233000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090014 count: 33 lastUseTime: 1536899922000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141213 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1629385221000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 12200002 count: 103 lastUseTime: 1536019602000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090001 count: 34 lastUseTime: 1536639733000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 12200003 count: 94 lastUseTime: 1536019602000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141203 count: 4 lastUseTime: 1629385208000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090000 count: 50 lastUseTime: 1536238489000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11090003 count: 48 lastUseTime: 1536278735000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141200 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11240037 count: 14 lastUseTime: 1536042807000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11240036 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1652510477599 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11240059 count: 41 lastUseTime: 1570407367000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11240058 count: 49 lastUseTime: 1638407891000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11240057 count: 40 lastUseTime: 1563157333000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11240056 count: 51 lastUseTime: 1536031701000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11240063 count: 27 lastUseTime: 1613027982000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11240061 count: 28 lastUseTime: 1646301786000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11240060 count: 48 lastUseTime: 1569812580000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11240051 count: 67 lastUseTime: 1556587409000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11240050 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count: 1 lastUseTime: 1580634969000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140641 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1580954642000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140642 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1648259673000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140647 count: 4 lastUseTime: 1580864450000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140665 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1617015300000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140667 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1584157478000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140666 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1583382794000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140669 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1653394782101 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140670 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1583308731000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140657 count: 7 lastUseTime: 1580352048000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140656 count: 5 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1578362096000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140717 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1622537416000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140719 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1621412766000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140718 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1589160026000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140728 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1588924540000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140721 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1588259135000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140720 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1588674267000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140723 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1621929671000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140722 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1589546645000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140724 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1588775660000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140681 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1583814602000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140680 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1584106318000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140675 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1583879500000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140674 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1583560219000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140692 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1585677925000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141025 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1612943681000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000276 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1642725128000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141029 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1613709758000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141028 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1612501505000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141030 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1613295617000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000269 count: 49 lastUseTime: 1639744236000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000260 count: 7 lastUseTime: 1635315719000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140993 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1641909351000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140995 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1608896458000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11440004 count: 79 lastUseTime: 1615275202000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11440002 count: 133 lastUseTime: 1568364123000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11440003 count: 39 lastUseTime: 1568364256000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11440001 count: 6 lastUseTime: 1583879897000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141019 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1613026348000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141018 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1612584714000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141021 count: 4 lastUseTime: 1611797899000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141022 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1612786748000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141008 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1644476863000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141011 count: 5 lastUseTime: 1611542230000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141010 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1613633607000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141012 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1611710894000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141015 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1612686534000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000295 count: 0 lastUseTime: 1650990180000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141014 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1612449947000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141099 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1620207019000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11180002 count: 31 lastUseTime: 1629219423000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141089 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1620130638000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11180001 count: 172 lastUseTime: 1535944989000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141095 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1621152136000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141094 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1620294054000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141065 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1650701985000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141067 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1618548602000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141066 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1650880503000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141071 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1618821042000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141070 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1618387534000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141059 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1617330376000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141061 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1650937300000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141060 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1618190552000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141062 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1617691853000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141085 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1620806959000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141087 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1619680907000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141073 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1618916652000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141075 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1617258804000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141074 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1617493027000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11141076 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1617759732000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000138 count: 66 lastUseTime: 1592953795000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000141 count: 12 lastUseTime: 1645348012000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000142 count: 9 lastUseTime: 1645350332000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140927 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1605575953000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140926 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1604452580000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140872 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1629385445000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11190024 count: 12 lastUseTime: 1535939028000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140875 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1598862004000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140877 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1599014692000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140876 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1598862004000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140879 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1598838245000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140878 count: 5 lastUseTime: 1598862004000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11190018 count: 95 lastUseTime: 1535942396000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11190019 count: 40 lastUseTime: 1536974499000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000178 count: 20 lastUseTime: 1598753172000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140869 count: 4 lastUseTime: 1598629216000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000180 count: 12 lastUseTime: 1598583807000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000181 count: 55 lastUseTime: 1645186358000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140871 count: 6 lastUseTime: 1598631209000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000172 count: 15 lastUseTime: 1629385111000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000164 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1599094469000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140969 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1606896366000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140968 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1629385285000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140971 count: 4 lastUseTime: 1606896366000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140970 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1606896366000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140973 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1606896366000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140972 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1606896366000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000222 count: 4 lastUseTime: 1618741692000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140975 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1606896366000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140974 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1629385285000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140961 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1607411950000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140960 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1606979796000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000211 count: 101 lastUseTime: 1614765673000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140965 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1606896366000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140967 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1629385285000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140966 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1606896366000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140987 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1610279958000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000202 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1612023158000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140989 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1609804538000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000206 count: 15 lastUseTime: 1613027636000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140990 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1609138477000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140977 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1606896366000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140976 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1606896366000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140979 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1606896366000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140978 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1606896366000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000196 count: 10 lastUseTime: 1608657168000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000197 count: 4 lastUseTime: 1608657163000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000198 count: 13 lastUseTime: 1608657161000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000199 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1650702607000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140936 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1604886124000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140939 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1606862595000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140941 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1607920097000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000242 count: 50 lastUseTime: 1629219458000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140933 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1605081756000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140932 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1604666949000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140935 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1604539538000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 10000246 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1630640144000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140934 count: 3 lastUseTime: 1604367198000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140953 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1606615681000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11099996 count: 10 lastUseTime: 1563921678000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140959 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1606810738000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11099999 count: 32 lastUseTime: 1536108129000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140947 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1607243619000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140946 count: 1 lastUseTime: 1639481452000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11140949 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1607169981000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } dataList { itemId: 11099990 count: 11 lastUseTime: 1574799910000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetItemListReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 10 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.44053211808205 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 4 || 0 GetItemListReply 8 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2002#1 bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001031 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001041 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001071 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001081 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2008#1 bestFightRound: 12 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001091 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001101 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 12 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001111 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 12 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001121 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10001 barrierId: 10001122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 12 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002012 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002021 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002022 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002041 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002051 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002062 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002071 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002081 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002082 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002091 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002101 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002102 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002111 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002121 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10002 barrierId: 10002123 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2003#1 bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003012 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003021 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003022 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003031 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 13 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003041 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003061 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003062 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003071 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003081 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003082 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003091 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 10 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003101 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003102 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2054#1 bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003111 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 12 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003121 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 14 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10003 barrierId: 10003123 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2026#1|4#2055#2|4#2023#2|4#2003#1 bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004012 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2055#1 bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004022 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 14 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004041 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2034#1 bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2003#1 bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004062 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004071 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004081 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004082 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004091 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004101 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004102 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004111 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004121 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2026#1 bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10004 barrierId: 10004123 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2030#1 bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005012 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005022 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 10 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2026#1 bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005062 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2055#1 bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005071 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2002#1 bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005081 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005082 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005091 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005101 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005102 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005111 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005121 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10005 barrierId: 10005123 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2026#2|4#2008#1 bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006011 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006012 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2018#1 bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006022 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2026#1 bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006041 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006061 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006062 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2055#1 bestFightRound: 10 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006071 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006081 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006082 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006091 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2018#1 bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006101 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006102 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2003#1 bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006111 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006121 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10006 barrierId: 10006123 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2055#1 bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007011 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007012 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007021 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007022 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2022#1 bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007031 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007041 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 10 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007062 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007071 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007081 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007082 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2026#1 bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007091 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007101 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007102 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2003#1 bestFightRound: 10 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007111 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2008#1 bestFightRound: 10 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007121 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10007 barrierId: 10007123 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2023#1 bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008011 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008012 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008021 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008022 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008031 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008041 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008061 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008062 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008071 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008081 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008082 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2026#1 bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008091 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2026#1 bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2026#1 bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008101 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2054#1 bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008102 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008111 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2054#1 bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008121 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2055#1 bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10008 barrierId: 10008123 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2003#1 bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009011 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009012 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009021 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009022 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2008#1 bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009031 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 10 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2026#1 bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2026#1 bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009062 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009071 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 10 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009081 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009082 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009091 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009101 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009102 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2022#1 bestFightRound: 12 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009111 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009121 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 10 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10009 barrierId: 10009123 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010011 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010012 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010021 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010022 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2055#1 bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010031 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010041 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2003#1 bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010061 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010062 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010071 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010081 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010082 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010091 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010101 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010102 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2003#1 bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010111 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 10 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 10 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010121 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2003#1 bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010131 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010132 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2022#1 bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10010 barrierId: 10010133 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011011 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011012 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011022 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011031 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011041 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011061 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011062 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2002#1 bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011071 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011081 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011082 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011091 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011101 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011102 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011111 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011121 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10011 barrierId: 10011123 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2022#1 bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012011 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012012 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012021 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012022 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012031 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012041 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2008#1|4#2003#1 bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012061 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012062 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012071 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 10 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012081 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012082 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2002#1 bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012091 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012101 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012102 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012111 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012121 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10012 barrierId: 10012123 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2055#1 bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013011 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013012 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013021 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013022 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013031 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013041 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013061 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013062 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013071 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2022#1 bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013081 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013082 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013091 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013101 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013102 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013111 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2041#1 bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013121 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 12 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013131 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013132 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10013 barrierId: 10013133 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014011 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014012 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014021 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014022 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 10 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014031 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014032 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014041 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014042 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014052 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014061 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014062 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014071 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014072 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2026#1 bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014081 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014082 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014091 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014092 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014101 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2008#1 bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014102 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014111 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014112 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014121 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014122 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 10014 barrierId: 10014131 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20000 barrierId: 20000001 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20001 barrierId: 20001011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20001 barrierId: 20001021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20001 barrierId: 20001031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20001 barrierId: 20001041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20001 barrierId: 20001051 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20001 barrierId: 20001061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20001 barrierId: 20001071 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20001 barrierId: 20001081 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20001 barrierId: 20001091 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20002 barrierId: 20002011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20002 barrierId: 20002021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20002 barrierId: 20002031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20002 barrierId: 20002041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20002 barrierId: 20002051 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20002 barrierId: 20002061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20002 barrierId: 20002071 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20002 barrierId: 20002081 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20002 barrierId: 20002091 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20003 barrierId: 20003011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20003 barrierId: 20003021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20003 barrierId: 20003031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20003 barrierId: 20003041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20003 barrierId: 20003051 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20003 barrierId: 20003061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20003 barrierId: 20003071 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20003 barrierId: 20003081 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20003 barrierId: 20003091 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20004 barrierId: 20004011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20004 barrierId: 20004021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20004 barrierId: 20004031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20004 barrierId: 20004041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20004 barrierId: 20004051 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20004 barrierId: 20004061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20004 barrierId: 20004071 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20004 barrierId: 20004081 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 20004 barrierId: 20004091 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50001 barrierId: 50001011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50001 barrierId: 50001021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50001 barrierId: 50001031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50001 barrierId: 50001041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50001 barrierId: 50001051 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50001 barrierId: 50001061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50001 barrierId: 50001071 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50001 barrierId: 50001081 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50002 barrierId: 50002011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50002 barrierId: 50002021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50002 barrierId: 50002031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50002 barrierId: 50002041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50002 barrierId: 50002051 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50002 barrierId: 50002061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50002 barrierId: 50002071 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50002 barrierId: 50002081 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50003 barrierId: 50003011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50003 barrierId: 50003021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50003 barrierId: 50003031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50003 barrierId: 50003041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50003 barrierId: 50003051 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50003 barrierId: 50003061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50003 barrierId: 50003071 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50003 barrierId: 50003081 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50004 barrierId: 50004011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50004 barrierId: 50004021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50004 barrierId: 50004031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50004 barrierId: 50004041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50004 barrierId: 50004051 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50004 barrierId: 50004061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50004 barrierId: 50004071 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50005 barrierId: 50005011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50005 barrierId: 50005021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50005 barrierId: 50005031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50005 barrierId: 50005041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50005 barrierId: 50005051 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50005 barrierId: 50005061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 50005 barrierId: 50005071 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001051 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001071 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001081 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001091 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001101 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001111 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001121 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001131 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 70001 barrierId: 70001141 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110001 barrierId: 110001011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110001 barrierId: 110001021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110001 barrierId: 110001031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 13 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110001 barrierId: 110001041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2002#6|4#2022#4|4#2054#7|4#2003#12|4#2041#10|4#2026#7|4#2055#7|4#2008#9 bestFightRound: 3 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110002 barrierId: 110002011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 12 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110002 barrierId: 110002021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 18 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110002 barrierId: 110002031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 10 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110002 barrierId: 110002041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2018#1|4#2055#1|4#2008#1 bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110003 barrierId: 110003011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 12 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110003 barrierId: 110003021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110003 barrierId: 110003031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110003 barrierId: 110003041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2023#1|4#2054#1 bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110004 barrierId: 110004011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2003#1 bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110004 barrierId: 110004021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110004 barrierId: 110004031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110004 barrierId: 110004041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2034#5|4#2055#1|4#2008#1|4#2026#1|4#2003#3|4#2054#1 bestFightRound: 5 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110005 barrierId: 110005011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110005 barrierId: 110005021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 13 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110005 barrierId: 110005031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 13 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110005 barrierId: 110005041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2002#2|4#2054#4|4#2022#5|4#2003#7|4#2026#5|4#2041#4|4#2008#6|4#2055#2 bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110006 barrierId: 110006011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2055#1 bestFightRound: 16 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110006 barrierId: 110006021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 21 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110006 barrierId: 110006031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2022#1 bestFightRound: 12 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110006 barrierId: 110006041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2054#1|4#2055#1|4#2018#1 bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110007 barrierId: 110007011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2055#1 bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110007 barrierId: 110007021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2035#1 bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110007 barrierId: 110007031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 12 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110007 barrierId: 110007041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2023#1 bestFightRound: 9 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110008 barrierId: 110008011 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 13 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110008 barrierId: 110008021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110008 barrierId: 110008031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 11 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110008 barrierId: 110008041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: 4#2055#1 bestFightRound: 7 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 110009 barrierId: 110009011 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 350001 barrierId: 350001011 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 350001 barrierId: 350001021 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 350001 barrierId: 350001031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 350001 barrierId: 350001041 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 350001 barrierId: 350001051 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001011 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001021 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001031 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 1 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001051 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001061 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 2 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001071 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 490001 barrierId: 490001081 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 780001 barrierId: 780001011 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 301001 barrierId: 301001011 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 301001 barrierId: 301001021 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 301001 barrierId: 301001031 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 301001 barrierId: 301001041 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 4 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 301001 barrierId: 301001051 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 301001 barrierId: 301001061 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 301001 barrierId: 301001071 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 301001 barrierId: 301001081 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 301001 barrierId: 301001091 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 301001 barrierId: 301001101 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 8 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 301001 barrierId: 301001111 star: 0 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 301001 barrierId: 301001121 star: 8 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 6 } userBarrierList { dungeonId: 301001 barrierId: 301001131 star: -1 hasGetBonus: bestFightRound: 0 } notFirstInDungeonId: 10008 notFirstInDungeonId: 10007 notFirstInDungeonId: 10009 notFirstInDungeonId: 10011 notFirstInDungeonId: 10010 notFirstInDungeonId: 10002 notFirstInDungeonId: 10013 notFirstInDungeonId: 10001 notFirstInDungeonId: 10012 notFirstInDungeonId: 10004 notFirstInDungeonId: 10003 notFirstInDungeonId: 10014 notFirstInDungeonId: 10006 notFirstInDungeonId: 10005 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMainDungeonReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 31 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.44053211808205 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 3 || 0 GetMainDungeonReply 9 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}banIds: 36000000 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetSvrFunctionBanReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 20 33 所需时间单位秒 = 0.49670261889696 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 GetSvrFunctionBanReply 10 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}scenes { id: 1 expireTime: 0 isUsing: true autoChange: false } scenes { id: 7 expireTime: 0 isUsing: false autoChange: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetSceneInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 67 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.49670261889696 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetSceneInfoReply 11 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMidasCurrencyInfoAysnReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 11 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.49670261889696 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetMidasCurrencyInfoAysnReply 12 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/stat/agent/StatAgent.lua:0]:{sendSubmitClientDataRequest}腾讯渠道才用注册渠道 SDKManager.getRegisterChannelId() = 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/stat/agent/StatAgent.lua:0]:{sendSubmitClientDataRequest}iPad ARM64E [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/stat/agent/StatAgent.lua:0]:{sendSubmitClientDataRequest}Apple A12 GPU [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/stat/agent/StatAgent.lua:0]:{sendSubmitClientDataRequest}Metal [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitClientDataRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}clientData { phoneModel: iPad11,1 sdkVersion: 1.8.0 sdkType: 1 imsi: F2B27389-D10A-42E5-A0E1-6BF8C01EEFA7 imei: F2B27389-D10A-42E5-A0E1-6BF8C01EEFA7 gameVersionName: 1.0.97 gameVersionCode: 100 gamepackageName: com.tencent.swy densityDpi: 2 displayScreenWidth: 1024 displayScreenHeight: 768 networkInfo: WIFI sysVersion: 12.2 othersdkVersion: channelId: 0 pushRegisterId: cpuHardware: iPad ARM64E memory: 2907 gLRender: Apple A12 GPU gLVersion: Metal startFromGameCenter: false installChannel: 1001 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=1,size=218 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController.lua:0]:{}===========注意:拉取一些进入主界面需要的请求数据,非关键路径数据,以下协议都配置到没有返回不会卡菊花不重连=========== [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 3 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = AntiAddUserRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}clientVersion: 100 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 37 9 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetFoodRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 37 2 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetKitchenRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 20 30 当前队列数量= 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetPopUpMessageRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 54 1 当前队列数量= 6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetHeroTaskInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 49 1 当前队列数量= 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 33 14 当前队列数量= 8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = LoadFriendInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 57 1 当前队列数量= 9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=3,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=37,cmd=9,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GuildGetReqest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}includeExtInfo: false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 57 27 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GuildGetJoinOfflineReqest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 23 12 当前队列数量= 11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroCharacterSkinRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=37,cmd=2,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 76 1 当前队列数量= 12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=30,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = BondCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=54,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 20 49 当前队列数量= 13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetXinYueSuperLevelRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 20 64 当前队列数量= 14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = LoadingBgGetRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=49,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController.lua:0]:{}===========做一些进入主界面的初始化处理工作=========== [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 10 当前队列数量= 15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}isOpenView: false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=33,cmd=14,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=57,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=57,cmd=27,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=23,cmd=12,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=76,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=49,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=64,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=10,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController: in function 'enterMainScene' logic/logicLauncher/LogicLauncher: in function 'beginCreateRoleAfterFinishAndEnterGame' logic/logicLauncher/LogicLauncher: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/controller/PlayerController: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/currency/agent/CurrencyAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{openInAppEvent}打开IAE Card [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}id: 1 userCount: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = JoinChatRoomPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 35 5 || 0 JoinChatRoomPush 13 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}currencyInfo { count: 53833 totalPayCount: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = MidasCurrencyInfoAysnPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 4 || 0 MidasCurrencyInfoAysnPush 14 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitClientDataReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.086518041789532 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 15 || 0 SubmitClientDataReply 15 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=13,cmd=3,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=37,cmd=9,status=0,size=6654 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=37,cmd=2,status=0,size=185 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]DestroyUnusedResources:34,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=30,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=1,status=0,size=11118 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=1,status=0,size=1839 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=33,cmd=14,status=0,size=401 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=57,cmd=1,status=0,size=256 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=57,cmd=27,status=0,size=10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=23,cmd=12,status=0,size=794 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=76,cmd=1,status=0,size=4562 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=64,status=0,size=38 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=10,status=0,size=551 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = AntiAddUserReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.11985504254699 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 14 || 0 AntiAddUserReply 16 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}food { foodId: 10403 tag: 5#2 num: 21 makeCount: 806 } food { foodId: 10404 tag: 5#2 num: 0 makeCount: 1047 } food { foodId: 10201 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 981 } food { foodId: 10201 tag: 3 num: 8 makeCount: 981 } food { foodId: 10202 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1125 } food { foodId: 10406 tag: 5#4 num: 150 makeCount: 1227 } food { foodId: 10203 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 806 } food { foodId: 10202 tag: 3 num: 28 makeCount: 1125 } food { foodId: 10201 tag: 5 num: 34 makeCount: 981 } food { foodId: 10203 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 806 } food { foodId: 10202 tag: 5 num: 45 makeCount: 1125 } food { foodId: 10204 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 583 } food { foodId: 10205 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 993 } food { foodId: 10206 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1001 } food { foodId: 10205 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 993 } food { foodId: 10203 tag: 5 num: 79 makeCount: 806 } food { foodId: 10206 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1001 } food { foodId: 10205 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 993 } food { foodId: 10206 tag: 4 num: 14 makeCount: 1001 } food { foodId: 10205 tag: 5 num: 48 makeCount: 993 } food { foodId: 10208 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1066 } food { foodId: 10207 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1000 } food { foodId: 10206 tag: 5 num: 215 makeCount: 1001 } food { foodId: 10208 tag: 3 num: 31 makeCount: 1066 } food { foodId: 10207 tag: 5 num: 0 makeCount: 1000 } food { foodId: 10209 tag: 3 num: 31 makeCount: 996 } food { foodId: 10208 tag: 5 num: 128 makeCount: 1066 } food { foodId: 10211 tag: 2 num: 54 makeCount: 637 } food { foodId: 10210 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1042 } food { foodId: 10211 tag: 3 num: 73 makeCount: 637 } food { foodId: 10209 tag: 5 num: 30 makeCount: 996 } food { foodId: 10210 tag: 5 num: 29 makeCount: 1042 } food { foodId: 10211 tag: 5 num: 307 makeCount: 637 } food { foodId: 11201 tag: 1#2 num: 0 makeCount: 894 } food { foodId: 11202 tag: 1#2 num: 0 makeCount: 916 } food { foodId: 11204 tag: 1#2 num: 0 makeCount: 708 } food { foodId: 10201 tag: 1#2 num: 31 makeCount: 981 } food { foodId: 10205 tag: 1#2 num: 171 makeCount: 993 } food { foodId: 10206 tag: 1#2 num: 60 makeCount: 1001 } food { foodId: 10207 tag: 1#2 num: 50 makeCount: 1000 } food { foodId: 10209 tag: 1#2 num: 169 makeCount: 996 } food { foodId: 10210 tag: 1#4 num: 287 makeCount: 1042 } food { foodId: 11301 tag: 3 num: 28 makeCount: 632 } food { foodId: 11303 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 547 } food { foodId: 11302 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 694 } food { foodId: 11303 tag: 3 num: 17 makeCount: 547 } food { foodId: 11301 tag: 5 num: 92 makeCount: 632 } food { foodId: 11304 tag: 3 num: 31 makeCount: 93 } food { foodId: 11302 tag: 5 num: 74 makeCount: 694 } food { foodId: 11303 tag: 5 num: 72 makeCount: 547 } food { foodId: 11304 tag: 5 num: 49 makeCount: 93 } food { foodId: 10501 tag: 5#4 num: 0 makeCount: 792 } food { foodId: 10301 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 972 } food { foodId: 10301 tag: 3 num: 31 makeCount: 972 } food { foodId: 10506 tag: 5#4 num: 57 makeCount: 1363 } food { foodId: 10302 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 988 } food { foodId: 10303 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 563 } food { foodId: 10302 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 988 } food { foodId: 10304 tag: 2 num: 31 makeCount: 1227 } food { foodId: 10303 tag: 3 num: 16 makeCount: 563 } food { foodId: 10301 tag: 5 num: 31 makeCount: 972 } food { foodId: 10304 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1227 } food { foodId: 10303 tag: 5 num: 40 makeCount: 563 } food { foodId: 10305 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 966 } food { foodId: 10306 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1054 } food { foodId: 10304 tag: 5 num: 293 makeCount: 1227 } food { foodId: 10307 tag: 2 num: 10 makeCount: 1070 } food { foodId: 10305 tag: 5 num: 35 makeCount: 966 } food { foodId: 10306 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 1054 } food { foodId: 10307 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1070 } food { foodId: 10309 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1134 } food { foodId: 10306 tag: 5 num: 56 makeCount: 1054 } food { foodId: 10308 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1235 } food { foodId: 10309 tag: 3 num: 15 makeCount: 1134 } food { foodId: 10307 tag: 5 num: 234 makeCount: 1070 } food { foodId: 10308 tag: 5 num: 31 makeCount: 1235 } food { foodId: 10311 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 849 } food { foodId: 10310 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1097 } food { foodId: 10311 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 849 } food { foodId: 10309 tag: 5 num: 130 makeCount: 1134 } food { foodId: 10310 tag: 5 num: 203 makeCount: 1097 } food { foodId: 11303 tag: 1#2 num: 31 makeCount: 547 } food { foodId: 10303 tag: 1#2 num: 30 makeCount: 563 } food { foodId: 10305 tag: 1#2 num: 238 makeCount: 966 } food { foodId: 10306 tag: 1#2 num: 181 makeCount: 1054 } food { foodId: 10307 tag: 1#2 num: 30 makeCount: 1070 } food { foodId: 10308 tag: 1#2 num: 213 makeCount: 1235 } food { foodId: 10309 tag: 1#2 num: 114 makeCount: 1134 } food { foodId: 10310 tag: 1#2 num: 31 makeCount: 1097 } food { foodId: 10311 tag: 1#2 num: 50 makeCount: 849 } food { foodId: 11401 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1117 } food { foodId: 11401 tag: 3 num: 6 makeCount: 1117 } food { foodId: 11402 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 963 } food { foodId: 11403 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 691 } food { foodId: 11402 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 963 } food { foodId: 11404 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 454 } food { foodId: 11401 tag: 5 num: 41 makeCount: 1117 } food { foodId: 11403 tag: 3 num: 20 makeCount: 691 } food { foodId: 11404 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 454 } food { foodId: 11403 tag: 5 num: 31 makeCount: 691 } food { foodId: 11404 tag: 5 num: 81 makeCount: 454 } food { foodId: 10405 tag: 2#3 num: 65 makeCount: 1113 } food { foodId: 10601 tag: 5#4 num: 51 makeCount: 817 } food { foodId: 10605 tag: 5#3 num: 177 makeCount: 1197 } food { foodId: 10401 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 841 } food { foodId: 10401 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 841 } food { foodId: 10402 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 543 } food { foodId: 10608 tag: 5#3 num: 136 makeCount: 946 } food { foodId: 10403 tag: 3 num: 61 makeCount: 806 } food { foodId: 10401 tag: 5 num: 5 makeCount: 841 } food { foodId: 10402 tag: 5 num: 11 makeCount: 543 } food { foodId: 10404 tag: 3 num: 85 makeCount: 1047 } food { foodId: 10406 tag: 3 num: 15 makeCount: 1227 } food { foodId: 10407 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1010 } food { foodId: 10612 tag: 5#3 num: 186 makeCount: 222 } food { foodId: 10405 tag: 5 num: 208 makeCount: 1113 } food { foodId: 10408 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1263 } food { foodId: 10407 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1010 } food { foodId: 10408 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1263 } food { foodId: 10409 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1398 } food { foodId: 10407 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 1010 } food { foodId: 10408 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 1263 } food { foodId: 10409 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1398 } food { foodId: 10407 tag: 5 num: 159 makeCount: 1010 } food { foodId: 10409 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 1398 } food { foodId: 10408 tag: 5 num: 184 makeCount: 1263 } food { foodId: 10410 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 991 } food { foodId: 10409 tag: 5 num: 124 makeCount: 1398 } food { foodId: 10410 tag: 5 num: 91 makeCount: 991 } food { foodId: 11402 tag: 1#5 num: 40 makeCount: 963 } food { foodId: 10402 tag: 1#2 num: 33 makeCount: 543 } food { foodId: 10406 tag: 1#2 num: 121 makeCount: 1227 } food { foodId: 10407 tag: 1#2 num: 120 makeCount: 1010 } food { foodId: 10408 tag: 1#2 num: 92 makeCount: 1263 } food { foodId: 10409 tag: 1#2 num: 118 makeCount: 1398 } food { foodId: 10410 tag: 1#2 num: 93 makeCount: 991 } food { foodId: 11501 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 710 } food { foodId: 11502 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 451 } food { foodId: 11501 tag: 3 num: 11 makeCount: 710 } food { foodId: 11502 tag: 3 num: 16 makeCount: 451 } food { foodId: 11503 tag: 2 num: 6 makeCount: 820 } food { foodId: 11503 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 820 } food { foodId: 11504 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 694 } food { foodId: 11501 tag: 5 num: 83 makeCount: 710 } food { foodId: 11504 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 694 } food { foodId: 11502 tag: 5 num: 30 makeCount: 451 } food { foodId: 11503 tag: 5 num: 182 makeCount: 820 } food { foodId: 11505 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 827 } food { foodId: 11504 tag: 5 num: 13 makeCount: 694 } food { foodId: 11505 tag: 5 num: 179 makeCount: 827 } food { foodId: 10701 tag: 5#3 num: 52 makeCount: 949 } food { foodId: 10702 tag: 5#3 num: 75 makeCount: 793 } food { foodId: 10501 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 792 } food { foodId: 10708 tag: 5#2 num: 249 makeCount: 1137 } food { foodId: 10502 tag: 2 num: 4 makeCount: 630 } food { foodId: 10501 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 792 } food { foodId: 10502 tag: 3 num: 32 makeCount: 630 } food { foodId: 10707 tag: 5#4 num: 61 makeCount: 889 } food { foodId: 10503 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 804 } food { foodId: 10503 tag: 3 num: 8 makeCount: 804 } food { foodId: 10505 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1182 } food { foodId: 10502 tag: 5 num: 0 makeCount: 630 } food { foodId: 10504 tag: 3 num: 50 makeCount: 841 } food { foodId: 10503 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 804 } food { foodId: 10506 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1363 } food { foodId: 10503 tag: 5 num: 91 makeCount: 804 } food { foodId: 10505 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1182 } food { foodId: 10507 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1174 } food { foodId: 10506 tag: 3 num: 63 makeCount: 1363 } food { foodId: 10504 tag: 5 num: 79 makeCount: 841 } food { foodId: 10505 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 1182 } food { foodId: 10505 tag: 5 num: 186 makeCount: 1182 } food { foodId: 10508 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1107 } food { foodId: 10712 tag: 5#4 num: 0 makeCount: 1770 } food { foodId: 10507 tag: 3 num: 7 makeCount: 1174 } food { foodId: 10508 tag: 3 num: 61 makeCount: 1107 } food { foodId: 10509 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1356 } food { foodId: 10507 tag: 5 num: 31 makeCount: 1174 } food { foodId: 10509 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1356 } food { foodId: 10510 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 992 } food { foodId: 10510 tag: 3 num: 23 makeCount: 992 } food { foodId: 10508 tag: 5 num: 61 makeCount: 1107 } food { foodId: 10509 tag: 5 num: 29 makeCount: 1356 } food { foodId: 10510 tag: 5 num: 185 makeCount: 992 } food { foodId: 11504 tag: 1#2 num: 0 makeCount: 694 } food { foodId: 11505 tag: 1#2 num: 198 makeCount: 827 } food { foodId: 10501 tag: 1#2 num: 17 makeCount: 792 } food { foodId: 10503 tag: 1#2 num: 0 makeCount: 804 } food { foodId: 10504 tag: 1#2 num: 135 makeCount: 841 } food { foodId: 10505 tag: 1#2 num: 120 makeCount: 1182 } food { foodId: 10506 tag: 1#2 num: 214 makeCount: 1363 } food { foodId: 10507 tag: 1#2 num: 50 makeCount: 1174 } food { foodId: 10509 tag: 1#2 num: 91 makeCount: 1356 } food { foodId: 10510 tag: 1#2 num: 150 makeCount: 992 } food { foodId: 10803 tag: 5#3 num: 92 makeCount: 748 } food { foodId: 10804 tag: 5#4 num: 31 makeCount: 842 } food { foodId: 10601 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 817 } food { foodId: 10805 tag: 5#4 num: 79 makeCount: 1211 } food { foodId: 10601 tag: 3 num: 28 makeCount: 817 } food { foodId: 10602 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 620 } food { foodId: 10806 tag: 5#4 num: 99 makeCount: 1386 } food { foodId: 10602 tag: 3 num: 13 makeCount: 620 } food { foodId: 10603 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 954 } food { foodId: 10604 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 705 } food { foodId: 10605 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1197 } food { foodId: 10604 tag: 3 num: 50 makeCount: 705 } food { foodId: 10602 tag: 5 num: 34 makeCount: 620 } food { foodId: 10810 tag: 5#4 num: 31 makeCount: 1060 } food { foodId: 10606 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 674 } food { foodId: 10603 tag: 5 num: 26 makeCount: 954 } food { foodId: 10604 tag: 5 num: 54 makeCount: 705 } food { foodId: 10607 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 916 } food { foodId: 10811 tag: 5#4 num: 154 makeCount: 279 } food { foodId: 10606 tag: 3 num: 23 makeCount: 674 } food { foodId: 10607 tag: 3 num: 65 makeCount: 916 } food { foodId: 10608 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 946 } food { foodId: 10609 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1571 } food { foodId: 10606 tag: 5 num: 46 makeCount: 674 } food { foodId: 10609 tag: 3 num: 35 makeCount: 1571 } food { foodId: 10607 tag: 5 num: 62 makeCount: 916 } food { foodId: 10611 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1002 } food { foodId: 10610 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1221 } food { foodId: 10609 tag: 5 num: 122 makeCount: 1571 } food { foodId: 10611 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1002 } food { foodId: 10610 tag: 5 num: 98 makeCount: 1221 } food { foodId: 10611 tag: 5 num: 341 makeCount: 1002 } food { foodId: 10711 tag: 3#4 num: 128 makeCount: 1031 } food { foodId: 10604 tag: 1#2 num: 30 makeCount: 705 } food { foodId: 10603 tag: 1#3 num: 31 makeCount: 954 } food { foodId: 10605 tag: 1#2 num: 60 makeCount: 1197 } food { foodId: 10608 tag: 1#2 num: 30 makeCount: 946 } food { foodId: 10609 tag: 1#2 num: 30 makeCount: 1571 } food { foodId: 10610 tag: 1#2 num: 61 makeCount: 1221 } food { foodId: 10611 tag: 1#2 num: 61 makeCount: 1002 } food { foodId: 10612 tag: 1#2 num: 36 makeCount: 222 } food { foodId: 10905 tag: 5#4 num: 40 makeCount: 1228 } food { foodId: 10701 tag: 2 num: 13 makeCount: 949 } food { foodId: 10908 tag: 5#2 num: 129 makeCount: 1326 } food { foodId: 10702 tag: 2 num: 30 makeCount: 793 } food { foodId: 10703 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 787 } food { foodId: 10703 tag: 3 num: 62 makeCount: 787 } food { foodId: 10704 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 991 } food { foodId: 10704 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 991 } food { foodId: 10705 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 982 } food { foodId: 10706 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 950 } food { foodId: 10705 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 982 } food { foodId: 10703 tag: 5 num: 47 makeCount: 787 } food { foodId: 10704 tag: 5 num: 151 makeCount: 991 } food { foodId: 10707 tag: 2 num: 90 makeCount: 889 } food { foodId: 10707 tag: 3 num: 31 makeCount: 889 } food { foodId: 10705 tag: 5 num: 134 makeCount: 982 } food { foodId: 10709 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1235 } food { foodId: 10708 tag: 3 num: 31 makeCount: 1137 } food { foodId: 10706 tag: 5 num: 60 makeCount: 950 } food { foodId: 10709 tag: 3 num: 82 makeCount: 1235 } food { foodId: 10710 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1477 } food { foodId: 10711 tag: 2 num: 26 makeCount: 1031 } food { foodId: 10710 tag: 3 num: 26 makeCount: 1477 } food { foodId: 10712 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1770 } food { foodId: 10709 tag: 5 num: 48 makeCount: 1235 } food { foodId: 10710 tag: 5 num: 63 makeCount: 1477 } food { foodId: 10712 tag: 3 num: 4 makeCount: 1770 } food { foodId: 10711 tag: 5 num: 16 makeCount: 1031 } food { foodId: 10704 tag: 1#2 num: 121 makeCount: 991 } food { foodId: 10705 tag: 1#2 num: 91 makeCount: 982 } food { foodId: 10706 tag: 1#3 num: 227 makeCount: 950 } food { foodId: 10709 tag: 1#2 num: 61 makeCount: 1235 } food { foodId: 10710 tag: 1#2 num: 123 makeCount: 1477 } food { foodId: 10712 tag: 1#2 num: 457 makeCount: 1770 } food { foodId: 11002 tag: 5#4 num: 0 makeCount: 867 } food { foodId: 11006 tag: 5#2 num: 0 makeCount: 819 } food { foodId: 10802 tag: 1 num: 0 makeCount: 891 } food { foodId: 10801 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 671 } food { foodId: 10802 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 891 } food { foodId: 10801 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 671 } food { foodId: 11007 tag: 5#4 num: 76 makeCount: 1672 } food { foodId: 10803 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 748 } food { foodId: 10802 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 891 } food { foodId: 10804 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 842 } food { foodId: 10801 tag: 5 num: 52 makeCount: 671 } food { foodId: 10805 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1211 } food { foodId: 10804 tag: 3 num: 24 makeCount: 842 } food { foodId: 10802 tag: 5 num: 70 makeCount: 891 } food { foodId: 10806 tag: 2 num: 27 makeCount: 1386 } food { foodId: 10807 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1160 } food { foodId: 10806 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1386 } food { foodId: 10807 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1160 } food { foodId: 10808 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1224 } food { foodId: 10808 tag: 3 num: 16 makeCount: 1224 } food { foodId: 10810 tag: 2 num: 39 makeCount: 1060 } food { foodId: 10808 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 1224 } food { foodId: 10809 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1023 } food { foodId: 10807 tag: 5 num: 77 makeCount: 1160 } food { foodId: 10810 tag: 3 num: 90 makeCount: 1060 } food { foodId: 10808 tag: 5 num: 135 makeCount: 1224 } food { foodId: 10809 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 1023 } food { foodId: 10809 tag: 5 num: 62 makeCount: 1023 } food { foodId: 10803 tag: 1#2 num: 30 makeCount: 748 } food { foodId: 10804 tag: 1#2 num: 0 makeCount: 842 } food { foodId: 10805 tag: 1#2 num: 151 makeCount: 1211 } food { foodId: 10806 tag: 1#2 num: 121 makeCount: 1386 } food { foodId: 10807 tag: 1#2 num: 7 makeCount: 1160 } food { foodId: 10808 tag: 1#2 num: 30 makeCount: 1224 } food { foodId: 10809 tag: 1#2 num: 244 makeCount: 1023 } food { foodId: 10810 tag: 1#2 num: 69 makeCount: 1060 } food { foodId: 10811 tag: 1#2 num: 62 makeCount: 279 } food { foodId: 11102 tag: 5#4 num: 37 makeCount: 725 } food { foodId: 11105 tag: 5#4 num: 51 makeCount: 1267 } food { foodId: 10901 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 812 } food { foodId: 10902 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1067 } food { foodId: 10901 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 812 } food { foodId: 11106 tag: 5#4 num: 31 makeCount: 884 } food { foodId: 10902 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1067 } food { foodId: 10903 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 972 } food { foodId: 10902 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 1067 } food { foodId: 10901 tag: 5 num: 63 makeCount: 812 } food { foodId: 10904 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1145 } food { foodId: 10902 tag: 5 num: 30 makeCount: 1067 } food { foodId: 10905 tag: 2 num: 29 makeCount: 1228 } food { foodId: 10904 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1145 } food { foodId: 10904 tag: 4 num: 1 makeCount: 1145 } food { foodId: 10903 tag: 5 num: 237 makeCount: 972 } food { foodId: 10905 tag: 3 num: 30 makeCount: 1228 } food { foodId: 10907 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1011 } food { foodId: 10906 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1179 } food { foodId: 10904 tag: 5 num: 285 makeCount: 1145 } food { foodId: 10907 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1011 } food { foodId: 10906 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 1179 } food { foodId: 10908 tag: 3 num: 28 makeCount: 1326 } food { foodId: 10906 tag: 5 num: 50 makeCount: 1179 } food { foodId: 10907 tag: 5 num: 271 makeCount: 1011 } food { foodId: 10106 tag: 5#4 num: 75 makeCount: 1318 } food { foodId: 10110 tag: 5#4 num: 24 makeCount: 1016 } food { foodId: 10904 tag: 1#2 num: 30 makeCount: 1145 } food { foodId: 10905 tag: 1#2 num: 182 makeCount: 1228 } food { foodId: 10906 tag: 1#2 num: 182 makeCount: 1179 } food { foodId: 11001 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 946 } food { foodId: 11002 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 867 } food { foodId: 11001 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 946 } food { foodId: 11002 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 867 } food { foodId: 11003 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 929 } food { foodId: 11004 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1414 } food { foodId: 11001 tag: 5 num: 27 makeCount: 946 } food { foodId: 11003 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 929 } food { foodId: 11005 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1615 } food { foodId: 11005 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1615 } food { foodId: 11003 tag: 5 num: 35 makeCount: 929 } food { foodId: 11006 tag: 3 num: 54 makeCount: 819 } food { foodId: 11007 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1672 } food { foodId: 11004 tag: 5 num: 85 makeCount: 1414 } food { foodId: 11005 tag: 5 num: 232 makeCount: 1615 } food { foodId: 10204 tag: 5#2 num: 4 makeCount: 583 } food { foodId: 10001 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1024 } food { foodId: 10002 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 890 } food { foodId: 10003 tag: 1 num: 18 makeCount: 987 } food { foodId: 10001 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1024 } food { foodId: 10003 tag: 2 num: 54 makeCount: 987 } food { foodId: 10002 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 890 } food { foodId: 10003 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 987 } food { foodId: 10001 tag: 5 num: 59 makeCount: 1024 } food { foodId: 10004 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1058 } food { foodId: 10005 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1060 } food { foodId: 10002 tag: 5 num: 28 makeCount: 890 } food { foodId: 10006 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 950 } food { foodId: 10003 tag: 5 num: 168 makeCount: 987 } food { foodId: 10006 tag: 3 num: 62 makeCount: 950 } food { foodId: 10007 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1168 } food { foodId: 10004 tag: 5 num: 51 makeCount: 1058 } food { foodId: 10008 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1286 } food { foodId: 10007 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1168 } food { foodId: 10006 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 950 } food { foodId: 10005 tag: 5 num: 27 makeCount: 1060 } food { foodId: 10006 tag: 5 num: 47 makeCount: 950 } food { foodId: 10008 tag: 3 num: 31 makeCount: 1286 } food { foodId: 10007 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 1168 } food { foodId: 10007 tag: 5 num: 132 makeCount: 1168 } food { foodId: 10008 tag: 5 num: 247 makeCount: 1286 } food { foodId: 10009 tag: 5 num: 31 makeCount: 1424 } food { foodId: 11002 tag: 1#2 num: 35 makeCount: 867 } food { foodId: 11003 tag: 1#2 num: 35 makeCount: 929 } food { foodId: 11004 tag: 1#3 num: 186 makeCount: 1414 } food { foodId: 11005 tag: 1#2 num: 30 makeCount: 1615 } food { foodId: 11007 tag: 1#2 num: 196 makeCount: 1672 } food { foodId: 10002 tag: 1#2 num: 31 makeCount: 890 } food { foodId: 10004 tag: 1#3 num: 232 makeCount: 1058 } food { foodId: 10005 tag: 1#3 num: 18 makeCount: 1060 } food { foodId: 10007 tag: 1#2 num: 90 makeCount: 1168 } food { foodId: 10009 tag: 1#3 num: 206 makeCount: 1424 } food { foodId: 11101 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 844 } food { foodId: 11102 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 725 } food { foodId: 11101 tag: 3 num: 5 makeCount: 844 } food { foodId: 11104 tag: 1 num: 0 makeCount: 704 } food { foodId: 11102 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 725 } food { foodId: 11104 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 704 } food { foodId: 11103 tag: 3 num: 20 makeCount: 852 } food { foodId: 11101 tag: 5 num: 58 makeCount: 844 } food { foodId: 11105 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1267 } food { foodId: 11104 tag: 3 num: 44 makeCount: 704 } food { foodId: 11103 tag: 5 num: 31 makeCount: 852 } food { foodId: 11106 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 884 } food { foodId: 11105 tag: 3 num: 167 makeCount: 1267 } food { foodId: 11106 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 884 } food { foodId: 11107 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1033 } food { foodId: 11104 tag: 5 num: 69 makeCount: 704 } food { foodId: 11108 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1317 } food { foodId: 11107 tag: 3 num: 50 makeCount: 1033 } food { foodId: 11108 tag: 3 num: 76 makeCount: 1317 } food { foodId: 11108 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 1317 } food { foodId: 11107 tag: 5 num: 67 makeCount: 1033 } food { foodId: 11108 tag: 5 num: 93 makeCount: 1317 } food { foodId: 10302 tag: 5#4 num: 64 makeCount: 988 } food { foodId: 10101 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1213 } food { foodId: 10101 tag: 3 num: 4 makeCount: 1213 } food { foodId: 10103 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1005 } food { foodId: 10102 tag: 3 num: 1 makeCount: 767 } food { foodId: 10104 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1121 } food { foodId: 10103 tag: 3 num: 31 makeCount: 1005 } food { foodId: 10101 tag: 5 num: 0 makeCount: 1213 } food { foodId: 10102 tag: 5 num: 28 makeCount: 767 } food { foodId: 10104 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1121 } food { foodId: 10106 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1318 } food { foodId: 10103 tag: 5 num: 76 makeCount: 1005 } food { foodId: 10105 tag: 3 num: 20 makeCount: 1274 } food { foodId: 10107 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 990 } food { foodId: 10311 tag: 5#4 num: 176 makeCount: 849 } food { foodId: 10106 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1318 } food { foodId: 10104 tag: 5 num: 281 makeCount: 1121 } food { foodId: 10105 tag: 5 num: 106 makeCount: 1274 } food { foodId: 10107 tag: 3 num: 80 makeCount: 990 } food { foodId: 10108 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1367 } food { foodId: 10109 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 1084 } food { foodId: 10108 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 1367 } food { foodId: 10109 tag: 3 num: 44 makeCount: 1084 } food { foodId: 10107 tag: 5 num: 0 makeCount: 990 } food { foodId: 10108 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 1367 } food { foodId: 10110 tag: 3 num: 90 makeCount: 1016 } food { foodId: 10109 tag: 4 num: 0 makeCount: 1084 } food { foodId: 10108 tag: 5 num: 131 makeCount: 1367 } food { foodId: 10111 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 479 } food { foodId: 10109 tag: 5 num: 181 makeCount: 1084 } food { foodId: 10111 tag: 5 num: 296 makeCount: 479 } food { foodId: 11102 tag: 1#2 num: 20 makeCount: 725 } food { foodId: 11103 tag: 1#2 num: 0 makeCount: 852 } food { foodId: 11105 tag: 1#2 num: 91 makeCount: 1267 } food { foodId: 11106 tag: 1#2 num: 29 makeCount: 884 } food { foodId: 11108 tag: 1#2 num: 97 makeCount: 1317 } food { foodId: 20013 tag: 1#2#3#4#5 num: 55 makeCount: 60 } food { foodId: 10101 tag: 1#2 num: 31 makeCount: 1213 } food { foodId: 10102 tag: 1#2 num: 31 makeCount: 767 } food { foodId: 10105 tag: 1#2 num: 147 makeCount: 1274 } food { foodId: 10106 tag: 1#2 num: 182 makeCount: 1318 } food { foodId: 10107 tag: 1#2 num: 26 makeCount: 990 } food { foodId: 10108 tag: 1#2 num: 152 makeCount: 1367 } food { foodId: 10109 tag: 1#2 num: 32 makeCount: 1084 } food { foodId: 10110 tag: 1#2 num: 180 makeCount: 1016 } food { foodId: 10111 tag: 1#2 num: 108 makeCount: 479 } food { foodId: 20004 tag: 1#2#3#4#5 num: 92 makeCount: 97 } food { foodId: 20003 tag: 1#2#3#4#5 num: 56 makeCount: 60 } food { foodId: 20002 tag: 1#2#3#4#5 num: 86 makeCount: 91 } food { foodId: 20001 tag: 1#2#3#4#5 num: 60 makeCount: 60 } food { foodId: 20008 tag: 1#2#3#4#5 num: 33 makeCount: 36 } food { foodId: 20007 tag: 1#2#3#4#5 num: 54 makeCount: 58 } food { foodId: 20006 tag: 1#2#3#4#5 num: 110 makeCount: 116 } food { foodId: 20005 tag: 1#2#3#4#5 num: 35 makeCount: 36 } food { foodId: 20012 tag: 1#2#3#4#5 num: 25 makeCount: 30 } food { foodId: 20011 tag: 1#2#3#4#5 num: 56 makeCount: 60 } food { foodId: 20010 tag: 1#2#3#4#5 num: 56 makeCount: 60 } food { foodId: 20009 tag: 1#2#3#4#5 num: 93 makeCount: 97 } food { foodId: 11202 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 916 } food { foodId: 11201 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 894 } food { foodId: 11203 tag: 2 num: 0 makeCount: 663 } food { foodId: 11202 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 916 } food { foodId: 11203 tag: 3 num: 0 makeCount: 663 } food { foodId: 11201 tag: 5 num: 52 makeCount: 894 } food { foodId: 11204 tag: 3 num: 48 makeCount: 708 } food { foodId: 11202 tag: 5 num: 51 makeCount: 916 } food { foodId: 11203 tag: 5 num: 115 makeCount: 663 } food { foodId: 11205 tag: 3 num: 20 makeCount: 175 } food { foodId: 11204 tag: 5 num: 419 makeCount: 708 } food { foodId: 11205 tag: 5 num: 84 makeCount: 175 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetFoodReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 37 9 所需时间单位秒 = 0.11985504254699 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 13 || 0 GetFoodReply 17 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}kitchen { position: 1 heroUniqueId: 1123538202 cookBookId: 10902 num: 31 beginTime: 1684968680643 endTime: 1684973806803 addTime: 0 helpTime: 0 uniqueId: 0 } kitchen { position: 2 heroUniqueId: 1488373003 cookBookId: 11205 num: 11 beginTime: 1684967306165 endTime: 1684987609965 addTime: 0 helpTime: 0 uniqueId: 0 } kitchen { position: 3 heroUniqueId: 1326385990 cookBookId: 10310 num: 31 beginTime: 1684968691033 endTime: 1685010843593 addTime: 0 helpTime: 0 uniqueId: 0 } kitchen { position: 4 heroUniqueId: 1465217186 cookBookId: 10711 num: 31 beginTime: 1684968698997 endTime: 1685017838802 addTime: 0 helpTime: 0 uniqueId: 0 } kitchen { position: 5 heroUniqueId: 1353955192 cookBookId: 10106 num: 31 beginTime: 1684968707765 endTime: 1684990965455 addTime: 0 helpTime: 0 uniqueId: 0 } askHelpCount: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetKitchenReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 37 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.11985504254699 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 12 || 0 GetKitchenReply 18 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setCookFinish}注册了 48071.802000046 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1006 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetPopUpMessageReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 20 30 所需时间单位秒 = 0.28150862082839 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 11 || 0 GetPopUpMessageReply 19 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000001 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2000 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000003 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2002 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000002 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 14 lastFinishedTime: 1631442949 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000005 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2004 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1657639203 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000004 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2003 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000007 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2006 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000006 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2005 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1570531499 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000009 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2008 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000008 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1599556563 doneCount: 36 lastFinishedTime: 1620352435 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000011 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2010 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1643388458 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000010 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1599089698 doneCount: 1 lastFinishedTime: 1599701203 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000013 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 5 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000012 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2011 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1594261902 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000015 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2014 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1644480615 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000014 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2013 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000017 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1612399918 doneCount: 67 lastFinishedTime: 1658367840 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000016 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2015 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1571972302 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000019 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2018 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000018 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1573201419 doneCount: 41 lastFinishedTime: 1612493397 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000021 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2020 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1586827866 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000023 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2022 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000022 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2021 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1629946322 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000025 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2024 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1568330066 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000024 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2023 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000027 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 4 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000026 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2025 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000029 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2028 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1666232635 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000028 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2027 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000031 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2030 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1574425888 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000030 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2029 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000033 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2032 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611801510 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000032 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1569325507 doneCount: 14 lastFinishedTime: 1600153242 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000035 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2034 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000034 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2033 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1569824735 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000037 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2036 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000036 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2035 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000039 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2038 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1568270658 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000038 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2037 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000041 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 65 lastFinishedTime: 1608013129 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000040 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2039 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000042 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2041 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000045 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2044 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567942458 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000044 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1568236422 doneCount: 24 lastFinishedTime: 1596978081 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000047 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2046 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1588212385 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000046 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2045 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1603878285 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000049 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2048 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1631153366 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000051 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2050 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567775265 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000053 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1597286285 doneCount: 87 lastFinishedTime: 1666141704 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000052 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2051 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1573201419 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000055 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2054 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567685917 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000054 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2053 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1609730766 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63002105 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2089 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1638399948 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000057 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2056 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63002104 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2089 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1638399948 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000056 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2055 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567843676 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000059 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2058 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1568602671 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000058 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2057 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1587002775 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000061 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2060 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1600308404 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000060 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2059 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1616838595 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000063 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 9999 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1572921191 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000062 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2061 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611801535 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63002001 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2086 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1597286229 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63002003 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2087 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1587002831 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63002002 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2086 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1597286229 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63002005 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1587002831 doneCount: 1 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63002004 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2087 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1587002831 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000321 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2144 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1671186199 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000320 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2144 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1671186199 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000323 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2145 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1673494052 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000322 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2144 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1671186199 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000325 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2145 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1673494052 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000324 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2145 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1673494052 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000327 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2146 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1673746103 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000326 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2146 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1673746103 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000329 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1677118895 doneCount: 7 lastFinishedTime: 1681906992 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000328 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2146 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1673746103 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000331 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1677118895 doneCount: 7 lastFinishedTime: 1682416706 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000330 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1677118895 doneCount: 10 lastFinishedTime: 1680698776 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000333 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2148 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1679538177 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000332 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2148 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1679538177 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000335 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2113 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1679538232 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000334 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2113 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1679538232 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000336 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2113 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1679538232 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000343 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1682526992 doneCount: 4 lastFinishedTime: 1684047472 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000342 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1682526992 doneCount: 3 lastFinishedTime: 1684931020 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000345 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1682526973 doneCount: 4 lastFinishedTime: 1684146759 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000344 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1682526992 doneCount: 6 lastFinishedTime: 1684319857 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000347 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1682526973 doneCount: 3 lastFinishedTime: 1684930957 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000346 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1682526973 doneCount: 6 lastFinishedTime: 1684319835 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000259 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1665098886 doneCount: 31 lastFinishedTime: 1682528184 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000261 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1665098886 doneCount: 27 lastFinishedTime: 1682416677 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000260 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1665098886 doneCount: 20 lastFinishedTime: 1682835785 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000265 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2125 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1637805975 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000267 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2125 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1637805975 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000266 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2125 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1637805975 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000271 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2127 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1673516977 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000273 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1645084516 doneCount: 23 lastFinishedTime: 1682416692 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000272 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2127 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1673516977 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000275 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1645084516 doneCount: 16 lastFinishedTime: 1682238199 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000274 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1645084516 doneCount: 18 lastFinishedTime: 1681907006 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000283 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2131 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1682598133 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000282 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2131 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1682598133 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000285 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2132 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1648797136 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000284 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2132 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1648797136 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000286 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2132 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1648797136 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000293 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2134 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1653893286 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000295 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2134 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1653893286 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000294 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2134 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1653893286 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000297 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2135 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1655952423 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000296 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2135 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1655952423 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000299 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1658369122 doneCount: 1 lastFinishedTime: 1658839398 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000298 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2135 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1655952423 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000301 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1658369122 doneCount: 1 lastFinishedTime: 1658912340 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000300 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1658369122 doneCount: 2 lastFinishedTime: 1658973903 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000303 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1660759697 doneCount: 10 lastFinishedTime: 1664842656 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000302 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1660759697 doneCount: 11 lastFinishedTime: 1664327931 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000305 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1660759713 doneCount: 1 lastFinishedTime: 1660819819 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000304 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1660759697 doneCount: 14 lastFinishedTime: 1664929616 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000307 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2139 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1660759713 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000306 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2139 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1660759713 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000311 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2114 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1666235843 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000313 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2114 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1666235843 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000312 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2114 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1666235843 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000315 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1668650626 doneCount: 1 lastFinishedTime: 1668958074 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000314 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1668650626 doneCount: 3 lastFinishedTime: 1669364890 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000317 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2143 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1668650743 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000316 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1668650626 doneCount: 5 lastFinishedTime: 1671017932 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000319 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2143 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1668650743 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000318 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2143 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1668650743 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000193 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2062 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1600308447 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000192 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2062 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1600308447 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000195 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2063 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1665199937 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000194 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2062 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1600308447 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000196 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2063 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1665199937 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000209 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2104 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1606896347 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000210 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2104 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1606896347 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000213 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2102 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1619711717 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000212 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2102 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1619711717 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000217 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2081 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622687551 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000219 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2106 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611799551 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000218 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2081 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622687551 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000221 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2106 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611799551 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000220 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2106 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611799551 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000231 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2109 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1675006799 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000233 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2109 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1675006799 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000232 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2109 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1675006799 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000235 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2110 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1682527669 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000234 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2110 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1682527669 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000237 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2119 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622685696 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000236 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2110 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1682527669 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000239 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622687947 doneCount: 8 lastFinishedTime: 1628117953 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000238 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2119 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622685696 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000241 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622687947 doneCount: 3 lastFinishedTime: 1629634448 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000240 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622687947 doneCount: 5 lastFinishedTime: 1625823672 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000242 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2000 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1629909582 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000253 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1629946402 doneCount: 38 lastFinishedTime: 1684558000 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000255 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1629946402 doneCount: 37 lastFinishedTime: 1684146864 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000254 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1629946402 doneCount: 30 lastFinishedTime: 1684930975 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000129 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 2 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000128 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2074 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000131 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2077 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1645084422 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000130 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2077 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1645084422 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000133 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2078 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1569772015 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000132 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2077 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1645084422 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000135 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2079 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1569772015 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000134 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2078 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1569772015 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000137 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2059 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1616838595 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000136 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1597286285 doneCount: 91 lastFinishedTime: 1666237071 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000139 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2075 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1617834827 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000138 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2060 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1600308404 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000141 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2075 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1617834827 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000140 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2075 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1617834827 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000143 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1609730843 doneCount: 27 lastFinishedTime: 1621083180 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000142 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1609730843 doneCount: 21 lastFinishedTime: 1620696276 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000145 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2065 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1631140442 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000144 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1609730843 doneCount: 20 lastFinishedTime: 1620998040 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000147 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2065 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1631140442 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000146 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2065 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1631140442 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000149 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1606398483 doneCount: 4 lastFinishedTime: 1612171100 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000148 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1606398483 doneCount: 4 lastFinishedTime: 1611404735 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000151 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2067 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611801452 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000150 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1606398483 doneCount: 7 lastFinishedTime: 1611906503 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000153 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2085 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622529157 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63002201 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2094 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1631153333 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000152 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2067 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611801452 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63002203 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2095 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1637805774 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000155 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2053 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1609730766 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63002202 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2094 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1631153333 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000154 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2085 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622529157 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63002205 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2095 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1637805774 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63002204 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2095 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1637805774 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000159 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1613022530 doneCount: 85 lastFinishedTime: 1660181644 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000161 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1613022530 doneCount: 92 lastFinishedTime: 1660459933 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000160 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1613022530 doneCount: 83 lastFinishedTime: 1660295718 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000165 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2072 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1671186207 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000164 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2072 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1671186207 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000167 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2073 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1620372829 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000166 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2072 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1671186207 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000169 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2071 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622687551 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000168 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2073 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1620372829 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000171 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2071 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622687551 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000170 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2071 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622687551 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000175 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2090 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1590717936 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000177 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2064 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1594261739 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000176 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2090 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1590717936 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000179 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2091 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1594261739 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000178 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2091 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1594261739 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000181 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2092 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1594288591 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000180 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2091 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1594261739 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000183 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2092 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1594288591 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000182 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2092 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1594288591 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000185 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2098 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1595573917 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000184 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2098 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1595573917 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000187 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1631154578 doneCount: 23 lastFinishedTime: 1644480500 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000186 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1631154578 doneCount: 25 lastFinishedTime: 1644892104 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000189 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2097 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1645170009 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000188 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1631154578 doneCount: 32 lastFinishedTime: 1644715702 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000191 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2097 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1645170009 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000190 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2097 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1645170009 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000065 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2004 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1657639203 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000064 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 14 lastFinishedTime: 1658670336 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000067 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2006 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000066 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2005 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1570531499 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000069 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2010 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1643388458 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000068 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2009 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1599089698 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000071 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 4 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000070 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2011 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1594261902 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000073 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2014 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1644480615 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000072 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2013 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000075 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1612399918 doneCount: 57 lastFinishedTime: 1658226763 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000074 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2015 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1571972302 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000076 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1573201419 doneCount: 43 lastFinishedTime: 1612683999 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000079 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2021 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1629946322 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000078 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2020 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1586827866 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000081 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2028 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1666232635 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000080 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2027 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000083 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1569325507 doneCount: 20 lastFinishedTime: 1600307268 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000082 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2030 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1574425888 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000085 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2033 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1569824735 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000084 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2032 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611801510 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000087 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2038 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1568270658 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000086 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2037 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000089 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1568236422 doneCount: 20 lastFinishedTime: 1658480163 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000088 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 62 lastFinishedTime: 1604540151 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000091 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2048 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1631153366 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000090 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2044 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567942458 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000093 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2050 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567775265 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000095 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1597286285 doneCount: 75 lastFinishedTime: 1666596613 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000094 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2051 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1573201419 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000096 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2056 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000105 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2004 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1657639203 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000107 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2010 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1643388458 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000106 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1599089698 doneCount: 1 lastFinishedTime: 1599620744 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000109 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1573201419 doneCount: 45 lastFinishedTime: 1612617097 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000108 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2014 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1644480615 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000111 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2021 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1629946322 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000113 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1569325507 doneCount: 13 lastFinishedTime: 1599895811 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000112 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2028 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1666232635 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000115 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1568236422 doneCount: 17 lastFinishedTime: 1600223077 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000114 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2032 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1611801510 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000116 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2048 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1631153366 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000119 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1599556563 doneCount: 44 lastFinishedTime: 1620283781 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000118 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2057 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1587002775 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000120 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1599556563 doneCount: 33 lastFinishedTime: 1619795121 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000125 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622529188 doneCount: 8 lastFinishedTime: 1629912260 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000124 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1622529188 doneCount: 10 lastFinishedTime: 1630290422 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000127 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 0 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1567557095 doneCount: 3 lastFinishedTime: 0 } taskInfos { taskId: 63000126 state: 0 heroUniqueId: 0 heroId: 2070 location { category: 0 defineId: 0 heroInfo: } expireTime: 0 unLockTime: 1574464863 doneCount: 0 lastFinishedTime: 0 } heroCounts { heroId: 2048 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2050 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2051 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2052 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2053 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2054 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2055 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2056 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2057 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2058 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2059 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2060 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2061 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2062 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 9999 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2063 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2064 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2065 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2066 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2067 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2069 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2070 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2071 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2072 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2073 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2074 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2075 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2076 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2077 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2078 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2079 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2081 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2084 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2085 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2086 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2087 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2089 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2090 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2091 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2092 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2094 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2095 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2096 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2097 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2098 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2102 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2104 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2106 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2109 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2110 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2113 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2114 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2119 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2120 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2121 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2123 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2125 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2127 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2128 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2131 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2132 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2134 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2135 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2136 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2138 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2139 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2142 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2143 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2144 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2145 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2146 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2147 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2148 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2149 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2150 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2000 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2001 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2002 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2003 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2004 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2005 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2006 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2007 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2008 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2009 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2010 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2011 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2012 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2013 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2014 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2015 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2016 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2017 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2018 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2020 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2021 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2022 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2023 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2024 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2025 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2026 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2027 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2028 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2029 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2030 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2031 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2032 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2033 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2034 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2035 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2036 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2037 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2038 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2039 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2040 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2041 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2043 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2044 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2045 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } heroCounts { heroId: 2046 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 0 expireTime: 1685048400 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetHeroTaskInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 54 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.28150862082839 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 10 || 0 GetHeroTaskInfosReply 20 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 512 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 256 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 1 infos { id: 2113 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2123 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2144 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2146 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2147 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2149 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2150 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2011 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2028 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2034 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 257 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 258 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 6 infos { id: 2072 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2109 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2110 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2113 value: 2 time: 0 } infos { id: 2114 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2123 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2127 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2131 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2142 value: 2 time: 0 } infos { id: 2143 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2145 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2146 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2147 value: 2 time: 0 } infos { id: 2148 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2149 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2150 value: 2 time: 0 } infos { id: 2028 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 11 infos { id: 2113 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2123 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2128 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2142 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2146 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2147 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2150 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 2034 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 268 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 269 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 270 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 272 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 276 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 280 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 281 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1685048400 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 286 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 32 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 33 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 289 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 34 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 552 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 296 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 297 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 298 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 43 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1684973806 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 44 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1684972800 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 556 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 45 infos { id: 1 value: 0 time: 1684997451 } infos { id: 3 value: 0 time: 1684997455 } infos { id: 4 value: 0 time: 1684997453 } infos { id: 5 value: 0 time: 1684997457 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 49 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 50 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1685001600 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 51 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 52 infos { id: 10001 value: 0 time: 1685030400 } infos { id: 10011 value: 0 time: 1684984680 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 569 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 570 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 61 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1685030405 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 573 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 62 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 319 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 322 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 326 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 327 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 72 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 81 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 83 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 339 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 88 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 89 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 93 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 99 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 355 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 100 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 101 infos { id: 5039149 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 1550020631 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 1448163468 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 1574223003 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 1650945850 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 1650944973 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636549682 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 108 infos { id: 1 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } infos { id: 2 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } infos { id: 3 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } infos { id: 4 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } infos { id: 5 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } infos { id: 6 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } infos { id: 7 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } infos { id: 8 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } infos { id: 9 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } infos { id: 10 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } infos { id: 11 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } infos { id: 12 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } infos { id: 13 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } infos { id: 14 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } infos { id: 15 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 623 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 117 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 121 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 378 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 123 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 635 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 124 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 636 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 126 infos { id: 139 value: 0 time: 1684980000 } infos { id: 140 value: 0 time: 1684980000 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 640 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 386 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 131 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1685048400 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 387 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 132 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 133 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 135 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 647 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 648 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 137 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 138 infos { id: 1 value: 0 time: 1685048400 } infos { id: 3 value: 0 time: 1685566800 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 395 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 396 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 397 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 142 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1685048400 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 398 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 143 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 144 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 145 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 657 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 148 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 150 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 152 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 664 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 666 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 412 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 161 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1684984680 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 162 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 164 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 167 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1685030400 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 168 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 684 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 175 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1685048410 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 176 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 177 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 182 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 183 infos { id: 0 value: 2 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 184 infos { id: 12 value: 1 time: 0 } infos { id: 13 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 440 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 192 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 208 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 464 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 209 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 465 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 466 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 467 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 724 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 468 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 213 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1685548800 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 214 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1685548800 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 473 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 730 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 474 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 732 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 734 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 223 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 226 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 738 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 227 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 741 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 743 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 744 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 233 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 239 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 242 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 243 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1685048400 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 246 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 249 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1685048401 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 506 infos { id: 0 value: 1 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 252 replaceAll: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 49 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.28150862082839 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 GetRedDotInfosReply 21 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}friendIds: 3418805 friendIds: 4777033 friendIds: 2833832 friendIds: 2149028 friendIds: 274306 friendIds: 1096086 friendIds: 1078295 friendIds: 372492 friendIds: 273550 friendIds: 1952144 friendIds: 5637592 friendIds: 862979 friendIds: 2819876 friendIds: 678939 friendIds: 1121541 friendIds: 319248 friendIds: 11425083 friendIds: 3373348 friendIds: 1377295 friendIds: 273951 friendIds: 357403 friendIds: 2720905 friendIds: 264741 friendIds: 279584 friendIds: 657954 friendIds: 6481995 friendIds: 7045952 friendIds: 1406521 friendIds: 1310525 friendIds: 290740 friendIds: 7005914 friendIds: 308660 friendIds: 8096073 friendIds: 8195407 friendIds: 4996596 friendIds: 1256490 friendIds: 347068 friendIds: 4954097 friendIds: 523194 friendIds: 353093 friendIds: 974030 friendIds: 580425 friendIds: 2180323 friendIds: 1668954 friendIds: 8493890 friendIds: 502465 friendIds: 667714 friendIds: 830917 friendIds: 403148 friendIds: 6368426 friendIds: 430029 friendIds: 1003231 friendIds: 570716 friendIds: 3786349 friendIds: 3340132 friendIds: 5018388 friendIds: 11501558 friendIds: 495068 friendIds: 918354 friendIds: 9837512 friendIds: 1352950 friendIds: 686568 friendIds: 347111 friendIds: 433764 friendIds: 2980174 friendIds: 3551189 friendIds: 268135 friendIds: 1175413 friendIds: 6283323 friendIds: 6761600 friendIds: 370285 friendIds: 955877 friendIds: 668385 friendIds: 553827 friendIds: 268904 friendIds: 6700299 friendIds: 552038 friendIds: 1005409 friendIds: 284138 friendIds: 3066561 friendIds: 1084001 friendIds: 4788155 friendIds: 875390 friendIds: 6652945 friendIds: 1299307 friendIds: 7845263 friendIds: 288253 friendIds: 1070955 friendIds: 1988579 friendIds: 1944290 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = LoadFriendInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 33 14 所需时间单位秒 = 0.33211695402861 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 8 || 0 LoadFriendInfosReply 22 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}guildInfo { guildId: 13359 name: 今天有阿佛了 cliqueId: 1 purpose: 换碎片加微群噢,周日围炉(´ڡ`嗝)欢迎前来合并 heroId: 2004 level: 11 liveness: 0 memberCount: 115 auditJoin: false leaderMember { userId: 269109 nickName: 桃夭酱 position: 1 liveness: 51470 isOnline: false datetime: 1684925280 portrait: 11100026 frame: 11110103 level: 100 banChatTime: 0 gender: 2 isReturn: false } myMember { userId: 273900 nickName: 小怪兽 position: 4 liveness: 5840 isOnline: true datetime: 1684967495 portrait: 11100284 frame: 11110265 level: 100 banChatTime: 0 gender: 1 isReturn: false } extInfo { } capital: 540730 geCapital: 19855050 createTime: 1567510253 mergeTime: 1657197631 skinId: 100007 } createSNCount: 0 leaveTime: 1594432145 joinTime: 1650700203 leaveReason: 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GuildGetReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 57 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.33211695402861 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 7 || 0 GuildGetReply 23 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 35 3 当前队列数量= 8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = DeleteOfflineMsgRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}joinOffline: false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GuildGetJoinOfflineReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 57 27 所需时间单位秒 = 0.33211695402861 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 7 || 0 GuildGetJoinOfflineReply 24 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=35,cmd=3,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}skinInfos { skinId: 140163 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false accessoriesIds: 160015 } skinInfos { skinId: 140160 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 140038 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 140167 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140036 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140042 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160016 } skinInfos { skinId: 140168 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140169 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 140047 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 100111 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160037 } skinInfos { skinId: 140050 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160039 } skinInfos { skinId: 140176 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140054 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 110104 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140187 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140191 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140188 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140189 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 110110 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 110113 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 110112 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 110115 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140065 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false accessoriesIds: 160005 } skinInfos { skinId: 140069 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 100006 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160039 } skinInfos { skinId: 140074 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160033 } skinInfos { skinId: 100009 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160015 } skinInfos { skinId: 100011 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160005 } skinInfos { skinId: 140206 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 140077 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140210 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140082 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 140214 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160037 } skinInfos { skinId: 140212 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 140219 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 100027 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160035 } skinInfos { skinId: 140096 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 140234 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140235 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 140233 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140110 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 140236 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140237 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140115 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 140241 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 100054 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160033 } skinInfos { skinId: 140123 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 140121 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140262 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160035 } skinInfos { skinId: 100068 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160023 } skinInfos { skinId: 140132 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140133 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 100070 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160028 } skinInfos { skinId: 140261 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140142 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 100077 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160002 } skinInfos { skinId: 140140 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 140013 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 140141 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 100080 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160026 } skinInfos { skinId: 140017 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 140022 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140021 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140155 expirySeconds: 0 isView: false } skinInfos { skinId: 140025 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140158 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140284 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 100095 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160029 } skinInfos { skinId: 140285 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } skinInfos { skinId: 140029 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true accessoriesIds: 160033 } skinInfos { skinId: 140157 expirySeconds: 0 isView: true } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroCharacterSkinReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 23 12 所需时间单位秒 = 0.3532047867775 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 6 || 0 HeroCharacterSkinReply 25 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}altasCover: 0 bondCardInfos { defineId: 1024 level: 1 createTime: 1658368462 skills { skillId: 220571 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220573 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220572 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1025 level: 1 createTime: 1658368477 skills { skillId: 220251 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220253 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220252 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1026 level: 1 createTime: 1675676736 skills { skillId: 220523 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220522 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220521 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1027 level: 1 createTime: 1664406007 skills { skillId: 220711 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220713 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220712 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1028 level: 1 createTime: 1658368472 skills { skillId: 220731 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220733 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220732 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1029 level: 1 createTime: 1651078774 skills { skillId: 220513 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220512 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220511 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1030 level: 1 createTime: 1658368473 skills { skillId: 220331 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220333 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220332 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1031 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220963 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220962 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220961 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1032 level: 1 createTime: 1664529665 skills { skillId: 220623 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220622 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220621 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1033 level: 1 createTime: 1658368480 skills { skillId: 220403 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220402 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220401 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1034 level: 2 createTime: 1660210886 skills { skillId: 220113 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220112 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220111 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1035 level: 1 createTime: 1658368469 skills { skillId: 220391 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220393 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220392 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1036 level: 1 createTime: 1670223404 skills { skillId: 220583 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220582 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220581 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1037 level: 1 createTime: 1668654195 skills { skillId: 220833 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220832 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220831 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1038 level: 1 createTime: 1668654188 skills { skillId: 220851 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220853 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220852 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1039 level: 2 createTime: 1658368465 skills { skillId: 220843 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220842 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220841 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1040 level: 1 createTime: 1660210883 skills { skillId: 220673 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220672 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220671 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1041 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220663 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220662 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220661 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1042 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220783 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220782 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220781 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1043 level: 1 createTime: 1668654194 skills { skillId: 220263 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220262 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220261 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1044 level: 1 createTime: 1668654193 skills { skillId: 220651 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220653 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220652 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1045 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 221043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1046 level: 1 createTime: 1677838471 skills { skillId: 221211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1047 level: 1 createTime: 1664406004 skills { skillId: 220491 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220493 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220492 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1048 level: 1 createTime: 1668654190 skills { skillId: 220871 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220873 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220872 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1049 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 299991 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 299992 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 299993 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1050 level: 1 createTime: 1668654192 skills { skillId: 220411 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220413 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220412 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1051 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 220023 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220022 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220021 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1052 level: 1 createTime: 1677838469 skills { skillId: 220051 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220053 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220052 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1053 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220151 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220153 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220152 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1054 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220063 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220062 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220061 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1055 level: 1 createTime: 1675676734 skills { skillId: 220103 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220102 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220101 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1056 level: 1 createTime: 1670223401 skills { skillId: 220183 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220182 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220181 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1057 level: 1 createTime: 1673951419 skills { skillId: 220193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1058 level: 1 createTime: 1679401913 skills { skillId: 220203 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220202 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220201 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1059 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220231 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220233 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220232 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1060 level: 1 createTime: 1673951418 skills { skillId: 220243 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220242 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220241 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1061 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220273 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220272 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220271 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1062 level: 1 createTime: 1670223400 skills { skillId: 220283 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220282 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220281 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1063 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220291 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220293 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220292 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1064 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220303 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220302 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220301 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1065 level: 1 createTime: 1673951415 skills { skillId: 220311 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220313 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220312 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1066 level: 1 createTime: 1678934688 skills { skillId: 220383 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220382 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220381 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1067 level: 1 createTime: 1673951417 skills { skillId: 220353 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220352 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220351 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1068 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220363 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220362 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220361 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1069 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220323 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220322 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220321 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1070 level: 1 createTime: 1673951413 skills { skillId: 220371 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220373 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220372 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1071 level: 1 createTime: 1676019131 skills { skillId: 220423 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220422 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220421 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1072 level: 1 createTime: 1676019129 skills { skillId: 220443 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220442 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220441 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1073 level: 1 createTime: 1676019133 skills { skillId: 220451 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220453 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220452 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1074 level: 1 createTime: 1679401303 skills { skillId: 220463 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220462 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220461 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1075 level: 1 createTime: 1684969664 skills { skillId: 220471 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220473 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220472 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1076 level: 1 createTime: 1678934686 skills { skillId: 220483 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220482 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220481 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1077 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220503 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220502 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220501 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1078 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220543 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220542 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220541 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1079 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220551 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220553 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220552 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1080 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220563 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220562 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220561 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1081 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220951 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220953 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220952 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1082 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220971 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220973 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220972 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1083 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220983 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220982 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220981 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1084 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220993 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220992 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220991 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1085 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 221003 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 221002 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 221001 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1086 level: 1 createTime: 1684969663 skills { skillId: 220593 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220592 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220591 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1087 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220631 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220633 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220632 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1088 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220643 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220642 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220641 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1089 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220683 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220682 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220681 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1090 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220603 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220602 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220601 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3001 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 8 nextValue: 12 } skills { skillId: 9 intValue: 8 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 3 intValue: 10 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3003 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 11 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3004 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 14 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3005 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 17 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3006 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 20 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3007 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } skills { skillId: 24 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3008 level: 1 createTime: 1671037708 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 25 nextValue: 50 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3009 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 28 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3010 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 29 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3011 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 32 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3012 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 33 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2001 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 5 intValue: 14 nextValue: 17 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2002 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 6 intValue: 12 nextValue: 15 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2003 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 8 intValue: 12 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2004 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 4 intValue: 11 nextValue: 13 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2005 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 7 intValue: 400 nextValue: 500 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2006 level: 2 createTime: 1658047409 skills { skillId: 10 intValue: 6 nextValue: 9 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2007 level: 1 createTime: 1677838456 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2008 level: 1 createTime: 1673951394 skills { skillId: 13 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2009 level: 1 createTime: 1675676784 skills { skillId: 15 intValue: 30 nextValue: 60 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2010 level: 2 createTime: 1655368930 skills { skillId: 18 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2011 level: 1 createTime: 1679401898 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2012 level: 2 createTime: 1670223393 skills { skillId: 19 intValue: 180 nextValue: 270 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2013 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 21 intValue: 1500 nextValue: 1650 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2014 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 22 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2015 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 23 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2016 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 25 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2017 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 27 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2018 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 30 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2019 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 31 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2020 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 250 nextValue: 275 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1001 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220003 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220002 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220001 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1003 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1004 level: 1 createTime: 1640193452 skills { skillId: 220123 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220122 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220121 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1005 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220171 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } skills { skillId: 220173 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220172 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1006 level: 1 createTime: 1640193444 skills { skillId: 220211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1007 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1008 level: 4 createTime: 1640194895 skills { skillId: 220071 intValue: 40 nextValue: 50 } skills { skillId: 220073 intValue: 8 nextValue: 10 } skills { skillId: 220072 intValue: 4 nextValue: 5 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1009 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 221191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1010 level: 1 createTime: 1640193447 skills { skillId: 221223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1011 level: 1 createTime: 1651078768 skills { skillId: 220091 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220093 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220092 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1012 level: 2 createTime: 1651078779 skills { skillId: 220163 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220162 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220161 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1013 level: 1 createTime: 1651078771 skills { skillId: 220531 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220533 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220532 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1014 level: 1 createTime: 1651078773 skills { skillId: 220611 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220613 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220612 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1015 level: 3 createTime: 1651078766 skills { skillId: 220343 intValue: 6 nextValue: 8 } skills { skillId: 220342 intValue: 3 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220341 intValue: 30 nextValue: 40 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1016 level: 1 createTime: 1651078770 skills { skillId: 221031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220143 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220142 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220141 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1017 level: 1 createTime: 1651078778 skills { skillId: 220943 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220942 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220941 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1018 level: 1 createTime: 1658368470 skills { skillId: 220083 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220082 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220081 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1019 level: 1 createTime: 1651078777 skills { skillId: 220433 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220432 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220431 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1020 level: 1 createTime: 1651078763 skills { skillId: 220011 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220013 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220012 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1021 level: 1 createTime: 1651078776 skills { skillId: 220753 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220752 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220751 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1022 level: 1 createTime: 1658368479 skills { skillId: 220763 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220762 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220761 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1023 level: 1 createTime: 1651078775 skills { skillId: 220131 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220133 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220132 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = BondCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 76 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.3532047867775 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 5 || 0 BondCardInfoReply 26 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}usingIds: 1 usingIds: 2 usingIds: 3 usingIds: 4 usingIds: 5 usingIds: 6 usingIds: 7 usingIds: 8 usingIds: 9 usingIds: 10 usingIds: 11 usingIds: 12 usingIds: 13 usingIds: 14 usingIds: 54 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = LoadingBgGetReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 20 64 所需时间单位秒 = 0.3532047867775 移走了序号= 2 的消息,当前队列数量= 4 || 0 LoadingBgGetReply 27 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_050_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_055.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_057.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_02.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_collider.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_zjm.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_a.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_b.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_a.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_b.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=49,status=0,size=10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=35,cmd=3,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab instance: @25ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 8201 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8202 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8203 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8204 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8501 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8502 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8503 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8504 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8505 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8506 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8507 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8508 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8509 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8510 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8511 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8603 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7003 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7004 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7005 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7006 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7007 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1008 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1009 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1010 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1101 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1102 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1103 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1104 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1105 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1106 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1107 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1108 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1109 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1110 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1111 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1112 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1113 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1114 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1115 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1116 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1117 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1201 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1202 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1401 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1402 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1403 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1404 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1606 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10024 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10025 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10106 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6100 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 4084 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 10 所需时间单位秒 = 0.38651733100414 移走了序号= 2 的消息,当前队列数量= 3 || 0 GetGiftBagInfoReply 28 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 5 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetStoreFreeGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=5,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}ilevel: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetXinYueSuperLevelReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 20 49 所需时间单位秒 = 0.38651733100414 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 GetXinYueSuperLevelReply 30 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = DeleteOfflineMsgReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 35 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.08777292072773 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 DeleteOfflineMsgReply 31 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=41,cmd=5,status=0,size=19 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 1 todayHasGain: true currentRound: 1 currentHasGain: 607 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetStoreFreeGiftBagInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 41 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066745795309544 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetStoreFreeGiftBagInfoReply 32 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab instance: @123ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage.lua:0]:{_onAllLoaded}-------------主城主场景加载完毕,开始打开主界面--------------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_stageLoadFinishedHandler}成功加载了一个新的场景的舞台,但当前场景还未进入完毕,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_checkAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZoneMgr: in function '_loadedCallback' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZone: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{_sendAfterLoginRecord}TGPAHelperController:_sendAfterLoginRecord()============= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerOpenId}recordPlayerOpenId [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerGameInfo}recordPlayerGameInfo [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerGameInfo}openid oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerGameInfo}roleid 273900 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerGameInfo}areaid 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerGameInfo}openid oBI611KYU7-1_02_OzED9phUHRi0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerGameInfo}appid 638860620 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordPlayerGameInfo}platid Wechat [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]ProgramVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]LocalSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]PackageSourceVersion: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 100 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 9#205 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_main_0 isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_main_1 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/animations/mainview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/chat.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/container.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gopanel.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/imgstaicfavor.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/txtaddfavor.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/main/mainview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/promo/promoimagecell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/common/speechbubble.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/groupinviteinfo.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/maingroupchattips.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/main/maingroupchattips.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_gemcollect isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gemcollectfloattips.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/bedroom/treasure/gemcollectfloattips.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:timeline/materials/focus.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/live2dcharacter.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMonthCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 22 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetWeeklyCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=4,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=22,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:stopExpression stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'stopExpression' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playExps' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/main/view/MainCharacterView: in function 'playCharacterVoice' logic/extensions/main/view/MainCharacterView: in function 'setMainCharacter' logic/extensions/main/view/MainCharacterView: in function 'onEnter' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_doOpen' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 20 22 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ReconnectBattleInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 4 6 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ReconnectBattleRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=22,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 75 1 当前队列数量= 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=4,cmd=6,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = MentorAllInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/extensions/common/facade/CommonFacade.lua:0]:{clearFloatTipsCacheAndRelease}恢复飘字,清空缓存的飘字 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=75,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 1 当前队列数量= 6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetTopupInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 10 当前队列数量= 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}isOpenView: false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 50 1 当前队列数量= 8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetActivityInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=10,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=50,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/extensions/playerinfo/model/PlayerInfoModel.lua:0]:{isSuperR}TCL: ilevel:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isSuperR false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isShow false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 31 17 当前队列数量= 9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetJinyumantangInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 12 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetCustomizedGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=31,cmd=17,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=12,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 22 34 当前队列数量= 11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SummonPoolRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}poolId: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 43 39 当前队列数量= 12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetUnReadNewspaperRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=22,cmd=34,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 7 当前队列数量= 13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=43,cmd=39,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 137 1 当前队列数量= 14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get137InfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=7,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=137,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/210123.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/atlas/ui_views_emoji_zh isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/emoji/ui_emoji.asset isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/fb_icon/huodong.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100166_sjyr/100166_sjyr_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_q/100155_head_q.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/user_headoutline/11110265_user_headoutline.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/main_icon/icon_108.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/main_icon/wordicon_108.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]language/zh/bigbg/fb_icon/huodong.png instance: @22ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=22,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=22,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=4,cmd=6,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=75,cmd=1,status=0,size=389 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=1,status=0,size=4523 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):pingban.mtn,default:nil stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/unit/component/live2D/UnitCompLive2D: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=10,status=0,size=551 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:chijing.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'playExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/unit/component/live2D/UnitCompLive2D: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=50,cmd=1,status=0,size=530 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=31,cmd=17,status=0,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=12,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=22,cmd=34,status=0,size=224 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=43,cmd=39,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=41,cmd=7,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=137,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMonthCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.1616911701858 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 13 || 0 GetMonthCardInfoReply 33 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 11 2 当前队列数量= 14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetCurrencyInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}currencyId: 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetWeeklyCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 22 所需时间单位秒 = 0.1616911701858 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 13 || 0 GetWeeklyCardInfoReply 34 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ReconnectBattleInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 20 22 所需时间单位秒 = 0.1616911701858 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 12 || 0 ReconnectBattleInfoReply 35 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=11,cmd=2,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]bigbg/headicon_q/100155_head_q.png instance: @249ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]bigbg/user_headoutline/11110265_user_headoutline.png instance: @249ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]bigbg/main_icon/icon_108.png instance: @249ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]language/zh/bigbg/main_icon/wordicon_108.png instance: @249ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ReconnectBattleReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 4 6 所需时间单位秒 = 0.39120687171817 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 11 || 0 ReconnectBattleReply 36 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleReconnectMgr.lua:0]:{_tryReconnect}无可重连的战斗 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}masterInfo { apprenticeUserId: 10424750 acceptTime: 1671186136 doneTime: 0 topValue: 74 apprenticeCount: 3 lendHeroUniqueId: 1162443744 lendHeroExtInfo { hero { heroId: 1162443744 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2084 baseAttr { hp: 9682 atk: 1073 def: 725 critic: 270 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2744 atk: 365 def: 286 critic: 58 critic_dmg: 181 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1613022530000 rank: 5 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208407 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41208408 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41208409 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2531010 state: 385 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300024 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140047 quality: 0 contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } equips { uniqueId: 1194020764 defineId: 703030 experience: 4560 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 isLocked: false star: 3 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 2 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } gainTime: 1595919786000 loveLevel: 0 } equips { uniqueId: 1787838584 defineId: 702030 experience: 1605 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 isLocked: false star: 2 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } gainTime: 1622800089000 loveLevel: 0 } equips { uniqueId: 1984763687 defineId: 701030 experience: 240 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 } gainTime: 1637036762000 loveLevel: 0 } } } apprenticeInfo { masterUserId: 0 mentorTime: 0 doneTime: 0 useLendHeroEx: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = MentorAllInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 75 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.39120687171817 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 10 || 0 MentorAllInfoReply 37 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { topupId: 4100 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10307 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10308 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10309 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10310 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10311 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10312 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10313 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10314 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10315 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10316 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10410 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10416 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10417 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10418 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10419 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10420 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10421 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10422 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10423 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10424 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10425 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10426 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10427 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10428 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10429 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10430 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10431 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8402 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8403 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8404 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8405 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8406 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8407 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8408 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8409 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8410 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8411 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8412 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8413 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8414 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8415 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8416 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8417 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8418 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10531 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10532 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10533 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10555 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10604 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10605 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10606 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10607 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10608 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10609 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10610 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10611 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10612 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10613 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10614 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10615 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8604 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8605 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8606 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8607 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8608 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10716 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10717 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10718 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10719 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8706 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8707 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10819 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10820 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10821 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10822 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10823 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10824 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10825 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10826 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10916 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10917 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10918 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10919 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10920 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10921 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10926 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10927 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10928 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10929 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10930 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10931 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10932 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10933 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11016 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11017 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11018 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11019 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11020 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11021 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11022 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11023 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11026 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11029 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11030 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11031 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11127 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11215 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11216 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11217 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11218 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11219 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11220 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11221 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11222 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11223 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11225 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11226 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9215 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1024 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9216 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1025 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9217 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1026 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1027 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1028 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1114 buyCount: 1 } infos { topupId: 9306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7300 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1218 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1219 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1220 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1307 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1308 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1309 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1310 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1311 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1312 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1313 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1317 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1318 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5414 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1319 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5415 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1320 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1321 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1323 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9515 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1324 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9516 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1325 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9517 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1326 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9518 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9519 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9520 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9521 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9522 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7501 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7502 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7503 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7504 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7505 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7506 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7507 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7508 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7509 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7510 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7511 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7512 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7513 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7514 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1402 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1403 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1404 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7706 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7707 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7708 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7709 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7710 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7711 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7712 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7713 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7714 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7720 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7721 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7722 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9819 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9820 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9821 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9822 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9823 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9826 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5800 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9916 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9917 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9918 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9919 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9920 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10016 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10017 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10118 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10119 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10120 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10121 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10122 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10123 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10124 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10129 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10130 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10131 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10132 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10133 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10134 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10135 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10136 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4037 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4038 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4039 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 2001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6100 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4081 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4082 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4083 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4084 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4085 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4086 buyCount: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetTopupInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.39120687171817 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 GetTopupInfoReply 38 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/topup/agent/TopupAgent:0: MidasMarketingInfo ====> TopupAgent:_queryMarketingInfo; zoneId=4; roleId=273900 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100166_sjyr/action/idle.mtn.anim isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100166_sjyr/action/pingban.mtn.anim isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: pingban.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainViewPresentor.lua:0]:{_onEnterAnimationDone}主界面打开动画完毕,广播主界面打开完毕GlobalNotify.BeginShowMainViewFinish,准备好了,对于启动流程有作用的 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=2,status=0,size=26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 8201 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8202 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8203 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8204 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8501 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8502 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8503 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8504 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8505 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8506 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8507 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8508 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8509 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8510 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8511 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8603 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7003 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7004 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7005 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7006 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7007 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1008 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1009 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1010 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1101 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1102 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1103 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1104 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1105 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1106 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1107 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1108 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1109 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1110 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1111 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1112 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1113 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1114 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1115 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1116 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1117 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1201 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1202 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1401 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1402 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1403 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1404 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1606 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10024 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10025 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10106 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6100 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 4084 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 10 所需时间单位秒 = 0.4265946187079 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 8 || 0 GetGiftBagInfoReply 39 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 5 当前队列数量= 9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetStoreFreeGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=5,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityInfos { id: 10251 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10252 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10264 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10279 startTime: 1619626200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10303 startTime: 1625432400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10323 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10332 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10338 startTime: 1630339800000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10355 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10367 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10377 startTime: 1637805600000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10392 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10410 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10423 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10435 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10450 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10462 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10475 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10486 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10492 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10532 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10542 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10557 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10582 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10602 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10625 startTime: 1684357200000 endTime: 1685548799000 } activityInfos { id: 10627 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10641 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10642 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10644 startTime: 1684962000000 endTime: 1685548799000 } activityInfos { id: 20008 startTime: 1611763800000 endTime: 1740412799000 } activityInfos { id: 10003 startTime: 1546376402000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10005 startTime: 1546376404000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10007 startTime: 1546376400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10010 startTime: 1684962000000 endTime: 1685548799000 } activityInfos { id: 10011 startTime: 1639774800000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10014 startTime: 1556053200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10017 startTime: 1546376400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10018 startTime: 1546376400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10037 startTime: 1569445200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10048 startTime: 1569675600000 endTime: 1913126399000 } activityInfos { id: 10064 startTime: 1559048400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10074 startTime: 1578517200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10201 startTime: 1606320600000 endTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetActivityInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 50 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.4265946187079 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 8 || 0 GetActivityInfosReply 40 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=41,cmd=5,status=0,size=19 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 40 1 当前队列数量= 9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetExploreInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 103 1 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get103InfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 107 1 当前队列数量= 11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get107InfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 105 1 当前队列数量= 12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get105InfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=40,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=103,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=107,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=105,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}time: 1683364412787 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetJinyumantangInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 31 17 所需时间单位秒 = 0.4265946187079 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 11 || 0 GetJinyumantangInfoReply 41 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{getWakeupMessage}getWakeupMessage: {} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: startstr { [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: endstr } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/msdk/helper/MSDKHelper.lua:0]:{_getJumpString}TCL: jumpString nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 32 1 当前队列数量= 12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetAllMailsRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 2 expiredTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetCustomizedGiftBagInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 12 所需时间单位秒 = 0.5438183285296 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 11 || 0 GetCustomizedGiftBagInfoReply 42 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=32,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}summonPools { poolId: 1 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 5 doneCount: 187 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false poolSkewRare { rareId: 5 count: 2 } heroSkewRare { heroId: 2007 count: 2 poolCount: 182 cdTime: 182 } extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 9997 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 1 doneCount: 10 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false poolSkewRare { rareId: 5 count: 1 } heroSkewRare { heroId: 2014 count: 1 poolCount: 10 cdTime: 10 } extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 134 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 0 doneCount: 0 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 135 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 2 doneCount: 70 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false poolSkewRare { rareId: 5 count: 2 } heroSkewRare { heroId: 2075 count: 1 poolCount: 11 cdTime: 11 } heroSkewRare { heroId: 2150 count: 1 poolCount: 67 cdTime: 67 } extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 136 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 0 doneCount: 1 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 138 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 0 doneCount: 0 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 139 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 0 doneCount: 0 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 140 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 0 doneCount: 0 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SummonPoolReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 22 34 所需时间单位秒 = 0.5438183285296 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 10 || 0 SummonPoolReply 43 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetUnReadNewspaperReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 43 39 所需时间单位秒 = 0.5438183285296 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 GetUnReadNewspaperReply 44 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=40,cmd=1,status=0,size=334 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/certificate/texun_yrjj1.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/certificate/texun_ysjj2.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/main_icon/zjmicon_04.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]bigbg/certificate/texun_yrjj1.png instance: @6ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]language/zh/bigbg/certificate/texun_ysjj2.png instance: @6ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]bigbg/main_icon/zjmicon_04.png instance: @6ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}expireTime: 1674031686 refreshCount: 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 41 7 所需时间单位秒 = 0.57312191091478 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 8 || 0 GetMysteryStoreInfoReply 45 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get137InfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 137 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.57312191091478 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 7 || 0 Get137InfosReply 46 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}currencyInfo { currencyId: 4 count: 4272 lastRecoverTime: 1684969728000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetCurrencyInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 11 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.41143074072897 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 6 || 0 GetCurrencyInfoReply 47 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEPowerFull}removepush id 1002 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/main_icon/icon_4.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/main_icon/wordicon_4.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_075_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_068.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_chunjiicon.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1054.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]bigbg/main_icon/icon_4.png instance: @18ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]language/zh/bigbg/main_icon/wordicon_4.png instance: @18ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1054.png instance: @15ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 1 todayHasGain: true currentRound: 1 currentHasGain: 607 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetStoreFreeGiftBagInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 41 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.16853254474699 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 5 || 0 GetStoreFreeGiftBagInfoReply 48 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}exploreInfos { id: 204 startExploreTime: 1684968651550 finishExploreTime: 1684997451550 exploreTeamHeroIds: 5039149 exploreTeamHeroIds: 5985670 exploreTeamHeroIds: 1688445520 exploreTeamHeroIds: 1667319674 exploreId: 1 recommendHero: 2003 recommendHero: 2008 recommendHero: 2001 recommendHero: 2006 recommendHero: 2032 } exploreInfos { id: 0 startExploreTime: 0 finishExploreTime: 0 exploreId: 2 recommendHero: 2026 recommendHero: 2042 recommendHero: 2013 recommendHero: 2007 recommendHero: 2046 } exploreInfos { id: 404 startExploreTime: 1684968655958 finishExploreTime: 1684997455958 exploreTeamHeroIds: 871601894 exploreTeamHeroIds: 1148133020 exploreTeamHeroIds: 1630110761 exploreTeamHeroIds: 1735787453 exploreId: 3 recommendHero: 2021 recommendHero: 2030 recommendHero: 2034 recommendHero: 2020 recommendHero: 2043 } exploreInfos { id: 504 startExploreTime: 1684968653866 finishExploreTime: 1684997453866 exploreTeamHeroIds: 1574223002 exploreTeamHeroIds: 1326386289 exploreTeamHeroIds: 1574223003 exploreTeamHeroIds: 1696416474 exploreId: 4 recommendHero: 2003 recommendHero: 2044 recommendHero: 2041 recommendHero: 2023 recommendHero: 2038 } exploreInfos { id: 604 startExploreTime: 1684968657982 finishExploreTime: 1684997457982 exploreTeamHeroIds: 1768243002 exploreTeamHeroIds: 1751188406 exploreTeamHeroIds: 1768243003 exploreTeamHeroIds: 1473115405 exploreId: 5 recommendHero: 2051 recommendHero: 2054 recommendHero: 2036 recommendHero: 2052 recommendHero: 2049 } exploreInfos { id: 0 startExploreTime: 0 finishExploreTime: 0 exploreId: 6 recommendHero: 2050 recommendHero: 2004 recommendHero: 2032 recommendHero: 2046 recommendHero: 2022 } exploreInfos { id: 0 startExploreTime: 0 finishExploreTime: 0 exploreId: 7 recommendHero: 2054 recommendHero: 2006 recommendHero: 2005 recommendHero: 2026 recommendHero: 2032 } maxUnlockTeam: 4 exploreTime: 115200 bondCardInfos { bondCardId: 2001 bonusCount: 1 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetExploreInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 40 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.16853254474699 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 4 || 0 GetExploreInfosReply 49 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setExploreFinish}注册了 27689.982000113 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1005 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=103,cmd=1,status=0,size=1071 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=107,cmd=1,status=0,size=23 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=105,cmd=1,status=0,size=10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { day: 1 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十二 } infos { day: 2 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十三 } infos { day: 3 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十四 } infos { day: 4 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十五 } infos { day: 5 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 15 drawIds: 72 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十六 } infos { day: 6 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 2 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十七 lunarFestival: 立夏 } infos { day: 7 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 4 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十八 } infos { day: 8 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 78 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十九 } infos { day: 9 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 75 drawIds: 10 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 19 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月二十 } infos { day: 10 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 1 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 8 drawIds: 74 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿一 } infos { day: 11 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 77 drawIds: 65 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿二 } infos { day: 12 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 15 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 18 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿三 } infos { day: 13 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 5 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 18 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿四 } infos { day: 14 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 33 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 72 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿五 } infos { day: 15 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 1 drawIds: 4 drawIds: 11 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿六 } infos { day: 16 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 91 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿七 } infos { day: 17 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 65 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿八 } infos { day: 18 hasSignIn: false luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 88 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿九 } infos { day: 19 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初一 } infos { day: 20 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 1 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 5 drawIds: 91 drawIds: 33 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初二 } infos { day: 21 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 5 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 16 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初三 lunarFestival: 小满 } infos { day: 22 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初四 } infos { day: 23 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初五 } infos { day: 24 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 13 drawIds: 16 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初六 } infos { day: 25 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 77 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初七 } serverTime: 1684969769844 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get103InfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 103 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.20177670754492 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 3 || 0 Get103InfosReply 50 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{initTriggers}initTriggers: 1 zoneId: 20501 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 129 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 129 挂点: ui_luwu_shuijiao_p1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}defineIds: 1 defineIds: 2 defineIds: 3 onlineTime: 2168 updateTime: 1684969767 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get107InfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 107 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.20177670754492 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 Get107InfoReply 51 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}rechargeNum: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get105InfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 105 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.20177670754492 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 Get105InfoReply 52 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=32,cmd=1,status=0,size=27580 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=2,status=0,size=22 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}userMail { incrId: 1187805902 mailId: 20363 params: attachment: 2#37#10|1#11050008#50|1#11160003#3|2#6#1000|1#11040003#10|1#11050012#50|1#11050016#50|2#1#888|1#11060006#100|2#2#1000000|1#10000017#3|1#11050004#50|1#11141181#1 state: 1 createTime: 1660752878000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1257057518 mailId: 20073 params: 怒言载恨#1887 attachment: 1#10000016#1|2#11#20|2#2#20000 state: 1 createTime: 1670428826000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1318554770 mailId: 20009 params: 1258 attachment: 2#8#600|2#2#16000|2#1#150 state: 1 createTime: 1679257805000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1195055934 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000017#1|2#6#1800|1#11141179#1 state: 1 createTime: 1661382660000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 食物语×QQ音乐 联动礼包 content: 亲爱的少主,恭喜获得食物语三周年QQ音乐联名周边礼包,请注意查收。 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 972625905 mailId: 20262 params: attachment: 1#11050008#50|1#11040003#10|1#11050004#50|1#10000017#3|1#11050016#50|1#11140852#1|2#6#1000|1#11160003#3|2#1#888|1#11050012#50|2#2#1000000 state: 1 createTime: 1629909581000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1346626121 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683767349673 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 886257880 mailId: 0 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1619092608000 sender: 且止微醺 title: 协会广播 content: 由于对方协会可提供名额较少,经考虑这次还是不并入了,毕竟我们协会佛系玩家,希望大家都能经常回家。 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1346626120 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1683761400000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 5月11日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1341063651 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1682891509000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1184775826 mailId: 20356 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11141180#1 state: 1 createTime: 1660661178000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1347217985 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683873215876 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1349688447 mailId: 20007 params: 今天有阿佛了#桃夭酱#4#7 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1684702911119 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 625356616 mailId: 20090 params: 1 attachment: 2#11#20|1#11360001#1000|8#11120042#1 state: 1 createTime: 1598833383000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1301207425 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#974 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#12#35|2#11#10 state: 1 createTime: 1676062828000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 810593887 mailId: 301503 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240015#4 state: 1 createTime: 1612002607000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1118835903 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1650495621000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月21日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1133469086 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1653030930000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 990566672 mailId: 1145019 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631343559000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 695059831 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000005#1 state: 1 createTime: 1603371982000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【拼图领雪霁羹信物】活动奖励 content: 请注意查收 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 990240542 mailId: 1145020 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631379289000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1201540994 mailId: 20073 params: 声引潮鸣#1991 attachment: 2#2#20000|1#10000016#1|2#11#20 state: 1 createTime: 1662566424000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187954387 mailId: 312102 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240121#3 state: 1 createTime: 1660873549000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 719726791 mailId: 20073 params: 烟涛微茫#7247 attachment: 1#10000015#3|2#2#10000|2#11#10 state: 1 createTime: 1605110437000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1282794582 mailId: 20084 params: 大翻勺·初 attachment: 2#1#80|2#2#16000|2#26#250 state: 1 createTime: 1673861211000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 694958409 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#2#1000 state: 1 createTime: 1603353373000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【拼图领雪霁羹信物】活动奖励 content: 请注意查收 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 559139190 mailId: 20084 params: 握刀法·初 attachment: 2#26#100|2#1#50|2#2#10000 state: 1 createTime: 1595208852000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 850991263 mailId: 305203 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240052#4 state: 1 createTime: 1614866554000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1322496741 mailId: 311301 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240113#2 state: 1 createTime: 1679539484000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1107330615 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11180001#4|1#11160003#1 state: 1 createTime: 1648722726000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月31日补偿小礼 content: 少主敬启:   针对3月31日版本上线后的部分体验问题——部分少主受影响无法进入战斗,以及客人进场速度变慢导致客潮单场收益减少(每个菜品获得奖励不受影响),对上述问题造成的不便,管理司深表歉意! 管理司在此为少主奉上补偿小礼:「大份干粮」*1、「餐厅传单」*4,感谢少主的包容和理解。 如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 《食物语》空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 617938669 mailId: 1145003 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598495704000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1330901870 mailId: 20073 params: 鞭牛祈丰#1554 attachment: 2#2#20000|1#10000016#1|2#11#20 state: 1 createTime: 1681315233000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1292505911 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 1 createTime: 1674909858000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 617938666 mailId: 1145001 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598495695000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 617938667 mailId: 1145002 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598495699000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1349077032 mailId: 314902 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240149#3 state: 1 createTime: 1684316740627 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1346895882 mailId: 20424 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1684211348393 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1344270429 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683593893785 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1342725194 mailId: 315002 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240150#3 state: 1 createTime: 1683359362309 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1346895883 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684211348775 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1304839042 mailId: 20044 params: 896 attachment: 2#11#10|2#12#35|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1676754021000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 781518545 mailId: 307602 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240076#3 state: 1 createTime: 1609741449000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1328549240 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680653787000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1318546142 mailId: 314601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240146#2 state: 1 createTime: 1678930136000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 840665170 mailId: 308403 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#4 state: 1 createTime: 1614039381000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1318546141 mailId: 309701 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240097#2 state: 1 createTime: 1678930127000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340265902 mailId: 315001 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240150#2 state: 1 createTime: 1682527058000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340265903 mailId: 314901 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240149#2 state: 1 createTime: 1682527079000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 628828982 mailId: 1145006 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599045842000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1187935902 mailId: 313801 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240138#2 state: 1 createTime: 1660759778000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187935903 mailId: 313901 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240139#2 state: 1 createTime: 1660759790000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340265904 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1682528402000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月27日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1315877436 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1161 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1678482023000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1329805072 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681127223000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347223577 mailId: 20009 params: 965 attachment: 2#8#700|2#1#160|2#2#18000 state: 0 createTime: 1684096204930 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1328926049 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680573008000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1326623559 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680476291000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347223578 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684145833894 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1349077040 mailId: 314903 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240149#4 state: 1 createTime: 1684317668050 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1346888733 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683943830740 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1349077043 mailId: 315003 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240150#4 state: 1 createTime: 1684317837094 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326900044 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680308380000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1346888732 mailId: 29 params: attachment: 2#1#10 state: 0 createTime: 1683943830193 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1341383599 mailId: 20073 params: 百鬼众魅#1026 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 0 createTime: 1683493213380 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1261203312 mailId: 20392 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1671279383000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1326912841 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680412454000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1246536748 mailId: 314301 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240143#2 state: 1 createTime: 1668652051000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 846051333 mailId: 305201 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240052#2 state: 1 createTime: 1614414412000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 830020883 mailId: 308401 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#2 state: 1 createTime: 1613022690000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1271014824 mailId: 157 params: attachment: 1#11190024#1|2#2#50000|2#12#10 state: 1 createTime: 1672565493000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1246536743 mailId: 314201 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240142#2 state: 1 createTime: 1668652040000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 830020885 mailId: 308402 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#3 state: 1 createTime: 1613022702000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1333742864 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1681682248000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 846051357 mailId: 305202 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240052#3 state: 1 createTime: 1614414658000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1341380993 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#845 attachment: 2#12#35|2#11#10|2#2#14000 state: 0 createTime: 1683320411728 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1346510903 mailId: 20423 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1684046355968 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1311294558 mailId: 20009 params: 1170 attachment: 2#1#150|2#2#16000|2#8#600 state: 1 createTime: 1678048204000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1346510904 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684046356300 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1248056856 mailId: 20084 params: 大翻勺·初 attachment: 2#26#250|2#1#80|2#2#16000 state: 1 createTime: 1669017190000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330663725 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1681085064000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1187615924 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000244#5000 state: 1 createTime: 1660754679000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330166582 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680737401000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月6日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1330166583 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680751011000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1324908167 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679967493000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187615926 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000242#5 state: 1 createTime: 1660754758000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1136017719 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#27#520|2#2#13140|1#11090033#1|1#11060006#52 state: 1 createTime: 1653049221000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 锵锵~愿世界充满爱 content: 少主, 今天真是个充满爱意的日子呀,大家好像都在谈论"爱"呢!"520"——"我爱你",多么美好的谐音~多亏这个日子,虾饺也有了关于新歌的想法,一个愿世界充满爱的音乐灵感,等这首歌出来,虾饺一定要第一个唱给少主听! 虾饺 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1324906107 mailId: 20084 params: 切花刀·初 attachment: 2#26#400|2#2#22000|2#1#120 state: 1 createTime: 1679881932000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1324906108 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679881932000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350938113 mailId: 20044 params: 1054 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1684616411922 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1262398907 mailId: 20044 params: 836 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#12#35|2#11#10 state: 1 createTime: 1671310819000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1200630550 mailId: 1145032 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662083975000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 866833698 mailId: 302001 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240020#2 state: 1 createTime: 1616839459000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1213547231 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#994 attachment: 2#12#35|2#11#10|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1663362024000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 781882384 mailId: 307604 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240076#5 state: 1 createTime: 1609837976000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1312268962 mailId: 20073 params: 黑白双子#1063 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1677963615000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1324790371 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1680046613000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 781597198 mailId: 307601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240076#2 state: 1 createTime: 1609731449000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 645588195 mailId: 304004 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240040#5 state: 1 createTime: 1599896748000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340395902 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1682546387000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 937737086 mailId: 312001 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240120#2 state: 1 createTime: 1625967649000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1352995902 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684967496525 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1352326657 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684930322229 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347530957 mailId: 20073 params: 智斗灵机#769 attachment: 1#10000016#2|2#2#25000|2#11#25 state: 0 createTime: 1684339223248 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1349904619 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684743903619 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1195148189 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1 state: 1 createTime: 1661414183000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 好友功能异常补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的少主:   8月25日更新后部分少主出现好友功能异常的问题,目前该异常管理司已修复,对此造成的不便,管理司深表歉意!在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「大份干粮」*1,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1336156421 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#43#1500|1#11160003#1|2#1#100 state: 0 createTime: 1681729692000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【舌尖争擂】活动调整补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的空桑少主,   由于【舌尖争擂】活动在断开网络连接后有概率会出现无法登录游戏的问题,为确保少主的体验,管理司决定暂时关闭【舌尖争擂】活动,后续开启时间将另行通知,因活动关闭给少主游戏造成不便,管理司深表歉意!在此奉上补偿小礼:「金玉」*100、「大份干粮」*1、「擂主令」*1500,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 911326963 mailId: 306901 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240069#2 state: 1 createTime: 1622686263000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1336156422 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681788150000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1312267408 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#1019 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1677877216000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1122990662 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1651216736000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1338239849 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1074 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 0 createTime: 1682283612000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1152655903 mailId: 20347 params: attachment: 2#1#100|8#11110226#1|1#11160003#1|8#11100175#1 state: 1 createTime: 1655943063000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1121955956 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 4#2104#7 state: 1 createTime: 1651080001000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1349895902 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684362981379 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1121955953 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 17#160005#1 state: 1 createTime: 1651079943000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340055921 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#20000 state: 0 createTime: 1682526255000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 579064372 mailId: 20084 params: 握刀法·初 attachment: 2#26#100|2#2#10000|2#1#50 state: 1 createTime: 1596424453000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217170 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#1000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217171 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#2000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326913965 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680466587000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1298528222 mailId: 314501 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240145#2 state: 1 createTime: 1675676301000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177002139 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#6000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659687755000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217174 mailId: 151 params: attachment: 1#11190024#1|1#11090110#1|1#10000123#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177002138 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#5000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659687755000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1170589560 mailId: 301603 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#4 state: 1 createTime: 1658740316000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1139594065 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1654069140000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217172 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#3000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217173 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#4000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1225308104 mailId: 312303 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#4 state: 1 createTime: 1665223381000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 734725902 mailId: 20121 params: attachment: 1#10040006#10 state: 1 createTime: 1606333625000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326616020 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1680132602000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月30日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 695578547 mailId: 136 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1603335117000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1326616021 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680138030000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1203163518 mailId: 1145035 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662342003000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1178882190 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#1000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659952456000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 987576851 mailId: 20250 params: attachment: 1#10000123#1|2#11#3 state: 1 createTime: 1631134810000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1179023496 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#2000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1660014541000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 990566853 mailId: 309603 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#4 state: 1 createTime: 1631348761000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1347558019 mailId: 20052 params: 2#2693115#20 attachment: 2#7#330|2#2#33000 state: 1 createTime: 1684098014079 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1333924689 mailId: 20009 params: 3076 attachment: 2#8#500|2#1#140|2#2#14000 state: 0 createTime: 1681677011000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 990352340 mailId: 309604 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#5 state: 1 createTime: 1631446480000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337710957 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1682237047000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1170591506 mailId: 301604 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#5 state: 1 createTime: 1658839961000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1327150016 mailId: 20049 params: 辣椒#麻辣火锅 attachment: 1#11300001#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680440977000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1165347241 mailId: 20073 params: 黑白双子#1154 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1658005217000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1119899167 mailId: 20073 params: 百鬼众魅#1333 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1650834019000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1344809719 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683540387940 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1084446275 mailId: 20307 params: attachment: 2#1#100|8#11100166#1|1#11160003#1|8#11110209#1 state: 1 createTime: 1644887912000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1102285648 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1648020902000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 985541720 mailId: 1145015 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631007368000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 985541719 mailId: 1145014 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631007363000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1116087407 mailId: 20044 params: 1388 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1650142814000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1314825904 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1678318201000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月9日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1338176306 mailId: 20052 params: 3#822156#49 attachment: 2#7#110|2#2#11000 state: 1 createTime: 1682110810000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1239507216 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1097 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1667595622000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 629995903 mailId: 1145007 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599087158000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347526822 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#873 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#11#10|2#12#35 state: 0 createTime: 1683925213391 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 889486844 mailId: 301602 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#3 state: 1 createTime: 1619660314000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1312168141 mailId: 20052 params: 1#2304192#38 attachment: 2#7#165|2#2#16500 state: 1 createTime: 1678222809000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1304837437 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#1334 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1676667630000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1304132421 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 1 createTime: 1676843438000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1327167007 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#922 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#12#35|2#11#10 state: 1 createTime: 1680296415000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1205648601 mailId: 1145036 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662513914000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1100189334 mailId: 300803 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240008#4 state: 1 createTime: 1647591802000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1037201108 mailId: 20084 params: 大翻勺·初 attachment: 2#1#80|2#2#16000|2#26#250 state: 1 createTime: 1638151347000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330659927 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680940623000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1116091279 mailId: 20073 params: 较艺行拳#2172 attachment: 1#10000016#1|2#11#15|2#2#15000 state: 1 createTime: 1650470427000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1205648599 mailId: 1145037 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662513907000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 675661646 mailId: 20084 params: 握刀法·高 attachment: 2#26#200|2#1#70|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1601853930000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1207389946 mailId: 1145039 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662685739000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 987985902 mailId: 1145017 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631140431000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1207389945 mailId: 1145038 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662685734000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 639787820 mailId: 300701 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#2 state: 1 createTime: 1599556891000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1319607222 mailId: 20073 params: 海市蜃楼#482 attachment: 2#2#16000|2#11#11|2#12#40 state: 1 createTime: 1679086815000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1336237748 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日] attachment: 2#37#1 state: 0 createTime: 1681905991000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1255818696 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000264#1000|2#6#500|2#1#200|1#11190024#1 state: 1 createTime: 1670343601000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 12月7日开服小礼·一 content: 少主敬启:   空桑入口现已重新开放,一日不见,甚是想念。因停服一日间少主未能参与空桑内活动,管理司为少主备了些许特别开服小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 975481655 mailId: 300103 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240001#4 state: 1 createTime: 1630075571000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1096525903 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1646866801000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月10日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 656214536 mailId: 306201 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240062#2 state: 1 createTime: 1600656052000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 988286975 mailId: 309601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#2 state: 1 createTime: 1631154691000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1343341323 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683301792015 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1343341322 mailId: 20009 params: 1441 attachment: 2#1#150|2#2#16000|2#8#600 state: 0 createTime: 1682886606224 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 975481656 mailId: 300104 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240001#5 state: 1 createTime: 1630075584000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1200967817 mailId: 1145031 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662019712000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326905865 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680490176000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 805126877 mailId: 306601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240066#2 state: 1 createTime: 1611733687000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337351826 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1682284852000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1039096523 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11140976#1|1#11140975#1|1#11140979#1|1#11140978#1|1#11140977#1 state: 1 createTime: 1638413206000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 食物语必胜客联动礼包 content: 亲爱的少主,感谢您对本次联动的喜爱。联动限定礼包现已发送,请注意查收!空桑管理司 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1303958684 mailId: 142 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1676630805000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1039096522 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11140968#1|1#11140967#1|1#11140966#1|1#11140965#1|1#11140969#1 state: 1 createTime: 1638413206000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 食物语必胜客联动礼包 content: 亲爱的少主,感谢您对本次联动的喜爱。联动限定礼包现已发送,请注意查收!空桑管理司 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1038986436 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11140972#1|1#11140973#1|1#11140974#1|1#11140970#1|1#11140971#1 state: 1 createTime: 1638413206000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 食物语必胜客联动礼包 content: 亲爱的少主,感谢您对本次联动的喜爱。联动限定礼包现已发送,请注意查收!空桑管理司 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340402381 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日] attachment: 2#37#1 state: 0 createTime: 1682835313000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347529592 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1043 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1684098015784 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 972835542 mailId: 301101 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240011#2 state: 1 createTime: 1629980236000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 946483521 mailId: 135 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1627112950000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1228507158 mailId: 312304 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#5 state: 1 createTime: 1665645661000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 632145538 mailId: 1145008 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599274344000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1250206132 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 1 createTime: 1669244403000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 11月24日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1209936172 mailId: 1145040 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662822617000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1307759306 mailId: 314701 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240147#2 state: 1 createTime: 1677204956000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 697188023 mailId: 302703 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240027#4 state: 1 createTime: 1603442049000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1322375149 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 1 createTime: 1679868578000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1322308079 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000294#1000|1#10000293#1000 state: 1 createTime: 1679574130000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【误入桃源】调整补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的空桑少主,      为确保少主们的体验,本次更新后建造【农田】、【林场】时将仅消耗金瓜子,不再需要消耗稻谷或林木,在此奉上补偿小礼:「稻谷」*1000与「林木」*1000,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 885486466 mailId: 0 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1619055606000 sender: 且止微醺 title: 协会广播 content: 游戏上线了协会合并功能,我们接到了满级协会的联系,大家同意协会上扣1,不同意扣2,有其他建议可以私我。 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 972835513 mailId: 303301 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240033#2 state: 1 createTime: 1629980120000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 877628679 mailId: 301601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#2 state: 1 createTime: 1617895798000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1265955902 mailId: 155 params: attachment: 1#11190024#1|2#2#88888|1#10000123#2 state: 1 createTime: 1671661391000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187931520 mailId: 313802 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240138#3 state: 1 createTime: 1660818558000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 843897091 mailId: 308404 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#5 state: 1 createTime: 1614221675000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1200973530 mailId: 1145033 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662176149000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1323197836 mailId: 20049 params: 辣椒#麻辣火锅 attachment: 1#11300001#1 state: 1 createTime: 1679835636000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350939603 mailId: 20073 params: 楼兰奇兵#957 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#11#10|2#12#35 state: 0 createTime: 1684702816904 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1121965960 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#15903004#1 state: 1 createTime: 1651079988000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1323107206 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1134 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1679691622000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1151289282 mailId: 307501 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240075#2 state: 1 createTime: 1655862002000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1216976342 mailId: 20372 params: attachment: 14#150002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1663810465000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 856510573 mailId: 305204 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240052#5 state: 1 createTime: 1615516686000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1349901588 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684675507268 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1280302378 mailId: 312802 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240128#3 state: 1 createTime: 1673603367000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1349901587 mailId: 29 params: attachment: 1#11070001#500 state: 1 createTime: 1684675506795 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1341382292 mailId: 20073 params: 黑白双子#1067 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 0 createTime: 1683406814481 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1327168624 mailId: 20044 params: 836 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#12#35|2#11#10 state: 1 createTime: 1680382823000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1225826400 mailId: 312301 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#2 state: 1 createTime: 1665196326000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 908022638 mailId: 20073 params: 天道酬勤#1830 attachment: 2#11#8|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1622649618000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 579916263 mailId: 20084 params: 握刀法·初 attachment: 2#2#10000|2#1#50|2#26#100 state: 1 createTime: 1596430760000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187605939 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 11#140237#1 state: 1 createTime: 1660754695000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350988038 mailId: 20052 params: 3#1541148#26 attachment: 2#2#22000|2#7#220 state: 1 createTime: 1684702815654 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337351733 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1682284850000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 640090018 mailId: 300703 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#4 state: 1 createTime: 1599620885000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 936101967 mailId: 20238 params: 百才争魁 attachment: 1#11040002#1|1#10000157#200|2#12#20|1#11060006#5 state: 1 createTime: 1625815922000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 936101966 mailId: 20239 params: 百才争魁 attachment: 2#11#5|1#10000157#100|2#2#20000 state: 1 createTime: 1625815922000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1311557034 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1677713403000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月2日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350359546 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 0 createTime: 1684366201000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 5月18日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1217402652 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#300 state: 1 createTime: 1663933279000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 「牡丹蝎托」技能调整补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的少主:   很抱歉此次对于「牡丹蝎托」技能调整方案给少主带来了负面的体验,管理司在此向少主表达深切的歉意!   在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「金玉*300」,感谢少主的包容和理解。   对于9月21日及之前已拥有「牡丹蝎托」少主的追加补偿小礼,将随9月29日周版本更新后通过邮件发放,详情还请少主查看正式公告。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1308557423 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1192 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1677272413000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1217840387 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1320 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1664139622000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1172227656 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1|2#2#20000|1#10000238#300 state: 1 createTime: 1658980396000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 7月28日【万物守恒】小游戏补偿 content: 亲爱的空桑少主,   7月28日更新后的【万物守恒】小游戏玩法出现部分物品重量计算不正确的问题,目前该异常管理司已修复,对上述问题造成的不便,管理司深表歉意!在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「大份干粮」*1、「真金砝码」*300、「贝币」*20000,感谢少主的包容和理解。如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 《食物语》空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330663623 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1681085060000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1304840785 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1365 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1676840424000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1225826441 mailId: 312302 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#3 state: 1 createTime: 1665198224000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1221433684 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#926 attachment: 2#12#35|2#11#10|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1665176421000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 656214663 mailId: 306202 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240062#3 state: 1 createTime: 1600656270000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 983369475 mailId: 1145013 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1630772757000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 640089990 mailId: 99 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599620107000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1333575902 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1681342200000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月13日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 781518641 mailId: 307603 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240076#4 state: 1 createTime: 1609743563000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 985484568 mailId: 1145016 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631065426000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 639787911 mailId: 300702 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#3 state: 1 createTime: 1599558135000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337986153 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1681947000000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月20日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 988322626 mailId: 1145018 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631263183000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337986154 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681954043000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1322503548 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679795349000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 981805354 mailId: 1145012 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1630711040000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1333582028 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681657489000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 988322651 mailId: 309602 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#3 state: 1 createTime: 1631263485000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 643638254 mailId: 300704 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#5 state: 1 createTime: 1599758437000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1280076280 mailId: 20401 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1|8#11100286#1|8#11110258#1|2#1#100 state: 1 createTime: 1673486316000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1220346629 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11190024#10 state: 1 createTime: 1664421734000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 「牡丹蝎托」技能调整追加补偿 content: 亲爱的少主:很抱歉此次对于「牡丹蝎托」技能调整方案给少主带来了负面的体验,管理司在此向少主表达深切的歉意!在此特为少主奉上追加补偿小礼:「魂芯*10」、「膳具碎片·御*50」,补偿将分为两封邮件发放,感谢少主的包容和理解。如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行!空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187890037 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000244#500|2#2#20000|1#11160003#1 state: 1 createTime: 1660784412000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【沙排之王】活动延期补偿 content: 亲爱的少主:   由于【沙排之王】活动在特定机型下会出现异常问题,管理司正在加紧修复问题,为确保少主的体验,管理司决定将【沙排之王】活动统一调整至8月25日更新后开启,同时将活动结束时间顺延一周至9月14日23:59。因活动延期给少主游戏造成不便,管理司深表歉意!在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「大份干粮」*1、「水晶球」*500、「贝币」*20000,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 640090012 mailId: 1145009 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599620775000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 640090013 mailId: 1145010 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599620781000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1254257023 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#954 attachment: 2#11#10|2#12#35|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1670014812000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1209576358 mailId: 153 params: attachment: 1#11090077#1|1#11040003#1|2#12#20|4#2079#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662816114000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1343123916 mailId: 29 params: attachment: 2#1#10 state: 0 createTime: 1683433906254 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1343123917 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683433906879 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1209582025 mailId: 20084 params: 大翻勺·中 attachment: 2#2#18000|2#1#90|2#26#300 state: 1 createTime: 1662952913000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 697187935 mailId: 302702 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240027#3 state: 1 createTime: 1603440794000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1341063741 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1682891510000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1333742764 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1681682246000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1208007640 mailId: 20044 params: 1340 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1662843616000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1322496818 mailId: 311302 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240113#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679540548000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 952625954 mailId: 20248 params: attachment: 2#1#100|1#11160003#1|8#11110172#1|8#11100150#1 state: 1 createTime: 1627519900000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1203157585 mailId: 1145034 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662252091000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 700251220 mailId: 20073 params: 楼兰奇兵#3170 attachment: 2#12#25|2#2#11000 state: 1 createTime: 1603659612000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 982090081 mailId: 1145011 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1630630450000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337715792 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1682472637000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1119835983 mailId: 20052 params: 3#2401875#1 attachment: 2#2#80000|2#7#800 state: 1 createTime: 1650574813000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 925257429 mailId: 20229 params: 2591 attachment: 2#11#15|1#10000016#1|2#2#15000 state: 1 createTime: 1624464265000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1172229674 mailId: 306501 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240065#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659079788000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1172229672 mailId: 312801 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240128#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659079646000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1347528103 mailId: 20044 params: 805 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#11#10|2#12#35 state: 0 createTime: 1684011613196 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1207341582 mailId: 303404 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240034#5 state: 1 createTime: 1662712309000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1172229671 mailId: 312101 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240121#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659079628000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 625356991 mailId: 1145005 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598833947000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1326623465 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1680476286000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1323110179 mailId: 20073 params: 百鬼众魅#1062 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1679864420000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 619769615 mailId: 1145004 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598579392000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetAllMailsReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 32 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.15828437544405 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetAllMailsReply 53 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 124 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateRedDotPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 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defineId: 1028 level: 1 createTime: 1658368472 skills { skillId: 220731 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220733 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220732 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1029 level: 1 createTime: 1651078774 skills { skillId: 220513 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220512 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220511 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1030 level: 1 createTime: 1658368473 skills { skillId: 220331 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220333 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220332 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1031 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220963 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220962 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220961 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1032 level: 1 createTime: 1664529665 skills { skillId: 220623 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220622 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220621 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1033 level: 1 createTime: 1658368480 skills { skillId: 220403 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220402 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220401 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1034 level: 2 createTime: 1660210886 skills { skillId: 220113 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220112 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220111 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1035 level: 1 createTime: 1658368469 skills { skillId: 220391 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220393 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220392 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1036 level: 1 createTime: 1670223404 skills { skillId: 220583 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220582 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220581 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1037 level: 1 createTime: 1668654195 skills { skillId: 220833 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220832 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220831 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1038 level: 1 createTime: 1668654188 skills { skillId: 220851 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220853 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220852 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1039 level: 2 createTime: 1658368465 skills { skillId: 220843 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220842 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220841 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1040 level: 1 createTime: 1660210883 skills { skillId: 220673 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220672 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220671 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1041 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220663 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220662 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220661 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1042 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220783 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220782 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220781 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1043 level: 1 createTime: 1668654194 skills { skillId: 220263 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220262 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220261 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1044 level: 1 createTime: 1668654193 skills { skillId: 220651 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220653 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220652 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1045 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 221043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1046 level: 1 createTime: 1677838471 skills { skillId: 221211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1047 level: 1 createTime: 1664406004 skills { skillId: 220491 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220493 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220492 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1048 level: 1 createTime: 1668654190 skills { skillId: 220871 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220873 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220872 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1049 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 299991 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 299992 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 299993 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1050 level: 1 createTime: 1668654192 skills { skillId: 220411 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220413 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220412 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1051 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 220023 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220022 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220021 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1052 level: 1 createTime: 1677838469 skills { skillId: 220051 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220053 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220052 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1053 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220151 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220153 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220152 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1054 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220063 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220062 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220061 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1055 level: 1 createTime: 1675676734 skills { skillId: 220103 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220102 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220101 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1056 level: 1 createTime: 1670223401 skills { skillId: 220183 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220182 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220181 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1057 level: 1 createTime: 1673951419 skills { skillId: 220193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1058 level: 1 createTime: 1679401913 skills { skillId: 220203 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220202 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220201 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1059 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220231 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220233 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220232 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1060 level: 1 createTime: 1673951418 skills { skillId: 220243 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220242 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220241 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1061 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220273 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220272 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220271 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1062 level: 1 createTime: 1670223400 skills { skillId: 220283 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220282 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220281 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1063 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220291 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220293 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220292 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1064 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220303 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220302 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220301 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1065 level: 1 createTime: 1673951415 skills { skillId: 220311 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220313 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220312 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1066 level: 1 createTime: 1678934688 skills { skillId: 220383 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220382 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220381 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1067 level: 1 createTime: 1673951417 skills { skillId: 220353 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220352 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220351 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1068 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220363 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220362 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220361 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1069 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220323 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220322 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220321 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1070 level: 1 createTime: 1673951413 skills { skillId: 220371 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220373 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220372 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1071 level: 1 createTime: 1676019131 skills { skillId: 220423 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220422 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220421 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1072 level: 1 createTime: 1676019129 skills { skillId: 220443 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220442 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220441 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1073 level: 1 createTime: 1676019133 skills { skillId: 220451 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220453 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220452 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1074 level: 1 createTime: 1679401303 skills { skillId: 220463 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220462 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220461 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1075 level: 1 createTime: 1684969664 skills { skillId: 220471 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220473 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220472 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1076 level: 1 createTime: 1678934686 skills { skillId: 220483 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220482 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220481 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1077 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220503 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220502 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220501 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1078 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220543 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220542 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220541 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1079 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220551 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220553 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220552 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1080 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220563 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220562 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220561 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1081 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220951 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220953 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220952 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1082 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220971 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220973 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220972 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1083 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220983 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220982 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220981 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1084 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220993 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220992 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220991 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1085 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 221003 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 221002 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 221001 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1086 level: 1 createTime: 1684969663 skills { skillId: 220593 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220592 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220591 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1087 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220631 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220633 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220632 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1088 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220643 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220642 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220641 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1089 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220683 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220682 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220681 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1090 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220603 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220602 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220601 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3001 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 8 nextValue: 12 } skills { skillId: 9 intValue: 8 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 3 intValue: 10 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3003 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 11 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3004 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 14 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3005 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 17 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3006 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 20 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3007 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } skills { skillId: 24 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3008 level: 1 createTime: 1671037708 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 25 nextValue: 50 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3009 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 28 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3010 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 29 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3011 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 32 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3012 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 33 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2001 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 5 intValue: 14 nextValue: 17 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2002 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 6 intValue: 12 nextValue: 15 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2003 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 8 intValue: 12 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2004 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 4 intValue: 11 nextValue: 13 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2005 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 7 intValue: 400 nextValue: 500 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2006 level: 2 createTime: 1658047409 skills { skillId: 10 intValue: 6 nextValue: 9 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2007 level: 1 createTime: 1677838456 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2008 level: 1 createTime: 1673951394 skills { skillId: 13 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2009 level: 1 createTime: 1675676784 skills { skillId: 15 intValue: 30 nextValue: 60 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2010 level: 2 createTime: 1655368930 skills { skillId: 18 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2011 level: 1 createTime: 1679401898 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2012 level: 2 createTime: 1670223393 skills { skillId: 19 intValue: 180 nextValue: 270 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2013 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 21 intValue: 1500 nextValue: 1650 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2014 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 22 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2015 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 23 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2016 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 25 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2017 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 27 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2018 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 30 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2019 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 31 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2020 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 250 nextValue: 275 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1001 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220003 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220002 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220001 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1003 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1004 level: 1 createTime: 1640193452 skills { skillId: 220123 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220122 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220121 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1005 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220171 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } skills { skillId: 220173 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220172 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1006 level: 1 createTime: 1640193444 skills { skillId: 220211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1007 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1008 level: 4 createTime: 1640194895 skills { skillId: 220071 intValue: 40 nextValue: 50 } skills { skillId: 220073 intValue: 8 nextValue: 10 } skills { skillId: 220072 intValue: 4 nextValue: 5 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1009 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 221191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1010 level: 1 createTime: 1640193447 skills { skillId: 221223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1011 level: 1 createTime: 1651078768 skills { skillId: 220091 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220093 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220092 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1012 level: 2 createTime: 1651078779 skills { skillId: 220163 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220162 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220161 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1013 level: 1 createTime: 1651078771 skills { skillId: 220531 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220533 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220532 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1014 level: 1 createTime: 1651078773 skills { skillId: 220611 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220613 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220612 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1015 level: 3 createTime: 1651078766 skills { skillId: 220343 intValue: 6 nextValue: 8 } skills { skillId: 220342 intValue: 3 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220341 intValue: 30 nextValue: 40 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1016 level: 1 createTime: 1651078770 skills { skillId: 221031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220143 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220142 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220141 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1017 level: 1 createTime: 1651078778 skills { skillId: 220943 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220942 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220941 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1018 level: 1 createTime: 1658368470 skills { skillId: 220083 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220082 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220081 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1019 level: 1 createTime: 1651078777 skills { skillId: 220433 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220432 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220431 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1020 level: 1 createTime: 1651078763 skills { skillId: 220011 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220013 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220012 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1021 level: 1 createTime: 1651078776 skills { skillId: 220753 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220752 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220751 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1022 level: 1 createTime: 1658368479 skills { skillId: 220763 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220762 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220761 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1023 level: 1 createTime: 1651078775 skills { skillId: 220131 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220133 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220132 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = BondCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 76 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10004054754972 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 BondCardInfoReply 59 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):molian.mtn,default:idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/impl/UnitLive2DPerson: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playMtn' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playVoice' logic/extensions/main/view/MainCharacterView: in function '_onCheckLive2dTimeTalk' logic/extensions/main/view/MainCharacterView: in function '_audioFinishCallback' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DTalk: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/common/audio/FmodAudioPlayer: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:stopExpression stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'stopExpression' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playExps' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playVoice' logic/extensions/main/view/MainCharacterView: in function '_onCheckLive2dTimeTalk' logic/extensions/main/view/MainCharacterView: in function '_audioFinishCallback' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DTalk: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/common/audio/FmodAudioPlayer: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:nanguo.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'playExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'addExpToPlayList' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playExps' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playVoice' logic/extensions/main/view/MainCharacterView: in function '_onCheckLive2dTimeTalk' logic/extensions/main/view/MainCharacterView: in function '_audioFinishCallback' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DTalk: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/common/audio/FmodAudioPlayer: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100166_sjyr/action/molian.mtn.anim isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: molian.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39]++++++++++++++++拿到的tsssdk的c#的data长度70 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39]))))((((((转换为lua的buffer数据长度(((((70____________70 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 70 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}=============sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包完毕,等协议过去-=-============================= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39]__________删除tsssdk++++++sb数据________ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=1,size=81 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=13,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:39][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099929086863995 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SubmitAntiDataReply 61 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 602 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRichManMapRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityType: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066642001271248 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 62 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=1,status=0,size=1755 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityType: 1 gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 80 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901073#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902005#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2030 addition2: } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901087#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901042#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903001#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902007#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901013#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903008#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902012#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902009#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901069#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902015#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903012#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901086#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 2 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901036#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901069#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902016#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901053#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 7 addition0: 0 addition1: 4 addition2: 1#1001:0#1004:0#1005:1#1007:0#1011:0#1013:0#1038:0#1106:0#1115:0#1118:0 } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902012#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901066#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903012#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901047#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901025#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902012#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901004#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903008#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901081#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901059#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 2 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901024#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902019#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } mapAddtional { direction: 2 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRichManMapReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10002462565899 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRichManMapReply 63 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}handleGetRichManMapReply 0 activityType: 1 gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 80 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901073#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902005#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2030 addition2: } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901087#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901042#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903001#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902007#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901013#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903008#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902012#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902009#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901069#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902015#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903012#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901086#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 2 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901036#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901069#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902016#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901053#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 7 addition0: 0 addition1: 4 addition2: 1#1001:0#1004:0#1005:1#1007:0#1011:0#1013:0#1038:0#1106:0#1115:0#1118:0 } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902012#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901066#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903012#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901047#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901025#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902012#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901004#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903008#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901081#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901059#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 2 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901024#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902019#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } mapAddtional { direction: 2 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=52,id=310011 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyFacade: in function 'realEnterScene' logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]DestroyUnusedResources:22,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=52,id=310011 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{initGame}初始化游戏 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{initGame}table: 0x0136570390 { 1 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 11, 4 = 12, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{initGame}mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 80 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901073#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902005#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2030 addition2: } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901087#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901042#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903001#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902007#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901013#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903008#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902012#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902009#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901069#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902015#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903012#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901086#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 2 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901036#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901069#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902016#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901053#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 7 addition0: 0 addition1: 4 addition2: 1#1001:0#1004:0#1005:1#1007:0#1011:0#1013:0#1038:0#1106:0#1115:0#1118:0 } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902012#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901066#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903012#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901047#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901025#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902012#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901004#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903008#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901081#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901059#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 2 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901024#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902019#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } mapAddtional { direction: 2 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 80 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901073#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902005#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2030 addition2: } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901087#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901042#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903001#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902007#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901013#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903008#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902012#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902009#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901069#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902015#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903012#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901086#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 2 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901036#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901069#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902016#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901053#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 7 addition0: 0 addition1: 4 addition2: 1#1001:0#1004:0#1005:1#1007:0#1011:0#1013:0#1038:0#1106:0#1115:0#1118:0 } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902012#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901066#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903012#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901047#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901025#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902012#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901004#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903008#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901081#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901059#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 2 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901024#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902019#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } mapAddtional { direction: 2 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{setMapInfo}初始英雄位置为 :80 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{setMapInfo}初始化当前方向为 : 2 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{setMapInfo}table: 0x01413d6528 { 1 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 1, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 1, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 2 = { x = 14, addition1 = "0", id = 2, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 3 = { x = 13, addition1 = "0", id = 3, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901073#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 4 = { x = 12, addition1 = "0", id = 4, y = 1, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 5 = { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 5, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902005#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 6 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 6, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 7 = { x = 9, addition1 = "2030", id = 7, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 10, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 8 = { x = 8, addition1 = "0", id = 8, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 9 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 9, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901087#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 10 = { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 10, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", 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function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 12 = { x = 4, addition1 = "0", id = 12, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 13 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 13, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901042#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 14 = { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 14, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 15 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 15, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903001#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 16 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 16, y = 2, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 17 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 17, y = 3, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901071#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 18 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 18, y = 4, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 19 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 19, y = 5, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902007#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 20 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 20, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 21 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 21, y = 2, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 22 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 22, y = 3, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902010#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 23 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 23, y = 4, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 24 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 24, y = 5, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, 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0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 26 = { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 26, y = 6, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903008#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 27 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 27, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 28 = { x = 4, addition1 = "0", id = 28, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901033#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 29 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 29, y = 6, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 30 = { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 30, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902012#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 31 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 31, y = 7, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902010#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 32 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 32, y = 8, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 33 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 33, y = 9, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902009#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 34 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 34, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 35 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 35, y = 11, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901069#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 36 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 36, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 37 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 37, y = 13, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902015#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 38 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 38, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 39 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 39, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903012#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 40 = { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 40, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 41 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 41, y = 15, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901086#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 42 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 42, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 43 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 43, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 7, addition2 = "1#15902001#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 44 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 44, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 45 = { x = 4, addition1 = "0", id = 45, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901036#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 46 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 46, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 6, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 47 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 47, y = 13, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 48 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 48, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901069#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 49 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 49, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902016#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 50 = { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 50, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 51 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 51, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901053#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 52 = { x = 8, addition1 = "0", id = 52, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 53 = { x = 9, addition1 = "4", id = 53, y = 15, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 12, addition2 = "1#1001:0#1004:0#1005:1#1007:0#1011:0#1013:0#1038:0#1106:0#1115:0#1118:0", isComplete = true, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 54 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 54, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 55 = { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 55, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902012#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 56 = { x = 12, addition1 = "0", id = 56, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 57 = { x = 13, addition1 = "0", id = 57, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901066#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 58 = { x = 14, addition1 = "0", id = 58, y = 15, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 59 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 59, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903012#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 60 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 60, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 61 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 61, y = 13, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901047#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 62 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 62, y = 12, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 63 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 63, y = 11, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901025#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 64 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 64, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 65 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 65, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902012#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 66 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 66, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 67 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 67, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901004#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 68 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 68, y = 11, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 69 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 69, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903008#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 70 = { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 70, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 71 = { x = 12, addition1 = "0", id = 71, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901081#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 72 = { x = 13, addition1 = "0", id = 72, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 73 = { x = 14, addition1 = "0", id = 73, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901059#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 74 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 74, y = 9, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 11, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 75 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 75, y = 8, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 76 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 76, y = 7, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901024#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 77 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 77, y = 6, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 78 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 78, y = 5, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 5, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 79 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 79, y = 4, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 80 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 80, y = 3, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902019#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 81 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 81, y = 2, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{initBuff}初始化 buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{initBuff}table: 0x0142802880 { _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = direction: 2 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8ba0, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 2, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9180, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9070, number = 1, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 0, type = 3, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b8f60, name = "unqiueId", full_name = ".MapBuff.unqiueId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 2 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9e10, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9cf0, number = 2, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 1, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b9ba8, name = "defineId", full_name = ".MapBuff.defineId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 3 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2ba7f8, _sizer = function: 0x012e2ba6e8, number = 3, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 2, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2ba5d8, name = "remainCount", full_name = ".MapBuff.remainCount", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 4 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2bb288, _sizer = function: 0x012e2bb170, number = 4, default_value = 0, label = 1, index = 3, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2bb060, name = "addtional1", full_name = ".MapBuff.addtional1", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapBuff", full_name = ".MapBuff", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage.lua:0]:{}打开大富翁的界面 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/dice.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/monopolyview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/monopolycell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowdown.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowleft.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowright.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowup.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onChangeBuff}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage.lua:0]:{}大富翁主界面加载完成的界面 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 203 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Act203GetInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityId: 10377 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=203,cmd=1,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/crack_017.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm-cj_noise_086.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm-cj_noise_090.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_game_dfw_stage.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/crack_037.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_jwhy_mask_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_other_hgtg_003.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_sxtgy_mask_007.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_019.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_029.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_075_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=203,cmd=1,status=0,size=95 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_hudiefeiwu_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_014.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s76_sl/texture/g-s76_sl_tx_xuanwo.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_xvanwo_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_114.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_huxiguang_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_other_062.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_051.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_124.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s202_game_dfw/texture/g-s202_dfw_hztx_p04.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_hztx_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}完成地图设置: [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function 'onLoadAidHero' logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/controller/BaseController: in function 'localNotify' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyMap: in function '_onSetMapInfo' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyMap: in function 'onEnterSceneFinished' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyEffectComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}false 2150 false [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{onEnterSceneFinished}跟随食魂Id : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{onEnterSceneFinished}2150 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onLoadFollowHero}设置跟随食魂 ID: 2150 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onLoadFollowHero}跟随食魂spine先: 为跟随食魂设置位置方向 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_onLoadFollowHero' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function 'onEnterSceneFinished' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyEffectComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}false 2150 true [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onLoadFollowHero}table: 0x0141d648a8 { mover = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 0, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x013dd05dd8, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dd05d10, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x0141d61e50, hasListener = function: 0x0140e1e4d0, removeListener = function: 0x0142399af8, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0140e1e4a0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013dd05d40, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0142399b28, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141d61e80, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x013dd05e08, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x01408633e8, dispatch = function: 0x014272f638, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014272f250, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0140e1e660, hasListener = function: 0x014272f798, removeListener = function: 0x014272f4a8, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014272f700, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014272f608, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014272f220, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014272f478, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014272f6d0, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1400, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1400, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x01408633e8, dispatch = function: 0x014272f638, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014272f250, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0140e1e660, hasListener = function: 0x014272f798, removeListener = function: 0x014272f4a8, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014272f700, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014272f608, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014272f220, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014272f478, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014272f6d0, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1400, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1400, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, _compList = { 1 = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0140f0bb28, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141d5fe88, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _isFlipX = false, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, dispatch = function: 0x0143c94620, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dc62378, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, addListener = function: 0x0142390028, hasListener = function: 0x0143c21760, removeListener = function: 0x01425050b8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0143c21730, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013dc623a8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _spine = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d60da8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01425050e8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x0142390058, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0143c94650, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, 2 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _unitHero = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAidHeroFinish = false, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x01415a1d58, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0141d5fa80, hasListener = function: 0x014350cdc0, removeListener = function: 0x0141d5f8a0, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d60da8, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014350cd90, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141d5feb8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141d5f8d0, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141d5fab0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0140f0bb58, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, 2 = { _dispatching = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0143c94620, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dc62378, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, addListener = function: 0x0142390028, hasListener = function: 0x0143c21760, removeListener = function: 0x01425050b8, class = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0143c21730, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013dc623a8, _listenPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _spine = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0140f0bb28, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141d5fe88, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _isFlipX = false, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014098db10, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, 2 = { handlerObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, handler = function: 0x01415a1d58, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0141d5fa80, hasListener = function: 0x014350cdc0, removeListener = function: 0x0141d5f8a0, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d60da8, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014350cd90, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141d5feb8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141d5f8d0, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141d5fab0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0140f0bb58, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01425050e8, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0142390058, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0143c94650, _allListeners = { }, __index = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, 3 = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 0, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x013dd05dd8, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dd05d10, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x0141d61e50, hasListener = function: 0x0140e1e4d0, removeListener = function: 0x0142399af8, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0140e1e4a0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013dd05d40, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0142399b28, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141d61e80, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x013dd05e08, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x01408633e8, dispatch = function: 0x014272f638, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014272f250, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x0140e1e660, hasListener = function: 0x014272f798, removeListener = function: 0x014272f4a8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014272f700, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014272f608, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014272f220, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014272f478, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014272f6d0, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x01408633e8, dispatch = function: 0x014272f638, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014272f250, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x0140e1e660, hasListener = function: 0x014272f798, removeListener = function: 0x014272f4a8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014272f700, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014272f608, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014272f220, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014272f478, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014272f6d0, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, 4 = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 0, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x013dd05dd8, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dd05d10, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x0141d61e50, hasListener = function: 0x0140e1e4d0, removeListener = function: 0x0142399af8, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0140e1e4a0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013dd05d40, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0142399b28, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141d61e80, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x013dd05e08, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0140667c20, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0140667c20, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x014272f638, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014272f250, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0140e1e660, hasListener = function: 0x014272f798, removeListener = function: 0x014272f4a8, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014272f700, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014272f608, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014272f220, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014272f478, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014272f6d0, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, }, spinemover = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 0, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x013dd05dd8, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dd05d10, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x0141d61e50, hasListener = function: 0x0140e1e4d0, removeListener = function: 0x0142399af8, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0140e1e4a0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013dd05d40, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0142399b28, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141d61e80, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x013dd05e08, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0140667c20, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0140667c20, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x014272f638, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014272f250, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0140e1e660, hasListener = function: 0x014272f798, removeListener = function: 0x014272f4a8, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014272f700, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014272f608, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014272f220, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014272f478, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014272f6d0, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, id = 0, spine = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0140f0bb28, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141d5fe88, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _isFlipX = false, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0143c94620, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dc62378, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, addListener = function: 0x0142390028, hasListener = function: 0x0143c21760, removeListener = function: 0x01425050b8, class = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0143c21730, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013dc623a8, _listenPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _spine = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d60da8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01425050e8, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0142390058, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0143c94650, _allListeners = { }, __index = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1400, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1400, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, 2 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _sceneCamera = { _followToArg = Framework.CameraFollowArg, _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _leftBound = -23.001269355653, dispatch = function: 0x014a5ad010, _topBound = 13.010951519012, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014a578be8, _follower = MainCamera (Framework.CameraMmoFollow), _mainCamera = MainCamera (UnityEngine.Camera), _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mainCameraComponent = MainCamera (UnityEngine.Camera), _primitiveOrthographicSize = 7.6190476417542, isOnEnterScene = true, _followCurArg = Framework.CameraFollowArg, addListener = function: 0x014a51aec8, hasListener = function: 0x014a5b2900, removeListener = function: 0x014a53c3e8, _bottomBound = -0.64095258712769, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a5b0590, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014a5a2b50, _rightBound = 22.24127103412, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014a558410, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014a53c300, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a5af3b8, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _unitHero = { mover = table, 超出指定深度:8, _compList = table, 超出指定深度:8, spinemover = table, 超出指定深度:8, id = 0, spine = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, boxColliderAdder = table, 超出指定深度:8, go = spine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = { 7 = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _loadAidHeroFinish = false, _scene = { _compList = table, 超出指定深度:8, interaction = table, 超出指定深度:8, gameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, _stageLoadFinishedObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, _stageLoadFinishedHandler = function: 0x01407d4460, factor = 循环引用: table: 0x01416d1ec0, _curBornZ = 0, cfgFinder = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _enterFinishedHandler = function: 0x01407d4430, camera = table, 超出指定深度:8, effects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _curBornX = 0, _isExiting = false, _curSceneId = 310011, _enterFinishedObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, globalTouch = table, 超出指定深度:8, map = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _pointPos = table, 超出指定深度:8, dispatch = function: 0x01442041e8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0144204c30, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _sceneFactor = 循环引用: table: 0x01416d1ec0, addListener = function: 0x01442065c8, hasListener = function: 0x01442032f0, removeListener = function: 0x0144205958, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0144203770, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144204688, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01442052e8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x0144206048, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0144203c70, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _infoHasReply = true, dispatch = function: 0x014a6db8d0, _stageUrl = "scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_game_dfw_stage.prefab", _stageInst = g-s202_game_dfw_stage(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), _safeAddListener = function: 0x014a6dd0d0, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stageLoaded = false, addListener = function: 0x014a6e1c30, hasListener = function: 0x014a6d86d0, removeListener = function: 0x014a6df290, _stageRes = Framework.Resource, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a6d9540, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014a6dc470, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014a6ddcf8, _mainViewLoadComplete = true, removeAllListener = function: 0x014a6e1178, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a6dacf8, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _id = 6, dispatch = function: 0x01359d88c0, _pools = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x01358e53a0, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _rules = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mulitLoader = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x0135787d90, hasListener = function: 0x0135a2d298, removeListener = function: 0x013585f1c0, _effectsParent = EffectsParent (UnityEngine.GameObject), class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0135a24b20, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x01358fc338, removeAllListener = function: 0x01357c1468, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAllFinish = true, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01358d1798, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _effects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0135a038a0, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, class = { New = function: 0x014219ba00, _handleEvent = function: 0x014c2806e8, create = function: 0x0142192390, _onAidHeroSpineChange = function: 0x014c2567d0, _createYunSprite = function: 0x014218bfe0, onExitScene = function: 0x014c2978b0, _onPassWayPoint = function: 0x014c27d1e0, onEnterScene = function: 0x014218f0f8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013e1b7f48, _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x014c26c8e0, onInit = function: 0x0142191a48, _loadHero = function: 0x014c2727b8, __cname = "MonopolySceneFactory", _onUpdateMap = function: 0x014c24e4b8, _readyStartGame = function: 0x014c28ffa0, onLoadAidHero = function: 0x014c256f70, _onLoadFollowHero = function: 0x014c267d90, _destroyHero = function: 0x014c290188, _isStartGame = function: 0x014c294790, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, ctor = function: 0x0142192080, onEnterSceneFinished = function: 0x014c298238, _onImageLoaded = function: 0x014c297a98, _handlerLeaderPosChanged = function: 0x014c2875e0, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = { }, __index = { New = function: 0x014219ba00, _handleEvent = function: 0x014c2806e8, create = function: 0x0142192390, _onAidHeroSpineChange = function: 0x014c2567d0, _createYunSprite = function: 0x014218bfe0, onExitScene = function: 0x014c2978b0, _onPassWayPoint = function: 0x014c27d1e0, onEnterScene = function: 0x014218f0f8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013e1b7f48, _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x014c26c8e0, onInit = function: 0x0142191a48, _loadHero = function: 0x014c2727b8, __cname = "MonopolySceneFactory", _onUpdateMap = function: 0x014c24e4b8, _readyStartGame = function: 0x014c28ffa0, onLoadAidHero = function: 0x014c256f70, _onLoadFollowHero = function: 0x014c267d90, _destroyHero = function: 0x014c290188, _isStartGame = function: 0x014c294790, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, ctor = function: 0x0142192080, onEnterSceneFinished = function: 0x014c298238, _onImageLoaded = function: 0x014c297a98, _handlerLeaderPosChanged = function: 0x014c2875e0, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x01415a1d58, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1400, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1400, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0141d5fa80, hasListener = function: 0x014350cdc0, removeListener = function: 0x0141d5f8a0, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d60da8, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014350cd90, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141d5feb8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141d5f8d0, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141d5fab0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0140f0bb58, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, class = { Update = function: 0x0143084b78, _initComponents = function: 0x0143084b48, New = function: 0x01430859b8, create = function: 0x0143086938, __cname = "MonopolyHero", super = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, __supers = { 1 = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430867b0, __index = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, boxColliderAdder = { _dispatching = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0143c94620, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dc62378, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, addListener = function: 0x0142390028, hasListener = function: 0x0143c21760, removeListener = function: 0x01425050b8, class = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0143c21730, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013dc623a8, _listenPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _spine = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0140f0bb28, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141d5fe88, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _isFlipX = false, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014098db10, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, 2 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d648a8, _unitHero = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAidHeroFinish = false, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x01415a1d58, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0141d5fa80, hasListener = function: 0x014350cdc0, removeListener = function: 0x0141d5f8a0, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0141d60da8, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014350cd90, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141d5feb8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141d5f8d0, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141d5fab0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0140f0bb58, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01425050e8, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0142390058, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0143c94650, _allListeners = { }, __index = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { Update = function: 0x0143084b78, _initComponents = function: 0x0143084b48, New = function: 0x01430859b8, create = function: 0x0143086938, __cname = "MonopolyHero", super = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, __supers = { 1 = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430867b0, __index = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=52,id=310011,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyEffectComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 101 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 52#310011 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}加载目标名字 spine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/common/spine/UnitCompSpine: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}false 2150 true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityId: 10377 score: 0 taskInfo { id: 1 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 2 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 3 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 4 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 5 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 6 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 7 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 8 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 9 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 10 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } hasBuyScore: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Act203GetInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 203 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.23714438080788 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 Act203GetInfoReply 64 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901073.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902005.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901087.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902006.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901042.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903001.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901071.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902007.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902010.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901013.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903008.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901033.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902012.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902009.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901069.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/itemicon/15902015.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903012.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901086.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901036.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902016.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901053.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901066.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901047.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901025.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901004.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901081.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901059.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901024.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902019.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100032_xihucuyu_xuyuan/100032_xihucuyu_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100032_xihucuyu_xuyuan/100032_xihucuyu_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}加载目标名字 2030 7 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}助力食魂加载状态 true 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/common/spine/UnitCompSpine: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}true 2150 true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}加载目标名字 followHeroSpine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/common/spine/UnitCompSpine: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}true 2150 true [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_readyStartGame}MonopolySceneFactory:_readyStartGame sdfsdddddddddd [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}游戏正式开始 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:41][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onOpenInteraction}开启UI交互 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/270021.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/monopoly/monopoly_yun.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_01.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_03.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_04.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_02.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:42]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_01.png instance: @24ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:42]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_03.png instance: @24ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:42]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_04.png instance: @24ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:42]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_02.png instance: @24ms [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}骰子使用Buff : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}table: 0x013e21d6b8 { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendGetRichManDicePathRequest}投掷骰子 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 3 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=3,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=2,status=0,size=24 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=3,status=0,size=19 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 37 change: 1 count: 8 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 65 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 666 infos { id: 1001 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateRedDotPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 49 2 || 0 UpdateRedDotPush 66 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 1 gripPathes { gridIds: 81 } diceUpdate { } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10017799958587 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRichManDicePathReply 67 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 1 gripPathes { gridIds: 81 } diceUpdate { } mapId: 1001 diceNums: 1 gripPathes { gridIds: 81 } diceUpdate { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:43][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{onStartRollMove}table: 0x0143cb5af8 { 1 = gridIds: 81 , _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = mapId: 1001 diceNums: 1 gripPathes { gridIds: 81 } diceUpdate { } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d00d8, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012807cdb0, _sizer = function: 0x012e2d06a0, number = 1, default_value = { }, label = 3, index = 0, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2d0548, name = "gridIds", full_name = ".MapGridPath.gridIds", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapGridPath", full_name = ".MapGridPath", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendSelectRichManDicePathRequest}选择的路径为 : gridIds: 81 gridIds: 81 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 gripPath { gridIds: 81 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=4,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=17 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=5,status=0,size=42 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=4,status=0,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 38 change: 2 count: 1913 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 68 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 38 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}gripPath { gridIds: 81 } direction: 2 gripUpdate { grids { id: 81 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = RichManMoveDicePathPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 77 5 || 0 RichManMoveDicePathPush 69 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}推送移动 gripPath { gridIds: 81 } direction: 2 gripUpdate { grids { id: 81 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}grids { id: 81 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x0135533d78 { gridIds = { 1 = 81, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}2 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x0135533f88 { 1 = 80, 2 = 81, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}阻碍UI交互 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:45][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099978625774384 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SelectRichManDicePathReply 70 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}grids { id: 81 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的方向为 : 2 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的位置为 : 81 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}开启UI交互 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}触发格子后 buff情况 : 数量 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}table: 0x014a512fd8 { _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = grids { id: 81 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8ba0, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 2, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9180, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9070, number = 1, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 0, type = 3, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b8f60, name = "unqiueId", full_name = ".MapBuff.unqiueId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 2 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9e10, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9cf0, number = 2, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 1, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b9ba8, name = "defineId", full_name = ".MapBuff.defineId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 3 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2ba7f8, _sizer = function: 0x012e2ba6e8, number = 3, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 2, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2ba5d8, name = "remainCount", full_name = ".MapBuff.remainCount", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 4 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2bb288, _sizer = function: 0x012e2bb170, number = 4, default_value = 0, label = 1, index = 3, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2bb060, name = "addtional1", full_name = ".MapBuff.addtional1", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapBuff", full_name = ".MapBuff", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}响应格子事件 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}grids { id: 81 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}table: 0x01413d5b40 { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 81, y = 2, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}1星羁绊,趴趴 或者 点券 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:46]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_playermtrt isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:46]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:46]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview02.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:46]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/monopolyawardtip.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:46]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/monopolyawarditem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeViewPresentor.lua:0]:{buildViews}table: 0x0141e913d0 { 1 = { type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 2, materilType = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014d370ff0 { 1 = { materilType = 2, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014400b3a0 { 1 = { materilType = 2, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:46]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_000_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:46]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_025_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:46]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_025_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:46]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:46][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}骰子使用Buff : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}table: 0x0143045300 { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendGetRichManDicePathRequest}投掷骰子 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 3 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:47]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=3,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:47]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:47]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=3,status=0,size=19 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 37 change: 1 count: 7 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 71 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 5 gripPathes { gridIds: 1 } diceUpdate { } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13344783335924 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRichManDicePathReply 72 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 5 gripPathes { gridIds: 1 } diceUpdate { } mapId: 1001 diceNums: 5 gripPathes { gridIds: 1 } diceUpdate { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:47][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{onStartRollMove}table: 0x0141e83cb8 { 1 = gridIds: 1 , _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = mapId: 1001 diceNums: 5 gripPathes { gridIds: 1 } diceUpdate { } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d00d8, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012807cdb0, _sizer = function: 0x012e2d06a0, number = 1, default_value = { }, label = 3, index = 0, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2d0548, name = "gridIds", full_name = ".MapGridPath.gridIds", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapGridPath", full_name = ".MapGridPath", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendSelectRichManDicePathRequest}选择的路径为 : gridIds: 1 gridIds: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 gripPath { gridIds: 1 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=4,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=17 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=23,cmd=2,status=0,size=124 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=5,status=0,size=1728 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=4,status=0,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 38 change: 18 count: 1931 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 73 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 38 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heroCharacter { heroId: 2150 exp: 1974 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1153009 voice: 1153010 voice: 1153013 voice: 1153012 voice: 1153015 voice: 1153014 voice: 1153017 voice: 1153016 voice: 1153025 voice: 1153024 voice: 1153001 voice: 1153000 voice: 1153003 voice: 1153002 voice: 1153005 voice: 1153004 voice: 1153006 infos: 1000906 infos: 1000907 unreadInfos: 1000906 unreadInfos: 1000907 usingSkinId: 100166 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 4 maxLevel: 71 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroCharacterInfoUpdatePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 23 2 || 0 HeroCharacterInfoUpdatePush 74 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1042 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1043 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}注册了 432000 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}gripPath { gridIds: 1 } direction: 3 gripUpdate { grids { id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 100 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 10 } gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } } doneMaterial { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 8 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = RichManMoveDicePathPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 77 5 || 0 RichManMoveDicePathPush 75 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}推送移动 gripPath { gridIds: 1 } direction: 3 gripUpdate { grids { id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 100 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 10 } gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } } doneMaterial { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 8 } } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}grids { id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 100 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 10 } gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } } doneMaterial { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 8 } grids { id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 100 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 10 } gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } } doneMaterial { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 8 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x01440e9da8 { gridIds = { 1 = 1, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}2 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x01440e9df0 { 1 = 81, 2 = 1, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}阻碍UI交互 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13317700102925 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SelectRichManDicePathReply 76 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}grids { id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 100 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 10 } gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } } doneMaterial { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 8 } grids { id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 100 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 10 } gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } } doneMaterial { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 8 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的方向为 : 2 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的位置为 : 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}开启UI交互 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}触发格子后 buff情况 : 数量 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}table: 0x014a5c67e0 { _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = grids { id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 100 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 10 } gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } } doneMaterial { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 8 } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8ba0, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 2, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9180, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9070, number = 1, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 0, type = 3, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b8f60, name = "unqiueId", full_name = ".MapBuff.unqiueId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 2 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9e10, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9cf0, number = 2, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 1, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b9ba8, name = "defineId", full_name = ".MapBuff.defineId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 3 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2ba7f8, _sizer = function: 0x012e2ba6e8, number = 3, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 2, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2ba5d8, name = "remainCount", full_name = ".MapBuff.remainCount", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 4 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2bb288, _sizer = function: 0x012e2bb170, number = 4, default_value = 0, label = 1, index = 3, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2bb060, name = "addtional1", full_name = ".MapBuff.addtional1", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapBuff", full_name = ".MapBuff", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}响应格子事件 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}grids { id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 100 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 10 } gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } } doneMaterial { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 8 } grids { id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 100 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 10 } gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } } doneMaterial { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 8 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}table: 0x014377fe60 { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 1, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 1, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}起点 dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd grids { id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 100 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 10 } gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } } doneMaterial { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 8 } grids { id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 100 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 10 } gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } } doneMaterial { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 8 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{bonusView}1星羁绊,趴趴 或者 点券 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeViewPresentor.lua:0]:{buildViews}table: 0x014abb9100 { 1 = { type = 0, materilId = 2150, count = 100, materilType = 9, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, 2 = { type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 10, materilType = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, 3 = { type = 2, materilId = 38, count = 8, materilType = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014abd28d0 { 1 = { materilType = 9, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 2150, count = 100, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, 2 = { materilType = 2, id = 2, type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 10, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, 3 = { materilType = 2, id = 3, type = 2, materilId = 38, count = 8, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014abee940 { 1 = { materilType = 9, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 2150, count = 100, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, 2 = { materilType = 2, id = 2, type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 10, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, 3 = { materilType = 2, id = 3, type = 2, materilId = 38, count = 8, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50]bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png instance: @57ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50]++++++++++++++++拿到的tsssdk的c#的data长度34 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50]))))((((((转换为lua的buffer数据长度(((((34____________34 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 34 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}=============sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包完毕,等协议过去-=-============================= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}antiData: "  hello, world [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50]__________删除tsssdk++++++sb数据________ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=1,size=45 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=13,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:50][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099951915442944 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SubmitAntiDataReply 78 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:51][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{}终点 : 重置地图 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{}id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{}grids { id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 100 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 10 } gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } } doneMaterial { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 8 } grids { id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 100 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 10 } gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } } doneMaterial { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 8 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{}id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{}grids { id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 100 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 10 } gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } } doneMaterial { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 8 } grids { id: 1 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 100 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 10 } gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } } doneMaterial { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 8 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{initGame}初始化游戏 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{initGame}table: 0x014af2cc58 { 1 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 11, 4 = 12, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}阻碍UI交互 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{initGame}mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 1 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{setMapInfo}初始英雄位置为 :1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{setMapInfo}初始化当前方向为 : 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{setMapInfo}table: 0x01422af5b0 { 1 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 1, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 1, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 2 = { x = 14, addition1 = "0", id = 2, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 3 = { x = 13, addition1 = "0", id = 3, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901050#10", isComplete = false, 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copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 5 = { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 5, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902006#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 6 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 6, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 7 = { x = 9, addition1 = "0", id = 7, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902014#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 8 = { x = 8, addition1 = "0", id = 8, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 9 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 9, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901074#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 10 = { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 10, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 11 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 11, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902013#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 12 = { x = 4, addition1 = "0", id = 12, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 13 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 13, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901033#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 14 = { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 14, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 15 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 15, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903003#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 16 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 16, y = 2, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 17 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 17, y = 3, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901044#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 18 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 18, y = 4, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 19 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 19, y = 5, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902010#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 20 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 20, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 21 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 21, y = 2, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 22 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 22, y = 3, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902018#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 23 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 23, y = 4, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 24 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 24, y = 5, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901061#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 25 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 25, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 26 = { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 26, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903011#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 27 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 27, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 28 = { x = 4, addition1 = "0", 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0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 30 = { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 30, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902004#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 31 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 31, y = 7, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 6, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 32 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 32, y = 8, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 33 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 33, y = 9, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902001#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 34 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 34, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 35 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 35, y = 11, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901074#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 36 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 36, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 37 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 37, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902002#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 38 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 38, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 39 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 39, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903010#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 40 = { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 40, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 41 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 41, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901054#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 42 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 42, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 43 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 43, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 11, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 44 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 44, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 45 = { x = 4, addition1 = "0", id = 45, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901062#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 46 = { x = 5, addition1 = "2012", id = 46, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 10, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 47 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 47, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 48 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 48, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901071#10", 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function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 50 = { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 50, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 51 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 51, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901015#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 52 = { x = 8, addition1 = "0", id = 52, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 53 = { x = 9, addition1 = "0", id = 53, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 12, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 54 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 54, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 55 = { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 55, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902001#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 56 = { x = 12, addition1 = "0", id = 56, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 57 = { x = 13, addition1 = "0", id = 57, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901060#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 58 = { x = 14, addition1 = "0", id = 58, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 59 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 59, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903007#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 60 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 60, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 61 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 61, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901003#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 62 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 62, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 63 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 63, y = 11, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901083#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 64 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 64, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 65 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 65, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902014#2", isComplete = false, 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copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 67 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 67, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901038#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 68 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 68, y = 11, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 69 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 69, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903006#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 70 = { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 70, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 71 = { x = 12, addition1 = "0", id = 71, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901006#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 72 = { x = 13, addition1 = "0", id = 72, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 73 = { x = 14, addition1 = "0", id = 73, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901039#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 74 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 74, y = 9, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 7, addition2 = "1#15902002#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 75 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 75, y = 8, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 76 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 76, y = 7, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901080#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 77 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 77, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 78 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 78, y = 5, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 5, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 79 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 79, y = 4, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 80 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 80, y = 3, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902020#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 81 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 81, y = 2, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{initBuff}初始化 buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{initBuff}table: 0x0149ce6f60 { _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 0 , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8ba0, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 2, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9180, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9070, number = 1, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 0, type = 3, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b8f60, name = "unqiueId", full_name = ".MapBuff.unqiueId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 2 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9e10, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9cf0, number = 2, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 1, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b9ba8, name = "defineId", full_name = ".MapBuff.defineId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 3 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2ba7f8, _sizer = function: 0x012e2ba6e8, number = 3, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 2, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2ba5d8, name = "remainCount", full_name = ".MapBuff.remainCount", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 4 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2bb288, _sizer = function: 0x012e2bb170, number = 4, default_value = 0, label = 1, index = 3, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2bb060, name = "addtional1", full_name = ".MapBuff.addtional1", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapBuff", full_name = ".MapBuff", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}更新地图------------------------------------------------------- [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_destroyHero}销毁目标名称 : followHeroSpine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_destroyHero}销毁目标名称 : 2030 7 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}完成地图设置: [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}玩家spine先: 为跟随食魂设置位置方向 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function 'onLoadAidHero' logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/controller/BaseController: in function 'localNotify' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyMap: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/controller/BaseController: in function 'localNotify' logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController: in function 'resetMapInfo' logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/schedule/ScheduleEntry: in function 'update' framework/schedule/Scheduler: in function [builtin#21]: at 0x0103540df4 event: in function '' event: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}false 2150 true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901050.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/itemicon/15902014.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901074.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902013.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901044.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902018.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901061.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903011.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901014.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902004.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902001.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902002.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903010.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901054.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901062.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901015.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901060.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903007.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901003.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901083.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901038.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/itemicon/15903006.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901006.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901039.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901080.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902020.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}加载目标名字 2012 46 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}助力食魂加载状态 true 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/common/spine/UnitCompSpine: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}true 2150 true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/monopoly/followheroview_bg.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/followheroview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/followheroitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:52][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyFollowHeroCell.lua:0]:{_onClickSelf}选择跟随食魂 2150 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc-ui_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100159_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100141_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100160_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100135_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100155_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100157_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100166_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan-ui_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100125_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100039_head_small03.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100165_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100011_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100028_head_small05.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100156_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100158_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100124_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100120_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100159_head_small.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100141_head_small.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100160_head_small.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100135_head_small.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100155_head_small.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100157_head_small.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100166_head_small.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100125_head_small.png instance: @62ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100039_head_small03.png instance: @62ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100165_head_small.png instance: @62ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100011_head_small.png instance: @62ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100028_head_small05.png instance: @62ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100156_head_small.png instance: @61ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100158_head_small.png instance: @61ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100124_head_small.png instance: @61ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:52]bigbg/headicon_small/100120_head_small.png instance: @61ms [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:54][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendStartRichManMapRequest}请求设置跟随食魂 :2150 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:54][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:54][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:54][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = StartRichManMapRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:54][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 heroId: 2150 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:54]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=2,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:54]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:54]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=2,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 heroId: 2150 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = StartRichManMapReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13336137682199 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 StartRichManMapReply 79 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}设置跟随食魂 ID: 2150 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}加载目标名字 followHeroSpine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/common/spine/UnitCompSpine: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [C]: in function 'GetResource' bootstrap/shortcut_csharp: in function 'getres' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function 'load' logic/scene/common/spine/UnitCompSpine: in function 'setBody' ... framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/controller/BaseController: in function 'localNotify' logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}true 2150 true [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_readyStartGame}MonopolySceneFactory:_readyStartGame sdfsdddddddddd [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}游戏正式开始 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onOpenInteraction}开启UI交互 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}跟随食魂spine先: 为跟随食魂设置位置方向 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/controller/BaseController: in function 'localNotify' logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}true 2150 true [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_readyStartGame}MonopolySceneFactory:_readyStartGame sdfsdddddddddd [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}游戏正式开始 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onOpenInteraction}开启UI交互 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:55][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}table: 0x014633beb0 { _compList = { 1 = { _attachConverter = { _originAttactments = { }, _compContainer = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (Framework.LuaComponentContainer), _spineAttachDataMOList = { }, _attachConverter = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (Pjg.SpineAttachmentConverter), _attchmentDataList = { }, class = { _onLoadAllFinished = function: 0x0142f9d020, New = function: 0x0142f8ac08, __cname = "SpineAttachmentUtil", changeAttachmentRegion = function: 0x0142f9ceb8, create = function: 0x0142f8aa68, _onSingleResLoaded = function: 0x0142f9d4a0, OnDestroy = function: 0x0142f9e128, clear = function: 0x0142f9dbb8, resetAttachment = function: 0x0142f9d8e0, _checkLoadFinished = function: 0x0142f9d778, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0142f8a920, ctor = function: 0x0142f9c958, Get = function: 0x0142f9c670, }, _multiLoader = { _resPreloadFlags = { }, _isAllPreload = false, _resPaths = { }, class = { addResPath = function: 0x012a5eab48, New = function: 0x012a5eaaa8, __cname = "MultiResLoader", clear = function: 0x012a5eaec0, create = function: 0x012a5eaa10, getResource = function: 0x012a5eae90, load = function: 0x012a5eabb0, setResPaths = function: 0x012a5eac78, isAllSuccess = function: 0x012a5eab18, setAllPreload = function: 0x012a5eaca8, _onResLoaded = function: 0x012a5eac20, getResources = function: 0x012a5eae60, ctor = function: 0x012a5eab80, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ea9c8, }, successCount = 0, _resTypeList = { }, totalCount = 0, loadedCount = 0, _loadedResDict = { }, __index = { addResPath = function: 0x012a5eab48, New = function: 0x012a5eaaa8, __cname = "MultiResLoader", clear = function: 0x012a5eaec0, create = function: 0x012a5eaa10, getResource = function: 0x012a5eae90, load = function: 0x012a5eabb0, setResPaths = function: 0x012a5eac78, isAllSuccess = function: 0x012a5eab18, setAllPreload = function: 0x012a5eaca8, _onResLoaded = function: 0x012a5eac20, getResources = function: 0x012a5eae60, ctor = function: 0x012a5eab80, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ea9c8, }, }, _go = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { _onLoadAllFinished = function: 0x0142f9d020, New = function: 0x0142f8ac08, __cname = "SpineAttachmentUtil", changeAttachmentRegion = function: 0x0142f9ceb8, create = function: 0x0142f8aa68, _onSingleResLoaded = function: 0x0142f9d4a0, OnDestroy = function: 0x0142f9e128, clear = function: 0x0142f9dbb8, resetAttachment = function: 0x0142f9d8e0, _checkLoadFinished = function: 0x0142f9d778, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0142f8a920, ctor = function: 0x0142f9c958, Get = function: 0x0142f9c670, }, }, collider = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.BoxCollider), _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x014633ca28, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633c9c8, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _curAnimState = "idle1", _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, dispatch = function: 0x014633d8b8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633d858, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _boxCollider = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.BoxCollider), addListener = function: 0x014633d560, hasListener = function: 0x014633d948, removeListener = function: 0x014633d7f8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633d918, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633d888, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _spine = 循环引用: table: 0x014633c418, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633d828, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633d7c8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633d8e8, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, 2 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _unitHero = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAidHeroFinish = true, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014633ef60, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x014633c4e0, hasListener = function: 0x014633cab8, removeListener = function: 0x014633c968, _skeletonLoader = { _prefabInst = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), _prefabRes = Framework.Resource, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633ca88, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633c9f8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633c998, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633c7b0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633ca58, _skeletonAnimation = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation), __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, 2 = { _dispatching = { }, dispatch = function: 0x014633d8b8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633d858, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _boxCollider = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.BoxCollider), addListener = function: 0x014633d560, hasListener = function: 0x014633d948, removeListener = function: 0x014633d7f8, class = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633d918, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633d888, _listenPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _spine = { _attachConverter = { _originAttactments = { }, _compContainer = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (Framework.LuaComponentContainer), _spineAttachDataMOList = { }, _attachConverter = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (Pjg.SpineAttachmentConverter), _attchmentDataList = { }, class = { _onLoadAllFinished = function: 0x0142f9d020, New = function: 0x0142f8ac08, __cname = "SpineAttachmentUtil", changeAttachmentRegion = function: 0x0142f9ceb8, create = function: 0x0142f8aa68, _onSingleResLoaded = function: 0x0142f9d4a0, OnDestroy = function: 0x0142f9e128, clear = function: 0x0142f9dbb8, resetAttachment = function: 0x0142f9d8e0, _checkLoadFinished = function: 0x0142f9d778, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0142f8a920, ctor = function: 0x0142f9c958, Get = function: 0x0142f9c670, }, _multiLoader = { _resPreloadFlags = { }, _isAllPreload = false, _resPaths = { }, class = { addResPath = function: 0x012a5eab48, New = function: 0x012a5eaaa8, __cname = "MultiResLoader", clear = function: 0x012a5eaec0, create = function: 0x012a5eaa10, getResource = function: 0x012a5eae90, load = function: 0x012a5eabb0, setResPaths = function: 0x012a5eac78, isAllSuccess = function: 0x012a5eab18, setAllPreload = function: 0x012a5eaca8, _onResLoaded = function: 0x012a5eac20, getResources = function: 0x012a5eae60, ctor = function: 0x012a5eab80, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ea9c8, }, successCount = 0, _resTypeList = { }, totalCount = 0, loadedCount = 0, _loadedResDict = { }, __index = { addResPath = function: 0x012a5eab48, New = function: 0x012a5eaaa8, __cname = "MultiResLoader", clear = function: 0x012a5eaec0, create = function: 0x012a5eaa10, getResource = function: 0x012a5eae90, load = function: 0x012a5eabb0, setResPaths = function: 0x012a5eac78, isAllSuccess = function: 0x012a5eab18, setAllPreload = function: 0x012a5eaca8, _onResLoaded = function: 0x012a5eac20, getResources = function: 0x012a5eae60, ctor = function: 0x012a5eab80, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ea9c8, }, }, _go = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { _onLoadAllFinished = function: 0x0142f9d020, New = function: 0x0142f8ac08, __cname = "SpineAttachmentUtil", changeAttachmentRegion = function: 0x0142f9ceb8, create = function: 0x0142f8aa68, _onSingleResLoaded = function: 0x0142f9d4a0, OnDestroy = function: 0x0142f9e128, clear = function: 0x0142f9dbb8, resetAttachment = function: 0x0142f9d8e0, _checkLoadFinished = function: 0x0142f9d778, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0142f8a920, ctor = function: 0x0142f9c958, Get = function: 0x0142f9c670, }, }, collider = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.BoxCollider), _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x014633ca28, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633c9c8, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _curAnimState = "idle1", _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014633d498, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, 2 = { handlerObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, handler = function: 0x014633ef60, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x014633c4e0, hasListener = function: 0x014633cab8, removeListener = function: 0x014633c968, _skeletonLoader = { _prefabInst = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), _prefabRes = Framework.Resource, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633ca88, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633c9f8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633c998, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633c7b0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633ca58, _skeletonAnimation = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation), __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633d828, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633d7c8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633d8e8, _allListeners = { }, __index = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, 3 = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = 6.5476899147034, x = 24.941800689697, }, 2 = { y = 6.5476899147034, x = 23.741800689697, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x014633dfd8, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633df78, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x014633dd48, hasListener = function: 0x014633e068, removeListener = function: 0x014633df18, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633e038, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633dfa8, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633df48, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633dee8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633e008, _allListeners = { 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x014633dc80, dispatch = function: 0x014633e770, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633e710, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x014633e4e0, hasListener = function: 0x014633e800, removeListener = function: 0x014633e6b0, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633e7d0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633e740, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633e6e0, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633e680, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633e7a0, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x014633dc80, dispatch = function: 0x014633e770, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633e710, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x014633e4e0, hasListener = function: 0x014633e800, removeListener = function: 0x014633e6b0, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633e7d0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633e740, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633e6e0, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633e680, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633e7a0, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 7 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _unitHero = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAidHeroFinish = true, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014c27d1e0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 7, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, 4 = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = 6.5476899147034, x = 24.941800689697, }, 2 = { y = 6.5476899147034, x = 23.741800689697, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x014633dfd8, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633df78, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x014633dd48, hasListener = function: 0x014633e068, removeListener = function: 0x014633df18, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633e038, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633dfa8, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633df48, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633dee8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633e008, _allListeners = { 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014633e418, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014633e418, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 7 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, handler = function: 0x014c27d1e0, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 7, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x014633e770, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633e710, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x014633e4e0, hasListener = function: 0x014633e800, removeListener = function: 0x014633e6b0, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633e7d0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633e740, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633e6e0, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633e680, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633e7a0, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, }, id = 0, class = { Update = function: 0x0143084b78, _initComponents = function: 0x0143084b48, New = function: 0x01430859b8, create = function: 0x0143086938, __cname = "MonopolyHero", super = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, __supers = { 1 = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430867b0, __index = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, mover = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = 6.5476899147034, x = 24.941800689697, }, 2 = { y = 6.5476899147034, x = 23.741800689697, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x014633dfd8, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633df78, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x014633dd48, hasListener = function: 0x014633e068, removeListener = function: 0x014633df18, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633e038, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633dfa8, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633df48, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633dee8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633e008, _allListeners = { 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x014633dc80, dispatch = function: 0x014633e770, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633e710, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x014633e4e0, hasListener = function: 0x014633e800, removeListener = function: 0x014633e6b0, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633e7d0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633e740, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633e6e0, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633e680, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633e7a0, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1408, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1408, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x014633dc80, dispatch = function: 0x014633e770, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633e710, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x014633e4e0, hasListener = function: 0x014633e800, removeListener = function: 0x014633e6b0, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633e7d0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633e740, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633e6e0, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633e680, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633e7a0, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1408, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1408, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 7 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _sceneCamera = { _followToArg = Framework.CameraFollowArg, _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _leftBound = -23.001269355653, dispatch = function: 0x014a5ad010, _topBound = 13.010951519012, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014a578be8, _follower = MainCamera (Framework.CameraMmoFollow), _mainCamera = MainCamera (UnityEngine.Camera), _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mainCameraComponent = MainCamera (UnityEngine.Camera), _primitiveOrthographicSize = 7.6190476417542, isOnEnterScene = true, _followCurArg = Framework.CameraFollowArg, addListener = function: 0x014a51aec8, hasListener = function: 0x014a5b2900, removeListener = function: 0x014a53c3e8, _bottomBound = -0.64095258712769, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a5b0590, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014a5a2b50, _rightBound = 22.24127103412, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014a558410, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014a53c300, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a5af3b8, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _unitHero = { _compList = table, 超出指定深度:8, id = 0, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, mover = table, 超出指定深度:8, spinemover = table, 超出指定深度:8, spine = table, 超出指定深度:8, yunGo = yun (UnityEngine.GameObject), go = spine (UnityEngine.GameObject), boxColliderAdder = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = { 46 = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _loadAidHeroFinish = true, _scene = { _compList = table, 超出指定深度:8, interaction = table, 超出指定深度:8, gameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, _stageLoadFinishedObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, _stageLoadFinishedHandler = function: 0x01407d4460, factor = 循环引用: table: 0x01416d1ec0, _curBornZ = 0, cfgFinder = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _enterFinishedHandler = function: 0x01407d4430, camera = table, 超出指定深度:8, effects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _curBornX = 0, _isExiting = false, _curSceneId = 310011, _enterFinishedObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, globalTouch = table, 超出指定深度:8, map = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _pointPos = table, 超出指定深度:8, dispatch = function: 0x01442041e8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0144204c30, _remainingGridPath = table, 超出指定深度:8, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _sceneFactor = 循环引用: table: 0x01416d1ec0, addListener = function: 0x01442065c8, hasListener = function: 0x01442032f0, removeListener = function: 0x0144205958, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0144203770, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144204688, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01442052e8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x0144206048, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0144203c70, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _infoHasReply = true, dispatch = function: 0x014a6db8d0, _stageUrl = "scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_game_dfw_stage.prefab", _stageInst = g-s202_game_dfw_stage(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), _safeAddListener = function: 0x014a6dd0d0, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stageLoaded = false, addListener = function: 0x014a6e1c30, hasListener = function: 0x014a6d86d0, removeListener = function: 0x014a6df290, _stageRes = Framework.Resource, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a6d9540, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014a6dc470, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014a6ddcf8, _mainViewLoadComplete = true, removeAllListener = function: 0x014a6e1178, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a6dacf8, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _id = 11, dispatch = function: 0x01359d88c0, _pools = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x01358e53a0, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _rules = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mulitLoader = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x0135787d90, hasListener = function: 0x0135a2d298, removeListener = function: 0x013585f1c0, _effectsParent = EffectsParent (UnityEngine.GameObject), class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0135a24b20, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x01358fc338, removeAllListener = function: 0x01357c1468, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAllFinish = true, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01358d1798, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _effects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0135a038a0, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, class = { New = function: 0x014219ba00, _handleEvent = function: 0x014c2806e8, create = function: 0x0142192390, _onAidHeroSpineChange = function: 0x014c2567d0, _createYunSprite = function: 0x014218bfe0, onExitScene = function: 0x014c2978b0, _onPassWayPoint = function: 0x014c27d1e0, onEnterScene = function: 0x014218f0f8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013e1b7f48, _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x014c26c8e0, onInit = function: 0x0142191a48, _loadHero = function: 0x014c2727b8, __cname = "MonopolySceneFactory", _onUpdateMap = function: 0x014c24e4b8, _readyStartGame = function: 0x014c28ffa0, onLoadAidHero = function: 0x014c256f70, _onLoadFollowHero = function: 0x014c267d90, _destroyHero = function: 0x014c290188, _isStartGame = function: 0x014c294790, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, ctor = function: 0x0142192080, onEnterSceneFinished = function: 0x014c298238, _onImageLoaded = function: 0x014c297a98, _handlerLeaderPosChanged = function: 0x014c2875e0, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = { }, __index = { New = function: 0x014219ba00, _handleEvent = function: 0x014c2806e8, create = function: 0x0142192390, _onAidHeroSpineChange = function: 0x014c2567d0, _createYunSprite = function: 0x014218bfe0, onExitScene = function: 0x014c2978b0, _onPassWayPoint = function: 0x014c27d1e0, onEnterScene = function: 0x014218f0f8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013e1b7f48, _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x014c26c8e0, onInit = function: 0x0142191a48, _loadHero = function: 0x014c2727b8, __cname = "MonopolySceneFactory", _onUpdateMap = function: 0x014c24e4b8, _readyStartGame = function: 0x014c28ffa0, onLoadAidHero = function: 0x014c256f70, _onLoadFollowHero = function: 0x014c267d90, _destroyHero = function: 0x014c290188, _isStartGame = function: 0x014c294790, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, ctor = function: 0x0142192080, onEnterSceneFinished = function: 0x014c298238, _onImageLoaded = function: 0x014c297a98, _handlerLeaderPosChanged = function: 0x014c2875e0, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x014c27d1e0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1408, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 7, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1408, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, spinemover = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = 6.5476899147034, x = 24.941800689697, }, 2 = { y = 6.5476899147034, x = 23.741800689697, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x014633dfd8, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633df78, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x014633dd48, hasListener = function: 0x014633e068, removeListener = function: 0x014633df18, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633e038, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633dfa8, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633df48, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633dee8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633e008, _allListeners = { 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014633e418, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014633e418, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 7 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _unitHero = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAidHeroFinish = true, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014c27d1e0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 7, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x014633e770, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633e710, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x014633e4e0, hasListener = function: 0x014633e800, removeListener = function: 0x014633e6b0, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633e7d0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633e740, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633e6e0, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633e680, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633e7a0, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, spine = { _attachConverter = { _originAttactments = { }, _compContainer = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (Framework.LuaComponentContainer), _spineAttachDataMOList = { }, _attachConverter = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (Pjg.SpineAttachmentConverter), _attchmentDataList = { }, class = { _onLoadAllFinished = function: 0x0142f9d020, New = function: 0x0142f8ac08, __cname = "SpineAttachmentUtil", changeAttachmentRegion = function: 0x0142f9ceb8, create = function: 0x0142f8aa68, _onSingleResLoaded = function: 0x0142f9d4a0, OnDestroy = function: 0x0142f9e128, clear = function: 0x0142f9dbb8, resetAttachment = function: 0x0142f9d8e0, _checkLoadFinished = function: 0x0142f9d778, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0142f8a920, ctor = function: 0x0142f9c958, Get = function: 0x0142f9c670, }, _multiLoader = { _resPreloadFlags = { }, _isAllPreload = false, _resPaths = { }, class = { addResPath = function: 0x012a5eab48, New = function: 0x012a5eaaa8, __cname = "MultiResLoader", clear = function: 0x012a5eaec0, create = function: 0x012a5eaa10, getResource = function: 0x012a5eae90, load = function: 0x012a5eabb0, setResPaths = function: 0x012a5eac78, isAllSuccess = function: 0x012a5eab18, setAllPreload = function: 0x012a5eaca8, _onResLoaded = function: 0x012a5eac20, getResources = function: 0x012a5eae60, ctor = function: 0x012a5eab80, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ea9c8, }, successCount = 0, _resTypeList = { }, totalCount = 0, loadedCount = 0, _loadedResDict = { }, __index = { addResPath = function: 0x012a5eab48, New = function: 0x012a5eaaa8, __cname = "MultiResLoader", clear = function: 0x012a5eaec0, create = function: 0x012a5eaa10, getResource = function: 0x012a5eae90, load = function: 0x012a5eabb0, setResPaths = function: 0x012a5eac78, isAllSuccess = function: 0x012a5eab18, setAllPreload = function: 0x012a5eaca8, _onResLoaded = function: 0x012a5eac20, getResources = function: 0x012a5eae60, ctor = function: 0x012a5eab80, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ea9c8, }, }, _go = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { _onLoadAllFinished = function: 0x0142f9d020, New = function: 0x0142f8ac08, __cname = "SpineAttachmentUtil", changeAttachmentRegion = function: 0x0142f9ceb8, create = function: 0x0142f8aa68, _onSingleResLoaded = function: 0x0142f9d4a0, OnDestroy = function: 0x0142f9e128, clear = function: 0x0142f9dbb8, resetAttachment = function: 0x0142f9d8e0, _checkLoadFinished = function: 0x0142f9d778, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0142f8a920, ctor = function: 0x0142f9c958, Get = function: 0x0142f9c670, }, }, collider = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.BoxCollider), _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x014633ca28, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633c9c8, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _curAnimState = "idle1", _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, dispatch = function: 0x014633d8b8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633d858, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _boxCollider = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.BoxCollider), addListener = function: 0x014633d560, hasListener = function: 0x014633d948, removeListener = function: 0x014633d7f8, class = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633d918, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633d888, _listenPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _spine = 循环引用: table: 0x014633c418, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633d828, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633d7c8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633d8e8, _allListeners = { }, __index = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1408, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1408, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, 2 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _sceneCamera = { _followToArg = Framework.CameraFollowArg, _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _leftBound = -23.001269355653, dispatch = function: 0x014a5ad010, _topBound = 13.010951519012, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014a578be8, _follower = MainCamera (Framework.CameraMmoFollow), _mainCamera = MainCamera (UnityEngine.Camera), _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mainCameraComponent = MainCamera (UnityEngine.Camera), _primitiveOrthographicSize = 7.6190476417542, isOnEnterScene = true, _followCurArg = Framework.CameraFollowArg, addListener = function: 0x014a51aec8, hasListener = function: 0x014a5b2900, removeListener = function: 0x014a53c3e8, _bottomBound = -0.64095258712769, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a5b0590, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014a5a2b50, _rightBound = 22.24127103412, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014a558410, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014a53c300, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a5af3b8, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _unitHero = { _compList = table, 超出指定深度:8, id = 0, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, mover = table, 超出指定深度:8, spinemover = table, 超出指定深度:8, spine = table, 超出指定深度:8, yunGo = yun (UnityEngine.GameObject), go = spine (UnityEngine.GameObject), boxColliderAdder = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = { 46 = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _loadAidHeroFinish = true, _scene = { _compList = table, 超出指定深度:8, interaction = table, 超出指定深度:8, gameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, _stageLoadFinishedObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, _stageLoadFinishedHandler = function: 0x01407d4460, factor = 循环引用: table: 0x01416d1ec0, _curBornZ = 0, cfgFinder = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _enterFinishedHandler = function: 0x01407d4430, camera = table, 超出指定深度:8, effects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _curBornX = 0, _isExiting = false, _curSceneId = 310011, _enterFinishedObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, globalTouch = table, 超出指定深度:8, map = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _pointPos = table, 超出指定深度:8, dispatch = function: 0x01442041e8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0144204c30, _remainingGridPath = table, 超出指定深度:8, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _sceneFactor = 循环引用: table: 0x01416d1ec0, addListener = function: 0x01442065c8, hasListener = function: 0x01442032f0, removeListener = function: 0x0144205958, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0144203770, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144204688, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01442052e8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x0144206048, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0144203c70, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _infoHasReply = true, dispatch = function: 0x014a6db8d0, _stageUrl = "scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_game_dfw_stage.prefab", _stageInst = g-s202_game_dfw_stage(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), _safeAddListener = function: 0x014a6dd0d0, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stageLoaded = false, addListener = function: 0x014a6e1c30, hasListener = function: 0x014a6d86d0, removeListener = function: 0x014a6df290, _stageRes = Framework.Resource, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a6d9540, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014a6dc470, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014a6ddcf8, _mainViewLoadComplete = true, removeAllListener = function: 0x014a6e1178, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a6dacf8, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _id = 11, dispatch = function: 0x01359d88c0, _pools = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x01358e53a0, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _rules = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mulitLoader = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x0135787d90, hasListener = function: 0x0135a2d298, removeListener = function: 0x013585f1c0, _effectsParent = EffectsParent (UnityEngine.GameObject), class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0135a24b20, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x01358fc338, removeAllListener = function: 0x01357c1468, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAllFinish = true, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01358d1798, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _effects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0135a038a0, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, class = { New = function: 0x014219ba00, _handleEvent = function: 0x014c2806e8, create = function: 0x0142192390, _onAidHeroSpineChange = function: 0x014c2567d0, _createYunSprite = function: 0x014218bfe0, onExitScene = function: 0x014c2978b0, _onPassWayPoint = function: 0x014c27d1e0, onEnterScene = function: 0x014218f0f8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013e1b7f48, _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x014c26c8e0, onInit = function: 0x0142191a48, _loadHero = function: 0x014c2727b8, __cname = "MonopolySceneFactory", _onUpdateMap = function: 0x014c24e4b8, _readyStartGame = function: 0x014c28ffa0, onLoadAidHero = function: 0x014c256f70, _onLoadFollowHero = function: 0x014c267d90, _destroyHero = function: 0x014c290188, _isStartGame = function: 0x014c294790, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, ctor = function: 0x0142192080, onEnterSceneFinished = function: 0x014c298238, _onImageLoaded = function: 0x014c297a98, _handlerLeaderPosChanged = function: 0x014c2875e0, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = { }, __index = { New = function: 0x014219ba00, _handleEvent = function: 0x014c2806e8, create = function: 0x0142192390, _onAidHeroSpineChange = function: 0x014c2567d0, _createYunSprite = function: 0x014218bfe0, onExitScene = function: 0x014c2978b0, _onPassWayPoint = function: 0x014c27d1e0, onEnterScene = function: 0x014218f0f8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013e1b7f48, _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x014c26c8e0, onInit = function: 0x0142191a48, _loadHero = function: 0x014c2727b8, __cname = "MonopolySceneFactory", _onUpdateMap = function: 0x014c24e4b8, _readyStartGame = function: 0x014c28ffa0, onLoadAidHero = function: 0x014c256f70, _onLoadFollowHero = function: 0x014c267d90, _destroyHero = function: 0x014c290188, _isStartGame = function: 0x014c294790, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, ctor = function: 0x0142192080, onEnterSceneFinished = function: 0x014c298238, _onImageLoaded = function: 0x014c297a98, _handlerLeaderPosChanged = function: 0x014c2875e0, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x014633ef60, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1408, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 1408, _disposedCount = 837, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x014633c4e0, hasListener = function: 0x014633cab8, removeListener = function: 0x014633c968, _skeletonLoader = { _prefabInst = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), _prefabRes = Framework.Resource, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633ca88, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633c9f8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633c998, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633c7b0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633ca58, _skeletonAnimation = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation), __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, yunGo = yun (UnityEngine.GameObject), go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), boxColliderAdder = { _dispatching = { }, dispatch = function: 0x014633d8b8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633d858, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _boxCollider = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.BoxCollider), addListener = function: 0x014633d560, hasListener = function: 0x014633d948, removeListener = function: 0x014633d7f8, class = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633d918, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633d888, _listenPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _spine = { _attachConverter = { _originAttactments = { }, _compContainer = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (Framework.LuaComponentContainer), _spineAttachDataMOList = { }, _attachConverter = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (Pjg.SpineAttachmentConverter), _attchmentDataList = { }, class = { _onLoadAllFinished = function: 0x0142f9d020, New = function: 0x0142f8ac08, __cname = "SpineAttachmentUtil", changeAttachmentRegion = function: 0x0142f9ceb8, create = function: 0x0142f8aa68, _onSingleResLoaded = function: 0x0142f9d4a0, OnDestroy = function: 0x0142f9e128, clear = function: 0x0142f9dbb8, resetAttachment = function: 0x0142f9d8e0, _checkLoadFinished = function: 0x0142f9d778, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0142f8a920, ctor = function: 0x0142f9c958, Get = function: 0x0142f9c670, }, _multiLoader = { _resPreloadFlags = { }, _isAllPreload = false, _resPaths = { }, class = { addResPath = function: 0x012a5eab48, New = function: 0x012a5eaaa8, __cname = "MultiResLoader", clear = function: 0x012a5eaec0, create = function: 0x012a5eaa10, getResource = function: 0x012a5eae90, load = function: 0x012a5eabb0, setResPaths = function: 0x012a5eac78, isAllSuccess = function: 0x012a5eab18, setAllPreload = function: 0x012a5eaca8, _onResLoaded = function: 0x012a5eac20, getResources = function: 0x012a5eae60, ctor = function: 0x012a5eab80, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ea9c8, }, successCount = 0, _resTypeList = { }, totalCount = 0, loadedCount = 0, _loadedResDict = { }, __index = { addResPath = function: 0x012a5eab48, New = function: 0x012a5eaaa8, __cname = "MultiResLoader", clear = function: 0x012a5eaec0, create = function: 0x012a5eaa10, getResource = function: 0x012a5eae90, load = function: 0x012a5eabb0, setResPaths = function: 0x012a5eac78, isAllSuccess = function: 0x012a5eab18, setAllPreload = function: 0x012a5eaca8, _onResLoaded = function: 0x012a5eac20, getResources = function: 0x012a5eae60, ctor = function: 0x012a5eab80, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ea9c8, }, }, _go = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { _onLoadAllFinished = function: 0x0142f9d020, New = function: 0x0142f8ac08, __cname = "SpineAttachmentUtil", changeAttachmentRegion = function: 0x0142f9ceb8, create = function: 0x0142f8aa68, _onSingleResLoaded = function: 0x0142f9d4a0, OnDestroy = function: 0x0142f9e128, clear = function: 0x0142f9dbb8, resetAttachment = function: 0x0142f9d8e0, _checkLoadFinished = function: 0x0142f9d778, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0142f8a920, ctor = function: 0x0142f9c958, Get = function: 0x0142f9c670, }, }, collider = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.BoxCollider), _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x014633ca28, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x014633c9c8, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _curAnimState = "idle1", _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014633d498, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, 2 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x014633beb0, _unitHero = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAidHeroFinish = true, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014633ef60, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x014633c4e0, hasListener = function: 0x014633cab8, removeListener = function: 0x014633c968, _skeletonLoader = { _prefabInst = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), _prefabRes = Framework.Resource, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014633ca88, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014633c9f8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633c998, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633c7b0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633ca58, _skeletonAnimation = 100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p(Clone) (Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation), __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014633d828, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014633d7c8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014633d8e8, _allListeners = { }, __index = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, __index = { Update = function: 0x0143084b78, _initComponents = function: 0x0143084b48, New = function: 0x01430859b8, create = function: 0x0143086938, __cname = "MonopolyHero", super = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, __supers = { 1 = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430867b0, __index = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/monopolytip.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:56][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:57][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}骰子使用Buff : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}table: 0x0149bdf680 { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendGetRichManDicePathRequest}投掷骰子 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 3 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:58]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=3,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:58]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:58]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:58]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=3,status=0,size=25 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 37 change: 1 count: 6 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 80 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 2 gridIds: 3 gridIds: 4 gridIds: 5 } diceUpdate { } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10006404295564 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRichManDicePathReply 81 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 2 gridIds: 3 gridIds: 4 gridIds: 5 } diceUpdate { } mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 2 gridIds: 3 gridIds: 4 gridIds: 5 } diceUpdate { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:58][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{onStartRollMove}table: 0x014a60f300 { 1 = gridIds: 2 gridIds: 3 gridIds: 4 gridIds: 5 , _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 2 gridIds: 3 gridIds: 4 gridIds: 5 } diceUpdate { } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d00d8, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012807cdb0, _sizer = function: 0x012e2d06a0, number = 1, default_value = { }, label = 3, index = 0, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2d0548, name = "gridIds", full_name = ".MapGridPath.gridIds", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapGridPath", full_name = ".MapGridPath", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendSelectRichManDicePathRequest}选择的路径为 : gridIds: 2 gridIds: 3 gridIds: 4 gridIds: 5 gridIds: 2 gridIds: 3 gridIds: 4 gridIds: 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 gripPath { gridIds: 2 gridIds: 3 gridIds: 4 gridIds: 5 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=4,size=22 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=10,cmd=1,status=0,size=28 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=5,status=0,size=118 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=4,status=0,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { itemId: 15902006 count: 2 lastUseTime: 1653433799917 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ItemChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 10 1 || 0 ItemChangePush 82 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}gripPath { gridIds: 2 gridIds: 3 gridIds: 4 gridIds: 5 } direction: 3 gripUpdate { grids { id: 2 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15902006 change: 2 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = RichManMoveDicePathPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 77 5 || 0 RichManMoveDicePathPush 83 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}推送移动 gripPath { gridIds: 2 gridIds: 3 gridIds: 4 gridIds: 5 } direction: 3 gripUpdate { grids { id: 2 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15902006 change: 2 } } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}grids { id: 2 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15902006 change: 2 } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15902006 change: 2 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x01486dc738 { gridIds = { 1 = 2, 2 = 3, 3 = 4, 4 = 5, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x01486dc780 { 1 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 3, 4 = 4, 5 = 5, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}阻碍UI交互 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:9:59][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066697623580694 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SelectRichManDicePathReply 84 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:1]++++++++++++++++拿到的tsssdk的c#的data长度309 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:1]))))((((((转换为lua的buffer数据长度(((((309____________309 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:1][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 309 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:1][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}=============sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包完毕,等协议过去-=-============================= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:1] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:1]__________删除tsssdk++++++sb数据________ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:1]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=1,size=321 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:1]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:1]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=13,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099965665489435 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SubmitAntiDataReply 86 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}grids { id: 2 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15902006 change: 2 } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15902006 change: 2 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的方向为 : 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的位置为 : 5 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}开启UI交互 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}触发格子后 buff情况 : 数量 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}table: 0x014ec4f130 { _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = grids { id: 2 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15902006 change: 2 } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8ba0, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 2, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9180, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9070, number = 1, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 0, type = 3, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b8f60, name = "unqiueId", full_name = ".MapBuff.unqiueId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 2 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9e10, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9cf0, number = 2, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 1, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b9ba8, name = "defineId", full_name = ".MapBuff.defineId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 3 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2ba7f8, _sizer = function: 0x012e2ba6e8, number = 3, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 2, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2ba5d8, name = "remainCount", full_name = ".MapBuff.remainCount", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 4 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2bb288, _sizer = function: 0x012e2bb170, number = 4, default_value = 0, label = 1, index = 3, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2bb060, name = "addtional1", full_name = ".MapBuff.addtional1", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapBuff", full_name = ".MapBuff", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}响应格子事件 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}grids { id: 2 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15902006 change: 2 } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15902006 change: 2 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}table: 0x0149bd6228 { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 5, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902006#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}1星羁绊,趴趴 或者 点券 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeViewPresentor.lua:0]:{buildViews}table: 0x0148669728 { 1 = { type = 0, materilId = 15902006, count = 2, materilType = 1, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014866d578 { 1 = { materilType = 1, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 15902006, count = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x0148672230 { 1 = { materilType = 1, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 15902006, count = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:2][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/item_sr.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:4][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}骰子使用Buff : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}table: 0x014ac32808 { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendGetRichManDicePathRequest}投掷骰子 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 3 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:5]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=3,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:5]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:5]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:5]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=3,status=0,size=25 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 37 change: 1 count: 5 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 87 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 6 gridIds: 7 gridIds: 8 gridIds: 9 } diceUpdate { } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10001825168729 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRichManDicePathReply 88 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 6 gridIds: 7 gridIds: 8 gridIds: 9 } diceUpdate { } mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 6 gridIds: 7 gridIds: 8 gridIds: 9 } diceUpdate { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:5][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{onStartRollMove}table: 0x014ac3efa0 { 1 = gridIds: 6 gridIds: 7 gridIds: 8 gridIds: 9 , _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 6 gridIds: 7 gridIds: 8 gridIds: 9 } diceUpdate { } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d00d8, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012807cdb0, _sizer = function: 0x012e2d06a0, number = 1, default_value = { }, label = 3, index = 0, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2d0548, name = "gridIds", full_name = ".MapGridPath.gridIds", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapGridPath", full_name = ".MapGridPath", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendSelectRichManDicePathRequest}选择的路径为 : gridIds: 6 gridIds: 7 gridIds: 8 gridIds: 9 gridIds: 6 gridIds: 7 gridIds: 8 gridIds: 9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 gripPath { gridIds: 6 gridIds: 7 gridIds: 8 gridIds: 9 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=4,size=22 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=10,cmd=1,status=0,size=28 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=5,status=0,size=118 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=4,status=0,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { itemId: 15901074 count: 15 lastUseTime: 1647766696000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ItemChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 10 1 || 0 ItemChangePush 89 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}gripPath { gridIds: 6 gridIds: 7 gridIds: 8 gridIds: 9 } direction: 3 gripUpdate { grids { id: 6 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901074 change: 10 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = RichManMoveDicePathPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 77 5 || 0 RichManMoveDicePathPush 90 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}推送移动 gripPath { gridIds: 6 gridIds: 7 gridIds: 8 gridIds: 9 } direction: 3 gripUpdate { grids { id: 6 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901074 change: 10 } } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}grids { id: 6 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901074 change: 10 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901074 change: 10 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x0149f0a410 { gridIds = { 1 = 6, 2 = 7, 3 = 8, 4 = 9, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x0149f0a458 { 1 = 5, 2 = 6, 3 = 7, 4 = 8, 5 = 9, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}阻碍UI交互 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066662166267633 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SelectRichManDicePathReply 91 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}grids { id: 6 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901074 change: 10 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901074 change: 10 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的方向为 : 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的位置为 : 9 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}开启UI交互 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}触发格子后 buff情况 : 数量 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}table: 0x014ed8eaa0 { _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = grids { id: 6 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901074 change: 10 } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8ba0, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 2, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9180, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9070, number = 1, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 0, type = 3, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b8f60, name = "unqiueId", full_name = ".MapBuff.unqiueId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 2 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9e10, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9cf0, number = 2, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 1, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b9ba8, name = "defineId", full_name = ".MapBuff.defineId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 3 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2ba7f8, _sizer = function: 0x012e2ba6e8, number = 3, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 2, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2ba5d8, name = "remainCount", full_name = ".MapBuff.remainCount", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 4 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2bb288, _sizer = function: 0x012e2bb170, number = 4, default_value = 0, label = 1, index = 3, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2bb060, name = "addtional1", full_name = ".MapBuff.addtional1", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapBuff", full_name = ".MapBuff", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}响应格子事件 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}grids { id: 6 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901074 change: 10 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901074 change: 10 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}table: 0x0149bd5f70 { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 9, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901074#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}1星羁绊,趴趴 或者 点券 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeViewPresentor.lua:0]:{buildViews}table: 0x014af6b7e0 { 1 = { type = 0, materilId = 15901074, count = 10, materilType = 1, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014af6f5c0 { 1 = { materilType = 1, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 15901074, count = 10, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014af74280 { 1 = { materilType = 1, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 15901074, count = 10, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:9][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:10][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}骰子使用Buff : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}table: 0x014ac7b6a0 { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendGetRichManDicePathRequest}投掷骰子 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 3 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:11]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=3,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:11]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:11]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:11]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=3,status=0,size=23 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 37 change: 1 count: 4 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 92 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 1 gripPathes { gridIds: 10 } gripPathes { gridIds: 21 } diceUpdate { } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10014745593071 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRichManDicePathReply 93 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 1 gripPathes { gridIds: 10 } gripPathes { gridIds: 21 } diceUpdate { } mapId: 1001 diceNums: 1 gripPathes { gridIds: 10 } gripPathes { gridIds: 21 } diceUpdate { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:11][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:12]++++++++++++++++拿到的tsssdk的c#的data长度132 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:12]))))((((((转换为lua的buffer数据长度(((((132____________132 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:12][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 132 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:12][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}=============sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包完毕,等协议过去-=-============================= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:12][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:12][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:12] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:12]__________删除tsssdk++++++sb数据________ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:12]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=1,size=144 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:12]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:12]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=13,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:12][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:12][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:12][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.16664554178715 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SubmitAntiDataReply 95 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath}获取到达十字路口的路径 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath}table: 0x014ac87f00 { 1 = 10, _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = gridIds: 10 , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _type_checker = function: 0x012e496a20, __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4934a0, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, }, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath}table: 0x014ac881c0 { 1 = 21, _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = gridIds: 21 , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _type_checker = function: 0x012e496a20, __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4934a0, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, }, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onForkRoad}出现岔路,走到岔路口 : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onForkRoad}table: 0x014e7e5348 { gridIds = { }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onForkRoad}当前就在岔路口 不用走过去 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath}获取到达十字路口的路径 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath}table: 0x014ac87f00 { 1 = 10, _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = gridIds: 10 , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _type_checker = function: 0x012e496a20, __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4934a0, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, }, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath}table: 0x014ac881c0 { 1 = 21, _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = gridIds: 21 , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _type_checker = function: 0x012e496a20, __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4934a0, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, }, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onShowArrow}table: 0x014a80ec70 { gridIds = { }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onShowArrow}9 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath_After}获取到达十字路口 后面 的路径 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath}获取到达十字路口的路径 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath}table: 0x014ac87f00 { 1 = 10, _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = gridIds: 10 , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _type_checker = function: 0x012e496a20, __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4934a0, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, }, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath}table: 0x014ac881c0 { 1 = 21, _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = gridIds: 21 , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _type_checker = function: 0x012e496a20, __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4934a0, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, }, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath_After}table: 0x014a816978 { 1 = { gridIds = { 1 = 10, }, }, 2 = { gridIds = { 1 = 21, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onShowArrow}显示岔路箭头 : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onShowArrow}table: 0x014a816978 { 1 = { gridIds = { 1 = 10, }, }, 2 = { gridIds = { 1 = 21, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath_After}获取到达十字路口 后面 的路径 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath}获取到达十字路口的路径 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath}table: 0x014ac87f00 { 1 = 10, _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = gridIds: 10 , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _type_checker = function: 0x012e496a20, __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4934a0, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, }, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath}table: 0x014ac881c0 { 1 = 21, _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = gridIds: 21 , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _type_checker = function: 0x012e496a20, __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493590, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4934a0, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, }, remove = function: 0x012e493558, append = function: 0x012e4934e8, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{getCrossroadPath_After}table: 0x014a626ee0 { 1 = { gridIds = { 1 = 10, }, }, 2 = { gridIds = { 1 = 21, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendSelectRichManDicePathRequest}选择的路径为 : table: 0x014a62d008 { gridIds = { 1 = 10, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:14][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:14][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:14][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:14][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 gripPath { gridIds: 10 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:14]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=4,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:14]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:14]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=17 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:14]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=5,status=0,size=42 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:14]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=4,status=0,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 38 change: 3 count: 1934 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 96 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 38 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}gripPath { gridIds: 10 } direction: 3 gripUpdate { grids { id: 10 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 3 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = RichManMoveDicePathPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 77 5 || 0 RichManMoveDicePathPush 97 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}推送移动 gripPath { gridIds: 10 } direction: 3 gripUpdate { grids { id: 10 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 3 } } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}grids { id: 10 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 3 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 3 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x014a675a10 { gridIds = { 1 = 10, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x014a675a58 { 1 = 9, 2 = 10, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}阻碍UI交互 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13337704539299 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SelectRichManDicePathReply 98 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}grids { id: 10 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 3 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 3 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的方向为 : 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的位置为 : 10 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}开启UI交互 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}触发格子后 buff情况 : 数量 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}table: 0x014e7f4ad0 { _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = grids { id: 10 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 3 } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8ba0, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 2, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9180, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9070, number = 1, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 0, type = 3, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b8f60, name = "unqiueId", full_name = ".MapBuff.unqiueId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 2 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9e10, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9cf0, number = 2, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 1, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b9ba8, name = "defineId", full_name = ".MapBuff.defineId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 3 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2ba7f8, _sizer = function: 0x012e2ba6e8, number = 3, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 2, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2ba5d8, name = "remainCount", full_name = ".MapBuff.remainCount", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 4 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2bb288, _sizer = function: 0x012e2bb170, number = 4, default_value = 0, label = 1, index = 3, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2bb060, name = "addtional1", full_name = ".MapBuff.addtional1", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapBuff", full_name = ".MapBuff", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}响应格子事件 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}grids { id: 10 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 3 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 3 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}table: 0x0149bd6798 { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 10, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}1星羁绊,趴趴 或者 点券 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeViewPresentor.lua:0]:{buildViews}table: 0x014dbcc1b0 { 1 = { type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 3, materilType = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014dbcff60 { 1 = { materilType = 2, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 3, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014dbd4c00 { 1 = { materilType = 2, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 3, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:15][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:20][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:21][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]++++++++++++++++拿到的tsssdk的c#的data长度319 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]))))((((((转换为lua的buffer数据长度(((((319____________319 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 319 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}=============sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包完毕,等协议过去-=-============================= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]__________删除tsssdk++++++sb数据________ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=1,size=331 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=13,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099937252700329 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SubmitAntiDataReply 100 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_playerinfo isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/commonbg/guiseview_bg.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/gm/gmview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/gm/subview/gmcommonview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/gm/subview/gmcheckview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/gm/subview/gmjumpview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/gm/subview/gminfoview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/gm/subview/gmsimulateview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/gm/subview/gmswitchview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:23]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/gm/gmadditem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{destroy}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController: in function 'enterMainScene' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyFacade: in function 'exitScene' logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyModel.lua:0]:{onReset}MonopolyModel重置 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 138 time: 44000 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_destroyHero}销毁目标名称 : spine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_destroyHero}销毁目标名称 : followHeroSpine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_destroyHero}销毁目标名称 : 2012 46 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=52,id=310011 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{openInAppEvent}打开IAE Card [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099890377372503 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 101 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26]DestroyUnusedResources:142,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_050_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_055.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_057.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_02.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_collider.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_zjm.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_a.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_b.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_a.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_b.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27]language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab instance: @132ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27][@logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage.lua:0]:{_onAllLoaded}-------------主城主场景加载完毕,开始打开主界面--------------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 76 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = BondCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=76,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_stageLoadFinishedHandler}成功加载了一个新的场景的舞台,但当前场景还未进入完毕,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_checkAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZoneMgr: in function '_loadedCallback' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZone: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 100 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:27][@logic/extensions/pandora/controller/PandoraPanelController.lua:0]:{setPopReady}Pandora bPopReady= enterHallNoGuide [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 9#205 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/270006.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=76,cmd=1,status=0,size=4562 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}altasCover: 0 bondCardInfos { defineId: 1024 level: 1 createTime: 1658368462 skills { skillId: 220571 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220573 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220572 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1025 level: 1 createTime: 1658368477 skills { skillId: 220251 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220253 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220252 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1026 level: 1 createTime: 1675676736 skills { skillId: 220523 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220522 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220521 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1027 level: 1 createTime: 1664406007 skills { skillId: 220711 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220713 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220712 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1028 level: 1 createTime: 1658368472 skills { skillId: 220731 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220733 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220732 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1029 level: 1 createTime: 1651078774 skills { skillId: 220513 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220512 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220511 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1030 level: 1 createTime: 1658368473 skills { skillId: 220331 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220333 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220332 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1031 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220963 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220962 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220961 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1032 level: 1 createTime: 1664529665 skills { skillId: 220623 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220622 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220621 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1033 level: 1 createTime: 1658368480 skills { skillId: 220403 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220402 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220401 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1034 level: 2 createTime: 1660210886 skills { skillId: 220113 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220112 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220111 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1035 level: 1 createTime: 1658368469 skills { skillId: 220391 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220393 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220392 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1036 level: 1 createTime: 1670223404 skills { skillId: 220583 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220582 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220581 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1037 level: 1 createTime: 1668654195 skills { skillId: 220833 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220832 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220831 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1038 level: 1 createTime: 1668654188 skills { skillId: 220851 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220853 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220852 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1039 level: 2 createTime: 1658368465 skills { skillId: 220843 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220842 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220841 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1040 level: 1 createTime: 1660210883 skills { skillId: 220673 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220672 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220671 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1041 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220663 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220662 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220661 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1042 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220783 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220782 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220781 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1043 level: 1 createTime: 1668654194 skills { skillId: 220263 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220262 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220261 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1044 level: 1 createTime: 1668654193 skills { skillId: 220651 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220653 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220652 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1045 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 221043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1046 level: 1 createTime: 1677838471 skills { skillId: 221211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1047 level: 1 createTime: 1664406004 skills { skillId: 220491 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220493 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220492 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1048 level: 1 createTime: 1668654190 skills { skillId: 220871 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220873 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220872 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1049 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 299991 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 299992 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 299993 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1050 level: 1 createTime: 1668654192 skills { skillId: 220411 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220413 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220412 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1051 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 220023 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220022 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220021 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1052 level: 1 createTime: 1677838469 skills { skillId: 220051 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220053 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220052 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1053 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220151 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220153 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220152 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1054 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220063 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220062 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220061 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1055 level: 1 createTime: 1675676734 skills { skillId: 220103 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220102 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220101 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1056 level: 1 createTime: 1670223401 skills { skillId: 220183 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220182 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220181 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1057 level: 1 createTime: 1673951419 skills { skillId: 220193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1058 level: 1 createTime: 1679401913 skills { skillId: 220203 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220202 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220201 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1059 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220231 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220233 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220232 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1060 level: 1 createTime: 1673951418 skills { skillId: 220243 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220242 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220241 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1061 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220273 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220272 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220271 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1062 level: 1 createTime: 1670223400 skills { skillId: 220283 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220282 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220281 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1063 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220291 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220293 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220292 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1064 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220303 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220302 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220301 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1065 level: 1 createTime: 1673951415 skills { skillId: 220311 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220313 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220312 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1066 level: 1 createTime: 1678934688 skills { skillId: 220383 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220382 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220381 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1067 level: 1 createTime: 1673951417 skills { skillId: 220353 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220352 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220351 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1068 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220363 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220362 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220361 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1069 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220323 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220322 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220321 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1070 level: 1 createTime: 1673951413 skills { skillId: 220371 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220373 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220372 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1071 level: 1 createTime: 1676019131 skills { skillId: 220423 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220422 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220421 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1072 level: 1 createTime: 1676019129 skills { skillId: 220443 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220442 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220441 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1073 level: 1 createTime: 1676019133 skills { skillId: 220451 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220453 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220452 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1074 level: 1 createTime: 1679401303 skills { skillId: 220463 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220462 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220461 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1075 level: 1 createTime: 1684969664 skills { skillId: 220471 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220473 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220472 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1076 level: 1 createTime: 1678934686 skills { skillId: 220483 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220482 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220481 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1077 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220503 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220502 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220501 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1078 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220543 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220542 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220541 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1079 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220551 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220553 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220552 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1080 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220563 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220562 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220561 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1081 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220951 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220953 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220952 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1082 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220971 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220973 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220972 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1083 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220983 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220982 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220981 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1084 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220993 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220992 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220991 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1085 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 221003 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 221002 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 221001 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1086 level: 1 createTime: 1684969663 skills { skillId: 220593 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220592 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220591 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1087 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220631 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220633 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220632 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1088 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220643 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220642 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220641 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1089 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220683 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220682 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220681 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1090 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220603 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220602 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220601 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3001 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 8 nextValue: 12 } skills { skillId: 9 intValue: 8 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 3 intValue: 10 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3003 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 11 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3004 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 14 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3005 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 17 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3006 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 20 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3007 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } skills { skillId: 24 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3008 level: 1 createTime: 1671037708 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 25 nextValue: 50 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3009 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 28 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3010 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 29 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3011 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 32 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3012 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 33 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2001 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 5 intValue: 14 nextValue: 17 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2002 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 6 intValue: 12 nextValue: 15 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2003 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 8 intValue: 12 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2004 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 4 intValue: 11 nextValue: 13 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2005 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 7 intValue: 400 nextValue: 500 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2006 level: 2 createTime: 1658047409 skills { skillId: 10 intValue: 6 nextValue: 9 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2007 level: 1 createTime: 1677838456 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2008 level: 1 createTime: 1673951394 skills { skillId: 13 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2009 level: 1 createTime: 1675676784 skills { skillId: 15 intValue: 30 nextValue: 60 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2010 level: 2 createTime: 1655368930 skills { skillId: 18 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2011 level: 1 createTime: 1679401898 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2012 level: 2 createTime: 1670223393 skills { skillId: 19 intValue: 180 nextValue: 270 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2013 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 21 intValue: 1500 nextValue: 1650 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2014 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 22 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2015 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 23 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2016 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 25 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2017 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 27 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2018 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 30 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2019 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 31 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2020 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 250 nextValue: 275 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1001 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220003 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220002 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220001 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1003 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1004 level: 1 createTime: 1640193452 skills { skillId: 220123 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220122 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220121 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1005 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220171 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } skills { skillId: 220173 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220172 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1006 level: 1 createTime: 1640193444 skills { skillId: 220211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1007 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1008 level: 4 createTime: 1640194895 skills { skillId: 220071 intValue: 40 nextValue: 50 } skills { skillId: 220073 intValue: 8 nextValue: 10 } skills { skillId: 220072 intValue: 4 nextValue: 5 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1009 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 221191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1010 level: 1 createTime: 1640193447 skills { skillId: 221223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1011 level: 1 createTime: 1651078768 skills { skillId: 220091 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220093 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220092 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1012 level: 2 createTime: 1651078779 skills { skillId: 220163 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220162 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220161 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1013 level: 1 createTime: 1651078771 skills { skillId: 220531 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220533 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220532 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1014 level: 1 createTime: 1651078773 skills { skillId: 220611 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220613 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220612 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1015 level: 3 createTime: 1651078766 skills { skillId: 220343 intValue: 6 nextValue: 8 } skills { skillId: 220342 intValue: 3 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220341 intValue: 30 nextValue: 40 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1016 level: 1 createTime: 1651078770 skills { skillId: 221031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220143 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220142 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220141 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1017 level: 1 createTime: 1651078778 skills { skillId: 220943 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220942 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220941 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1018 level: 1 createTime: 1658368470 skills { skillId: 220083 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220082 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220081 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1019 level: 1 createTime: 1651078777 skills { skillId: 220433 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220432 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220431 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1020 level: 1 createTime: 1651078763 skills { skillId: 220011 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220013 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220012 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1021 level: 1 createTime: 1651078776 skills { skillId: 220753 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220752 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220751 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1022 level: 1 createTime: 1658368479 skills { skillId: 220763 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220762 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220761 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1023 level: 1 createTime: 1651078775 skills { skillId: 220131 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220133 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220132 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = BondCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:27][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 76 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.1333387978375 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 BondCardInfoReply 102 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMonthCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 22 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetWeeklyCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=4,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=22,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleReconnectMgr.lua:0]:{startup}已经启动重连: 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/extensions/common/facade/CommonFacade.lua:0]:{clearFloatTipsCacheAndRelease}恢复飘字,清空缓存的飘字 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 103 1 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get103InfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 1 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetTopupInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 10 当前队列数量= 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}isOpenView: false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=103,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=10,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/extensions/playerinfo/model/PlayerInfoModel.lua:0]:{isSuperR}TCL: ilevel:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isSuperR false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isShow false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 31 17 当前队列数量= 6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetJinyumantangInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=31,cmd=17,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 22 34 当前队列数量= 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SummonPoolRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}poolId: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 43 39 当前队列数量= 8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetUnReadNewspaperRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 7 当前队列数量= 9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=22,cmd=34,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=43,cmd=39,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=7,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 137 1 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get137InfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=137,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainViewPresentor.lua:0]:{_onEnterAnimationDone}主界面打开动画完毕,广播主界面打开完毕GlobalNotify.BeginShowMainViewFinish,准备好了,对于启动流程有作用的 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: _onMotionEnd: idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/certificate/texun_yrjj1.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/certificate/texun_ysjj2.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]bigbg/certificate/texun_yrjj1.png instance: @21ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]language/zh/bigbg/certificate/texun_ysjj2.png instance: @22ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=22,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=103,cmd=1,status=0,size=1071 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMonthCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.20001266337931 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 GetMonthCardInfoReply 103 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 11 2 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetCurrencyInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}currencyId: 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetWeeklyCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 22 所需时间单位秒 = 0.20001266337931 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 GetWeeklyCardInfoReply 104 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { day: 1 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十二 } infos { day: 2 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十三 } infos { day: 3 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十四 } infos { day: 4 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十五 } infos { day: 5 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 15 drawIds: 72 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十六 } infos { day: 6 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 2 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十七 lunarFestival: 立夏 } infos { day: 7 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 4 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十八 } infos { day: 8 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 78 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十九 } infos { day: 9 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 75 drawIds: 10 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 19 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月二十 } infos { day: 10 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 1 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 8 drawIds: 74 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿一 } infos { day: 11 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 77 drawIds: 65 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿二 } infos { day: 12 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 15 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 18 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿三 } infos { day: 13 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 5 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 18 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿四 } infos { day: 14 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 33 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 72 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿五 } infos { day: 15 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 1 drawIds: 4 drawIds: 11 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿六 } infos { day: 16 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 91 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿七 } infos { day: 17 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 65 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿八 } infos { day: 18 hasSignIn: false luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 88 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿九 } infos { day: 19 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初一 } infos { day: 20 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 1 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 5 drawIds: 91 drawIds: 33 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初二 } infos { day: 21 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 5 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 16 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初三 lunarFestival: 小满 } infos { day: 22 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初四 } infos { day: 23 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初五 } infos { day: 24 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 13 drawIds: 16 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初六 } infos { day: 25 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 77 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初七 } serverTime: 1684969828570 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=11,cmd=2,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get103InfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 103 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.20001266337931 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 8 || 0 Get103InfosReply 105 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=1,status=0,size=4523 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=10,status=0,size=551 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=31,cmd=17,status=0,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=22,cmd=34,status=0,size=224 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=43,cmd=39,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=41,cmd=7,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=137,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { topupId: 4100 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10307 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10308 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10309 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10310 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10311 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10312 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10313 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10314 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10315 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10316 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10410 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10416 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10417 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10418 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10419 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10420 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10421 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10422 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10423 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10424 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10425 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10426 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10427 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10428 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10429 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10430 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10431 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8402 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8403 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8404 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8405 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8406 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8407 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8408 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8409 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8410 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8411 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8412 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8413 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8414 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8415 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8416 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8417 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8418 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10531 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10532 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10533 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10555 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10604 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10605 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10606 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10607 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10608 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10609 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10610 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10611 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10612 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10613 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10614 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10615 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8604 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8605 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8606 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8607 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8608 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10716 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10717 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10718 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10719 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8706 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8707 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10819 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10820 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10821 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10822 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10823 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10824 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10825 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10826 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10916 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10917 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10918 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10919 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10920 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10921 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10926 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10927 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10928 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10929 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10930 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10931 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10932 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10933 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11016 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11017 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11018 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11019 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11020 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11021 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11022 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11023 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11026 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11029 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11030 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11031 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11127 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11215 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11216 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11217 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11218 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11219 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11220 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11221 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11222 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11223 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11225 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11226 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9215 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1024 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9216 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1025 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9217 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1026 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1027 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1028 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1114 buyCount: 1 } infos { topupId: 9306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7300 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1218 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1219 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1220 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1307 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1308 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1309 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1310 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1311 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1312 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1313 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1317 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1318 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5414 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1319 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5415 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1320 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1321 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1323 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9515 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1324 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9516 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1325 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9517 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1326 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9518 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9519 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9520 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9521 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9522 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7501 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7502 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7503 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7504 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7505 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7506 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7507 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7508 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7509 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7510 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7511 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7512 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7513 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7514 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1402 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1403 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1404 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7706 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7707 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7708 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7709 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7710 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7711 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7712 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7713 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7714 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7720 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7721 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7722 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9819 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9820 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9821 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9822 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9823 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9826 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5800 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9916 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9917 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9918 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9919 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9920 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10016 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10017 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10118 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10119 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10120 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10121 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10122 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10123 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10124 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10129 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10130 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10131 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10132 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10133 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10134 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10135 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10136 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4037 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4038 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4039 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 2001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6100 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4081 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4082 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4083 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4084 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4085 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4086 buyCount: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetTopupInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.23336124606431 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 7 || 0 GetTopupInfoReply 106 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/topup/agent/TopupAgent:0: MidasMarketingInfo ====> TopupAgent:_queryMarketingInfo; zoneId=4; roleId=273900 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 8201 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8202 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8203 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8204 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8501 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8502 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8503 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8504 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8505 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8506 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8507 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8508 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8509 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8510 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8511 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8603 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7003 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7004 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7005 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7006 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7007 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1008 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1009 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1010 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1101 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1102 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1103 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1104 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1105 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1106 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1107 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1108 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1109 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1110 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1111 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1112 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1113 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1114 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1115 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1116 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1117 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1201 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1202 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1401 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1402 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1403 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1404 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1606 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10024 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10025 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10106 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6100 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 4084 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=2,status=0,size=26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 10 所需时间单位秒 = 0.23336124606431 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 6 || 0 GetGiftBagInfoReply 107 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 5 当前队列数量= 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetStoreFreeGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=5,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}time: 1683364412787 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetJinyumantangInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 31 17 所需时间单位秒 = 0.23336124606431 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 6 || 0 GetJinyumantangInfoReply 108 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}summonPools { poolId: 1 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 5 doneCount: 187 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false poolSkewRare { rareId: 5 count: 2 } heroSkewRare { heroId: 2007 count: 2 poolCount: 182 cdTime: 182 } extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 9997 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 1 doneCount: 10 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false poolSkewRare { rareId: 5 count: 1 } heroSkewRare { heroId: 2014 count: 1 poolCount: 10 cdTime: 10 } extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 134 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 0 doneCount: 0 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 135 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 2 doneCount: 70 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false poolSkewRare { rareId: 5 count: 2 } heroSkewRare { heroId: 2075 count: 1 poolCount: 11 cdTime: 11 } heroSkewRare { heroId: 2150 count: 1 poolCount: 67 cdTime: 67 } extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } 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state: 1 createTime: 1603371982000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【拼图领雪霁羹信物】活动奖励 content: 请注意查收 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 990240542 mailId: 1145020 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631379289000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1201540994 mailId: 20073 params: 声引潮鸣#1991 attachment: 2#2#20000|1#10000016#1|2#11#20 state: 1 createTime: 1662566424000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187954387 mailId: 312102 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240121#3 state: 1 createTime: 1660873549000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 719726791 mailId: 20073 params: 烟涛微茫#7247 attachment: 1#10000015#3|2#2#10000|2#11#10 state: 1 createTime: 1605110437000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1282794582 mailId: 20084 params: 大翻勺·初 attachment: 2#1#80|2#2#16000|2#26#250 state: 1 createTime: 1673861211000 isCollection: true isLock: false 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管理司在此为少主奉上补偿小礼:「大份干粮」*1、「餐厅传单」*4,感谢少主的包容和理解。 如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 《食物语》空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 617938669 mailId: 1145003 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598495704000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1330901870 mailId: 20073 params: 鞭牛祈丰#1554 attachment: 2#2#20000|1#10000016#1|2#11#20 state: 1 createTime: 1681315233000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1292505911 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 1 createTime: 1674909858000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 617938666 mailId: 1145001 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598495695000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 617938667 mailId: 1145002 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598495699000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1349077032 mailId: 314902 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240149#3 state: 1 createTime: 1684316740627 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1346895882 mailId: 20424 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1684211348393 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1344270429 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683593893785 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1342725194 mailId: 315002 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240150#3 state: 1 createTime: 1683359362309 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1346895883 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684211348775 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1304839042 mailId: 20044 params: 896 attachment: 2#11#10|2#12#35|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1676754021000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 781518545 mailId: 307602 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240076#3 state: 1 createTime: 1609741449000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1328549240 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680653787000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1318546142 mailId: 314601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240146#2 state: 1 createTime: 1678930136000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 840665170 mailId: 308403 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#4 state: 1 createTime: 1614039381000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1318546141 mailId: 309701 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240097#2 state: 1 createTime: 1678930127000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340265902 mailId: 315001 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240150#2 state: 1 createTime: 1682527058000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340265903 mailId: 314901 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240149#2 state: 1 createTime: 1682527079000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 628828982 mailId: 1145006 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599045842000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1187935902 mailId: 313801 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240138#2 state: 1 createTime: 1660759778000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187935903 mailId: 313901 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240139#2 state: 1 createTime: 1660759790000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340265904 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1682528402000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月27日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1315877436 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1161 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1678482023000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1329805072 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681127223000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347223577 mailId: 20009 params: 965 attachment: 2#8#700|2#1#160|2#2#18000 state: 0 createTime: 1684096204930 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1328926049 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680573008000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1326623559 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680476291000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347223578 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684145833894 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1349077040 mailId: 314903 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240149#4 state: 1 createTime: 1684317668050 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1346888733 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683943830740 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1349077043 mailId: 315003 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240150#4 state: 1 createTime: 1684317837094 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326900044 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680308380000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1346888732 mailId: 29 params: attachment: 2#1#10 state: 0 createTime: 1683943830193 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1341383599 mailId: 20073 params: 百鬼众魅#1026 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 0 createTime: 1683493213380 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1261203312 mailId: 20392 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1671279383000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1326912841 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680412454000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1246536748 mailId: 314301 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240143#2 state: 1 createTime: 1668652051000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 846051333 mailId: 305201 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240052#2 state: 1 createTime: 1614414412000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 830020883 mailId: 308401 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#2 state: 1 createTime: 1613022690000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1271014824 mailId: 157 params: attachment: 1#11190024#1|2#2#50000|2#12#10 state: 1 createTime: 1672565493000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1246536743 mailId: 314201 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240142#2 state: 1 createTime: 1668652040000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 830020885 mailId: 308402 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#3 state: 1 createTime: 1613022702000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1333742864 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1681682248000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 846051357 mailId: 305202 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240052#3 state: 1 createTime: 1614414658000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1341380993 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#845 attachment: 2#12#35|2#11#10|2#2#14000 state: 0 createTime: 1683320411728 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1346510903 mailId: 20423 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1684046355968 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1311294558 mailId: 20009 params: 1170 attachment: 2#1#150|2#2#16000|2#8#600 state: 1 createTime: 1678048204000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1346510904 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684046356300 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1248056856 mailId: 20084 params: 大翻勺·初 attachment: 2#26#250|2#1#80|2#2#16000 state: 1 createTime: 1669017190000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330663725 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1681085064000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1187615924 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000244#5000 state: 1 createTime: 1660754679000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330166582 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680737401000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月6日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1330166583 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680751011000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1324908167 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679967493000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187615926 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000242#5 state: 1 createTime: 1660754758000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1136017719 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#27#520|2#2#13140|1#11090033#1|1#11060006#52 state: 1 createTime: 1653049221000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 锵锵~愿世界充满爱 content: 少主, 今天真是个充满爱意的日子呀,大家好像都在谈论"爱"呢!"520"——"我爱你",多么美好的谐音~多亏这个日子,虾饺也有了关于新歌的想法,一个愿世界充满爱的音乐灵感,等这首歌出来,虾饺一定要第一个唱给少主听! 虾饺 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1324906107 mailId: 20084 params: 切花刀·初 attachment: 2#26#400|2#2#22000|2#1#120 state: 1 createTime: 1679881932000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1324906108 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679881932000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350938113 mailId: 20044 params: 1054 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1684616411922 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1262398907 mailId: 20044 params: 836 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#12#35|2#11#10 state: 1 createTime: 1671310819000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1200630550 mailId: 1145032 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662083975000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 866833698 mailId: 302001 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240020#2 state: 1 createTime: 1616839459000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1213547231 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#994 attachment: 2#12#35|2#11#10|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1663362024000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 781882384 mailId: 307604 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240076#5 state: 1 createTime: 1609837976000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1312268962 mailId: 20073 params: 黑白双子#1063 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1677963615000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1324790371 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1680046613000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 781597198 mailId: 307601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240076#2 state: 1 createTime: 1609731449000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 645588195 mailId: 304004 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240040#5 state: 1 createTime: 1599896748000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340395902 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1682546387000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 937737086 mailId: 312001 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240120#2 state: 1 createTime: 1625967649000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1352995902 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684967496525 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1352326657 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684930322229 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347530957 mailId: 20073 params: 智斗灵机#769 attachment: 1#10000016#2|2#2#25000|2#11#25 state: 0 createTime: 1684339223248 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1349904619 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684743903619 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1195148189 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1 state: 1 createTime: 1661414183000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 好友功能异常补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的少主:   8月25日更新后部分少主出现好友功能异常的问题,目前该异常管理司已修复,对此造成的不便,管理司深表歉意!在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「大份干粮」*1,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1336156421 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#43#1500|1#11160003#1|2#1#100 state: 0 createTime: 1681729692000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【舌尖争擂】活动调整补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的空桑少主,   由于【舌尖争擂】活动在断开网络连接后有概率会出现无法登录游戏的问题,为确保少主的体验,管理司决定暂时关闭【舌尖争擂】活动,后续开启时间将另行通知,因活动关闭给少主游戏造成不便,管理司深表歉意!在此奉上补偿小礼:「金玉」*100、「大份干粮」*1、「擂主令」*1500,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 911326963 mailId: 306901 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240069#2 state: 1 createTime: 1622686263000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1336156422 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681788150000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1312267408 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#1019 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1677877216000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1122990662 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1651216736000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1338239849 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1074 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 0 createTime: 1682283612000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1152655903 mailId: 20347 params: attachment: 2#1#100|8#11110226#1|1#11160003#1|8#11100175#1 state: 1 createTime: 1655943063000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1121955956 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 4#2104#7 state: 1 createTime: 1651080001000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1349895902 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684362981379 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1121955953 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 17#160005#1 state: 1 createTime: 1651079943000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340055921 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#20000 state: 0 createTime: 1682526255000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 579064372 mailId: 20084 params: 握刀法·初 attachment: 2#26#100|2#2#10000|2#1#50 state: 1 createTime: 1596424453000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217170 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#1000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217171 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#2000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326913965 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680466587000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1298528222 mailId: 314501 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240145#2 state: 1 createTime: 1675676301000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177002139 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#6000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659687755000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217174 mailId: 151 params: attachment: 1#11190024#1|1#11090110#1|1#10000123#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177002138 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#5000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659687755000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1170589560 mailId: 301603 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#4 state: 1 createTime: 1658740316000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1139594065 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1654069140000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217172 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#3000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217173 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#4000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1225308104 mailId: 312303 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#4 state: 1 createTime: 1665223381000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 734725902 mailId: 20121 params: attachment: 1#10040006#10 state: 1 createTime: 1606333625000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326616020 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1680132602000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月30日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 695578547 mailId: 136 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1603335117000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1326616021 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680138030000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1203163518 mailId: 1145035 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662342003000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1178882190 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#1000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659952456000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 987576851 mailId: 20250 params: attachment: 1#10000123#1|2#11#3 state: 1 createTime: 1631134810000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1179023496 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#2000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1660014541000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 990566853 mailId: 309603 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#4 state: 1 createTime: 1631348761000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1347558019 mailId: 20052 params: 2#2693115#20 attachment: 2#7#330|2#2#33000 state: 1 createTime: 1684098014079 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1333924689 mailId: 20009 params: 3076 attachment: 2#8#500|2#1#140|2#2#14000 state: 0 createTime: 1681677011000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 990352340 mailId: 309604 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#5 state: 1 createTime: 1631446480000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337710957 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1682237047000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1170591506 mailId: 301604 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#5 state: 1 createTime: 1658839961000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1327150016 mailId: 20049 params: 辣椒#麻辣火锅 attachment: 1#11300001#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680440977000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1165347241 mailId: 20073 params: 黑白双子#1154 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1658005217000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1119899167 mailId: 20073 params: 百鬼众魅#1333 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1650834019000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1344809719 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683540387940 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1084446275 mailId: 20307 params: attachment: 2#1#100|8#11100166#1|1#11160003#1|8#11110209#1 state: 1 createTime: 1644887912000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1102285648 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1648020902000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 985541720 mailId: 1145015 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631007368000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 985541719 mailId: 1145014 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631007363000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1116087407 mailId: 20044 params: 1388 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1650142814000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1314825904 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1678318201000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月9日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1338176306 mailId: 20052 params: 3#822156#49 attachment: 2#7#110|2#2#11000 state: 1 createTime: 1682110810000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1239507216 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1097 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1667595622000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 629995903 mailId: 1145007 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599087158000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347526822 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#873 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#11#10|2#12#35 state: 0 createTime: 1683925213391 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 889486844 mailId: 301602 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#3 state: 1 createTime: 1619660314000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1312168141 mailId: 20052 params: 1#2304192#38 attachment: 2#7#165|2#2#16500 state: 1 createTime: 1678222809000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1304837437 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#1334 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1676667630000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1304132421 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 1 createTime: 1676843438000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1327167007 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#922 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#12#35|2#11#10 state: 1 createTime: 1680296415000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1205648601 mailId: 1145036 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662513914000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1100189334 mailId: 300803 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240008#4 state: 1 createTime: 1647591802000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1037201108 mailId: 20084 params: 大翻勺·初 attachment: 2#1#80|2#2#16000|2#26#250 state: 1 createTime: 1638151347000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330659927 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680940623000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1116091279 mailId: 20073 params: 较艺行拳#2172 attachment: 1#10000016#1|2#11#15|2#2#15000 state: 1 createTime: 1650470427000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1205648599 mailId: 1145037 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662513907000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 675661646 mailId: 20084 params: 握刀法·高 attachment: 2#26#200|2#1#70|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1601853930000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1207389946 mailId: 1145039 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662685739000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 987985902 mailId: 1145017 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631140431000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1207389945 mailId: 1145038 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662685734000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 639787820 mailId: 300701 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#2 state: 1 createTime: 1599556891000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1319607222 mailId: 20073 params: 海市蜃楼#482 attachment: 2#2#16000|2#11#11|2#12#40 state: 1 createTime: 1679086815000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1336237748 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日] attachment: 2#37#1 state: 0 createTime: 1681905991000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1255818696 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000264#1000|2#6#500|2#1#200|1#11190024#1 state: 1 createTime: 1670343601000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 12月7日开服小礼·一 content: 少主敬启:   空桑入口现已重新开放,一日不见,甚是想念。因停服一日间少主未能参与空桑内活动,管理司为少主备了些许特别开服小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 975481655 mailId: 300103 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240001#4 state: 1 createTime: 1630075571000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1096525903 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1646866801000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月10日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 656214536 mailId: 306201 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240062#2 state: 1 createTime: 1600656052000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 988286975 mailId: 309601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#2 state: 1 createTime: 1631154691000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1343341323 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683301792015 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1343341322 mailId: 20009 params: 1441 attachment: 2#1#150|2#2#16000|2#8#600 state: 0 createTime: 1682886606224 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 975481656 mailId: 300104 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240001#5 state: 1 createTime: 1630075584000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1200967817 mailId: 1145031 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662019712000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326905865 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680490176000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 805126877 mailId: 306601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240066#2 state: 1 createTime: 1611733687000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337351826 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1682284852000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1039096523 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11140976#1|1#11140975#1|1#11140979#1|1#11140978#1|1#11140977#1 state: 1 createTime: 1638413206000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 食物语必胜客联动礼包 content: 亲爱的少主,感谢您对本次联动的喜爱。联动限定礼包现已发送,请注意查收!空桑管理司 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1303958684 mailId: 142 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1676630805000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1039096522 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11140968#1|1#11140967#1|1#11140966#1|1#11140965#1|1#11140969#1 state: 1 createTime: 1638413206000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 食物语必胜客联动礼包 content: 亲爱的少主,感谢您对本次联动的喜爱。联动限定礼包现已发送,请注意查收!空桑管理司 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1038986436 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11140972#1|1#11140973#1|1#11140974#1|1#11140970#1|1#11140971#1 state: 1 createTime: 1638413206000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 食物语必胜客联动礼包 content: 亲爱的少主,感谢您对本次联动的喜爱。联动限定礼包现已发送,请注意查收!空桑管理司 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340402381 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日] attachment: 2#37#1 state: 0 createTime: 1682835313000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347529592 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1043 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1684098015784 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 972835542 mailId: 301101 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240011#2 state: 1 createTime: 1629980236000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 946483521 mailId: 135 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1627112950000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1228507158 mailId: 312304 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#5 state: 1 createTime: 1665645661000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 632145538 mailId: 1145008 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599274344000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1250206132 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 1 createTime: 1669244403000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 11月24日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1209936172 mailId: 1145040 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662822617000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1307759306 mailId: 314701 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240147#2 state: 1 createTime: 1677204956000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 697188023 mailId: 302703 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240027#4 state: 1 createTime: 1603442049000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1322375149 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 1 createTime: 1679868578000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1322308079 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000294#1000|1#10000293#1000 state: 1 createTime: 1679574130000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【误入桃源】调整补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的空桑少主,      为确保少主们的体验,本次更新后建造【农田】、【林场】时将仅消耗金瓜子,不再需要消耗稻谷或林木,在此奉上补偿小礼:「稻谷」*1000与「林木」*1000,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 885486466 mailId: 0 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1619055606000 sender: 且止微醺 title: 协会广播 content: 游戏上线了协会合并功能,我们接到了满级协会的联系,大家同意协会上扣1,不同意扣2,有其他建议可以私我。 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 972835513 mailId: 303301 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240033#2 state: 1 createTime: 1629980120000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 877628679 mailId: 301601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#2 state: 1 createTime: 1617895798000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1265955902 mailId: 155 params: attachment: 1#11190024#1|2#2#88888|1#10000123#2 state: 1 createTime: 1671661391000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187931520 mailId: 313802 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240138#3 state: 1 createTime: 1660818558000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 843897091 mailId: 308404 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#5 state: 1 createTime: 1614221675000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1200973530 mailId: 1145033 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662176149000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1323197836 mailId: 20049 params: 辣椒#麻辣火锅 attachment: 1#11300001#1 state: 1 createTime: 1679835636000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350939603 mailId: 20073 params: 楼兰奇兵#957 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#11#10|2#12#35 state: 0 createTime: 1684702816904 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1121965960 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#15903004#1 state: 1 createTime: 1651079988000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1323107206 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1134 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1679691622000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1151289282 mailId: 307501 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240075#2 state: 1 createTime: 1655862002000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1216976342 mailId: 20372 params: attachment: 14#150002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1663810465000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 856510573 mailId: 305204 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240052#5 state: 1 createTime: 1615516686000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1349901588 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684675507268 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1280302378 mailId: 312802 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240128#3 state: 1 createTime: 1673603367000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1349901587 mailId: 29 params: attachment: 1#11070001#500 state: 1 createTime: 1684675506795 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1341382292 mailId: 20073 params: 黑白双子#1067 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 0 createTime: 1683406814481 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1327168624 mailId: 20044 params: 836 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#12#35|2#11#10 state: 1 createTime: 1680382823000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1225826400 mailId: 312301 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#2 state: 1 createTime: 1665196326000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 908022638 mailId: 20073 params: 天道酬勤#1830 attachment: 2#11#8|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1622649618000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 579916263 mailId: 20084 params: 握刀法·初 attachment: 2#2#10000|2#1#50|2#26#100 state: 1 createTime: 1596430760000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187605939 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 11#140237#1 state: 1 createTime: 1660754695000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350988038 mailId: 20052 params: 3#1541148#26 attachment: 2#2#22000|2#7#220 state: 1 createTime: 1684702815654 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337351733 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1682284850000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 640090018 mailId: 300703 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#4 state: 1 createTime: 1599620885000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 936101967 mailId: 20238 params: 百才争魁 attachment: 1#11040002#1|1#10000157#200|2#12#20|1#11060006#5 state: 1 createTime: 1625815922000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 936101966 mailId: 20239 params: 百才争魁 attachment: 2#11#5|1#10000157#100|2#2#20000 state: 1 createTime: 1625815922000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1311557034 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1677713403000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月2日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350359546 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 0 createTime: 1684366201000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 5月18日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1217402652 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#300 state: 1 createTime: 1663933279000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 「牡丹蝎托」技能调整补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的少主:   很抱歉此次对于「牡丹蝎托」技能调整方案给少主带来了负面的体验,管理司在此向少主表达深切的歉意!   在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「金玉*300」,感谢少主的包容和理解。   对于9月21日及之前已拥有「牡丹蝎托」少主的追加补偿小礼,将随9月29日周版本更新后通过邮件发放,详情还请少主查看正式公告。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1308557423 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1192 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1677272413000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1217840387 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1320 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1664139622000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1172227656 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1|2#2#20000|1#10000238#300 state: 1 createTime: 1658980396000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 7月28日【万物守恒】小游戏补偿 content: 亲爱的空桑少主,   7月28日更新后的【万物守恒】小游戏玩法出现部分物品重量计算不正确的问题,目前该异常管理司已修复,对上述问题造成的不便,管理司深表歉意!在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「大份干粮」*1、「真金砝码」*300、「贝币」*20000,感谢少主的包容和理解。如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 《食物语》空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330663623 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1681085060000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1304840785 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1365 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1676840424000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1225826441 mailId: 312302 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#3 state: 1 createTime: 1665198224000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1221433684 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#926 attachment: 2#12#35|2#11#10|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1665176421000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 656214663 mailId: 306202 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240062#3 state: 1 createTime: 1600656270000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 983369475 mailId: 1145013 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1630772757000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 640089990 mailId: 99 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599620107000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1333575902 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1681342200000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月13日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 781518641 mailId: 307603 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240076#4 state: 1 createTime: 1609743563000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 985484568 mailId: 1145016 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631065426000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 639787911 mailId: 300702 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#3 state: 1 createTime: 1599558135000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337986153 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1681947000000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月20日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 988322626 mailId: 1145018 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631263183000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337986154 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681954043000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1322503548 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679795349000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 981805354 mailId: 1145012 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1630711040000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1333582028 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681657489000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 988322651 mailId: 309602 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#3 state: 1 createTime: 1631263485000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 643638254 mailId: 300704 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#5 state: 1 createTime: 1599758437000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1280076280 mailId: 20401 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1|8#11100286#1|8#11110258#1|2#1#100 state: 1 createTime: 1673486316000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1220346629 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11190024#10 state: 1 createTime: 1664421734000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 「牡丹蝎托」技能调整追加补偿 content: 亲爱的少主:很抱歉此次对于「牡丹蝎托」技能调整方案给少主带来了负面的体验,管理司在此向少主表达深切的歉意!在此特为少主奉上追加补偿小礼:「魂芯*10」、「膳具碎片·御*50」,补偿将分为两封邮件发放,感谢少主的包容和理解。如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行!空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187890037 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000244#500|2#2#20000|1#11160003#1 state: 1 createTime: 1660784412000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【沙排之王】活动延期补偿 content: 亲爱的少主:   由于【沙排之王】活动在特定机型下会出现异常问题,管理司正在加紧修复问题,为确保少主的体验,管理司决定将【沙排之王】活动统一调整至8月25日更新后开启,同时将活动结束时间顺延一周至9月14日23:59。因活动延期给少主游戏造成不便,管理司深表歉意!在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「大份干粮」*1、「水晶球」*500、「贝币」*20000,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 640090012 mailId: 1145009 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599620775000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 640090013 mailId: 1145010 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599620781000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1254257023 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#954 attachment: 2#11#10|2#12#35|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1670014812000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1209576358 mailId: 153 params: attachment: 1#11090077#1|1#11040003#1|2#12#20|4#2079#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662816114000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1343123916 mailId: 29 params: attachment: 2#1#10 state: 0 createTime: 1683433906254 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1343123917 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683433906879 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1209582025 mailId: 20084 params: 大翻勺·中 attachment: 2#2#18000|2#1#90|2#26#300 state: 1 createTime: 1662952913000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 697187935 mailId: 302702 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240027#3 state: 1 createTime: 1603440794000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1341063741 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1682891510000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1333742764 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1681682246000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1208007640 mailId: 20044 params: 1340 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1662843616000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1322496818 mailId: 311302 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240113#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679540548000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 952625954 mailId: 20248 params: attachment: 2#1#100|1#11160003#1|8#11110172#1|8#11100150#1 state: 1 createTime: 1627519900000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1203157585 mailId: 1145034 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662252091000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 700251220 mailId: 20073 params: 楼兰奇兵#3170 attachment: 2#12#25|2#2#11000 state: 1 createTime: 1603659612000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 982090081 mailId: 1145011 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1630630450000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337715792 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1682472637000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1119835983 mailId: 20052 params: 3#2401875#1 attachment: 2#2#80000|2#7#800 state: 1 createTime: 1650574813000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 925257429 mailId: 20229 params: 2591 attachment: 2#11#15|1#10000016#1|2#2#15000 state: 1 createTime: 1624464265000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1172229674 mailId: 306501 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240065#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659079788000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1172229672 mailId: 312801 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240128#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659079646000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1347528103 mailId: 20044 params: 805 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#11#10|2#12#35 state: 0 createTime: 1684011613196 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1207341582 mailId: 303404 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240034#5 state: 1 createTime: 1662712309000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1172229671 mailId: 312101 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240121#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659079628000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 625356991 mailId: 1145005 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598833947000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1326623465 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1680476286000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1323110179 mailId: 20073 params: 百鬼众魅#1062 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1679864420000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 619769615 mailId: 1145004 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598579392000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:30][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetAllMailsReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:30][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 32 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.16665866598487 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetAllMailsReply 116 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:30][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:30][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情播放完毕:nanguo.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:30][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:idle.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'playExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000487.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:32]bigbg/itemicon/1000487.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000485.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:32]bigbg/itemicon/1000485.png instance: @62ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:34][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:34][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:36]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1043.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:36]language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1043.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:36]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000490.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:36]bigbg/itemicon/1000490.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:36]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1000.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:36]language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1000.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:37]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000012.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:37]bigbg/itemicon/1000012.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:38][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情播放完毕:idle.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:38][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:kaixin.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'playExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 32 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ReadRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}incrId: 1326616021 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=32,cmd=2,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=6,status=0,size=20 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=32,cmd=2,status=0,size=97 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 37 change: 3 count: 7 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 118 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { materilType: 2 materilId: 37 change: 3 } getApproach: 22 getApproachSubId: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = MaterialChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 20 6 || 0 MaterialChangePush 119 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}userMail { incrId: 1326616021 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1680138030000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ReadReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 32 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.1000832952559 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 ReadReply 120 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_playermtrt isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview02.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/playerinfo/playermtrtakeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/playerinfo/playerrewarditem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_000_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_025_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_025_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:39]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:40][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:41][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 601 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 76 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = BondCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=76,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.100043207407 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 121 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=76,cmd=1,status=0,size=4562 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}altasCover: 0 bondCardInfos { defineId: 1024 level: 1 createTime: 1658368462 skills { skillId: 220571 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220573 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220572 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1025 level: 1 createTime: 1658368477 skills { skillId: 220251 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220253 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220252 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1026 level: 1 createTime: 1675676736 skills { skillId: 220523 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220522 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220521 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1027 level: 1 createTime: 1664406007 skills { skillId: 220711 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220713 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220712 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1028 level: 1 createTime: 1658368472 skills { skillId: 220731 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220733 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220732 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1029 level: 1 createTime: 1651078774 skills { skillId: 220513 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220512 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220511 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1030 level: 1 createTime: 1658368473 skills { skillId: 220331 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220333 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220332 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1031 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220963 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220962 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220961 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1032 level: 1 createTime: 1664529665 skills { skillId: 220623 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220622 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220621 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1033 level: 1 createTime: 1658368480 skills { skillId: 220403 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220402 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220401 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1034 level: 2 createTime: 1660210886 skills { skillId: 220113 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220112 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220111 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1035 level: 1 createTime: 1658368469 skills { skillId: 220391 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220393 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220392 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1036 level: 1 createTime: 1670223404 skills { skillId: 220583 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220582 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220581 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1037 level: 1 createTime: 1668654195 skills { skillId: 220833 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220832 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220831 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1038 level: 1 createTime: 1668654188 skills { skillId: 220851 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220853 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220852 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1039 level: 2 createTime: 1658368465 skills { skillId: 220843 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220842 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220841 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1040 level: 1 createTime: 1660210883 skills { skillId: 220673 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220672 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220671 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1041 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220663 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220662 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220661 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1042 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220783 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220782 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220781 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1043 level: 1 createTime: 1668654194 skills { skillId: 220263 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220262 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220261 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1044 level: 1 createTime: 1668654193 skills { skillId: 220651 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220653 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220652 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1045 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 221043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1046 level: 1 createTime: 1677838471 skills { skillId: 221211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1047 level: 1 createTime: 1664406004 skills { skillId: 220491 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220493 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220492 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1048 level: 1 createTime: 1668654190 skills { skillId: 220871 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220873 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220872 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1049 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 299991 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 299992 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 299993 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1050 level: 1 createTime: 1668654192 skills { skillId: 220411 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220413 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220412 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1051 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 220023 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220022 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220021 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1052 level: 1 createTime: 1677838469 skills { skillId: 220051 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220053 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220052 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1053 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220151 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220153 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220152 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1054 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220063 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220062 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220061 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1055 level: 1 createTime: 1675676734 skills { skillId: 220103 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220102 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220101 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1056 level: 1 createTime: 1670223401 skills { skillId: 220183 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220182 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220181 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1057 level: 1 createTime: 1673951419 skills { skillId: 220193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1058 level: 1 createTime: 1679401913 skills { skillId: 220203 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220202 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220201 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1059 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220231 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220233 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220232 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1060 level: 1 createTime: 1673951418 skills { skillId: 220243 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220242 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220241 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1061 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220273 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220272 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220271 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1062 level: 1 createTime: 1670223400 skills { skillId: 220283 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220282 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220281 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1063 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220291 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220293 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220292 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1064 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220303 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220302 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220301 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1065 level: 1 createTime: 1673951415 skills { skillId: 220311 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220313 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220312 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1066 level: 1 createTime: 1678934688 skills { skillId: 220383 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220382 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220381 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1067 level: 1 createTime: 1673951417 skills { skillId: 220353 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220352 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220351 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1068 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220363 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220362 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220361 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1069 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220323 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220322 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220321 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1070 level: 1 createTime: 1673951413 skills { skillId: 220371 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220373 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220372 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1071 level: 1 createTime: 1676019131 skills { skillId: 220423 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220422 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220421 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1072 level: 1 createTime: 1676019129 skills { skillId: 220443 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220442 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220441 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1073 level: 1 createTime: 1676019133 skills { skillId: 220451 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220453 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220452 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1074 level: 1 createTime: 1679401303 skills { skillId: 220463 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220462 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220461 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1075 level: 1 createTime: 1684969664 skills { skillId: 220471 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220473 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220472 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1076 level: 1 createTime: 1678934686 skills { skillId: 220483 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220482 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220481 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1077 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220503 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220502 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220501 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1078 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220543 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220542 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220541 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1079 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220551 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220553 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220552 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1080 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220563 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220562 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220561 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1081 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220951 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220953 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220952 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1082 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220971 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220973 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220972 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1083 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220983 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220982 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220981 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1084 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220993 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220992 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220991 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1085 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 221003 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 221002 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 221001 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1086 level: 1 createTime: 1684969663 skills { skillId: 220593 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220592 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220591 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1087 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220631 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220633 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220632 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1088 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220643 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220642 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220641 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1089 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220683 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220682 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220681 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1090 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220603 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220602 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220601 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3001 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 8 nextValue: 12 } skills { skillId: 9 intValue: 8 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 3 intValue: 10 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3003 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 11 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3004 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 14 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3005 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 17 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3006 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 20 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3007 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } skills { skillId: 24 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3008 level: 1 createTime: 1671037708 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 25 nextValue: 50 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3009 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 28 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3010 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 29 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3011 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 32 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3012 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 33 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2001 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 5 intValue: 14 nextValue: 17 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2002 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 6 intValue: 12 nextValue: 15 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2003 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 8 intValue: 12 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2004 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 4 intValue: 11 nextValue: 13 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2005 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 7 intValue: 400 nextValue: 500 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2006 level: 2 createTime: 1658047409 skills { skillId: 10 intValue: 6 nextValue: 9 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2007 level: 1 createTime: 1677838456 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2008 level: 1 createTime: 1673951394 skills { skillId: 13 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2009 level: 1 createTime: 1675676784 skills { skillId: 15 intValue: 30 nextValue: 60 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2010 level: 2 createTime: 1655368930 skills { skillId: 18 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2011 level: 1 createTime: 1679401898 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2012 level: 2 createTime: 1670223393 skills { skillId: 19 intValue: 180 nextValue: 270 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2013 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 21 intValue: 1500 nextValue: 1650 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2014 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 22 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2015 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 23 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2016 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 25 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2017 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 27 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2018 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 30 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2019 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 31 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2020 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 250 nextValue: 275 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1001 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220003 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220002 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220001 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1003 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1004 level: 1 createTime: 1640193452 skills { skillId: 220123 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220122 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220121 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1005 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220171 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } skills { skillId: 220173 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220172 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1006 level: 1 createTime: 1640193444 skills { skillId: 220211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1007 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1008 level: 4 createTime: 1640194895 skills { skillId: 220071 intValue: 40 nextValue: 50 } skills { skillId: 220073 intValue: 8 nextValue: 10 } skills { skillId: 220072 intValue: 4 nextValue: 5 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1009 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 221191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1010 level: 1 createTime: 1640193447 skills { skillId: 221223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1011 level: 1 createTime: 1651078768 skills { skillId: 220091 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220093 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220092 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1012 level: 2 createTime: 1651078779 skills { skillId: 220163 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220162 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220161 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1013 level: 1 createTime: 1651078771 skills { skillId: 220531 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220533 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220532 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1014 level: 1 createTime: 1651078773 skills { skillId: 220611 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220613 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220612 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1015 level: 3 createTime: 1651078766 skills { skillId: 220343 intValue: 6 nextValue: 8 } skills { skillId: 220342 intValue: 3 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220341 intValue: 30 nextValue: 40 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1016 level: 1 createTime: 1651078770 skills { skillId: 221031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220143 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220142 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220141 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1017 level: 1 createTime: 1651078778 skills { skillId: 220943 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220942 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220941 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1018 level: 1 createTime: 1658368470 skills { skillId: 220083 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220082 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220081 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1019 level: 1 createTime: 1651078777 skills { skillId: 220433 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220432 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220431 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1020 level: 1 createTime: 1651078763 skills { skillId: 220011 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220013 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220012 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1021 level: 1 createTime: 1651078776 skills { skillId: 220753 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220752 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220751 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1022 level: 1 createTime: 1658368479 skills { skillId: 220763 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220762 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220761 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1023 level: 1 createTime: 1651078775 skills { skillId: 220131 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220133 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220132 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = BondCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:42][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 76 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.16659799963236 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 BondCardInfoReply 122 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:43][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:43][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:43][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 602 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:43][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:43]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:43][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:43]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:43][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRichManMapRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:43][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityType: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:43]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:43]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:43]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:43][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:43][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:43][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066699083894491 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 123 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=1,status=0,size=1684 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityType: 1 gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 10 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRichManMapReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10001591593027 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRichManMapReply 124 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}handleGetRichManMapReply 0 activityType: 1 gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 10 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=52,id=310011 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyFacade: in function 'realEnterScene' logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]DestroyUnusedResources:43,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=52,id=310011 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{initGame}初始化游戏 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{initGame}table: 0x0143c310d0 { 1 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 11, 4 = 12, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{initGame}mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 10 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 10 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{setMapInfo}初始英雄位置为 :10 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{setMapInfo}初始化当前方向为 : 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{setMapInfo}table: 0x013dd6a908 { 1 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 1, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 1, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 2 = { x = 14, addition1 = "0", id = 2, y = 1, 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function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 4 = { x = 12, addition1 = "0", id = 4, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 5 = { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 5, y = 1, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902006#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 6 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 6, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 7 = { x = 9, addition1 = "0", id = 7, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902014#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 8 = { x = 8, addition1 = "0", id = 8, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 9 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 9, y = 1, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901074#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 10 = { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 10, y = 1, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 11 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 11, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902013#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 12 = { x = 4, addition1 = "0", id = 12, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 13 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 13, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901033#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 14 = { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 14, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 15 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 15, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903003#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 16 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 16, y = 2, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 17 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 17, y = 3, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901044#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 18 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 18, y = 4, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 19 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 19, y = 5, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902010#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 20 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 20, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 21 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 21, y = 2, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 22 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 22, y = 3, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902018#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 23 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 23, y = 4, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 24 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 24, y = 5, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901061#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 25 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 25, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 26 = { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 26, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903011#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 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= function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 29 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 29, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 30 = { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 30, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902004#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 31 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 31, y = 7, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 6, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 32 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 32, y = 8, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 33 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 33, y = 9, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902001#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 34 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 34, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 35 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 35, y = 11, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901074#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 36 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 36, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 37 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 37, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902002#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 38 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 38, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 39 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 39, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903010#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 40 = { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 40, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 41 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 41, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901054#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 42 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 42, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 43 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 43, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 11, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 44 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 44, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 45 = { x = 4, addition1 = "0", id = 45, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901062#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 46 = { x = 5, addition1 = "2012", id = 46, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 10, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 47 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 47, y = 13, 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function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 49 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 49, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902004#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 50 = { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 50, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 51 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 51, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901015#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 52 = { x = 8, addition1 = "0", id = 52, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 53 = { x = 9, addition1 = "0", id = 53, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 12, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, 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ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 55 = { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 55, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902001#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 56 = { x = 12, addition1 = "0", id = 56, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 57 = { x = 13, addition1 = "0", id = 57, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901060#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 58 = { x = 14, addition1 = "0", id = 58, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 59 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 59, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903007#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 60 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 60, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 61 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 61, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901003#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 62 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 62, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 63 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 63, y = 11, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901083#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 64 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 64, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 65 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 65, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902014#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 66 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 66, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 67 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 67, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901038#10", 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function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 69 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 69, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903006#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 70 = { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 70, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 71 = { x = 12, addition1 = "0", id = 71, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901006#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 72 = { x = 13, addition1 = "0", id = 72, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 73 = { x = 14, addition1 = "0", id = 73, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901039#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 74 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 74, y = 9, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 7, addition2 = "1#15902002#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 75 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 75, y = 8, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 76 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 76, y = 7, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901080#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 77 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 77, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 78 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 78, y = 5, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 5, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 79 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 79, y = 4, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 80 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 80, y = 3, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902020#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 81 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 81, y = 2, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{initBuff}初始化 buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{initBuff}table: 0x0142ad7150 { _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8ba0, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 2, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9180, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9070, number = 1, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 0, type = 3, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b8f60, name = "unqiueId", full_name = ".MapBuff.unqiueId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 2 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9e10, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9cf0, number = 2, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 1, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b9ba8, name = "defineId", full_name = ".MapBuff.defineId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 3 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2ba7f8, _sizer = function: 0x012e2ba6e8, number = 3, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 2, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2ba5d8, name = "remainCount", full_name = ".MapBuff.remainCount", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 4 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2bb288, _sizer = function: 0x012e2bb170, number = 4, default_value = 0, label = 1, index = 3, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2bb060, name = "addtional1", full_name = ".MapBuff.addtional1", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapBuff", full_name = ".MapBuff", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage.lua:0]:{}打开大富翁的界面 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/dice.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/monopolyview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowdown.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowleft.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowright.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowup.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/crack_017.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm-cj_noise_086.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm-cj_noise_090.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/crack_037.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_jwhy_mask_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_other_hgtg_003.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_sxtgy_mask_007.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_019.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_029.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_hudiefeiwu_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_014.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_xvanwo_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/monopolycell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onChangeBuff}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage.lua:0]:{}大富翁主界面加载完成的界面 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 203 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Act203GetInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityId: 10377 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=203,cmd=1,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_game_dfw_stage.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_075_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s76_sl/texture/g-s76_sl_tx_xuanwo.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_114.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_huxiguang_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_other_062.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_051.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_124.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s202_game_dfw/texture/g-s202_dfw_hztx_p04.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_hztx_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=203,cmd=1,status=0,size=95 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}完成地图设置: [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function 'onLoadAidHero' logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/controller/BaseController: in function 'localNotify' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyMap: in function '_onSetMapInfo' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyMap: in function 'onEnterSceneFinished' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyEffectComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}false 2150 false [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{onEnterSceneFinished}跟随食魂Id : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{onEnterSceneFinished}2150 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onLoadFollowHero}设置跟随食魂 ID: 2150 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onLoadFollowHero}跟随食魂spine先: 为跟随食魂设置位置方向 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_onLoadFollowHero' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function 'onEnterSceneFinished' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyEffectComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}false 2150 true [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onLoadFollowHero}table: 0x0141e157c8 { mover = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = 0.032199993729591, x = 8.0380987167358, }, 2 = { y = 0.032199993729591, x = 9.2380987167358, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x0141e06a58, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141dff1c8, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x0141df12e0, hasListener = function: 0x0141e09710, removeListener = function: 0x0141e00900, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141e01160, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141e053a8, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141e00038, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141dfecd0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141dff738, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x0141df0660, dispatch = function: 0x0141e0a010, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141e09b38, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0141deca80, hasListener = function: 0x0141e13f18, removeListener = function: 0x0141e08ca8, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141e13208, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141e09038, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141e06648, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141e06258, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141e0a810, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2299, _disposedCount = 1730, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2299, _disposedCount = 1730, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x0141df0660, dispatch = function: 0x0141e0a010, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141e09b38, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0141deca80, hasListener = function: 0x0141e13f18, removeListener = function: 0x0141e08ca8, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141e13208, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141e09038, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141e06648, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141e06258, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141e0a810, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2299, _disposedCount = 1730, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2299, _disposedCount = 1730, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, _compList = { 1 = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0141e116f0, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141e12ac8, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, dispatch = function: 0x0141df3988, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141dfd1e8, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, addListener = function: 0x0141df2d90, hasListener = function: 0x0141dffc70, removeListener = function: 0x0141df2588, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141df3da0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141df3140, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _spine = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e0bb28, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141df2968, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141e057f8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141df35c0, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, 2 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _unitHero = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAidHeroFinish = false, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x0141dd53f8, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0141e11f20, hasListener = function: 0x0141e13620, removeListener = function: 0x0141e126f0, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e0bb28, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141e0c780, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141e12308, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141e11b40, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141e0bfd0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141e12e80, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, 2 = { _dispatching = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0141df3988, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141dfd1e8, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, addListener = function: 0x0141df2d90, hasListener = function: 0x0141dffc70, removeListener = function: 0x0141df2588, class = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141df3da0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141df3140, _listenPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _spine = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0141e116f0, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141e12ac8, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e14b78, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, 2 = { handlerObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, handler = function: 0x0141dd53f8, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0141e11f20, hasListener = function: 0x0141e13620, removeListener = function: 0x0141e126f0, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e0bb28, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141e0c780, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141e12308, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141e11b40, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141e0bfd0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141e12e80, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141df2968, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141e057f8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141df35c0, _allListeners = { }, __index = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, 3 = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = 0.032199993729591, x = 8.0380987167358, }, 2 = { y = 0.032199993729591, x = 9.2380987167358, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x0141e06a58, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141dff1c8, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x0141df12e0, hasListener = function: 0x0141e09710, removeListener = function: 0x0141e00900, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141e01160, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141e053a8, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141e00038, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141dfecd0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141dff738, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x0141df0660, dispatch = function: 0x0141e0a010, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141e09b38, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x0141deca80, hasListener = function: 0x0141e13f18, removeListener = function: 0x0141e08ca8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141e13208, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141e09038, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141e06648, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141e06258, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141e0a810, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x0141df0660, dispatch = function: 0x0141e0a010, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141e09b38, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x0141deca80, hasListener = function: 0x0141e13f18, removeListener = function: 0x0141e08ca8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141e13208, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141e09038, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141e06648, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141e06258, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141e0a810, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, 4 = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = 0.032199993729591, x = 8.0380987167358, }, 2 = { y = 0.032199993729591, x = 9.2380987167358, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x0141e06a58, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141dff1c8, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x0141df12e0, hasListener = function: 0x0141e09710, removeListener = function: 0x0141e00900, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141e01160, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141e053a8, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141e00038, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141dfecd0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141dff738, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0141ded690, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0141ded690, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x0141e0a010, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141e09b38, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0141deca80, hasListener = function: 0x0141e13f18, removeListener = function: 0x0141e08ca8, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141e13208, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141e09038, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141e06648, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141e06258, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141e0a810, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, }, spinemover = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = 0.032199993729591, x = 8.0380987167358, }, 2 = { y = 0.032199993729591, x = 9.2380987167358, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x0141e06a58, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141dff1c8, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x0141df12e0, hasListener = function: 0x0141e09710, removeListener = function: 0x0141e00900, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141e01160, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141e053a8, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141e00038, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141dfecd0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141dff738, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0141ded690, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0141ded690, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x0141e0a010, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141e09b38, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0141deca80, hasListener = function: 0x0141e13f18, removeListener = function: 0x0141e08ca8, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141e13208, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141e09038, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141e06648, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141e06258, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141e0a810, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, id = 0, spine = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0141e116f0, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141e12ac8, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0141df3988, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141dfd1e8, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, addListener = function: 0x0141df2d90, hasListener = function: 0x0141dffc70, removeListener = function: 0x0141df2588, class = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141df3da0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141df3140, _listenPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _spine = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e0bb28, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141df2968, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141e057f8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141df35c0, _allListeners = { }, __index = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2299, _disposedCount = 1730, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2299, _disposedCount = 1730, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, 2 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _sceneCamera = { _followToArg = Framework.CameraFollowArg, _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _leftBound = -23.001269355653, dispatch = function: 0x014a5ad010, _topBound = 13.010951519012, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014a578be8, _follower = MainCamera (Framework.CameraMmoFollow), _mainCamera = MainCamera (UnityEngine.Camera), _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mainCameraComponent = MainCamera (UnityEngine.Camera), _primitiveOrthographicSize = 7.6190476417542, isOnEnterScene = true, _followCurArg = Framework.CameraFollowArg, addListener = function: 0x014a51aec8, hasListener = function: 0x014a5b2900, removeListener = function: 0x014a53c3e8, _bottomBound = -0.64095258712769, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a5b0590, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014a5a2b50, _rightBound = 22.24127103412, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014a558410, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014a53c300, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a5af3b8, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _unitHero = { mover = table, 超出指定深度:8, _compList = table, 超出指定深度:8, spinemover = table, 超出指定深度:8, id = 0, spine = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, boxColliderAdder = table, 超出指定深度:8, go = spine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = { 46 = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _loadAidHeroFinish = false, _scene = { _compList = table, 超出指定深度:8, interaction = table, 超出指定深度:8, gameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, _stageLoadFinishedObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, _stageLoadFinishedHandler = function: 0x01407d4460, factor = 循环引用: table: 0x01416d1ec0, _curBornZ = 0, cfgFinder = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _enterFinishedHandler = function: 0x01407d4430, camera = table, 超出指定深度:8, effects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _curBornX = 0, _isExiting = false, _curSceneId = 310011, _enterFinishedObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, globalTouch = table, 超出指定深度:8, map = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _pointPos = table, 超出指定深度:8, dispatch = function: 0x01442041e8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0144204c30, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _sceneFactor = 循环引用: table: 0x01416d1ec0, addListener = function: 0x01442065c8, hasListener = function: 0x01442032f0, removeListener = function: 0x0144205958, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0144203770, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144204688, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01442052e8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x0144206048, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0144203c70, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _infoHasReply = true, dispatch = function: 0x014a6db8d0, _stageUrl = "scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_game_dfw_stage.prefab", _stageInst = g-s202_game_dfw_stage(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), _safeAddListener = function: 0x014a6dd0d0, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stageLoaded = false, addListener = function: 0x014a6e1c30, hasListener = function: 0x014a6d86d0, removeListener = function: 0x014a6df290, _stageRes = Framework.Resource, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a6d9540, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014a6dc470, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014a6ddcf8, _mainViewLoadComplete = true, removeAllListener = function: 0x014a6e1178, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a6dacf8, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _id = 6, dispatch = function: 0x01359d88c0, _pools = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x01358e53a0, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _rules = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mulitLoader = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x0135787d90, hasListener = function: 0x0135a2d298, removeListener = function: 0x013585f1c0, _effectsParent = EffectsParent (UnityEngine.GameObject), class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0135a24b20, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x01358fc338, removeAllListener = function: 0x01357c1468, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAllFinish = true, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01358d1798, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _effects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0135a038a0, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, class = { New = function: 0x014219ba00, _handleEvent = function: 0x014c2806e8, create = function: 0x0142192390, _onAidHeroSpineChange = function: 0x014c2567d0, _createYunSprite = function: 0x014218bfe0, onExitScene = function: 0x014c2978b0, _onPassWayPoint = function: 0x014c27d1e0, onEnterScene = function: 0x014218f0f8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013e1b7f48, _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x014c26c8e0, onInit = function: 0x0142191a48, _loadHero = function: 0x014c2727b8, __cname = "MonopolySceneFactory", _onUpdateMap = function: 0x014c24e4b8, _readyStartGame = function: 0x014c28ffa0, onLoadAidHero = function: 0x014c256f70, _onLoadFollowHero = function: 0x014c267d90, _destroyHero = function: 0x014c290188, _isStartGame = function: 0x014c294790, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, ctor = function: 0x0142192080, onEnterSceneFinished = function: 0x014c298238, _onImageLoaded = function: 0x014c297a98, _handlerLeaderPosChanged = function: 0x014c2875e0, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = { }, __index = { New = function: 0x014219ba00, _handleEvent = function: 0x014c2806e8, create = function: 0x0142192390, _onAidHeroSpineChange = function: 0x014c2567d0, _createYunSprite = function: 0x014218bfe0, onExitScene = function: 0x014c2978b0, _onPassWayPoint = function: 0x014c27d1e0, onEnterScene = function: 0x014218f0f8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013e1b7f48, _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x014c26c8e0, onInit = function: 0x0142191a48, _loadHero = function: 0x014c2727b8, __cname = "MonopolySceneFactory", _onUpdateMap = function: 0x014c24e4b8, _readyStartGame = function: 0x014c28ffa0, onLoadAidHero = function: 0x014c256f70, _onLoadFollowHero = function: 0x014c267d90, _destroyHero = function: 0x014c290188, _isStartGame = function: 0x014c294790, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, ctor = function: 0x0142192080, onEnterSceneFinished = function: 0x014c298238, _onImageLoaded = function: 0x014c297a98, _handlerLeaderPosChanged = function: 0x014c2875e0, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x0141dd53f8, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2299, _disposedCount = 1730, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2299, _disposedCount = 1730, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0141e11f20, hasListener = function: 0x0141e13620, removeListener = function: 0x0141e126f0, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e0bb28, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141e0c780, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141e12308, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141e11b40, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141e0bfd0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141e12e80, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, class = { Update = function: 0x0143084b78, _initComponents = function: 0x0143084b48, New = function: 0x01430859b8, create = function: 0x0143086938, __cname = "MonopolyHero", super = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, __supers = { 1 = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430867b0, __index = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, boxColliderAdder = { _dispatching = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0141df3988, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141dfd1e8, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, addListener = function: 0x0141df2d90, hasListener = function: 0x0141dffc70, removeListener = function: 0x0141df2588, class = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141df3da0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141df3140, _listenPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _spine = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0141e116f0, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141e12ac8, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e14b78, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, 2 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e157c8, _unitHero = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAidHeroFinish = false, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x0141dd53f8, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0141e11f20, hasListener = function: 0x0141e13620, removeListener = function: 0x0141e126f0, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e0bb28, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0141e0c780, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141e12308, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141e11b40, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141e0bfd0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141e12e80, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x0141df2968, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141e057f8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141df35c0, _allListeners = { }, __index = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { Update = function: 0x0143084b78, _initComponents = function: 0x0143084b48, New = function: 0x01430859b8, create = function: 0x0143086938, __cname = "MonopolyHero", super = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, __supers = { 1 = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430867b0, __index = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=52,id=310011,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyEffectComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 101 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 52#310011 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}加载目标名字 spine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/common/spine/UnitCompSpine: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}false 2150 true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityId: 10377 score: 0 taskInfo { id: 1 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 2 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 3 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 4 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 5 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 6 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 7 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 8 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 9 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 10 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } hasBuyScore: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Act203GetInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 203 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.085512414574623 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 Act203GetInfoReply 125 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901050.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902006.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/itemicon/15902014.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901074.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902013.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901033.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901044.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902010.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902018.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901061.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903011.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901014.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902004.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902001.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902002.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903010.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901054.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901062.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901071.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901015.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901060.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903007.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901003.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901083.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901038.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/itemicon/15903006.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901006.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901039.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901080.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902020.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}加载目标名字 2012 46 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}助力食魂加载状态 true 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/common/spine/UnitCompSpine: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}true 2150 true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}加载目标名字 followHeroSpine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/common/spine/UnitCompSpine: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}true 2150 true [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_readyStartGame}MonopolySceneFactory:_readyStartGame sdfsdddddddddd [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}游戏正式开始 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:10:44][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onOpenInteraction}开启UI交互 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/210076.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/monopoly/monopoly_yun.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_01.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_03.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_04.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_02.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_01.png instance: @27ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_03.png instance: @27ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_04.png instance: @27ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:44]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_02.png instance: @27ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:45][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:45][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:10:46]GameDevice isFront = False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:10]GameDevice isFront = True [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11]++++++++++++++++拿到的tsssdk的c#的data长度313 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11]))))((((((转换为lua的buffer数据长度(((((313____________313 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 313 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}=============sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包完毕,等协议过去-=-============================= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11]__________删除tsssdk++++++sb数据________ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=1,size=325 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=13,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10021249949932 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SubmitAntiDataReply 0 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}骰子使用Buff : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}table: 0x0144010098 { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendGetRichManDicePathRequest}投掷骰子 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 3 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=3,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=3,status=0,size=21 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 37 change: 1 count: 6 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 1 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 2 gripPathes { gridIds: 11 gridIds: 12 } diceUpdate { } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.094605667516589 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRichManDicePathReply 2 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 2 gripPathes { gridIds: 11 gridIds: 12 } diceUpdate { } mapId: 1001 diceNums: 2 gripPathes { gridIds: 11 gridIds: 12 } diceUpdate { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:11][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{onStartRollMove}table: 0x0144036300 { 1 = gridIds: 11 gridIds: 12 , _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = mapId: 1001 diceNums: 2 gripPathes { gridIds: 11 gridIds: 12 } diceUpdate { } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d00d8, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012807cdb0, _sizer = function: 0x012e2d06a0, number = 1, default_value = { }, label = 3, index = 0, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2d0548, name = "gridIds", full_name = ".MapGridPath.gridIds", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapGridPath", full_name = ".MapGridPath", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendSelectRichManDicePathRequest}选择的路径为 : gridIds: 11 gridIds: 12 gridIds: 11 gridIds: 12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 gripPath { gridIds: 11 gridIds: 12 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=4,size=18 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=17 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=5,status=0,size=68 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=4,status=0,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 38 change: 2 count: 1936 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 3 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 38 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}gripPath { gridIds: 11 gridIds: 12 } direction: 3 gripUpdate { grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = RichManMoveDicePathPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 77 5 || 0 RichManMoveDicePathPush 4 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}推送移动 gripPath { gridIds: 11 gridIds: 12 } direction: 3 gripUpdate { grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x0141dbe638 { gridIds = { 1 = 11, 2 = 12, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x0141dbe680 { 1 = 10, 2 = 11, 3 = 12, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}阻碍UI交互 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:13][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066557750105858 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SelectRichManDicePathReply 5 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的方向为 : 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的位置为 : 12 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}开启UI交互 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}触发格子后 buff情况 : 数量 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}table: 0x014a506920 { _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8ba0, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 2, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9180, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9070, number = 1, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 0, type = 3, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b8f60, name = "unqiueId", full_name = ".MapBuff.unqiueId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 2 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9e10, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9cf0, number = 2, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 1, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b9ba8, name = "defineId", full_name = ".MapBuff.defineId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 3 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2ba7f8, _sizer = function: 0x012e2ba6e8, number = 3, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 2, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2ba5d8, name = "remainCount", full_name = ".MapBuff.remainCount", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 4 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2bb288, _sizer = function: 0x012e2bb170, number = 4, default_value = 0, label = 1, index = 3, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2bb060, name = "addtional1", full_name = ".MapBuff.addtional1", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapBuff", full_name = ".MapBuff", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}响应格子事件 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}table: 0x0141744ad0 { x = 4, addition1 = "0", id = 12, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}1星羁绊,趴趴 或者 点券 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_playermtrt isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview02.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/monopolyawardtip.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/monopolyawarditem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeViewPresentor.lua:0]:{buildViews}table: 0x014a591ba0 { 1 = { type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 2, materilType = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x01425bb618 { 1 = { materilType = 2, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x013e013490 { 1 = { materilType = 2, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:14][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_000_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_025_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_025_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:22][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:22][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:24][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:25][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController: in function 'enterMainScene' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyFacade: in function 'exitScene' logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyModel.lua:0]:{onReset}MonopolyModel重置 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 138 time: 43000 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_destroyHero}销毁目标名称 : spine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_destroyHero}销毁目标名称 : followHeroSpine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_destroyHero}销毁目标名称 : 2012 46 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=52,id=310011 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{openInAppEvent}打开IAE Card [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099956165999174 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 7 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]DestroyUnusedResources:81,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_050_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_055.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_057.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_02.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_collider.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_zjm.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_a.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_b.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_a.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_b.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:26]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27]language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab instance: @134ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27][@logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage.lua:0]:{_onAllLoaded}-------------主城主场景加载完毕,开始打开主界面--------------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 76 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = BondCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_stageLoadFinishedHandler}成功加载了一个新的场景的舞台,但当前场景还未进入完毕,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=76,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_checkAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZoneMgr: in function '_loadedCallback' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZone: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 100 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:11:27][@logic/extensions/pandora/controller/PandoraPanelController.lua:0]:{setPopReady}Pandora bPopReady= enterHallNoGuide [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 9#205 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/210123.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=76,cmd=1,status=0,size=4562 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}altasCover: 0 bondCardInfos { defineId: 1024 level: 1 createTime: 1658368462 skills { skillId: 220571 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220573 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220572 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1025 level: 1 createTime: 1658368477 skills { skillId: 220251 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220253 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220252 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1026 level: 1 createTime: 1675676736 skills { skillId: 220523 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220522 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220521 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1027 level: 1 createTime: 1664406007 skills { skillId: 220711 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220713 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220712 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1028 level: 1 createTime: 1658368472 skills { skillId: 220731 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220733 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220732 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1029 level: 1 createTime: 1651078774 skills { skillId: 220513 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220512 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220511 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1030 level: 1 createTime: 1658368473 skills { skillId: 220331 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220333 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220332 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1031 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220963 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220962 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220961 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1032 level: 1 createTime: 1664529665 skills { skillId: 220623 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220622 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220621 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1033 level: 1 createTime: 1658368480 skills { skillId: 220403 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220402 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220401 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1034 level: 2 createTime: 1660210886 skills { skillId: 220113 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220112 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220111 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1035 level: 1 createTime: 1658368469 skills { skillId: 220391 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220393 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220392 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1036 level: 1 createTime: 1670223404 skills { skillId: 220583 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220582 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220581 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1037 level: 1 createTime: 1668654195 skills { skillId: 220833 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220832 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220831 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1038 level: 1 createTime: 1668654188 skills { skillId: 220851 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220853 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220852 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1039 level: 2 createTime: 1658368465 skills { skillId: 220843 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220842 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220841 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1040 level: 1 createTime: 1660210883 skills { skillId: 220673 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220672 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220671 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1041 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220663 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220662 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220661 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1042 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220783 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220782 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220781 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1043 level: 1 createTime: 1668654194 skills { skillId: 220263 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220262 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220261 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1044 level: 1 createTime: 1668654193 skills { skillId: 220651 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220653 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220652 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1045 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 221043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1046 level: 1 createTime: 1677838471 skills { skillId: 221211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1047 level: 1 createTime: 1664406004 skills { skillId: 220491 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220493 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220492 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1048 level: 1 createTime: 1668654190 skills { skillId: 220871 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220873 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220872 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1049 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 299991 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 299992 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 299993 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1050 level: 1 createTime: 1668654192 skills { skillId: 220411 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220413 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220412 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1051 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 220023 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220022 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220021 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1052 level: 1 createTime: 1677838469 skills { skillId: 220051 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220053 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220052 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1053 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220151 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220153 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220152 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1054 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220063 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220062 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220061 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1055 level: 1 createTime: 1675676734 skills { skillId: 220103 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220102 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220101 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1056 level: 1 createTime: 1670223401 skills { skillId: 220183 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220182 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220181 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1057 level: 1 createTime: 1673951419 skills { skillId: 220193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1058 level: 1 createTime: 1679401913 skills { skillId: 220203 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220202 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220201 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1059 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220231 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220233 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220232 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1060 level: 1 createTime: 1673951418 skills { skillId: 220243 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220242 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220241 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1061 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220273 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220272 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220271 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1062 level: 1 createTime: 1670223400 skills { skillId: 220283 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220282 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220281 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1063 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220291 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220293 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220292 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1064 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220303 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220302 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220301 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1065 level: 1 createTime: 1673951415 skills { skillId: 220311 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220313 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220312 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1066 level: 1 createTime: 1678934688 skills { skillId: 220383 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220382 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220381 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1067 level: 1 createTime: 1673951417 skills { skillId: 220353 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220352 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220351 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1068 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220363 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220362 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220361 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1069 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220323 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220322 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220321 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1070 level: 1 createTime: 1673951413 skills { skillId: 220371 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220373 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220372 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1071 level: 1 createTime: 1676019131 skills { skillId: 220423 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220422 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220421 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1072 level: 1 createTime: 1676019129 skills { skillId: 220443 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220442 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220441 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1073 level: 1 createTime: 1676019133 skills { skillId: 220451 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220453 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220452 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1074 level: 1 createTime: 1679401303 skills { skillId: 220463 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220462 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220461 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1075 level: 1 createTime: 1684969664 skills { skillId: 220471 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220473 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220472 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1076 level: 1 createTime: 1678934686 skills { skillId: 220483 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220482 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220481 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1077 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220503 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220502 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220501 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1078 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220543 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220542 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220541 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1079 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220551 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220553 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220552 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1080 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220563 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220562 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220561 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1081 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220951 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220953 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220952 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1082 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220971 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220973 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220972 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1083 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220983 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220982 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220981 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1084 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220993 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220992 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220991 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1085 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 221003 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 221002 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 221001 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1086 level: 1 createTime: 1684969663 skills { skillId: 220593 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220592 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220591 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1087 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220631 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220633 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220632 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1088 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220643 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220642 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220641 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1089 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220683 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220682 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220681 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1090 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220603 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220602 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220601 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3001 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 8 nextValue: 12 } skills { skillId: 9 intValue: 8 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 3 intValue: 10 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3003 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 11 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3004 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 14 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3005 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 17 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3006 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 20 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3007 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } skills { skillId: 24 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3008 level: 1 createTime: 1671037708 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 25 nextValue: 50 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3009 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 28 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3010 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 29 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3011 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 32 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3012 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 33 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2001 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 5 intValue: 14 nextValue: 17 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2002 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 6 intValue: 12 nextValue: 15 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2003 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 8 intValue: 12 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2004 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 4 intValue: 11 nextValue: 13 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2005 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 7 intValue: 400 nextValue: 500 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2006 level: 2 createTime: 1658047409 skills { skillId: 10 intValue: 6 nextValue: 9 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2007 level: 1 createTime: 1677838456 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2008 level: 1 createTime: 1673951394 skills { skillId: 13 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2009 level: 1 createTime: 1675676784 skills { skillId: 15 intValue: 30 nextValue: 60 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2010 level: 2 createTime: 1655368930 skills { skillId: 18 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2011 level: 1 createTime: 1679401898 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2012 level: 2 createTime: 1670223393 skills { skillId: 19 intValue: 180 nextValue: 270 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2013 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 21 intValue: 1500 nextValue: 1650 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2014 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 22 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2015 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 23 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2016 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 25 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2017 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 27 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2018 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 30 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2019 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 31 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2020 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 250 nextValue: 275 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1001 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220003 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220002 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220001 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1003 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1004 level: 1 createTime: 1640193452 skills { skillId: 220123 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220122 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220121 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1005 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220171 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } skills { skillId: 220173 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220172 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1006 level: 1 createTime: 1640193444 skills { skillId: 220211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1007 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1008 level: 4 createTime: 1640194895 skills { skillId: 220071 intValue: 40 nextValue: 50 } skills { skillId: 220073 intValue: 8 nextValue: 10 } skills { skillId: 220072 intValue: 4 nextValue: 5 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1009 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 221191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1010 level: 1 createTime: 1640193447 skills { skillId: 221223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1011 level: 1 createTime: 1651078768 skills { skillId: 220091 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220093 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220092 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1012 level: 2 createTime: 1651078779 skills { skillId: 220163 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220162 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220161 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1013 level: 1 createTime: 1651078771 skills { skillId: 220531 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220533 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220532 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1014 level: 1 createTime: 1651078773 skills { skillId: 220611 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220613 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220612 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1015 level: 3 createTime: 1651078766 skills { skillId: 220343 intValue: 6 nextValue: 8 } skills { skillId: 220342 intValue: 3 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220341 intValue: 30 nextValue: 40 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1016 level: 1 createTime: 1651078770 skills { skillId: 221031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220143 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220142 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220141 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1017 level: 1 createTime: 1651078778 skills { skillId: 220943 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220942 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220941 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1018 level: 1 createTime: 1658368470 skills { skillId: 220083 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220082 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220081 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1019 level: 1 createTime: 1651078777 skills { skillId: 220433 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220432 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220431 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1020 level: 1 createTime: 1651078763 skills { skillId: 220011 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220013 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220012 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1021 level: 1 createTime: 1651078776 skills { skillId: 220753 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220752 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220751 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1022 level: 1 createTime: 1658368479 skills { skillId: 220763 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220762 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220761 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1023 level: 1 createTime: 1651078775 skills { skillId: 220131 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220133 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220132 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = BondCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:27][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 76 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099991291761398 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 BondCardInfoReply 8 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_05.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_03.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_09.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_02.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_10.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_20.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_06.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_05.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_03.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_09.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_02.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_10.png instance: @28ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_20.png instance: @28ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_06.png instance: @28ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_01.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_04.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_01.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:28]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_04.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:29][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_restaurant_1 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercardtip_bg.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fettercard/fettercardtip.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fettercard/fettercardtipcell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901002.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_big_05.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:29]bigbg/itemicon/15901002.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:29]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_big_05.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_25.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_22.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_28.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:30]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_25.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:30]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_22.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:30]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_28.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_08.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_31.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_21.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:30]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_08.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:30]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_31.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:30]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_21.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_26.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_33.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_24.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_26.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_33.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_24.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_55.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_40.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_44.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_55.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_40.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_44.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_54.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_46.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_49.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_54.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_46.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_49.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_39.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_30.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_19.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_39.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_30.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_19.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_29.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_36.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_61.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_29.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_36.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_61.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_67.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_53.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_43.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_67.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_53.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_43.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_07.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_72.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_34.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_07.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_72.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_34.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_27.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_35.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_65.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_27.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_35.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_65.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_80.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_23.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_47.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_80.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_23.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:31]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_47.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_83.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_79.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_37.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:32]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_83.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:32]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_79.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:32]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_37.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_66.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_75.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_71.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:32]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_66.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:32]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_75.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:32]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_71.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:33][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:33][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:33]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_51.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:33]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_57.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:33]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_42.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:33]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_51.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:33]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_57.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:33]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_42.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:33]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_50.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:33]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_48.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:33]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_82.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:33]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_50.png instance: @33ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:33]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_48.png instance: @34ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:33]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_82.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_81.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_99.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_74.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_81.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_99.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_74.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_89.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_58.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_59.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_89.png instance: @66ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_58.png instance: @67ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_59.png instance: @98ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_62.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_64.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_70.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_62.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_64.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:35]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_70.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_78.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_63.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_45.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_78.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_63.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_45.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_52.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_56.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_32.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_52.png instance: @66ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_56.png instance: @67ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_32.png instance: @67ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_38.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_103.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901090.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_102.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901089.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_38.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_103.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]bigbg/itemicon/15901090.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_102.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:36]bigbg/itemicon/15901089.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_101.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901088.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_100.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901087.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_98.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901085.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_101.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]bigbg/itemicon/15901088.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_100.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]bigbg/itemicon/15901087.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_98.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]bigbg/itemicon/15901085.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_96.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901084.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_95.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901083.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_97.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901082.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_96.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]bigbg/itemicon/15901084.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_95.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]bigbg/itemicon/15901083.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_97.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:37]bigbg/itemicon/15901082.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:44][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:44][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:47][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901039.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_big_47.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:47]bigbg/itemicon/15901039.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:47]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_big_47.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:51][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:53][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901008.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_big_07.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:53]bigbg/itemicon/15901008.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:53]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_big_07.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:55][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:55][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:11:57][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:1][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901022.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:1]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_big_29.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:1]bigbg/itemicon/15901022.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:1]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_big_29.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 76 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = BondCardOneStrengthenRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}defineId: 1022 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=76,cmd=4,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=10,cmd=1,status=0,size=28 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=21 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=2,status=0,size=2811 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=4,status=0,size=162 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { itemId: 15901022 count: 25 lastUseTime: 1626510379000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ItemChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 10 1 || 0 ItemChangePush 12 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=76,cmd=4,status=0,size=51 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 2 change: 20000 count: 56503478 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 13 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 100 infos { id: 1769919871 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919869 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787390 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919857 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919854 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919852 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1776643062 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919849 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 122549076 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1527341331 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 806571529 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1667319675 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256909552 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1667319674 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256909553 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1667319677 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1353123002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1667319678 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 19102466 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787358 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 139170401 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1579542537 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1042575880 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 32553408 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580167 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580165 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580162 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580163 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1495992093 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580160 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580161 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 929223002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580170 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580168 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580169 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1403763092 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 173450768 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1326385990 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 16286900 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256903866 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1550020658 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1659193009 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 141141567 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1556865181 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1768243004 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1768243003 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1768243002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5039151 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1728547171 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1409263002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1556865186 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 803130807 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1540127655 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1550020631 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1540127668 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1550020635 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1538069974 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1242049140 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1196873002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5039153 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1540127665 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5039154 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 74123796 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256909933 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 59476231 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1254799941 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1123538534 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 52174218 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 52174213 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1254799957 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813517 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1064406992 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813516 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813519 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813518 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1582457078 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813513 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256909390 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813512 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1254799968 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5033214 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1762243005 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1762243004 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1254799996 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5033206 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1220603002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1579542682 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580150 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1473115405 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1403764074 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1467314612 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580148 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580149 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787445 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580146 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580147 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580144 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580159 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1473115399 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580157 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787453 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580154 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787451 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580155 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580152 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580153 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580130 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1495119816 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580131 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1471753583 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580142 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580143 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5035157 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580141 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1448163468 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5035153 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5035154 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1732380060 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5035155 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1732380061 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1556865069 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 638844155 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787422 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787423 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580124 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787420 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580125 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 871601438 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580123 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919888 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919889 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919886 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919887 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1210233043 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1688445520 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919882 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919883 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919880 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919877 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787405 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919873 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1630110761 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1691086285 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188332 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188334 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1733974603 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 871601894 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1733974595 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1733974599 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636547732 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1714072328 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1477135150 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1650945359 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 948151721 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188300 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188303 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1326386238 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1121775078 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 803129502 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1738511581 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 253111388 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1403765991 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1574223002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 253111385 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1574223003 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 72174877 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1471082748 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 670426281 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1650945850 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 727488574 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1353955280 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1733974591 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1733974589 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1235910338 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1688445385 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1723400150 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1752272129 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188241 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188242 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188245 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1471082715 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188244 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1100371683 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1531953207 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 803129509 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 835915439 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1326386289 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1420401111 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 38051270 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 281428802 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636549646 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636549658 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1765604009 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1437580302 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1716870647 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1123537759 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1650944973 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636549669 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 643109371 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636549689 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256904537 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 213752581 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636549682 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256909654 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1488373003 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1651257810 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5033867 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1696416474 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1776586286 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1353955192 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1744083003 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188403 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188405 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188404 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188407 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188406 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1631604887 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5985667 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188410 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5985670 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5034899 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1775084075 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188362 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188365 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1123538202 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1536287871 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1123538200 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188368 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1736907892 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 643108768 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1465217186 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 948152187 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1421582657 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 133 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 117 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateRedDotPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 49 2 || 0 UpdateRedDotPush 14 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}playerInfo { userId: 273900 name: 小怪兽 gender: 1 portrait: 11100284 exp: 1797473 signature: chefTitle: 0 roleNum: 120 heroRate: 82.2 dungeonCount: 8094 longWarCount: 3554 serialLoginDays: 2 totalLoginDays: 801 heroCharCover: 2150 frame: 11110265 touchCountLeft: 0 registerTime: 1567475037 lastLogoutTime: 1684933651 birthday: 10-10 pvpScore: 1541 pvpFightCount: 770 usingSkinId: 110113 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 characterCover { heroCharCover: 2150 lastUpdateTime: 1682528931 autoChangeDaily: false } isReturn: false mentorRoleId: 1 worldLevel: 100 settingInfos { settingId: 1 isOpen: false } settingInfos { settingId: 2 isOpen: true } bondCardAtlasLevel: 19 bondCardAtlasCover: 0 chatBubbleId: 11640005 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = PlayerInfoPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 20 4 || 0 PlayerInfoPush 15 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1002 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEPowerFull}removepush id 1002 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1003 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 11 : 30 的推送 推送ID为 1003 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1004 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 17 : 30 的推送 推送ID为 1004 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1005 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setExploreFinish}注册了 27534.982000113 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1005 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1006 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setCookFinish}注册了 47915.802000046 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1006 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1007 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 8 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1007 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1008 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 12 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1008 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1009 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 16 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1009 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1010 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 20 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1010 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1011 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 3 的 8 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1011 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1012 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 5 的 16 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1012 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1013 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 0 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1013 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1014 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1015 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1016 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 7 的 0 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1016 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1017 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 0 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1017 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1018 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 2 的 0 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1018 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1019 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 20 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1019 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1020 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 7 的 12 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1020 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1021 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 12 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1021 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1022 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1023 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1024 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1025 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1026 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1027 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1028 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1029 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1030 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1031 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1032 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1033 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1034 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1035 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1036 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1037 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1038 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1039 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1040 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1042 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1043 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1044 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1045 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1046 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1047 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1048 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1049 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1050 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1051 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1052 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1053 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1054 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1055 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1056 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1057 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1058 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1059 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1060 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1061 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1062 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1063 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1064 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1065 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1066 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1067 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1068 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1069 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1070 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1071 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1072 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1073 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1074 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1075 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1076 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1077 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1078 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1079 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1080 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1081 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1082 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1083 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1084 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1085 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1086 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1087 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1088 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1089 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1090 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1091 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1092 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1093 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1094 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1095 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1096 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1097 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1098 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1099 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1100 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1101 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1102 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1103 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1104 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1105 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1106 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1107 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1108 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1109 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1110 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1111 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1112 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1113 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1114 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1115 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1116 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1117 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1118 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1119 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1120 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1121 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1122 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1123 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1124 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1125 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1126 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1127 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1128 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1129 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1130 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1131 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1132 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1133 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1134 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1135 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1136 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1137 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1138 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1139 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1140 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1141 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1142 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1143 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1144 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1145 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1146 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1147 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1148 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1149 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1150 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1151 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1152 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1153 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1154 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1155 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1156 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1157 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1158 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1159 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1160 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1161 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1162 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1163 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1164 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1165 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1166 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1167 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1168 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1169 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1170 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1171 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1172 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1173 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1174 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1175 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1176 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1177 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1178 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1179 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1180 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1181 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1182 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1183 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1184 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1185 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1186 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1187 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1188 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1189 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1190 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1191 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1192 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1193 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1194 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1195 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1196 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1197 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1042 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1043 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}注册了 432000 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}bondCardInfo { defineId: 1022 level: 2 createTime: 1658368479 skills { skillId: 220763 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220762 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220761 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = BondCardOneStrengthenReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 76 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13963462039828 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 BondCardOneStrengthenReply 16 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 22 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroInfoListRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=22,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_equipandmail isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fettercard/fettercardupgradeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/materials/ui_image_additive.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fettercard/fettercardupgradecell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_shengxingqianghua.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_shengxingqianghua.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15801022.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_000_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_025_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_050_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_003.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_012.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_shengxingqianghua.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]bigbg/itemicon/15801022.png instance: @66ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=22,cmd=1,status=0,size=58359 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heros { heroId: 1769919871 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598113000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919869 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2075 baseAttr { hp: 1164 atk: 133 def: 157 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598113000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100076 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787390 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2086 baseAttr { hp: 1131 atk: 128 def: 114 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118876000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100086 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919857 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598080000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919854 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598080000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919852 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2078 baseAttr { hp: 1028 atk: 144 def: 96 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598080000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100071 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1776643062 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683767903279 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919849 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598080000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 122549076 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2031 baseAttr { hp: 7675 atk: 708 def: 720 critic: 190 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2770 atk: 75 def: 240 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 120 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1569325507000 rank: 4 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203104 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41203101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203103 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 1155575 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 2 skinId: 100033 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2770 atk: 75 def: 240 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 120 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2770 atk: 75 def: 240 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 120 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1527341331 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2134 baseAttr { hp: 1223 atk: 134 def: 139 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1653893286000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300024 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100146 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 806571529 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2092 baseAttr { hp: 3590 atk: 424 def: 372 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 931 atk: 54 def: 166 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1594288591000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 101349 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100096 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 931 atk: 54 def: 166 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 931 atk: 54 def: 166 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1667319675 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2072 baseAttr { hp: 1294 atk: 129 def: 141 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1671186207000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100089 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256909552 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2071 baseAttr { hp: 2612 atk: 228 def: 300 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622687551000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10164 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140210 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1667319674 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2144 baseAttr { hp: 2487 atk: 245 def: 267 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1671186199000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10080 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300023 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100156 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256909553 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622687551000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1667319677 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2091 baseAttr { hp: 1256 atk: 141 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1671186220000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100095 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160029 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1353123002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2065 baseAttr { hp: 2707 atk: 340 def: 259 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 90 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1631140442000 rank: 2 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 24024 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300039 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300027 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100077 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160002 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1667319678 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2077 baseAttr { hp: 1353 atk: 134 def: 114 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1671186232000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100070 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160028 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 19102466 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2013 baseAttr { hp: 1108 atk: 135 def: 101 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567555953000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41201300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300020 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100018 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787358 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118863000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 139170401 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2078 baseAttr { hp: 1028 atk: 144 def: 96 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1569772015000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100071 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1579542537 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2085 baseAttr { hp: 1122 atk: 127 def: 119 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660800917000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100080 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160026 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1042575880 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2066 baseAttr { hp: 3660 atk: 414 def: 397 critic: 117 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606398483000 rank: 2 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 102276 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100078 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 6 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 32553408 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567685917000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580167 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2150 baseAttr { hp: 1347 atk: 134 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752168 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41215000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300044 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300040 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100166 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580165 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2041 baseAttr { hp: 1142 atk: 108 def: 106 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752166 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41204100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100043 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580162 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2057 baseAttr { hp: 1265 atk: 113 def: 132 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752163 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100060 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580163 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2058 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 120 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752164 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41205800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205810 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100059 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1495992093 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2132 baseAttr { hp: 2572 atk: 241 def: 262 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1648797136000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10164 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100143 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580160 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744277 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580161 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 928 atk: 128 def: 99 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752161 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100041 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 929223002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2009 baseAttr { hp: 2655 atk: 233 def: 272 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1599089697000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41200900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9660 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100012 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580170 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 928 atk: 128 def: 99 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752171 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100041 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580168 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2023 baseAttr { hp: 1285 atk: 98 def: 115 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752169 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100025 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580169 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752170 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1403763092 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1637805520000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 173450768 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2005 baseAttr { hp: 1149 atk: 121 def: 130 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1570531499000 rank: 1 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41200500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100010 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1326385990 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2021 baseAttr { hp: 2112 atk: 293 def: 217 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1629946322000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41202100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10164 state: 5 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100015 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 16286900 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2037 baseAttr { hp: 3684 atk: 363 def: 347 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567521840000 rank: 2 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 101574 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100039 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256903866 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2119 baseAttr { hp: 2088 atk: 241 def: 239 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622685696000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41211907 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41211905 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41211906 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 10080 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 5 skinId: 140142 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1550020658 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1657639267000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1659193009 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1669856475000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 141141567 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2033 baseAttr { hp: 3438 atk: 363 def: 373 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1326 atk: 100 def: 145 critic: 18 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 8 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1569824735000 rank: 2 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41203307 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203308 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203309 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 101976 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140132 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1326 atk: 100 def: 145 critic: 18 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 8 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1326 atk: 100 def: 145 critic: 18 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 8 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1556865181 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2136 baseAttr { hp: 2242 atk: 266 def: 257 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 1000 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1658369122000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10164 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100148 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1768243004 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2110 baseAttr { hp: 1465 atk: 171 def: 169 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682527669000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41211000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 374 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140285 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1768243003 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2149 baseAttr { hp: 6227 atk: 739 def: 653 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 960 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1140 atk: 274 def: 239 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 19 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682526992000 rank: 4 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 780581 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100165 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1140 atk: 274 def: 239 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 19 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1845 atk: 251 def: 172 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 142 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1768243002 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2150 baseAttr { hp: 7041 atk: 704 def: 584 critic: 190 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 4520 atk: 200 def: 412 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 136 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682526972000 rank: 4 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41215000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 784003 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300044 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300040 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100166 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 4520 atk: 200 def: 412 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 136 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 4520 atk: 200 def: 412 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 136 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5039149 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2034 baseAttr { hp: 7884 atk: 668 def: 778 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 690 atk: 43 def: 86 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567478608000 rank: 5 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41203407 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203408 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203409 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1991453 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140241 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 690 atk: 43 def: 86 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 690 atk: 43 def: 86 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 690 atk: 43 def: 86 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 690 atk: 43 def: 86 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5039151 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2074 baseAttr { hp: 6060 atk: 507 def: 590 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567478608000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207404 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41207410 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207403 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 420853 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300024 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 2 skinId: 100068 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160023 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1728547171 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2121 baseAttr { hp: 1386 atk: 140 def: 103 critic: 120 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676011761000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100130 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1409263002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2089 baseAttr { hp: 1166 atk: 120 def: 130 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1638399948000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100091 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 937586058 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2007 baseAttr { hp: 7657 atk: 1073 def: 767 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2395 atk: 292 def: 224 critic: 339 critic_dmg: 154 dodge: 18 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1599556563000 rank: 5 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200707 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200708 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200709 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2531010 state: 385 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300023 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140237 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2395 atk: 292 def: 224 critic: 339 critic_dmg: 154 dodge: 18 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 4552 atk: 181 def: 310 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 96 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 700 atk: 69 def: 118 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2395 atk: 292 def: 224 critic: 339 critic_dmg: 154 dodge: 18 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 34 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1556865186 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1658369122000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 803130807 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2011 baseAttr { hp: 3250 atk: 384 def: 365 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1594261902000 rank: 2 luck: 2 sks { skillId: 41201107 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201108 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201106 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 102102 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 6 skinId: 140065 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160005 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1540127655 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2030 baseAttr { hp: 1243 atk: 118 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655952407000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41203000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100032 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1550020631 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2004 baseAttr { hp: 1252 atk: 138 def: 123 critic: 120 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1657639203000 rank: 1 luck: 2 sks { skillId: 41200400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300044 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100007 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1540127668 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2135 baseAttr { hp: 2900 atk: 249 def: 205 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655952423000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9438 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100147 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1550020635 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2060 baseAttr { hp: 1132 atk: 128 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1657639203000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140236 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1538069974 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655861211000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1242049140 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1620372829000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1196873002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2066 baseAttr { hp: 1228 atk: 136 def: 133 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1615414953000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100078 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 6 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5039153 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2001 baseAttr { hp: 7973 atk: 791 def: 837 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1146 atk: 41 def: 224 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567478608000 rank: 5 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41200107 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200108 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200109 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2273497 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300018 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140110 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1146 atk: 41 def: 224 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1146 atk: 41 def: 224 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1540127665 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2060 baseAttr { hp: 1132 atk: 128 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655952423000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140236 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5039154 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567478608000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 74123796 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2038 baseAttr { hp: 5535 atk: 730 def: 640 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 960 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1941 atk: 73 def: 273 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 11 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1568270658000 rank: 4 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41203807 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203808 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203809 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1037043 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140022 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1941 atk: 73 def: 273 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 11 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1941 atk: 73 def: 273 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 11 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256909933 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2120 baseAttr { hp: 3825 atk: 379 def: 452 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622687947000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 102066 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100125 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 59476231 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2022 baseAttr { hp: 3982 atk: 464 def: 376 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 80 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1568075268000 rank: 3 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41202207 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202208 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202209 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 367413 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140013 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1254799941 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2075 baseAttr { hp: 1164 atk: 133 def: 157 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622529094000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100076 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1123538534 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2044 baseAttr { hp: 1324 atk: 115 def: 114 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611801559000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41204400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 8 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300020 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100046 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 52174218 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2044 baseAttr { hp: 5796 atk: 454 def: 512 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 80 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567942458000 rank: 3 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41204407 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41204408 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41204409 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 420810 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300020 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140140 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 52174213 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2026 baseAttr { hp: 3633 atk: 546 def: 366 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 780 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567942443000 rank: 3 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41202607 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202608 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202609 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 420992 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 100028 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1254799957 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2085 baseAttr { hp: 1122 atk: 127 def: 119 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622529157000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100080 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160026 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813517 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1064406992 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2104 baseAttr { hp: 2187 atk: 242 def: 216 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606896346000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210407 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41210408 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41210406 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 9400 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 6 skinId: 140214 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160037 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813516 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813519 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813518 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2012 baseAttr { hp: 1160 atk: 122 def: 125 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41201200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100017 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1582457078 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660819892000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813513 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256909390 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622687364000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813512 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2095 baseAttr { hp: 1252 atk: 137 def: 124 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100109 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1162443744 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2084 baseAttr { hp: 9682 atk: 1073 def: 725 critic: 270 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2744 atk: 374 def: 303 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 181 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1613022530000 rank: 5 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208407 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41208408 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41208409 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2531010 state: 385 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300024 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140047 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2744 atk: 374 def: 303 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 181 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 4595 atk: 230 def: 461 critic: 134 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 25 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 5075 atk: 78 def: 299 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 224 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2744 atk: 374 def: 303 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 181 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1254799968 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2069 baseAttr { hp: 3276 atk: 377 def: 368 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1471 atk: 192 def: 155 critic: 124 critic_dmg: 92 dodge: 13 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622529188000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206907 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41206908 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41206909 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 102098 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140096 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1471 atk: 192 def: 155 critic: 124 critic_dmg: 92 dodge: 13 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1471 atk: 192 def: 155 critic: 124 critic_dmg: 92 dodge: 13 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5033214 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2012 baseAttr { hp: 4645 atk: 541 def: 508 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 780 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1046 atk: 41 def: 170 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567475140000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41201204 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41201205 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41201206 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 420744 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 4 skinId: 140219 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1046 atk: 41 def: 170 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1046 atk: 41 def: 170 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1762243005 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2148 baseAttr { hp: 1183 atk: 123 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1681340073000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100161 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1762243004 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1681340073000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1254799996 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2075 baseAttr { hp: 1164 atk: 133 def: 157 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622529224000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 32 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100076 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5033206 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2000 baseAttr { hp: 2424 atk: 233 def: 197 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567475122000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41200007 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200008 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200009 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 9291 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300001 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140042 quality: 4 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160016 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1220603002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2075 baseAttr { hp: 3451 atk: 401 def: 460 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1617834827000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207503 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 101340 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 1 skinId: 100076 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1579542682 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2138 baseAttr { hp: 1242 atk: 130 def: 186 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660801020000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 32 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100150 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580150 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2045 baseAttr { hp: 961 atk: 115 def: 94 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710381 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41204500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100105 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1473115405 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2097 baseAttr { hp: 3742 atk: 410 def: 330 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 4575 atk: 184 def: 128 critic: 75 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1645170009000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209703 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 97596 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 1 skinId: 100101 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 4575 atk: 184 def: 128 critic: 75 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 184 def: 128 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1403764074 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2095 baseAttr { hp: 1252 atk: 137 def: 124 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1637805774000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100109 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1467314612 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1644563824000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580148 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710379 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580149 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710380 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787445 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118895000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580146 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2023 baseAttr { hp: 1285 atk: 98 def: 115 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710377 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100025 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580147 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2041 baseAttr { hp: 1142 atk: 108 def: 106 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710378 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41204100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100043 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580144 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2018 baseAttr { hp: 979 atk: 121 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710375 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41201800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100021 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580159 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 928 atk: 128 def: 99 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744276 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100041 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1473115399 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1645170009000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580157 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2036 baseAttr { hp: 913 atk: 115 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744274 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100038 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787453 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2147 baseAttr { hp: 3053 atk: 388 def: 408 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 536 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2474 atk: 163 def: 196 critic: 23 critic_dmg: 110 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118895000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 64840 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100159 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2474 atk: 163 def: 196 critic: 23 critic_dmg: 110 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2474 atk: 163 def: 196 critic: 23 critic_dmg: 110 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580154 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2079 baseAttr { hp: 1228 atk: 108 def: 93 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744271 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300001 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100072 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787451 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2057 baseAttr { hp: 1265 atk: 113 def: 132 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118895000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100060 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580155 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744272 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580152 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2050 baseAttr { hp: 1284 atk: 120 def: 106 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744269 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41205000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100055 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580153 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2024 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 122 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744270 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100026 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580130 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2063 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 126 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683360326328 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300018 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100104 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1495119816 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1648695137000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580131 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683360326329 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1471753583 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1644892493000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580142 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2064 baseAttr { hp: 1212 atk: 99 def: 122 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710373 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100097 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580143 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710374 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5035157 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2040 baseAttr { hp: 7067 atk: 883 def: 801 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476915000 rank: 5 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41204007 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41204008 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41204009 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1918926 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140036 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 5185 atk: 126 def: 262 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 224 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580141 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2024 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 122 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710371 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100026 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1448163468 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2010 baseAttr { hp: 1299 atk: 134 def: 124 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1643388458000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41201000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100016 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5035153 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2006 baseAttr { hp: 2058 atk: 187 def: 166 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476915000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 2310 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140187 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5035154 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2056 baseAttr { hp: 2346 atk: 230 def: 220 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476915000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9403 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100057 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1732380060 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676722480000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5035155 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2003 baseAttr { hp: 3762 atk: 402 def: 384 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 80 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476915000 rank: 3 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200307 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200308 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200309 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 228012 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 100009 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160015 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1732380061 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676722480000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1556865069 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2104 baseAttr { hp: 1148 atk: 127 def: 113 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1658369096000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100111 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160037 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 638844155 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2020 baseAttr { hp: 1137 atk: 123 def: 127 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1586827866000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100014 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787422 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2085 baseAttr { hp: 1122 atk: 127 def: 119 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118888000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100080 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160026 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787423 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118888000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580124 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2055 baseAttr { hp: 956 atk: 110 def: 108 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683360326322 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100058 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787420 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118888000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580125 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2023 baseAttr { hp: 1285 atk: 98 def: 115 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683360326323 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100025 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 871601438 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2086 baseAttr { hp: 1131 atk: 128 def: 114 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1597286229000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100086 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580123 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683360326321 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919888 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2131 baseAttr { hp: 1182 atk: 127 def: 107 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100142 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919889 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919886 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919887 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2079 baseAttr { hp: 1228 atk: 108 def: 93 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300001 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100072 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1210233043 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2059 baseAttr { hp: 1225 atk: 118 def: 124 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1616838595000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41205900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205910 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100073 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1148133020 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2016 baseAttr { hp: 6753 atk: 975 def: 645 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2180 atk: 246 def: 180 critic: 64 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1612399918000 rank: 5 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41201607 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201608 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201609 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1999911 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140188 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2180 atk: 246 def: 180 critic: 64 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2180 atk: 246 def: 180 critic: 64 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1688445520 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2145 baseAttr { hp: 3997 atk: 340 def: 507 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1673494051000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 82320 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100157 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919882 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919883 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919880 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919877 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2127 baseAttr { hp: 1276 atk: 112 def: 132 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598113000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100137 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787405 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118882000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919873 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2015 baseAttr { hp: 1259 atk: 123 def: 102 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598113000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41201500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100004 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1630110761 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2123 baseAttr { hp: 9588 atk: 784 def: 998 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1560 atk: 160 def: 248 critic: 40 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 96 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1665098886000 rank: 5 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212304 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41212301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212303 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 1959564 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 2 skinId: 100132 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1560 atk: 160 def: 248 critic: 40 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 96 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1560 atk: 160 def: 248 critic: 40 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 96 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5033293 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2002 baseAttr { hp: 5658 atk: 641 def: 538 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 960 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2110 atk: 128 def: 304 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 29 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567475298000 rank: 4 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41200207 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200208 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200209 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 995811 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140189 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2110 atk: 128 def: 304 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 29 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 80 def: 304 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 29 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1691086285 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2127 baseAttr { hp: 1276 atk: 112 def: 132 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1673516977000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100137 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188332 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538207000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188334 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538207000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1733974603 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676882489000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 871601894 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2052 baseAttr { hp: 10610 atk: 843 def: 920 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 5415 atk: 167 def: 511 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 170 hit: 0 } createTime: 1597286285000 rank: 5 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41205207 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41205208 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41205206 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 2531010 state: 273 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300027 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 6 skinId: 140029 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 5415 atk: 167 def: 511 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 170 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 5415 atk: 276 def: 336 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 33 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 5415 atk: 167 def: 511 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 170 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 40 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160033 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1733974595 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676882478000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1733974599 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2006 baseAttr { hp: 1310 atk: 119 def: 106 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676882489000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100008 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636547732 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2028 baseAttr { hp: 1404 atk: 125 def: 131 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666232635000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300025 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140261 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1714072328 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2052 baseAttr { hp: 1506 atk: 121 def: 126 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1674833049000 rank: 1 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41205200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300027 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100054 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 40 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160033 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1477135150 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1645692038000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1650945359 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2027 baseAttr { hp: 1150 atk: 119 def: 136 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1668650672000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300022 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100029 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 948151721 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2060 baseAttr { hp: 1132 atk: 128 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1600308404000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140236 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188300 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538194000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188303 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2148 baseAttr { hp: 1183 atk: 123 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538194000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100161 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1326386238 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1629946386000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1121775078 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2106 baseAttr { hp: 1347 atk: 129 def: 164 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611799551000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300027 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100116 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 803129502 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2064 baseAttr { hp: 2310 atk: 190 def: 233 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1594261739000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10080 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100097 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1738511581 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677654657000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 253111388 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2051 baseAttr { hp: 2369 atk: 225 def: 230 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1573201419000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41205100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10080 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300038 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300022 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100049 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1403765991 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2125 baseAttr { hp: 2275 atk: 262 def: 262 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1637805975000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212511 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9576 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100134 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1574223002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2138 baseAttr { hp: 5098 atk: 516 def: 733 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1718 atk: 119 def: 466 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 25 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 96 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660759696000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 336824 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100150 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1718 atk: 119 def: 466 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 25 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 96 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 5835 atk: 136 def: 176 critic: 107 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1718 atk: 119 def: 466 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 25 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 96 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 253111385 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2017 baseAttr { hp: 8412 atk: 976 def: 842 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 240 def: 233 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1573201419000 rank: 5 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41201707 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201705 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41201706 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 2531010 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 5 skinId: 140021 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 240 def: 233 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 4595 atk: 240 def: 233 critic: 75 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1574223003 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2139 baseAttr { hp: 3615 atk: 421 def: 366 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1628 atk: 40 def: 123 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660759713000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 102052 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300044 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300041 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100151 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1628 atk: 40 def: 123 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1628 atk: 40 def: 123 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 72174877 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2043 baseAttr { hp: 7162 atk: 694 def: 715 critic: 190 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2741 atk: 99 def: 391 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 17 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1568236422000 rank: 4 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41204304 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41204301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204303 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 1155749 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 2 skinId: 100045 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2741 atk: 99 def: 391 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 17 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 770 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 770 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2741 atk: 99 def: 391 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 17 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 8 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1471082748 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2128 baseAttr { hp: 5428 atk: 507 def: 379 critic: 151 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1645084516000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 180416 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300027 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100138 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1800 atk: 179 def: 126 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 670426281 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2035 baseAttr { hp: 6041 atk: 593 def: 717 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1588212444000 rank: 4 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203507 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203508 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203509 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1156121 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140038 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1650945850 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2143 baseAttr { hp: 2930 atk: 265 def: 232 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 616 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1668650743000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9400 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100155 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1100371703 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2076 baseAttr { hp: 7025 atk: 1074 def: 902 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 3178 atk: 507 def: 437 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 638 dodge: 33 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1609730843000 rank: 5 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207607 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41207608 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41207609 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2531010 state: 385 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140121 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 3178 atk: 507 def: 437 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 638 dodge: 33 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 3966 atk: 398 def: 454 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 136 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 930 atk: 67 def: 109 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 3178 atk: 507 def: 437 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 638 dodge: 33 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 30 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 727488574 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2090 baseAttr { hp: 2035 atk: 240 def: 255 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1590717936000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209007 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41209008 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41209009 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 10080 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140155 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1353955280 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2048 baseAttr { hp: 2472 atk: 267 def: 207 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1631153365000 rank: 1 luck: 2 sks { skillId: 41204800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10164 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100053 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1733974591 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676882478000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1733974589 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2006 baseAttr { hp: 1310 atk: 119 def: 106 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676882478000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100008 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1235910338 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2102 baseAttr { hp: 1132 atk: 125 def: 123 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1619711717000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100113 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1688445385 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2005 baseAttr { hp: 1149 atk: 121 def: 130 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1673493999000 rank: 1 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41200500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100010 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1723400150 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2021 baseAttr { hp: 1109 atk: 153 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1675501645000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41202100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100015 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1752272129 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679754235000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188241 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2079 baseAttr { hp: 1228 atk: 108 def: 93 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538177000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300001 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100072 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188242 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2148 baseAttr { hp: 1183 atk: 123 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538177000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100161 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188245 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538177000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1471082715 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2077 baseAttr { hp: 1675 atk: 166 def: 141 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1645084422000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 400 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100070 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160028 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188244 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538177000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1100371683 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2053 baseAttr { hp: 1121 atk: 128 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1609730766000 rank: 1 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41205300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100082 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1531953207 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1654510469000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 803129509 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2091 baseAttr { hp: 5160 atk: 600 def: 460 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 780 dodge: 80 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1318 atk: 54 def: 192 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1594261739000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 421061 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100095 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1318 atk: 54 def: 192 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1318 atk: 54 def: 192 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160029 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 835915439 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2098 baseAttr { hp: 1156 atk: 128 def: 109 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1595573917000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100099 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1326386289 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2121 baseAttr { hp: 5175 atk: 577 def: 400 critic: 165 critic_dmg: 780 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2636 atk: 223 def: 203 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 152 dodge: 20 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1629946402000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 318280 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140233 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2636 atk: 223 def: 203 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 152 dodge: 20 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2636 atk: 223 def: 203 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 152 dodge: 20 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1420401111 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1640432915000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 38051270 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2050 baseAttr { hp: 3745 atk: 370 def: 313 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567775265000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41205000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 101654 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100055 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 281428802 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2030 baseAttr { hp: 2132 atk: 203 def: 207 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1574425888000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41203000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 5040 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100032 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636549646 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2063 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 126 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666235685000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300018 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100104 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636549658 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666235780000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1765604009 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1681965088000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1437580302 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1643077721000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1716870647 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2109 baseAttr { hp: 1278 atk: 138 def: 116 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1675006799000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300041 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100120 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1123537759 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611801452000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1650944973 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2142 baseAttr { hp: 2765 atk: 237 def: 350 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1668650626000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9893 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100154 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636549669 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666235813000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 643109371 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2087 baseAttr { hp: 2512 atk: 262 def: 212 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1587002830000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10080 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100087 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636549689 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2063 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 126 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666235843000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300018 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100104 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256904537 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622685773000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 213752581 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2015 baseAttr { hp: 6087 atk: 703 def: 519 critic: 190 critic_dmg: 960 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2145 atk: 181 def: 126 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 142 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1571972302000 rank: 4 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41201507 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201505 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41201506 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 918229 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 5 skinId: 140054 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2145 atk: 181 def: 126 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 142 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 131 def: 126 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636549682 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2114 baseAttr { hp: 1284 atk: 136 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 560 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666235843000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41211400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100153 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256909654 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2119 baseAttr { hp: 1096 atk: 127 def: 125 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622687624000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41211900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100124 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1488373003 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2074 baseAttr { hp: 1433 atk: 121 def: 139 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1647471692000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207410 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 4 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300024 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100068 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160023 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1651257810 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1668675125000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5033867 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 1060 atk: 146 def: 113 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476074000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 222 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140168 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1696416474 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2146 baseAttr { hp: 3958 atk: 358 def: 472 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 890 atk: 40 def: 262 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 83 effect_resist: 64 hit: 0 } createTime: 1673746103000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 101624 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300023 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100158 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 890 atk: 40 def: 262 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 83 effect_resist: 64 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 890 atk: 40 def: 262 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 83 effect_resist: 64 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1776586286 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2025 baseAttr { hp: 978 atk: 109 def: 107 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683944138595 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100027 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160035 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1353955192 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2094 baseAttr { hp: 1130 atk: 124 def: 125 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1631153333000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 5 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100108 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1744083003 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678315629000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188403 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2057 baseAttr { hp: 1265 atk: 113 def: 132 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100060 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188405 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188404 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188407 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2148 baseAttr { hp: 1183 atk: 123 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100161 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188406 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2113 baseAttr { hp: 6148 atk: 492 def: 509 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 80 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 168 def: 165 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41211300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 413972 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300023 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100162 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 168 def: 165 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 168 def: 165 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1631604887 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2063 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 126 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1665199937000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300018 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100104 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5985667 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2035 baseAttr { hp: 1816 atk: 225 def: 226 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567481000000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9600 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100037 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188410 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5985670 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2027 baseAttr { hp: 6705 atk: 570 def: 767 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1649 atk: 135 def: 180 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567481000000 rank: 4 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202707 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202705 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41202706 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 962624 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300022 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 5 skinId: 140133 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1649 atk: 135 def: 180 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1649 atk: 135 def: 180 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5034899 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2008 baseAttr { hp: 5567 atk: 567 def: 609 critic: 190 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1570 atk: 185 def: 208 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476776000 rank: 4 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41200807 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200808 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200809 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1100771 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1570 atk: 185 def: 208 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1570 atk: 185 def: 208 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160039 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1775084075 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2036 baseAttr { hp: 913 atk: 115 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683434154182 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100038 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188362 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2148 baseAttr { hp: 1183 atk: 123 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538219000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100161 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188365 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538219000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1123538202 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2020 baseAttr { hp: 3499 atk: 357 def: 390 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611801510000 rank: 2 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202007 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202005 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41202006 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 102010 state: 5 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 5 skinId: 140141 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1536287871 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655458054000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1123538200 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2032 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 134 def: 136 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611801510000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300023 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100034 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188368 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538219000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1736907892 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2013 baseAttr { hp: 1108 atk: 135 def: 101 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677205039000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41201300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300020 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100018 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 643108768 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2057 baseAttr { hp: 1265 atk: 113 def: 132 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1587002775000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100060 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1465217186 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2014 baseAttr { hp: 1127 atk: 143 def: 137 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1644480615000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41201400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 5 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100020 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1353957188 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2096 baseAttr { hp: 9380 atk: 1001 def: 960 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 5175 atk: 125 def: 260 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 224 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1631154578000 rank: 5 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209607 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41209608 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41209609 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2531010 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140069 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 5175 atk: 125 def: 260 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 224 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 948152187 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2062 baseAttr { hp: 4646 atk: 549 def: 463 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 780 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1600308447000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 276276 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100103 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1421582657 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1640769485000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroInfoListReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 22 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.26033520698547 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HeroInfoListReply 17 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:5][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 76 4 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = BondCardOneStrengthenRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}defineId: 1022 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=76,cmd=4,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=10,cmd=1,status=0,size=28 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=21 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { itemId: 15901022 count: 5 lastUseTime: 1626510379000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=4,status=0,size=162 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ItemChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 10 1 || 0 ItemChangePush 19 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=76,cmd=4,status=0,size=51 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 2 change: 30000 count: 56473478 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 20 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}playerInfo { userId: 273900 name: 小怪兽 gender: 1 portrait: 11100284 exp: 1797473 signature: chefTitle: 0 roleNum: 120 heroRate: 82.2 dungeonCount: 8094 longWarCount: 3554 serialLoginDays: 2 totalLoginDays: 801 heroCharCover: 2150 frame: 11110265 touchCountLeft: 0 registerTime: 1567475037 lastLogoutTime: 1684933651 birthday: 10-10 pvpScore: 1541 pvpFightCount: 770 usingSkinId: 110113 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 characterCover { heroCharCover: 2150 lastUpdateTime: 1682528931 autoChangeDaily: false } isReturn: false mentorRoleId: 1 worldLevel: 100 settingInfos { settingId: 1 isOpen: false } settingInfos { settingId: 2 isOpen: true } bondCardAtlasLevel: 19 bondCardAtlasCover: 0 chatBubbleId: 11640005 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = PlayerInfoPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 20 4 || 0 PlayerInfoPush 21 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1002 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEPowerFull}removepush id 1002 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1003 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 11 : 30 的推送 推送ID为 1003 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1004 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 17 : 30 的推送 推送ID为 1004 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1005 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setExploreFinish}注册了 27531.982000113 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1005 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1006 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setCookFinish}注册了 47912.802000046 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1006 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1007 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 8 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1007 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1008 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 12 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1008 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1009 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 16 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1009 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1010 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 20 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1010 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1011 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 3 的 8 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1011 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1012 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 5 的 16 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1012 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1013 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 0 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1013 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1014 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1015 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1016 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 7 的 0 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1016 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1017 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 0 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1017 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1018 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 2 的 0 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1018 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1019 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 20 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1019 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1020 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 7 的 12 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1020 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1021 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 12 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1021 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1022 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1023 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1024 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1025 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1026 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1027 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1028 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1029 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1030 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1031 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1032 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1033 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1034 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1035 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1036 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1037 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1038 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1039 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1040 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1042 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1043 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1044 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1045 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1046 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1047 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1048 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1049 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1050 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1051 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1052 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1053 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1054 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1055 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1056 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1057 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1058 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1059 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1060 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1061 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1062 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1063 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1064 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1065 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1066 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1067 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1068 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1069 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1070 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1071 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1072 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1073 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1074 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1075 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1076 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1077 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1078 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1079 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1080 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1081 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1082 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1083 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1084 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1085 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1086 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1087 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1088 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1089 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1090 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1091 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1092 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1093 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1094 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1095 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1096 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1097 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1098 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1099 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1100 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1101 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1102 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1103 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1104 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1105 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1106 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1107 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1108 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1109 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1110 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1111 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1112 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1113 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1114 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1115 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1116 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1117 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1118 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1119 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1120 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1121 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1122 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1123 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1124 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1125 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1126 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1127 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1128 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1129 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1130 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1131 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1132 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1133 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1134 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1135 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1136 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1137 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1138 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1139 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1140 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1141 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1142 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1143 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1144 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1145 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1146 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1147 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1148 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1149 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1150 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1151 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1152 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1153 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1154 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1155 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1156 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1157 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1158 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1159 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1160 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1161 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1162 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1163 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1164 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1165 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1166 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1167 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1168 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1169 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1170 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1171 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1172 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1173 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1174 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1175 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1176 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1177 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1178 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1179 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1180 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1181 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1182 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1183 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1184 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1185 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1186 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1187 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1188 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1189 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1190 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1191 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1192 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1193 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1194 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1195 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1196 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1197 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1042 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1043 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}注册了 432000 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}bondCardInfo { defineId: 1022 level: 3 createTime: 1658368479 skills { skillId: 220763 intValue: 6 nextValue: 8 } skills { skillId: 220762 intValue: 3 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220761 intValue: 30 nextValue: 40 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = BondCardOneStrengthenReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 76 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13519220799208 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 BondCardOneStrengthenReply 22 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_shengxingqianghua.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_shengxingqianghua.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 22 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroInfoListRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=22,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=22,cmd=1,status=0,size=58359 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heros { heroId: 1769919871 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598113000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919869 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2075 baseAttr { hp: 1164 atk: 133 def: 157 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598113000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100076 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787390 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2086 baseAttr { hp: 1131 atk: 128 def: 114 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118876000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100086 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919857 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598080000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919854 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598080000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919852 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2078 baseAttr { hp: 1028 atk: 144 def: 96 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598080000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100071 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1776643062 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683767903279 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919849 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598080000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 122549076 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2031 baseAttr { hp: 7675 atk: 708 def: 720 critic: 190 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2770 atk: 75 def: 240 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 120 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1569325507000 rank: 4 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203104 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41203101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203103 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 1155575 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 2 skinId: 100033 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2770 atk: 75 def: 240 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 120 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2770 atk: 75 def: 240 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 120 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1527341331 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2134 baseAttr { hp: 1223 atk: 134 def: 139 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1653893286000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300024 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100146 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 806571529 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2092 baseAttr { hp: 3590 atk: 424 def: 372 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 931 atk: 54 def: 166 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1594288591000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 101349 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100096 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 931 atk: 54 def: 166 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 931 atk: 54 def: 166 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1667319675 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2072 baseAttr { hp: 1294 atk: 129 def: 141 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1671186207000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100089 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256909552 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2071 baseAttr { hp: 2612 atk: 228 def: 300 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622687551000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10164 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140210 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1667319674 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2144 baseAttr { hp: 2487 atk: 245 def: 267 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1671186199000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10080 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300023 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100156 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256909553 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622687551000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1667319677 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2091 baseAttr { hp: 1256 atk: 141 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1671186220000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100095 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160029 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1353123002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2065 baseAttr { hp: 2707 atk: 340 def: 259 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 90 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1631140442000 rank: 2 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 24024 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300039 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300027 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100077 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160002 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1667319678 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2077 baseAttr { hp: 1353 atk: 134 def: 114 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1671186232000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100070 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160028 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 19102466 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2013 baseAttr { hp: 1108 atk: 135 def: 101 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567555953000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41201300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300020 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100018 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787358 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118863000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 139170401 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2078 baseAttr { hp: 1028 atk: 144 def: 96 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1569772015000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100071 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1579542537 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2085 baseAttr { hp: 1122 atk: 127 def: 119 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660800917000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100080 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160026 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1042575880 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2066 baseAttr { hp: 3660 atk: 414 def: 397 critic: 117 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606398483000 rank: 2 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 102276 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100078 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 6 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 32553408 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567685917000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580167 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2150 baseAttr { hp: 1347 atk: 134 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752168 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41215000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300044 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300040 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100166 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580165 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2041 baseAttr { hp: 1142 atk: 108 def: 106 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752166 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41204100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100043 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580162 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2057 baseAttr { hp: 1265 atk: 113 def: 132 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752163 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100060 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580163 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2058 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 120 def: 111 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752164 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41205800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205810 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100059 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1495992093 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2132 baseAttr { hp: 2572 atk: 241 def: 262 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1648797136000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10164 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100143 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580160 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744277 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580161 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 928 atk: 128 def: 99 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752161 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100041 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 929223002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2009 baseAttr { hp: 2655 atk: 233 def: 272 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1599089697000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41200900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9660 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100012 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580170 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 928 atk: 128 def: 99 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752171 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100041 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580168 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2023 baseAttr { hp: 1285 atk: 98 def: 115 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752169 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100025 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580169 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361752170 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1403763092 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1637805520000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 173450768 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2005 baseAttr { hp: 1149 atk: 121 def: 130 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1570531499000 rank: 1 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41200500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100010 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1326385990 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2021 baseAttr { hp: 2112 atk: 293 def: 217 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1629946322000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41202100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10164 state: 5 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100015 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 16286900 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2037 baseAttr { hp: 3684 atk: 363 def: 347 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567521840000 rank: 2 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 101574 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100039 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256903866 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2119 baseAttr { hp: 2088 atk: 241 def: 239 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622685696000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41211907 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41211905 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41211906 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 10080 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 5 skinId: 140142 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1550020658 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1657639267000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1659193009 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1669856475000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 141141567 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2033 baseAttr { hp: 3438 atk: 363 def: 373 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1326 atk: 100 def: 145 critic: 18 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 8 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1569824735000 rank: 2 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41203307 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203308 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203309 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 101976 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140132 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1326 atk: 100 def: 145 critic: 18 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 8 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1326 atk: 100 def: 145 critic: 18 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 8 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1556865181 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2136 baseAttr { hp: 2242 atk: 266 def: 257 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 1000 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1658369122000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10164 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100148 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1768243004 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2110 baseAttr { hp: 1465 atk: 171 def: 169 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682527669000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41211000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 374 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140285 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1768243003 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2149 baseAttr { hp: 6227 atk: 739 def: 653 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 960 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1140 atk: 274 def: 239 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 19 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682526992000 rank: 4 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 780581 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100165 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1140 atk: 274 def: 239 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 19 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1845 atk: 251 def: 172 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 142 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1768243002 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2150 baseAttr { hp: 7041 atk: 704 def: 584 critic: 190 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 4520 atk: 200 def: 412 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 136 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682526972000 rank: 4 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41215000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41215002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 784003 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300044 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300040 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100166 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 4520 atk: 200 def: 412 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 136 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 4520 atk: 200 def: 412 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 136 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5039149 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2034 baseAttr { hp: 7884 atk: 668 def: 778 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 690 atk: 43 def: 86 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567478608000 rank: 5 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41203407 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203408 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203409 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1991453 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140241 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 690 atk: 43 def: 86 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 690 atk: 43 def: 86 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 690 atk: 43 def: 86 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 690 atk: 43 def: 86 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5039151 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2074 baseAttr { hp: 6060 atk: 507 def: 590 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567478608000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207404 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41207410 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207403 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 420853 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300024 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 2 skinId: 100068 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160023 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1728547171 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2121 baseAttr { hp: 1386 atk: 140 def: 103 critic: 120 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676011761000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100130 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1409263002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2089 baseAttr { hp: 1166 atk: 120 def: 130 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1638399948000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100091 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 937586058 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2007 baseAttr { hp: 7657 atk: 1073 def: 767 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2395 atk: 292 def: 224 critic: 339 critic_dmg: 154 dodge: 18 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1599556563000 rank: 5 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200707 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200708 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200709 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2531010 state: 385 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300023 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140237 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2395 atk: 292 def: 224 critic: 339 critic_dmg: 154 dodge: 18 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 4552 atk: 181 def: 310 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 96 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 700 atk: 69 def: 118 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2395 atk: 292 def: 224 critic: 339 critic_dmg: 154 dodge: 18 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 34 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1556865186 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1658369122000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 803130807 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2011 baseAttr { hp: 3250 atk: 384 def: 365 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1594261902000 rank: 2 luck: 2 sks { skillId: 41201107 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201108 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201106 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 102102 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 6 skinId: 140065 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160005 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1540127655 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2030 baseAttr { hp: 1243 atk: 118 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655952407000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41203000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100032 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1550020631 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2004 baseAttr { hp: 1252 atk: 138 def: 123 critic: 120 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1657639203000 rank: 1 luck: 2 sks { skillId: 41200400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300044 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100007 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1540127668 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2135 baseAttr { hp: 2900 atk: 249 def: 205 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655952423000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9438 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100147 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1550020635 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2060 baseAttr { hp: 1132 atk: 128 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1657639203000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140236 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1538069974 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655861211000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1242049140 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1620372829000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1196873002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2066 baseAttr { hp: 1228 atk: 136 def: 133 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1615414953000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100078 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 6 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5039153 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2001 baseAttr { hp: 7973 atk: 791 def: 837 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1146 atk: 41 def: 224 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567478608000 rank: 5 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41200107 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200108 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200109 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2273497 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300018 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140110 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1146 atk: 41 def: 224 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1146 atk: 41 def: 224 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1540127665 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2060 baseAttr { hp: 1132 atk: 128 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655952423000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140236 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5039154 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567478608000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 74123796 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2038 baseAttr { hp: 5535 atk: 730 def: 640 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 960 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1941 atk: 73 def: 273 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 11 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1568270658000 rank: 4 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41203807 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203808 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203809 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1037043 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140022 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1941 atk: 73 def: 273 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 11 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1941 atk: 73 def: 273 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 11 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256909933 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2120 baseAttr { hp: 3825 atk: 379 def: 452 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622687947000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 102066 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100125 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 59476231 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2022 baseAttr { hp: 3982 atk: 464 def: 376 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 80 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1568075268000 rank: 3 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41202207 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202208 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202209 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 367413 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140013 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1254799941 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2075 baseAttr { hp: 1164 atk: 133 def: 157 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622529094000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100076 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1123538534 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2044 baseAttr { hp: 1324 atk: 115 def: 114 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611801559000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41204400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 8 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300020 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100046 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 52174218 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2044 baseAttr { hp: 5796 atk: 454 def: 512 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 80 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567942458000 rank: 3 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41204407 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41204408 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41204409 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 420810 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300020 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140140 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 52174213 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2026 baseAttr { hp: 3633 atk: 546 def: 366 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 780 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567942443000 rank: 3 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41202607 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202608 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202609 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 420992 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 100028 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1254799957 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2085 baseAttr { hp: 1122 atk: 127 def: 119 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622529157000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100080 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160026 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813517 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1064406992 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2104 baseAttr { hp: 2187 atk: 242 def: 216 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1606896346000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210407 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41210408 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41210406 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 9400 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 6 skinId: 140214 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160037 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813516 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813519 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813518 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2012 baseAttr { hp: 1160 atk: 122 def: 125 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41201200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100017 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1582457078 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660819892000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813513 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256909390 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622687364000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1747813512 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2095 baseAttr { hp: 1252 atk: 137 def: 124 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678934432000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100109 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1162443744 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2084 baseAttr { hp: 9682 atk: 1073 def: 725 critic: 270 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2744 atk: 374 def: 303 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 181 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1613022530000 rank: 5 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208407 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41208408 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41208409 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2531010 state: 385 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300024 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140047 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2744 atk: 374 def: 303 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 181 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 4595 atk: 230 def: 461 critic: 134 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 25 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 5075 atk: 78 def: 299 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 224 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2744 atk: 374 def: 303 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 181 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1254799968 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2069 baseAttr { hp: 3276 atk: 377 def: 368 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1471 atk: 192 def: 155 critic: 124 critic_dmg: 92 dodge: 13 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622529188000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206907 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41206908 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41206909 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 102098 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140096 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1471 atk: 192 def: 155 critic: 124 critic_dmg: 92 dodge: 13 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1471 atk: 192 def: 155 critic: 124 critic_dmg: 92 dodge: 13 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5033214 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2012 baseAttr { hp: 4645 atk: 541 def: 508 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 780 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1046 atk: 41 def: 170 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567475140000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41201204 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41201205 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41201206 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 420744 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 4 skinId: 140219 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1046 atk: 41 def: 170 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1046 atk: 41 def: 170 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1762243005 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2148 baseAttr { hp: 1183 atk: 123 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1681340073000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100161 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1762243004 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1681340073000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1254799996 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2075 baseAttr { hp: 1164 atk: 133 def: 157 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622529224000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 32 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100076 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5033206 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2000 baseAttr { hp: 2424 atk: 233 def: 197 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567475122000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41200007 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200008 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200009 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 9291 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300001 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140042 quality: 4 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160016 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1220603002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2075 baseAttr { hp: 3451 atk: 401 def: 460 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1617834827000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207503 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 101340 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 1 skinId: 100076 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1579542682 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2138 baseAttr { hp: 1242 atk: 130 def: 186 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660801020000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 32 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100150 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580150 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2045 baseAttr { hp: 961 atk: 115 def: 94 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710381 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41204500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100105 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1473115405 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2097 baseAttr { hp: 3742 atk: 410 def: 330 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 4575 atk: 184 def: 128 critic: 75 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1645170009000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209703 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 97596 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 1 skinId: 100101 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 4575 atk: 184 def: 128 critic: 75 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 184 def: 128 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1403764074 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2095 baseAttr { hp: 1252 atk: 137 def: 124 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1637805774000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100109 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1467314612 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1644563824000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580148 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710379 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580149 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710380 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787445 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118895000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580146 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2023 baseAttr { hp: 1285 atk: 98 def: 115 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710377 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100025 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580147 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2041 baseAttr { hp: 1142 atk: 108 def: 106 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710378 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41204100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100043 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580144 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2018 baseAttr { hp: 979 atk: 121 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710375 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41201800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100021 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580159 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 928 atk: 128 def: 99 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744276 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100041 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1473115399 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1645170009000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580157 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2036 baseAttr { hp: 913 atk: 115 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744274 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100038 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787453 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2147 baseAttr { hp: 3053 atk: 388 def: 408 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 536 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2474 atk: 163 def: 196 critic: 23 critic_dmg: 110 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118895000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 64840 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100159 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2474 atk: 163 def: 196 critic: 23 critic_dmg: 110 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2474 atk: 163 def: 196 critic: 23 critic_dmg: 110 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580154 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2079 baseAttr { hp: 1228 atk: 108 def: 93 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744271 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300001 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100072 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787451 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2057 baseAttr { hp: 1265 atk: 113 def: 132 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118895000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100060 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580155 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744272 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580152 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2050 baseAttr { hp: 1284 atk: 120 def: 106 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744269 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41205000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100055 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580153 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2024 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 122 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361744270 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100026 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580130 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2063 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 126 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683360326328 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300018 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100104 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1495119816 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1648695137000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580131 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683360326329 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1471753583 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1644892493000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580142 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2064 baseAttr { hp: 1212 atk: 99 def: 122 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710373 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100097 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580143 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710374 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5035157 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2040 baseAttr { hp: 7067 atk: 883 def: 801 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476915000 rank: 5 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41204007 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41204008 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41204009 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1918926 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140036 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 5185 atk: 126 def: 262 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 224 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580141 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2024 baseAttr { hp: 960 atk: 122 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683361710371 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300007 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100026 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1448163468 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2010 baseAttr { hp: 1299 atk: 134 def: 124 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1643388458000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41201000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100016 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5035153 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2006 baseAttr { hp: 2058 atk: 187 def: 166 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476915000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 2310 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140187 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5035154 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2056 baseAttr { hp: 2346 atk: 230 def: 220 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476915000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9403 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100057 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1732380060 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676722480000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5035155 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2003 baseAttr { hp: 3762 atk: 402 def: 384 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 80 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476915000 rank: 3 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200307 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200308 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200309 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 228012 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 100009 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160015 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1732380061 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676722480000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1556865069 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2104 baseAttr { hp: 1148 atk: 127 def: 113 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1658369096000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100111 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160037 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 638844155 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2020 baseAttr { hp: 1137 atk: 123 def: 127 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1586827866000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100014 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787422 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2085 baseAttr { hp: 1122 atk: 127 def: 119 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118888000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100080 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160026 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787423 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118888000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580124 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2055 baseAttr { hp: 956 atk: 110 def: 108 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683360326322 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100058 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787420 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118888000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580125 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2023 baseAttr { hp: 1285 atk: 98 def: 115 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683360326323 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100025 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 871601438 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2086 baseAttr { hp: 1131 atk: 128 def: 114 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1597286229000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100086 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1773580123 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683360326321 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919888 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2131 baseAttr { hp: 1182 atk: 127 def: 107 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100142 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919889 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919886 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919887 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2079 baseAttr { hp: 1228 atk: 108 def: 93 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300001 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100072 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1210233043 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2059 baseAttr { hp: 1225 atk: 118 def: 124 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1616838595000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41205900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205910 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100073 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1148133020 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2016 baseAttr { hp: 6753 atk: 975 def: 645 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2180 atk: 246 def: 180 critic: 64 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1612399918000 rank: 5 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41201607 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201608 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201609 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1999911 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140188 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2180 atk: 246 def: 180 critic: 64 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2180 atk: 246 def: 180 critic: 64 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1688445520 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2145 baseAttr { hp: 3997 atk: 340 def: 507 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1673494051000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 82320 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100157 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919882 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919883 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2070 baseAttr { hp: 1173 atk: 105 def: 112 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100062 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919880 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598133000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919877 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2127 baseAttr { hp: 1276 atk: 112 def: 132 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598113000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100137 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1735787405 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677118882000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1769919873 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2015 baseAttr { hp: 1259 atk: 123 def: 102 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1682598113000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41201500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100004 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1630110761 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2123 baseAttr { hp: 9588 atk: 784 def: 998 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1560 atk: 160 def: 248 critic: 40 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 96 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1665098886000 rank: 5 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212304 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41212301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212303 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 1959564 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 2 skinId: 100132 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1560 atk: 160 def: 248 critic: 40 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 96 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1560 atk: 160 def: 248 critic: 40 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 96 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5033293 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2002 baseAttr { hp: 5658 atk: 641 def: 538 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 960 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2110 atk: 128 def: 304 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 29 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567475298000 rank: 4 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41200207 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200208 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200209 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 995811 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140189 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2110 atk: 128 def: 304 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 29 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 80 def: 304 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 29 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1691086285 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2127 baseAttr { hp: 1276 atk: 112 def: 132 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1673516977000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100137 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188332 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538207000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188334 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538207000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1733974603 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676882489000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 871601894 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2052 baseAttr { hp: 10610 atk: 843 def: 920 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 5415 atk: 167 def: 511 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 170 hit: 0 } createTime: 1597286285000 rank: 5 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41205207 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41205208 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41205206 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 2531010 state: 273 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300027 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 6 skinId: 140029 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 5415 atk: 167 def: 511 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 170 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 5415 atk: 276 def: 336 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 33 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 5415 atk: 167 def: 511 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 170 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 40 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160033 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1733974595 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676882478000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1733974599 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2006 baseAttr { hp: 1310 atk: 119 def: 106 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676882489000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100008 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636547732 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2028 baseAttr { hp: 1404 atk: 125 def: 131 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666232635000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300025 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140261 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1714072328 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2052 baseAttr { hp: 1506 atk: 121 def: 126 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1674833049000 rank: 1 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41205200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300027 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100054 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 720 atk: 71 def: 117 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 40 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160033 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1477135150 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1645692038000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1650945359 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2027 baseAttr { hp: 1150 atk: 119 def: 136 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1668650672000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300022 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100029 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 948151721 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2060 baseAttr { hp: 1132 atk: 128 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1600308404000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41206000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140236 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188300 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538194000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188303 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2148 baseAttr { hp: 1183 atk: 123 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538194000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100161 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1326386238 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1629946386000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1121775078 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2106 baseAttr { hp: 1347 atk: 129 def: 164 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611799551000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300027 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100116 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 803129502 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2064 baseAttr { hp: 2310 atk: 190 def: 233 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1594261739000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10080 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100097 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1738511581 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677654657000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 253111388 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2051 baseAttr { hp: 2369 atk: 225 def: 230 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1573201419000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41205100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10080 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300038 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300022 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100049 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1403765991 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2125 baseAttr { hp: 2275 atk: 262 def: 262 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1637805975000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212511 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9576 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100134 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1574223002 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2138 baseAttr { hp: 5098 atk: 516 def: 733 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1718 atk: 119 def: 466 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 25 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 96 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660759696000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 336824 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100150 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1718 atk: 119 def: 466 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 25 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 96 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 5835 atk: 136 def: 176 critic: 107 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1718 atk: 119 def: 466 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 25 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 96 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 253111385 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2017 baseAttr { hp: 8412 atk: 976 def: 842 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 240 def: 233 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1573201419000 rank: 5 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41201707 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201705 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41201706 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 2531010 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 5 skinId: 140021 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 240 def: 233 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 380 atk: 42 def: 84 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 4595 atk: 240 def: 233 critic: 75 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1574223003 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2139 baseAttr { hp: 3615 atk: 421 def: 366 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1628 atk: 40 def: 123 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1660759713000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41213900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41213902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 102052 state: 145 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300044 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300041 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100151 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1628 atk: 40 def: 123 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1628 atk: 40 def: 123 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 72174877 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2043 baseAttr { hp: 7162 atk: 694 def: 715 critic: 190 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2741 atk: 99 def: 391 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 17 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1568236422000 rank: 4 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41204304 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41204301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204303 strengthenLevel: 2 } exp: 1155749 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 2 skinId: 100045 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2741 atk: 99 def: 391 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 17 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 770 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 770 atk: 46 def: 87 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2741 atk: 99 def: 391 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 17 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 8 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1471082748 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2128 baseAttr { hp: 5428 atk: 507 def: 379 critic: 151 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1645084516000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 180416 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300027 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100138 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1800 atk: 179 def: 126 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 670426281 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2035 baseAttr { hp: 6041 atk: 593 def: 717 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1588212444000 rank: 4 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203507 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203508 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41203509 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1156121 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140038 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1650945850 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2143 baseAttr { hp: 2930 atk: 265 def: 232 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 616 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1668650743000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9400 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100155 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1100371703 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2076 baseAttr { hp: 7025 atk: 1074 def: 902 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 3188 atk: 508 def: 439 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 638 dodge: 33 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1609730843000 rank: 5 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207607 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41207608 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41207609 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2531010 state: 385 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140121 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 3188 atk: 508 def: 439 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 638 dodge: 33 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 3976 atk: 399 def: 456 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 136 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 940 atk: 68 def: 111 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 3188 atk: 508 def: 439 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 638 dodge: 33 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 30 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 727488574 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2090 baseAttr { hp: 2035 atk: 240 def: 255 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1590717936000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209007 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41209008 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41209009 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 10080 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140155 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1353955280 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2048 baseAttr { hp: 2472 atk: 267 def: 207 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1631153365000 rank: 1 luck: 2 sks { skillId: 41204800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10164 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100053 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1733974591 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2046 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 105 def: 99 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676882478000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41204600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41204602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1733974589 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2006 baseAttr { hp: 1310 atk: 119 def: 106 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1676882478000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41200600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100008 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1235910338 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2102 baseAttr { hp: 1132 atk: 125 def: 123 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1619711717000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100113 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1688445385 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2005 baseAttr { hp: 1149 atk: 121 def: 130 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1673493999000 rank: 1 luck: 1 sks { skillId: 41200500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41200502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300019 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100010 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1723400150 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2021 baseAttr { hp: 1109 atk: 153 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1675501645000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41202100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100015 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1752272129 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679754235000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188241 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2079 baseAttr { hp: 1228 atk: 108 def: 93 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538177000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300001 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100072 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188242 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2148 baseAttr { hp: 1183 atk: 123 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538177000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100161 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188245 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538177000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1471082715 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2077 baseAttr { hp: 1675 atk: 166 def: 141 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1645084422000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 400 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100070 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160028 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188244 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538177000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1100371683 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2053 baseAttr { hp: 1121 atk: 128 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1609730766000 rank: 1 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41205300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100082 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1531953207 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1654510469000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 803129509 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2091 baseAttr { hp: 5160 atk: 600 def: 460 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 780 dodge: 80 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1318 atk: 54 def: 192 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1594261739000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 421061 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100095 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1318 atk: 54 def: 192 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1318 atk: 54 def: 192 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 6 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160029 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 835915439 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2098 baseAttr { hp: 1156 atk: 128 def: 109 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1595573917000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100099 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1326386289 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2121 baseAttr { hp: 5175 atk: 577 def: 400 critic: 165 critic_dmg: 780 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2636 atk: 223 def: 203 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 152 dodge: 20 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1629946402000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41212100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41212102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 318280 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300034 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140233 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2636 atk: 223 def: 203 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 152 dodge: 20 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 2636 atk: 223 def: 203 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 152 dodge: 20 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1420401111 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1640432915000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 38051270 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2050 baseAttr { hp: 3745 atk: 370 def: 313 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 660 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567775265000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41205000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 101654 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100055 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 281428802 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2030 baseAttr { hp: 2132 atk: 203 def: 207 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1574425888000 rank: 1 luck: 7 sks { skillId: 41203000 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203001 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203002 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 5040 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100032 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636549646 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2063 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 126 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666235685000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300018 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100104 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636549658 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666235780000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1765604009 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1681965088000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1437580302 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2073 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 125 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1643077721000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100090 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1716870647 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2109 baseAttr { hp: 1278 atk: 138 def: 116 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1675006799000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41210900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41210902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300028 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300041 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100120 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1123537759 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611801452000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1650944973 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2142 baseAttr { hp: 2765 atk: 237 def: 350 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1668650626000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9893 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100154 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636549669 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2081 baseAttr { hp: 1238 atk: 121 def: 111 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666235813000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300043 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100094 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 643109371 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2087 baseAttr { hp: 2512 atk: 262 def: 212 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1587002830000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41208700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41208702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 10080 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100087 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636549689 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2063 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 126 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666235843000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300018 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100104 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256904537 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2067 baseAttr { hp: 1267 atk: 116 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622685773000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41206700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100079 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 213752581 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2015 baseAttr { hp: 6087 atk: 703 def: 519 critic: 190 critic_dmg: 960 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2145 atk: 181 def: 126 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 142 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1571972302000 rank: 4 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41201507 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41201505 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41201506 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 918229 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 5 skinId: 140054 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2145 atk: 181 def: 126 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 142 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 131 def: 126 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1636549682 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2114 baseAttr { hp: 1284 atk: 136 def: 120 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 560 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1666235843000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41211400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100153 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 660 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1256909654 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2119 baseAttr { hp: 1096 atk: 127 def: 125 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1622687624000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41211900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100124 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1488373003 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2074 baseAttr { hp: 1433 atk: 121 def: 139 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1647471692000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207410 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41207402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 4 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300024 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100068 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160023 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1651257810 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1668675125000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5033867 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2039 baseAttr { hp: 1060 atk: 146 def: 113 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476074000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41203900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 222 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 140168 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1696416474 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2146 baseAttr { hp: 3958 atk: 358 def: 472 critic: 115 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 890 atk: 40 def: 262 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 83 effect_resist: 64 hit: 0 } createTime: 1673746103000 rank: 2 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 101624 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300023 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100158 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 890 atk: 40 def: 262 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 83 effect_resist: 64 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 890 atk: 40 def: 262 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 9 effect_hit: 83 effect_resist: 64 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1776586286 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2025 baseAttr { hp: 978 atk: 109 def: 107 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683944138595 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41202500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300003 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100027 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160035 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1353955192 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2094 baseAttr { hp: 1130 atk: 124 def: 125 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1631153333000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41209402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 5 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100108 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1744083003 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2029 baseAttr { hp: 1119 atk: 107 def: 114 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1678315629000 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41202902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300042 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100031 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188403 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2057 baseAttr { hp: 1265 atk: 113 def: 132 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100060 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188405 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188404 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188407 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2148 baseAttr { hp: 1183 atk: 123 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100161 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188406 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2113 baseAttr { hp: 6148 atk: 492 def: 509 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 80 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 168 def: 165 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41211300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41211302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 413972 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300023 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100162 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 168 def: 165 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 168 def: 165 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1631604887 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2063 baseAttr { hp: 1145 atk: 126 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1665199937000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300018 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100104 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5985667 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2035 baseAttr { hp: 1816 atk: 225 def: 226 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567481000000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203500 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203501 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203502 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 9600 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100037 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188410 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2054 baseAttr { hp: 947 atk: 110 def: 110 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538232000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41205400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300015 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100056 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5985670 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2027 baseAttr { hp: 6705 atk: 570 def: 767 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1649 atk: 135 def: 180 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567481000000 rank: 4 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202707 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202705 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41202706 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 962624 state: 17 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300022 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300021 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 5 skinId: 140133 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1649 atk: 135 def: 180 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1649 atk: 135 def: 180 critic: 21 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 12 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 5034899 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2008 baseAttr { hp: 5567 atk: 567 def: 609 critic: 190 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 110 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 1570 atk: 185 def: 208 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1567476776000 rank: 4 luck: 8 sks { skillId: 41200807 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200808 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41200809 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 1100771 state: 33 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300006 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140050 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 1570 atk: 185 def: 208 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 1570 atk: 185 def: 208 critic: 32 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 16 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160039 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1775084075 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2036 baseAttr { hp: 913 atk: 115 def: 105 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1683434154182 rank: 1 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41203600 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203601 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203602 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300004 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } livingSks { skillId: 40300008 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100038 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188362 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2148 baseAttr { hp: 1183 atk: 123 def: 118 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538219000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41214800 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214801 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41214802 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300030 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100161 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188365 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538219000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1123538202 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2020 baseAttr { hp: 3499 atk: 357 def: 390 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 60 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611801510000 rank: 2 luck: 5 sks { skillId: 41202007 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41202005 strengthenLevel: 2 } sks { skillId: 41202006 strengthenLevel: 3 } exp: 102010 state: 5 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300032 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 5 skinId: 140141 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1536287871 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1655458054000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1123538200 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2032 baseAttr { hp: 1248 atk: 134 def: 136 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1611801510000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41203200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41203202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300023 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100034 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1751188368 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2061 baseAttr { hp: 1117 atk: 106 def: 117 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1679538219000 rank: 1 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206100 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206101 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206102 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300005 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100081 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1736907892 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2013 baseAttr { hp: 1108 atk: 135 def: 101 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1677205039000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41201300 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201301 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201302 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300020 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100018 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 670 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 643108768 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2057 baseAttr { hp: 1265 atk: 113 def: 132 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1587002775000 rank: 1 luck: 3 sks { skillId: 41205700 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205701 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41205702 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 9 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300017 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100060 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1465217186 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2014 baseAttr { hp: 1127 atk: 143 def: 137 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 600 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1644480615000 rank: 1 luck: 4 sks { skillId: 41201400 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201401 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41201402 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 5 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300036 strengthenLevel: 0 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100020 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1353957188 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2096 baseAttr { hp: 9380 atk: 1001 def: 960 critic: 250 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 5175 atk: 125 def: 260 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 224 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1631154578000 rank: 5 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41209607 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41209608 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41209609 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2531010 state: 129 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140069 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 5175 atk: 125 def: 260 critic: 30 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 224 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 360 atk: 40 def: 80 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 948152187 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2062 baseAttr { hp: 4646 atk: 549 def: 463 critic: 145 critic_dmg: 780 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1600308447000 rank: 3 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41206200 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206201 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41206202 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 276276 state: 1 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100103 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } heros { heroId: 1421582657 isInFormation: false masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 9999 baseAttr { hp: 1050 atk: 105 def: 105 critic: 100 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 50 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1640769485000 rank: 1 luck: 9 sks { skillId: 41999900 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999901 strengthenLevel: 1 } sks { skillId: 41999902 strengthenLevel: 1 } exp: 0 state: 0 strengthenRate: 0 breakthroughCnt: 0 skinId: 100048 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 370 atk: 41 def: 82 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: false contractLevel: 0 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroInfoListReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 22 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.23143558204174 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HeroInfoListReply 23 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:7][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:8][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:17][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:17][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 602 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRichManMapRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityType: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066603627055883 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 25 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=1,status=0,size=1684 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityType: 1 gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 12 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRichManMapReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.1000093780458 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRichManMapReply 26 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}handleGetRichManMapReply 0 activityType: 1 gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 12 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=52,id=310011 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyFacade: in function 'realEnterScene' logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:18][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]DestroyUnusedResources:104,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=52,id=310011 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{initGame}初始化游戏 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{initGame}table: 0x0140a99278 { 1 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 11, 4 = 12, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{initGame}mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 12 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 12 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{setMapInfo}初始英雄位置为 :12 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{setMapInfo}初始化当前方向为 : 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{setMapInfo}table: 0x0143d6b468 { 1 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 1, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 1, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, 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copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 3 = { x = 13, addition1 = "0", id = 3, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901050#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 4 = { x = 12, addition1 = "0", id = 4, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 5 = { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 5, y = 1, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902006#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 6 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 6, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 7 = { x = 9, addition1 = "0", id = 7, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902014#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 8 = { x = 8, addition1 = "0", id = 8, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 9 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 9, y = 1, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901074#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 10 = { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 10, y = 1, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 11 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 11, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902013#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 12 = { x = 4, addition1 = "0", id = 12, y = 1, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 13 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 13, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901033#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 14 = { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 14, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 15 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 15, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903003#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 16 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 16, y = 2, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 17 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 17, y = 3, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901044#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 18 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 18, y = 4, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 19 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 19, y = 5, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902010#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 20 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 20, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 21 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 21, y = 2, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 22 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 22, y = 3, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902018#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 23 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 23, y = 4, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 24 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 24, y = 5, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901061#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 25 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 25, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 26 = { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 26, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903011#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 27 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 27, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 28 = { x = 4, addition1 = "0", id = 28, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901014#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 29 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 29, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 30 = { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 30, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902004#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 31 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 31, y = 7, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 6, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 32 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 32, y = 8, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 33 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 33, y = 9, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902001#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 34 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 34, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 35 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 35, y = 11, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901074#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 36 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 36, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 37 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 37, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902002#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 38 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 38, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 39 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 39, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903010#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 40 = { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 40, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 41 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 41, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901054#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 42 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 42, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 43 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 43, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 11, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 44 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 44, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 45 = { x = 4, addition1 = "0", id = 45, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901062#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 46 = { x = 5, addition1 = "2012", id = 46, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 10, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 47 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 47, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 48 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 48, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901071#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 49 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 49, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902004#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 50 = { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 50, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 51 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 51, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901015#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 52 = { x = 8, addition1 = "0", id = 52, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 53 = { x = 9, addition1 = "0", id = 53, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 12, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 54 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 54, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 55 = { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 55, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902001#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 56 = { x = 12, addition1 = "0", id = 56, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 57 = { x = 13, 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= function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 59 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 59, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903007#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 60 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 60, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 61 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 61, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901003#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 62 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 62, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 63 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 63, y = 11, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901083#10", isComplete = false, 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copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 65 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 65, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902014#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 66 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 66, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 67 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 67, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901038#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 68 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 68, y = 11, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 69 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 69, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903006#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 70 = { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 70, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 71 = { x = 12, addition1 = "0", id = 71, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901006#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 72 = { x = 13, addition1 = "0", id = 72, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 73 = { x = 14, addition1 = "0", id = 73, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901039#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 74 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 74, y = 9, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 7, addition2 = "1#15902002#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 75 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 75, y = 8, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 76 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 76, y = 7, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901080#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 77 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 77, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 78 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 78, y = 5, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 5, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 79 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 79, y = 4, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 80 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 80, y = 3, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902020#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 81 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 81, y = 2, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{initBuff}初始化 buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{initBuff}table: 0x0142ce0ea0 { _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8ba0, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 2, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9180, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9070, number = 1, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 0, type = 3, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b8f60, name = "unqiueId", full_name = ".MapBuff.unqiueId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 2 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9e10, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9cf0, number = 2, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 1, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b9ba8, name = "defineId", full_name = ".MapBuff.defineId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 3 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2ba7f8, _sizer = function: 0x012e2ba6e8, number = 3, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 2, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2ba5d8, name = "remainCount", full_name = ".MapBuff.remainCount", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 4 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2bb288, _sizer = function: 0x012e2bb170, number = 4, default_value = 0, label = 1, index = 3, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2bb060, name = "addtional1", full_name = ".MapBuff.addtional1", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapBuff", full_name = ".MapBuff", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage.lua:0]:{}打开大富翁的界面 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/dice.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/monopolyview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/monopolycell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowdown.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowleft.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowright.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowup.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onChangeBuff}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage.lua:0]:{}大富翁主界面加载完成的界面 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 203 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Act203GetInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityId: 10377 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/crack_017.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 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path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_019.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_029.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_075_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=203,cmd=1,status=0,size=95 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_hudiefeiwu_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_014.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s76_sl/texture/g-s76_sl_tx_xuanwo.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_xvanwo_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_114.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_huxiguang_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_other_062.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_051.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_124.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s202_game_dfw/texture/g-s202_dfw_hztx_p04.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_hztx_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}完成地图设置: [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function 'onLoadAidHero' logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/controller/BaseController: in function 'localNotify' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyMap: in function '_onSetMapInfo' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyMap: in function 'onEnterSceneFinished' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyEffectComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}false 2150 false [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{onEnterSceneFinished}跟随食魂Id : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{onEnterSceneFinished}2150 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onLoadFollowHero}设置跟随食魂 ID: 2150 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onLoadFollowHero}跟随食魂spine先: 为跟随食魂设置位置方向 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_onLoadFollowHero' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function 'onEnterSceneFinished' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyEffectComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}false 2150 true [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onLoadFollowHero}table: 0x0135ed4290 { mover = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 4.5484994888306, }, 2 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 5.7484994888306, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x0141e476a0, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013e2a73d8, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x0141dacd20, hasListener = function: 0x0141e384b8, removeListener = function: 0x0141ec09b0, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a93abf8, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014180f9f0, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014ec07518, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x0142fa3ea8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141eeeed0, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x014a8ae098, dispatch = function: 0x014421e418, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0144247088, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0144218cf8, hasListener = function: 0x0143b986a0, removeListener = function: 0x0141807468, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0140a73b00, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141f28b50, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013e1c9ed8, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014bfb5320, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141eb1ff0, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2444, _disposedCount = 1871, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2444, _disposedCount = 1871, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x014a8ae098, dispatch = function: 0x014421e418, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0144247088, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0144218cf8, hasListener = function: 0x0143b986a0, removeListener = function: 0x0141807468, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0140a73b00, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141f28b50, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013e1c9ed8, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014bfb5320, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141eb1ff0, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2444, _disposedCount = 1871, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2444, _disposedCount = 1871, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, _compList = { 1 = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0141eb2900, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x01416d7b40, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, dispatch = function: 0x0140a76ce8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0143759ef0, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, addListener = function: 0x013e1e9d88, hasListener = function: 0x0141d6c7a0, removeListener = function: 0x0141ea9680, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x01437a2b98, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013e01a440, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _spine = 循环引用: table: 0x014a5030a8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01434f8018, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x013d597f78, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x013e073758, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, 2 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _unitHero = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAidHeroFinish = false, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014a8c2fa0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0135ed4160, hasListener = function: 0x014c278170, removeListener = function: 0x0135ed3e78, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014a5030a8, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014181cdc0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141f04140, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013a0c4b90, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0135ed3fd0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0144215950, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, 2 = { _dispatching = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0140a76ce8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0143759ef0, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, addListener = function: 0x013e1e9d88, hasListener = function: 0x0141d6c7a0, removeListener = function: 0x0141ea9680, class = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x01437a2b98, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013e01a440, _listenPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _spine = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0141eb2900, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x01416d7b40, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed5208, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, 2 = { handlerObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, handler = function: 0x014a8c2fa0, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0135ed4160, hasListener = function: 0x014c278170, removeListener = function: 0x0135ed3e78, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014a5030a8, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014181cdc0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141f04140, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013a0c4b90, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0135ed3fd0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0144215950, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01434f8018, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x013d597f78, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x013e073758, _allListeners = { }, __index = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, 3 = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 4.5484994888306, }, 2 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 5.7484994888306, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x0141e476a0, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013e2a73d8, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x0141dacd20, hasListener = function: 0x0141e384b8, removeListener = function: 0x0141ec09b0, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a93abf8, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014180f9f0, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014ec07518, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x0142fa3ea8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141eeeed0, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x014a8ae098, dispatch = function: 0x014421e418, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0144247088, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x0144218cf8, hasListener = function: 0x0143b986a0, removeListener = function: 0x0141807468, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0140a73b00, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141f28b50, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013e1c9ed8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014bfb5320, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141eb1ff0, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x014a8ae098, dispatch = function: 0x014421e418, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0144247088, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x0144218cf8, hasListener = function: 0x0143b986a0, removeListener = function: 0x0141807468, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0140a73b00, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141f28b50, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013e1c9ed8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014bfb5320, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141eb1ff0, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, 4 = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 4.5484994888306, }, 2 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 5.7484994888306, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x0141e476a0, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013e2a73d8, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x0141dacd20, hasListener = function: 0x0141e384b8, removeListener = function: 0x0141ec09b0, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a93abf8, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014180f9f0, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014ec07518, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x0142fa3ea8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141eeeed0, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014a8b3780, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014a8b3780, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x014421e418, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0144247088, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0144218cf8, hasListener = function: 0x0143b986a0, removeListener = function: 0x0141807468, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0140a73b00, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141f28b50, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013e1c9ed8, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014bfb5320, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141eb1ff0, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, }, spinemover = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 4.5484994888306, }, 2 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 5.7484994888306, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x0141e476a0, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013e2a73d8, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x0141dacd20, hasListener = function: 0x0141e384b8, removeListener = function: 0x0141ec09b0, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a93abf8, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014180f9f0, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014ec07518, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x0142fa3ea8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141eeeed0, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014a8b3780, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014a8b3780, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x014421e418, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0144247088, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0144218cf8, hasListener = function: 0x0143b986a0, removeListener = function: 0x0141807468, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0140a73b00, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141f28b50, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013e1c9ed8, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014bfb5320, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141eb1ff0, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, id = 0, spine = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0141eb2900, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x01416d7b40, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0140a76ce8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0143759ef0, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, addListener = function: 0x013e1e9d88, hasListener = function: 0x0141d6c7a0, removeListener = function: 0x0141ea9680, class = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x01437a2b98, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013e01a440, _listenPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _spine = 循环引用: table: 0x014a5030a8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01434f8018, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x013d597f78, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x013e073758, _allListeners = { }, __index = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2444, _disposedCount = 1871, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2444, _disposedCount = 1871, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, 2 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _sceneCamera = { _followToArg = Framework.CameraFollowArg, _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _leftBound = -23.001269355653, dispatch = function: 0x014a5ad010, _topBound = 13.010951519012, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014a578be8, _follower = MainCamera (Framework.CameraMmoFollow), _mainCamera = MainCamera (UnityEngine.Camera), _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mainCameraComponent = MainCamera (UnityEngine.Camera), _primitiveOrthographicSize = 7.6190476417542, isOnEnterScene = true, _followCurArg = Framework.CameraFollowArg, addListener = function: 0x014a51aec8, hasListener = function: 0x014a5b2900, removeListener = function: 0x014a53c3e8, _bottomBound = -0.64095258712769, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a5b0590, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014a5a2b50, _rightBound = 22.24127103412, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014a558410, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014a53c300, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a5af3b8, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _unitHero = { mover = table, 超出指定深度:8, _compList = table, 超出指定深度:8, spinemover = table, 超出指定深度:8, id = 0, spine = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, boxColliderAdder = table, 超出指定深度:8, go = spine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = { 46 = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _loadAidHeroFinish = false, _scene = { _compList = table, 超出指定深度:8, interaction = table, 超出指定深度:8, gameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, _stageLoadFinishedObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, _stageLoadFinishedHandler = function: 0x01407d4460, factor = 循环引用: table: 0x01416d1ec0, _curBornZ = 0, cfgFinder = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _enterFinishedHandler = function: 0x01407d4430, camera = table, 超出指定深度:8, effects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _curBornX = 0, _isExiting = false, _curSceneId = 310011, _enterFinishedObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, globalTouch = table, 超出指定深度:8, map = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _pointPos = table, 超出指定深度:8, dispatch = function: 0x01442041e8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0144204c30, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _sceneFactor = 循环引用: table: 0x01416d1ec0, addListener = function: 0x01442065c8, hasListener = function: 0x01442032f0, removeListener = function: 0x0144205958, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0144203770, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144204688, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01442052e8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x0144206048, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0144203c70, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _infoHasReply = true, dispatch = function: 0x014a6db8d0, _stageUrl = "scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_game_dfw_stage.prefab", _stageInst = g-s202_game_dfw_stage(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), _safeAddListener = function: 0x014a6dd0d0, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stageLoaded = false, addListener = function: 0x014a6e1c30, hasListener = function: 0x014a6d86d0, removeListener = function: 0x014a6df290, _stageRes = Framework.Resource, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a6d9540, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014a6dc470, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014a6ddcf8, _mainViewLoadComplete = true, removeAllListener = function: 0x014a6e1178, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a6dacf8, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _id = 6, dispatch = function: 0x01359d88c0, _pools = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x01358e53a0, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _rules = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mulitLoader = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x0135787d90, hasListener = function: 0x0135a2d298, removeListener = function: 0x013585f1c0, _effectsParent = EffectsParent (UnityEngine.GameObject), class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0135a24b20, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x01358fc338, removeAllListener = function: 0x01357c1468, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAllFinish = true, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01358d1798, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _effects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0135a038a0, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, class = { New = function: 0x014219ba00, _handleEvent = function: 0x014c2806e8, create = function: 0x0142192390, _onAidHeroSpineChange = function: 0x014c2567d0, _createYunSprite = function: 0x014218bfe0, onExitScene = function: 0x014c2978b0, _onPassWayPoint = function: 0x014c27d1e0, onEnterScene = function: 0x014218f0f8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013e1b7f48, _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x014c26c8e0, onInit = function: 0x0142191a48, _loadHero = function: 0x014c2727b8, __cname = "MonopolySceneFactory", _onUpdateMap = function: 0x014c24e4b8, _readyStartGame = function: 0x014c28ffa0, onLoadAidHero = function: 0x014c256f70, _onLoadFollowHero = function: 0x014c267d90, _destroyHero = function: 0x014c290188, _isStartGame = function: 0x014c294790, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, ctor = function: 0x0142192080, onEnterSceneFinished = function: 0x014c298238, _onImageLoaded = function: 0x014c297a98, _handlerLeaderPosChanged = function: 0x014c2875e0, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = { }, __index = { New = function: 0x014219ba00, _handleEvent = function: 0x014c2806e8, create = function: 0x0142192390, _onAidHeroSpineChange = function: 0x014c2567d0, _createYunSprite = function: 0x014218bfe0, onExitScene = function: 0x014c2978b0, _onPassWayPoint = function: 0x014c27d1e0, onEnterScene = function: 0x014218f0f8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013e1b7f48, _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x014c26c8e0, onInit = function: 0x0142191a48, _loadHero = function: 0x014c2727b8, __cname = "MonopolySceneFactory", _onUpdateMap = function: 0x014c24e4b8, _readyStartGame = function: 0x014c28ffa0, onLoadAidHero = function: 0x014c256f70, _onLoadFollowHero = function: 0x014c267d90, _destroyHero = function: 0x014c290188, _isStartGame = function: 0x014c294790, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, ctor = function: 0x0142192080, onEnterSceneFinished = function: 0x014c298238, _onImageLoaded = function: 0x014c297a98, _handlerLeaderPosChanged = function: 0x014c2875e0, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x014a8c2fa0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2444, _disposedCount = 1871, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 2444, _disposedCount = 1871, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0135ed4160, hasListener = function: 0x014c278170, removeListener = function: 0x0135ed3e78, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014a5030a8, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014181cdc0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141f04140, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013a0c4b90, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0135ed3fd0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0144215950, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, class = { Update = function: 0x0143084b78, _initComponents = function: 0x0143084b48, New = function: 0x01430859b8, create = function: 0x0143086938, __cname = "MonopolyHero", super = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, __supers = { 1 = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430867b0, __index = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, boxColliderAdder = { _dispatching = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0140a76ce8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0143759ef0, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, addListener = function: 0x013e1e9d88, hasListener = function: 0x0141d6c7a0, removeListener = function: 0x0141ea9680, class = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x01437a2b98, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013e01a440, _listenPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _spine = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x0141eb2900, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x01416d7b40, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed5208, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, 2 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x0135ed4290, _unitHero = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAidHeroFinish = false, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014a8c2fa0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0135ed4160, hasListener = function: 0x014c278170, removeListener = function: 0x0135ed3e78, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x014a5030a8, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014181cdc0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141f04140, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013a0c4b90, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0135ed3fd0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0144215950, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01434f8018, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x013d597f78, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x013e073758, _allListeners = { }, __index = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { Update = function: 0x0143084b78, _initComponents = function: 0x0143084b48, New = function: 0x01430859b8, create = function: 0x0143086938, __cname = "MonopolyHero", super = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, __supers = { 1 = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430867b0, __index = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=52,id=310011,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyEffectComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 101 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 52#310011 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}加载目标名字 spine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/common/spine/UnitCompSpine: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}false 2150 true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityId: 10377 score: 0 taskInfo { id: 1 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 2 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 3 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 4 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 5 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 6 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 7 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 8 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 9 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 10 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } hasBuyScore: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Act203GetInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 203 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10191179066896 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 Act203GetInfoReply 27 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901050.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902006.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/itemicon/15902014.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901074.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902013.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901033.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901044.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902010.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902018.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901061.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903011.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901014.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902004.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902001.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902002.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903010.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901054.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901062.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901071.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901015.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901060.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903007.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901003.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901038.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/itemicon/15903006.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901006.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901039.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901080.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902020.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}加载目标名字 2012 46 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}助力食魂加载状态 true 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/common/spine/UnitCompSpine: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}true 2150 true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}加载目标名字 followHeroSpine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/common/spine/UnitCompSpine: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}true 2150 true [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_readyStartGame}MonopolySceneFactory:_readyStartGame sdfsdddddddddd [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}游戏正式开始 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:19][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onOpenInteraction}开启UI交互 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/270003.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/monopoly/monopoly_yun.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_01.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_03.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_04.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_02.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_01.png instance: @21ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_03.png instance: @21ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_04.png instance: @21ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:19]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_02.png instance: @21ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController: in function 'enterMainScene' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyFacade: in function 'exitScene' logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyModel.lua:0]:{onReset}MonopolyModel重置 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 138 time: 1000 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_destroyHero}销毁目标名称 : spine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_destroyHero}销毁目标名称 : followHeroSpine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_destroyHero}销毁目标名称 : 2012 46 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=52,id=310011 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{openInAppEvent}打开IAE Card [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099996376782656 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 28 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]DestroyUnusedResources:71,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_050_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_055.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_057.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_02.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_collider.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_zjm.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_a.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_b.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_a.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_b.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:20]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab instance: @134ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21][@logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage.lua:0]:{_onAllLoaded}-------------主城主场景加载完毕,开始打开主界面--------------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 76 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = BondCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=76,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_stageLoadFinishedHandler}成功加载了一个新的场景的舞台,但当前场景还未进入完毕,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_checkAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZoneMgr: in function '_loadedCallback' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZone: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 100 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:12:21][@logic/extensions/pandora/controller/PandoraPanelController.lua:0]:{setPopReady}Pandora bPopReady= enterHallNoGuide [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 9#205 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_05.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_03.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_09.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_02.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_10.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_20.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/270008.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=76,cmd=1,status=0,size=4562 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_05.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_03.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_09.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_02.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_10.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21]bigbg/fettercard/fettercard_small_20.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}altasCover: 0 bondCardInfos { defineId: 1024 level: 1 createTime: 1658368462 skills { skillId: 220571 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220573 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220572 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1025 level: 1 createTime: 1658368477 skills { skillId: 220251 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220253 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220252 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1026 level: 1 createTime: 1675676736 skills { skillId: 220523 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220522 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220521 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1027 level: 1 createTime: 1664406007 skills { skillId: 220711 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220713 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220712 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1028 level: 1 createTime: 1658368472 skills { skillId: 220731 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220733 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220732 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1029 level: 1 createTime: 1651078774 skills { skillId: 220513 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220512 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220511 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1030 level: 1 createTime: 1658368473 skills { skillId: 220331 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220333 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220332 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1031 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220963 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220962 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220961 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1032 level: 1 createTime: 1664529665 skills { skillId: 220623 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220622 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220621 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1033 level: 1 createTime: 1658368480 skills { skillId: 220403 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220402 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220401 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1034 level: 2 createTime: 1660210886 skills { skillId: 220113 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220112 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220111 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1035 level: 1 createTime: 1658368469 skills { skillId: 220391 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220393 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220392 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1036 level: 1 createTime: 1670223404 skills { skillId: 220583 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220582 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220581 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1037 level: 1 createTime: 1668654195 skills { skillId: 220833 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220832 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220831 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1038 level: 1 createTime: 1668654188 skills { skillId: 220851 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220853 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220852 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1039 level: 2 createTime: 1658368465 skills { skillId: 220843 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220842 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220841 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1040 level: 1 createTime: 1660210883 skills { skillId: 220673 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220672 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220671 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1041 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220663 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220662 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220661 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1042 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220783 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220782 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220781 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1043 level: 1 createTime: 1668654194 skills { skillId: 220263 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220262 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220261 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1044 level: 1 createTime: 1668654193 skills { skillId: 220651 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220653 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220652 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1045 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 221043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1046 level: 1 createTime: 1677838471 skills { skillId: 221211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1047 level: 1 createTime: 1664406004 skills { skillId: 220491 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220493 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220492 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1048 level: 1 createTime: 1668654190 skills { skillId: 220871 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220873 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220872 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1049 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 299991 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 299992 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 299993 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1050 level: 1 createTime: 1668654192 skills { skillId: 220411 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220413 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220412 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1051 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 220023 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220022 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220021 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1052 level: 1 createTime: 1677838469 skills { skillId: 220051 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220053 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220052 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1053 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220151 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220153 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220152 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1054 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220063 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220062 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220061 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1055 level: 1 createTime: 1675676734 skills { skillId: 220103 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220102 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220101 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1056 level: 1 createTime: 1670223401 skills { skillId: 220183 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220182 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220181 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1057 level: 1 createTime: 1673951419 skills { skillId: 220193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1058 level: 1 createTime: 1679401913 skills { skillId: 220203 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220202 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220201 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1059 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220231 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220233 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220232 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1060 level: 1 createTime: 1673951418 skills { skillId: 220243 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220242 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220241 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1061 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220273 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220272 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220271 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1062 level: 1 createTime: 1670223400 skills { skillId: 220283 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220282 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220281 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1063 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220291 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220293 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220292 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1064 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220303 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220302 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220301 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1065 level: 1 createTime: 1673951415 skills { skillId: 220311 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220313 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220312 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1066 level: 1 createTime: 1678934688 skills { skillId: 220383 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220382 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220381 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1067 level: 1 createTime: 1673951417 skills { skillId: 220353 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220352 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220351 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1068 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220363 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220362 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220361 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1069 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220323 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220322 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220321 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1070 level: 1 createTime: 1673951413 skills { skillId: 220371 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220373 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220372 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1071 level: 1 createTime: 1676019131 skills { skillId: 220423 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220422 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220421 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1072 level: 1 createTime: 1676019129 skills { skillId: 220443 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220442 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220441 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1073 level: 1 createTime: 1676019133 skills { skillId: 220451 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220453 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220452 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1074 level: 1 createTime: 1679401303 skills { skillId: 220463 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220462 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220461 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1075 level: 1 createTime: 1684969664 skills { skillId: 220471 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220473 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220472 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1076 level: 1 createTime: 1678934686 skills { skillId: 220483 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220482 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220481 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1077 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220503 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220502 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220501 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1078 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220543 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220542 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220541 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1079 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220551 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220553 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220552 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1080 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220563 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220562 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220561 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1081 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220951 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220953 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220952 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1082 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220971 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220973 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220972 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1083 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220983 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220982 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220981 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1084 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220993 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220992 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220991 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1085 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 221003 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 221002 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 221001 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1086 level: 1 createTime: 1684969663 skills { skillId: 220593 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220592 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220591 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1087 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220631 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220633 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220632 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1088 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220643 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220642 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220641 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1089 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220683 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220682 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220681 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1090 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220603 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220602 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220601 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3001 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 8 nextValue: 12 } skills { skillId: 9 intValue: 8 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 3 intValue: 10 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3003 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 11 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3004 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 14 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3005 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 17 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3006 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 20 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3007 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } skills { skillId: 24 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3008 level: 1 createTime: 1671037708 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 25 nextValue: 50 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3009 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 28 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3010 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 29 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3011 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 32 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3012 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 33 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2001 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 5 intValue: 14 nextValue: 17 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2002 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 6 intValue: 12 nextValue: 15 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2003 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 8 intValue: 12 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2004 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 4 intValue: 11 nextValue: 13 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2005 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 7 intValue: 400 nextValue: 500 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2006 level: 2 createTime: 1658047409 skills { skillId: 10 intValue: 6 nextValue: 9 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2007 level: 1 createTime: 1677838456 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2008 level: 1 createTime: 1673951394 skills { skillId: 13 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2009 level: 1 createTime: 1675676784 skills { skillId: 15 intValue: 30 nextValue: 60 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2010 level: 2 createTime: 1655368930 skills { skillId: 18 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2011 level: 1 createTime: 1679401898 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2012 level: 2 createTime: 1670223393 skills { skillId: 19 intValue: 180 nextValue: 270 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2013 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 21 intValue: 1500 nextValue: 1650 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2014 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 22 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2015 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 23 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2016 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 25 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2017 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 27 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2018 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 30 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2019 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 31 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2020 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 250 nextValue: 275 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1001 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220003 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220002 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220001 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1003 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1004 level: 1 createTime: 1640193452 skills { skillId: 220123 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220122 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220121 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1005 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220171 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } skills { skillId: 220173 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220172 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1006 level: 1 createTime: 1640193444 skills { skillId: 220211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1007 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1008 level: 4 createTime: 1640194895 skills { skillId: 220071 intValue: 40 nextValue: 50 } skills { skillId: 220073 intValue: 8 nextValue: 10 } skills { skillId: 220072 intValue: 4 nextValue: 5 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1009 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 221191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1010 level: 1 createTime: 1640193447 skills { skillId: 221223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1011 level: 1 createTime: 1651078768 skills { skillId: 220091 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220093 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220092 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1012 level: 2 createTime: 1651078779 skills { skillId: 220163 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220162 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220161 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1013 level: 1 createTime: 1651078771 skills { skillId: 220531 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220533 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220532 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1014 level: 1 createTime: 1651078773 skills { skillId: 220611 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220613 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220612 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1015 level: 3 createTime: 1651078766 skills { skillId: 220343 intValue: 6 nextValue: 8 } skills { skillId: 220342 intValue: 3 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220341 intValue: 30 nextValue: 40 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1016 level: 1 createTime: 1651078770 skills { skillId: 221031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220143 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220142 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220141 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1017 level: 1 createTime: 1651078778 skills { skillId: 220943 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220942 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220941 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1018 level: 1 createTime: 1658368470 skills { skillId: 220083 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220082 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220081 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1019 level: 1 createTime: 1651078777 skills { skillId: 220433 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220432 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220431 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1020 level: 1 createTime: 1651078763 skills { skillId: 220011 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220013 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220012 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1021 level: 1 createTime: 1651078776 skills { skillId: 220753 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220752 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220751 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1022 level: 3 createTime: 1658368479 skills { skillId: 220763 intValue: 6 nextValue: 8 } skills { skillId: 220762 intValue: 3 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220761 intValue: 30 nextValue: 40 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1023 level: 1 createTime: 1651078775 skills { skillId: 220131 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220133 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220132 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = BondCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:21][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 76 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10003025084734 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 BondCardInfoReply 29 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMonthCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 22 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetWeeklyCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=4,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=22,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleReconnectMgr.lua:0]:{startup}已经启动重连: 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/extensions/common/facade/CommonFacade.lua:0]:{clearFloatTipsCacheAndRelease}恢复飘字,清空缓存的飘字 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 103 1 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get103InfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 1 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetTopupInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 10 当前队列数量= 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}isOpenView: false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=103,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=10,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/extensions/playerinfo/model/PlayerInfoModel.lua:0]:{isSuperR}TCL: ilevel:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isSuperR false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isShow false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 31 17 当前队列数量= 6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetJinyumantangInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=31,cmd=17,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 22 34 当前队列数量= 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SummonPoolRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}poolId: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 43 39 当前队列数量= 8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetUnReadNewspaperRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 7 当前队列数量= 9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=22,cmd=34,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=43,cmd=39,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=7,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 137 1 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get137InfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=137,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainViewPresentor.lua:0]:{_onEnterAnimationDone}主界面打开动画完毕,广播主界面打开完毕GlobalNotify.BeginShowMainViewFinish,准备好了,对于启动流程有作用的 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/certificate/texun_yrjj1.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/certificate/texun_ysjj2.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]bigbg/certificate/texun_yrjj1.png instance: @20ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]language/zh/bigbg/certificate/texun_ysjj2.png instance: @20ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMonthCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.16666386835277 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 GetMonthCardInfoReply 30 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 11 2 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetCurrencyInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}currencyId: 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=11,cmd=2,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=22,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=103,cmd=1,status=0,size=1071 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=1,status=0,size=4523 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=10,status=0,size=551 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetWeeklyCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=31,cmd=17,status=0,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=22,cmd=34,status=0,size=224 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 22 所需时间单位秒 = 0.1999614071101 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 GetWeeklyCardInfoReply 31 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=43,cmd=39,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=41,cmd=7,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=137,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=2,status=0,size=26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { day: 1 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十二 } infos { day: 2 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十三 } infos { day: 3 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十四 } infos { day: 4 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十五 } infos { day: 5 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 15 drawIds: 72 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十六 } infos { day: 6 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 2 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十七 lunarFestival: 立夏 } infos { day: 7 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 4 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十八 } infos { day: 8 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 78 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十九 } infos { day: 9 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 75 drawIds: 10 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 19 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月二十 } infos { day: 10 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 1 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 8 drawIds: 74 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿一 } infos { day: 11 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 77 drawIds: 65 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿二 } infos { day: 12 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 15 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 18 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿三 } infos { day: 13 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 5 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 18 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿四 } infos { day: 14 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 33 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 72 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿五 } infos { day: 15 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 1 drawIds: 4 drawIds: 11 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿六 } infos { day: 16 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 91 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿七 } infos { day: 17 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 65 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿八 } infos { day: 18 hasSignIn: false luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 88 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿九 } infos { day: 19 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初一 } infos { day: 20 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 1 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 5 drawIds: 91 drawIds: 33 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初二 } infos { day: 21 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 5 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 16 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初三 lunarFestival: 小满 } infos { day: 22 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初四 } infos { day: 23 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初五 } infos { day: 24 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 13 drawIds: 16 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初六 } infos { day: 25 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 77 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初七 } serverTime: 1684969942420 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get103InfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 103 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.1999614071101 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 8 || 0 Get103InfosReply 32 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { topupId: 4100 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6210 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buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1324 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9516 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1325 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9517 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1326 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9518 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9519 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9520 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9521 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9522 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7501 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7502 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7503 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7504 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7505 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7506 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7507 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7508 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7509 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7510 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7511 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7512 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7513 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7514 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1402 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1403 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1404 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7706 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7707 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7708 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7709 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7710 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7711 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7712 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7713 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7714 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7720 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7721 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7722 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9819 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9820 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9821 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9822 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9823 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9826 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5800 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9916 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9917 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9918 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9919 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9920 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10016 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10017 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10118 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10119 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10120 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10121 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10122 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10123 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10124 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10129 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10130 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10131 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10132 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10133 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10134 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10135 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10136 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4037 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4038 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4039 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 2001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6100 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4081 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4082 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4083 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4084 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4085 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4086 buyCount: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetTopupInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.23537820018828 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 7 || 0 GetTopupInfoReply 33 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/topup/agent/TopupAgent:0: MidasMarketingInfo ====> TopupAgent:_queryMarketingInfo; zoneId=4; roleId=273900 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 8201 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8202 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8203 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8204 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8501 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8502 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8503 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8504 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8505 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8506 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8507 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8508 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8509 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8510 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8511 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8603 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7003 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7004 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7005 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7006 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7007 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1008 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1009 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1010 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1101 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1102 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1103 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1104 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1105 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1106 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1107 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1108 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1109 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1110 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1111 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1112 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1113 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1114 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1115 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1116 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1117 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1201 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1202 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1401 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1402 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1403 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1404 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1606 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10024 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10025 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10106 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6100 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 4084 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 10 所需时间单位秒 = 0.23537820018828 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 6 || 0 GetGiftBagInfoReply 34 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 5 当前队列数量= 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetStoreFreeGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=5,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}time: 1683364412787 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetJinyumantangInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 31 17 所需时间单位秒 = 0.23537820018828 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 6 || 0 GetJinyumantangInfoReply 35 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}summonPools { poolId: 1 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 5 doneCount: 187 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false poolSkewRare { rareId: 5 count: 2 } heroSkewRare { heroId: 2007 count: 2 poolCount: 182 cdTime: 182 } extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 9997 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 1 doneCount: 10 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false poolSkewRare { rareId: 5 count: 1 } heroSkewRare { heroId: 2014 count: 1 poolCount: 10 cdTime: 10 } extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 134 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 0 doneCount: 0 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 135 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 2 doneCount: 70 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false poolSkewRare { rareId: 5 count: 2 } heroSkewRare { heroId: 2075 count: 1 poolCount: 11 cdTime: 11 } heroSkewRare { heroId: 2150 count: 1 poolCount: 67 cdTime: 67 } extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 136 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 0 doneCount: 1 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 138 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 0 doneCount: 0 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 139 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 0 doneCount: 0 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 140 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 0 doneCount: 0 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SummonPoolReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 22 34 所需时间单位秒 = 0.26661140844226 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 5 || 0 SummonPoolReply 36 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetUnReadNewspaperReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 43 39 所需时间单位秒 = 0.26661140844226 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 4 || 0 GetUnReadNewspaperReply 37 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{initTriggers}initTriggers: 1 zoneId: 20501 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 129 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 129 挂点: ui_luwu_shuijiao_p1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}expireTime: 1674031686 refreshCount: 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 41 7 所需时间单位秒 = 0.26661140844226 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 3 || 0 GetMysteryStoreInfoReply 38 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=41,cmd=5,status=0,size=19 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get137InfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 137 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.29998124018312 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 Get137InfosReply 39 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}currencyInfo { currencyId: 4 count: 4272 lastRecoverTime: 1684969728000 dailyRecoveredCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 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2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680653787000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1318546142 mailId: 314601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240146#2 state: 1 createTime: 1678930136000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 840665170 mailId: 308403 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#4 state: 1 createTime: 1614039381000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1318546141 mailId: 309701 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240097#2 state: 1 createTime: 1678930127000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340265902 mailId: 315001 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240150#2 state: 1 createTime: 1682527058000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340265903 mailId: 314901 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240149#2 state: 1 createTime: 1682527079000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 628828982 mailId: 1145006 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599045842000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1187935902 mailId: 313801 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240138#2 state: 1 createTime: 1660759778000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187935903 mailId: 313901 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240139#2 state: 1 createTime: 1660759790000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340265904 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1682528402000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月27日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1315877436 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1161 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1678482023000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1329805072 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681127223000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347223577 mailId: 20009 params: 965 attachment: 2#8#700|2#1#160|2#2#18000 state: 0 createTime: 1684096204930 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1328926049 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680573008000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1326623559 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680476291000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347223578 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684145833894 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1349077040 mailId: 314903 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240149#4 state: 1 createTime: 1684317668050 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1346888733 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683943830740 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1349077043 mailId: 315003 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240150#4 state: 1 createTime: 1684317837094 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326900044 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680308380000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1346888732 mailId: 29 params: attachment: 2#1#10 state: 0 createTime: 1683943830193 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1341383599 mailId: 20073 params: 百鬼众魅#1026 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 0 createTime: 1683493213380 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1261203312 mailId: 20392 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1671279383000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1326912841 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680412454000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1246536748 mailId: 314301 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240143#2 state: 1 createTime: 1668652051000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 846051333 mailId: 305201 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240052#2 state: 1 createTime: 1614414412000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 830020883 mailId: 308401 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#2 state: 1 createTime: 1613022690000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1271014824 mailId: 157 params: attachment: 1#11190024#1|2#2#50000|2#12#10 state: 1 createTime: 1672565493000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1246536743 mailId: 314201 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240142#2 state: 1 createTime: 1668652040000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 830020885 mailId: 308402 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#3 state: 1 createTime: 1613022702000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1333742864 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1681682248000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 846051357 mailId: 305202 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240052#3 state: 1 createTime: 1614414658000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1341380993 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#845 attachment: 2#12#35|2#11#10|2#2#14000 state: 0 createTime: 1683320411728 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1346510903 mailId: 20423 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1684046355968 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1311294558 mailId: 20009 params: 1170 attachment: 2#1#150|2#2#16000|2#8#600 state: 1 createTime: 1678048204000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1346510904 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684046356300 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1248056856 mailId: 20084 params: 大翻勺·初 attachment: 2#26#250|2#1#80|2#2#16000 state: 1 createTime: 1669017190000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330663725 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1681085064000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1187615924 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000244#5000 state: 1 createTime: 1660754679000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330166582 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680737401000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月6日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1330166583 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680751011000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1324908167 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679967493000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187615926 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000242#5 state: 1 createTime: 1660754758000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1136017719 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#27#520|2#2#13140|1#11090033#1|1#11060006#52 state: 1 createTime: 1653049221000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 锵锵~愿世界充满爱 content: 少主, 今天真是个充满爱意的日子呀,大家好像都在谈论"爱"呢!"520"——"我爱你",多么美好的谐音~多亏这个日子,虾饺也有了关于新歌的想法,一个愿世界充满爱的音乐灵感,等这首歌出来,虾饺一定要第一个唱给少主听! 虾饺 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1324906107 mailId: 20084 params: 切花刀·初 attachment: 2#26#400|2#2#22000|2#1#120 state: 1 createTime: 1679881932000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1324906108 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679881932000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350938113 mailId: 20044 params: 1054 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1684616411922 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1262398907 mailId: 20044 params: 836 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#12#35|2#11#10 state: 1 createTime: 1671310819000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1200630550 mailId: 1145032 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662083975000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 866833698 mailId: 302001 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240020#2 state: 1 createTime: 1616839459000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1213547231 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#994 attachment: 2#12#35|2#11#10|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1663362024000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 781882384 mailId: 307604 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240076#5 state: 1 createTime: 1609837976000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1312268962 mailId: 20073 params: 黑白双子#1063 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1677963615000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1324790371 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1680046613000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 781597198 mailId: 307601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240076#2 state: 1 createTime: 1609731449000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 645588195 mailId: 304004 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240040#5 state: 1 createTime: 1599896748000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340395902 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1682546387000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 937737086 mailId: 312001 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240120#2 state: 1 createTime: 1625967649000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1352995902 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684967496525 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1352326657 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684930322229 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347530957 mailId: 20073 params: 智斗灵机#769 attachment: 1#10000016#2|2#2#25000|2#11#25 state: 0 createTime: 1684339223248 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1349904619 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684743903619 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1195148189 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1 state: 1 createTime: 1661414183000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 好友功能异常补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的少主:   8月25日更新后部分少主出现好友功能异常的问题,目前该异常管理司已修复,对此造成的不便,管理司深表歉意!在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「大份干粮」*1,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1336156421 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#43#1500|1#11160003#1|2#1#100 state: 0 createTime: 1681729692000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【舌尖争擂】活动调整补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的空桑少主,   由于【舌尖争擂】活动在断开网络连接后有概率会出现无法登录游戏的问题,为确保少主的体验,管理司决定暂时关闭【舌尖争擂】活动,后续开启时间将另行通知,因活动关闭给少主游戏造成不便,管理司深表歉意!在此奉上补偿小礼:「金玉」*100、「大份干粮」*1、「擂主令」*1500,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 911326963 mailId: 306901 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240069#2 state: 1 createTime: 1622686263000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1336156422 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681788150000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1312267408 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#1019 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1677877216000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1122990662 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1651216736000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1338239849 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1074 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 0 createTime: 1682283612000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1152655903 mailId: 20347 params: attachment: 2#1#100|8#11110226#1|1#11160003#1|8#11100175#1 state: 1 createTime: 1655943063000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1121955956 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 4#2104#7 state: 1 createTime: 1651080001000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1349895902 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684362981379 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1121955953 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 17#160005#1 state: 1 createTime: 1651079943000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340055921 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#20000 state: 0 createTime: 1682526255000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 579064372 mailId: 20084 params: 握刀法·初 attachment: 2#26#100|2#2#10000|2#1#50 state: 1 createTime: 1596424453000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217170 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#1000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217171 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#2000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326913965 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680466587000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1298528222 mailId: 314501 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240145#2 state: 1 createTime: 1675676301000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177002139 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#6000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659687755000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217174 mailId: 151 params: attachment: 1#11190024#1|1#11090110#1|1#10000123#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177002138 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#5000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659687755000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1170589560 mailId: 301603 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#4 state: 1 createTime: 1658740316000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1139594065 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1654069140000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217172 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#3000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217173 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#4000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1225308104 mailId: 312303 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#4 state: 1 createTime: 1665223381000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 734725902 mailId: 20121 params: attachment: 1#10040006#10 state: 1 createTime: 1606333625000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326616020 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1680132602000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月30日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 695578547 mailId: 136 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1603335117000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1326616021 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1680138030000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1203163518 mailId: 1145035 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662342003000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1178882190 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#1000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659952456000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 987576851 mailId: 20250 params: attachment: 1#10000123#1|2#11#3 state: 1 createTime: 1631134810000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1179023496 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#2000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1660014541000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 990566853 mailId: 309603 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#4 state: 1 createTime: 1631348761000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1347558019 mailId: 20052 params: 2#2693115#20 attachment: 2#7#330|2#2#33000 state: 1 createTime: 1684098014079 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1333924689 mailId: 20009 params: 3076 attachment: 2#8#500|2#1#140|2#2#14000 state: 0 createTime: 1681677011000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 990352340 mailId: 309604 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#5 state: 1 createTime: 1631446480000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337710957 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1682237047000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1170591506 mailId: 301604 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#5 state: 1 createTime: 1658839961000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1327150016 mailId: 20049 params: 辣椒#麻辣火锅 attachment: 1#11300001#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680440977000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1165347241 mailId: 20073 params: 黑白双子#1154 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1658005217000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1119899167 mailId: 20073 params: 百鬼众魅#1333 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1650834019000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1344809719 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683540387940 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1084446275 mailId: 20307 params: attachment: 2#1#100|8#11100166#1|1#11160003#1|8#11110209#1 state: 1 createTime: 1644887912000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1102285648 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1648020902000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 985541720 mailId: 1145015 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631007368000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 985541719 mailId: 1145014 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631007363000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1116087407 mailId: 20044 params: 1388 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1650142814000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1314825904 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1678318201000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月9日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1338176306 mailId: 20052 params: 3#822156#49 attachment: 2#7#110|2#2#11000 state: 1 createTime: 1682110810000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1239507216 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1097 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1667595622000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 629995903 mailId: 1145007 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599087158000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347526822 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#873 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#11#10|2#12#35 state: 0 createTime: 1683925213391 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 889486844 mailId: 301602 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#3 state: 1 createTime: 1619660314000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1312168141 mailId: 20052 params: 1#2304192#38 attachment: 2#7#165|2#2#16500 state: 1 createTime: 1678222809000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1304837437 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#1334 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1676667630000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1304132421 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 1 createTime: 1676843438000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1327167007 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#922 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#12#35|2#11#10 state: 1 createTime: 1680296415000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1205648601 mailId: 1145036 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662513914000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1100189334 mailId: 300803 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240008#4 state: 1 createTime: 1647591802000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1037201108 mailId: 20084 params: 大翻勺·初 attachment: 2#1#80|2#2#16000|2#26#250 state: 1 createTime: 1638151347000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330659927 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680940623000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1116091279 mailId: 20073 params: 较艺行拳#2172 attachment: 1#10000016#1|2#11#15|2#2#15000 state: 1 createTime: 1650470427000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1205648599 mailId: 1145037 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662513907000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 675661646 mailId: 20084 params: 握刀法·高 attachment: 2#26#200|2#1#70|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1601853930000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1207389946 mailId: 1145039 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662685739000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 987985902 mailId: 1145017 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631140431000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1207389945 mailId: 1145038 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662685734000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 639787820 mailId: 300701 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#2 state: 1 createTime: 1599556891000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1319607222 mailId: 20073 params: 海市蜃楼#482 attachment: 2#2#16000|2#11#11|2#12#40 state: 1 createTime: 1679086815000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1336237748 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日] attachment: 2#37#1 state: 0 createTime: 1681905991000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1255818696 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000264#1000|2#6#500|2#1#200|1#11190024#1 state: 1 createTime: 1670343601000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 12月7日开服小礼·一 content: 少主敬启:   空桑入口现已重新开放,一日不见,甚是想念。因停服一日间少主未能参与空桑内活动,管理司为少主备了些许特别开服小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 975481655 mailId: 300103 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240001#4 state: 1 createTime: 1630075571000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1096525903 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1646866801000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月10日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 656214536 mailId: 306201 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240062#2 state: 1 createTime: 1600656052000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 988286975 mailId: 309601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#2 state: 1 createTime: 1631154691000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1343341323 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683301792015 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1343341322 mailId: 20009 params: 1441 attachment: 2#1#150|2#2#16000|2#8#600 state: 0 createTime: 1682886606224 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 975481656 mailId: 300104 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240001#5 state: 1 createTime: 1630075584000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1200967817 mailId: 1145031 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662019712000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326905865 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680490176000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 805126877 mailId: 306601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240066#2 state: 1 createTime: 1611733687000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337351826 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1682284852000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1039096523 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11140976#1|1#11140975#1|1#11140979#1|1#11140978#1|1#11140977#1 state: 1 createTime: 1638413206000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 食物语必胜客联动礼包 content: 亲爱的少主,感谢您对本次联动的喜爱。联动限定礼包现已发送,请注意查收!空桑管理司 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1303958684 mailId: 142 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1676630805000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1039096522 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11140968#1|1#11140967#1|1#11140966#1|1#11140965#1|1#11140969#1 state: 1 createTime: 1638413206000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 食物语必胜客联动礼包 content: 亲爱的少主,感谢您对本次联动的喜爱。联动限定礼包现已发送,请注意查收!空桑管理司 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1038986436 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11140972#1|1#11140973#1|1#11140974#1|1#11140970#1|1#11140971#1 state: 1 createTime: 1638413206000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 食物语必胜客联动礼包 content: 亲爱的少主,感谢您对本次联动的喜爱。联动限定礼包现已发送,请注意查收!空桑管理司 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340402381 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日] attachment: 2#37#1 state: 0 createTime: 1682835313000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347529592 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1043 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1684098015784 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 972835542 mailId: 301101 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240011#2 state: 1 createTime: 1629980236000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 946483521 mailId: 135 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1627112950000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1228507158 mailId: 312304 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#5 state: 1 createTime: 1665645661000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 632145538 mailId: 1145008 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599274344000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1250206132 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 1 createTime: 1669244403000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 11月24日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1209936172 mailId: 1145040 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662822617000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1307759306 mailId: 314701 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240147#2 state: 1 createTime: 1677204956000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 697188023 mailId: 302703 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240027#4 state: 1 createTime: 1603442049000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1322375149 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 1 createTime: 1679868578000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1322308079 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000294#1000|1#10000293#1000 state: 1 createTime: 1679574130000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【误入桃源】调整补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的空桑少主,      为确保少主们的体验,本次更新后建造【农田】、【林场】时将仅消耗金瓜子,不再需要消耗稻谷或林木,在此奉上补偿小礼:「稻谷」*1000与「林木」*1000,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 885486466 mailId: 0 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1619055606000 sender: 且止微醺 title: 协会广播 content: 游戏上线了协会合并功能,我们接到了满级协会的联系,大家同意协会上扣1,不同意扣2,有其他建议可以私我。 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 972835513 mailId: 303301 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240033#2 state: 1 createTime: 1629980120000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 877628679 mailId: 301601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#2 state: 1 createTime: 1617895798000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1265955902 mailId: 155 params: attachment: 1#11190024#1|2#2#88888|1#10000123#2 state: 1 createTime: 1671661391000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187931520 mailId: 313802 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240138#3 state: 1 createTime: 1660818558000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 843897091 mailId: 308404 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#5 state: 1 createTime: 1614221675000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1200973530 mailId: 1145033 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662176149000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1323197836 mailId: 20049 params: 辣椒#麻辣火锅 attachment: 1#11300001#1 state: 1 createTime: 1679835636000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350939603 mailId: 20073 params: 楼兰奇兵#957 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#11#10|2#12#35 state: 0 createTime: 1684702816904 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1121965960 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#15903004#1 state: 1 createTime: 1651079988000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1323107206 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1134 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1679691622000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1151289282 mailId: 307501 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240075#2 state: 1 createTime: 1655862002000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1216976342 mailId: 20372 params: attachment: 14#150002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1663810465000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 856510573 mailId: 305204 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240052#5 state: 1 createTime: 1615516686000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1349901588 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684675507268 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1280302378 mailId: 312802 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240128#3 state: 1 createTime: 1673603367000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1349901587 mailId: 29 params: attachment: 1#11070001#500 state: 1 createTime: 1684675506795 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1341382292 mailId: 20073 params: 黑白双子#1067 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 0 createTime: 1683406814481 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1327168624 mailId: 20044 params: 836 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#12#35|2#11#10 state: 1 createTime: 1680382823000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1225826400 mailId: 312301 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#2 state: 1 createTime: 1665196326000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 908022638 mailId: 20073 params: 天道酬勤#1830 attachment: 2#11#8|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1622649618000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 579916263 mailId: 20084 params: 握刀法·初 attachment: 2#2#10000|2#1#50|2#26#100 state: 1 createTime: 1596430760000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187605939 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 11#140237#1 state: 1 createTime: 1660754695000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350988038 mailId: 20052 params: 3#1541148#26 attachment: 2#2#22000|2#7#220 state: 1 createTime: 1684702815654 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337351733 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1682284850000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 640090018 mailId: 300703 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#4 state: 1 createTime: 1599620885000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 936101967 mailId: 20238 params: 百才争魁 attachment: 1#11040002#1|1#10000157#200|2#12#20|1#11060006#5 state: 1 createTime: 1625815922000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 936101966 mailId: 20239 params: 百才争魁 attachment: 2#11#5|1#10000157#100|2#2#20000 state: 1 createTime: 1625815922000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1311557034 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1677713403000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月2日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350359546 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 0 createTime: 1684366201000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 5月18日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1217402652 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#300 state: 1 createTime: 1663933279000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 「牡丹蝎托」技能调整补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的少主:   很抱歉此次对于「牡丹蝎托」技能调整方案给少主带来了负面的体验,管理司在此向少主表达深切的歉意!   在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「金玉*300」,感谢少主的包容和理解。   对于9月21日及之前已拥有「牡丹蝎托」少主的追加补偿小礼,将随9月29日周版本更新后通过邮件发放,详情还请少主查看正式公告。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1308557423 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1192 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1677272413000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1217840387 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1320 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1664139622000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1172227656 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1|2#2#20000|1#10000238#300 state: 1 createTime: 1658980396000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 7月28日【万物守恒】小游戏补偿 content: 亲爱的空桑少主,   7月28日更新后的【万物守恒】小游戏玩法出现部分物品重量计算不正确的问题,目前该异常管理司已修复,对上述问题造成的不便,管理司深表歉意!在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「大份干粮」*1、「真金砝码」*300、「贝币」*20000,感谢少主的包容和理解。如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 《食物语》空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330663623 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1681085060000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1304840785 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1365 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1676840424000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1225826441 mailId: 312302 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#3 state: 1 createTime: 1665198224000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1221433684 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#926 attachment: 2#12#35|2#11#10|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1665176421000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 656214663 mailId: 306202 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240062#3 state: 1 createTime: 1600656270000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 983369475 mailId: 1145013 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1630772757000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 640089990 mailId: 99 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599620107000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1333575902 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1681342200000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月13日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 781518641 mailId: 307603 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240076#4 state: 1 createTime: 1609743563000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 985484568 mailId: 1145016 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631065426000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 639787911 mailId: 300702 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#3 state: 1 createTime: 1599558135000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337986153 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1681947000000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月20日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 988322626 mailId: 1145018 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631263183000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337986154 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681954043000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1322503548 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679795349000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 981805354 mailId: 1145012 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1630711040000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1333582028 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681657489000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 988322651 mailId: 309602 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#3 state: 1 createTime: 1631263485000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 643638254 mailId: 300704 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#5 state: 1 createTime: 1599758437000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1280076280 mailId: 20401 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1|8#11100286#1|8#11110258#1|2#1#100 state: 1 createTime: 1673486316000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1220346629 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11190024#10 state: 1 createTime: 1664421734000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 「牡丹蝎托」技能调整追加补偿 content: 亲爱的少主:很抱歉此次对于「牡丹蝎托」技能调整方案给少主带来了负面的体验,管理司在此向少主表达深切的歉意!在此特为少主奉上追加补偿小礼:「魂芯*10」、「膳具碎片·御*50」,补偿将分为两封邮件发放,感谢少主的包容和理解。如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行!空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187890037 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000244#500|2#2#20000|1#11160003#1 state: 1 createTime: 1660784412000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【沙排之王】活动延期补偿 content: 亲爱的少主:   由于【沙排之王】活动在特定机型下会出现异常问题,管理司正在加紧修复问题,为确保少主的体验,管理司决定将【沙排之王】活动统一调整至8月25日更新后开启,同时将活动结束时间顺延一周至9月14日23:59。因活动延期给少主游戏造成不便,管理司深表歉意!在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「大份干粮」*1、「水晶球」*500、「贝币」*20000,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 640090012 mailId: 1145009 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599620775000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 640090013 mailId: 1145010 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599620781000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1254257023 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#954 attachment: 2#11#10|2#12#35|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1670014812000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1209576358 mailId: 153 params: attachment: 1#11090077#1|1#11040003#1|2#12#20|4#2079#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662816114000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1343123916 mailId: 29 params: attachment: 2#1#10 state: 0 createTime: 1683433906254 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1343123917 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683433906879 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1209582025 mailId: 20084 params: 大翻勺·中 attachment: 2#2#18000|2#1#90|2#26#300 state: 1 createTime: 1662952913000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 697187935 mailId: 302702 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240027#3 state: 1 createTime: 1603440794000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1341063741 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1682891510000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1333742764 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1681682246000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1208007640 mailId: 20044 params: 1340 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1662843616000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1322496818 mailId: 311302 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240113#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679540548000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 952625954 mailId: 20248 params: attachment: 2#1#100|1#11160003#1|8#11110172#1|8#11100150#1 state: 1 createTime: 1627519900000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1203157585 mailId: 1145034 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662252091000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 700251220 mailId: 20073 params: 楼兰奇兵#3170 attachment: 2#12#25|2#2#11000 state: 1 createTime: 1603659612000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 982090081 mailId: 1145011 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1630630450000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337715792 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1682472637000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1119835983 mailId: 20052 params: 3#2401875#1 attachment: 2#2#80000|2#7#800 state: 1 createTime: 1650574813000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 925257429 mailId: 20229 params: 2591 attachment: 2#11#15|1#10000016#1|2#2#15000 state: 1 createTime: 1624464265000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1172229674 mailId: 306501 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240065#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659079788000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1172229672 mailId: 312801 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240128#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659079646000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1347528103 mailId: 20044 params: 805 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#11#10|2#12#35 state: 0 createTime: 1684011613196 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1207341582 mailId: 303404 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240034#5 state: 1 createTime: 1662712309000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1172229671 mailId: 312101 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240121#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659079628000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 625356991 mailId: 1145005 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598833947000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1326623465 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1680476286000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1323110179 mailId: 20073 params: 百鬼众魅#1062 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1679864420000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 619769615 mailId: 1145004 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598579392000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetAllMailsReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 32 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13337370753288 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetAllMailsReply 43 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1014.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:26]language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1014.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:27][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:28][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:28][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:28][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1043.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:30]language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1043.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:39][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:39][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:50][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:12:50][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:1][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:1][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:12]++++++++++++++++拿到的tsssdk的c#的data长度313 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:12]))))((((((转换为lua的buffer数据长度(((((313____________313 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:12][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 313 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:12][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}=============sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包完毕,等协议过去-=-============================= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:12][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:12][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:12] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:12]__________删除tsssdk++++++sb数据________ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:12]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=1,size=325 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:12]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:12]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=13,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:12][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:12][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:12][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13329416513443 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SubmitAntiDataReply 49 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:23][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:23][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:34][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:34][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:45][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:45][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 601 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 76 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = BondCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=76,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099939834326506 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 53 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=76,cmd=1,status=0,size=4562 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}altasCover: 0 bondCardInfos { defineId: 1024 level: 1 createTime: 1658368462 skills { skillId: 220571 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220573 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220572 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1025 level: 1 createTime: 1658368477 skills { skillId: 220251 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220253 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220252 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1026 level: 1 createTime: 1675676736 skills { skillId: 220523 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220522 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220521 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1027 level: 1 createTime: 1664406007 skills { skillId: 220711 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220713 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220712 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1028 level: 1 createTime: 1658368472 skills { skillId: 220731 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220733 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220732 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1029 level: 1 createTime: 1651078774 skills { skillId: 220513 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220512 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220511 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1030 level: 1 createTime: 1658368473 skills { skillId: 220331 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220333 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220332 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1031 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220963 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220962 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220961 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1032 level: 1 createTime: 1664529665 skills { skillId: 220623 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220622 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220621 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1033 level: 1 createTime: 1658368480 skills { skillId: 220403 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220402 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220401 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1034 level: 2 createTime: 1660210886 skills { skillId: 220113 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220112 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220111 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1035 level: 1 createTime: 1658368469 skills { skillId: 220391 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220393 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220392 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1036 level: 1 createTime: 1670223404 skills { skillId: 220583 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220582 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220581 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1037 level: 1 createTime: 1668654195 skills { skillId: 220833 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220832 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220831 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1038 level: 1 createTime: 1668654188 skills { skillId: 220851 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220853 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220852 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1039 level: 2 createTime: 1658368465 skills { skillId: 220843 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220842 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220841 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1040 level: 1 createTime: 1660210883 skills { skillId: 220673 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220672 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220671 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1041 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220663 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220662 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220661 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1042 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220783 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220782 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220781 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1043 level: 1 createTime: 1668654194 skills { skillId: 220263 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220262 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220261 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1044 level: 1 createTime: 1668654193 skills { skillId: 220651 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220653 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220652 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1045 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 221043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1046 level: 1 createTime: 1677838471 skills { skillId: 221211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1047 level: 1 createTime: 1664406004 skills { skillId: 220491 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220493 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220492 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1048 level: 1 createTime: 1668654190 skills { skillId: 220871 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220873 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220872 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1049 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 299991 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 299992 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 299993 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1050 level: 1 createTime: 1668654192 skills { skillId: 220411 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220413 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220412 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1051 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 220023 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220022 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220021 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1052 level: 1 createTime: 1677838469 skills { skillId: 220051 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220053 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220052 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1053 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220151 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220153 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220152 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1054 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220063 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220062 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220061 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1055 level: 1 createTime: 1675676734 skills { skillId: 220103 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220102 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220101 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1056 level: 1 createTime: 1670223401 skills { skillId: 220183 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220182 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220181 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1057 level: 1 createTime: 1673951419 skills { skillId: 220193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1058 level: 1 createTime: 1679401913 skills { skillId: 220203 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220202 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220201 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1059 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220231 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220233 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220232 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1060 level: 1 createTime: 1673951418 skills { skillId: 220243 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220242 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220241 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1061 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220273 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220272 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220271 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1062 level: 1 createTime: 1670223400 skills { skillId: 220283 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220282 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220281 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1063 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220291 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220293 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220292 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1064 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220303 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220302 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220301 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1065 level: 1 createTime: 1673951415 skills { skillId: 220311 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220313 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220312 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1066 level: 1 createTime: 1678934688 skills { skillId: 220383 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220382 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220381 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1067 level: 1 createTime: 1673951417 skills { skillId: 220353 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220352 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220351 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1068 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220363 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220362 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220361 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1069 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220323 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220322 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220321 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1070 level: 1 createTime: 1673951413 skills { skillId: 220371 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220373 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220372 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1071 level: 1 createTime: 1676019131 skills { skillId: 220423 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220422 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220421 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1072 level: 1 createTime: 1676019129 skills { skillId: 220443 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220442 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220441 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1073 level: 1 createTime: 1676019133 skills { skillId: 220451 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220453 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220452 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1074 level: 1 createTime: 1679401303 skills { skillId: 220463 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220462 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220461 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1075 level: 1 createTime: 1684969664 skills { skillId: 220471 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220473 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220472 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1076 level: 1 createTime: 1678934686 skills { skillId: 220483 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220482 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220481 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1077 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220503 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220502 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220501 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1078 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220543 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220542 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220541 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1079 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220551 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220553 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220552 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1080 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220563 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220562 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220561 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1081 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220951 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220953 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220952 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1082 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220971 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220973 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220972 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1083 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220983 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220982 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220981 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1084 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220993 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220992 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220991 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1085 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 221003 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 221002 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 221001 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1086 level: 1 createTime: 1684969663 skills { skillId: 220593 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220592 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220591 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1087 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220631 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220633 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220632 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1088 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220643 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220642 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220641 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1089 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220683 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220682 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220681 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1090 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220603 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220602 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220601 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3001 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 8 nextValue: 12 } skills { skillId: 9 intValue: 8 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 3 intValue: 10 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3003 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 11 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3004 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 14 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3005 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 17 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3006 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 20 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3007 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } skills { skillId: 24 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3008 level: 1 createTime: 1671037708 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 25 nextValue: 50 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3009 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 28 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3010 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 29 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3011 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 32 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3012 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 33 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2001 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 5 intValue: 14 nextValue: 17 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2002 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 6 intValue: 12 nextValue: 15 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2003 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 8 intValue: 12 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2004 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 4 intValue: 11 nextValue: 13 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2005 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 7 intValue: 400 nextValue: 500 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2006 level: 2 createTime: 1658047409 skills { skillId: 10 intValue: 6 nextValue: 9 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2007 level: 1 createTime: 1677838456 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2008 level: 1 createTime: 1673951394 skills { skillId: 13 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2009 level: 1 createTime: 1675676784 skills { skillId: 15 intValue: 30 nextValue: 60 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2010 level: 2 createTime: 1655368930 skills { skillId: 18 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2011 level: 1 createTime: 1679401898 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2012 level: 2 createTime: 1670223393 skills { skillId: 19 intValue: 180 nextValue: 270 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2013 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 21 intValue: 1500 nextValue: 1650 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2014 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 22 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2015 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 23 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2016 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 25 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2017 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 27 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2018 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 30 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2019 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 31 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2020 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 250 nextValue: 275 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1001 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220003 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220002 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220001 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1003 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1004 level: 1 createTime: 1640193452 skills { skillId: 220123 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220122 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220121 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1005 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220171 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } skills { skillId: 220173 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220172 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1006 level: 1 createTime: 1640193444 skills { skillId: 220211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1007 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1008 level: 4 createTime: 1640194895 skills { skillId: 220071 intValue: 40 nextValue: 50 } skills { skillId: 220073 intValue: 8 nextValue: 10 } skills { skillId: 220072 intValue: 4 nextValue: 5 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1009 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 221191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1010 level: 1 createTime: 1640193447 skills { skillId: 221223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1011 level: 1 createTime: 1651078768 skills { skillId: 220091 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220093 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220092 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1012 level: 2 createTime: 1651078779 skills { skillId: 220163 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220162 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220161 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1013 level: 1 createTime: 1651078771 skills { skillId: 220531 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220533 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220532 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1014 level: 1 createTime: 1651078773 skills { skillId: 220611 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220613 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220612 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1015 level: 3 createTime: 1651078766 skills { skillId: 220343 intValue: 6 nextValue: 8 } skills { skillId: 220342 intValue: 3 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220341 intValue: 30 nextValue: 40 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1016 level: 1 createTime: 1651078770 skills { skillId: 221031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220143 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220142 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220141 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1017 level: 1 createTime: 1651078778 skills { skillId: 220943 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220942 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220941 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1018 level: 1 createTime: 1658368470 skills { skillId: 220083 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220082 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220081 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1019 level: 1 createTime: 1651078777 skills { skillId: 220433 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220432 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220431 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1020 level: 1 createTime: 1651078763 skills { skillId: 220011 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220013 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220012 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1021 level: 1 createTime: 1651078776 skills { skillId: 220753 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220752 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220751 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1022 level: 3 createTime: 1658368479 skills { skillId: 220763 intValue: 6 nextValue: 8 } skills { skillId: 220762 intValue: 3 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220761 intValue: 30 nextValue: 40 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1023 level: 1 createTime: 1651078775 skills { skillId: 220131 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220133 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220132 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = BondCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 76 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13334391638637 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 BondCardInfoReply 54 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:54][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter.lua:0]:{_processDone}Live2DCharacter 动作+表情完了,可以重复触摸 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 602 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRichManMapRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityType: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066682584583759 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 55 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=1,status=0,size=1684 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityType: 1 gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 12 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRichManMapReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.1001239605248 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRichManMapReply 56 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}handleGetRichManMapReply 0 activityType: 1 gripMap { mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 12 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=52,id=310011 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyFacade: in function 'realEnterScene' logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:55]DestroyUnusedResources:51,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=52,id=310011 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{initGame}初始化游戏 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{initGame}table: 0x014266e960 { 1 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 11, 4 = 12, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{initGame}mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 12 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } mapId: 1001 currentGridId: 12 grids { id: 1 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 2 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 3 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901050#10 } grids { id: 4 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 5 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902006#2 } grids { id: 6 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 7 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 8 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 9 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 10 byteValue: 3 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 11 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902013#2 } grids { id: 12 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 21 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 22 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902018#2 } grids { id: 23 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 24 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901061#10 } grids { id: 25 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 26 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903011#2 } grids { id: 27 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 28 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901014#10 } grids { id: 29 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 30 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 33 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 34 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 35 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901074#10 } grids { id: 36 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 37 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 38 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 39 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903010#2 } grids { id: 40 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 41 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901054#10 } grids { id: 42 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 43 byteValue: 0 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 44 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 45 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901062#10 } grids { id: 46 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 2012 addition2: } grids { id: 47 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 48 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901071#10 } grids { id: 49 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902004#2 } grids { id: 50 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 51 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901015#10 } grids { id: 52 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 53 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 54 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 55 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902001#2 } grids { id: 56 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 57 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901060#10 } grids { id: 58 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 59 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903007#2 } grids { id: 60 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 61 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901003#10 } grids { id: 62 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 63 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901083#10 } grids { id: 64 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 65 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902014#2 } grids { id: 66 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 67 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901038#10 } grids { id: 68 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 69 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903006#2 } grids { id: 70 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 71 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901006#10 } grids { id: 72 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 73 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901039#10 } grids { id: 74 byteValue: 0 addition0: 1 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902002#2 } grids { id: 75 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 76 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901080#10 } grids { id: 77 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 78 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: } grids { id: 79 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 80 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902020#2 } grids { id: 81 byteValue: 0 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } mapAddtional { direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{setMapInfo}初始英雄位置为 :12 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{setMapInfo}初始化当前方向为 : 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyMapModel.lua:0]:{setMapInfo}table: 0x01413d1130 { 1 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 1, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 1, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 2 = { x = 14, addition1 = "0", id = 2, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 3 = { x = 13, addition1 = "0", id = 3, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901050#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 4 = { x = 12, addition1 = "0", id = 4, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 5 = { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 5, y = 1, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902006#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 6 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 6, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 7 = { x = 9, addition1 = "0", id = 7, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902014#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 8 = { x = 8, addition1 = "0", id = 8, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 9 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 9, y = 1, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901074#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 10 = { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 10, y = 1, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 11 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 11, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902013#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 12 = { x = 4, addition1 = "0", id = 12, y = 1, isTrigger = true, isPass = true, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 13 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 13, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901033#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 14 = { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 14, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 15 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 15, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903003#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 16 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 16, y = 2, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 17 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 17, y = 3, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901044#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 18 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 18, y = 4, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 19 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 19, y = 5, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902010#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 20 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 20, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 21 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 21, y = 2, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 22 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 22, y = 3, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902018#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 23 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 23, y = 4, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 24 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 24, y = 5, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901061#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 25 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 25, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 26 = { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 26, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903011#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 27 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 27, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 28 = { x = 4, addition1 = "0", id = 28, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901014#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 29 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 29, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 30 = { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 30, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902004#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 31 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 31, y = 7, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 6, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 32 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 32, y = 8, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 33 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 33, y = 9, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902001#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 34 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 34, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 35 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 35, y = 11, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901074#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 36 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 36, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 37 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 37, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902002#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 38 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 38, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 39 = { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 39, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903010#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 40 = { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 40, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 41 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 41, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901054#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 42 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 42, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 43 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 43, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 11, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 44 = { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 44, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 45 = { x = 4, addition1 = "0", id = 45, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901062#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 46 = { x = 5, addition1 = "2012", id = 46, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 10, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 47 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 47, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 48 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 48, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901071#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 49 = { x = 5, addition1 = "0", id = 49, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902004#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 50 = { x = 6, addition1 = "0", id = 50, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 51 = { x = 7, addition1 = "0", id = 51, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901015#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 52 = { x = 8, addition1 = "0", id = 52, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 53 = { x = 9, addition1 = "0", id = 53, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 12, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 54 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 54, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 55 = { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 55, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902001#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 56 = { x = 12, addition1 = "0", id = 56, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 57 = { x = 13, addition1 = "0", id = 57, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901060#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 58 = { x = 14, addition1 = "0", id = 58, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 59 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 59, y = 15, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903007#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 60 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 60, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 61 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 61, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901003#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 62 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 62, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 63 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 63, y = 11, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901083#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 64 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 64, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 65 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 65, y = 14, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902014#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 66 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 66, y = 13, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 67 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 67, y = 12, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901038#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 68 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 68, y = 11, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 69 = { x = 10, addition1 = "0", id = 69, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15903006#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 70 = { x = 11, addition1 = "0", id = 70, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 71 = { x = 12, addition1 = "0", id = 71, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901006#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 72 = { x = 13, addition1 = "0", id = 72, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 73 = { x = 14, addition1 = "0", id = 73, y = 10, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901039#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 74 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 74, y = 9, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 7, addition2 = "1#15902002#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 75 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 75, y = 8, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 76 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 76, y = 7, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901080#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 77 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 77, y = 6, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 78 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 78, y = 5, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 5, addition2 = "", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 79 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 79, y = 4, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 80 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 80, y = 3, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15902020#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, 81 = { x = 15, addition1 = "0", id = 81, y = 2, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#3", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{initBuff}初始化 buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{initBuff}table: 0x0141e09d98 { _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = direction: 3 addition0: 2150 addition1: 1 , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8ba0, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 2, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9180, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9070, number = 1, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 0, type = 3, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b8f60, name = "unqiueId", full_name = ".MapBuff.unqiueId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 2 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9e10, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9cf0, number = 2, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 1, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b9ba8, name = "defineId", full_name = ".MapBuff.defineId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 3 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2ba7f8, _sizer = function: 0x012e2ba6e8, number = 3, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 2, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2ba5d8, name = "remainCount", full_name = ".MapBuff.remainCount", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 4 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2bb288, _sizer = function: 0x012e2bb170, number = 4, default_value = 0, label = 1, index = 3, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2bb060, name = "addtional1", full_name = ".MapBuff.addtional1", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapBuff", full_name = ".MapBuff", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage.lua:0]:{}打开大富翁的界面 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/dice.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/monopolyview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/monopolycell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowdown.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowleft.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowright.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/arrowup.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onChangeBuff}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage.lua:0]:{}大富翁主界面加载完成的界面 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 203 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Act203GetInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityId: 10377 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/crack_017.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=203,cmd=1,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm-cj_noise_086.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm-cj_noise_090.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_game_dfw_stage.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/crack_037.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_jwhy_mask_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_other_hgtg_003.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_sxtgy_mask_007.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_019.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_029.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_075_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_hudiefeiwu_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_014.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s76_sl/texture/g-s76_sl_tx_xuanwo.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_xvanwo_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_114.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_huxiguang_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_other_062.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_051.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_124.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s202_game_dfw/texture/g-s202_dfw_hztx_p04.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_dfw_hztx_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=203,cmd=1,status=0,size=95 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}完成地图设置: [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function 'onLoadAidHero' logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/controller/BaseController: in function 'localNotify' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyMap: in function '_onSetMapInfo' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyMap: in function 'onEnterSceneFinished' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyEffectComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}false 2150 false [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{onEnterSceneFinished}跟随食魂Id : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{onEnterSceneFinished}2150 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onLoadFollowHero}设置跟随食魂 ID: 2150 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onLoadFollowHero}跟随食魂spine先: 为跟随食魂设置位置方向 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_onLoadFollowHero' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function 'onEnterSceneFinished' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyEffectComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}false 2150 true [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onLoadFollowHero}table: 0x0141eb9290 { mover = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 4.5484994888306, }, 2 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 5.7484994888306, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x0141d7a3b8, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014238c888, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x01440237a8, hasListener = function: 0x0141dd22a8, removeListener = function: 0x0140fa7120, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014c2ca5a0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141dc2458, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01435b5b20, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x01407f34d0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014422d4c0, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x0141f71e38, dispatch = function: 0x014168a420, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141f3dd80, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0141ebb7e8, hasListener = function: 0x0141f7a160, removeListener = function: 0x013d5c4ca8, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014250f260, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0143750538, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013daf9ee0, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141df0270, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x013daf6d68, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 3338, _disposedCount = 2761, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 3338, _disposedCount = 2761, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x0141f71e38, dispatch = function: 0x014168a420, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141f3dd80, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0141ebb7e8, hasListener = function: 0x0141f7a160, removeListener = function: 0x013d5c4ca8, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014250f260, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0143750538, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013daf9ee0, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141df0270, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x013daf6d68, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 3338, _disposedCount = 2761, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 3338, _disposedCount = 2761, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, _compList = { 1 = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x013e036348, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141689690, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, dispatch = function: 0x014ae85208, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbfed38, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, addListener = function: 0x014ec06c10, hasListener = function: 0x0141ddbd88, removeListener = function: 0x0141eb4160, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x013e2a6b00, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013dc9eec8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _spine = 循环引用: table: 0x013daf79a8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014421a130, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x0143967420, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141e29148, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, 2 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _unitHero = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAidHeroFinish = false, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014e49a270, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0136660490, hasListener = function: 0x0141ec1568, removeListener = function: 0x0141f6e1f0, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x013daf79a8, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x01462dac88, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0135e4d650, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013e3dae00, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x01422959b8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141ea6008, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, 2 = { _dispatching = { }, dispatch = function: 0x014ae85208, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbfed38, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, addListener = function: 0x014ec06c10, hasListener = function: 0x0141ddbd88, removeListener = function: 0x0141eb4160, class = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x013e2a6b00, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013dc9eec8, _listenPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _spine = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x013e036348, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141689690, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x01353aa9c0, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, 2 = { handlerObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, handler = function: 0x014e49a270, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0136660490, hasListener = function: 0x0141ec1568, removeListener = function: 0x0141f6e1f0, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x013daf79a8, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x01462dac88, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0135e4d650, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013e3dae00, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x01422959b8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141ea6008, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014421a130, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0143967420, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141e29148, _allListeners = { }, __index = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, 3 = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 4.5484994888306, }, 2 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 5.7484994888306, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x0141d7a3b8, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014238c888, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x01440237a8, hasListener = function: 0x0141dd22a8, removeListener = function: 0x0140fa7120, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014c2ca5a0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141dc2458, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01435b5b20, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x01407f34d0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014422d4c0, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x0141f71e38, dispatch = function: 0x014168a420, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141f3dd80, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x0141ebb7e8, hasListener = function: 0x0141f7a160, removeListener = function: 0x013d5c4ca8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014250f260, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0143750538, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013daf9ee0, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141df0270, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x013daf6d68, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mover = 循环引用: table: 0x0141f71e38, dispatch = function: 0x014168a420, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141f3dd80, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x0141ebb7e8, hasListener = function: 0x0141f7a160, removeListener = function: 0x013d5c4ca8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014250f260, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0143750538, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013daf9ee0, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141df0270, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x013daf6d68, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, 4 = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 4.5484994888306, }, 2 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 5.7484994888306, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x0141d7a3b8, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014238c888, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x01440237a8, hasListener = function: 0x0141dd22a8, removeListener = function: 0x0140fa7120, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014c2ca5a0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141dc2458, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01435b5b20, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x01407f34d0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014422d4c0, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x01360d09a0, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x01360d09a0, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x014168a420, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141f3dd80, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0141ebb7e8, hasListener = function: 0x0141f7a160, removeListener = function: 0x013d5c4ca8, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014250f260, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0143750538, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013daf9ee0, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141df0270, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x013daf6d68, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, }, spinemover = { _dispatching = { }, _mover = { _dispatching = { }, _wpPool = { _createdCount = 2, _disposedCount = 0, _createFunc = function: 0x012a3f0d58, _objects = { 1 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 4.5484994888306, }, 2 = { y = -1.4158998727798, x = 5.7484994888306, }, }, class = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, _capacity = 100, __index = { clear = function: 0x012a5da778, New = function: 0x012a5da390, _resetObject = function: 0x012a5da748, __cname = "ObjectPool", _disposeObject = function: 0x012a5da528, create = function: 0x012a5da2f8, getObjectCount = function: 0x012a5da430, _createNewObject = function: 0x012a5da4f8, setCapacity = function: 0x012a5da400, returnObject = function: 0x012a5da4c8, getCreatedCount = function: 0x012a5da560, fetchObject = function: 0x012a5da498, getDisposedCount = function: 0x012a5da590, ctor = function: 0x012a5da468, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5da2b0, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x0141d7a3b8, _posX = 0, _accerationTime = 0, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014238c888, _speed = 3, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _startMoveTime = 0, _wayPoints = { }, _posY = 0, addListener = function: 0x01440237a8, hasListener = function: 0x0141dd22a8, removeListener = function: 0x0140fa7120, _speedY = 0, class = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014c2ca5a0, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0141dc2458, _dispatchPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01435b5b20, _speedX = 0, removeAllListener = function: 0x01407f34d0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014422d4c0, _allListeners = { 5 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x01360d09a0, handler = function: 0x014305e3d0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 5, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, 4 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x01360d09a0, handler = function: 0x014305e3a0, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 4, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, __index = { New = function: 0x0143068140, getPos = function: 0x0143066d78, create = function: 0x01430675d0, _setNewWayPoint = function: 0x0143066ea0, addWayPoint = function: 0x0143065f50, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, getCurWayPoint = function: 0x0143066d48, getAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143066bb0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyMover", onDestroy = function: 0x0143065958, update = function: 0x0143066ed0, setPosDirectly = function: 0x0143069920, ctor = function: 0x0143067460, setAccelerationTime = function: 0x0143067318, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x014306a068, setWayPoint = function: 0x0143066be0, clearWayPoints = function: 0x0143065f80, setSpeed = function: 0x01430672e8, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, dispatch = function: 0x014168a420, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141f3dd80, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _transform = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.Transform), _listenPendings = { }, addListener = function: 0x0141ebb7e8, hasListener = function: 0x0141f7a160, removeListener = function: 0x013d5c4ca8, class = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014250f260, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0143750538, isMoving = false, _tempToRemoves = { }, _moveIndex = -1, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013daf9ee0, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0141df0270, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x013daf6d68, _allListeners = { }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x014305e6f0, New = function: 0x014308e3e8, _onArrive = function: 0x014305e3d0, __cname = "UnitCompMonopolyHeroMover", onDestroy = function: 0x014305e508, create = function: 0x0143091170, _playAnimation = function: 0x014305e230, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430678c0, stopMove = function: 0x0143063158, _onPosChanged = function: 0x014305e3a0, setMovePath = function: 0x014305e538, setEndMoveEvent = function: 0x014305e720, getEndPos = function: 0x0143063128, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, id = 0, spine = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x013e036348, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141689690, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, dispatch = function: 0x014ae85208, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbfed38, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, addListener = function: 0x014ec06c10, hasListener = function: 0x0141ddbd88, removeListener = function: 0x0141eb4160, class = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x013e2a6b00, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013dc9eec8, _listenPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _spine = 循环引用: table: 0x013daf79a8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014421a130, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0143967420, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141e29148, _allListeners = { }, __index = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 3338, _disposedCount = 2761, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 3338, _disposedCount = 2761, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, 2 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = { }, _sceneCamera = { _followToArg = Framework.CameraFollowArg, _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _leftBound = -23.001269355653, dispatch = function: 0x014a5ad010, _topBound = 13.010951519012, _safeAddListener = function: 0x014a578be8, _follower = MainCamera (Framework.CameraMmoFollow), _mainCamera = MainCamera (UnityEngine.Camera), _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mainCameraComponent = MainCamera (UnityEngine.Camera), _primitiveOrthographicSize = 7.6190476417542, isOnEnterScene = true, _followCurArg = Framework.CameraFollowArg, addListener = function: 0x014a51aec8, hasListener = function: 0x014a5b2900, removeListener = function: 0x014a53c3e8, _bottomBound = -0.64095258712769, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a5b0590, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014a5a2b50, _rightBound = 22.24127103412, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014a558410, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014a53c300, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a5af3b8, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _unitHero = { mover = table, 超出指定深度:8, _compList = table, 超出指定深度:8, spinemover = table, 超出指定深度:8, id = 0, spine = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, boxColliderAdder = table, 超出指定深度:8, go = spine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = { 46 = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _loadAidHeroFinish = false, _scene = { _compList = table, 超出指定深度:8, interaction = table, 超出指定深度:8, gameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, _stageLoadFinishedObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, _stageLoadFinishedHandler = function: 0x01407d4460, factor = 循环引用: table: 0x01416d1ec0, _curBornZ = 0, cfgFinder = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _enterFinishedHandler = function: 0x01407d4430, camera = table, 超出指定深度:8, effects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _curBornX = 0, _isExiting = false, _curSceneId = 310011, _enterFinishedObj = table, 超出指定深度:8, globalTouch = table, 超出指定深度:8, map = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _pointPos = table, 超出指定深度:8, dispatch = function: 0x01442041e8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x0144204c30, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _sceneFactor = 循环引用: table: 0x01416d1ec0, addListener = function: 0x01442065c8, hasListener = function: 0x01442032f0, removeListener = function: 0x0144205958, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0144203770, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144204688, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01442052e8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x0144206048, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0144203c70, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _infoHasReply = true, dispatch = function: 0x014a6db8d0, _stageUrl = "scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s202_game_dfw/g-s202_game_dfw_stage.prefab", _stageInst = g-s202_game_dfw_stage(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), _safeAddListener = function: 0x014a6dd0d0, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stageLoaded = false, addListener = function: 0x014a6e1c30, hasListener = function: 0x014a6d86d0, removeListener = function: 0x014a6df290, _stageRes = Framework.Resource, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a6d9540, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x014a6dc470, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014a6ddcf8, _mainViewLoadComplete = true, removeAllListener = function: 0x014a6e1178, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a6dacf8, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _id = 6, dispatch = function: 0x01359d88c0, _pools = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x01358e53a0, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _rules = table, 超出指定深度:8, _mulitLoader = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x0135787d90, hasListener = function: 0x0135a2d298, removeListener = function: 0x013585f1c0, _effectsParent = EffectsParent (UnityEngine.GameObject), class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x0135a24b20, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x01358fc338, removeAllListener = function: 0x01357c1468, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAllFinish = true, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01358d1798, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _effects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0135a038a0, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, class = { New = function: 0x014219ba00, _handleEvent = function: 0x014c2806e8, create = function: 0x0142192390, _onAidHeroSpineChange = function: 0x014c2567d0, _createYunSprite = function: 0x014218bfe0, onExitScene = function: 0x014c2978b0, _onPassWayPoint = function: 0x014c27d1e0, onEnterScene = function: 0x014218f0f8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013e1b7f48, _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x014c26c8e0, onInit = function: 0x0142191a48, _loadHero = function: 0x014c2727b8, __cname = "MonopolySceneFactory", _onUpdateMap = function: 0x014c24e4b8, _readyStartGame = function: 0x014c28ffa0, onLoadAidHero = function: 0x014c256f70, _onLoadFollowHero = function: 0x014c267d90, _destroyHero = function: 0x014c290188, _isStartGame = function: 0x014c294790, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, ctor = function: 0x0142192080, onEnterSceneFinished = function: 0x014c298238, _onImageLoaded = function: 0x014c297a98, _handlerLeaderPosChanged = function: 0x014c2875e0, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _listenPendings = { }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = { }, __index = { New = function: 0x014219ba00, _handleEvent = function: 0x014c2806e8, create = function: 0x0142192390, _onAidHeroSpineChange = function: 0x014c2567d0, _createYunSprite = function: 0x014218bfe0, onExitScene = function: 0x014c2978b0, _onPassWayPoint = function: 0x014c27d1e0, onEnterScene = function: 0x014218f0f8, __supers = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013e1b7f48, _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x014c26c8e0, onInit = function: 0x0142191a48, _loadHero = function: 0x014c2727b8, __cname = "MonopolySceneFactory", _onUpdateMap = function: 0x014c24e4b8, _readyStartGame = function: 0x014c28ffa0, onLoadAidHero = function: 0x014c256f70, _onLoadFollowHero = function: 0x014c267d90, _destroyHero = function: 0x014c290188, _isStartGame = function: 0x014c294790, super = table, 超出指定深度:8, ctor = function: 0x0142192080, onEnterSceneFinished = function: 0x014c298238, _onImageLoaded = function: 0x014c297a98, _handlerLeaderPosChanged = function: 0x014c2875e0, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, }, handler = function: 0x014e49a270, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 3338, _disposedCount = 2761, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = { _createdCount = 3338, _disposedCount = 2761, _createFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, _objects = table, 超出指定深度:8, _disposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _capacity = 10, _resetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0136660490, hasListener = function: 0x0141ec1568, removeListener = function: 0x0141f6e1f0, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x013daf79a8, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x01462dac88, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0135e4d650, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013e3dae00, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x01422959b8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141ea6008, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, class = { Update = function: 0x0143084b78, _initComponents = function: 0x0143084b48, New = function: 0x01430859b8, create = function: 0x0143086938, __cname = "MonopolyHero", super = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, __supers = { 1 = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430867b0, __index = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, boxColliderAdder = { _dispatching = { }, dispatch = function: 0x014ae85208, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbfed38, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, addListener = function: 0x014ec06c10, hasListener = function: 0x0141ddbd88, removeListener = function: 0x0141eb4160, class = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x013e2a6b00, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x013dc9eec8, _listenPendings = { }, _tempToRemoves = { }, _spine = { _dispatching = { }, _isLoop = true, _listenPendings = { }, dispatch = function: 0x013e036348, _defaultAnimState = "idle1", _safeAddListener = function: 0x0141689690, _playSpeed = 1, _unit = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _isFlipX = true, _allListeners = { 1 = { 1 = { }, 2 = { 1 = { handlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x01353aa9c0, handler = function: 0x0143070290, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, 2 = { handlerObj = { _dispatching = table, 超出指定深度:8, _sceneCamera = table, 超出指定深度:8, _onEnterSceneFinish = true, dispatch = function: 0x01440c4508, _unitFollowHero = 循环引用: table: 0x0141eb9290, _unitHero = table, 超出指定深度:8, _safeAddListener = function: 0x013dbbd6d8, _aidHeroLists = table, 超出指定深度:8, _loadAidHeroFinish = false, _scene = table, 超出指定深度:8, _container = MonopolyScene (UnityEngine.GameObject), _sceneGameMgr = table, 超出指定深度:8, isOnEnterScene = true, _stage = table, 超出指定深度:8, addListener = function: 0x014c237968, hasListener = function: 0x014c2d4ab8, removeListener = function: 0x014c22d2e0, _effectPlayer = table, 超出指定深度:8, class = table, 超出指定深度:8, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x014a4ec090, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0144148d88, _units = table, 超出指定深度:8, _tempToRemoves = table, 超出指定深度:8, _listenPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x01362ca2f8, _dispatchPendings = table, 超出指定深度:8, removeAllListener = function: 0x014c2312f0, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x014a90eb78, _allListeners = table, 超出指定深度:8, __index = table, 超出指定深度:8, }, handler = function: 0x014e49a270, status = 2, class = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, name = 1, priority = 2, __index = { _poolResetFunc = function: 0x012a5dd280, reset = function: 0x012a5dd358, New = function: 0x012a5dd1e0, _poolCreateFunc = function: 0x012a5dd2b8, __cname = "NotifyEntry", create = function: 0x012a5dd148, _pool = table, 超出指定深度:8, initPool = function: 0x012a5dd3f0, getPool = function: 0x012a5dd428, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5dd100, ctor = function: 0x012a5dd328, _poolDisposeFunc = function: 0x012a5dd250, }, }, }, 3 = { }, }, }, addListener = function: 0x0136660490, hasListener = function: 0x0141ec1568, removeListener = function: 0x0141f6e1f0, _skeletonLoader = { _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _loadedHandlerObj = 循环引用: table: 0x013daf79a8, _loadedHandler = function: 0x013d94ba38, class = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, _go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { getGO = function: 0x012a5ec300, New = function: 0x012a5ec0f0, getInst = function: 0x012a5ec238, __cname = "PrefabLoader", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a5ec268, create = function: 0x012a5ec058, clear = function: 0x012a5ec4e8, getUrl = function: 0x012a5ec190, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a5ec010, getRes = function: 0x012a5ec330, load = function: 0x012a5ec298, _onPrefabLoaded = function: 0x012a5ec2c8, ctor = function: 0x012a5ec160, Get = function: 0x012a5ec1c8, }, }, class = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, _hasListenerInQueue = function: 0x01462dac88, _safeRemoveListener = function: 0x0135e4d650, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x013e3dae00, _tempToRemoves = { }, _hideSlotName = { }, _url = "character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab", _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x01422959b8, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141ea6008, __index = { setAttachment = function: 0x0143895140, getAnimationName = function: 0x013d94b400, create = function: 0x013d94e2d0, _setSlotShowByAlpha = function: 0x0143b9bc78, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, setDirection = function: 0x013d94c530, setDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94cb98, SkeletonAnimationType = Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation, setSlotShow = function: 0x0143c29230, getSpineUrl = function: 0x013d94c2a0, setInvisibleOnlyUpdateAnim = function: 0x01434da8a0, update = function: 0x0143737a08, resetAttachment = function: 0x0143790c68, getSkinIdListByUrl = function: 0x013d94b898, New = function: 0x013d94e628, getInst = function: 0x013d94c010, setScale = function: 0x013d94adc8, onDestroy = function: 0x013d94b0c0, setSlotShowByIds = function: 0x01437f2888, setPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94dd98, autoAdjustInScale = function: 0x013d94a790, enableAutoAdjusInScale = function: 0x013d94a8e8, setBody = function: 0x013d94c158, getDirection = function: 0x013d94c3e8, _setScale = function: 0x013d94aa88, play = function: 0x013d94b6f8, ctor = function: 0x013d94df58, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d94f238, setOriginScale = function: 0x013d94af20, getAnimState = function: 0x013d94c908, setClearStateOnDisable = function: 0x013d94bea0, setColliderActive = function: 0x013d94bbd8, __cname = "UnitCompSpine", getPlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94cdf8, UpdateMode = { __newindex = function: 0x0127b93368, .name = "Spine.Unity.UpdateMode", userdata: 0x0107ca47d0 = { FullUpdate = function: 0x0127b93900, OnlyAnimationStatus = function: 0x0127b936b0, OnlyEventTimelines = function: 0x0127b93768, EverythingExceptMesh = function: 0x0127b93850, Nothing = function: 0x0127b935c0, }, userdata: 0x0107ca47b8 = 1, __gc = function: 0x0127b93478, IntToEnum = function: 0x0127b93a10, __index = function: 0x0127b933a0, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, _updatePlaySpeed = function: 0x013d94ccb0, _onBodyLoaded = function: 0x013d94ba38, getSkeletonAnimation = function: 0x013d94c678, resetCurAnimState = function: 0x013d94c7c0, getDefaultAnimState = function: 0x013d94ca50, addActionEventListener = function: 0x013d94bd30, clear = function: 0x013d94b260, _updateAnimation = function: 0x013d94b5a0, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, _removeFromListenPending = function: 0x014421a130, _dispatchPendings = { }, removeAllListener = function: 0x0143967420, _getStatusInPending = function: 0x0141e29148, _allListeners = { }, __index = { _onSpineLoaded = function: 0x0143070290, onInit = function: 0x0143071608, New = function: 0x0143070c40, __cname = "UnitCompBoxColliderAdder", BoxCollider = UnityEngine.BoxCollider, create = function: 0x0143070988, enableBoxCollider = function: 0x014306fcc0, setIsTrigger = function: 0x0143070148, getBoxColliderSize = function: 0x014306fc90, _setProperty = function: 0x0143070410, setBoxColliderSize = function: 0x0143070118, onDestroy = function: 0x0143071638, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430730e8, __supers = { 1 = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, super = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, __index = { onInit = function: 0x0127d0f718, New = function: 0x012a3f4bb0, ctor = function: 0x012a3f4c88, __cname = "UnitComponentBase", onDestroy = function: 0x0127d0f748, create = function: 0x012a3f4b18, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a3f4ad0, }, }, }, go = followHeroSpine (UnityEngine.GameObject), __index = { Update = function: 0x0143084b78, _initComponents = function: 0x0143084b48, New = function: 0x01430859b8, create = function: 0x0143086938, __cname = "MonopolyHero", super = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, __supers = { 1 = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01430867b0, __index = { getLayer = function: 0x012a70d770, Awake = function: 0x012a70d528, New = function: 0x012a70d358, __cname = "UnitBase", OnDestroy = function: 0x012a70d588, create = function: 0x012a70d2c0, _initComponents = function: 0x012a70d7a0, getTag = function: 0x012a70d5b8, _addComponent = function: 0x012a70d558, ctor = function: 0x012a70d430, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012a70d278, }, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=52,id=310011,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/stage/MonopolySceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyEffectComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 101 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 52#310011 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}加载目标名字 spine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/common/spine/UnitCompSpine: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}false 2150 true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityId: 10377 score: 0 taskInfo { id: 1 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 2 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 3 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 4 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 5 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 6 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 7 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 8 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 9 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } taskInfo { id: 10 progress: 0 doneCount: 1 } hasBuyScore: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Act203GetInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 203 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.22225888073444 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 Act203GetInfoReply 58 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901050.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902006.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/itemicon/15902014.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901074.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902013.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901033.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903003.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901044.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902010.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902018.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901061.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903011.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901014.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902004.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902001.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902002.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903010.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901054.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901062.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901071.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901015.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901060.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15903007.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901003.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901083.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901038.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/itemicon/15903006.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901006.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901039.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15901080.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/15902020.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan/100025_guobaorou_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}加载目标名字 2012 46 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}助力食魂加载状态 true 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/common/spine/UnitCompSpine: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}true 2150 true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{}加载目标名字 followHeroSpine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}判断是否开始游戏 stack traceback: logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '_isStartGame' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/common/spine/UnitCompSpine: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_isStartGame}true 2150 true [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_readyStartGame}MonopolySceneFactory:_readyStartGame sdfsdddddddddd [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}游戏正式开始 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:13:56][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{_onOpenInteraction}开启UI交互 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/270002.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/monopoly/monopoly_yun.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_01.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_03.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_04.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_02.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_01.png instance: @18ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_03.png instance: @19ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_04.png instance: @18ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:13:56]language/zh/bigbg/monopoly/monopolyview_02.png instance: @18ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:14:7][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:14:7][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:14:18][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:14:18][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:14:29][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:14:29][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:14:40][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:14:40][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:14:51][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:14:51][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:2][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:2][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:13]++++++++++++++++拿到的tsssdk的c#的data长度313 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:13]))))((((((转换为lua的buffer数据长度(((((313____________313 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:13][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 313 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:13][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}=============sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包完毕,等协议过去-=-============================= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:13][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:13][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:13] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:13]__________删除tsssdk++++++sb数据________ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:13]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=1,size=325 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:13]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:13]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=13,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:13][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:13][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:13][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099984288215637 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SubmitAntiDataReply 66 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:24][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:24][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:35][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:35][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:46][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:46][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:57][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:15:57][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:8][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:8][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}骰子使用Buff : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}table: 0x01485c5ff0 { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendGetRichManDicePathRequest}投掷骰子 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 3 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:18]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=3,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:18]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:18]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:18]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=3,status=0,size=19 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 37 change: 1 count: 5 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 72 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 1 gripPathes { gridIds: 13 } diceUpdate { } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10017979890108 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRichManDicePathReply 73 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 1 gripPathes { gridIds: 13 } diceUpdate { } mapId: 1001 diceNums: 1 gripPathes { gridIds: 13 } diceUpdate { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:18][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:19][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:19][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{onStartRollMove}table: 0x014acba9a8 { 1 = gridIds: 13 , _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = mapId: 1001 diceNums: 1 gripPathes { gridIds: 13 } diceUpdate { } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d00d8, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012807cdb0, _sizer = function: 0x012e2d06a0, number = 1, default_value = { }, label = 3, index = 0, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2d0548, name = "gridIds", full_name = ".MapGridPath.gridIds", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapGridPath", full_name = ".MapGridPath", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendSelectRichManDicePathRequest}选择的路径为 : gridIds: 13 gridIds: 13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 gripPath { gridIds: 13 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=4,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=10,cmd=1,status=0,size=28 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=5,status=0,size=52 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=4,status=0,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { itemId: 15901033 count: 40 lastUseTime: 1630288616000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ItemChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 10 1 || 0 ItemChangePush 75 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}gripPath { gridIds: 13 } direction: 3 gripUpdate { grids { id: 13 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901033 change: 10 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = RichManMoveDicePathPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 77 5 || 0 RichManMoveDicePathPush 76 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}推送移动 gripPath { gridIds: 13 } direction: 3 gripUpdate { grids { id: 13 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901033 change: 10 } } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}grids { id: 13 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901033 change: 10 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901033 change: 10 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x014e492d98 { gridIds = { 1 = 13, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x014e492de0 { 1 = 12, 2 = 13, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}阻碍UI交互 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066750958561897 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SelectRichManDicePathReply 77 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}grids { id: 13 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901033 change: 10 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901033 change: 10 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的方向为 : 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的位置为 : 13 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}开启UI交互 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}触发格子后 buff情况 : 数量 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}table: 0x0146362098 { _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = grids { id: 13 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901033 change: 10 } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8ba0, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 2, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9180, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9070, number = 1, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 0, type = 3, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b8f60, name = "unqiueId", full_name = ".MapBuff.unqiueId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 2 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9e10, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9cf0, number = 2, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 1, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b9ba8, name = "defineId", full_name = ".MapBuff.defineId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 3 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2ba7f8, _sizer = function: 0x012e2ba6e8, number = 3, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 2, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2ba5d8, name = "remainCount", full_name = ".MapBuff.remainCount", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 4 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2bb288, _sizer = function: 0x012e2bb170, number = 4, default_value = 0, label = 1, index = 3, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2bb060, name = "addtional1", full_name = ".MapBuff.addtional1", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapBuff", full_name = ".MapBuff", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}响应格子事件 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}grids { id: 13 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901033 change: 10 } grids { id: 13 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901033#10 } materials { materilType: 1 materilId: 15901033 change: 10 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}table: 0x0141730e50 { x = 3, addition1 = "0", id = 13, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "1#15901033#10", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}1星羁绊,趴趴 或者 点券 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_playermtrt isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview02.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/monopolyawardtip.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/monopoly/monopolyawarditem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeViewPresentor.lua:0]:{buildViews}table: 0x014acc3770 { 1 = { type = 0, materilId = 15901033, count = 10, materilType = 1, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014acd1550 { 1 = { materilType = 1, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 15901033, count = 10, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014ace58f0 { 1 = { materilType = 1, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 15901033, count = 10, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:21][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_000_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_025_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_025_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:21]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:22][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}骰子使用Buff : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}table: 0x014ad406d0 { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendGetRichManDicePathRequest}投掷骰子 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 3 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:23]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=3,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:23]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:23]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:23]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=3,status=0,size=19 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 37 change: 1 count: 4 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 78 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 1 gripPathes { gridIds: 14 } diceUpdate { } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10011233389378 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRichManDicePathReply 79 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 1 gripPathes { gridIds: 14 } diceUpdate { } mapId: 1001 diceNums: 1 gripPathes { gridIds: 14 } diceUpdate { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:23][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{onStartRollMove}table: 0x014e265cc8 { 1 = gridIds: 14 , _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = mapId: 1001 diceNums: 1 gripPathes { gridIds: 14 } diceUpdate { } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d00d8, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012807cdb0, _sizer = function: 0x012e2d06a0, number = 1, default_value = { }, label = 3, index = 0, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2d0548, name = "gridIds", full_name = ".MapGridPath.gridIds", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapGridPath", full_name = ".MapGridPath", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendSelectRichManDicePathRequest}选择的路径为 : gridIds: 14 gridIds: 14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 gripPath { gridIds: 14 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=4,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=17 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=5,status=0,size=42 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=4,status=0,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 38 change: 4 count: 1940 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 80 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 38 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}gripPath { gridIds: 14 } direction: 3 gripUpdate { grids { id: 14 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = RichManMoveDicePathPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 77 5 || 0 RichManMoveDicePathPush 81 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}推送移动 gripPath { gridIds: 14 } direction: 3 gripUpdate { grids { id: 14 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}grids { id: 14 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x014e273a38 { gridIds = { 1 = 14, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x014e273a80 { 1 = 13, 2 = 14, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}阻碍UI交互 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066706459969282 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SelectRichManDicePathReply 82 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}grids { id: 14 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的方向为 : 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的位置为 : 14 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}开启UI交互 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}触发格子后 buff情况 : 数量 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}table: 0x014e4578a0 { _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = grids { id: 14 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8ba0, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 2, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9180, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9070, number = 1, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 0, type = 3, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b8f60, name = "unqiueId", full_name = ".MapBuff.unqiueId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 2 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9e10, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9cf0, number = 2, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 1, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b9ba8, name = "defineId", full_name = ".MapBuff.defineId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 3 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2ba7f8, _sizer = function: 0x012e2ba6e8, number = 3, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 2, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2ba5d8, name = "remainCount", full_name = ".MapBuff.remainCount", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 4 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2bb288, _sizer = function: 0x012e2bb170, number = 4, default_value = 0, label = 1, index = 3, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2bb060, name = "addtional1", full_name = ".MapBuff.addtional1", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapBuff", full_name = ".MapBuff", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}响应格子事件 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}grids { id: 14 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } grids { id: 14 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}table: 0x0141734cc0 { x = 2, addition1 = "0", id = 14, y = 1, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}1星羁绊,趴趴 或者 点券 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeViewPresentor.lua:0]:{buildViews}table: 0x014a37eba0 { 1 = { type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 4, materilType = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014a3a94c0 { 1 = { materilType = 2, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 4, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014a3c5e48 { 1 = { materilType = 2, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 4, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:25][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:26][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:27][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}骰子使用Buff : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:27][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}table: 0x0147f6d400 { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:27][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendGetRichManDicePathRequest}投掷骰子 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:27][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:27][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 3 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:27]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=3,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:27]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:27][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=3,status=0,size=25 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 37 change: 1 count: 3 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 83 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 15 gridIds: 16 gridIds: 17 gridIds: 18 } diceUpdate { } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 3 所需时间单位秒 = 1.2333252094686 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRichManDicePathReply 84 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:28][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 15 gridIds: 16 gridIds: 17 gridIds: 18 } diceUpdate { } mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 15 gridIds: 16 gridIds: 17 gridIds: 18 } diceUpdate { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:28][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:28][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:28][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{onStartRollMove}table: 0x0141199f60 { 1 = gridIds: 15 gridIds: 16 gridIds: 17 gridIds: 18 , _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 15 gridIds: 16 gridIds: 17 gridIds: 18 } diceUpdate { } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d00d8, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012807cdb0, _sizer = function: 0x012e2d06a0, number = 1, default_value = { }, label = 3, index = 0, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2d0548, name = "gridIds", full_name = ".MapGridPath.gridIds", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapGridPath", full_name = ".MapGridPath", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendSelectRichManDicePathRequest}选择的路径为 : gridIds: 15 gridIds: 16 gridIds: 17 gridIds: 18 gridIds: 15 gridIds: 16 gridIds: 17 gridIds: 18 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 gripPath { gridIds: 15 gridIds: 16 gridIds: 17 gridIds: 18 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=4,size=22 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=17 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=5,status=0,size=115 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=4,status=0,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 38 change: 4 count: 1944 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 85 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 38 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}gripPath { gridIds: 15 gridIds: 16 gridIds: 17 gridIds: 18 } direction: 0 gripUpdate { grids { id: 16 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = RichManMoveDicePathPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 77 5 || 0 RichManMoveDicePathPush 86 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}推送移动 gripPath { gridIds: 15 gridIds: 16 gridIds: 17 gridIds: 18 } direction: 0 gripUpdate { grids { id: 16 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}grids { id: 16 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x0148197b88 { gridIds = { 1 = 15, 2 = 16, 3 = 17, 4 = 18, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x0148197bd0 { 1 = 14, 2 = 15, 3 = 16, 4 = 17, 5 = 18, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}阻碍UI交互 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:30][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066654540598392 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 SelectRichManDicePathReply 87 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}grids { id: 16 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的方向为 : 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的位置为 : 18 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}开启UI交互 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}触发格子后 buff情况 : 数量 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}table: 0x014ac44418 { _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = grids { id: 16 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8ba0, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 2, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9180, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9070, number = 1, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 0, type = 3, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b8f60, name = "unqiueId", full_name = ".MapBuff.unqiueId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 2 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9e10, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9cf0, number = 2, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 1, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b9ba8, name = "defineId", full_name = ".MapBuff.defineId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 3 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2ba7f8, _sizer = function: 0x012e2ba6e8, number = 3, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 2, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2ba5d8, name = "remainCount", full_name = ".MapBuff.remainCount", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 4 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2bb288, _sizer = function: 0x012e2bb170, number = 4, default_value = 0, label = 1, index = 3, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2bb060, name = "addtional1", full_name = ".MapBuff.addtional1", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapBuff", full_name = ".MapBuff", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}响应格子事件 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}grids { id: 16 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } grids { id: 16 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 17 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15901044#10 } grids { id: 18 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#4 } grids { id: 15 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15903003#2 } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 4 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}table: 0x014173e258 { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 18, y = 4, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#4", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}1星羁绊,趴趴 或者 点券 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeViewPresentor.lua:0]:{buildViews}table: 0x014dbe7588 { 1 = { type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 4, materilType = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x0141f81cb0 { 1 = { materilType = 2, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 4, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014e487078 { 1 = { materilType = 2, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 4, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:32][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:33][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:33][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}骰子使用Buff : [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:33][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{closure}table: 0x0148312748 { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:33][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendGetRichManDicePathRequest}投掷骰子 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:33][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:33][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 3 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:33][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:33][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:33]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=3,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:33]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:33]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:33]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=3,status=0,size=25 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:34][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 37 change: 1 count: 2 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:34][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:34][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 89 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:34][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 19 gridIds: 20 gridIds: 31 gridIds: 32 } diceUpdate { } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:34][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:34][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10003603994846 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRichManDicePathReply 90 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:34][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 19 gridIds: 20 gridIds: 31 gridIds: 32 } diceUpdate { } mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 19 gridIds: 20 gridIds: 31 gridIds: 32 } diceUpdate { } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:34][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}成功投掷骰子 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:34][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:34][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:34][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{onStartRollMove}table: 0x01482b7778 { 1 = gridIds: 19 gridIds: 20 gridIds: 31 gridIds: 32 , _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = mapId: 1001 diceNums: 4 gripPathes { gridIds: 19 gridIds: 20 gridIds: 31 gridIds: 32 } diceUpdate { } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x0128fe3bd8, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x0128fe3fe8, FromString = function: 0x012a3f50f0, RegisterExtension = function: 0x0128fddcd8, SetInParent = function: 0x012e4caa80, ClearField = function: 0x0128fe0a00, _SetListener = function: 0x0128fe4d28, GRIDIDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, HasField = function: 0x0128fe1b50, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d00d8, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _Modified = function: 0x012e4caa80, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2d11d8, ByteSize = function: 0x0128fe4ba0, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2d1100, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2d1020, __call = function: 0x012e2d0220, SerializeToString = function: 0x0128fe0180, MergeFromString = function: 0x0128fe2350, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2d0e90, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x0128fdf900, ListFields = function: 0x012a3f40b8, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2d0180, ParseFromString = function: 0x0128fe1e60, Clear = function: 0x012807c390, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x0128fe4520, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012807cdb0, _sizer = function: 0x012e2d06a0, number = 1, default_value = { }, label = 3, index = 0, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2d0548, name = "gridIds", full_name = ".MapGridPath.gridIds", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapGridPath", full_name = ".MapGridPath", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{sendSelectRichManDicePathRequest}选择的路径为 : gridIds: 19 gridIds: 20 gridIds: 31 gridIds: 32 gridIds: 19 gridIds: 20 gridIds: 31 gridIds: 32 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 77 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 gripPath { gridIds: 19 gridIds: 20 gridIds: 31 gridIds: 32 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=77,cmd=4,size=22 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=17 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=5,status=0,size=102 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=77,cmd=4,status=0,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 38 change: 2 count: 1946 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 91 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 38 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}gripPath { gridIds: 19 gridIds: 20 gridIds: 31 gridIds: 32 } direction: 0 gripUpdate { grids { id: 32 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 8 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = RichManMoveDicePathPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 77 5 || 0 RichManMoveDicePathPush 92 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@logic/extensions/monopoly/agent/MonopolyAgent.lua:0]:{}推送移动 gripPath { gridIds: 19 gridIds: 20 gridIds: 31 gridIds: 32 } direction: 0 gripUpdate { grids { id: 32 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 8 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyBuffModel.lua:0]:{updateBuff}更新 道具buff [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}当前机车卡剩余时间 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}grids { id: 32 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 8 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 8 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x0148187620 { gridIds = { 1 = 19, 2 = 20, 3 = 31, 4 = 32, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{}table: 0x0148187668 { 1 = 18, 2 = 19, 3 = 20, 4 = 31, 5 = 32, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}阻碍UI交互 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}mapId: 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SelectRichManDicePathReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:35][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 77 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099894795566797 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SelectRichManDicePathReply 93 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}grids { id: 32 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 8 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 8 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的方向为 : 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@logic/scene/monopoly/interaction/MonopolyGameMgr.lua:0]:{_onMoveEnd}移动结束 当前的位置为 : 32 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyDiceView.lua:0]:{}开启UI交互 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}触发格子后 buff情况 : 数量 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{onGridEvent}table: 0x014073e3f0 { _listener = { dirty = true, _parent_message = grids { id: 32 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 8 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } , __mode = "v", __index = { __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e4924f0, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, Modified = function: 0x012e492538, }, _message_descriptor = { enum_types = { }, _extensions_by_name = { }, _concrete_class = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = { SerializePartialToString = function: 0x012e2bec18, SerializePartialToIOString = function: 0x012e2bea68, FromString = function: 0x012e2bda40, RegisterExtension = function: 0x012e2bd920, SetInParent = function: 0x012e48c218, ClearField = function: 0x012e2bde58, UNQIUEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1, _SetListener = function: 0x012e2be408, _Modified = function: 0x012e48c218, MergeFrom = function: 0x012e2bf6f0, HasField = function: 0x012e2bdc70, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8ba0, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, REMAINCOUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 3, FindInitializationErrors = function: 0x012e2bf660, IsInitialized = function: 0x012e2bf4a8, ByteSize = function: 0x012e2be5d0, DEFINEID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2, ListFields = function: 0x012e2bdaf8, MergeFromString = function: 0x012e2bf1b8, SerializeToString = function: 0x012e2be710, _InternalParse = function: 0x012e2beda8, _InternalSerialize = function: 0x012e3943c0, SerializeToIOString = function: 0x012e2be860, ADDTIONAL1_FIELD_NUMBER = 4, type = 循环引用: table: 0x012e2b8c30, ParseFromString = function: 0x012e2bf2e8, __call = function: 0x012e2b8cb8, Clear = function: 0x012e2be040, }, _extensions_by_number = { }, fields = { 1 = { cpp_type = 2, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9180, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9070, number = 1, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 0, type = 3, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b8f60, name = "unqiueId", full_name = ".MapBuff.unqiueId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 2 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2b9e10, _sizer = function: 0x012e2b9cf0, number = 2, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 1, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2b9ba8, name = "defineId", full_name = ".MapBuff.defineId", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 3 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2ba7f8, _sizer = function: 0x012e2ba6e8, number = 3, default_value = 0, label = 2, index = 2, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2ba5d8, name = "remainCount", full_name = ".MapBuff.remainCount", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, 4 = { cpp_type = 1, has_default_value = false, _default_constructor = function: 0x012e2bb288, _sizer = function: 0x012e2bb170, number = 4, default_value = 0, label = 1, index = 3, type = 5, _encoder = function: 0x012e2bb060, name = "addtional1", full_name = ".MapBuff.addtional1", __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e495c70, __call = function: 0x012e495cf0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495c28, }, }, }, extensions = { }, is_extendable = false, nested_types = { }, name = "MapBuff", full_name = ".MapBuff", __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e4958c0, __call = function: 0x012e495978, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e495878, }, }, __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x012e493350, add = function: 0x012e493188, remove = function: 0x012e4932e0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x012e493228, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}响应格子事件 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}grids { id: 32 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 8 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } grids { id: 32 byteValue: 11 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#2 } grids { id: 19 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 1#15902010#2 } grids { id: 20 byteValue: 8 addition0: 0 addition1: 0 addition2: 2#38#3 } grids { id: 31 byteValue: 8 addition0: 3 addition1: 0 addition2: } materials { materilType: 2 materilId: 38 change: 2 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}table: 0x0143b77448 { x = 1, addition1 = "0", id = 32, y = 8, isTrigger = false, isPass = false, type = 9, addition2 = "2#38#2", isComplete = false, __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x013d6125c8, reset = function: 0x0135b63c18, New = function: 0x013d62d908, mapGridToSelf = function: 0x0143c985f0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0143b7e7a8, ctor = function: 0x01435b13f0, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x01429bd490, __newindex = function: 0x013e17b938, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@logic/extensions/monopoly/controller/MonopolyController.lua:0]:{_triggerGridEvent}1星羁绊,趴趴 或者 点券 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeViewPresentor.lua:0]:{buildViews}table: 0x014e2b93d0 { 1 = { type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 2, materilType = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014e29fd88 { 1 = { materilType = 2, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyMtrTakeView.lua:0]:{_setRewards}table: 0x014e26bd80 { 1 = { materilType = 2, id = 1, type = 0, materilId = 38, count = 2, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = { __newindex = function: 0x0141e76d48, New = function: 0x0141e76d10, copyFromMaterialChangePushData = function: 0x0141e76da8, copyToSelfByPara = function: 0x0141e6c7d0, copyToSelf = function: 0x0141e756c0, ctor = function: 0x0141e75690, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x0141e78548, __newindex = function: 0x0141e76268, }, }, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:38][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:39][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController: in function 'enterMainScene' logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolyFacade: in function 'exitScene' logic/extensions/monopoly/view/MonopolyView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/extensions/monopoly/model/MonopolyModel.lua:0]:{onReset}MonopolyModel重置 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 138 time: 163000 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=16 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_destroyHero}销毁目标名称 : spine [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_destroyHero}销毁目标名称 : followHeroSpine [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/scene/monopoly/MonopolySceneFactory.lua:0]:{_destroyHero}销毁目标名称 : 2012 46 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=52,id=310011 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{openInAppEvent}打开IAE Card [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]DestroyUnusedResources:82,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10000533610582 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 94 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_050_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_055.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_057.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_02.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_collider.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_zjm.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_a.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_b.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_a.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_b.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab instance: @133ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage.lua:0]:{_onAllLoaded}-------------主城主场景加载完毕,开始打开主界面--------------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 76 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = BondCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=76,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_stageLoadFinishedHandler}成功加载了一个新的场景的舞台,但当前场景还未进入完毕,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_checkAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZoneMgr: in function '_loadedCallback' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZone: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 100 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/extensions/pandora/controller/PandoraPanelController.lua:0]:{setPopReady}Pandora bPopReady= enterHallNoGuide [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=76,cmd=1,status=0,size=4562 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 9#205 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}altasCover: 0 bondCardInfos { defineId: 1024 level: 1 createTime: 1658368462 skills { skillId: 220571 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220573 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220572 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1025 level: 1 createTime: 1658368477 skills { skillId: 220251 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220253 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220252 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1026 level: 1 createTime: 1675676736 skills { skillId: 220523 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220522 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220521 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1027 level: 1 createTime: 1664406007 skills { skillId: 220711 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220713 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220712 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1028 level: 1 createTime: 1658368472 skills { skillId: 220731 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220733 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220732 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1029 level: 1 createTime: 1651078774 skills { skillId: 220513 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220512 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220511 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1030 level: 1 createTime: 1658368473 skills { skillId: 220331 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220333 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220332 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1031 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220963 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220962 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220961 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1032 level: 1 createTime: 1664529665 skills { skillId: 220623 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220622 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220621 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1033 level: 1 createTime: 1658368480 skills { skillId: 220403 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220402 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220401 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1034 level: 2 createTime: 1660210886 skills { skillId: 220113 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220112 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220111 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1035 level: 1 createTime: 1658368469 skills { skillId: 220391 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220393 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220392 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1036 level: 1 createTime: 1670223404 skills { skillId: 220583 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220582 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220581 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1037 level: 1 createTime: 1668654195 skills { skillId: 220833 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220832 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220831 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1038 level: 1 createTime: 1668654188 skills { skillId: 220851 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220853 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220852 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1039 level: 2 createTime: 1658368465 skills { skillId: 220843 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220842 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220841 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1040 level: 1 createTime: 1660210883 skills { skillId: 220673 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220672 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220671 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1041 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220663 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220662 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220661 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1042 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 220783 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220782 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220781 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1043 level: 1 createTime: 1668654194 skills { skillId: 220263 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220262 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220261 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1044 level: 1 createTime: 1668654193 skills { skillId: 220651 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220653 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220652 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1045 level: 1 createTime: 1664406005 skills { skillId: 221043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1046 level: 1 createTime: 1677838471 skills { skillId: 221211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1047 level: 1 createTime: 1664406004 skills { skillId: 220491 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220493 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220492 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1048 level: 1 createTime: 1668654190 skills { skillId: 220871 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220873 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220872 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1049 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 299991 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 299992 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 299993 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1050 level: 1 createTime: 1668654192 skills { skillId: 220411 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220413 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220412 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1051 level: 1 createTime: 1670223403 skills { skillId: 220023 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220022 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220021 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1052 level: 1 createTime: 1677838469 skills { skillId: 220051 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220053 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220052 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1053 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220151 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220153 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220152 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1054 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220063 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220062 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220061 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1055 level: 1 createTime: 1675676734 skills { skillId: 220103 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220102 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220101 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1056 level: 1 createTime: 1670223401 skills { skillId: 220183 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220182 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220181 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1057 level: 1 createTime: 1673951419 skills { skillId: 220193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1058 level: 1 createTime: 1679401913 skills { skillId: 220203 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220202 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220201 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1059 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220231 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220233 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220232 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1060 level: 1 createTime: 1673951418 skills { skillId: 220243 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220242 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220241 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1061 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220273 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220272 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220271 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1062 level: 1 createTime: 1670223400 skills { skillId: 220283 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220282 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220281 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1063 level: 1 createTime: 1670223402 skills { skillId: 220291 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220293 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220292 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1064 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220303 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220302 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220301 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1065 level: 1 createTime: 1673951415 skills { skillId: 220311 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220313 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220312 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1066 level: 1 createTime: 1678934688 skills { skillId: 220383 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220382 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220381 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1067 level: 1 createTime: 1673951417 skills { skillId: 220353 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220352 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220351 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1068 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220363 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220362 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220361 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1069 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220323 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220322 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220321 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1070 level: 1 createTime: 1673951413 skills { skillId: 220371 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220373 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220372 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1071 level: 1 createTime: 1676019131 skills { skillId: 220423 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220422 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220421 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1072 level: 1 createTime: 1676019129 skills { skillId: 220443 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220442 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220441 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1073 level: 1 createTime: 1676019133 skills { skillId: 220451 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220453 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220452 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1074 level: 1 createTime: 1679401303 skills { skillId: 220463 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220462 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220461 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1075 level: 1 createTime: 1684969664 skills { skillId: 220471 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220473 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220472 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1076 level: 1 createTime: 1678934686 skills { skillId: 220483 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220482 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220481 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1077 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220503 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220502 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220501 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1078 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220543 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220542 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220541 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1079 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220551 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220553 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220552 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1080 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220563 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220562 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220561 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1081 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220951 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220953 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220952 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1082 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220971 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220973 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220972 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1083 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220983 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220982 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220981 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1084 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220993 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220992 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220991 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1085 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 221003 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 221002 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 221001 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1086 level: 1 createTime: 1684969663 skills { skillId: 220593 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220592 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220591 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1087 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220631 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } skills { skillId: 220633 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220632 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1088 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220643 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220642 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220641 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1089 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220683 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220682 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220681 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1090 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 220603 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 220602 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 220601 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3001 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 8 nextValue: 12 } skills { skillId: 9 intValue: 8 nextValue: 11 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 3 intValue: 10 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3003 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 11 intValue: 100 nextValue: 110 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3004 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 14 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3005 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 17 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3006 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 20 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3007 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } skills { skillId: 24 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3008 level: 1 createTime: 1671037708 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 25 nextValue: 50 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3009 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 2 intValue: 20 nextValue: 22 } skills { skillId: 28 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3010 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } skills { skillId: 29 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3011 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 32 intValue: 10 nextValue: 11 } skills { skillId: 16 intValue: 200 nextValue: 220 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 3012 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 33 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } skills { skillId: 1 intValue: 40 nextValue: 44 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2001 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 5 intValue: 14 nextValue: 17 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2002 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 6 intValue: 12 nextValue: 15 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2003 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 8 intValue: 12 nextValue: 14 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2004 level: 3 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 4 intValue: 11 nextValue: 13 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2005 level: 4 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 7 intValue: 400 nextValue: 500 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2006 level: 2 createTime: 1658047409 skills { skillId: 10 intValue: 6 nextValue: 9 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2007 level: 1 createTime: 1677838456 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2008 level: 1 createTime: 1673951394 skills { skillId: 13 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2009 level: 1 createTime: 1675676784 skills { skillId: 15 intValue: 30 nextValue: 60 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2010 level: 2 createTime: 1655368930 skills { skillId: 18 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2011 level: 1 createTime: 1679401898 skills { skillId: 12 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2012 level: 2 createTime: 1670223393 skills { skillId: 19 intValue: 180 nextValue: 270 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2013 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 21 intValue: 1500 nextValue: 1650 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2014 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 22 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2015 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 23 intValue: 1000 nextValue: 1100 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2016 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 25 intValue: 500 nextValue: 550 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2017 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 27 intValue: 50 nextValue: 54 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2018 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 30 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2019 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 31 intValue: 300 nextValue: 330 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 2020 level: 0 createTime: 0 skills { skillId: 26 intValue: 250 nextValue: 275 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1001 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220003 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220002 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220001 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1002 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1003 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220043 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220042 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220041 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1004 level: 1 createTime: 1640193452 skills { skillId: 220123 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220122 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220121 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1005 level: 2 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220171 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } skills { skillId: 220173 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220172 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1006 level: 1 createTime: 1640193444 skills { skillId: 220211 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220213 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220212 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1007 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 220223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1008 level: 4 createTime: 1640194895 skills { skillId: 220071 intValue: 40 nextValue: 50 } skills { skillId: 220073 intValue: 8 nextValue: 10 } skills { skillId: 220072 intValue: 4 nextValue: 5 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1009 level: 1 createTime: 1640432828 skills { skillId: 221191 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221193 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221192 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1010 level: 1 createTime: 1640193447 skills { skillId: 221223 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221222 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 221221 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1011 level: 1 createTime: 1651078768 skills { skillId: 220091 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220093 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220092 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1012 level: 2 createTime: 1651078779 skills { skillId: 220163 intValue: 4 nextValue: 6 } skills { skillId: 220162 intValue: 2 nextValue: 3 } skills { skillId: 220161 intValue: 20 nextValue: 30 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1013 level: 1 createTime: 1651078771 skills { skillId: 220531 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220533 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220532 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1014 level: 1 createTime: 1651078773 skills { skillId: 220611 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220613 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220612 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1015 level: 3 createTime: 1651078766 skills { skillId: 220343 intValue: 6 nextValue: 8 } skills { skillId: 220342 intValue: 3 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220341 intValue: 30 nextValue: 40 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1016 level: 1 createTime: 1651078770 skills { skillId: 221031 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 221033 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 221032 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220143 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220142 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220141 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1017 level: 1 createTime: 1651078778 skills { skillId: 220943 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220942 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220941 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1018 level: 1 createTime: 1658368470 skills { skillId: 220083 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220082 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220081 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1019 level: 1 createTime: 1651078777 skills { skillId: 220433 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220432 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220431 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1020 level: 1 createTime: 1651078763 skills { skillId: 220011 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220013 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220012 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1021 level: 1 createTime: 1651078776 skills { skillId: 220753 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220752 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } skills { skillId: 220751 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1022 level: 3 createTime: 1658368479 skills { skillId: 220763 intValue: 6 nextValue: 8 } skills { skillId: 220762 intValue: 3 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220761 intValue: 30 nextValue: 40 } } bondCardInfos { defineId: 1023 level: 1 createTime: 1651078775 skills { skillId: 220131 intValue: 10 nextValue: 20 } skills { skillId: 220133 intValue: 2 nextValue: 4 } skills { skillId: 220132 intValue: 1 nextValue: 2 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = BondCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 76 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.033298663794994 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 BondCardInfoReply 95 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:40]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/270004.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMonthCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 22 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetWeeklyCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=4,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=22,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleReconnectMgr.lua:0]:{startup}已经启动重连: 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/extensions/common/facade/CommonFacade.lua:0]:{clearFloatTipsCacheAndRelease}恢复飘字,清空缓存的飘字 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 103 1 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get103InfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 1 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetTopupInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=103,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 10 当前队列数量= 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}isOpenView: false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=10,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/extensions/playerinfo/model/PlayerInfoModel.lua:0]:{isSuperR}TCL: ilevel:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isSuperR false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isShow false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 31 17 当前队列数量= 6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetJinyumantangInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=31,cmd=17,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 22 34 当前队列数量= 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SummonPoolRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}poolId: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 43 39 当前队列数量= 8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetUnReadNewspaperRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 7 当前队列数量= 9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=22,cmd=34,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=43,cmd=39,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=7,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 137 1 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get137InfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=137,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainViewPresentor.lua:0]:{_onEnterAnimationDone}主界面打开动画完毕,广播主界面打开完毕GlobalNotify.BeginShowMainViewFinish,准备好了,对于启动流程有作用的 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/certificate/texun_yrjj1.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/certificate/texun_ysjj2.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1014.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]bigbg/certificate/texun_yrjj1.png instance: @26ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]language/zh/bigbg/certificate/texun_ysjj2.png instance: @26ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1014.png instance: @26ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1000.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:41]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42]language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1000.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMonthCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.18336900137365 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 GetMonthCardInfoReply 97 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 11 2 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetCurrencyInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}currencyId: 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=11,cmd=2,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=22,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=103,cmd=1,status=0,size=1071 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=1,status=0,size=4523 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=10,status=0,size=551 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=31,cmd=17,status=0,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=22,cmd=34,status=0,size=224 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=43,cmd=39,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=41,cmd=7,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=137,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetWeeklyCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 22 所需时间单位秒 = 0.21669675223529 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 GetWeeklyCardInfoReply 98 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { day: 1 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十二 } infos { day: 2 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十三 } infos { day: 3 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十四 } infos { day: 4 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十五 } infos { day: 5 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 15 drawIds: 72 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十六 } infos { day: 6 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 2 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十七 lunarFestival: 立夏 } infos { day: 7 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 4 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十八 } infos { day: 8 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 78 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十九 } infos { day: 9 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 75 drawIds: 10 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 19 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月二十 } infos { day: 10 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 1 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 8 drawIds: 74 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿一 } infos { day: 11 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 77 drawIds: 65 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿二 } infos { day: 12 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 15 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 18 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿三 } infos { day: 13 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 5 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 18 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿四 } infos { day: 14 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 33 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 72 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿五 } infos { day: 15 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 1 drawIds: 4 drawIds: 11 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿六 } infos { day: 16 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 91 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿七 } infos { day: 17 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 65 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿八 } infos { day: 18 hasSignIn: false luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 88 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿九 } infos { day: 19 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初一 } infos { day: 20 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 1 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 5 drawIds: 91 drawIds: 33 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初二 } infos { day: 21 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 5 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 16 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初三 lunarFestival: 小满 } infos { day: 22 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初四 } infos { day: 23 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初五 } infos { day: 24 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 13 drawIds: 16 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初六 } infos { day: 25 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 77 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初七 } serverTime: 1684970201989 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get103InfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 103 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.21669675223529 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 8 || 0 Get103InfosReply 99 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { topupId: 4100 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10307 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10308 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10309 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10310 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10311 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10312 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10313 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10314 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10315 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10316 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10410 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10416 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10417 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10418 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10419 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10420 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10421 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10422 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10423 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10424 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10425 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10426 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10427 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10428 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10429 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10430 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10431 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8402 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8403 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8404 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8405 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8406 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8407 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8408 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8409 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8410 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8411 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8412 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8413 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8414 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8415 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8416 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8417 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8418 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10531 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10532 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10533 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10555 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10604 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10605 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10606 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10607 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10608 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10609 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10610 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10611 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10612 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10613 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10614 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10615 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8604 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8605 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8606 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8607 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8608 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10716 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10717 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10718 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10719 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8706 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8707 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10819 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10820 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10821 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10822 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10823 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10824 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10825 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10826 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8812 buyCount: 0 } infos { 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buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11016 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11017 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11018 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11019 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11020 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11021 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11022 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11023 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11026 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11029 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11030 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11031 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11127 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11215 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11216 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11217 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11218 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11219 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11220 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11221 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11222 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11223 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11225 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11226 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9215 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1024 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9216 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1025 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9217 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infos { topupId: 1308 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1309 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1310 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1311 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1312 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1313 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1317 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1318 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5414 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1319 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5415 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1320 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1321 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1323 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9515 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1324 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9516 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1325 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9517 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1326 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9518 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9519 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9520 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9521 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9522 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7501 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7502 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7503 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topupId: 7707 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7708 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7709 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7710 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7711 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7712 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7713 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7714 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7720 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7721 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7722 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9819 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9820 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9821 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9822 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9823 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9826 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5800 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9912 buyCount: 0 } infos { 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infos { topupId: 5904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10016 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10017 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10118 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10119 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10120 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10121 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10122 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10123 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10124 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10129 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10130 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10131 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10132 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10133 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10134 buyCount: 0 } infos { 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} infos { topupId: 6117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4081 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4082 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4083 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4084 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4085 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4086 buyCount: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetTopupInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.21669675223529 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 7 || 0 GetTopupInfoReply 100 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/topup/agent/TopupAgent:0: MidasMarketingInfo ====> TopupAgent:_queryMarketingInfo; zoneId=4; roleId=273900 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=2,status=0,size=26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:42][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 8201 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8202 buyCount: 0 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当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren_npc/sjcj_wenren_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren_npc/sjcj_wenren_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 83 go: SceneTrigger_83_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_naren2_npc/sjcj_naren2_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_naren2_npc/sjcj_naren2_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 79 go: SceneTrigger_79_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren2_npc/sjcj_wenren2_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren2_npc/sjcj_wenren2_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 82 go: SceneTrigger_82_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_meinv_npc/sjcj_meinv_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_meinv_npc/sjcj_meinv_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 78 go: SceneTrigger_78_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiashi_npc/sjcj_xiashi_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiashi_npc/sjcj_xiashi_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 87 go: SceneTrigger_87_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_nvren_npc/sjcj_nvren_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_nvren_npc/sjcj_nvren_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 81 go: SceneTrigger_81_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiaohai_npc/sjcj_xiaohai_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiaohai_npc/sjcj_xiaohai_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 85 go: SceneTrigger_85_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_laoren_npc/sjcj_laoren_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_laoren_npc/sjcj_laoren_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 77 go: SceneTrigger_77_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:47][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter.lua:0]:{_processDone}Live2DCharacter 动作+表情完了,可以重复触摸 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_taskandmanor_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_taskandmanor_1 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/manorview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/manor/manorview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_chatadnfriend isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/commmoninnerpushtipsview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 49 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}ids: 55 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=49,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 66 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetNpcGroupChatRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=66,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 49 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.21666799858212 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetRedDotInfosReply 109 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=66,cmd=1,status=0,size=12853 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}allMsgGroup { id: 1 allSelect { msgId: 1009 select: 1010 } allSelect { msgId: 1003 select: 1004 } allSelect { msgId: 1015 select: 1016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587690911 readingMsgId: 1017 } allMsgGroup { id: 258 allSelect { msgId: 258002 select: 258003 } allSelect { msgId: 258007 select: 258008 } allSelect { msgId: 258013 select: 258014 } allSelect { msgId: 258020 select: 258021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660760547 lastSubmitTime: 1663812687 readingMsgId: 258026 } allMsgGroup { id: 2 allSelect { msgId: 2013 select: 2024 } allSelect { msgId: 2033 select: 2034 } allSelect { msgId: 2010 select: 2011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997188 lastSubmitTime: 1673605873 readingMsgId: 2060 } allMsgGroup { id: 259 allSelect { msgId: 259003 select: 259004 } allSelect { msgId: 259019 select: 259020 } allSelect { msgId: 259010 select: 259011 } allSelect { msgId: 259021 select: 259022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660819841 lastSubmitTime: 1673605823 readingMsgId: 259023 } allMsgGroup { id: 260 allSelect { msgId: 260027 select: 260028 } allSelect { msgId: 260022 select: 260023 } allSelect { msgId: 260013 select: 260014 } allSelect { msgId: 260004 select: 260005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1662686695 lastSubmitTime: 1673605889 readingMsgId: 260032 } allMsgGroup { id: 261 allSelect { msgId: 261003 select: 261004 } allSelect { msgId: 261010 select: 261011 } allSelect { msgId: 261018 select: 261019 } allSelect { msgId: 261031 select: 261032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1664414741 lastSubmitTime: 1673605906 readingMsgId: 261038 } allMsgGroup { id: 262 allSelect { msgId: 262003 select: 262004 } allSelect { msgId: 262017 select: 262018 } allSelect { msgId: 262008 select: 262009 } allSelect { msgId: 262023 select: 262024 } allSelect { msgId: 262006 select: 262007 } allSelect { msgId: 262012 select: 262013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661380661 lastSubmitTime: 1673605809 readingMsgId: 262029 } allMsgGroup { id: 6 allSelect { msgId: 6020 select: 6021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594289417 lastSubmitTime: 1594289564 readingMsgId: 6035 } allMsgGroup { id: 266 isRead: false unlockTime: 1679795495 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 10 allSelect { msgId: 10024 select: 10025 } allSelect { msgId: 10005 select: 10006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970414 lastSubmitTime: 1587690856 readingMsgId: 10041 } allMsgGroup { id: 269 allSelect { msgId: 269030 select: 269031 } allSelect { msgId: 269038 select: 269039 } allSelect { msgId: 269008 select: 269009 } allSelect { msgId: 269024 select: 269025 } allSelect { msgId: 269017 select: 269018 } allSelect { msgId: 269050 select: 269051 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1663812248 lastSubmitTime: 1664405870 readingMsgId: 269053 } allMsgGroup { id: 14 isRead: true unlockTime: 1594261739 lastSubmitTime: 1594288469 readingMsgId: 14033 } allMsgGroup { id: 15 isRead: false unlockTime: 1678849148 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 16 allSelect { msgId: 16027 select: 16028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588125298 lastSubmitTime: 1588814296 readingMsgId: 16048 } allMsgGroup { id: 17 allSelect { msgId: 17022 select: 17023 } allSelect { msgId: 17019 select: 17020 } allSelect { msgId: 17031 select: 17032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482515 readingMsgId: 17037 } allMsgGroup { id: 18 allSelect { msgId: 18009 select: 18010 } allSelect { msgId: 18045 select: 18050 } allSelect { msgId: 18042 select: 18043 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482683 readingMsgId: 18054 } allMsgGroup { id: 19 allSelect { msgId: 19048 select: 19049 } allSelect { msgId: 19002 select: 19003 } allSelect { msgId: 19043 select: 19044 } allSelect { msgId: 19013 select: 19014 } allSelect { msgId: 19030 select: 19031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1589764165 lastSubmitTime: 1590482040 readingMsgId: 19054 } allMsgGroup { id: 20 allSelect { msgId: 20049 select: 20050 } allSelect { msgId: 20010 select: 20011 } allSelect { msgId: 20026 select: 20027 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587691153 readingMsgId: 20055 } allMsgGroup { id: 21 allSelect { msgId: 21032 select: 21033 } allSelect { msgId: 21012 select: 21019 } allSelect { msgId: 21021 select: 21022 } allSelect { msgId: 21038 select: 21039 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588986828 lastSubmitTime: 1590482389 readingMsgId: 21047 } allMsgGroup { id: 22 allSelect { msgId: 22027 select: 22028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599620293 lastSubmitTime: 1630399685 readingMsgId: 22043 } allMsgGroup { id: 279 allSelect { msgId: 279026 select: 279027 } allSelect { msgId: 279043 select: 279044 } allSelect { msgId: 279047 select: 279048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1669366352 lastSubmitTime: 1673605844 readingMsgId: 279054 } allMsgGroup { id: 23 allSelect { msgId: 23036 select: 23037 } allSelect { msgId: 23009 select: 23010 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590483227 readingMsgId: 23040 } allMsgGroup { id: 24 allSelect { msgId: 24011 select: 24012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1575104903 lastSubmitTime: 1587691086 readingMsgId: 24021 } allMsgGroup { id: 281 allSelect { msgId: 281013 select: 281014 } allSelect { msgId: 281061 select: 281062 } allSelect { msgId: 281046 select: 281047 } allSelect { msgId: 281025 select: 281026 } allSelect { msgId: 281052 select: 281053 } allSelect { msgId: 281006 select: 281007 } allSelect { msgId: 281039 select: 281040 } allSelect { msgId: 281032 select: 281033 } allSelect { msgId: 281049 select: 281050 } allSelect { msgId: 281034 select: 281035 } allSelect { msgId: 281019 select: 281020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1671663193 lastSubmitTime: 1673605794 readingMsgId: 281065 } allMsgGroup { id: 25 allSelect { msgId: 25007 select: 25020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1587691086 lastSubmitTime: 1588814411 readingMsgId: 25040 } allMsgGroup { id: 28 allSelect { msgId: 28033 select: 28034 } allSelect { msgId: 28041 select: 28042 } allSelect { msgId: 28010 select: 28011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482877 readingMsgId: 28052 } allMsgGroup { id: 29 allSelect { msgId: 29019 select: 29020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622799683 lastSubmitTime: 1622799848 readingMsgId: 29039 } allMsgGroup { id: 289 allSelect { msgId: 289008 select: 289009 } allSelect { msgId: 289028 select: 289035 } allSelect { msgId: 289047 select: 289048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1674171687 lastSubmitTime: 1674171725 readingMsgId: 289050 } allMsgGroup { id: 33 isRead: true unlockTime: 1599807555 lastSubmitTime: 1599807677 readingMsgId: 33030 } allMsgGroup { id: 34 allSelect { msgId: 34015 select: 34022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867638 lastSubmitTime: 1646867658 readingMsgId: 34031 } allMsgGroup { id: 290 isRead: false unlockTime: 1675061695 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 35 allSelect { msgId: 35012 select: 35013 } allSelect { msgId: 35027 select: 35036 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665734323 lastSubmitTime: 1673605945 readingMsgId: 35045 } allMsgGroup { id: 36 allSelect { msgId: 36013 select: 36022 } allSelect { msgId: 36029 select: 36030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1609743563 lastSubmitTime: 1630399820 readingMsgId: 36039 } allMsgGroup { id: 294 isRead: false unlockTime: 1675236814 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 295 isRead: false unlockTime: 1674378751 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 42 allSelect { msgId: 42017 select: 42018 } allSelect { msgId: 42041 select: 42042 } allSelect { msgId: 42002 select: 42003 } allSelect { msgId: 42028 select: 42034 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1595745914 lastSubmitTime: 1597337009 readingMsgId: 42045 } allMsgGroup { id: 45 allSelect { msgId: 45025 select: 45026 } allSelect { msgId: 45010 select: 45011 } allSelect { msgId: 45014 select: 45015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622686283 lastSubmitTime: 1637804354 readingMsgId: 45048 } allMsgGroup { id: 302 isRead: false unlockTime: 1679540542 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 304 isRead: false unlockTime: 1680138212 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 51 allSelect { msgId: 51024 select: 51025 } allSelect { msgId: 51017 select: 51018 } allSelect { msgId: 51066 select: 51067 } allSelect { msgId: 51045 select: 51046 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1576030363 lastSubmitTime: 1588814107 readingMsgId: 51068 } allMsgGroup { id: 307 isRead: false unlockTime: 1684316740 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 308 allSelect { msgId: 308011 select: 308012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527678 lastSubmitTime: 1682527982 readingMsgId: 308017 } allMsgGroup { id: 309 isRead: false unlockTime: 1682527982 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 311 allSelect { msgId: 311024 select: 311025 } allSelect { msgId: 311011 select: 311012 } allSelect { msgId: 311020 select: 311021 } allSelect { msgId: 311006 select: 311007 } allSelect { msgId: 311022 select: 311023 } allSelect { msgId: 311016 select: 311017 } allSelect { msgId: 311002 select: 311003 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527653 lastSubmitTime: 1682528000 readingMsgId: 311030 } allMsgGroup { id: 58 allSelect { msgId: 58021 select: 58022 } allSelect { msgId: 58025 select: 58026 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997187 lastSubmitTime: 1673605857 readingMsgId: 58027 } allMsgGroup { id: 59 allSelect { msgId: 59004 select: 59005 } allSelect { msgId: 59010 select: 59015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1673605857 lastSubmitTime: 1674171732 readingMsgId: 59019 } allMsgGroup { id: 60 allSelect { msgId: 60040 select: 60041 } allSelect { msgId: 60009 select: 60010 } allSelect { msgId: 60036 select: 60037 } allSelect { msgId: 60023 select: 60024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1617211678 lastSubmitTime: 1617211964 readingMsgId: 60042 } allMsgGroup { id: 76 allSelect { msgId: 76099 select: 76100 } allSelect { msgId: 76107 select: 76108 } allSelect { msgId: 76101 select: 76102 } allSelect { msgId: 76110 select: 76111 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623147134 lastSubmitTime: 1630399534 readingMsgId: 76113 } allMsgGroup { id: 84 allSelect { msgId: 84026 select: 84027 } allSelect { msgId: 84004 select: 84005 } allSelect { msgId: 84020 select: 84021 } allSelect { msgId: 84044 select: 84045 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599758434 lastSubmitTime: 1611794534 readingMsgId: 84046 } allMsgGroup { id: 89 allSelect { msgId: 89011 select: 89016 } allSelect { msgId: 89034 select: 89035 } allSelect { msgId: 89042 select: 89043 } allSelect { msgId: 89029 select: 89030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1585899984 lastSubmitTime: 1587691249 readingMsgId: 89046 } allMsgGroup { id: 94 allSelect { msgId: 94032 select: 94033 } allSelect { msgId: 94027 select: 94028 } allSelect { msgId: 94030 select: 94031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1615948217 lastSubmitTime: 1630400151 readingMsgId: 94041 } allMsgGroup { id: 99 isRead: false unlockTime: 1683360726 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 106 allSelect { msgId: 106035 select: 106036 } allSelect { msgId: 106002 select: 106003 } allSelect { msgId: 106026 select: 106027 } allSelect { msgId: 106047 select: 106048 } allSelect { msgId: 106006 select: 106007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594887451 lastSubmitTime: 1597337200 readingMsgId: 106053 } allMsgGroup { id: 114 allSelect { msgId: 114008 select: 114009 } allSelect { msgId: 114032 select: 114033 } allSelect { msgId: 114026 select: 114027 } allSelect { msgId: 114015 select: 114016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599555827 lastSubmitTime: 1599620585 readingMsgId: 114037 } allMsgGroup { id: 118 allSelect { msgId: 118025 select: 118026 } allSelect { msgId: 118003 select: 118004 } allSelect { msgId: 118018 select: 118019 } allSelect { msgId: 118013 select: 118014 } allSelect { msgId: 118007 select: 118008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644892574 lastSubmitTime: 1644892601 readingMsgId: 118030 } allMsgGroup { id: 139 allSelect { msgId: 139006 select: 139007 } allSelect { msgId: 139018 select: 139019 } allSelect { msgId: 139020 select: 139021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651080452 lastSubmitTime: 1651080493 readingMsgId: 139025 } allMsgGroup { id: 149 allSelect { msgId: 149003 select: 149004 } allSelect { msgId: 149008 select: 149011 } allSelect { msgId: 149020 select: 149021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1643079030 readingMsgId: 149024 } allMsgGroup { id: 155 allSelect { msgId: 155025 select: 155026 } allSelect { msgId: 155073 select: 155074 } allSelect { msgId: 155153 select: 155154 } allSelect { msgId: 155014 select: 155015 } allSelect { msgId: 155108 select: 155109 } allSelect { msgId: 155125 select: 155126 } allSelect { msgId: 155112 select: 155113 } allSelect { msgId: 155038 select: 155039 } allSelect { msgId: 155117 select: 155118 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646216061 lastSubmitTime: 1652344015 readingMsgId: 155155 redPackets { msgId: 155034 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155068 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2087 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155082 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155141 num: 30 money: 3000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 198 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 119 } receivers { heroId: 2041 money: 18 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 76 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2047 money: 82 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 130 } receivers { heroId: 2020 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 138 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 89 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2062 money: 15 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2096 money: 187 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 72 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 8 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 120 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 22 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 74 } receivers { heroId: 2075 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 108 } receivers { heroId: 2026 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2009 money: 132 } receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 70 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 71 } receivers { heroId: 2032 money: 180 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 177 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 156 allSelect { msgId: 156130 select: 156131 } allSelect { msgId: 156096 select: 156097 } allSelect { msgId: 156071 select: 156072 } allSelect { msgId: 156135 select: 156136 } allSelect { msgId: 156008 select: 156009 } allSelect { msgId: 156104 select: 156127 } allSelect { msgId: 156028 select: 156029 } allSelect { msgId: 156077 select: 156078 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1614847734 readingMsgId: 156137 redPackets { msgId: 156005 num: 1 money: 20000 content: receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 20000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 156033 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2010 money: 15891 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19578 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 14346 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 11779 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 3279 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 19340 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15030 } receivers { heroId: 2060 money: 17531 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 2897 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 327 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156055 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2053 money: 7524 } receivers { heroId: 2046 money: 12429 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 5062 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 6891 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5627 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 18286 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 4717 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 16307 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 6520 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 11806 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 6884 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 17947 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156085 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 5685 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 5813 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 19482 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 12890 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12222 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 7807 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19755 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 14717 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 10355 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 11124 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156134 num: 30 money: 300000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19353 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 3889 } receivers { heroId: 2005 money: 4443 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 1336 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 17464 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5557 } receivers { heroId: 2098 money: 11167 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 11413 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 5746 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 17022 } receivers { heroId: 2074 money: 6954 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 18606 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 7458 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 13068 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15913 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 11634 } receivers { heroId: 2006 money: 9158 } receivers { heroId: 2002 money: 9428 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 2879 } receivers { heroId: 2039 money: 15347 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 15965 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 18884 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 13597 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 7297 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 634 } receivers { heroId: 2038 money: 9405 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 15700 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 8883 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 1799 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 160 allSelect { msgId: 160003 select: 160004 } allSelect { msgId: 160009 select: 160010 } allSelect { msgId: 160017 select: 160018 } allSelect { msgId: 160007 select: 160008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1614847120 lastSubmitTime: 1614847277 readingMsgId: 160028 } allMsgGroup { id: 162 isRead: false unlockTime: 1676883754 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 164 allSelect { msgId: 164023 select: 164024 } allSelect { msgId: 164039 select: 164040 } allSelect { msgId: 164008 select: 164009 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1650495765 lastSubmitTime: 1651080511 readingMsgId: 164050 } allMsgGroup { id: 171 allSelect { msgId: 171011 select: 171012 } allSelect { msgId: 171046 select: 171047 } allSelect { msgId: 171031 select: 171032 } allSelect { msgId: 171044 select: 171045 } allSelect { msgId: 171013 select: 171014 } allSelect { msgId: 171029 select: 171030 } allSelect { msgId: 171002 select: 171003 } allSelect { msgId: 171035 select: 171036 } allSelect { msgId: 171022 select: 171023 } allSelect { msgId: 171007 select: 171008 } allSelect { msgId: 171037 select: 171038 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652948219 lastSubmitTime: 1652948266 readingMsgId: 171048 } allMsgGroup { id: 179 allSelect { msgId: 179006 select: 179007 } allSelect { msgId: 179018 select: 179019 } allSelect { msgId: 179028 select: 179029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623146450 lastSubmitTime: 1637803834 readingMsgId: 179034 } allMsgGroup { id: 183 allSelect { msgId: 183019 select: 183020 } allSelect { msgId: 183035 select: 183036 } allSelect { msgId: 183043 select: 183044 } allSelect { msgId: 183049 select: 183050 } allSelect { msgId: 183031 select: 183032 } allSelect { msgId: 183004 select: 183005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1657757675 lastSubmitTime: 1657757713 readingMsgId: 183051 } allMsgGroup { id: 192 allSelect { msgId: 192002 select: 192003 } allSelect { msgId: 192026 select: 192027 } allSelect { msgId: 192019 select: 192020 } allSelect { msgId: 192008 select: 192009 } allSelect { msgId: 192004 select: 192005 } allSelect { msgId: 192012 select: 192013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910296 lastSubmitTime: 1629948753 readingMsgId: 192031 } allMsgGroup { id: 193 allSelect { msgId: 193019 select: 193020 } allSelect { msgId: 193024 select: 193025 } allSelect { msgId: 193014 select: 193015 } allSelect { msgId: 193007 select: 193008 } allSelect { msgId: 193004 select: 193005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910246 lastSubmitTime: 1630399108 readingMsgId: 193027 } allMsgGroup { id: 194 allSelect { msgId: 194002 select: 194003 } allSelect { msgId: 194014 select: 194015 } allSelect { msgId: 194019 select: 194020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630630150 lastSubmitTime: 1630682597 readingMsgId: 194023 readVoiceIds: 194008 } allMsgGroup { id: 195 allSelect { msgId: 195011 select: 195012 } allSelect { msgId: 195024 select: 195025 } allSelect { msgId: 195048 select: 195049 } allSelect { msgId: 195036 select: 195037 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630549640 lastSubmitTime: 1632545049 readingMsgId: 195050 } allMsgGroup { id: 196 allSelect { msgId: 196010 select: 196011 } allSelect { msgId: 196003 select: 196004 } allSelect { msgId: 196019 select: 196020 } allSelect { msgId: 196027 select: 196028 } allSelect { msgId: 196023 select: 196024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910274 lastSubmitTime: 1630039069 readingMsgId: 196034 } allMsgGroup { id: 199 allSelect { msgId: 199001 select: 199002 } allSelect { msgId: 199008 select: 199009 } allSelect { msgId: 199023 select: 199024 } allSelect { msgId: 199013 select: 199014 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630772775 lastSubmitTime: 1632544881 readingMsgId: 199025 } allMsgGroup { id: 200 allSelect { msgId: 200003 select: 200004 } allSelect { msgId: 200023 select: 200024 } allSelect { msgId: 200039 select: 200040 } allSelect { msgId: 200006 select: 200007 } allSelect { msgId: 200043 select: 200044 } allSelect { msgId: 200026 select: 200027 } allSelect { msgId: 200015 select: 200016 } allSelect { msgId: 200046 select: 200047 } allSelect { msgId: 200029 select: 200030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665198125 lastSubmitTime: 1673605930 readingMsgId: 200049 } allMsgGroup { id: 207 allSelect { msgId: 207010 select: 207011 } allSelect { msgId: 207018 select: 207019 } allSelect { msgId: 207025 select: 207026 } allSelect { msgId: 207014 select: 207015 } allSelect { msgId: 207004 select: 207005 } allSelect { msgId: 207028 select: 207029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1637112991 lastSubmitTime: 1637803510 readingMsgId: 207032 } allMsgGroup { id: 209 allSelect { msgId: 209043 select: 209044 } allSelect { msgId: 209026 select: 209027 } allSelect { msgId: 209047 select: 209048 } allSelect { msgId: 209063 select: 209064 } allSelect { msgId: 209013 select: 209014 } allSelect { msgId: 209029 select: 209030 } allSelect { msgId: 209019 select: 209020 } allSelect { msgId: 209051 select: 209052 } allSelect { msgId: 209034 select: 209035 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1638414393 lastSubmitTime: 1638414969 readingMsgId: 209066 } allMsgGroup { id: 217 allSelect { msgId: 217011 select: 217012 } allSelect { msgId: 217019 select: 217020 } allSelect { msgId: 217002 select: 217003 } allSelect { msgId: 217017 select: 217018 } allSelect { msgId: 217025 select: 217026 } allSelect { msgId: 217005 select: 217006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643079016 readingMsgId: 217028 } allMsgGroup { id: 218 allSelect { msgId: 218009 select: 218010 } allSelect { msgId: 218016 select: 218017 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643078984 readingMsgId: 218024 } allMsgGroup { id: 224 allSelect { msgId: 224027 select: 224028 } allSelect { msgId: 224031 select: 224032 } allSelect { msgId: 224012 select: 224013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644481035 lastSubmitTime: 1644481775 readingMsgId: 224040 } allMsgGroup { id: 229 allSelect { msgId: 229009 select: 229010 } allSelect { msgId: 229129 select: 229141 } allSelect { msgId: 229096 select: 229119 } allSelect { msgId: 229167 select: 229168 } allSelect { msgId: 229036 select: 229037 } allSelect { msgId: 229052 select: 229053 } allSelect { msgId: 229084 select: 229085 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1643985702 lastSubmitTime: 1644481853 readingMsgId: 229173 redPackets { msgId: 229020 num: 3 money: 30000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19549 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 8077 } receivers { heroId: 2121 money: 2374 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229026 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 2119 money: 6031 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 9926 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 14378 } receivers { heroId: 2017 money: 10810 } receivers { heroId: 2094 money: 8855 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229038 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 387 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 5407 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 19316 } receivers { heroId: 2128 money: 9198 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 4910 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12869 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 29634 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 1786 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 2299 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5463 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 16423 } receivers { heroId: 2127 money: 12308 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229046 num: 10 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 10866 } receivers { heroId: 2015 money: 15062 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11817 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 4131 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 4762 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 4262 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 6652 } receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 19964 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 22438 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229064 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11128 } receivers { heroId: 2115 money: 15173 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1433 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 13407 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 8859 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229075 num: 1 money: 10000 content: receivers { heroId: 2125 money: 10000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229079 num: 15 money: 150000 content: receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 4507 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 6285 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 10716 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 3844 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 13617 } receivers { heroId: 2073 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 16256 } receivers { heroId: 2099 money: 7140 } receivers { heroId: 2084 money: 11385 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 12195 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 19308 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 8542 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 15609 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 6844 } receivers { heroId: 2100 money: 13751 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229141 num: 9 money: 700 content: 如虎添翼,心想事成 receivers { heroId: 2101 money: 24 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 142 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 126 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 154 } receivers { heroId: 2081 money: 14 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 60 } receivers { heroId: 2063 money: 43 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 121 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 16 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229157 num: 15 money: 1500 content: receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2018 money: 176 } receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 156 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 200 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 2 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 68 } receivers { heroId: 2105 money: 84 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2108 money: 150 } receivers { heroId: 2012 money: 175 } receivers { heroId: 2120 money: 45 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2067 money: 131 } receivers { heroId: 2097 money: 1 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 230 allSelect { msgId: 230003 select: 230004 } allSelect { msgId: 230034 select: 230035 } allSelect { msgId: 230049 select: 230050 } allSelect { msgId: 230010 select: 230011 } allSelect { msgId: 230057 select: 230058 } allSelect { msgId: 230045 select: 230046 } allSelect { msgId: 230060 select: 230061 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867197 lastSubmitTime: 1646867226 readingMsgId: 230062 } allMsgGroup { id: 236 allSelect { msgId: 236024 select: 236025 } allSelect { msgId: 236006 select: 236007 } allSelect { msgId: 236046 select: 236047 } allSelect { msgId: 236013 select: 236014 } allSelect { msgId: 236037 select: 236038 } allSelect { msgId: 236028 select: 236029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1649842967 lastSubmitTime: 1651080534 readingMsgId: 236050 } allMsgGroup { id: 240 allSelect { msgId: 240009 select: 240010 } allSelect { msgId: 240016 select: 240017 } allSelect { msgId: 240020 select: 240021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216752 lastSubmitTime: 1652343965 readingMsgId: 240023 } allMsgGroup { id: 241 allSelect { msgId: 241011 select: 241012 } allSelect { msgId: 241040 select: 241041 } allSelect { msgId: 241045 select: 241046 } allSelect { msgId: 241049 select: 241050 } allSelect { msgId: 241032 select: 241033 } allSelect { msgId: 241023 select: 241024 } allSelect { msgId: 241055 select: 241056 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652343827 lastSubmitTime: 1652343942 readingMsgId: 241060 } allMsgGroup { id: 245 allSelect { msgId: 245002 select: 245003 } allSelect { msgId: 245017 select: 245018 } allSelect { msgId: 245008 select: 245009 } allSelect { msgId: 245021 select: 245022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216776 lastSubmitTime: 1652343953 readingMsgId: 245024 } allMsgGroup { id: 246 allSelect { msgId: 246025 select: 246026 } allSelect { msgId: 246032 select: 246033 } allSelect { msgId: 246040 select: 246041 } allSelect { msgId: 246047 select: 246048 } allSelect { msgId: 246006 select: 246007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654729473 lastSubmitTime: 1657757747 readingMsgId: 246050 } allMsgGroup { id: 249 allSelect { msgId: 249003 select: 249004 } allSelect { msgId: 249018 select: 249019 } allSelect { msgId: 249008 select: 249009 } allSelect { msgId: 249014 select: 249015 } allSelect { msgId: 249021 select: 249022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654510595 lastSubmitTime: 1657757728 readingMsgId: 249026 } readingMsgGroup { id: 1 allSelect { msgId: 1009 select: 1010 } allSelect { msgId: 1003 select: 1004 } allSelect { msgId: 1015 select: 1016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587690911 readingMsgId: 1017 } readingMsgGroup { id: 258 allSelect { msgId: 258002 select: 258003 } allSelect { msgId: 258007 select: 258008 } allSelect { msgId: 258013 select: 258014 } allSelect { msgId: 258020 select: 258021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660760547 lastSubmitTime: 1663812687 readingMsgId: 258026 } readingMsgGroup { id: 2 allSelect { msgId: 2013 select: 2024 } allSelect { msgId: 2033 select: 2034 } allSelect { msgId: 2010 select: 2011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997188 lastSubmitTime: 1673605873 readingMsgId: 2060 } readingMsgGroup { id: 259 allSelect { msgId: 259003 select: 259004 } allSelect { msgId: 259019 select: 259020 } allSelect { msgId: 259010 select: 259011 } allSelect { msgId: 259021 select: 259022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660819841 lastSubmitTime: 1673605823 readingMsgId: 259023 } readingMsgGroup { id: 260 allSelect { msgId: 260027 select: 260028 } allSelect { msgId: 260022 select: 260023 } allSelect { msgId: 260013 select: 260014 } allSelect { msgId: 260004 select: 260005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1662686695 lastSubmitTime: 1673605889 readingMsgId: 260032 } readingMsgGroup { id: 261 allSelect { msgId: 261003 select: 261004 } allSelect { msgId: 261010 select: 261011 } allSelect { msgId: 261018 select: 261019 } allSelect { msgId: 261031 select: 261032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1664414741 lastSubmitTime: 1673605906 readingMsgId: 261038 } readingMsgGroup { id: 262 allSelect { msgId: 262003 select: 262004 } allSelect { msgId: 262017 select: 262018 } allSelect { msgId: 262008 select: 262009 } allSelect { msgId: 262023 select: 262024 } allSelect { msgId: 262006 select: 262007 } allSelect { msgId: 262012 select: 262013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661380661 lastSubmitTime: 1673605809 readingMsgId: 262029 } readingMsgGroup { id: 6 allSelect { msgId: 6020 select: 6021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594289417 lastSubmitTime: 1594289564 readingMsgId: 6035 } readingMsgGroup { id: 10 allSelect { msgId: 10024 select: 10025 } allSelect { msgId: 10005 select: 10006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970414 lastSubmitTime: 1587690856 readingMsgId: 10041 } readingMsgGroup { id: 269 allSelect { msgId: 269030 select: 269031 } allSelect { msgId: 269038 select: 269039 } allSelect { msgId: 269008 select: 269009 } allSelect { msgId: 269024 select: 269025 } allSelect { msgId: 269017 select: 269018 } allSelect { msgId: 269050 select: 269051 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1663812248 lastSubmitTime: 1664405870 readingMsgId: 269053 } readingMsgGroup { id: 14 isRead: true unlockTime: 1594261739 lastSubmitTime: 1594288469 readingMsgId: 14033 } readingMsgGroup { id: 16 allSelect { msgId: 16027 select: 16028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588125298 lastSubmitTime: 1588814296 readingMsgId: 16048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 17 allSelect { msgId: 17022 select: 17023 } allSelect { msgId: 17019 select: 17020 } allSelect { msgId: 17031 select: 17032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482515 readingMsgId: 17037 } readingMsgGroup { id: 18 allSelect { msgId: 18009 select: 18010 } allSelect { msgId: 18045 select: 18050 } allSelect { msgId: 18042 select: 18043 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482683 readingMsgId: 18054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 19 allSelect { msgId: 19048 select: 19049 } allSelect { msgId: 19002 select: 19003 } allSelect { msgId: 19043 select: 19044 } allSelect { msgId: 19013 select: 19014 } allSelect { msgId: 19030 select: 19031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1589764165 lastSubmitTime: 1590482040 readingMsgId: 19054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 20 allSelect { msgId: 20049 select: 20050 } allSelect { msgId: 20010 select: 20011 } allSelect { msgId: 20026 select: 20027 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587691153 readingMsgId: 20055 } readingMsgGroup { id: 21 allSelect { msgId: 21032 select: 21033 } allSelect { msgId: 21012 select: 21019 } allSelect { msgId: 21021 select: 21022 } allSelect { msgId: 21038 select: 21039 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588986828 lastSubmitTime: 1590482389 readingMsgId: 21047 } readingMsgGroup { id: 22 allSelect { msgId: 22027 select: 22028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599620293 lastSubmitTime: 1630399685 readingMsgId: 22043 } readingMsgGroup { id: 279 allSelect { msgId: 279026 select: 279027 } allSelect { msgId: 279043 select: 279044 } allSelect { msgId: 279047 select: 279048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1669366352 lastSubmitTime: 1673605844 readingMsgId: 279054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 23 allSelect { msgId: 23036 select: 23037 } allSelect { msgId: 23009 select: 23010 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590483227 readingMsgId: 23040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 24 allSelect { msgId: 24011 select: 24012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1575104903 lastSubmitTime: 1587691086 readingMsgId: 24021 } readingMsgGroup { id: 281 allSelect { msgId: 281013 select: 281014 } allSelect { msgId: 281061 select: 281062 } allSelect { msgId: 281046 select: 281047 } allSelect { msgId: 281025 select: 281026 } allSelect { msgId: 281052 select: 281053 } allSelect { msgId: 281006 select: 281007 } allSelect { msgId: 281039 select: 281040 } allSelect { msgId: 281032 select: 281033 } allSelect { msgId: 281049 select: 281050 } allSelect { msgId: 281034 select: 281035 } allSelect { msgId: 281019 select: 281020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1671663193 lastSubmitTime: 1673605794 readingMsgId: 281065 } readingMsgGroup { id: 25 allSelect { msgId: 25007 select: 25020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1587691086 lastSubmitTime: 1588814411 readingMsgId: 25040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 28 allSelect { msgId: 28033 select: 28034 } allSelect { msgId: 28041 select: 28042 } allSelect { msgId: 28010 select: 28011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482877 readingMsgId: 28052 } readingMsgGroup { id: 29 allSelect { msgId: 29019 select: 29020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622799683 lastSubmitTime: 1622799848 readingMsgId: 29039 } readingMsgGroup { id: 289 allSelect { msgId: 289008 select: 289009 } allSelect { msgId: 289028 select: 289035 } allSelect { msgId: 289047 select: 289048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1674171687 lastSubmitTime: 1674171725 readingMsgId: 289050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 33 isRead: true unlockTime: 1599807555 lastSubmitTime: 1599807677 readingMsgId: 33030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 34 allSelect { msgId: 34015 select: 34022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867638 lastSubmitTime: 1646867658 readingMsgId: 34031 } readingMsgGroup { id: 35 allSelect { msgId: 35012 select: 35013 } allSelect { msgId: 35027 select: 35036 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665734323 lastSubmitTime: 1673605945 readingMsgId: 35045 } readingMsgGroup { id: 36 allSelect { msgId: 36013 select: 36022 } allSelect { msgId: 36029 select: 36030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1609743563 lastSubmitTime: 1630399820 readingMsgId: 36039 } readingMsgGroup { id: 42 allSelect { msgId: 42017 select: 42018 } allSelect { msgId: 42041 select: 42042 } allSelect { msgId: 42002 select: 42003 } allSelect { msgId: 42028 select: 42034 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1595745914 lastSubmitTime: 1597337009 readingMsgId: 42045 } readingMsgGroup { id: 45 allSelect { msgId: 45025 select: 45026 } allSelect { msgId: 45010 select: 45011 } allSelect { msgId: 45014 select: 45015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622686283 lastSubmitTime: 1637804354 readingMsgId: 45048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 51 allSelect { msgId: 51024 select: 51025 } allSelect { msgId: 51017 select: 51018 } allSelect { msgId: 51066 select: 51067 } allSelect { msgId: 51045 select: 51046 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1576030363 lastSubmitTime: 1588814107 readingMsgId: 51068 } readingMsgGroup { id: 308 allSelect { msgId: 308011 select: 308012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527678 lastSubmitTime: 1682527982 readingMsgId: 308017 } readingMsgGroup { id: 311 allSelect { msgId: 311024 select: 311025 } allSelect { msgId: 311011 select: 311012 } allSelect { msgId: 311020 select: 311021 } allSelect { msgId: 311006 select: 311007 } allSelect { msgId: 311022 select: 311023 } allSelect { msgId: 311016 select: 311017 } allSelect { msgId: 311002 select: 311003 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527653 lastSubmitTime: 1682528000 readingMsgId: 311030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 58 allSelect { msgId: 58021 select: 58022 } allSelect { msgId: 58025 select: 58026 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997187 lastSubmitTime: 1673605857 readingMsgId: 58027 } readingMsgGroup { id: 59 allSelect { msgId: 59004 select: 59005 } allSelect { msgId: 59010 select: 59015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1673605857 lastSubmitTime: 1674171732 readingMsgId: 59019 } readingMsgGroup { id: 60 allSelect { msgId: 60040 select: 60041 } allSelect { msgId: 60009 select: 60010 } allSelect { msgId: 60036 select: 60037 } allSelect { msgId: 60023 select: 60024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1617211678 lastSubmitTime: 1617211964 readingMsgId: 60042 } readingMsgGroup { id: 76 allSelect { msgId: 76099 select: 76100 } allSelect { msgId: 76107 select: 76108 } allSelect { msgId: 76101 select: 76102 } allSelect { msgId: 76110 select: 76111 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623147134 lastSubmitTime: 1630399534 readingMsgId: 76113 } readingMsgGroup { id: 84 allSelect { msgId: 84026 select: 84027 } allSelect { msgId: 84004 select: 84005 } allSelect { msgId: 84020 select: 84021 } allSelect { msgId: 84044 select: 84045 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599758434 lastSubmitTime: 1611794534 readingMsgId: 84046 } readingMsgGroup { id: 89 allSelect { msgId: 89011 select: 89016 } allSelect { msgId: 89034 select: 89035 } allSelect { msgId: 89042 select: 89043 } allSelect { msgId: 89029 select: 89030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1585899984 lastSubmitTime: 1587691249 readingMsgId: 89046 } readingMsgGroup { id: 94 allSelect { msgId: 94032 select: 94033 } allSelect { msgId: 94027 select: 94028 } allSelect { msgId: 94030 select: 94031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1615948217 lastSubmitTime: 1630400151 readingMsgId: 94041 } readingMsgGroup { id: 106 allSelect { msgId: 106035 select: 106036 } allSelect { msgId: 106002 select: 106003 } allSelect { msgId: 106026 select: 106027 } allSelect { msgId: 106047 select: 106048 } allSelect { msgId: 106006 select: 106007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594887451 lastSubmitTime: 1597337200 readingMsgId: 106053 } readingMsgGroup { id: 114 allSelect { msgId: 114008 select: 114009 } allSelect { msgId: 114032 select: 114033 } allSelect { msgId: 114026 select: 114027 } allSelect { msgId: 114015 select: 114016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599555827 lastSubmitTime: 1599620585 readingMsgId: 114037 } readingMsgGroup { id: 118 allSelect { msgId: 118025 select: 118026 } allSelect { msgId: 118003 select: 118004 } allSelect { msgId: 118018 select: 118019 } allSelect { msgId: 118013 select: 118014 } allSelect { msgId: 118007 select: 118008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644892574 lastSubmitTime: 1644892601 readingMsgId: 118030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 139 allSelect { msgId: 139006 select: 139007 } allSelect { msgId: 139018 select: 139019 } allSelect { msgId: 139020 select: 139021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651080452 lastSubmitTime: 1651080493 readingMsgId: 139025 } readingMsgGroup { id: 149 allSelect { msgId: 149003 select: 149004 } allSelect { msgId: 149008 select: 149011 } allSelect { msgId: 149020 select: 149021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1643079030 readingMsgId: 149024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 155 allSelect { msgId: 155025 select: 155026 } allSelect { msgId: 155073 select: 155074 } allSelect { msgId: 155153 select: 155154 } allSelect { msgId: 155014 select: 155015 } allSelect { msgId: 155108 select: 155109 } allSelect { msgId: 155125 select: 155126 } allSelect { msgId: 155112 select: 155113 } allSelect { msgId: 155038 select: 155039 } allSelect { msgId: 155117 select: 155118 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646216061 lastSubmitTime: 1652344015 readingMsgId: 155155 redPackets { msgId: 155034 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155068 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2087 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155082 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155141 num: 30 money: 3000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 198 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 119 } receivers { heroId: 2041 money: 18 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 76 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2047 money: 82 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 130 } receivers { heroId: 2020 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 138 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 89 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2062 money: 15 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2096 money: 187 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 72 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 8 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 120 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 22 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 74 } receivers { heroId: 2075 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 108 } receivers { heroId: 2026 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2009 money: 132 } receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 70 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 71 } receivers { heroId: 2032 money: 180 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 177 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 156 allSelect { msgId: 156130 select: 156131 } allSelect { msgId: 156096 select: 156097 } allSelect { msgId: 156071 select: 156072 } allSelect { msgId: 156135 select: 156136 } allSelect { msgId: 156008 select: 156009 } allSelect { msgId: 156104 select: 156127 } allSelect { msgId: 156028 select: 156029 } allSelect { msgId: 156077 select: 156078 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1614847734 readingMsgId: 156137 redPackets { msgId: 156005 num: 1 money: 20000 content: receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 20000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 156033 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2010 money: 15891 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19578 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 14346 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 11779 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 3279 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 19340 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15030 } receivers { heroId: 2060 money: 17531 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 2897 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 327 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156055 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2053 money: 7524 } receivers { heroId: 2046 money: 12429 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 5062 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 6891 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5627 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 18286 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 4717 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 16307 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 6520 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 11806 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 6884 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 17947 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156085 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 5685 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 5813 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 19482 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 12890 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12222 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 7807 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19755 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 14717 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 10355 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 11124 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156134 num: 30 money: 300000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19353 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 3889 } receivers { heroId: 2005 money: 4443 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 1336 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 17464 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5557 } receivers { heroId: 2098 money: 11167 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 11413 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 5746 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 17022 } receivers { heroId: 2074 money: 6954 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 18606 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 7458 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 13068 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15913 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 11634 } receivers { heroId: 2006 money: 9158 } receivers { heroId: 2002 money: 9428 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 2879 } receivers { heroId: 2039 money: 15347 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 15965 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 18884 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 13597 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 7297 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 634 } receivers { heroId: 2038 money: 9405 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 15700 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 8883 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 1799 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 160 allSelect { msgId: 160003 select: 160004 } allSelect { msgId: 160009 select: 160010 } allSelect { msgId: 160017 select: 160018 } allSelect { msgId: 160007 select: 160008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1614847120 lastSubmitTime: 1614847277 readingMsgId: 160028 } readingMsgGroup { id: 164 allSelect { msgId: 164023 select: 164024 } allSelect { msgId: 164039 select: 164040 } allSelect { msgId: 164008 select: 164009 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1650495765 lastSubmitTime: 1651080511 readingMsgId: 164050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 171 allSelect { msgId: 171011 select: 171012 } allSelect { msgId: 171046 select: 171047 } allSelect { msgId: 171031 select: 171032 } allSelect { msgId: 171044 select: 171045 } allSelect { msgId: 171013 select: 171014 } allSelect { msgId: 171029 select: 171030 } allSelect { msgId: 171002 select: 171003 } allSelect { msgId: 171035 select: 171036 } allSelect { msgId: 171022 select: 171023 } allSelect { msgId: 171007 select: 171008 } allSelect { msgId: 171037 select: 171038 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652948219 lastSubmitTime: 1652948266 readingMsgId: 171048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 179 allSelect { msgId: 179006 select: 179007 } allSelect { msgId: 179018 select: 179019 } allSelect { msgId: 179028 select: 179029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623146450 lastSubmitTime: 1637803834 readingMsgId: 179034 } readingMsgGroup { id: 183 allSelect { msgId: 183019 select: 183020 } allSelect { msgId: 183035 select: 183036 } allSelect { msgId: 183043 select: 183044 } allSelect { msgId: 183049 select: 183050 } allSelect { msgId: 183031 select: 183032 } allSelect { msgId: 183004 select: 183005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1657757675 lastSubmitTime: 1657757713 readingMsgId: 183051 } readingMsgGroup { id: 192 allSelect { msgId: 192002 select: 192003 } allSelect { msgId: 192026 select: 192027 } allSelect { msgId: 192019 select: 192020 } allSelect { msgId: 192008 select: 192009 } allSelect { msgId: 192004 select: 192005 } allSelect { msgId: 192012 select: 192013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910296 lastSubmitTime: 1629948753 readingMsgId: 192031 } readingMsgGroup { id: 193 allSelect { msgId: 193019 select: 193020 } allSelect { msgId: 193024 select: 193025 } allSelect { msgId: 193014 select: 193015 } allSelect { msgId: 193007 select: 193008 } allSelect { msgId: 193004 select: 193005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910246 lastSubmitTime: 1630399108 readingMsgId: 193027 } readingMsgGroup { id: 194 allSelect { msgId: 194002 select: 194003 } allSelect { msgId: 194014 select: 194015 } allSelect { msgId: 194019 select: 194020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630630150 lastSubmitTime: 1630682597 readingMsgId: 194023 readVoiceIds: 194008 } readingMsgGroup { id: 195 allSelect { msgId: 195011 select: 195012 } allSelect { msgId: 195024 select: 195025 } allSelect { msgId: 195048 select: 195049 } allSelect { msgId: 195036 select: 195037 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630549640 lastSubmitTime: 1632545049 readingMsgId: 195050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 196 allSelect { msgId: 196010 select: 196011 } allSelect { msgId: 196003 select: 196004 } allSelect { msgId: 196019 select: 196020 } allSelect { msgId: 196027 select: 196028 } allSelect { msgId: 196023 select: 196024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910274 lastSubmitTime: 1630039069 readingMsgId: 196034 } readingMsgGroup { id: 199 allSelect { msgId: 199001 select: 199002 } allSelect { msgId: 199008 select: 199009 } allSelect { msgId: 199023 select: 199024 } allSelect { msgId: 199013 select: 199014 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630772775 lastSubmitTime: 1632544881 readingMsgId: 199025 } readingMsgGroup { id: 200 allSelect { msgId: 200003 select: 200004 } allSelect { msgId: 200023 select: 200024 } allSelect { msgId: 200039 select: 200040 } allSelect { msgId: 200006 select: 200007 } allSelect { msgId: 200043 select: 200044 } allSelect { msgId: 200026 select: 200027 } allSelect { msgId: 200015 select: 200016 } allSelect { msgId: 200046 select: 200047 } allSelect { msgId: 200029 select: 200030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665198125 lastSubmitTime: 1673605930 readingMsgId: 200049 } readingMsgGroup { id: 207 allSelect { msgId: 207010 select: 207011 } allSelect { msgId: 207018 select: 207019 } allSelect { msgId: 207025 select: 207026 } allSelect { msgId: 207014 select: 207015 } allSelect { msgId: 207004 select: 207005 } allSelect { msgId: 207028 select: 207029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1637112991 lastSubmitTime: 1637803510 readingMsgId: 207032 } readingMsgGroup { id: 209 allSelect { msgId: 209043 select: 209044 } allSelect { msgId: 209026 select: 209027 } allSelect { msgId: 209047 select: 209048 } allSelect { msgId: 209063 select: 209064 } allSelect { msgId: 209013 select: 209014 } allSelect { msgId: 209029 select: 209030 } allSelect { msgId: 209019 select: 209020 } allSelect { msgId: 209051 select: 209052 } allSelect { msgId: 209034 select: 209035 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1638414393 lastSubmitTime: 1638414969 readingMsgId: 209066 } readingMsgGroup { id: 217 allSelect { msgId: 217011 select: 217012 } allSelect { msgId: 217019 select: 217020 } allSelect { msgId: 217002 select: 217003 } allSelect { msgId: 217017 select: 217018 } allSelect { msgId: 217025 select: 217026 } allSelect { msgId: 217005 select: 217006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643079016 readingMsgId: 217028 } readingMsgGroup { id: 218 allSelect { msgId: 218009 select: 218010 } allSelect { msgId: 218016 select: 218017 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643078984 readingMsgId: 218024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 224 allSelect { msgId: 224027 select: 224028 } allSelect { msgId: 224031 select: 224032 } allSelect { msgId: 224012 select: 224013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644481035 lastSubmitTime: 1644481775 readingMsgId: 224040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 229 allSelect { msgId: 229009 select: 229010 } allSelect { msgId: 229129 select: 229141 } allSelect { msgId: 229096 select: 229119 } allSelect { msgId: 229167 select: 229168 } allSelect { msgId: 229036 select: 229037 } allSelect { msgId: 229052 select: 229053 } allSelect { msgId: 229084 select: 229085 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1643985702 lastSubmitTime: 1644481853 readingMsgId: 229173 redPackets { msgId: 229020 num: 3 money: 30000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19549 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 8077 } receivers { heroId: 2121 money: 2374 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229026 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 2119 money: 6031 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 9926 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 14378 } receivers { heroId: 2017 money: 10810 } receivers { heroId: 2094 money: 8855 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229038 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 387 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 5407 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 19316 } receivers { heroId: 2128 money: 9198 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 4910 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12869 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 29634 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 1786 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 2299 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5463 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 16423 } receivers { heroId: 2127 money: 12308 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229046 num: 10 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 10866 } receivers { heroId: 2015 money: 15062 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11817 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 4131 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 4762 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 4262 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 6652 } receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 19964 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 22438 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229064 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11128 } receivers { heroId: 2115 money: 15173 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1433 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 13407 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 8859 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229075 num: 1 money: 10000 content: receivers { heroId: 2125 money: 10000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229079 num: 15 money: 150000 content: receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 4507 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 6285 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 10716 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 3844 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 13617 } receivers { heroId: 2073 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 16256 } receivers { heroId: 2099 money: 7140 } receivers { heroId: 2084 money: 11385 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 12195 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 19308 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 8542 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 15609 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 6844 } receivers { heroId: 2100 money: 13751 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229141 num: 9 money: 700 content: 如虎添翼,心想事成 receivers { heroId: 2101 money: 24 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 142 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 126 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 154 } receivers { heroId: 2081 money: 14 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 60 } receivers { heroId: 2063 money: 43 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 121 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 16 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229157 num: 15 money: 1500 content: receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2018 money: 176 } receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 156 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 200 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 2 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 68 } receivers { heroId: 2105 money: 84 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2108 money: 150 } receivers { heroId: 2012 money: 175 } receivers { heroId: 2120 money: 45 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2067 money: 131 } receivers { heroId: 2097 money: 1 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 230 allSelect { msgId: 230003 select: 230004 } allSelect { msgId: 230034 select: 230035 } allSelect { msgId: 230049 select: 230050 } allSelect { msgId: 230010 select: 230011 } allSelect { msgId: 230057 select: 230058 } allSelect { msgId: 230045 select: 230046 } allSelect { msgId: 230060 select: 230061 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867197 lastSubmitTime: 1646867226 readingMsgId: 230062 } readingMsgGroup { id: 236 allSelect { msgId: 236024 select: 236025 } allSelect { msgId: 236006 select: 236007 } allSelect { msgId: 236046 select: 236047 } allSelect { msgId: 236013 select: 236014 } allSelect { msgId: 236037 select: 236038 } allSelect { msgId: 236028 select: 236029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1649842967 lastSubmitTime: 1651080534 readingMsgId: 236050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 240 allSelect { msgId: 240009 select: 240010 } allSelect { msgId: 240016 select: 240017 } allSelect { msgId: 240020 select: 240021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216752 lastSubmitTime: 1652343965 readingMsgId: 240023 } readingMsgGroup { id: 241 allSelect { msgId: 241011 select: 241012 } allSelect { msgId: 241040 select: 241041 } allSelect { msgId: 241045 select: 241046 } allSelect { msgId: 241049 select: 241050 } allSelect { msgId: 241032 select: 241033 } allSelect { msgId: 241023 select: 241024 } allSelect { msgId: 241055 select: 241056 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652343827 lastSubmitTime: 1652343942 readingMsgId: 241060 } readingMsgGroup { id: 245 allSelect { msgId: 245002 select: 245003 } allSelect { msgId: 245017 select: 245018 } allSelect { msgId: 245008 select: 245009 } allSelect { msgId: 245021 select: 245022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216776 lastSubmitTime: 1652343953 readingMsgId: 245024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 246 allSelect { msgId: 246025 select: 246026 } allSelect { msgId: 246032 select: 246033 } allSelect { msgId: 246040 select: 246041 } allSelect { msgId: 246047 select: 246048 } allSelect { msgId: 246006 select: 246007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654729473 lastSubmitTime: 1657757747 readingMsgId: 246050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 249 allSelect { msgId: 249003 select: 249004 } allSelect { msgId: 249018 select: 249019 } allSelect { msgId: 249008 select: 249009 } allSelect { msgId: 249014 select: 249015 } allSelect { msgId: 249021 select: 249022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654510595 lastSubmitTime: 1657757728 readingMsgId: 249026 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetNpcGroupChatReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:48][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 66 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.2833559140563 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetNpcGroupChatReply 110 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_firstcallhero isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/herotaskheroview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotaskheroview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_herotask_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_herotask_1 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotaskheroitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099994793534279 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 111 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/commonbg/herotasktraceview_bg.jpg isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100165_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010149.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100132_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010121.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100166_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010150.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/commonbg/herotasktraceview_bg.jpg instance: @52ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/headicon_summon/100165_headicon_summon.png instance: @22ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/itemicon/1010149.png instance: @22ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/headicon_summon/100132_headicon_summon.png instance: @21ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/itemicon/1010121.png instance: @21ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/headicon_summon/100166_headicon_summon.png instance: @20ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/itemicon/1010150.png instance: @20ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100135_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010123.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100160_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010147.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100141_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010128.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100157_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010142.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100055_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010052.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/headicon_summon/100135_headicon_summon.png instance: @27ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/itemicon/1010123.png instance: @27ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/headicon_summon/100160_headicon_summon.png instance: @26ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/itemicon/1010147.png instance: @26ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/headicon_summon/100141_headicon_summon.png instance: @26ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/itemicon/1010128.png instance: @25ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/headicon_summon/100157_headicon_summon.png instance: @25ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/itemicon/1010142.png instance: @25ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/headicon_summon/100055_headicon_summon.png instance: @24ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/itemicon/1010052.png instance: @24ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100150_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010138.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100151_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010139.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/headicon_summon/100150_headicon_summon.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/itemicon/1010138.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/headicon_summon/100151_headicon_summon.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]bigbg/itemicon/1010139.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_restaurant_2 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/herotasktraceview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotasktraceview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotasktraceitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/imagecharacter/100166_zd01.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/item_ssr.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 21 time: 2000 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066713914275169 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 112 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 21 time: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 49 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}ids: 55 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=49,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 66 1 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetNpcGroupChatRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=66,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/herotasksearchview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotasksearchview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_herotasksearchview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用UIParticle方式, effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_herotasksearchview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.09995012357831 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 113 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_011.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_017.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_herotasksearchview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 49 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13325066491961 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetRedDotInfosReply 114 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=66,cmd=1,status=0,size=12853 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}allMsgGroup { id: 1 allSelect { msgId: 1009 select: 1010 } allSelect { msgId: 1003 select: 1004 } allSelect { msgId: 1015 select: 1016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587690911 readingMsgId: 1017 } allMsgGroup { id: 258 allSelect { msgId: 258002 select: 258003 } allSelect { msgId: 258007 select: 258008 } allSelect { msgId: 258013 select: 258014 } allSelect { msgId: 258020 select: 258021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660760547 lastSubmitTime: 1663812687 readingMsgId: 258026 } allMsgGroup { id: 2 allSelect { msgId: 2013 select: 2024 } allSelect { msgId: 2033 select: 2034 } allSelect { msgId: 2010 select: 2011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997188 lastSubmitTime: 1673605873 readingMsgId: 2060 } allMsgGroup { id: 259 allSelect { msgId: 259003 select: 259004 } allSelect { msgId: 259019 select: 259020 } allSelect { msgId: 259010 select: 259011 } allSelect { msgId: 259021 select: 259022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660819841 lastSubmitTime: 1673605823 readingMsgId: 259023 } allMsgGroup { id: 260 allSelect { msgId: 260027 select: 260028 } allSelect { msgId: 260022 select: 260023 } allSelect { msgId: 260013 select: 260014 } allSelect { msgId: 260004 select: 260005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1662686695 lastSubmitTime: 1673605889 readingMsgId: 260032 } allMsgGroup { id: 261 allSelect { msgId: 261003 select: 261004 } allSelect { msgId: 261010 select: 261011 } allSelect { msgId: 261018 select: 261019 } allSelect { msgId: 261031 select: 261032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1664414741 lastSubmitTime: 1673605906 readingMsgId: 261038 } allMsgGroup { id: 262 allSelect { msgId: 262003 select: 262004 } allSelect { msgId: 262017 select: 262018 } allSelect { msgId: 262008 select: 262009 } allSelect { msgId: 262023 select: 262024 } allSelect { msgId: 262006 select: 262007 } allSelect { msgId: 262012 select: 262013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661380661 lastSubmitTime: 1673605809 readingMsgId: 262029 } allMsgGroup { id: 6 allSelect { msgId: 6020 select: 6021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594289417 lastSubmitTime: 1594289564 readingMsgId: 6035 } allMsgGroup { id: 266 isRead: false unlockTime: 1679795495 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 10 allSelect { msgId: 10024 select: 10025 } allSelect { msgId: 10005 select: 10006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970414 lastSubmitTime: 1587690856 readingMsgId: 10041 } allMsgGroup { id: 269 allSelect { msgId: 269030 select: 269031 } allSelect { msgId: 269038 select: 269039 } allSelect { msgId: 269008 select: 269009 } allSelect { msgId: 269024 select: 269025 } allSelect { msgId: 269017 select: 269018 } allSelect { msgId: 269050 select: 269051 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1663812248 lastSubmitTime: 1664405870 readingMsgId: 269053 } allMsgGroup { id: 14 isRead: true unlockTime: 1594261739 lastSubmitTime: 1594288469 readingMsgId: 14033 } allMsgGroup { id: 15 isRead: false unlockTime: 1678849148 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 16 allSelect { msgId: 16027 select: 16028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588125298 lastSubmitTime: 1588814296 readingMsgId: 16048 } allMsgGroup { id: 17 allSelect { msgId: 17022 select: 17023 } allSelect { msgId: 17019 select: 17020 } allSelect { msgId: 17031 select: 17032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482515 readingMsgId: 17037 } allMsgGroup { id: 18 allSelect { msgId: 18009 select: 18010 } allSelect { msgId: 18045 select: 18050 } allSelect { msgId: 18042 select: 18043 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482683 readingMsgId: 18054 } allMsgGroup { id: 19 allSelect { msgId: 19048 select: 19049 } allSelect { msgId: 19002 select: 19003 } allSelect { msgId: 19043 select: 19044 } allSelect { msgId: 19013 select: 19014 } allSelect { msgId: 19030 select: 19031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1589764165 lastSubmitTime: 1590482040 readingMsgId: 19054 } allMsgGroup { id: 20 allSelect { msgId: 20049 select: 20050 } allSelect { msgId: 20010 select: 20011 } allSelect { msgId: 20026 select: 20027 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587691153 readingMsgId: 20055 } allMsgGroup { id: 21 allSelect { msgId: 21032 select: 21033 } allSelect { msgId: 21012 select: 21019 } allSelect { msgId: 21021 select: 21022 } allSelect { msgId: 21038 select: 21039 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588986828 lastSubmitTime: 1590482389 readingMsgId: 21047 } allMsgGroup { id: 22 allSelect { msgId: 22027 select: 22028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599620293 lastSubmitTime: 1630399685 readingMsgId: 22043 } allMsgGroup { id: 279 allSelect { msgId: 279026 select: 279027 } allSelect { msgId: 279043 select: 279044 } allSelect { msgId: 279047 select: 279048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1669366352 lastSubmitTime: 1673605844 readingMsgId: 279054 } allMsgGroup { id: 23 allSelect { msgId: 23036 select: 23037 } allSelect { msgId: 23009 select: 23010 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590483227 readingMsgId: 23040 } allMsgGroup { id: 24 allSelect { msgId: 24011 select: 24012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1575104903 lastSubmitTime: 1587691086 readingMsgId: 24021 } allMsgGroup { id: 281 allSelect { msgId: 281013 select: 281014 } allSelect { msgId: 281061 select: 281062 } allSelect { msgId: 281046 select: 281047 } allSelect { msgId: 281025 select: 281026 } allSelect { msgId: 281052 select: 281053 } allSelect { msgId: 281006 select: 281007 } allSelect { msgId: 281039 select: 281040 } allSelect { msgId: 281032 select: 281033 } allSelect { msgId: 281049 select: 281050 } allSelect { msgId: 281034 select: 281035 } allSelect { msgId: 281019 select: 281020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1671663193 lastSubmitTime: 1673605794 readingMsgId: 281065 } allMsgGroup { id: 25 allSelect { msgId: 25007 select: 25020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1587691086 lastSubmitTime: 1588814411 readingMsgId: 25040 } allMsgGroup { id: 28 allSelect { msgId: 28033 select: 28034 } allSelect { msgId: 28041 select: 28042 } allSelect { msgId: 28010 select: 28011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482877 readingMsgId: 28052 } allMsgGroup { id: 29 allSelect { msgId: 29019 select: 29020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622799683 lastSubmitTime: 1622799848 readingMsgId: 29039 } allMsgGroup { id: 289 allSelect { msgId: 289008 select: 289009 } allSelect { msgId: 289028 select: 289035 } allSelect { msgId: 289047 select: 289048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1674171687 lastSubmitTime: 1674171725 readingMsgId: 289050 } allMsgGroup { id: 33 isRead: true unlockTime: 1599807555 lastSubmitTime: 1599807677 readingMsgId: 33030 } allMsgGroup { id: 34 allSelect { msgId: 34015 select: 34022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867638 lastSubmitTime: 1646867658 readingMsgId: 34031 } allMsgGroup { id: 290 isRead: false unlockTime: 1675061695 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 35 allSelect { msgId: 35012 select: 35013 } allSelect { msgId: 35027 select: 35036 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665734323 lastSubmitTime: 1673605945 readingMsgId: 35045 } allMsgGroup { id: 36 allSelect { msgId: 36013 select: 36022 } allSelect { msgId: 36029 select: 36030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1609743563 lastSubmitTime: 1630399820 readingMsgId: 36039 } allMsgGroup { id: 294 isRead: false unlockTime: 1675236814 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 295 isRead: false unlockTime: 1674378751 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 42 allSelect { msgId: 42017 select: 42018 } allSelect { msgId: 42041 select: 42042 } allSelect { msgId: 42002 select: 42003 } allSelect { msgId: 42028 select: 42034 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1595745914 lastSubmitTime: 1597337009 readingMsgId: 42045 } allMsgGroup { id: 45 allSelect { msgId: 45025 select: 45026 } allSelect { msgId: 45010 select: 45011 } allSelect { msgId: 45014 select: 45015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622686283 lastSubmitTime: 1637804354 readingMsgId: 45048 } allMsgGroup { id: 302 isRead: false unlockTime: 1679540542 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 304 isRead: false unlockTime: 1680138212 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 51 allSelect { msgId: 51024 select: 51025 } allSelect { msgId: 51017 select: 51018 } allSelect { msgId: 51066 select: 51067 } allSelect { msgId: 51045 select: 51046 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1576030363 lastSubmitTime: 1588814107 readingMsgId: 51068 } allMsgGroup { id: 307 isRead: false unlockTime: 1684316740 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 308 allSelect { msgId: 308011 select: 308012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527678 lastSubmitTime: 1682527982 readingMsgId: 308017 } allMsgGroup { id: 309 isRead: false unlockTime: 1682527982 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 311 allSelect { msgId: 311024 select: 311025 } allSelect { msgId: 311011 select: 311012 } allSelect { msgId: 311020 select: 311021 } allSelect { msgId: 311006 select: 311007 } allSelect { msgId: 311022 select: 311023 } allSelect { msgId: 311016 select: 311017 } allSelect { msgId: 311002 select: 311003 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527653 lastSubmitTime: 1682528000 readingMsgId: 311030 } allMsgGroup { id: 58 allSelect { msgId: 58021 select: 58022 } allSelect { msgId: 58025 select: 58026 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997187 lastSubmitTime: 1673605857 readingMsgId: 58027 } allMsgGroup { id: 59 allSelect { msgId: 59004 select: 59005 } allSelect { msgId: 59010 select: 59015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1673605857 lastSubmitTime: 1674171732 readingMsgId: 59019 } allMsgGroup { id: 60 allSelect { msgId: 60040 select: 60041 } allSelect { msgId: 60009 select: 60010 } allSelect { msgId: 60036 select: 60037 } allSelect { msgId: 60023 select: 60024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1617211678 lastSubmitTime: 1617211964 readingMsgId: 60042 } allMsgGroup { id: 76 allSelect { msgId: 76099 select: 76100 } allSelect { msgId: 76107 select: 76108 } allSelect { msgId: 76101 select: 76102 } allSelect { msgId: 76110 select: 76111 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623147134 lastSubmitTime: 1630399534 readingMsgId: 76113 } allMsgGroup { id: 84 allSelect { msgId: 84026 select: 84027 } allSelect { msgId: 84004 select: 84005 } allSelect { msgId: 84020 select: 84021 } allSelect { msgId: 84044 select: 84045 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599758434 lastSubmitTime: 1611794534 readingMsgId: 84046 } allMsgGroup { id: 89 allSelect { msgId: 89011 select: 89016 } allSelect { msgId: 89034 select: 89035 } allSelect { msgId: 89042 select: 89043 } allSelect { msgId: 89029 select: 89030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1585899984 lastSubmitTime: 1587691249 readingMsgId: 89046 } allMsgGroup { id: 94 allSelect { msgId: 94032 select: 94033 } allSelect { msgId: 94027 select: 94028 } allSelect { msgId: 94030 select: 94031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1615948217 lastSubmitTime: 1630400151 readingMsgId: 94041 } allMsgGroup { id: 99 isRead: false unlockTime: 1683360726 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 106 allSelect { msgId: 106035 select: 106036 } allSelect { msgId: 106002 select: 106003 } allSelect { msgId: 106026 select: 106027 } allSelect { msgId: 106047 select: 106048 } allSelect { msgId: 106006 select: 106007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594887451 lastSubmitTime: 1597337200 readingMsgId: 106053 } allMsgGroup { id: 114 allSelect { msgId: 114008 select: 114009 } allSelect { msgId: 114032 select: 114033 } allSelect { msgId: 114026 select: 114027 } allSelect { msgId: 114015 select: 114016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599555827 lastSubmitTime: 1599620585 readingMsgId: 114037 } allMsgGroup { id: 118 allSelect { msgId: 118025 select: 118026 } allSelect { msgId: 118003 select: 118004 } allSelect { msgId: 118018 select: 118019 } allSelect { msgId: 118013 select: 118014 } allSelect { msgId: 118007 select: 118008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644892574 lastSubmitTime: 1644892601 readingMsgId: 118030 } allMsgGroup { id: 139 allSelect { msgId: 139006 select: 139007 } allSelect { msgId: 139018 select: 139019 } allSelect { msgId: 139020 select: 139021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651080452 lastSubmitTime: 1651080493 readingMsgId: 139025 } allMsgGroup { id: 149 allSelect { msgId: 149003 select: 149004 } allSelect { msgId: 149008 select: 149011 } allSelect { msgId: 149020 select: 149021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1643079030 readingMsgId: 149024 } allMsgGroup { id: 155 allSelect { msgId: 155025 select: 155026 } allSelect { msgId: 155073 select: 155074 } allSelect { msgId: 155153 select: 155154 } allSelect { msgId: 155014 select: 155015 } allSelect { msgId: 155108 select: 155109 } allSelect { msgId: 155125 select: 155126 } allSelect { msgId: 155112 select: 155113 } allSelect { msgId: 155038 select: 155039 } allSelect { msgId: 155117 select: 155118 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646216061 lastSubmitTime: 1652344015 readingMsgId: 155155 redPackets { msgId: 155034 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155068 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2087 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155082 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155141 num: 30 money: 3000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 198 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 119 } receivers { heroId: 2041 money: 18 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 76 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2047 money: 82 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 130 } receivers { heroId: 2020 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 138 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 89 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2062 money: 15 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2096 money: 187 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 72 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 8 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 120 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 22 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 74 } receivers { heroId: 2075 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 108 } receivers { heroId: 2026 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2009 money: 132 } receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 70 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 71 } receivers { heroId: 2032 money: 180 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 177 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 156 allSelect { msgId: 156130 select: 156131 } allSelect { msgId: 156096 select: 156097 } allSelect { msgId: 156071 select: 156072 } allSelect { msgId: 156135 select: 156136 } allSelect { msgId: 156008 select: 156009 } allSelect { msgId: 156104 select: 156127 } allSelect { msgId: 156028 select: 156029 } allSelect { msgId: 156077 select: 156078 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1614847734 readingMsgId: 156137 redPackets { msgId: 156005 num: 1 money: 20000 content: receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 20000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 156033 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2010 money: 15891 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19578 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 14346 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 11779 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 3279 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 19340 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15030 } receivers { heroId: 2060 money: 17531 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 2897 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 327 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156055 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2053 money: 7524 } receivers { heroId: 2046 money: 12429 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 5062 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 6891 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5627 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 18286 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 4717 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 16307 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 6520 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 11806 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 6884 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 17947 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156085 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 5685 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 5813 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 19482 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 12890 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12222 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 7807 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19755 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 14717 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 10355 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 11124 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156134 num: 30 money: 300000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19353 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 3889 } receivers { heroId: 2005 money: 4443 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 1336 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 17464 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5557 } receivers { heroId: 2098 money: 11167 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 11413 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 5746 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 17022 } receivers { heroId: 2074 money: 6954 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 18606 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 7458 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 13068 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15913 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 11634 } receivers { heroId: 2006 money: 9158 } receivers { heroId: 2002 money: 9428 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 2879 } receivers { heroId: 2039 money: 15347 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 15965 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 18884 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 13597 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 7297 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 634 } receivers { heroId: 2038 money: 9405 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 15700 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 8883 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 1799 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 160 allSelect { msgId: 160003 select: 160004 } allSelect { msgId: 160009 select: 160010 } allSelect { msgId: 160017 select: 160018 } allSelect { msgId: 160007 select: 160008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1614847120 lastSubmitTime: 1614847277 readingMsgId: 160028 } allMsgGroup { id: 162 isRead: false unlockTime: 1676883754 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 164 allSelect { msgId: 164023 select: 164024 } allSelect { msgId: 164039 select: 164040 } allSelect { msgId: 164008 select: 164009 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1650495765 lastSubmitTime: 1651080511 readingMsgId: 164050 } allMsgGroup { id: 171 allSelect { msgId: 171011 select: 171012 } allSelect { msgId: 171046 select: 171047 } allSelect { msgId: 171031 select: 171032 } allSelect { msgId: 171044 select: 171045 } allSelect { msgId: 171013 select: 171014 } allSelect { msgId: 171029 select: 171030 } allSelect { msgId: 171002 select: 171003 } allSelect { msgId: 171035 select: 171036 } allSelect { msgId: 171022 select: 171023 } allSelect { msgId: 171007 select: 171008 } allSelect { msgId: 171037 select: 171038 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652948219 lastSubmitTime: 1652948266 readingMsgId: 171048 } allMsgGroup { id: 179 allSelect { msgId: 179006 select: 179007 } allSelect { msgId: 179018 select: 179019 } allSelect { msgId: 179028 select: 179029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623146450 lastSubmitTime: 1637803834 readingMsgId: 179034 } allMsgGroup { id: 183 allSelect { msgId: 183019 select: 183020 } allSelect { msgId: 183035 select: 183036 } allSelect { msgId: 183043 select: 183044 } allSelect { msgId: 183049 select: 183050 } allSelect { msgId: 183031 select: 183032 } allSelect { msgId: 183004 select: 183005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1657757675 lastSubmitTime: 1657757713 readingMsgId: 183051 } allMsgGroup { id: 192 allSelect { msgId: 192002 select: 192003 } allSelect { msgId: 192026 select: 192027 } allSelect { msgId: 192019 select: 192020 } allSelect { msgId: 192008 select: 192009 } allSelect { msgId: 192004 select: 192005 } allSelect { msgId: 192012 select: 192013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910296 lastSubmitTime: 1629948753 readingMsgId: 192031 } allMsgGroup { id: 193 allSelect { msgId: 193019 select: 193020 } allSelect { msgId: 193024 select: 193025 } allSelect { msgId: 193014 select: 193015 } allSelect { msgId: 193007 select: 193008 } allSelect { msgId: 193004 select: 193005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910246 lastSubmitTime: 1630399108 readingMsgId: 193027 } allMsgGroup { id: 194 allSelect { msgId: 194002 select: 194003 } allSelect { msgId: 194014 select: 194015 } allSelect { msgId: 194019 select: 194020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630630150 lastSubmitTime: 1630682597 readingMsgId: 194023 readVoiceIds: 194008 } allMsgGroup { id: 195 allSelect { msgId: 195011 select: 195012 } allSelect { msgId: 195024 select: 195025 } allSelect { msgId: 195048 select: 195049 } allSelect { msgId: 195036 select: 195037 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630549640 lastSubmitTime: 1632545049 readingMsgId: 195050 } allMsgGroup { id: 196 allSelect { msgId: 196010 select: 196011 } allSelect { msgId: 196003 select: 196004 } allSelect { msgId: 196019 select: 196020 } allSelect { msgId: 196027 select: 196028 } allSelect { msgId: 196023 select: 196024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910274 lastSubmitTime: 1630039069 readingMsgId: 196034 } allMsgGroup { id: 199 allSelect { msgId: 199001 select: 199002 } allSelect { msgId: 199008 select: 199009 } allSelect { msgId: 199023 select: 199024 } allSelect { msgId: 199013 select: 199014 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630772775 lastSubmitTime: 1632544881 readingMsgId: 199025 } allMsgGroup { id: 200 allSelect { msgId: 200003 select: 200004 } allSelect { msgId: 200023 select: 200024 } allSelect { msgId: 200039 select: 200040 } allSelect { msgId: 200006 select: 200007 } allSelect { msgId: 200043 select: 200044 } allSelect { msgId: 200026 select: 200027 } allSelect { msgId: 200015 select: 200016 } allSelect { msgId: 200046 select: 200047 } allSelect { msgId: 200029 select: 200030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665198125 lastSubmitTime: 1673605930 readingMsgId: 200049 } allMsgGroup { id: 207 allSelect { msgId: 207010 select: 207011 } allSelect { msgId: 207018 select: 207019 } allSelect { msgId: 207025 select: 207026 } allSelect { msgId: 207014 select: 207015 } allSelect { msgId: 207004 select: 207005 } allSelect { msgId: 207028 select: 207029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1637112991 lastSubmitTime: 1637803510 readingMsgId: 207032 } allMsgGroup { id: 209 allSelect { msgId: 209043 select: 209044 } allSelect { msgId: 209026 select: 209027 } allSelect { msgId: 209047 select: 209048 } allSelect { msgId: 209063 select: 209064 } allSelect { msgId: 209013 select: 209014 } allSelect { msgId: 209029 select: 209030 } allSelect { msgId: 209019 select: 209020 } allSelect { msgId: 209051 select: 209052 } allSelect { msgId: 209034 select: 209035 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1638414393 lastSubmitTime: 1638414969 readingMsgId: 209066 } allMsgGroup { id: 217 allSelect { msgId: 217011 select: 217012 } allSelect { msgId: 217019 select: 217020 } allSelect { msgId: 217002 select: 217003 } allSelect { msgId: 217017 select: 217018 } allSelect { msgId: 217025 select: 217026 } allSelect { msgId: 217005 select: 217006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643079016 readingMsgId: 217028 } allMsgGroup { id: 218 allSelect { msgId: 218009 select: 218010 } allSelect { msgId: 218016 select: 218017 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643078984 readingMsgId: 218024 } allMsgGroup { id: 224 allSelect { msgId: 224027 select: 224028 } allSelect { msgId: 224031 select: 224032 } allSelect { msgId: 224012 select: 224013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644481035 lastSubmitTime: 1644481775 readingMsgId: 224040 } allMsgGroup { id: 229 allSelect { msgId: 229009 select: 229010 } allSelect { msgId: 229129 select: 229141 } allSelect { msgId: 229096 select: 229119 } allSelect { msgId: 229167 select: 229168 } allSelect { msgId: 229036 select: 229037 } allSelect { msgId: 229052 select: 229053 } allSelect { msgId: 229084 select: 229085 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1643985702 lastSubmitTime: 1644481853 readingMsgId: 229173 redPackets { msgId: 229020 num: 3 money: 30000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19549 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 8077 } receivers { heroId: 2121 money: 2374 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229026 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 2119 money: 6031 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 9926 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 14378 } receivers { heroId: 2017 money: 10810 } receivers { heroId: 2094 money: 8855 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229038 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 387 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 5407 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 19316 } receivers { heroId: 2128 money: 9198 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 4910 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12869 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 29634 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 1786 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 2299 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5463 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 16423 } receivers { heroId: 2127 money: 12308 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229046 num: 10 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 10866 } receivers { heroId: 2015 money: 15062 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11817 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 4131 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 4762 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 4262 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 6652 } receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 19964 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 22438 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229064 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11128 } receivers { heroId: 2115 money: 15173 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1433 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 13407 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 8859 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229075 num: 1 money: 10000 content: receivers { heroId: 2125 money: 10000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229079 num: 15 money: 150000 content: receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 4507 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 6285 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 10716 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 3844 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 13617 } receivers { heroId: 2073 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 16256 } receivers { heroId: 2099 money: 7140 } receivers { heroId: 2084 money: 11385 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 12195 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 19308 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 8542 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 15609 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 6844 } receivers { heroId: 2100 money: 13751 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229141 num: 9 money: 700 content: 如虎添翼,心想事成 receivers { heroId: 2101 money: 24 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 142 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 126 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 154 } receivers { heroId: 2081 money: 14 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 60 } receivers { heroId: 2063 money: 43 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 121 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 16 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229157 num: 15 money: 1500 content: receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2018 money: 176 } receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 156 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 200 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 2 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 68 } receivers { heroId: 2105 money: 84 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2108 money: 150 } receivers { heroId: 2012 money: 175 } receivers { heroId: 2120 money: 45 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2067 money: 131 } receivers { heroId: 2097 money: 1 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 230 allSelect { msgId: 230003 select: 230004 } allSelect { msgId: 230034 select: 230035 } allSelect { msgId: 230049 select: 230050 } allSelect { msgId: 230010 select: 230011 } allSelect { msgId: 230057 select: 230058 } allSelect { msgId: 230045 select: 230046 } allSelect { msgId: 230060 select: 230061 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867197 lastSubmitTime: 1646867226 readingMsgId: 230062 } allMsgGroup { id: 236 allSelect { msgId: 236024 select: 236025 } allSelect { msgId: 236006 select: 236007 } allSelect { msgId: 236046 select: 236047 } allSelect { msgId: 236013 select: 236014 } allSelect { msgId: 236037 select: 236038 } allSelect { msgId: 236028 select: 236029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1649842967 lastSubmitTime: 1651080534 readingMsgId: 236050 } allMsgGroup { id: 240 allSelect { msgId: 240009 select: 240010 } allSelect { msgId: 240016 select: 240017 } allSelect { msgId: 240020 select: 240021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216752 lastSubmitTime: 1652343965 readingMsgId: 240023 } allMsgGroup { id: 241 allSelect { msgId: 241011 select: 241012 } allSelect { msgId: 241040 select: 241041 } allSelect { msgId: 241045 select: 241046 } allSelect { msgId: 241049 select: 241050 } allSelect { msgId: 241032 select: 241033 } allSelect { msgId: 241023 select: 241024 } allSelect { msgId: 241055 select: 241056 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652343827 lastSubmitTime: 1652343942 readingMsgId: 241060 } allMsgGroup { id: 245 allSelect { msgId: 245002 select: 245003 } allSelect { msgId: 245017 select: 245018 } allSelect { msgId: 245008 select: 245009 } allSelect { msgId: 245021 select: 245022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216776 lastSubmitTime: 1652343953 readingMsgId: 245024 } allMsgGroup { id: 246 allSelect { msgId: 246025 select: 246026 } allSelect { msgId: 246032 select: 246033 } allSelect { msgId: 246040 select: 246041 } allSelect { msgId: 246047 select: 246048 } allSelect { msgId: 246006 select: 246007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654729473 lastSubmitTime: 1657757747 readingMsgId: 246050 } allMsgGroup { id: 249 allSelect { msgId: 249003 select: 249004 } allSelect { msgId: 249018 select: 249019 } allSelect { msgId: 249008 select: 249009 } allSelect { msgId: 249014 select: 249015 } allSelect { msgId: 249021 select: 249022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654510595 lastSubmitTime: 1657757728 readingMsgId: 249026 } readingMsgGroup { id: 1 allSelect { msgId: 1009 select: 1010 } allSelect { msgId: 1003 select: 1004 } allSelect { msgId: 1015 select: 1016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587690911 readingMsgId: 1017 } readingMsgGroup { id: 258 allSelect { msgId: 258002 select: 258003 } allSelect { msgId: 258007 select: 258008 } allSelect { msgId: 258013 select: 258014 } allSelect { msgId: 258020 select: 258021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660760547 lastSubmitTime: 1663812687 readingMsgId: 258026 } readingMsgGroup { id: 2 allSelect { msgId: 2013 select: 2024 } allSelect { msgId: 2033 select: 2034 } allSelect { msgId: 2010 select: 2011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997188 lastSubmitTime: 1673605873 readingMsgId: 2060 } readingMsgGroup { id: 259 allSelect { msgId: 259003 select: 259004 } allSelect { msgId: 259019 select: 259020 } allSelect { msgId: 259010 select: 259011 } allSelect { msgId: 259021 select: 259022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660819841 lastSubmitTime: 1673605823 readingMsgId: 259023 } readingMsgGroup { id: 260 allSelect { msgId: 260027 select: 260028 } allSelect { msgId: 260022 select: 260023 } allSelect { msgId: 260013 select: 260014 } allSelect { msgId: 260004 select: 260005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1662686695 lastSubmitTime: 1673605889 readingMsgId: 260032 } readingMsgGroup { id: 261 allSelect { msgId: 261003 select: 261004 } allSelect { msgId: 261010 select: 261011 } allSelect { msgId: 261018 select: 261019 } allSelect { msgId: 261031 select: 261032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1664414741 lastSubmitTime: 1673605906 readingMsgId: 261038 } readingMsgGroup { id: 262 allSelect { msgId: 262003 select: 262004 } allSelect { msgId: 262017 select: 262018 } allSelect { msgId: 262008 select: 262009 } allSelect { msgId: 262023 select: 262024 } allSelect { msgId: 262006 select: 262007 } allSelect { msgId: 262012 select: 262013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661380661 lastSubmitTime: 1673605809 readingMsgId: 262029 } readingMsgGroup { id: 6 allSelect { msgId: 6020 select: 6021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594289417 lastSubmitTime: 1594289564 readingMsgId: 6035 } readingMsgGroup { id: 10 allSelect { msgId: 10024 select: 10025 } allSelect { msgId: 10005 select: 10006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970414 lastSubmitTime: 1587690856 readingMsgId: 10041 } readingMsgGroup { id: 269 allSelect { msgId: 269030 select: 269031 } allSelect { msgId: 269038 select: 269039 } allSelect { msgId: 269008 select: 269009 } allSelect { msgId: 269024 select: 269025 } allSelect { msgId: 269017 select: 269018 } allSelect { msgId: 269050 select: 269051 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1663812248 lastSubmitTime: 1664405870 readingMsgId: 269053 } readingMsgGroup { id: 14 isRead: true unlockTime: 1594261739 lastSubmitTime: 1594288469 readingMsgId: 14033 } readingMsgGroup { id: 16 allSelect { msgId: 16027 select: 16028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588125298 lastSubmitTime: 1588814296 readingMsgId: 16048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 17 allSelect { msgId: 17022 select: 17023 } allSelect { msgId: 17019 select: 17020 } allSelect { msgId: 17031 select: 17032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482515 readingMsgId: 17037 } readingMsgGroup { id: 18 allSelect { msgId: 18009 select: 18010 } allSelect { msgId: 18045 select: 18050 } allSelect { msgId: 18042 select: 18043 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482683 readingMsgId: 18054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 19 allSelect { msgId: 19048 select: 19049 } allSelect { msgId: 19002 select: 19003 } allSelect { msgId: 19043 select: 19044 } allSelect { msgId: 19013 select: 19014 } allSelect { msgId: 19030 select: 19031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1589764165 lastSubmitTime: 1590482040 readingMsgId: 19054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 20 allSelect { msgId: 20049 select: 20050 } allSelect { msgId: 20010 select: 20011 } allSelect { msgId: 20026 select: 20027 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587691153 readingMsgId: 20055 } readingMsgGroup { id: 21 allSelect { msgId: 21032 select: 21033 } allSelect { msgId: 21012 select: 21019 } allSelect { msgId: 21021 select: 21022 } allSelect { msgId: 21038 select: 21039 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588986828 lastSubmitTime: 1590482389 readingMsgId: 21047 } readingMsgGroup { id: 22 allSelect { msgId: 22027 select: 22028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599620293 lastSubmitTime: 1630399685 readingMsgId: 22043 } readingMsgGroup { id: 279 allSelect { msgId: 279026 select: 279027 } allSelect { msgId: 279043 select: 279044 } allSelect { msgId: 279047 select: 279048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1669366352 lastSubmitTime: 1673605844 readingMsgId: 279054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 23 allSelect { msgId: 23036 select: 23037 } allSelect { msgId: 23009 select: 23010 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590483227 readingMsgId: 23040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 24 allSelect { msgId: 24011 select: 24012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1575104903 lastSubmitTime: 1587691086 readingMsgId: 24021 } readingMsgGroup { id: 281 allSelect { msgId: 281013 select: 281014 } allSelect { msgId: 281061 select: 281062 } allSelect { msgId: 281046 select: 281047 } allSelect { msgId: 281025 select: 281026 } allSelect { msgId: 281052 select: 281053 } allSelect { msgId: 281006 select: 281007 } allSelect { msgId: 281039 select: 281040 } allSelect { msgId: 281032 select: 281033 } allSelect { msgId: 281049 select: 281050 } allSelect { msgId: 281034 select: 281035 } allSelect { msgId: 281019 select: 281020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1671663193 lastSubmitTime: 1673605794 readingMsgId: 281065 } readingMsgGroup { id: 25 allSelect { msgId: 25007 select: 25020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1587691086 lastSubmitTime: 1588814411 readingMsgId: 25040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 28 allSelect { msgId: 28033 select: 28034 } allSelect { msgId: 28041 select: 28042 } allSelect { msgId: 28010 select: 28011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482877 readingMsgId: 28052 } readingMsgGroup { id: 29 allSelect { msgId: 29019 select: 29020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622799683 lastSubmitTime: 1622799848 readingMsgId: 29039 } readingMsgGroup { id: 289 allSelect { msgId: 289008 select: 289009 } allSelect { msgId: 289028 select: 289035 } allSelect { msgId: 289047 select: 289048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1674171687 lastSubmitTime: 1674171725 readingMsgId: 289050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 33 isRead: true unlockTime: 1599807555 lastSubmitTime: 1599807677 readingMsgId: 33030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 34 allSelect { msgId: 34015 select: 34022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867638 lastSubmitTime: 1646867658 readingMsgId: 34031 } readingMsgGroup { id: 35 allSelect { msgId: 35012 select: 35013 } allSelect { msgId: 35027 select: 35036 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665734323 lastSubmitTime: 1673605945 readingMsgId: 35045 } readingMsgGroup { id: 36 allSelect { msgId: 36013 select: 36022 } allSelect { msgId: 36029 select: 36030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1609743563 lastSubmitTime: 1630399820 readingMsgId: 36039 } readingMsgGroup { id: 42 allSelect { msgId: 42017 select: 42018 } allSelect { msgId: 42041 select: 42042 } allSelect { msgId: 42002 select: 42003 } allSelect { msgId: 42028 select: 42034 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1595745914 lastSubmitTime: 1597337009 readingMsgId: 42045 } readingMsgGroup { id: 45 allSelect { msgId: 45025 select: 45026 } allSelect { msgId: 45010 select: 45011 } allSelect { msgId: 45014 select: 45015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622686283 lastSubmitTime: 1637804354 readingMsgId: 45048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 51 allSelect { msgId: 51024 select: 51025 } allSelect { msgId: 51017 select: 51018 } allSelect { msgId: 51066 select: 51067 } allSelect { msgId: 51045 select: 51046 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1576030363 lastSubmitTime: 1588814107 readingMsgId: 51068 } readingMsgGroup { id: 308 allSelect { msgId: 308011 select: 308012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527678 lastSubmitTime: 1682527982 readingMsgId: 308017 } readingMsgGroup { id: 311 allSelect { msgId: 311024 select: 311025 } allSelect { msgId: 311011 select: 311012 } allSelect { msgId: 311020 select: 311021 } allSelect { msgId: 311006 select: 311007 } allSelect { msgId: 311022 select: 311023 } allSelect { msgId: 311016 select: 311017 } allSelect { msgId: 311002 select: 311003 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527653 lastSubmitTime: 1682528000 readingMsgId: 311030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 58 allSelect { msgId: 58021 select: 58022 } allSelect { msgId: 58025 select: 58026 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997187 lastSubmitTime: 1673605857 readingMsgId: 58027 } readingMsgGroup { id: 59 allSelect { msgId: 59004 select: 59005 } allSelect { msgId: 59010 select: 59015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1673605857 lastSubmitTime: 1674171732 readingMsgId: 59019 } readingMsgGroup { id: 60 allSelect { msgId: 60040 select: 60041 } allSelect { msgId: 60009 select: 60010 } allSelect { msgId: 60036 select: 60037 } allSelect { msgId: 60023 select: 60024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1617211678 lastSubmitTime: 1617211964 readingMsgId: 60042 } readingMsgGroup { id: 76 allSelect { msgId: 76099 select: 76100 } allSelect { msgId: 76107 select: 76108 } allSelect { msgId: 76101 select: 76102 } allSelect { msgId: 76110 select: 76111 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623147134 lastSubmitTime: 1630399534 readingMsgId: 76113 } readingMsgGroup { id: 84 allSelect { msgId: 84026 select: 84027 } allSelect { msgId: 84004 select: 84005 } allSelect { msgId: 84020 select: 84021 } allSelect { msgId: 84044 select: 84045 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599758434 lastSubmitTime: 1611794534 readingMsgId: 84046 } readingMsgGroup { id: 89 allSelect { msgId: 89011 select: 89016 } allSelect { msgId: 89034 select: 89035 } allSelect { msgId: 89042 select: 89043 } allSelect { msgId: 89029 select: 89030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1585899984 lastSubmitTime: 1587691249 readingMsgId: 89046 } readingMsgGroup { id: 94 allSelect { msgId: 94032 select: 94033 } allSelect { msgId: 94027 select: 94028 } allSelect { msgId: 94030 select: 94031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1615948217 lastSubmitTime: 1630400151 readingMsgId: 94041 } readingMsgGroup { id: 106 allSelect { msgId: 106035 select: 106036 } allSelect { msgId: 106002 select: 106003 } allSelect { msgId: 106026 select: 106027 } allSelect { msgId: 106047 select: 106048 } allSelect { msgId: 106006 select: 106007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594887451 lastSubmitTime: 1597337200 readingMsgId: 106053 } readingMsgGroup { id: 114 allSelect { msgId: 114008 select: 114009 } allSelect { msgId: 114032 select: 114033 } allSelect { msgId: 114026 select: 114027 } allSelect { msgId: 114015 select: 114016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599555827 lastSubmitTime: 1599620585 readingMsgId: 114037 } readingMsgGroup { id: 118 allSelect { msgId: 118025 select: 118026 } allSelect { msgId: 118003 select: 118004 } allSelect { msgId: 118018 select: 118019 } allSelect { msgId: 118013 select: 118014 } allSelect { msgId: 118007 select: 118008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644892574 lastSubmitTime: 1644892601 readingMsgId: 118030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 139 allSelect { msgId: 139006 select: 139007 } allSelect { msgId: 139018 select: 139019 } allSelect { msgId: 139020 select: 139021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651080452 lastSubmitTime: 1651080493 readingMsgId: 139025 } readingMsgGroup { id: 149 allSelect { msgId: 149003 select: 149004 } allSelect { msgId: 149008 select: 149011 } allSelect { msgId: 149020 select: 149021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1643079030 readingMsgId: 149024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 155 allSelect { msgId: 155025 select: 155026 } allSelect { msgId: 155073 select: 155074 } allSelect { msgId: 155153 select: 155154 } allSelect { msgId: 155014 select: 155015 } allSelect { msgId: 155108 select: 155109 } allSelect { msgId: 155125 select: 155126 } allSelect { msgId: 155112 select: 155113 } allSelect { msgId: 155038 select: 155039 } allSelect { msgId: 155117 select: 155118 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646216061 lastSubmitTime: 1652344015 readingMsgId: 155155 redPackets { msgId: 155034 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155068 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2087 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155082 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155141 num: 30 money: 3000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 198 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 119 } receivers { heroId: 2041 money: 18 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 76 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2047 money: 82 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 130 } receivers { heroId: 2020 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 138 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 89 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2062 money: 15 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2096 money: 187 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 72 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 8 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 120 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 22 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 74 } receivers { heroId: 2075 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 108 } receivers { heroId: 2026 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2009 money: 132 } receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 70 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 71 } receivers { heroId: 2032 money: 180 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 177 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 156 allSelect { msgId: 156130 select: 156131 } allSelect { msgId: 156096 select: 156097 } allSelect { msgId: 156071 select: 156072 } allSelect { msgId: 156135 select: 156136 } allSelect { msgId: 156008 select: 156009 } allSelect { msgId: 156104 select: 156127 } allSelect { msgId: 156028 select: 156029 } allSelect { msgId: 156077 select: 156078 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1614847734 readingMsgId: 156137 redPackets { msgId: 156005 num: 1 money: 20000 content: receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 20000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 156033 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2010 money: 15891 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19578 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 14346 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 11779 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 3279 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 19340 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15030 } receivers { heroId: 2060 money: 17531 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 2897 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 327 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156055 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2053 money: 7524 } receivers { heroId: 2046 money: 12429 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 5062 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 6891 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5627 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 18286 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 4717 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 16307 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 6520 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 11806 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 6884 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 17947 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156085 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 5685 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 5813 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 19482 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 12890 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12222 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 7807 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19755 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 14717 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 10355 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 11124 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156134 num: 30 money: 300000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19353 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 3889 } receivers { heroId: 2005 money: 4443 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 1336 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 17464 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5557 } receivers { heroId: 2098 money: 11167 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 11413 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 5746 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 17022 } receivers { heroId: 2074 money: 6954 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 18606 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 7458 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 13068 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15913 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 11634 } receivers { heroId: 2006 money: 9158 } receivers { heroId: 2002 money: 9428 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 2879 } receivers { heroId: 2039 money: 15347 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 15965 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 18884 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 13597 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 7297 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 634 } receivers { heroId: 2038 money: 9405 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 15700 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 8883 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 1799 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 160 allSelect { msgId: 160003 select: 160004 } allSelect { msgId: 160009 select: 160010 } allSelect { msgId: 160017 select: 160018 } allSelect { msgId: 160007 select: 160008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1614847120 lastSubmitTime: 1614847277 readingMsgId: 160028 } readingMsgGroup { id: 164 allSelect { msgId: 164023 select: 164024 } allSelect { msgId: 164039 select: 164040 } allSelect { msgId: 164008 select: 164009 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1650495765 lastSubmitTime: 1651080511 readingMsgId: 164050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 171 allSelect { msgId: 171011 select: 171012 } allSelect { msgId: 171046 select: 171047 } allSelect { msgId: 171031 select: 171032 } allSelect { msgId: 171044 select: 171045 } allSelect { msgId: 171013 select: 171014 } allSelect { msgId: 171029 select: 171030 } allSelect { msgId: 171002 select: 171003 } allSelect { msgId: 171035 select: 171036 } allSelect { msgId: 171022 select: 171023 } allSelect { msgId: 171007 select: 171008 } allSelect { msgId: 171037 select: 171038 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652948219 lastSubmitTime: 1652948266 readingMsgId: 171048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 179 allSelect { msgId: 179006 select: 179007 } allSelect { msgId: 179018 select: 179019 } allSelect { msgId: 179028 select: 179029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623146450 lastSubmitTime: 1637803834 readingMsgId: 179034 } readingMsgGroup { id: 183 allSelect { msgId: 183019 select: 183020 } allSelect { msgId: 183035 select: 183036 } allSelect { msgId: 183043 select: 183044 } allSelect { msgId: 183049 select: 183050 } allSelect { msgId: 183031 select: 183032 } allSelect { msgId: 183004 select: 183005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1657757675 lastSubmitTime: 1657757713 readingMsgId: 183051 } readingMsgGroup { id: 192 allSelect { msgId: 192002 select: 192003 } allSelect { msgId: 192026 select: 192027 } allSelect { msgId: 192019 select: 192020 } allSelect { msgId: 192008 select: 192009 } allSelect { msgId: 192004 select: 192005 } allSelect { msgId: 192012 select: 192013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910296 lastSubmitTime: 1629948753 readingMsgId: 192031 } readingMsgGroup { id: 193 allSelect { msgId: 193019 select: 193020 } allSelect { msgId: 193024 select: 193025 } allSelect { msgId: 193014 select: 193015 } allSelect { msgId: 193007 select: 193008 } allSelect { msgId: 193004 select: 193005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910246 lastSubmitTime: 1630399108 readingMsgId: 193027 } readingMsgGroup { id: 194 allSelect { msgId: 194002 select: 194003 } allSelect { msgId: 194014 select: 194015 } allSelect { msgId: 194019 select: 194020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630630150 lastSubmitTime: 1630682597 readingMsgId: 194023 readVoiceIds: 194008 } readingMsgGroup { id: 195 allSelect { msgId: 195011 select: 195012 } allSelect { msgId: 195024 select: 195025 } allSelect { msgId: 195048 select: 195049 } allSelect { msgId: 195036 select: 195037 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630549640 lastSubmitTime: 1632545049 readingMsgId: 195050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 196 allSelect { msgId: 196010 select: 196011 } allSelect { msgId: 196003 select: 196004 } allSelect { msgId: 196019 select: 196020 } allSelect { msgId: 196027 select: 196028 } allSelect { msgId: 196023 select: 196024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910274 lastSubmitTime: 1630039069 readingMsgId: 196034 } readingMsgGroup { id: 199 allSelect { msgId: 199001 select: 199002 } allSelect { msgId: 199008 select: 199009 } allSelect { msgId: 199023 select: 199024 } allSelect { msgId: 199013 select: 199014 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630772775 lastSubmitTime: 1632544881 readingMsgId: 199025 } readingMsgGroup { id: 200 allSelect { msgId: 200003 select: 200004 } allSelect { msgId: 200023 select: 200024 } allSelect { msgId: 200039 select: 200040 } allSelect { msgId: 200006 select: 200007 } allSelect { msgId: 200043 select: 200044 } allSelect { msgId: 200026 select: 200027 } allSelect { msgId: 200015 select: 200016 } allSelect { msgId: 200046 select: 200047 } allSelect { msgId: 200029 select: 200030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665198125 lastSubmitTime: 1673605930 readingMsgId: 200049 } readingMsgGroup { id: 207 allSelect { msgId: 207010 select: 207011 } allSelect { msgId: 207018 select: 207019 } allSelect { msgId: 207025 select: 207026 } allSelect { msgId: 207014 select: 207015 } allSelect { msgId: 207004 select: 207005 } allSelect { msgId: 207028 select: 207029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1637112991 lastSubmitTime: 1637803510 readingMsgId: 207032 } readingMsgGroup { id: 209 allSelect { msgId: 209043 select: 209044 } allSelect { msgId: 209026 select: 209027 } allSelect { msgId: 209047 select: 209048 } allSelect { msgId: 209063 select: 209064 } allSelect { msgId: 209013 select: 209014 } allSelect { msgId: 209029 select: 209030 } allSelect { msgId: 209019 select: 209020 } allSelect { msgId: 209051 select: 209052 } allSelect { msgId: 209034 select: 209035 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1638414393 lastSubmitTime: 1638414969 readingMsgId: 209066 } readingMsgGroup { id: 217 allSelect { msgId: 217011 select: 217012 } allSelect { msgId: 217019 select: 217020 } allSelect { msgId: 217002 select: 217003 } allSelect { msgId: 217017 select: 217018 } allSelect { msgId: 217025 select: 217026 } allSelect { msgId: 217005 select: 217006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643079016 readingMsgId: 217028 } readingMsgGroup { id: 218 allSelect { msgId: 218009 select: 218010 } allSelect { msgId: 218016 select: 218017 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643078984 readingMsgId: 218024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 224 allSelect { msgId: 224027 select: 224028 } allSelect { msgId: 224031 select: 224032 } allSelect { msgId: 224012 select: 224013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644481035 lastSubmitTime: 1644481775 readingMsgId: 224040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 229 allSelect { msgId: 229009 select: 229010 } allSelect { msgId: 229129 select: 229141 } allSelect { msgId: 229096 select: 229119 } allSelect { msgId: 229167 select: 229168 } allSelect { msgId: 229036 select: 229037 } allSelect { msgId: 229052 select: 229053 } allSelect { msgId: 229084 select: 229085 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1643985702 lastSubmitTime: 1644481853 readingMsgId: 229173 redPackets { msgId: 229020 num: 3 money: 30000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19549 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 8077 } receivers { heroId: 2121 money: 2374 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229026 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 2119 money: 6031 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 9926 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 14378 } receivers { heroId: 2017 money: 10810 } receivers { heroId: 2094 money: 8855 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229038 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 387 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 5407 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 19316 } receivers { heroId: 2128 money: 9198 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 4910 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12869 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 29634 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 1786 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 2299 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5463 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 16423 } receivers { heroId: 2127 money: 12308 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229046 num: 10 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 10866 } receivers { heroId: 2015 money: 15062 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11817 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 4131 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 4762 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 4262 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 6652 } receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 19964 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 22438 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229064 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11128 } receivers { heroId: 2115 money: 15173 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1433 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 13407 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 8859 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229075 num: 1 money: 10000 content: receivers { heroId: 2125 money: 10000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229079 num: 15 money: 150000 content: receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 4507 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 6285 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 10716 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 3844 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 13617 } receivers { heroId: 2073 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 16256 } receivers { heroId: 2099 money: 7140 } receivers { heroId: 2084 money: 11385 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 12195 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 19308 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 8542 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 15609 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 6844 } receivers { heroId: 2100 money: 13751 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229141 num: 9 money: 700 content: 如虎添翼,心想事成 receivers { heroId: 2101 money: 24 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 142 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 126 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 154 } receivers { heroId: 2081 money: 14 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 60 } receivers { heroId: 2063 money: 43 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 121 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 16 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229157 num: 15 money: 1500 content: receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2018 money: 176 } receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 156 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 200 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 2 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 68 } receivers { heroId: 2105 money: 84 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2108 money: 150 } receivers { heroId: 2012 money: 175 } receivers { heroId: 2120 money: 45 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2067 money: 131 } receivers { heroId: 2097 money: 1 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 230 allSelect { msgId: 230003 select: 230004 } allSelect { msgId: 230034 select: 230035 } allSelect { msgId: 230049 select: 230050 } allSelect { msgId: 230010 select: 230011 } allSelect { msgId: 230057 select: 230058 } allSelect { msgId: 230045 select: 230046 } allSelect { msgId: 230060 select: 230061 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867197 lastSubmitTime: 1646867226 readingMsgId: 230062 } readingMsgGroup { id: 236 allSelect { msgId: 236024 select: 236025 } allSelect { msgId: 236006 select: 236007 } allSelect { msgId: 236046 select: 236047 } allSelect { msgId: 236013 select: 236014 } allSelect { msgId: 236037 select: 236038 } allSelect { msgId: 236028 select: 236029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1649842967 lastSubmitTime: 1651080534 readingMsgId: 236050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 240 allSelect { msgId: 240009 select: 240010 } allSelect { msgId: 240016 select: 240017 } allSelect { msgId: 240020 select: 240021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216752 lastSubmitTime: 1652343965 readingMsgId: 240023 } readingMsgGroup { id: 241 allSelect { msgId: 241011 select: 241012 } allSelect { msgId: 241040 select: 241041 } allSelect { msgId: 241045 select: 241046 } allSelect { msgId: 241049 select: 241050 } allSelect { msgId: 241032 select: 241033 } allSelect { msgId: 241023 select: 241024 } allSelect { msgId: 241055 select: 241056 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652343827 lastSubmitTime: 1652343942 readingMsgId: 241060 } readingMsgGroup { id: 245 allSelect { msgId: 245002 select: 245003 } allSelect { msgId: 245017 select: 245018 } allSelect { msgId: 245008 select: 245009 } allSelect { msgId: 245021 select: 245022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216776 lastSubmitTime: 1652343953 readingMsgId: 245024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 246 allSelect { msgId: 246025 select: 246026 } allSelect { msgId: 246032 select: 246033 } allSelect { msgId: 246040 select: 246041 } allSelect { msgId: 246047 select: 246048 } allSelect { msgId: 246006 select: 246007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654729473 lastSubmitTime: 1657757747 readingMsgId: 246050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 249 allSelect { msgId: 249003 select: 249004 } allSelect { msgId: 249018 select: 249019 } allSelect { msgId: 249008 select: 249009 } allSelect { msgId: 249014 select: 249015 } allSelect { msgId: 249021 select: 249022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654510595 lastSubmitTime: 1657757728 readingMsgId: 249026 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetNpcGroupChatReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:50][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 66 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.19996416568756 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetNpcGroupChatReply 115 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:52][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:52][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:52][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:52][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:53][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 54 11 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroTaskRandomRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heroId: 2150 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=54,cmd=11,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{_onCloseAnimationDone}当关闭完毕后,有animator情况发现没了 [close] 状态,警告无法保证动画拉回来,viewName====== herotasksearchview [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=4,status=0,size=60 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=11,status=0,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000347 state: 1 heroUniqueId: 1768243002 heroId: 2150 location { category: 3 defineId: 1 heroInfo: } openTime: 1684970214 expireTime: 1685048400 unLockTime: 1682526973 doneCount: 3 lastFinishedTime: 1684930957 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 4 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskPush 117 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heroId: 2150 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroTaskRandomReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 54 11 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099915128201246 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HeroTaskRandomReply 118 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_q/100166_head_q.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:54]bigbg/headicon_q/100166_head_q.png instance: @66ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 44 27 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetPlayerSpineStatusRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 44 6 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetHouseInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 20 20 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=44,cmd=27,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetIllustrationsRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}type: 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=44,cmd=6,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=20,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_room isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/room/roomspecialitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10013433173299 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 3 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 119 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=44,cmd=27,status=0,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=44,cmd=6,status=0,size=1489 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=20,status=0,size=1392 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}myStatus: true visitStatus: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetPlayerSpineStatusReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 44 27 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13334270566702 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 GetPlayerSpineStatusReply 120 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}house { id: 1 name: 小怪兽 room { id: 1 furniture { id: 11140127 coordX: 1 coordY: 2 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141206 coordX: 19 coordY: 4 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140810 coordX: 10 coordY: 14 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141188 coordX: 13 coordY: 2 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140307 coordX: 5 coordY: 2 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140992 coordX: 6 coordY: 19 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141183 coordX: 19 coordY: 19 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140042 coordX: 9 coordY: 19 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141181 coordX: 19 coordY: 11 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141234 coordX: 3 coordY: 12 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140717 coordX: 14 coordY: 19 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140391 coordX: 13 coordY: 10 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140801 coordX: 6 coordY: 14 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140917 coordX: 4 coordY: 7 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140122 coordX: 6 coordY: 3 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140801 coordX: 12 coordY: 19 rotation: -1 } floor: 11140337 wallpaper: 11140999 sizeId: 3 } background: 11140172 houseHeros { heroId: 2071 heroUniqueId: 1256909552 skin: 140210 scale: 0 scaleExpiredTime: 0 } houseHeros { heroId: 2011 heroUniqueId: 803130807 skin: 140065 scale: 0 scaleExpiredTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160005 } houseHeros { heroId: 2104 heroUniqueId: 1064406992 skin: 140214 scale: 0 scaleExpiredTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160037 } houseHeros { heroId: 2087 heroUniqueId: 643109371 skin: 100087 scale: 0 scaleExpiredTime: 0 } likeCount: 792 } showHouseId: 1 runHouseId: 1 view { id: 1 name: 小怪兽 room { id: 1 furniture { id: 11140127 coordX: 1 coordY: 2 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141206 coordX: 19 coordY: 4 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140810 coordX: 10 coordY: 14 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141188 coordX: 13 coordY: 2 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140307 coordX: 5 coordY: 2 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140992 coordX: 6 coordY: 19 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141183 coordX: 19 coordY: 19 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140042 coordX: 9 coordY: 19 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141181 coordX: 19 coordY: 11 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141234 coordX: 3 coordY: 12 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140717 coordX: 14 coordY: 19 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140391 coordX: 13 coordY: 10 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140801 coordX: 6 coordY: 14 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140917 coordX: 4 coordY: 7 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140122 coordX: 6 coordY: 3 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140801 coordX: 12 coordY: 19 rotation: -1 } floor: 11140337 wallpaper: 11140999 sizeId: 3 } } view { id: 2 name: room { id: 1 furniture { id: 11140662 coordX: 11 coordY: 4 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140189 coordX: 11 coordY: 11 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140004 coordX: 102 coordY: 3 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140479 coordX: 3 coordY: 3 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140004 coordX: 10 coordY: 3 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140300 coordX: 3 coordY: 11 rotation: -1 } floor: 11140002 wallpaper: 11140001 sizeId: 1 } } view { id: 3 name: room { id: 1 furniture { id: 11140004 coordX: 102 coordY: 3 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140673 coordX: 11 coordY: 10 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140093 coordX: 11 coordY: 4 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140023 coordX: 5 coordY: 4 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140014 coordX: 2 coordY: 3 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140205 coordX: 4 coordY: 11 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140675 coordX: 2 coordY: 6 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140211 coordX: 9 coordY: 11 rotation: 1 } floor: 11140002 wallpaper: 11140001 sizeId: 1 } } view { id: 4 name: room { id: 1 furniture { id: 11140003 coordX: 7 coordY: 0 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140004 coordX: 10 coordY: 3 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140004 coordX: 102 coordY: 3 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140006 coordX: 8 coordY: 6 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140010 coordX: 2 coordY: 11 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140012 coordX: 3 coordY: 0 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140014 coordX: 2 coordY: 3 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140015 coordX: 7 coordY: 4 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140018 coordX: 8 coordY: 0 rotation: 1 } floor: 11140002 wallpaper: 11140001 sizeId: 1 } } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140010 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140717 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140205 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140012 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140015 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140014 num: 2 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140001 num: 3 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140003 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140002 num: 3 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140194 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140004 num: 5 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140391 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140006 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140093 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11141183 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140479 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11141181 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11141234 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140337 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140339 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140211 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140018 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140917 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140021 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140023 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140662 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140810 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140042 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140172 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140300 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140801 num: 2 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140673 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140992 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140675 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11141188 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140999 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140122 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140189 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140127 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140307 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11141206 num: 1 } comfort: 1678 exchangeRate: 632 exExp: 315 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetHouseInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 44 6 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13334270566702 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetHouseInfoReply 121 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}illustrations { type: 4 ids: 1024 ids: 1 ids: 1025 ids: 2 ids: 1026 ids: 3 ids: 1027 ids: 1028 ids: 1029 ids: 6 ids: 1030 ids: 7 ids: 1031 ids: 8 ids: 1032 ids: 9 ids: 11 ids: 12 ids: 13 ids: 14 ids: 16 ids: 1040 ids: 17 ids: 18 ids: 19 ids: 20 ids: 22 ids: 23 ids: 1047 ids: 24 ids: 25 ids: 1049 ids: 26 ids: 1050 ids: 27 ids: 1051 ids: 28 ids: 29 ids: 30 ids: 1054 ids: 31 ids: 32 ids: 1056 ids: 33 ids: 1057 ids: 1058 ids: 35 ids: 1059 ids: 36 ids: 1060 ids: 37 ids: 1061 ids: 1062 ids: 39 ids: 1063 ids: 40 ids: 41 ids: 42 ids: 43 ids: 44 ids: 1068 ids: 45 ids: 47 ids: 49 ids: 51 ids: 52 ids: 53 ids: 55 ids: 1079 ids: 56 ids: 57 ids: 58 ids: 59 ids: 60 ids: 61 ids: 1085 ids: 62 ids: 1088 ids: 65 ids: 66 ids: 67 ids: 1091 ids: 68 ids: 1092 ids: 69 ids: 70 ids: 71 ids: 1096 ids: 73 ids: 74 ids: 75 ids: 77 ids: 1101 ids: 78 ids: 79 ids: 1103 ids: 80 ids: 1104 ids: 81 ids: 1105 ids: 82 ids: 1106 ids: 84 ids: 86 ids: 87 ids: 88 ids: 1113 ids: 90 ids: 91 ids: 1115 ids: 1116 ids: 94 ids: 1120 ids: 98 ids: 1122 ids: 99 ids: 1123 ids: 104 ids: 105 ids: 1129 ids: 106 ids: 107 ids: 1131 ids: 108 ids: 109 ids: 111 ids: 1135 ids: 112 ids: 113 ids: 1137 ids: 114 ids: 115 ids: 116 ids: 1140 ids: 1141 ids: 118 ids: 1142 ids: 119 ids: 1143 ids: 1144 ids: 121 ids: 122 ids: 123 ids: 124 ids: 125 ids: 126 ids: 127 ids: 1151 ids: 128 ids: 1152 ids: 1153 ids: 131 ids: 132 ids: 1156 ids: 133 ids: 134 ids: 135 ids: 136 ids: 137 ids: 139 ids: 1163 ids: 1164 ids: 1166 ids: 143 ids: 1167 ids: 144 ids: 1168 ids: 148 ids: 1172 ids: 149 ids: 151 ids: 1178 ids: 1180 ids: 1182 ids: 1184 ids: 161 ids: 1187 ids: 1188 ids: 1190 ids: 1191 ids: 170 ids: 1194 ids: 1201 ids: 178 ids: 179 ids: 181 ids: 1205 ids: 185 ids: 193 ids: 208 ids: 209 ids: 210 ids: 211 ids: 212 ids: 214 ids: 215 ids: 216 ids: 218 ids: 219 ids: 220 ids: 221 ids: 225 ids: 226 ids: 227 ids: 228 ids: 229 ids: 233 ids: 237 ids: 238 ids: 239 ids: 244 ids: 249 ids: 250 ids: 251 ids: 252 ids: 282 ids: 290 ids: 293 ids: 294 ids: 295 ids: 296 ids: 298 ids: 299 ids: 300 ids: 306 ids: 309 ids: 314 ids: 316 ids: 317 ids: 319 ids: 320 ids: 321 ids: 323 ids: 324 ids: 350 ids: 351 ids: 354 ids: 357 ids: 358 ids: 359 ids: 361 ids: 362 ids: 363 ids: 364 ids: 365 ids: 366 ids: 367 ids: 368 ids: 369 ids: 370 ids: 371 ids: 372 ids: 376 ids: 378 ids: 379 ids: 380 ids: 381 ids: 386 ids: 388 ids: 390 ids: 392 ids: 394 ids: 395 ids: 396 ids: 397 ids: 401 ids: 402 ids: 403 ids: 404 ids: 408 ids: 413 ids: 415 ids: 416 ids: 417 ids: 420 ids: 424 ids: 426 ids: 427 ids: 430 ids: 432 ids: 433 ids: 434 ids: 436 ids: 438 ids: 439 ids: 440 ids: 443 ids: 444 ids: 446 ids: 447 ids: 448 ids: 449 ids: 466 ids: 467 ids: 468 ids: 469 ids: 470 ids: 471 ids: 473 ids: 475 ids: 478 ids: 482 ids: 486 ids: 488 ids: 491 ids: 492 ids: 494 ids: 498 ids: 499 ids: 510 ids: 512 ids: 513 ids: 518 ids: 519 ids: 520 ids: 521 ids: 522 ids: 523 ids: 524 ids: 525 ids: 527 ids: 528 ids: 533 ids: 534 ids: 536 ids: 537 ids: 538 ids: 540 ids: 541 ids: 544 ids: 545 ids: 546 ids: 551 ids: 552 ids: 557 ids: 581 ids: 582 ids: 583 ids: 584 ids: 585 ids: 586 ids: 587 ids: 588 ids: 592 ids: 600 ids: 601 ids: 603 ids: 608 ids: 610 ids: 612 ids: 621 ids: 623 ids: 624 ids: 628 ids: 651 ids: 653 ids: 657 ids: 658 ids: 662 ids: 663 ids: 666 ids: 667 ids: 675 ids: 676 ids: 685 ids: 687 ids: 688 ids: 695 ids: 696 ids: 697 ids: 698 ids: 702 ids: 703 ids: 704 ids: 706 ids: 707 ids: 710 ids: 711 ids: 718 ids: 720 ids: 721 ids: 724 ids: 725 ids: 726 ids: 727 ids: 728 ids: 761 ids: 770 ids: 771 ids: 776 ids: 777 ids: 778 ids: 779 ids: 780 ids: 784 ids: 786 ids: 791 ids: 792 ids: 794 ids: 798 ids: 803 ids: 804 ids: 805 ids: 807 ids: 808 ids: 809 ids: 810 ids: 811 ids: 812 ids: 813 ids: 814 ids: 815 ids: 816 ids: 817 ids: 818 ids: 819 ids: 820 ids: 821 ids: 827 ids: 829 ids: 830 ids: 832 ids: 833 ids: 835 ids: 839 ids: 842 ids: 844 ids: 845 ids: 846 ids: 848 ids: 849 ids: 852 ids: 853 ids: 855 ids: 856 ids: 859 ids: 862 ids: 863 ids: 864 ids: 890 ids: 891 ids: 892 ids: 893 ids: 896 ids: 897 ids: 898 ids: 901 ids: 902 ids: 904 ids: 905 ids: 906 ids: 907 ids: 914 ids: 916 ids: 918 ids: 923 ids: 924 ids: 928 ids: 959 ids: 960 ids: 961 ids: 966 ids: 968 ids: 970 ids: 971 ids: 975 ids: 976 ids: 979 ids: 981 ids: 983 ids: 986 ids: 989 ids: 990 ids: 993 ids: 994 ids: 998 ids: 1001 ids: 1002 ids: 1003 ids: 1004 ids: 1005 ids: 1006 ids: 1007 ids: 1009 ids: 1011 ids: 1013 ids: 1016 ids: 1018 ids: 1019 ids: 1021 ids: 1022 ids: 1023 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetIllustrationsReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 20 20 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13334270566702 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetIllustrationsReply 122 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=3,id=204 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/room/controller/RoomController: in function '_enterRoomSceneOrRebuild' logic/extensions/room/controller/RoomController: in function '_enterRoomScene' logic/extensions/room/controller/RoomController: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/controller/BaseController: in function 'localNotify' logic/extensions/illustrated/controller/IllustratedController: in function 'handleIllustration' logic/extensions/playerinfo/agent/PlayerInfoAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]DestroyUnusedResources:132,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=3,id=204 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/g-s08_hmi_room_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/materials/ui_image_additive.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/room/roomview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/room/roomedititem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/room/roomfooditem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_zhenglong.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gogift.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/objsharereward.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/room/roomtreenode.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/room/roomsubtreenode.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_shadow.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_chamber_p3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_functional_obj.tga isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_sign_jiantou_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/fbx/room_floor_diban_p1.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_floor_diban_p1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_wall_bai_p2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100166_sjyr_xuyuan/100166_sjyr_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/room/roomunitnamebar.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_herotask_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/herotasksceneui.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/herotask/herotasksceneui.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/150066_mpt_sy_xuyuan/150066_mpt_sy_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/150066_mpt_sy_xuyuan/150066_mpt_sy_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100011_chouguiyu_xuyuan/100011_chouguiyu_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100011_chouguiyu_xuyuan/100011_chouguiyu_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100110_zzsr_xuyuan/100110_zzsr_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100110_zzsr_xuyuan/100110_zzsr_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/character/100093_yzgl_xuyuan/100093_yzgl_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/character/100093_yzgl_xuyuan/100093_yzgl_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/g-s08_hmi_room_stage.prefab instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 114 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get114InfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}id: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=114,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:55][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# 1/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on map cell loaded [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 2/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on map cell loaded [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 3/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on map cell loaded [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 4/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on spine loaded 2150 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 5/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on spine loaded 9527 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 6/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=114,cmd=1,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on spine loaded 2071 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 7/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on spine loaded 2011 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 8/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on spine loaded 2104 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 9/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on spine loaded 2087 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 10/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 1 getBonusCount: 1 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get114InfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 114 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.033338457345963 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 Get114InfoReply 123 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/lbjxw_beijing_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/ui_ztb/ui_ztb.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/ui_ztb/ui_ztb-ui_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100074_head_small04.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/user_headoutline/11110001_user_headoutline.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100011_head_small02.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100110_head_small02.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/headicon_small/100093_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_obj_srjz.tga isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/100035_birth_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_014.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_hbxw_ground3.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_hbxw_zhangpeng_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_kjxw_ground1.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_kjxw_pingfeng1_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_075_000.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_hbxw_ground5.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_hbxw_beike_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_zsjj_e.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_zsjj_yingtaobiluo_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_017.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_zsxw_ground3.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_zsxw_yugang_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_wbtf_ground2.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_wbtf_yaojiangji_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_ground_lbjxw.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_lbjxw_yutong_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_other_095.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_075_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_wbtf_ground4.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_wbtf_wutai_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_393.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_chasxw_ground1.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_chasxw_yaoyi_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_ground1_hhxw.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_hhxw_jiujiazi_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_ground_hdxw.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_hdxw_shafa_p1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_kjxw_pingfeng2_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_000_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_other_jgt_014.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_trail_004.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_sbxw_ground2.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_sbxw_yuanchuang_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/100030_birth_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_diban_zsxw.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/materials_dynload/g-s08_hmi_room_wall_zsxw.mat isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_diban_xnxw.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/materials_dynload/g-s08_hmi_room_floor_xnxw.mat isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:characterattachment/2011_cgy_peishi/2011_cgy_peishi_atlas.asset isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:characterattachment/2104_zzsr_peishi/2104_zzsr_peishi_atlas.asset isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]bigbg/headicon_small/100074_head_small04.png instance: @22ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]bigbg/user_headoutline/11110001_user_headoutline.png instance: @22ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]bigbg/headicon_small/100011_head_small02.png instance: @22ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]bigbg/headicon_small/100110_head_small02.png instance: @22ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]language/zh/bigbg/headicon_small/100093_head_small.png instance: @22ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140127_1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 11/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11141206_2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 12/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140810_3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 13/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11141188_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 14/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140307_5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 15/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140992_6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 16/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11141183_7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 17/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140042_8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 18/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11141181_9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 19/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11141234_10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 20/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140717_11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 21/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140391_12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 22/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140801_13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 23/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140801_16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 24/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140917_14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 25/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140122_15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 26/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=3,id=204,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/room/stage/RoomSceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/room/stage/RoomSceneStage: in function 'onFactoryLoaded' logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory: in function '_onEnterSceneResLoad' logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/room/core/unit/component/RoomFurnishingLoader: in function 'checkLoadedFinished' logic/extensions/room/core/unit/component/RoomFurnishingLoader: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 101 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 3#204 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}RoomSceneFactory build 去掉遮罩 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/g-room-astar_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/astar/RoomAStarPath.lua:0]:{_scan}############################# RoomAStarPath:_scan [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/astar/RoomAStarPath.lua:0]:{_updateCollider}############################# collider count: total_14 need_14 toHide_0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/astar/RoomAStarPath.lua:0]:{_scan}############################# Pjg.CSAStarPathUtil.Scan() [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/astar/RoomAStarPath.lua:0]:{_scan}############################# after Scan [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/270013.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:56][@logic/scene/room/astar/RoomAStarPath.lua:0]:{}############################# scan finish [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:57][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:57][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/herotask/herotaskinfoview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:timeline/materials/focus.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/live2dcharacter.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100166_sjyr/100166_sjyr_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:57][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):idle.mtn,default:nil stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/unit/component/live2D/UnitCompLive2D: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010150.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/item_ssr.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100166_sjyr/action/idle.mtn.anim isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:57]bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png instance: @25ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:57]bigbg/itemicon/1010150.png instance: @25ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:57][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 54 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroTaskAccpetRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000347 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=54,cmd=2,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=4,status=0,size=65 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=2,status=0,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000347 state: 2 heroUniqueId: 1768243002 heroId: 2150 location { category: 3 defineId: 1 heroInfo: } nodeId: 10034701 acceptTime: 1684970218 expireTime: 1685048400 unLockTime: 1682526973 doneCount: 3 lastFinishedTime: 1684930957 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 4 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskPush 124 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000347 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroTaskAccpetReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 54 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099990665912628 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HeroTaskAccpetReply 125 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/room/magnifyhero.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_firstcallhero isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_story_0 isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/dialogtype.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/dialogview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/nextbtn.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/profileview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/storyview_textview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/story/storyview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/story/storylookbackitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_story_1 isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_chenshui.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/story/storyanimation/ui_chenshui.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_storymaskeffectview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/story/storyanimation/ui_storymaskeffectview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 3 time: 2000 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/210023.jpg isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/commonbg/herotasktraceview_bg.jpg isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066673081368208 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 126 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]bigbg/story_bigbg/210023.jpg instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]bigbg/commonbg/herotasktraceview_bg.jpg instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:stopExpression stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'stopExpression' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '_playExp' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewComponent: in function 'localNotify' ... logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/view/StorySwitchView: in function '_onFadeOutCallback' logic/extensions/story/view/StorySwitchView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/schedule/ScheduleEntry: in function 'update' framework/schedule/Scheduler: in function [builtin#21]: at 0x0103540df4 event: in function '' event: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100155_ptf/100155_ptf_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):zhuatoufa.mtn,default:nil stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/unit/component/live2D/UnitCompLive2D: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:nanguo.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'playExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/unit/component/live2D/UnitCompLive2D: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100155_ptf/action/idle.mtn.anim isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100155_ptf/action/zhuatoufa.mtn.anim isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: zhuatoufa.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 5 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SkipStoryLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}storyId: 315013 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=5,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):guzhang.mtn,default:idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/impl/UnitLive2DPerson: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '_playMtn' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' ... logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'openStoryView' logic/extensions/story/core/STFunction: in function '_actionFunc' logic/extensions/story/core/STNode: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'skip' logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'skip' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:stopExpression stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'stopExpression' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '_playExp' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewComponent: in function 'localNotify' ... logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'openStoryView' logic/extensions/story/core/STFunction: in function '_actionFunc' logic/extensions/story/core/STNode: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'skip' logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'skip' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:kaixin.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'playExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'addExpToPlayList' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '_playExp' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' ... logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'openStoryView' logic/extensions/story/core/STFunction: in function '_actionFunc' logic/extensions/story/core/STNode: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'skip' logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'skip' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=5,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SkipStoryLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.085381582379341 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SkipStoryLogReply 127 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100166_sjyr/action/guzhang.mtn.anim isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:58][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: guzhang.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:16:59][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:0][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 18 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:0][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = StoryBranchChooseLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:0][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}storyId: 315013 stepId: 38 index: 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:0]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=18,size=17 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:0][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):pingban.mtn,default:idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/impl/UnitLive2DPerson: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '_playMtn' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' ... logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function 'plaCloseAnimation' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewComponent: in function 'localNotify' logic/extensions/story/view/StorySelectorView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:0]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:0][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:stopExpression stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'stopExpression' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '_playExp' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewComponent: in function 'localNotify' ... logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function 'plaCloseAnimation' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewComponent: in function 'localNotify' logic/extensions/story/view/StorySelectorView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:0][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:kaixin.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'playExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'addExpToPlayList' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '_playExp' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' ... logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function 'plaCloseAnimation' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewComponent: in function 'localNotify' logic/extensions/story/view/StorySelectorView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:0]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100166_sjyr/action/pingban.mtn.anim isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:0][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: pingban.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:0]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=18,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:0][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:0][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = StoryBranchChooseLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:0][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 18 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099987503141165 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 StoryBranchChooseLogReply 0 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 5 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SkipStoryLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}storyId: 315013 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=5,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 114 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get114InfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}id: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=114,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 54 3 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroTaskFinshRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000347 nodeId: 10034701 index: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=54,cmd=3,size=21 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=5,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SkipStoryLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099963877350092 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 SkipStoryLogReply 1 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=114,cmd=1,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=4,status=0,size=60 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 1 getBonusCount: 1 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get114InfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 114 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13326075300574 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 Get114InfoReply 2 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000347 state: 3 heroUniqueId: 1768243002 heroId: 2150 location { category: 3 defineId: 1 heroInfo: } acceptTime: 1684970218 expireTime: 1685048400 unLockTime: 1682526973 doneCount: 3 lastFinishedTime: 1684930957 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 4 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskPush 3 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=45,cmd=3,status=0,size=21 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=3,status=0,size=18 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { id: 61000011 progress: 4 hasFinished: false donCount: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 45 3 || 0 UpdateTaskPush 4 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000347 nodeId: 10034701 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroTaskFinshReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 54 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.16661838069558 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HeroTaskFinshReply 5 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):idle.mtn,default:idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/impl/UnitLive2DPerson: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'onEnter' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'onEnter' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskInfoView: in function 'setLive2dModel' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskInfoView: in function 'onEnter' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' ... logic/extensions/herotask/controller/HeroTaskController: in function 'doTask' logic/extensions/herotask/controller/HeroTaskController: in function 'doNextNode' logic/extensions/herotask/agent/HeroTaskAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:1][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [C]: in function 'GetResource' bootstrap/shortcut_csharp: in function 'getres' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'load' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' ... logic/extensions/herotask/controller/HeroTaskController: in function 'doTask' logic/extensions/herotask/controller/HeroTaskController: in function 'doNextNode' logic/extensions/herotask/agent/HeroTaskAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 54 8 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroTaskBonusRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000347 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=54,cmd=8,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=4,status=0,size=54 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000347 state: 4 heroUniqueId: 1768243002 heroId: 2150 location { category: 3 defineId: 1 heroInfo: } expireTime: 1685048400 unLockTime: 1682526973 doneCount: 4 lastFinishedTime: 1684970222 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 4 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskPush 6 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=10,cmd=1,status=0,size=28 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=23,cmd=2,status=0,size=124 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=6,status=0,size=35 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=10,status=0,size=23 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=8,status=0,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { itemId: 11240150 count: 24 lastUseTime: 1650991063000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ItemChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 10 1 || 0 ItemChangePush 7 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heroCharacter { heroId: 2150 exp: 1986 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1153009 voice: 1153010 voice: 1153013 voice: 1153012 voice: 1153015 voice: 1153014 voice: 1153017 voice: 1153016 voice: 1153025 voice: 1153024 voice: 1153001 voice: 1153000 voice: 1153003 voice: 1153002 voice: 1153005 voice: 1153004 voice: 1153006 infos: 1000906 infos: 1000907 unreadInfos: 1000906 unreadInfos: 1000907 usingSkinId: 100166 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 4 maxLevel: 71 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroCharacterInfoUpdatePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 23 2 || 0 HeroCharacterInfoUpdatePush 8 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1042 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1043 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}注册了 432000 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { materilType: 1 materilId: 11240150 change: 1 } dataList { materilType: 9 materilId: 2150 change: 12 } getApproach: 43 getApproachSubId: 63000347 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = MaterialChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 20 6 || 0 MaterialChangePush 9 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heroCounts { heroId: 2150 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 1 expireTime: 1685048400 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskCountPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 10 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskCountPush 10 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000347 loveGain: 12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroTaskBonusReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 54 8 所需时间单位秒 = 0.16655058413744 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HeroTaskBonusReply 11 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_playermtrt isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/imgstaicfavor.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/txtaddfavor.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotaskfavorview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/common/speechbubble.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview02.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/playerinfo/playermtrtakeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/playerinfo/playerrewarditem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_025_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_025_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:2][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):idle.mtn,default:idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/impl/UnitLive2DPerson: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'onEnter' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'onEnter' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'setLive2dModel' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [C]: in function 'GetResource' bootstrap/shortcut_csharp: in function 'getres' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'load' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' ... logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'setLive2dModel' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):idle.mtn,default:idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/impl/UnitLive2DPerson: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playMtn' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'playVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'load' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/impl/UnitLive2DPerson: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playMtn' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'playVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter.lua:0]:{_processDone}Live2DCharacter 动作+表情完了,可以重复触摸 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:stopExpression stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'stopExpression' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playExps' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'playVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:kaixin.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'playExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'addExpToPlayList' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playExps' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'playVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_charactor_aixin.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_charactor_aixin.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_001.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_039.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_charactor_aixin.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController: in function 'enterMainScene' logic/extensions/common/controller/CommonController: in function 'handleBackScene' logic/extensions/room/view/RoomView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 3 time: 3000 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=3,id=204 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{openInAppEvent}打开IAE Card [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]DestroyUnusedResources:135,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.1000314578414 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 13 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_050_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_055.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_057.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_02.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_collider.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_zjm.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_a.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_b.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_a.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_b.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab instance: @134ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage.lua:0]:{_onAllLoaded}-------------主城主场景加载完毕,开始打开主界面--------------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 49 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}ids: 55 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=49,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 66 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetNpcGroupChatRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{initTriggers}initTriggers: 10 zoneId: 20501 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=66,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 77 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 78 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 79 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 80 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 81 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 82 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 83 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 84 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 85 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 87 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_stageLoadFinishedHandler}成功加载了一个新的场景的舞台,但当前场景还未进入完毕,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 84 挂点: sjcj_xiaohai2_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 80 挂点: sjcj_naren_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 83 挂点: sjcj_wenren_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 79 挂点: sjcj_naren2_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 82 挂点: sjcj_wenren2_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 78 挂点: sjcj_meinv_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 87 挂点: sjcj_xiashi_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 81 挂点: sjcj_nvren_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 85 挂点: sjcj_xiaohai_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 77 挂点: sjcj_laoren_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_checkAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZoneMgr: in function '_loadedCallback' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZone: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 100 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/extensions/pandora/controller/PandoraPanelController.lua:0]:{setPopReady}Pandora bPopReady= enterHallNoGuide [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 9#205 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiaohai2_npc/sjcj_xiaohai2_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiaohai2_npc/sjcj_xiaohai2_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 84 go: SceneTrigger_84_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_naren_npc/sjcj_naren_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_naren_npc/sjcj_naren_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 80 go: SceneTrigger_80_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren_npc/sjcj_wenren_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren_npc/sjcj_wenren_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 83 go: SceneTrigger_83_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_naren2_npc/sjcj_naren2_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_naren2_npc/sjcj_naren2_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 79 go: SceneTrigger_79_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren2_npc/sjcj_wenren2_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren2_npc/sjcj_wenren2_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 82 go: SceneTrigger_82_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_meinv_npc/sjcj_meinv_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_meinv_npc/sjcj_meinv_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 78 go: SceneTrigger_78_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiashi_npc/sjcj_xiashi_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiashi_npc/sjcj_xiashi_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 87 go: SceneTrigger_87_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_nvren_npc/sjcj_nvren_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_nvren_npc/sjcj_nvren_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 81 go: SceneTrigger_81_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiaohai_npc/sjcj_xiaohai_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiaohai_npc/sjcj_xiaohai_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 85 go: SceneTrigger_85_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_laoren_npc/sjcj_laoren_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_laoren_npc/sjcj_laoren_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 77 go: SceneTrigger_77_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/270004.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 49 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099968962371349 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetRedDotInfosReply 14 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=66,cmd=1,status=0,size=12853 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}allMsgGroup { id: 1 allSelect { msgId: 1009 select: 1010 } allSelect { msgId: 1003 select: 1004 } allSelect { msgId: 1015 select: 1016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587690911 readingMsgId: 1017 } allMsgGroup { id: 258 allSelect { msgId: 258002 select: 258003 } allSelect { msgId: 258007 select: 258008 } allSelect { msgId: 258013 select: 258014 } allSelect { msgId: 258020 select: 258021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660760547 lastSubmitTime: 1663812687 readingMsgId: 258026 } allMsgGroup { id: 2 allSelect { msgId: 2013 select: 2024 } allSelect { msgId: 2033 select: 2034 } allSelect { msgId: 2010 select: 2011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997188 lastSubmitTime: 1673605873 readingMsgId: 2060 } allMsgGroup { id: 259 allSelect { msgId: 259003 select: 259004 } allSelect { msgId: 259019 select: 259020 } allSelect { msgId: 259010 select: 259011 } allSelect { msgId: 259021 select: 259022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660819841 lastSubmitTime: 1673605823 readingMsgId: 259023 } allMsgGroup { id: 260 allSelect { msgId: 260027 select: 260028 } allSelect { msgId: 260022 select: 260023 } allSelect { msgId: 260013 select: 260014 } allSelect { msgId: 260004 select: 260005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1662686695 lastSubmitTime: 1673605889 readingMsgId: 260032 } allMsgGroup { id: 261 allSelect { msgId: 261003 select: 261004 } allSelect { msgId: 261010 select: 261011 } allSelect { msgId: 261018 select: 261019 } allSelect { msgId: 261031 select: 261032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1664414741 lastSubmitTime: 1673605906 readingMsgId: 261038 } allMsgGroup { id: 262 allSelect { msgId: 262003 select: 262004 } allSelect { msgId: 262017 select: 262018 } allSelect { msgId: 262008 select: 262009 } allSelect { msgId: 262023 select: 262024 } allSelect { msgId: 262006 select: 262007 } allSelect { msgId: 262012 select: 262013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661380661 lastSubmitTime: 1673605809 readingMsgId: 262029 } allMsgGroup { id: 6 allSelect { msgId: 6020 select: 6021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594289417 lastSubmitTime: 1594289564 readingMsgId: 6035 } allMsgGroup { id: 266 isRead: false unlockTime: 1679795495 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 10 allSelect { msgId: 10024 select: 10025 } allSelect { msgId: 10005 select: 10006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970414 lastSubmitTime: 1587690856 readingMsgId: 10041 } allMsgGroup { id: 269 allSelect { msgId: 269030 select: 269031 } allSelect { msgId: 269038 select: 269039 } allSelect { msgId: 269008 select: 269009 } allSelect { msgId: 269024 select: 269025 } allSelect { msgId: 269017 select: 269018 } allSelect { msgId: 269050 select: 269051 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1663812248 lastSubmitTime: 1664405870 readingMsgId: 269053 } allMsgGroup { id: 14 isRead: true unlockTime: 1594261739 lastSubmitTime: 1594288469 readingMsgId: 14033 } allMsgGroup { id: 15 isRead: false unlockTime: 1678849148 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 16 allSelect { msgId: 16027 select: 16028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588125298 lastSubmitTime: 1588814296 readingMsgId: 16048 } allMsgGroup { id: 17 allSelect { msgId: 17022 select: 17023 } allSelect { msgId: 17019 select: 17020 } allSelect { msgId: 17031 select: 17032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482515 readingMsgId: 17037 } allMsgGroup { id: 18 allSelect { msgId: 18009 select: 18010 } allSelect { msgId: 18045 select: 18050 } allSelect { msgId: 18042 select: 18043 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482683 readingMsgId: 18054 } allMsgGroup { id: 19 allSelect { msgId: 19048 select: 19049 } allSelect { msgId: 19002 select: 19003 } allSelect { msgId: 19043 select: 19044 } allSelect { msgId: 19013 select: 19014 } allSelect { msgId: 19030 select: 19031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1589764165 lastSubmitTime: 1590482040 readingMsgId: 19054 } allMsgGroup { id: 20 allSelect { msgId: 20049 select: 20050 } allSelect { msgId: 20010 select: 20011 } allSelect { msgId: 20026 select: 20027 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587691153 readingMsgId: 20055 } allMsgGroup { id: 21 allSelect { msgId: 21032 select: 21033 } allSelect { msgId: 21012 select: 21019 } allSelect { msgId: 21021 select: 21022 } allSelect { msgId: 21038 select: 21039 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588986828 lastSubmitTime: 1590482389 readingMsgId: 21047 } allMsgGroup { id: 22 allSelect { msgId: 22027 select: 22028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599620293 lastSubmitTime: 1630399685 readingMsgId: 22043 } allMsgGroup { id: 279 allSelect { msgId: 279026 select: 279027 } allSelect { msgId: 279043 select: 279044 } allSelect { msgId: 279047 select: 279048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1669366352 lastSubmitTime: 1673605844 readingMsgId: 279054 } allMsgGroup { id: 23 allSelect { msgId: 23036 select: 23037 } allSelect { msgId: 23009 select: 23010 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590483227 readingMsgId: 23040 } allMsgGroup { id: 24 allSelect { msgId: 24011 select: 24012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1575104903 lastSubmitTime: 1587691086 readingMsgId: 24021 } allMsgGroup { id: 281 allSelect { msgId: 281013 select: 281014 } allSelect { msgId: 281061 select: 281062 } allSelect { msgId: 281046 select: 281047 } allSelect { msgId: 281025 select: 281026 } allSelect { msgId: 281052 select: 281053 } allSelect { msgId: 281006 select: 281007 } allSelect { msgId: 281039 select: 281040 } allSelect { msgId: 281032 select: 281033 } allSelect { msgId: 281049 select: 281050 } allSelect { msgId: 281034 select: 281035 } allSelect { msgId: 281019 select: 281020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1671663193 lastSubmitTime: 1673605794 readingMsgId: 281065 } allMsgGroup { id: 25 allSelect { msgId: 25007 select: 25020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1587691086 lastSubmitTime: 1588814411 readingMsgId: 25040 } allMsgGroup { id: 28 allSelect { msgId: 28033 select: 28034 } allSelect { msgId: 28041 select: 28042 } allSelect { msgId: 28010 select: 28011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482877 readingMsgId: 28052 } allMsgGroup { id: 29 allSelect { msgId: 29019 select: 29020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622799683 lastSubmitTime: 1622799848 readingMsgId: 29039 } allMsgGroup { id: 289 allSelect { msgId: 289008 select: 289009 } allSelect { msgId: 289028 select: 289035 } allSelect { msgId: 289047 select: 289048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1674171687 lastSubmitTime: 1674171725 readingMsgId: 289050 } allMsgGroup { id: 33 isRead: true unlockTime: 1599807555 lastSubmitTime: 1599807677 readingMsgId: 33030 } allMsgGroup { id: 34 allSelect { msgId: 34015 select: 34022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867638 lastSubmitTime: 1646867658 readingMsgId: 34031 } allMsgGroup { id: 290 isRead: false unlockTime: 1675061695 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 35 allSelect { msgId: 35012 select: 35013 } allSelect { msgId: 35027 select: 35036 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665734323 lastSubmitTime: 1673605945 readingMsgId: 35045 } allMsgGroup { id: 36 allSelect { msgId: 36013 select: 36022 } allSelect { msgId: 36029 select: 36030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1609743563 lastSubmitTime: 1630399820 readingMsgId: 36039 } allMsgGroup { id: 294 isRead: false unlockTime: 1675236814 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 295 isRead: false unlockTime: 1674378751 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 42 allSelect { msgId: 42017 select: 42018 } allSelect { msgId: 42041 select: 42042 } allSelect { msgId: 42002 select: 42003 } allSelect { msgId: 42028 select: 42034 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1595745914 lastSubmitTime: 1597337009 readingMsgId: 42045 } allMsgGroup { id: 45 allSelect { msgId: 45025 select: 45026 } allSelect { msgId: 45010 select: 45011 } allSelect { msgId: 45014 select: 45015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622686283 lastSubmitTime: 1637804354 readingMsgId: 45048 } allMsgGroup { id: 302 isRead: false unlockTime: 1679540542 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 304 isRead: false unlockTime: 1680138212 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 51 allSelect { msgId: 51024 select: 51025 } allSelect { msgId: 51017 select: 51018 } allSelect { msgId: 51066 select: 51067 } allSelect { msgId: 51045 select: 51046 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1576030363 lastSubmitTime: 1588814107 readingMsgId: 51068 } allMsgGroup { id: 307 isRead: false unlockTime: 1684316740 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 308 allSelect { msgId: 308011 select: 308012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527678 lastSubmitTime: 1682527982 readingMsgId: 308017 } allMsgGroup { id: 309 isRead: false unlockTime: 1682527982 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 311 allSelect { msgId: 311024 select: 311025 } allSelect { msgId: 311011 select: 311012 } allSelect { msgId: 311020 select: 311021 } allSelect { msgId: 311006 select: 311007 } allSelect { msgId: 311022 select: 311023 } allSelect { msgId: 311016 select: 311017 } allSelect { msgId: 311002 select: 311003 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527653 lastSubmitTime: 1682528000 readingMsgId: 311030 } allMsgGroup { id: 58 allSelect { msgId: 58021 select: 58022 } allSelect { msgId: 58025 select: 58026 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997187 lastSubmitTime: 1673605857 readingMsgId: 58027 } allMsgGroup { id: 59 allSelect { msgId: 59004 select: 59005 } allSelect { msgId: 59010 select: 59015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1673605857 lastSubmitTime: 1674171732 readingMsgId: 59019 } allMsgGroup { id: 60 allSelect { msgId: 60040 select: 60041 } allSelect { msgId: 60009 select: 60010 } allSelect { msgId: 60036 select: 60037 } allSelect { msgId: 60023 select: 60024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1617211678 lastSubmitTime: 1617211964 readingMsgId: 60042 } allMsgGroup { id: 76 allSelect { msgId: 76099 select: 76100 } allSelect { msgId: 76107 select: 76108 } allSelect { msgId: 76101 select: 76102 } allSelect { msgId: 76110 select: 76111 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623147134 lastSubmitTime: 1630399534 readingMsgId: 76113 } allMsgGroup { id: 84 allSelect { msgId: 84026 select: 84027 } allSelect { msgId: 84004 select: 84005 } allSelect { msgId: 84020 select: 84021 } allSelect { msgId: 84044 select: 84045 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599758434 lastSubmitTime: 1611794534 readingMsgId: 84046 } allMsgGroup { id: 89 allSelect { msgId: 89011 select: 89016 } allSelect { msgId: 89034 select: 89035 } allSelect { msgId: 89042 select: 89043 } allSelect { msgId: 89029 select: 89030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1585899984 lastSubmitTime: 1587691249 readingMsgId: 89046 } allMsgGroup { id: 94 allSelect { msgId: 94032 select: 94033 } allSelect { msgId: 94027 select: 94028 } allSelect { msgId: 94030 select: 94031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1615948217 lastSubmitTime: 1630400151 readingMsgId: 94041 } allMsgGroup { id: 99 isRead: false unlockTime: 1683360726 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 106 allSelect { msgId: 106035 select: 106036 } allSelect { msgId: 106002 select: 106003 } allSelect { msgId: 106026 select: 106027 } allSelect { msgId: 106047 select: 106048 } allSelect { msgId: 106006 select: 106007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594887451 lastSubmitTime: 1597337200 readingMsgId: 106053 } allMsgGroup { id: 114 allSelect { msgId: 114008 select: 114009 } allSelect { msgId: 114032 select: 114033 } allSelect { msgId: 114026 select: 114027 } allSelect { msgId: 114015 select: 114016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599555827 lastSubmitTime: 1599620585 readingMsgId: 114037 } allMsgGroup { id: 118 allSelect { msgId: 118025 select: 118026 } allSelect { msgId: 118003 select: 118004 } allSelect { msgId: 118018 select: 118019 } allSelect { msgId: 118013 select: 118014 } allSelect { msgId: 118007 select: 118008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644892574 lastSubmitTime: 1644892601 readingMsgId: 118030 } allMsgGroup { id: 139 allSelect { msgId: 139006 select: 139007 } allSelect { msgId: 139018 select: 139019 } allSelect { msgId: 139020 select: 139021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651080452 lastSubmitTime: 1651080493 readingMsgId: 139025 } allMsgGroup { id: 149 allSelect { msgId: 149003 select: 149004 } allSelect { msgId: 149008 select: 149011 } allSelect { msgId: 149020 select: 149021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1643079030 readingMsgId: 149024 } allMsgGroup { id: 155 allSelect { msgId: 155025 select: 155026 } allSelect { msgId: 155073 select: 155074 } allSelect { msgId: 155153 select: 155154 } allSelect { msgId: 155014 select: 155015 } allSelect { msgId: 155108 select: 155109 } allSelect { msgId: 155125 select: 155126 } allSelect { msgId: 155112 select: 155113 } allSelect { msgId: 155038 select: 155039 } allSelect { msgId: 155117 select: 155118 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646216061 lastSubmitTime: 1652344015 readingMsgId: 155155 redPackets { msgId: 155034 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155068 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2087 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155082 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155141 num: 30 money: 3000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 198 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 119 } receivers { heroId: 2041 money: 18 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 76 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2047 money: 82 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 130 } receivers { heroId: 2020 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 138 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 89 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2062 money: 15 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2096 money: 187 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 72 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 8 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 120 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 22 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 74 } receivers { heroId: 2075 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 108 } receivers { heroId: 2026 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2009 money: 132 } receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 70 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 71 } receivers { heroId: 2032 money: 180 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 177 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 156 allSelect { msgId: 156130 select: 156131 } allSelect { msgId: 156096 select: 156097 } allSelect { msgId: 156071 select: 156072 } allSelect { msgId: 156135 select: 156136 } allSelect { msgId: 156008 select: 156009 } allSelect { msgId: 156104 select: 156127 } allSelect { msgId: 156028 select: 156029 } allSelect { msgId: 156077 select: 156078 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1614847734 readingMsgId: 156137 redPackets { msgId: 156005 num: 1 money: 20000 content: receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 20000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 156033 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2010 money: 15891 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19578 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 14346 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 11779 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 3279 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 19340 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15030 } receivers { heroId: 2060 money: 17531 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 2897 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 327 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156055 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2053 money: 7524 } receivers { heroId: 2046 money: 12429 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 5062 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 6891 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5627 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 18286 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 4717 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 16307 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 6520 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 11806 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 6884 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 17947 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156085 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 5685 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 5813 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 19482 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 12890 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12222 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 7807 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19755 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 14717 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 10355 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 11124 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156134 num: 30 money: 300000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19353 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 3889 } receivers { heroId: 2005 money: 4443 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 1336 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 17464 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5557 } receivers { heroId: 2098 money: 11167 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 11413 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 5746 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 17022 } receivers { heroId: 2074 money: 6954 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 18606 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 7458 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 13068 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15913 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 11634 } receivers { heroId: 2006 money: 9158 } receivers { heroId: 2002 money: 9428 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 2879 } receivers { heroId: 2039 money: 15347 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 15965 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 18884 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 13597 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 7297 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 634 } receivers { heroId: 2038 money: 9405 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 15700 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 8883 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 1799 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 160 allSelect { msgId: 160003 select: 160004 } allSelect { msgId: 160009 select: 160010 } allSelect { msgId: 160017 select: 160018 } allSelect { msgId: 160007 select: 160008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1614847120 lastSubmitTime: 1614847277 readingMsgId: 160028 } allMsgGroup { id: 162 isRead: false unlockTime: 1676883754 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 164 allSelect { msgId: 164023 select: 164024 } allSelect { msgId: 164039 select: 164040 } allSelect { msgId: 164008 select: 164009 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1650495765 lastSubmitTime: 1651080511 readingMsgId: 164050 } allMsgGroup { id: 171 allSelect { msgId: 171011 select: 171012 } allSelect { msgId: 171046 select: 171047 } allSelect { msgId: 171031 select: 171032 } allSelect { msgId: 171044 select: 171045 } allSelect { msgId: 171013 select: 171014 } allSelect { msgId: 171029 select: 171030 } allSelect { msgId: 171002 select: 171003 } allSelect { msgId: 171035 select: 171036 } allSelect { msgId: 171022 select: 171023 } allSelect { msgId: 171007 select: 171008 } allSelect { msgId: 171037 select: 171038 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652948219 lastSubmitTime: 1652948266 readingMsgId: 171048 } allMsgGroup { id: 179 allSelect { msgId: 179006 select: 179007 } allSelect { msgId: 179018 select: 179019 } allSelect { msgId: 179028 select: 179029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623146450 lastSubmitTime: 1637803834 readingMsgId: 179034 } allMsgGroup { id: 183 allSelect { msgId: 183019 select: 183020 } allSelect { msgId: 183035 select: 183036 } allSelect { msgId: 183043 select: 183044 } allSelect { msgId: 183049 select: 183050 } allSelect { msgId: 183031 select: 183032 } allSelect { msgId: 183004 select: 183005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1657757675 lastSubmitTime: 1657757713 readingMsgId: 183051 } allMsgGroup { id: 192 allSelect { msgId: 192002 select: 192003 } allSelect { msgId: 192026 select: 192027 } allSelect { msgId: 192019 select: 192020 } allSelect { msgId: 192008 select: 192009 } allSelect { msgId: 192004 select: 192005 } allSelect { msgId: 192012 select: 192013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910296 lastSubmitTime: 1629948753 readingMsgId: 192031 } allMsgGroup { id: 193 allSelect { msgId: 193019 select: 193020 } allSelect { msgId: 193024 select: 193025 } allSelect { msgId: 193014 select: 193015 } allSelect { msgId: 193007 select: 193008 } allSelect { msgId: 193004 select: 193005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910246 lastSubmitTime: 1630399108 readingMsgId: 193027 } allMsgGroup { id: 194 allSelect { msgId: 194002 select: 194003 } allSelect { msgId: 194014 select: 194015 } allSelect { msgId: 194019 select: 194020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630630150 lastSubmitTime: 1630682597 readingMsgId: 194023 readVoiceIds: 194008 } allMsgGroup { id: 195 allSelect { msgId: 195011 select: 195012 } allSelect { msgId: 195024 select: 195025 } allSelect { msgId: 195048 select: 195049 } allSelect { msgId: 195036 select: 195037 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630549640 lastSubmitTime: 1632545049 readingMsgId: 195050 } allMsgGroup { id: 196 allSelect { msgId: 196010 select: 196011 } allSelect { msgId: 196003 select: 196004 } allSelect { msgId: 196019 select: 196020 } allSelect { msgId: 196027 select: 196028 } allSelect { msgId: 196023 select: 196024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910274 lastSubmitTime: 1630039069 readingMsgId: 196034 } allMsgGroup { id: 199 allSelect { msgId: 199001 select: 199002 } allSelect { msgId: 199008 select: 199009 } allSelect { msgId: 199023 select: 199024 } allSelect { msgId: 199013 select: 199014 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630772775 lastSubmitTime: 1632544881 readingMsgId: 199025 } allMsgGroup { id: 200 allSelect { msgId: 200003 select: 200004 } allSelect { msgId: 200023 select: 200024 } allSelect { msgId: 200039 select: 200040 } allSelect { msgId: 200006 select: 200007 } allSelect { msgId: 200043 select: 200044 } allSelect { msgId: 200026 select: 200027 } allSelect { msgId: 200015 select: 200016 } allSelect { msgId: 200046 select: 200047 } allSelect { msgId: 200029 select: 200030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665198125 lastSubmitTime: 1673605930 readingMsgId: 200049 } allMsgGroup { id: 207 allSelect { msgId: 207010 select: 207011 } allSelect { msgId: 207018 select: 207019 } allSelect { msgId: 207025 select: 207026 } allSelect { msgId: 207014 select: 207015 } allSelect { msgId: 207004 select: 207005 } allSelect { msgId: 207028 select: 207029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1637112991 lastSubmitTime: 1637803510 readingMsgId: 207032 } allMsgGroup { id: 209 allSelect { msgId: 209043 select: 209044 } allSelect { msgId: 209026 select: 209027 } allSelect { msgId: 209047 select: 209048 } allSelect { msgId: 209063 select: 209064 } allSelect { msgId: 209013 select: 209014 } allSelect { msgId: 209029 select: 209030 } allSelect { msgId: 209019 select: 209020 } allSelect { msgId: 209051 select: 209052 } allSelect { msgId: 209034 select: 209035 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1638414393 lastSubmitTime: 1638414969 readingMsgId: 209066 } allMsgGroup { id: 217 allSelect { msgId: 217011 select: 217012 } allSelect { msgId: 217019 select: 217020 } allSelect { msgId: 217002 select: 217003 } allSelect { msgId: 217017 select: 217018 } allSelect { msgId: 217025 select: 217026 } allSelect { msgId: 217005 select: 217006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643079016 readingMsgId: 217028 } allMsgGroup { id: 218 allSelect { msgId: 218009 select: 218010 } allSelect { msgId: 218016 select: 218017 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643078984 readingMsgId: 218024 } allMsgGroup { id: 224 allSelect { msgId: 224027 select: 224028 } allSelect { msgId: 224031 select: 224032 } allSelect { msgId: 224012 select: 224013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644481035 lastSubmitTime: 1644481775 readingMsgId: 224040 } allMsgGroup { id: 229 allSelect { msgId: 229009 select: 229010 } allSelect { msgId: 229129 select: 229141 } allSelect { msgId: 229096 select: 229119 } allSelect { msgId: 229167 select: 229168 } allSelect { msgId: 229036 select: 229037 } allSelect { msgId: 229052 select: 229053 } allSelect { msgId: 229084 select: 229085 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1643985702 lastSubmitTime: 1644481853 readingMsgId: 229173 redPackets { msgId: 229020 num: 3 money: 30000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19549 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 8077 } receivers { heroId: 2121 money: 2374 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229026 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 2119 money: 6031 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 9926 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 14378 } receivers { heroId: 2017 money: 10810 } receivers { heroId: 2094 money: 8855 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229038 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 387 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 5407 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 19316 } receivers { heroId: 2128 money: 9198 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 4910 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12869 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 29634 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 1786 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 2299 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5463 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 16423 } receivers { heroId: 2127 money: 12308 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229046 num: 10 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 10866 } receivers { heroId: 2015 money: 15062 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11817 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 4131 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 4762 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 4262 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 6652 } receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 19964 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 22438 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229064 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11128 } receivers { heroId: 2115 money: 15173 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1433 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 13407 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 8859 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229075 num: 1 money: 10000 content: receivers { heroId: 2125 money: 10000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229079 num: 15 money: 150000 content: receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 4507 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 6285 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 10716 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 3844 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 13617 } receivers { heroId: 2073 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 16256 } receivers { heroId: 2099 money: 7140 } receivers { heroId: 2084 money: 11385 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 12195 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 19308 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 8542 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 15609 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 6844 } receivers { heroId: 2100 money: 13751 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229141 num: 9 money: 700 content: 如虎添翼,心想事成 receivers { heroId: 2101 money: 24 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 142 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 126 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 154 } receivers { heroId: 2081 money: 14 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 60 } receivers { heroId: 2063 money: 43 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 121 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 16 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229157 num: 15 money: 1500 content: receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2018 money: 176 } receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 156 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 200 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 2 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 68 } receivers { heroId: 2105 money: 84 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2108 money: 150 } receivers { heroId: 2012 money: 175 } receivers { heroId: 2120 money: 45 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2067 money: 131 } receivers { heroId: 2097 money: 1 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 230 allSelect { msgId: 230003 select: 230004 } allSelect { msgId: 230034 select: 230035 } allSelect { msgId: 230049 select: 230050 } allSelect { msgId: 230010 select: 230011 } allSelect { msgId: 230057 select: 230058 } allSelect { msgId: 230045 select: 230046 } allSelect { msgId: 230060 select: 230061 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867197 lastSubmitTime: 1646867226 readingMsgId: 230062 } allMsgGroup { id: 236 allSelect { msgId: 236024 select: 236025 } allSelect { msgId: 236006 select: 236007 } allSelect { msgId: 236046 select: 236047 } allSelect { msgId: 236013 select: 236014 } allSelect { msgId: 236037 select: 236038 } allSelect { msgId: 236028 select: 236029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1649842967 lastSubmitTime: 1651080534 readingMsgId: 236050 } allMsgGroup { id: 240 allSelect { msgId: 240009 select: 240010 } allSelect { msgId: 240016 select: 240017 } allSelect { msgId: 240020 select: 240021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216752 lastSubmitTime: 1652343965 readingMsgId: 240023 } allMsgGroup { id: 241 allSelect { msgId: 241011 select: 241012 } allSelect { msgId: 241040 select: 241041 } allSelect { msgId: 241045 select: 241046 } allSelect { msgId: 241049 select: 241050 } allSelect { msgId: 241032 select: 241033 } allSelect { msgId: 241023 select: 241024 } allSelect { msgId: 241055 select: 241056 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652343827 lastSubmitTime: 1652343942 readingMsgId: 241060 } allMsgGroup { id: 245 allSelect { msgId: 245002 select: 245003 } allSelect { msgId: 245017 select: 245018 } allSelect { msgId: 245008 select: 245009 } allSelect { msgId: 245021 select: 245022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216776 lastSubmitTime: 1652343953 readingMsgId: 245024 } allMsgGroup { id: 246 allSelect { msgId: 246025 select: 246026 } allSelect { msgId: 246032 select: 246033 } allSelect { msgId: 246040 select: 246041 } allSelect { msgId: 246047 select: 246048 } allSelect { msgId: 246006 select: 246007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654729473 lastSubmitTime: 1657757747 readingMsgId: 246050 } allMsgGroup { id: 249 allSelect { msgId: 249003 select: 249004 } allSelect { msgId: 249018 select: 249019 } allSelect { msgId: 249008 select: 249009 } allSelect { msgId: 249014 select: 249015 } allSelect { msgId: 249021 select: 249022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654510595 lastSubmitTime: 1657757728 readingMsgId: 249026 } readingMsgGroup { id: 1 allSelect { msgId: 1009 select: 1010 } allSelect { msgId: 1003 select: 1004 } allSelect { msgId: 1015 select: 1016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587690911 readingMsgId: 1017 } readingMsgGroup { id: 258 allSelect { msgId: 258002 select: 258003 } allSelect { msgId: 258007 select: 258008 } allSelect { msgId: 258013 select: 258014 } allSelect { msgId: 258020 select: 258021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660760547 lastSubmitTime: 1663812687 readingMsgId: 258026 } readingMsgGroup { id: 2 allSelect { msgId: 2013 select: 2024 } allSelect { msgId: 2033 select: 2034 } allSelect { msgId: 2010 select: 2011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997188 lastSubmitTime: 1673605873 readingMsgId: 2060 } readingMsgGroup { id: 259 allSelect { msgId: 259003 select: 259004 } allSelect { msgId: 259019 select: 259020 } allSelect { msgId: 259010 select: 259011 } allSelect { msgId: 259021 select: 259022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660819841 lastSubmitTime: 1673605823 readingMsgId: 259023 } readingMsgGroup { id: 260 allSelect { msgId: 260027 select: 260028 } allSelect { msgId: 260022 select: 260023 } allSelect { msgId: 260013 select: 260014 } allSelect { msgId: 260004 select: 260005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1662686695 lastSubmitTime: 1673605889 readingMsgId: 260032 } readingMsgGroup { id: 261 allSelect { msgId: 261003 select: 261004 } allSelect { msgId: 261010 select: 261011 } allSelect { msgId: 261018 select: 261019 } allSelect { msgId: 261031 select: 261032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1664414741 lastSubmitTime: 1673605906 readingMsgId: 261038 } readingMsgGroup { id: 262 allSelect { msgId: 262003 select: 262004 } allSelect { msgId: 262017 select: 262018 } allSelect { msgId: 262008 select: 262009 } allSelect { msgId: 262023 select: 262024 } allSelect { msgId: 262006 select: 262007 } allSelect { msgId: 262012 select: 262013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661380661 lastSubmitTime: 1673605809 readingMsgId: 262029 } readingMsgGroup { id: 6 allSelect { msgId: 6020 select: 6021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594289417 lastSubmitTime: 1594289564 readingMsgId: 6035 } readingMsgGroup { id: 10 allSelect { msgId: 10024 select: 10025 } allSelect { msgId: 10005 select: 10006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970414 lastSubmitTime: 1587690856 readingMsgId: 10041 } readingMsgGroup { id: 269 allSelect { msgId: 269030 select: 269031 } allSelect { msgId: 269038 select: 269039 } allSelect { msgId: 269008 select: 269009 } allSelect { msgId: 269024 select: 269025 } allSelect { msgId: 269017 select: 269018 } allSelect { msgId: 269050 select: 269051 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1663812248 lastSubmitTime: 1664405870 readingMsgId: 269053 } readingMsgGroup { id: 14 isRead: true unlockTime: 1594261739 lastSubmitTime: 1594288469 readingMsgId: 14033 } readingMsgGroup { id: 16 allSelect { msgId: 16027 select: 16028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588125298 lastSubmitTime: 1588814296 readingMsgId: 16048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 17 allSelect { msgId: 17022 select: 17023 } allSelect { msgId: 17019 select: 17020 } allSelect { msgId: 17031 select: 17032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482515 readingMsgId: 17037 } readingMsgGroup { id: 18 allSelect { msgId: 18009 select: 18010 } allSelect { msgId: 18045 select: 18050 } allSelect { msgId: 18042 select: 18043 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482683 readingMsgId: 18054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 19 allSelect { msgId: 19048 select: 19049 } allSelect { msgId: 19002 select: 19003 } allSelect { msgId: 19043 select: 19044 } allSelect { msgId: 19013 select: 19014 } allSelect { msgId: 19030 select: 19031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1589764165 lastSubmitTime: 1590482040 readingMsgId: 19054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 20 allSelect { msgId: 20049 select: 20050 } allSelect { msgId: 20010 select: 20011 } allSelect { msgId: 20026 select: 20027 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587691153 readingMsgId: 20055 } readingMsgGroup { id: 21 allSelect { msgId: 21032 select: 21033 } allSelect { msgId: 21012 select: 21019 } allSelect { msgId: 21021 select: 21022 } allSelect { msgId: 21038 select: 21039 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588986828 lastSubmitTime: 1590482389 readingMsgId: 21047 } readingMsgGroup { id: 22 allSelect { msgId: 22027 select: 22028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599620293 lastSubmitTime: 1630399685 readingMsgId: 22043 } readingMsgGroup { id: 279 allSelect { msgId: 279026 select: 279027 } allSelect { msgId: 279043 select: 279044 } allSelect { msgId: 279047 select: 279048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1669366352 lastSubmitTime: 1673605844 readingMsgId: 279054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 23 allSelect { msgId: 23036 select: 23037 } allSelect { msgId: 23009 select: 23010 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590483227 readingMsgId: 23040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 24 allSelect { msgId: 24011 select: 24012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1575104903 lastSubmitTime: 1587691086 readingMsgId: 24021 } readingMsgGroup { id: 281 allSelect { msgId: 281013 select: 281014 } allSelect { msgId: 281061 select: 281062 } allSelect { msgId: 281046 select: 281047 } allSelect { msgId: 281025 select: 281026 } allSelect { msgId: 281052 select: 281053 } allSelect { msgId: 281006 select: 281007 } allSelect { msgId: 281039 select: 281040 } allSelect { msgId: 281032 select: 281033 } allSelect { msgId: 281049 select: 281050 } allSelect { msgId: 281034 select: 281035 } allSelect { msgId: 281019 select: 281020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1671663193 lastSubmitTime: 1673605794 readingMsgId: 281065 } readingMsgGroup { id: 25 allSelect { msgId: 25007 select: 25020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1587691086 lastSubmitTime: 1588814411 readingMsgId: 25040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 28 allSelect { msgId: 28033 select: 28034 } allSelect { msgId: 28041 select: 28042 } allSelect { msgId: 28010 select: 28011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482877 readingMsgId: 28052 } readingMsgGroup { id: 29 allSelect { msgId: 29019 select: 29020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622799683 lastSubmitTime: 1622799848 readingMsgId: 29039 } readingMsgGroup { id: 289 allSelect { msgId: 289008 select: 289009 } allSelect { msgId: 289028 select: 289035 } allSelect { msgId: 289047 select: 289048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1674171687 lastSubmitTime: 1674171725 readingMsgId: 289050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 33 isRead: true unlockTime: 1599807555 lastSubmitTime: 1599807677 readingMsgId: 33030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 34 allSelect { msgId: 34015 select: 34022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867638 lastSubmitTime: 1646867658 readingMsgId: 34031 } readingMsgGroup { id: 35 allSelect { msgId: 35012 select: 35013 } allSelect { msgId: 35027 select: 35036 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665734323 lastSubmitTime: 1673605945 readingMsgId: 35045 } readingMsgGroup { id: 36 allSelect { msgId: 36013 select: 36022 } allSelect { msgId: 36029 select: 36030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1609743563 lastSubmitTime: 1630399820 readingMsgId: 36039 } readingMsgGroup { id: 42 allSelect { msgId: 42017 select: 42018 } allSelect { msgId: 42041 select: 42042 } allSelect { msgId: 42002 select: 42003 } allSelect { msgId: 42028 select: 42034 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1595745914 lastSubmitTime: 1597337009 readingMsgId: 42045 } readingMsgGroup { id: 45 allSelect { msgId: 45025 select: 45026 } allSelect { msgId: 45010 select: 45011 } allSelect { msgId: 45014 select: 45015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622686283 lastSubmitTime: 1637804354 readingMsgId: 45048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 51 allSelect { msgId: 51024 select: 51025 } allSelect { msgId: 51017 select: 51018 } allSelect { msgId: 51066 select: 51067 } allSelect { msgId: 51045 select: 51046 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1576030363 lastSubmitTime: 1588814107 readingMsgId: 51068 } readingMsgGroup { id: 308 allSelect { msgId: 308011 select: 308012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527678 lastSubmitTime: 1682527982 readingMsgId: 308017 } readingMsgGroup { id: 311 allSelect { msgId: 311024 select: 311025 } allSelect { msgId: 311011 select: 311012 } allSelect { msgId: 311020 select: 311021 } allSelect { msgId: 311006 select: 311007 } allSelect { msgId: 311022 select: 311023 } allSelect { msgId: 311016 select: 311017 } allSelect { msgId: 311002 select: 311003 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527653 lastSubmitTime: 1682528000 readingMsgId: 311030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 58 allSelect { msgId: 58021 select: 58022 } allSelect { msgId: 58025 select: 58026 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997187 lastSubmitTime: 1673605857 readingMsgId: 58027 } readingMsgGroup { id: 59 allSelect { msgId: 59004 select: 59005 } allSelect { msgId: 59010 select: 59015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1673605857 lastSubmitTime: 1674171732 readingMsgId: 59019 } readingMsgGroup { id: 60 allSelect { msgId: 60040 select: 60041 } allSelect { msgId: 60009 select: 60010 } allSelect { msgId: 60036 select: 60037 } allSelect { msgId: 60023 select: 60024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1617211678 lastSubmitTime: 1617211964 readingMsgId: 60042 } readingMsgGroup { id: 76 allSelect { msgId: 76099 select: 76100 } allSelect { msgId: 76107 select: 76108 } allSelect { msgId: 76101 select: 76102 } allSelect { msgId: 76110 select: 76111 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623147134 lastSubmitTime: 1630399534 readingMsgId: 76113 } readingMsgGroup { id: 84 allSelect { msgId: 84026 select: 84027 } allSelect { msgId: 84004 select: 84005 } allSelect { msgId: 84020 select: 84021 } allSelect { msgId: 84044 select: 84045 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599758434 lastSubmitTime: 1611794534 readingMsgId: 84046 } readingMsgGroup { id: 89 allSelect { msgId: 89011 select: 89016 } allSelect { msgId: 89034 select: 89035 } allSelect { msgId: 89042 select: 89043 } allSelect { msgId: 89029 select: 89030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1585899984 lastSubmitTime: 1587691249 readingMsgId: 89046 } readingMsgGroup { id: 94 allSelect { msgId: 94032 select: 94033 } allSelect { msgId: 94027 select: 94028 } allSelect { msgId: 94030 select: 94031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1615948217 lastSubmitTime: 1630400151 readingMsgId: 94041 } readingMsgGroup { id: 106 allSelect { msgId: 106035 select: 106036 } allSelect { msgId: 106002 select: 106003 } allSelect { msgId: 106026 select: 106027 } allSelect { msgId: 106047 select: 106048 } allSelect { msgId: 106006 select: 106007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594887451 lastSubmitTime: 1597337200 readingMsgId: 106053 } readingMsgGroup { id: 114 allSelect { msgId: 114008 select: 114009 } allSelect { msgId: 114032 select: 114033 } allSelect { msgId: 114026 select: 114027 } allSelect { msgId: 114015 select: 114016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599555827 lastSubmitTime: 1599620585 readingMsgId: 114037 } readingMsgGroup { id: 118 allSelect { msgId: 118025 select: 118026 } allSelect { msgId: 118003 select: 118004 } allSelect { msgId: 118018 select: 118019 } allSelect { msgId: 118013 select: 118014 } allSelect { msgId: 118007 select: 118008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644892574 lastSubmitTime: 1644892601 readingMsgId: 118030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 139 allSelect { msgId: 139006 select: 139007 } allSelect { msgId: 139018 select: 139019 } allSelect { msgId: 139020 select: 139021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651080452 lastSubmitTime: 1651080493 readingMsgId: 139025 } readingMsgGroup { id: 149 allSelect { msgId: 149003 select: 149004 } allSelect { msgId: 149008 select: 149011 } allSelect { msgId: 149020 select: 149021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1643079030 readingMsgId: 149024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 155 allSelect { msgId: 155025 select: 155026 } allSelect { msgId: 155073 select: 155074 } allSelect { msgId: 155153 select: 155154 } allSelect { msgId: 155014 select: 155015 } allSelect { msgId: 155108 select: 155109 } allSelect { msgId: 155125 select: 155126 } allSelect { msgId: 155112 select: 155113 } allSelect { msgId: 155038 select: 155039 } allSelect { msgId: 155117 select: 155118 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646216061 lastSubmitTime: 1652344015 readingMsgId: 155155 redPackets { msgId: 155034 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155068 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2087 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155082 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155141 num: 30 money: 3000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 198 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 119 } receivers { heroId: 2041 money: 18 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 76 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2047 money: 82 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 130 } receivers { heroId: 2020 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 138 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 89 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2062 money: 15 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2096 money: 187 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 72 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 8 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 120 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 22 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 74 } receivers { heroId: 2075 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 108 } receivers { heroId: 2026 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2009 money: 132 } receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 70 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 71 } receivers { heroId: 2032 money: 180 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 177 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 156 allSelect { msgId: 156130 select: 156131 } allSelect { msgId: 156096 select: 156097 } allSelect { msgId: 156071 select: 156072 } allSelect { msgId: 156135 select: 156136 } allSelect { msgId: 156008 select: 156009 } allSelect { msgId: 156104 select: 156127 } allSelect { msgId: 156028 select: 156029 } allSelect { msgId: 156077 select: 156078 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1614847734 readingMsgId: 156137 redPackets { msgId: 156005 num: 1 money: 20000 content: receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 20000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 156033 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2010 money: 15891 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19578 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 14346 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 11779 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 3279 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 19340 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15030 } receivers { heroId: 2060 money: 17531 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 2897 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 327 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156055 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2053 money: 7524 } receivers { heroId: 2046 money: 12429 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 5062 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 6891 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5627 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 18286 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 4717 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 16307 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 6520 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 11806 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 6884 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 17947 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156085 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 5685 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 5813 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 19482 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 12890 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12222 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 7807 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19755 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 14717 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 10355 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 11124 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156134 num: 30 money: 300000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19353 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 3889 } receivers { heroId: 2005 money: 4443 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 1336 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 17464 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5557 } receivers { heroId: 2098 money: 11167 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 11413 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 5746 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 17022 } receivers { heroId: 2074 money: 6954 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 18606 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 7458 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 13068 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15913 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 11634 } receivers { heroId: 2006 money: 9158 } receivers { heroId: 2002 money: 9428 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 2879 } receivers { heroId: 2039 money: 15347 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 15965 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 18884 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 13597 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 7297 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 634 } receivers { heroId: 2038 money: 9405 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 15700 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 8883 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 1799 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 160 allSelect { msgId: 160003 select: 160004 } allSelect { msgId: 160009 select: 160010 } allSelect { msgId: 160017 select: 160018 } allSelect { msgId: 160007 select: 160008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1614847120 lastSubmitTime: 1614847277 readingMsgId: 160028 } readingMsgGroup { id: 164 allSelect { msgId: 164023 select: 164024 } allSelect { msgId: 164039 select: 164040 } allSelect { msgId: 164008 select: 164009 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1650495765 lastSubmitTime: 1651080511 readingMsgId: 164050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 171 allSelect { msgId: 171011 select: 171012 } allSelect { msgId: 171046 select: 171047 } allSelect { msgId: 171031 select: 171032 } allSelect { msgId: 171044 select: 171045 } allSelect { msgId: 171013 select: 171014 } allSelect { msgId: 171029 select: 171030 } allSelect { msgId: 171002 select: 171003 } allSelect { msgId: 171035 select: 171036 } allSelect { msgId: 171022 select: 171023 } allSelect { msgId: 171007 select: 171008 } allSelect { msgId: 171037 select: 171038 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652948219 lastSubmitTime: 1652948266 readingMsgId: 171048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 179 allSelect { msgId: 179006 select: 179007 } allSelect { msgId: 179018 select: 179019 } allSelect { msgId: 179028 select: 179029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623146450 lastSubmitTime: 1637803834 readingMsgId: 179034 } readingMsgGroup { id: 183 allSelect { msgId: 183019 select: 183020 } allSelect { msgId: 183035 select: 183036 } allSelect { msgId: 183043 select: 183044 } allSelect { msgId: 183049 select: 183050 } allSelect { msgId: 183031 select: 183032 } allSelect { msgId: 183004 select: 183005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1657757675 lastSubmitTime: 1657757713 readingMsgId: 183051 } readingMsgGroup { id: 192 allSelect { msgId: 192002 select: 192003 } allSelect { msgId: 192026 select: 192027 } allSelect { msgId: 192019 select: 192020 } allSelect { msgId: 192008 select: 192009 } allSelect { msgId: 192004 select: 192005 } allSelect { msgId: 192012 select: 192013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910296 lastSubmitTime: 1629948753 readingMsgId: 192031 } readingMsgGroup { id: 193 allSelect { msgId: 193019 select: 193020 } allSelect { msgId: 193024 select: 193025 } allSelect { msgId: 193014 select: 193015 } allSelect { msgId: 193007 select: 193008 } allSelect { msgId: 193004 select: 193005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910246 lastSubmitTime: 1630399108 readingMsgId: 193027 } readingMsgGroup { id: 194 allSelect { msgId: 194002 select: 194003 } allSelect { msgId: 194014 select: 194015 } allSelect { msgId: 194019 select: 194020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630630150 lastSubmitTime: 1630682597 readingMsgId: 194023 readVoiceIds: 194008 } readingMsgGroup { id: 195 allSelect { msgId: 195011 select: 195012 } allSelect { msgId: 195024 select: 195025 } allSelect { msgId: 195048 select: 195049 } allSelect { msgId: 195036 select: 195037 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630549640 lastSubmitTime: 1632545049 readingMsgId: 195050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 196 allSelect { msgId: 196010 select: 196011 } allSelect { msgId: 196003 select: 196004 } allSelect { msgId: 196019 select: 196020 } allSelect { msgId: 196027 select: 196028 } allSelect { msgId: 196023 select: 196024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910274 lastSubmitTime: 1630039069 readingMsgId: 196034 } readingMsgGroup { id: 199 allSelect { msgId: 199001 select: 199002 } allSelect { msgId: 199008 select: 199009 } allSelect { msgId: 199023 select: 199024 } allSelect { msgId: 199013 select: 199014 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630772775 lastSubmitTime: 1632544881 readingMsgId: 199025 } readingMsgGroup { id: 200 allSelect { msgId: 200003 select: 200004 } allSelect { msgId: 200023 select: 200024 } allSelect { msgId: 200039 select: 200040 } allSelect { msgId: 200006 select: 200007 } allSelect { msgId: 200043 select: 200044 } allSelect { msgId: 200026 select: 200027 } allSelect { msgId: 200015 select: 200016 } allSelect { msgId: 200046 select: 200047 } allSelect { msgId: 200029 select: 200030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665198125 lastSubmitTime: 1673605930 readingMsgId: 200049 } readingMsgGroup { id: 207 allSelect { msgId: 207010 select: 207011 } allSelect { msgId: 207018 select: 207019 } allSelect { msgId: 207025 select: 207026 } allSelect { msgId: 207014 select: 207015 } allSelect { msgId: 207004 select: 207005 } allSelect { msgId: 207028 select: 207029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1637112991 lastSubmitTime: 1637803510 readingMsgId: 207032 } readingMsgGroup { id: 209 allSelect { msgId: 209043 select: 209044 } allSelect { msgId: 209026 select: 209027 } allSelect { msgId: 209047 select: 209048 } allSelect { msgId: 209063 select: 209064 } allSelect { msgId: 209013 select: 209014 } allSelect { msgId: 209029 select: 209030 } allSelect { msgId: 209019 select: 209020 } allSelect { msgId: 209051 select: 209052 } allSelect { msgId: 209034 select: 209035 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1638414393 lastSubmitTime: 1638414969 readingMsgId: 209066 } readingMsgGroup { id: 217 allSelect { msgId: 217011 select: 217012 } allSelect { msgId: 217019 select: 217020 } allSelect { msgId: 217002 select: 217003 } allSelect { msgId: 217017 select: 217018 } allSelect { msgId: 217025 select: 217026 } allSelect { msgId: 217005 select: 217006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643079016 readingMsgId: 217028 } readingMsgGroup { id: 218 allSelect { msgId: 218009 select: 218010 } allSelect { msgId: 218016 select: 218017 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643078984 readingMsgId: 218024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 224 allSelect { msgId: 224027 select: 224028 } allSelect { msgId: 224031 select: 224032 } allSelect { msgId: 224012 select: 224013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644481035 lastSubmitTime: 1644481775 readingMsgId: 224040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 229 allSelect { msgId: 229009 select: 229010 } allSelect { msgId: 229129 select: 229141 } allSelect { msgId: 229096 select: 229119 } allSelect { msgId: 229167 select: 229168 } allSelect { msgId: 229036 select: 229037 } allSelect { msgId: 229052 select: 229053 } allSelect { msgId: 229084 select: 229085 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1643985702 lastSubmitTime: 1644481853 readingMsgId: 229173 redPackets { msgId: 229020 num: 3 money: 30000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19549 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 8077 } receivers { heroId: 2121 money: 2374 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229026 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 2119 money: 6031 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 9926 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 14378 } receivers { heroId: 2017 money: 10810 } receivers { heroId: 2094 money: 8855 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229038 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 387 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 5407 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 19316 } receivers { heroId: 2128 money: 9198 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 4910 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12869 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 29634 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 1786 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 2299 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5463 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 16423 } receivers { heroId: 2127 money: 12308 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229046 num: 10 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 10866 } receivers { heroId: 2015 money: 15062 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11817 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 4131 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 4762 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 4262 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 6652 } receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 19964 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 22438 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229064 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11128 } receivers { heroId: 2115 money: 15173 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1433 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 13407 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 8859 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229075 num: 1 money: 10000 content: receivers { heroId: 2125 money: 10000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229079 num: 15 money: 150000 content: receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 4507 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 6285 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 10716 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 3844 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 13617 } receivers { heroId: 2073 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 16256 } receivers { heroId: 2099 money: 7140 } receivers { heroId: 2084 money: 11385 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 12195 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 19308 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 8542 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 15609 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 6844 } receivers { heroId: 2100 money: 13751 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229141 num: 9 money: 700 content: 如虎添翼,心想事成 receivers { heroId: 2101 money: 24 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 142 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 126 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 154 } receivers { heroId: 2081 money: 14 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 60 } receivers { heroId: 2063 money: 43 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 121 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 16 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229157 num: 15 money: 1500 content: receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2018 money: 176 } receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 156 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 200 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 2 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 68 } receivers { heroId: 2105 money: 84 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2108 money: 150 } receivers { heroId: 2012 money: 175 } receivers { heroId: 2120 money: 45 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2067 money: 131 } receivers { heroId: 2097 money: 1 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 230 allSelect { msgId: 230003 select: 230004 } allSelect { msgId: 230034 select: 230035 } allSelect { msgId: 230049 select: 230050 } allSelect { msgId: 230010 select: 230011 } allSelect { msgId: 230057 select: 230058 } allSelect { msgId: 230045 select: 230046 } allSelect { msgId: 230060 select: 230061 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867197 lastSubmitTime: 1646867226 readingMsgId: 230062 } readingMsgGroup { id: 236 allSelect { msgId: 236024 select: 236025 } allSelect { msgId: 236006 select: 236007 } allSelect { msgId: 236046 select: 236047 } allSelect { msgId: 236013 select: 236014 } allSelect { msgId: 236037 select: 236038 } allSelect { msgId: 236028 select: 236029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1649842967 lastSubmitTime: 1651080534 readingMsgId: 236050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 240 allSelect { msgId: 240009 select: 240010 } allSelect { msgId: 240016 select: 240017 } allSelect { msgId: 240020 select: 240021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216752 lastSubmitTime: 1652343965 readingMsgId: 240023 } readingMsgGroup { id: 241 allSelect { msgId: 241011 select: 241012 } allSelect { msgId: 241040 select: 241041 } allSelect { msgId: 241045 select: 241046 } allSelect { msgId: 241049 select: 241050 } allSelect { msgId: 241032 select: 241033 } allSelect { msgId: 241023 select: 241024 } allSelect { msgId: 241055 select: 241056 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652343827 lastSubmitTime: 1652343942 readingMsgId: 241060 } readingMsgGroup { id: 245 allSelect { msgId: 245002 select: 245003 } allSelect { msgId: 245017 select: 245018 } allSelect { msgId: 245008 select: 245009 } allSelect { msgId: 245021 select: 245022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216776 lastSubmitTime: 1652343953 readingMsgId: 245024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 246 allSelect { msgId: 246025 select: 246026 } allSelect { msgId: 246032 select: 246033 } allSelect { msgId: 246040 select: 246041 } allSelect { msgId: 246047 select: 246048 } allSelect { msgId: 246006 select: 246007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654729473 lastSubmitTime: 1657757747 readingMsgId: 246050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 249 allSelect { msgId: 249003 select: 249004 } allSelect { msgId: 249018 select: 249019 } allSelect { msgId: 249008 select: 249009 } allSelect { msgId: 249014 select: 249015 } allSelect { msgId: 249021 select: 249022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654510595 lastSubmitTime: 1657757728 readingMsgId: 249026 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetNpcGroupChatReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 66 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13335409015417 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetNpcGroupChatReply 15 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_firstcallhero isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/herotaskheroview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotaskheroview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_herotask_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_herotask_1 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotaskheroitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10004137828946 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 16 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/commonbg/herotasktraceview_bg.jpg isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100166_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010150.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100165_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010149.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100132_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010121.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/commonbg/herotasktraceview_bg.jpg instance: @54ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/headicon_summon/100166_headicon_summon.png instance: @21ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/itemicon/1010150.png instance: @21ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/headicon_summon/100165_headicon_summon.png instance: @21ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/itemicon/1010149.png instance: @20ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/headicon_summon/100132_headicon_summon.png instance: @20ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/itemicon/1010121.png instance: @20ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100135_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010123.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100160_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010147.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100141_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010128.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100157_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010142.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/headicon_summon/100135_headicon_summon.png instance: @24ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/itemicon/1010123.png instance: @25ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/headicon_summon/100160_headicon_summon.png instance: @24ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/itemicon/1010147.png instance: @24ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/headicon_summon/100141_headicon_summon.png instance: @24ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/itemicon/1010128.png instance: @24ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/headicon_summon/100157_headicon_summon.png instance: @23ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/itemicon/1010142.png instance: @23ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100055_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010052.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100150_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010138.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100151_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010139.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/headicon_summon/100055_headicon_summon.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/itemicon/1010052.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/headicon_summon/100150_headicon_summon.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/itemicon/1010138.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/headicon_summon/100151_headicon_summon.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5]bigbg/itemicon/1010139.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:5][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:6][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_restaurant_2 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/herotasktraceview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotasktraceview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotasktraceitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:6][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/imagecharacter/100132_zd01.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_075_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/item_ssr.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:6]bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 21 time: 1000 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066633082926273 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 17 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 21 time: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 49 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}ids: 55 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=49,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 66 1 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetNpcGroupChatRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=66,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/herotasksearchview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotasksearchview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_herotasksearchview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用UIParticle方式, effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_herotasksearchview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099995169788599 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 18 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_011.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_017.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_herotasksearchview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 49 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13336120918393 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetRedDotInfosReply 19 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=66,cmd=1,status=0,size=12853 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}allMsgGroup { id: 1 allSelect { msgId: 1009 select: 1010 } allSelect { msgId: 1003 select: 1004 } allSelect { msgId: 1015 select: 1016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587690911 readingMsgId: 1017 } allMsgGroup { id: 258 allSelect { msgId: 258002 select: 258003 } allSelect { msgId: 258007 select: 258008 } allSelect { msgId: 258013 select: 258014 } allSelect { msgId: 258020 select: 258021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660760547 lastSubmitTime: 1663812687 readingMsgId: 258026 } allMsgGroup { id: 2 allSelect { msgId: 2013 select: 2024 } allSelect { msgId: 2033 select: 2034 } allSelect { msgId: 2010 select: 2011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997188 lastSubmitTime: 1673605873 readingMsgId: 2060 } allMsgGroup { id: 259 allSelect { msgId: 259003 select: 259004 } allSelect { msgId: 259019 select: 259020 } allSelect { msgId: 259010 select: 259011 } allSelect { msgId: 259021 select: 259022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660819841 lastSubmitTime: 1673605823 readingMsgId: 259023 } allMsgGroup { id: 260 allSelect { msgId: 260027 select: 260028 } allSelect { msgId: 260022 select: 260023 } allSelect { msgId: 260013 select: 260014 } allSelect { msgId: 260004 select: 260005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1662686695 lastSubmitTime: 1673605889 readingMsgId: 260032 } allMsgGroup { id: 261 allSelect { msgId: 261003 select: 261004 } allSelect { msgId: 261010 select: 261011 } allSelect { msgId: 261018 select: 261019 } allSelect { msgId: 261031 select: 261032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1664414741 lastSubmitTime: 1673605906 readingMsgId: 261038 } allMsgGroup { id: 262 allSelect { msgId: 262003 select: 262004 } allSelect { msgId: 262017 select: 262018 } allSelect { msgId: 262008 select: 262009 } allSelect { msgId: 262023 select: 262024 } allSelect { msgId: 262006 select: 262007 } allSelect { msgId: 262012 select: 262013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661380661 lastSubmitTime: 1673605809 readingMsgId: 262029 } allMsgGroup { id: 6 allSelect { msgId: 6020 select: 6021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594289417 lastSubmitTime: 1594289564 readingMsgId: 6035 } allMsgGroup { id: 266 isRead: false unlockTime: 1679795495 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 10 allSelect { msgId: 10024 select: 10025 } allSelect { msgId: 10005 select: 10006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970414 lastSubmitTime: 1587690856 readingMsgId: 10041 } allMsgGroup { id: 269 allSelect { msgId: 269030 select: 269031 } allSelect { msgId: 269038 select: 269039 } allSelect { msgId: 269008 select: 269009 } allSelect { msgId: 269024 select: 269025 } allSelect { msgId: 269017 select: 269018 } allSelect { msgId: 269050 select: 269051 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1663812248 lastSubmitTime: 1664405870 readingMsgId: 269053 } allMsgGroup { id: 14 isRead: true unlockTime: 1594261739 lastSubmitTime: 1594288469 readingMsgId: 14033 } allMsgGroup { id: 15 isRead: false unlockTime: 1678849148 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 16 allSelect { msgId: 16027 select: 16028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588125298 lastSubmitTime: 1588814296 readingMsgId: 16048 } allMsgGroup { id: 17 allSelect { msgId: 17022 select: 17023 } allSelect { msgId: 17019 select: 17020 } allSelect { msgId: 17031 select: 17032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482515 readingMsgId: 17037 } allMsgGroup { id: 18 allSelect { msgId: 18009 select: 18010 } allSelect { msgId: 18045 select: 18050 } allSelect { msgId: 18042 select: 18043 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482683 readingMsgId: 18054 } allMsgGroup { id: 19 allSelect { msgId: 19048 select: 19049 } allSelect { msgId: 19002 select: 19003 } allSelect { msgId: 19043 select: 19044 } allSelect { msgId: 19013 select: 19014 } allSelect { msgId: 19030 select: 19031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1589764165 lastSubmitTime: 1590482040 readingMsgId: 19054 } allMsgGroup { id: 20 allSelect { msgId: 20049 select: 20050 } allSelect { msgId: 20010 select: 20011 } allSelect { msgId: 20026 select: 20027 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587691153 readingMsgId: 20055 } allMsgGroup { id: 21 allSelect { msgId: 21032 select: 21033 } allSelect { msgId: 21012 select: 21019 } allSelect { msgId: 21021 select: 21022 } allSelect { msgId: 21038 select: 21039 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588986828 lastSubmitTime: 1590482389 readingMsgId: 21047 } allMsgGroup { id: 22 allSelect { msgId: 22027 select: 22028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599620293 lastSubmitTime: 1630399685 readingMsgId: 22043 } allMsgGroup { id: 279 allSelect { msgId: 279026 select: 279027 } allSelect { msgId: 279043 select: 279044 } allSelect { msgId: 279047 select: 279048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1669366352 lastSubmitTime: 1673605844 readingMsgId: 279054 } allMsgGroup { id: 23 allSelect { msgId: 23036 select: 23037 } allSelect { msgId: 23009 select: 23010 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590483227 readingMsgId: 23040 } allMsgGroup { id: 24 allSelect { msgId: 24011 select: 24012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1575104903 lastSubmitTime: 1587691086 readingMsgId: 24021 } allMsgGroup { id: 281 allSelect { msgId: 281013 select: 281014 } allSelect { msgId: 281061 select: 281062 } allSelect { msgId: 281046 select: 281047 } allSelect { msgId: 281025 select: 281026 } allSelect { msgId: 281052 select: 281053 } allSelect { msgId: 281006 select: 281007 } allSelect { msgId: 281039 select: 281040 } allSelect { msgId: 281032 select: 281033 } allSelect { msgId: 281049 select: 281050 } allSelect { msgId: 281034 select: 281035 } allSelect { msgId: 281019 select: 281020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1671663193 lastSubmitTime: 1673605794 readingMsgId: 281065 } allMsgGroup { id: 25 allSelect { msgId: 25007 select: 25020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1587691086 lastSubmitTime: 1588814411 readingMsgId: 25040 } allMsgGroup { id: 28 allSelect { msgId: 28033 select: 28034 } allSelect { msgId: 28041 select: 28042 } allSelect { msgId: 28010 select: 28011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482877 readingMsgId: 28052 } allMsgGroup { id: 29 allSelect { msgId: 29019 select: 29020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622799683 lastSubmitTime: 1622799848 readingMsgId: 29039 } allMsgGroup { id: 289 allSelect { msgId: 289008 select: 289009 } allSelect { msgId: 289028 select: 289035 } allSelect { msgId: 289047 select: 289048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1674171687 lastSubmitTime: 1674171725 readingMsgId: 289050 } allMsgGroup { id: 33 isRead: true unlockTime: 1599807555 lastSubmitTime: 1599807677 readingMsgId: 33030 } allMsgGroup { id: 34 allSelect { msgId: 34015 select: 34022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867638 lastSubmitTime: 1646867658 readingMsgId: 34031 } allMsgGroup { id: 290 isRead: false unlockTime: 1675061695 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 35 allSelect { msgId: 35012 select: 35013 } allSelect { msgId: 35027 select: 35036 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665734323 lastSubmitTime: 1673605945 readingMsgId: 35045 } allMsgGroup { id: 36 allSelect { msgId: 36013 select: 36022 } allSelect { msgId: 36029 select: 36030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1609743563 lastSubmitTime: 1630399820 readingMsgId: 36039 } allMsgGroup { id: 294 isRead: false unlockTime: 1675236814 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 295 isRead: false unlockTime: 1674378751 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 42 allSelect { msgId: 42017 select: 42018 } allSelect { msgId: 42041 select: 42042 } allSelect { msgId: 42002 select: 42003 } allSelect { msgId: 42028 select: 42034 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1595745914 lastSubmitTime: 1597337009 readingMsgId: 42045 } allMsgGroup { id: 45 allSelect { msgId: 45025 select: 45026 } allSelect { msgId: 45010 select: 45011 } allSelect { msgId: 45014 select: 45015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622686283 lastSubmitTime: 1637804354 readingMsgId: 45048 } allMsgGroup { id: 302 isRead: false unlockTime: 1679540542 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 304 isRead: false unlockTime: 1680138212 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 51 allSelect { msgId: 51024 select: 51025 } allSelect { msgId: 51017 select: 51018 } allSelect { msgId: 51066 select: 51067 } allSelect { msgId: 51045 select: 51046 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1576030363 lastSubmitTime: 1588814107 readingMsgId: 51068 } allMsgGroup { id: 307 isRead: false unlockTime: 1684316740 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 308 allSelect { msgId: 308011 select: 308012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527678 lastSubmitTime: 1682527982 readingMsgId: 308017 } allMsgGroup { id: 309 isRead: false unlockTime: 1682527982 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 311 allSelect { msgId: 311024 select: 311025 } allSelect { msgId: 311011 select: 311012 } allSelect { msgId: 311020 select: 311021 } allSelect { msgId: 311006 select: 311007 } allSelect { msgId: 311022 select: 311023 } allSelect { msgId: 311016 select: 311017 } allSelect { msgId: 311002 select: 311003 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527653 lastSubmitTime: 1682528000 readingMsgId: 311030 } allMsgGroup { id: 58 allSelect { msgId: 58021 select: 58022 } allSelect { msgId: 58025 select: 58026 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997187 lastSubmitTime: 1673605857 readingMsgId: 58027 } allMsgGroup { id: 59 allSelect { msgId: 59004 select: 59005 } allSelect { msgId: 59010 select: 59015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1673605857 lastSubmitTime: 1674171732 readingMsgId: 59019 } allMsgGroup { id: 60 allSelect { msgId: 60040 select: 60041 } allSelect { msgId: 60009 select: 60010 } allSelect { msgId: 60036 select: 60037 } allSelect { msgId: 60023 select: 60024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1617211678 lastSubmitTime: 1617211964 readingMsgId: 60042 } allMsgGroup { id: 76 allSelect { msgId: 76099 select: 76100 } allSelect { msgId: 76107 select: 76108 } allSelect { msgId: 76101 select: 76102 } allSelect { msgId: 76110 select: 76111 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623147134 lastSubmitTime: 1630399534 readingMsgId: 76113 } allMsgGroup { id: 84 allSelect { msgId: 84026 select: 84027 } allSelect { msgId: 84004 select: 84005 } allSelect { msgId: 84020 select: 84021 } allSelect { msgId: 84044 select: 84045 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599758434 lastSubmitTime: 1611794534 readingMsgId: 84046 } allMsgGroup { id: 89 allSelect { msgId: 89011 select: 89016 } allSelect { msgId: 89034 select: 89035 } allSelect { msgId: 89042 select: 89043 } allSelect { msgId: 89029 select: 89030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1585899984 lastSubmitTime: 1587691249 readingMsgId: 89046 } allMsgGroup { id: 94 allSelect { msgId: 94032 select: 94033 } allSelect { msgId: 94027 select: 94028 } allSelect { msgId: 94030 select: 94031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1615948217 lastSubmitTime: 1630400151 readingMsgId: 94041 } allMsgGroup { id: 99 isRead: false unlockTime: 1683360726 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 106 allSelect { msgId: 106035 select: 106036 } allSelect { msgId: 106002 select: 106003 } allSelect { msgId: 106026 select: 106027 } allSelect { msgId: 106047 select: 106048 } allSelect { msgId: 106006 select: 106007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594887451 lastSubmitTime: 1597337200 readingMsgId: 106053 } allMsgGroup { id: 114 allSelect { msgId: 114008 select: 114009 } allSelect { msgId: 114032 select: 114033 } allSelect { msgId: 114026 select: 114027 } allSelect { msgId: 114015 select: 114016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599555827 lastSubmitTime: 1599620585 readingMsgId: 114037 } allMsgGroup { id: 118 allSelect { msgId: 118025 select: 118026 } allSelect { msgId: 118003 select: 118004 } allSelect { msgId: 118018 select: 118019 } allSelect { msgId: 118013 select: 118014 } allSelect { msgId: 118007 select: 118008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644892574 lastSubmitTime: 1644892601 readingMsgId: 118030 } allMsgGroup { id: 139 allSelect { msgId: 139006 select: 139007 } allSelect { msgId: 139018 select: 139019 } allSelect { msgId: 139020 select: 139021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651080452 lastSubmitTime: 1651080493 readingMsgId: 139025 } allMsgGroup { id: 149 allSelect { msgId: 149003 select: 149004 } allSelect { msgId: 149008 select: 149011 } allSelect { msgId: 149020 select: 149021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1643079030 readingMsgId: 149024 } allMsgGroup { id: 155 allSelect { msgId: 155025 select: 155026 } allSelect { msgId: 155073 select: 155074 } allSelect { msgId: 155153 select: 155154 } allSelect { msgId: 155014 select: 155015 } allSelect { msgId: 155108 select: 155109 } allSelect { msgId: 155125 select: 155126 } allSelect { msgId: 155112 select: 155113 } allSelect { msgId: 155038 select: 155039 } allSelect { msgId: 155117 select: 155118 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646216061 lastSubmitTime: 1652344015 readingMsgId: 155155 redPackets { msgId: 155034 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155068 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2087 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155082 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155141 num: 30 money: 3000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 198 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 119 } receivers { heroId: 2041 money: 18 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 76 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2047 money: 82 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 130 } receivers { heroId: 2020 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 138 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 89 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2062 money: 15 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2096 money: 187 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 72 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 8 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 120 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 22 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 74 } receivers { heroId: 2075 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 108 } receivers { heroId: 2026 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2009 money: 132 } receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 70 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 71 } receivers { heroId: 2032 money: 180 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 177 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 156 allSelect { msgId: 156130 select: 156131 } allSelect { msgId: 156096 select: 156097 } allSelect { msgId: 156071 select: 156072 } allSelect { msgId: 156135 select: 156136 } allSelect { msgId: 156008 select: 156009 } allSelect { msgId: 156104 select: 156127 } allSelect { msgId: 156028 select: 156029 } allSelect { msgId: 156077 select: 156078 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1614847734 readingMsgId: 156137 redPackets { msgId: 156005 num: 1 money: 20000 content: receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 20000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 156033 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2010 money: 15891 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19578 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 14346 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 11779 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 3279 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 19340 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15030 } receivers { heroId: 2060 money: 17531 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 2897 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 327 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156055 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2053 money: 7524 } receivers { heroId: 2046 money: 12429 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 5062 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 6891 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5627 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 18286 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 4717 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 16307 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 6520 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 11806 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 6884 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 17947 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156085 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 5685 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 5813 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 19482 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 12890 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12222 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 7807 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19755 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 14717 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 10355 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 11124 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156134 num: 30 money: 300000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19353 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 3889 } receivers { heroId: 2005 money: 4443 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 1336 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 17464 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5557 } receivers { heroId: 2098 money: 11167 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 11413 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 5746 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 17022 } receivers { heroId: 2074 money: 6954 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 18606 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 7458 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 13068 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15913 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 11634 } receivers { heroId: 2006 money: 9158 } receivers { heroId: 2002 money: 9428 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 2879 } receivers { heroId: 2039 money: 15347 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 15965 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 18884 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 13597 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 7297 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 634 } receivers { heroId: 2038 money: 9405 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 15700 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 8883 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 1799 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 160 allSelect { msgId: 160003 select: 160004 } allSelect { msgId: 160009 select: 160010 } allSelect { msgId: 160017 select: 160018 } allSelect { msgId: 160007 select: 160008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1614847120 lastSubmitTime: 1614847277 readingMsgId: 160028 } allMsgGroup { id: 162 isRead: false unlockTime: 1676883754 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 164 allSelect { msgId: 164023 select: 164024 } allSelect { msgId: 164039 select: 164040 } allSelect { msgId: 164008 select: 164009 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1650495765 lastSubmitTime: 1651080511 readingMsgId: 164050 } allMsgGroup { id: 171 allSelect { msgId: 171011 select: 171012 } allSelect { msgId: 171046 select: 171047 } allSelect { msgId: 171031 select: 171032 } allSelect { msgId: 171044 select: 171045 } allSelect { msgId: 171013 select: 171014 } allSelect { msgId: 171029 select: 171030 } allSelect { msgId: 171002 select: 171003 } allSelect { msgId: 171035 select: 171036 } allSelect { msgId: 171022 select: 171023 } allSelect { msgId: 171007 select: 171008 } allSelect { msgId: 171037 select: 171038 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652948219 lastSubmitTime: 1652948266 readingMsgId: 171048 } allMsgGroup { id: 179 allSelect { msgId: 179006 select: 179007 } allSelect { msgId: 179018 select: 179019 } allSelect { msgId: 179028 select: 179029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623146450 lastSubmitTime: 1637803834 readingMsgId: 179034 } allMsgGroup { id: 183 allSelect { msgId: 183019 select: 183020 } allSelect { msgId: 183035 select: 183036 } allSelect { msgId: 183043 select: 183044 } allSelect { msgId: 183049 select: 183050 } allSelect { msgId: 183031 select: 183032 } allSelect { msgId: 183004 select: 183005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1657757675 lastSubmitTime: 1657757713 readingMsgId: 183051 } allMsgGroup { id: 192 allSelect { msgId: 192002 select: 192003 } allSelect { msgId: 192026 select: 192027 } allSelect { msgId: 192019 select: 192020 } allSelect { msgId: 192008 select: 192009 } allSelect { msgId: 192004 select: 192005 } allSelect { msgId: 192012 select: 192013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910296 lastSubmitTime: 1629948753 readingMsgId: 192031 } allMsgGroup { id: 193 allSelect { msgId: 193019 select: 193020 } allSelect { msgId: 193024 select: 193025 } allSelect { msgId: 193014 select: 193015 } allSelect { msgId: 193007 select: 193008 } allSelect { msgId: 193004 select: 193005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910246 lastSubmitTime: 1630399108 readingMsgId: 193027 } allMsgGroup { id: 194 allSelect { msgId: 194002 select: 194003 } allSelect { msgId: 194014 select: 194015 } allSelect { msgId: 194019 select: 194020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630630150 lastSubmitTime: 1630682597 readingMsgId: 194023 readVoiceIds: 194008 } allMsgGroup { id: 195 allSelect { msgId: 195011 select: 195012 } allSelect { msgId: 195024 select: 195025 } allSelect { msgId: 195048 select: 195049 } allSelect { msgId: 195036 select: 195037 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630549640 lastSubmitTime: 1632545049 readingMsgId: 195050 } allMsgGroup { id: 196 allSelect { msgId: 196010 select: 196011 } allSelect { msgId: 196003 select: 196004 } allSelect { msgId: 196019 select: 196020 } allSelect { msgId: 196027 select: 196028 } allSelect { msgId: 196023 select: 196024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910274 lastSubmitTime: 1630039069 readingMsgId: 196034 } allMsgGroup { id: 199 allSelect { msgId: 199001 select: 199002 } allSelect { msgId: 199008 select: 199009 } allSelect { msgId: 199023 select: 199024 } allSelect { msgId: 199013 select: 199014 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630772775 lastSubmitTime: 1632544881 readingMsgId: 199025 } allMsgGroup { id: 200 allSelect { msgId: 200003 select: 200004 } allSelect { msgId: 200023 select: 200024 } allSelect { msgId: 200039 select: 200040 } allSelect { msgId: 200006 select: 200007 } allSelect { msgId: 200043 select: 200044 } allSelect { msgId: 200026 select: 200027 } allSelect { msgId: 200015 select: 200016 } allSelect { msgId: 200046 select: 200047 } allSelect { msgId: 200029 select: 200030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665198125 lastSubmitTime: 1673605930 readingMsgId: 200049 } allMsgGroup { id: 207 allSelect { msgId: 207010 select: 207011 } allSelect { msgId: 207018 select: 207019 } allSelect { msgId: 207025 select: 207026 } allSelect { msgId: 207014 select: 207015 } allSelect { msgId: 207004 select: 207005 } allSelect { msgId: 207028 select: 207029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1637112991 lastSubmitTime: 1637803510 readingMsgId: 207032 } allMsgGroup { id: 209 allSelect { msgId: 209043 select: 209044 } allSelect { msgId: 209026 select: 209027 } allSelect { msgId: 209047 select: 209048 } allSelect { msgId: 209063 select: 209064 } allSelect { msgId: 209013 select: 209014 } allSelect { msgId: 209029 select: 209030 } allSelect { msgId: 209019 select: 209020 } allSelect { msgId: 209051 select: 209052 } allSelect { msgId: 209034 select: 209035 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1638414393 lastSubmitTime: 1638414969 readingMsgId: 209066 } allMsgGroup { id: 217 allSelect { msgId: 217011 select: 217012 } allSelect { msgId: 217019 select: 217020 } allSelect { msgId: 217002 select: 217003 } allSelect { msgId: 217017 select: 217018 } allSelect { msgId: 217025 select: 217026 } allSelect { msgId: 217005 select: 217006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643079016 readingMsgId: 217028 } allMsgGroup { id: 218 allSelect { msgId: 218009 select: 218010 } allSelect { msgId: 218016 select: 218017 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643078984 readingMsgId: 218024 } allMsgGroup { id: 224 allSelect { msgId: 224027 select: 224028 } allSelect { msgId: 224031 select: 224032 } allSelect { msgId: 224012 select: 224013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644481035 lastSubmitTime: 1644481775 readingMsgId: 224040 } allMsgGroup { id: 229 allSelect { msgId: 229009 select: 229010 } allSelect { msgId: 229129 select: 229141 } allSelect { msgId: 229096 select: 229119 } allSelect { msgId: 229167 select: 229168 } allSelect { msgId: 229036 select: 229037 } allSelect { msgId: 229052 select: 229053 } allSelect { msgId: 229084 select: 229085 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1643985702 lastSubmitTime: 1644481853 readingMsgId: 229173 redPackets { msgId: 229020 num: 3 money: 30000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19549 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 8077 } receivers { heroId: 2121 money: 2374 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229026 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 2119 money: 6031 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 9926 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 14378 } receivers { heroId: 2017 money: 10810 } receivers { heroId: 2094 money: 8855 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229038 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 387 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 5407 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 19316 } receivers { heroId: 2128 money: 9198 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 4910 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12869 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 29634 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 1786 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 2299 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5463 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 16423 } receivers { heroId: 2127 money: 12308 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229046 num: 10 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 10866 } receivers { heroId: 2015 money: 15062 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11817 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 4131 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 4762 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 4262 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 6652 } receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 19964 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 22438 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229064 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11128 } receivers { heroId: 2115 money: 15173 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1433 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 13407 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 8859 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229075 num: 1 money: 10000 content: receivers { heroId: 2125 money: 10000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229079 num: 15 money: 150000 content: receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 4507 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 6285 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 10716 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 3844 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 13617 } receivers { heroId: 2073 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 16256 } receivers { heroId: 2099 money: 7140 } receivers { heroId: 2084 money: 11385 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 12195 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 19308 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 8542 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 15609 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 6844 } receivers { heroId: 2100 money: 13751 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229141 num: 9 money: 700 content: 如虎添翼,心想事成 receivers { heroId: 2101 money: 24 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 142 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 126 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 154 } receivers { heroId: 2081 money: 14 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 60 } receivers { heroId: 2063 money: 43 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 121 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 16 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229157 num: 15 money: 1500 content: receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2018 money: 176 } receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 156 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 200 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 2 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 68 } receivers { heroId: 2105 money: 84 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2108 money: 150 } receivers { heroId: 2012 money: 175 } receivers { heroId: 2120 money: 45 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2067 money: 131 } receivers { heroId: 2097 money: 1 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 230 allSelect { msgId: 230003 select: 230004 } allSelect { msgId: 230034 select: 230035 } allSelect { msgId: 230049 select: 230050 } allSelect { msgId: 230010 select: 230011 } allSelect { msgId: 230057 select: 230058 } allSelect { msgId: 230045 select: 230046 } allSelect { msgId: 230060 select: 230061 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867197 lastSubmitTime: 1646867226 readingMsgId: 230062 } allMsgGroup { id: 236 allSelect { msgId: 236024 select: 236025 } allSelect { msgId: 236006 select: 236007 } allSelect { msgId: 236046 select: 236047 } allSelect { msgId: 236013 select: 236014 } allSelect { msgId: 236037 select: 236038 } allSelect { msgId: 236028 select: 236029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1649842967 lastSubmitTime: 1651080534 readingMsgId: 236050 } allMsgGroup { id: 240 allSelect { msgId: 240009 select: 240010 } allSelect { msgId: 240016 select: 240017 } allSelect { msgId: 240020 select: 240021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216752 lastSubmitTime: 1652343965 readingMsgId: 240023 } allMsgGroup { id: 241 allSelect { msgId: 241011 select: 241012 } allSelect { msgId: 241040 select: 241041 } allSelect { msgId: 241045 select: 241046 } allSelect { msgId: 241049 select: 241050 } allSelect { msgId: 241032 select: 241033 } allSelect { msgId: 241023 select: 241024 } allSelect { msgId: 241055 select: 241056 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652343827 lastSubmitTime: 1652343942 readingMsgId: 241060 } allMsgGroup { id: 245 allSelect { msgId: 245002 select: 245003 } allSelect { msgId: 245017 select: 245018 } allSelect { msgId: 245008 select: 245009 } allSelect { msgId: 245021 select: 245022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216776 lastSubmitTime: 1652343953 readingMsgId: 245024 } allMsgGroup { id: 246 allSelect { msgId: 246025 select: 246026 } allSelect { msgId: 246032 select: 246033 } allSelect { msgId: 246040 select: 246041 } allSelect { msgId: 246047 select: 246048 } allSelect { msgId: 246006 select: 246007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654729473 lastSubmitTime: 1657757747 readingMsgId: 246050 } allMsgGroup { id: 249 allSelect { msgId: 249003 select: 249004 } allSelect { msgId: 249018 select: 249019 } allSelect { msgId: 249008 select: 249009 } allSelect { msgId: 249014 select: 249015 } allSelect { msgId: 249021 select: 249022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654510595 lastSubmitTime: 1657757728 readingMsgId: 249026 } readingMsgGroup { id: 1 allSelect { msgId: 1009 select: 1010 } allSelect { msgId: 1003 select: 1004 } allSelect { msgId: 1015 select: 1016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587690911 readingMsgId: 1017 } readingMsgGroup { id: 258 allSelect { msgId: 258002 select: 258003 } allSelect { msgId: 258007 select: 258008 } allSelect { msgId: 258013 select: 258014 } allSelect { msgId: 258020 select: 258021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660760547 lastSubmitTime: 1663812687 readingMsgId: 258026 } readingMsgGroup { id: 2 allSelect { msgId: 2013 select: 2024 } allSelect { msgId: 2033 select: 2034 } allSelect { msgId: 2010 select: 2011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997188 lastSubmitTime: 1673605873 readingMsgId: 2060 } readingMsgGroup { id: 259 allSelect { msgId: 259003 select: 259004 } allSelect { msgId: 259019 select: 259020 } allSelect { msgId: 259010 select: 259011 } allSelect { msgId: 259021 select: 259022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660819841 lastSubmitTime: 1673605823 readingMsgId: 259023 } readingMsgGroup { id: 260 allSelect { msgId: 260027 select: 260028 } allSelect { msgId: 260022 select: 260023 } allSelect { msgId: 260013 select: 260014 } allSelect { msgId: 260004 select: 260005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1662686695 lastSubmitTime: 1673605889 readingMsgId: 260032 } readingMsgGroup { id: 261 allSelect { msgId: 261003 select: 261004 } allSelect { msgId: 261010 select: 261011 } allSelect { msgId: 261018 select: 261019 } allSelect { msgId: 261031 select: 261032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1664414741 lastSubmitTime: 1673605906 readingMsgId: 261038 } readingMsgGroup { id: 262 allSelect { msgId: 262003 select: 262004 } allSelect { msgId: 262017 select: 262018 } allSelect { msgId: 262008 select: 262009 } allSelect { msgId: 262023 select: 262024 } allSelect { msgId: 262006 select: 262007 } allSelect { msgId: 262012 select: 262013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661380661 lastSubmitTime: 1673605809 readingMsgId: 262029 } readingMsgGroup { id: 6 allSelect { msgId: 6020 select: 6021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594289417 lastSubmitTime: 1594289564 readingMsgId: 6035 } readingMsgGroup { id: 10 allSelect { msgId: 10024 select: 10025 } allSelect { msgId: 10005 select: 10006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970414 lastSubmitTime: 1587690856 readingMsgId: 10041 } readingMsgGroup { id: 269 allSelect { msgId: 269030 select: 269031 } allSelect { msgId: 269038 select: 269039 } allSelect { msgId: 269008 select: 269009 } allSelect { msgId: 269024 select: 269025 } allSelect { msgId: 269017 select: 269018 } allSelect { msgId: 269050 select: 269051 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1663812248 lastSubmitTime: 1664405870 readingMsgId: 269053 } readingMsgGroup { id: 14 isRead: true unlockTime: 1594261739 lastSubmitTime: 1594288469 readingMsgId: 14033 } readingMsgGroup { id: 16 allSelect { msgId: 16027 select: 16028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588125298 lastSubmitTime: 1588814296 readingMsgId: 16048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 17 allSelect { msgId: 17022 select: 17023 } allSelect { msgId: 17019 select: 17020 } allSelect { msgId: 17031 select: 17032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482515 readingMsgId: 17037 } readingMsgGroup { id: 18 allSelect { msgId: 18009 select: 18010 } allSelect { msgId: 18045 select: 18050 } allSelect { msgId: 18042 select: 18043 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482683 readingMsgId: 18054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 19 allSelect { msgId: 19048 select: 19049 } allSelect { msgId: 19002 select: 19003 } allSelect { msgId: 19043 select: 19044 } allSelect { msgId: 19013 select: 19014 } allSelect { msgId: 19030 select: 19031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1589764165 lastSubmitTime: 1590482040 readingMsgId: 19054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 20 allSelect { msgId: 20049 select: 20050 } allSelect { msgId: 20010 select: 20011 } allSelect { msgId: 20026 select: 20027 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587691153 readingMsgId: 20055 } readingMsgGroup { id: 21 allSelect { msgId: 21032 select: 21033 } allSelect { msgId: 21012 select: 21019 } allSelect { msgId: 21021 select: 21022 } allSelect { msgId: 21038 select: 21039 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588986828 lastSubmitTime: 1590482389 readingMsgId: 21047 } readingMsgGroup { id: 22 allSelect { msgId: 22027 select: 22028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599620293 lastSubmitTime: 1630399685 readingMsgId: 22043 } readingMsgGroup { id: 279 allSelect { msgId: 279026 select: 279027 } allSelect { msgId: 279043 select: 279044 } allSelect { msgId: 279047 select: 279048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1669366352 lastSubmitTime: 1673605844 readingMsgId: 279054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 23 allSelect { msgId: 23036 select: 23037 } allSelect { msgId: 23009 select: 23010 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590483227 readingMsgId: 23040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 24 allSelect { msgId: 24011 select: 24012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1575104903 lastSubmitTime: 1587691086 readingMsgId: 24021 } readingMsgGroup { id: 281 allSelect { msgId: 281013 select: 281014 } allSelect { msgId: 281061 select: 281062 } allSelect { msgId: 281046 select: 281047 } allSelect { msgId: 281025 select: 281026 } allSelect { msgId: 281052 select: 281053 } allSelect { msgId: 281006 select: 281007 } allSelect { msgId: 281039 select: 281040 } allSelect { msgId: 281032 select: 281033 } allSelect { msgId: 281049 select: 281050 } allSelect { msgId: 281034 select: 281035 } allSelect { msgId: 281019 select: 281020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1671663193 lastSubmitTime: 1673605794 readingMsgId: 281065 } readingMsgGroup { id: 25 allSelect { msgId: 25007 select: 25020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1587691086 lastSubmitTime: 1588814411 readingMsgId: 25040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 28 allSelect { msgId: 28033 select: 28034 } allSelect { msgId: 28041 select: 28042 } allSelect { msgId: 28010 select: 28011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482877 readingMsgId: 28052 } readingMsgGroup { id: 29 allSelect { msgId: 29019 select: 29020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622799683 lastSubmitTime: 1622799848 readingMsgId: 29039 } readingMsgGroup { id: 289 allSelect { msgId: 289008 select: 289009 } allSelect { msgId: 289028 select: 289035 } allSelect { msgId: 289047 select: 289048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1674171687 lastSubmitTime: 1674171725 readingMsgId: 289050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 33 isRead: true unlockTime: 1599807555 lastSubmitTime: 1599807677 readingMsgId: 33030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 34 allSelect { msgId: 34015 select: 34022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867638 lastSubmitTime: 1646867658 readingMsgId: 34031 } readingMsgGroup { id: 35 allSelect { msgId: 35012 select: 35013 } allSelect { msgId: 35027 select: 35036 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665734323 lastSubmitTime: 1673605945 readingMsgId: 35045 } readingMsgGroup { id: 36 allSelect { msgId: 36013 select: 36022 } allSelect { msgId: 36029 select: 36030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1609743563 lastSubmitTime: 1630399820 readingMsgId: 36039 } readingMsgGroup { id: 42 allSelect { msgId: 42017 select: 42018 } allSelect { msgId: 42041 select: 42042 } allSelect { msgId: 42002 select: 42003 } allSelect { msgId: 42028 select: 42034 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1595745914 lastSubmitTime: 1597337009 readingMsgId: 42045 } readingMsgGroup { id: 45 allSelect { msgId: 45025 select: 45026 } allSelect { msgId: 45010 select: 45011 } allSelect { msgId: 45014 select: 45015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622686283 lastSubmitTime: 1637804354 readingMsgId: 45048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 51 allSelect { msgId: 51024 select: 51025 } allSelect { msgId: 51017 select: 51018 } allSelect { msgId: 51066 select: 51067 } allSelect { msgId: 51045 select: 51046 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1576030363 lastSubmitTime: 1588814107 readingMsgId: 51068 } readingMsgGroup { id: 308 allSelect { msgId: 308011 select: 308012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527678 lastSubmitTime: 1682527982 readingMsgId: 308017 } readingMsgGroup { id: 311 allSelect { msgId: 311024 select: 311025 } allSelect { msgId: 311011 select: 311012 } allSelect { msgId: 311020 select: 311021 } allSelect { msgId: 311006 select: 311007 } allSelect { msgId: 311022 select: 311023 } allSelect { msgId: 311016 select: 311017 } allSelect { msgId: 311002 select: 311003 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527653 lastSubmitTime: 1682528000 readingMsgId: 311030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 58 allSelect { msgId: 58021 select: 58022 } allSelect { msgId: 58025 select: 58026 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997187 lastSubmitTime: 1673605857 readingMsgId: 58027 } readingMsgGroup { id: 59 allSelect { msgId: 59004 select: 59005 } allSelect { msgId: 59010 select: 59015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1673605857 lastSubmitTime: 1674171732 readingMsgId: 59019 } readingMsgGroup { id: 60 allSelect { msgId: 60040 select: 60041 } allSelect { msgId: 60009 select: 60010 } allSelect { msgId: 60036 select: 60037 } allSelect { msgId: 60023 select: 60024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1617211678 lastSubmitTime: 1617211964 readingMsgId: 60042 } readingMsgGroup { id: 76 allSelect { msgId: 76099 select: 76100 } allSelect { msgId: 76107 select: 76108 } allSelect { msgId: 76101 select: 76102 } allSelect { msgId: 76110 select: 76111 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623147134 lastSubmitTime: 1630399534 readingMsgId: 76113 } readingMsgGroup { id: 84 allSelect { msgId: 84026 select: 84027 } allSelect { msgId: 84004 select: 84005 } allSelect { msgId: 84020 select: 84021 } allSelect { msgId: 84044 select: 84045 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599758434 lastSubmitTime: 1611794534 readingMsgId: 84046 } readingMsgGroup { id: 89 allSelect { msgId: 89011 select: 89016 } allSelect { msgId: 89034 select: 89035 } allSelect { msgId: 89042 select: 89043 } allSelect { msgId: 89029 select: 89030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1585899984 lastSubmitTime: 1587691249 readingMsgId: 89046 } readingMsgGroup { id: 94 allSelect { msgId: 94032 select: 94033 } allSelect { msgId: 94027 select: 94028 } allSelect { msgId: 94030 select: 94031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1615948217 lastSubmitTime: 1630400151 readingMsgId: 94041 } readingMsgGroup { id: 106 allSelect { msgId: 106035 select: 106036 } allSelect { msgId: 106002 select: 106003 } allSelect { msgId: 106026 select: 106027 } allSelect { msgId: 106047 select: 106048 } allSelect { msgId: 106006 select: 106007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594887451 lastSubmitTime: 1597337200 readingMsgId: 106053 } readingMsgGroup { id: 114 allSelect { msgId: 114008 select: 114009 } allSelect { msgId: 114032 select: 114033 } allSelect { msgId: 114026 select: 114027 } allSelect { msgId: 114015 select: 114016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599555827 lastSubmitTime: 1599620585 readingMsgId: 114037 } readingMsgGroup { id: 118 allSelect { msgId: 118025 select: 118026 } allSelect { msgId: 118003 select: 118004 } allSelect { msgId: 118018 select: 118019 } allSelect { msgId: 118013 select: 118014 } allSelect { msgId: 118007 select: 118008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644892574 lastSubmitTime: 1644892601 readingMsgId: 118030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 139 allSelect { msgId: 139006 select: 139007 } allSelect { msgId: 139018 select: 139019 } allSelect { msgId: 139020 select: 139021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651080452 lastSubmitTime: 1651080493 readingMsgId: 139025 } readingMsgGroup { id: 149 allSelect { msgId: 149003 select: 149004 } allSelect { msgId: 149008 select: 149011 } allSelect { msgId: 149020 select: 149021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1643079030 readingMsgId: 149024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 155 allSelect { msgId: 155025 select: 155026 } allSelect { msgId: 155073 select: 155074 } allSelect { msgId: 155153 select: 155154 } allSelect { msgId: 155014 select: 155015 } allSelect { msgId: 155108 select: 155109 } allSelect { msgId: 155125 select: 155126 } allSelect { msgId: 155112 select: 155113 } allSelect { msgId: 155038 select: 155039 } allSelect { msgId: 155117 select: 155118 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646216061 lastSubmitTime: 1652344015 readingMsgId: 155155 redPackets { msgId: 155034 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155068 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2087 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155082 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155141 num: 30 money: 3000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 198 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 119 } receivers { heroId: 2041 money: 18 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 76 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2047 money: 82 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 130 } receivers { heroId: 2020 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 138 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 89 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2062 money: 15 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2096 money: 187 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 72 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 8 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 120 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 22 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 74 } receivers { heroId: 2075 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 108 } receivers { heroId: 2026 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2009 money: 132 } receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 70 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 71 } receivers { heroId: 2032 money: 180 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 177 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 156 allSelect { msgId: 156130 select: 156131 } allSelect { msgId: 156096 select: 156097 } allSelect { msgId: 156071 select: 156072 } allSelect { msgId: 156135 select: 156136 } allSelect { msgId: 156008 select: 156009 } allSelect { msgId: 156104 select: 156127 } allSelect { msgId: 156028 select: 156029 } allSelect { msgId: 156077 select: 156078 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1614847734 readingMsgId: 156137 redPackets { msgId: 156005 num: 1 money: 20000 content: receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 20000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 156033 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2010 money: 15891 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19578 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 14346 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 11779 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 3279 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 19340 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15030 } receivers { heroId: 2060 money: 17531 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 2897 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 327 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156055 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2053 money: 7524 } receivers { heroId: 2046 money: 12429 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 5062 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 6891 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5627 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 18286 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 4717 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 16307 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 6520 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 11806 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 6884 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 17947 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156085 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 5685 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 5813 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 19482 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 12890 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12222 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 7807 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19755 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 14717 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 10355 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 11124 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156134 num: 30 money: 300000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19353 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 3889 } receivers { heroId: 2005 money: 4443 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 1336 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 17464 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5557 } receivers { heroId: 2098 money: 11167 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 11413 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 5746 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 17022 } receivers { heroId: 2074 money: 6954 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 18606 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 7458 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 13068 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15913 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 11634 } receivers { heroId: 2006 money: 9158 } receivers { heroId: 2002 money: 9428 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 2879 } receivers { heroId: 2039 money: 15347 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 15965 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 18884 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 13597 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 7297 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 634 } receivers { heroId: 2038 money: 9405 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 15700 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 8883 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 1799 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 160 allSelect { msgId: 160003 select: 160004 } allSelect { msgId: 160009 select: 160010 } allSelect { msgId: 160017 select: 160018 } allSelect { msgId: 160007 select: 160008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1614847120 lastSubmitTime: 1614847277 readingMsgId: 160028 } readingMsgGroup { id: 164 allSelect { msgId: 164023 select: 164024 } allSelect { msgId: 164039 select: 164040 } allSelect { msgId: 164008 select: 164009 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1650495765 lastSubmitTime: 1651080511 readingMsgId: 164050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 171 allSelect { msgId: 171011 select: 171012 } allSelect { msgId: 171046 select: 171047 } allSelect { msgId: 171031 select: 171032 } allSelect { msgId: 171044 select: 171045 } allSelect { msgId: 171013 select: 171014 } allSelect { msgId: 171029 select: 171030 } allSelect { msgId: 171002 select: 171003 } allSelect { msgId: 171035 select: 171036 } allSelect { msgId: 171022 select: 171023 } allSelect { msgId: 171007 select: 171008 } allSelect { msgId: 171037 select: 171038 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652948219 lastSubmitTime: 1652948266 readingMsgId: 171048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 179 allSelect { msgId: 179006 select: 179007 } allSelect { msgId: 179018 select: 179019 } allSelect { msgId: 179028 select: 179029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623146450 lastSubmitTime: 1637803834 readingMsgId: 179034 } readingMsgGroup { id: 183 allSelect { msgId: 183019 select: 183020 } allSelect { msgId: 183035 select: 183036 } allSelect { msgId: 183043 select: 183044 } allSelect { msgId: 183049 select: 183050 } allSelect { msgId: 183031 select: 183032 } allSelect { msgId: 183004 select: 183005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1657757675 lastSubmitTime: 1657757713 readingMsgId: 183051 } readingMsgGroup { id: 192 allSelect { msgId: 192002 select: 192003 } allSelect { msgId: 192026 select: 192027 } allSelect { msgId: 192019 select: 192020 } allSelect { msgId: 192008 select: 192009 } allSelect { msgId: 192004 select: 192005 } allSelect { msgId: 192012 select: 192013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910296 lastSubmitTime: 1629948753 readingMsgId: 192031 } readingMsgGroup { id: 193 allSelect { msgId: 193019 select: 193020 } allSelect { msgId: 193024 select: 193025 } allSelect { msgId: 193014 select: 193015 } allSelect { msgId: 193007 select: 193008 } allSelect { msgId: 193004 select: 193005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910246 lastSubmitTime: 1630399108 readingMsgId: 193027 } readingMsgGroup { id: 194 allSelect { msgId: 194002 select: 194003 } allSelect { msgId: 194014 select: 194015 } allSelect { msgId: 194019 select: 194020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630630150 lastSubmitTime: 1630682597 readingMsgId: 194023 readVoiceIds: 194008 } readingMsgGroup { id: 195 allSelect { msgId: 195011 select: 195012 } allSelect { msgId: 195024 select: 195025 } allSelect { msgId: 195048 select: 195049 } allSelect { msgId: 195036 select: 195037 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630549640 lastSubmitTime: 1632545049 readingMsgId: 195050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 196 allSelect { msgId: 196010 select: 196011 } allSelect { msgId: 196003 select: 196004 } allSelect { msgId: 196019 select: 196020 } allSelect { msgId: 196027 select: 196028 } allSelect { msgId: 196023 select: 196024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910274 lastSubmitTime: 1630039069 readingMsgId: 196034 } readingMsgGroup { id: 199 allSelect { msgId: 199001 select: 199002 } allSelect { msgId: 199008 select: 199009 } allSelect { msgId: 199023 select: 199024 } allSelect { msgId: 199013 select: 199014 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630772775 lastSubmitTime: 1632544881 readingMsgId: 199025 } readingMsgGroup { id: 200 allSelect { msgId: 200003 select: 200004 } allSelect { msgId: 200023 select: 200024 } allSelect { msgId: 200039 select: 200040 } allSelect { msgId: 200006 select: 200007 } allSelect { msgId: 200043 select: 200044 } allSelect { msgId: 200026 select: 200027 } allSelect { msgId: 200015 select: 200016 } allSelect { msgId: 200046 select: 200047 } allSelect { msgId: 200029 select: 200030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665198125 lastSubmitTime: 1673605930 readingMsgId: 200049 } readingMsgGroup { id: 207 allSelect { msgId: 207010 select: 207011 } allSelect { msgId: 207018 select: 207019 } allSelect { msgId: 207025 select: 207026 } allSelect { msgId: 207014 select: 207015 } allSelect { msgId: 207004 select: 207005 } allSelect { msgId: 207028 select: 207029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1637112991 lastSubmitTime: 1637803510 readingMsgId: 207032 } readingMsgGroup { id: 209 allSelect { msgId: 209043 select: 209044 } allSelect { msgId: 209026 select: 209027 } allSelect { msgId: 209047 select: 209048 } allSelect { msgId: 209063 select: 209064 } allSelect { msgId: 209013 select: 209014 } allSelect { msgId: 209029 select: 209030 } allSelect { msgId: 209019 select: 209020 } allSelect { msgId: 209051 select: 209052 } allSelect { msgId: 209034 select: 209035 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1638414393 lastSubmitTime: 1638414969 readingMsgId: 209066 } readingMsgGroup { id: 217 allSelect { msgId: 217011 select: 217012 } allSelect { msgId: 217019 select: 217020 } allSelect { msgId: 217002 select: 217003 } allSelect { msgId: 217017 select: 217018 } allSelect { msgId: 217025 select: 217026 } allSelect { msgId: 217005 select: 217006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643079016 readingMsgId: 217028 } readingMsgGroup { id: 218 allSelect { msgId: 218009 select: 218010 } allSelect { msgId: 218016 select: 218017 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643078984 readingMsgId: 218024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 224 allSelect { msgId: 224027 select: 224028 } allSelect { msgId: 224031 select: 224032 } allSelect { msgId: 224012 select: 224013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644481035 lastSubmitTime: 1644481775 readingMsgId: 224040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 229 allSelect { msgId: 229009 select: 229010 } allSelect { msgId: 229129 select: 229141 } allSelect { msgId: 229096 select: 229119 } allSelect { msgId: 229167 select: 229168 } allSelect { msgId: 229036 select: 229037 } allSelect { msgId: 229052 select: 229053 } allSelect { msgId: 229084 select: 229085 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1643985702 lastSubmitTime: 1644481853 readingMsgId: 229173 redPackets { msgId: 229020 num: 3 money: 30000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19549 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 8077 } receivers { heroId: 2121 money: 2374 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229026 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 2119 money: 6031 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 9926 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 14378 } receivers { heroId: 2017 money: 10810 } receivers { heroId: 2094 money: 8855 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229038 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 387 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 5407 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 19316 } receivers { heroId: 2128 money: 9198 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 4910 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12869 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 29634 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 1786 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 2299 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5463 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 16423 } receivers { heroId: 2127 money: 12308 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229046 num: 10 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 10866 } receivers { heroId: 2015 money: 15062 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11817 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 4131 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 4762 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 4262 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 6652 } receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 19964 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 22438 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229064 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11128 } receivers { heroId: 2115 money: 15173 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1433 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 13407 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 8859 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229075 num: 1 money: 10000 content: receivers { heroId: 2125 money: 10000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229079 num: 15 money: 150000 content: receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 4507 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 6285 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 10716 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 3844 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 13617 } receivers { heroId: 2073 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 16256 } receivers { heroId: 2099 money: 7140 } receivers { heroId: 2084 money: 11385 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 12195 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 19308 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 8542 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 15609 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 6844 } receivers { heroId: 2100 money: 13751 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229141 num: 9 money: 700 content: 如虎添翼,心想事成 receivers { heroId: 2101 money: 24 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 142 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 126 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 154 } receivers { heroId: 2081 money: 14 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 60 } receivers { heroId: 2063 money: 43 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 121 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 16 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229157 num: 15 money: 1500 content: receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2018 money: 176 } receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 156 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 200 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 2 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 68 } receivers { heroId: 2105 money: 84 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2108 money: 150 } receivers { heroId: 2012 money: 175 } receivers { heroId: 2120 money: 45 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2067 money: 131 } receivers { heroId: 2097 money: 1 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 230 allSelect { msgId: 230003 select: 230004 } allSelect { msgId: 230034 select: 230035 } allSelect { msgId: 230049 select: 230050 } allSelect { msgId: 230010 select: 230011 } allSelect { msgId: 230057 select: 230058 } allSelect { msgId: 230045 select: 230046 } allSelect { msgId: 230060 select: 230061 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867197 lastSubmitTime: 1646867226 readingMsgId: 230062 } readingMsgGroup { id: 236 allSelect { msgId: 236024 select: 236025 } allSelect { msgId: 236006 select: 236007 } allSelect { msgId: 236046 select: 236047 } allSelect { msgId: 236013 select: 236014 } allSelect { msgId: 236037 select: 236038 } allSelect { msgId: 236028 select: 236029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1649842967 lastSubmitTime: 1651080534 readingMsgId: 236050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 240 allSelect { msgId: 240009 select: 240010 } allSelect { msgId: 240016 select: 240017 } allSelect { msgId: 240020 select: 240021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216752 lastSubmitTime: 1652343965 readingMsgId: 240023 } readingMsgGroup { id: 241 allSelect { msgId: 241011 select: 241012 } allSelect { msgId: 241040 select: 241041 } allSelect { msgId: 241045 select: 241046 } allSelect { msgId: 241049 select: 241050 } allSelect { msgId: 241032 select: 241033 } allSelect { msgId: 241023 select: 241024 } allSelect { msgId: 241055 select: 241056 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652343827 lastSubmitTime: 1652343942 readingMsgId: 241060 } readingMsgGroup { id: 245 allSelect { msgId: 245002 select: 245003 } allSelect { msgId: 245017 select: 245018 } allSelect { msgId: 245008 select: 245009 } allSelect { msgId: 245021 select: 245022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216776 lastSubmitTime: 1652343953 readingMsgId: 245024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 246 allSelect { msgId: 246025 select: 246026 } allSelect { msgId: 246032 select: 246033 } allSelect { msgId: 246040 select: 246041 } allSelect { msgId: 246047 select: 246048 } allSelect { msgId: 246006 select: 246007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654729473 lastSubmitTime: 1657757747 readingMsgId: 246050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 249 allSelect { msgId: 249003 select: 249004 } allSelect { msgId: 249018 select: 249019 } allSelect { msgId: 249008 select: 249009 } allSelect { msgId: 249014 select: 249015 } allSelect { msgId: 249021 select: 249022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654510595 lastSubmitTime: 1657757728 readingMsgId: 249026 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetNpcGroupChatReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 66 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.20000012591481 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetNpcGroupChatReply 20 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:8][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:8][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 54 11 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroTaskRandomRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heroId: 2121 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=54,cmd=11,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{_onCloseAnimationDone}当关闭完毕后,有animator情况发现没了 [close] 状态,警告无法保证动画拉回来,viewName====== herotasksearchview [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=4,status=0,size=60 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=11,status=0,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000253 state: 1 heroUniqueId: 1326386289 heroId: 2121 location { category: 3 defineId: 1 heroInfo: } openTime: 1684970230 expireTime: 1685048400 unLockTime: 1629946402 doneCount: 38 lastFinishedTime: 1684558000 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 4 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskPush 21 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heroId: 2121 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroTaskRandomReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 54 11 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066614165902138 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HeroTaskRandomReply 22 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_q/100132_head_q.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:10]bigbg/headicon_q/100132_head_q.png instance: @66ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:11][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:14]++++++++++++++++拿到的tsssdk的c#的data长度314 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:14]))))((((((转换为lua的buffer数据长度(((((314____________314 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:14][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 314 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:14][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}=============sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包完毕,等协议过去-=-============================= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:14][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:14][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:14] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:14]__________删除tsssdk++++++sb数据________ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:14]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=1,size=326 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:14]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:14]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=13,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:14][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:14][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:14][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099976629018784 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SubmitAntiDataReply 24 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:25][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:25][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:36][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:36][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:47][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:47][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 44 27 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetPlayerSpineStatusRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 44 6 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetHouseInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 20 20 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=44,cmd=27,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetIllustrationsRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}type: 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=44,cmd=6,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=20,cmd=20,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_room isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/room/roomspecialitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.1000348366797 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 3 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 28 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=44,cmd=27,status=0,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=44,cmd=6,status=0,size=1489 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=20,status=0,size=1392 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}myStatus: true visitStatus: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetPlayerSpineStatusReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 44 27 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13339962810278 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 GetPlayerSpineStatusReply 29 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}house { id: 1 name: 小怪兽 room { id: 1 furniture { id: 11140127 coordX: 1 coordY: 2 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141206 coordX: 19 coordY: 4 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140810 coordX: 10 coordY: 14 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141188 coordX: 13 coordY: 2 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140307 coordX: 5 coordY: 2 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140992 coordX: 6 coordY: 19 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141183 coordX: 19 coordY: 19 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140042 coordX: 9 coordY: 19 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141181 coordX: 19 coordY: 11 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141234 coordX: 3 coordY: 12 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140717 coordX: 14 coordY: 19 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140391 coordX: 13 coordY: 10 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140801 coordX: 6 coordY: 14 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140917 coordX: 4 coordY: 7 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140122 coordX: 6 coordY: 3 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140801 coordX: 12 coordY: 19 rotation: -1 } floor: 11140337 wallpaper: 11140999 sizeId: 3 } background: 11140172 houseHeros { heroId: 2071 heroUniqueId: 1256909552 skin: 140210 scale: 0 scaleExpiredTime: 0 } houseHeros { heroId: 2011 heroUniqueId: 803130807 skin: 140065 scale: 0 scaleExpiredTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160005 } houseHeros { heroId: 2104 heroUniqueId: 1064406992 skin: 140214 scale: 0 scaleExpiredTime: 0 accessoriesIds: 160037 } houseHeros { heroId: 2087 heroUniqueId: 643109371 skin: 100087 scale: 0 scaleExpiredTime: 0 } likeCount: 792 } showHouseId: 1 runHouseId: 1 view { id: 1 name: 小怪兽 room { id: 1 furniture { id: 11140127 coordX: 1 coordY: 2 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141206 coordX: 19 coordY: 4 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140810 coordX: 10 coordY: 14 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141188 coordX: 13 coordY: 2 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140307 coordX: 5 coordY: 2 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140992 coordX: 6 coordY: 19 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141183 coordX: 19 coordY: 19 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140042 coordX: 9 coordY: 19 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141181 coordX: 19 coordY: 11 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11141234 coordX: 3 coordY: 12 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140717 coordX: 14 coordY: 19 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140391 coordX: 13 coordY: 10 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140801 coordX: 6 coordY: 14 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140917 coordX: 4 coordY: 7 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140122 coordX: 6 coordY: 3 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140801 coordX: 12 coordY: 19 rotation: -1 } floor: 11140337 wallpaper: 11140999 sizeId: 3 } } view { id: 2 name: room { id: 1 furniture { id: 11140662 coordX: 11 coordY: 4 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140189 coordX: 11 coordY: 11 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140004 coordX: 102 coordY: 3 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140479 coordX: 3 coordY: 3 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140004 coordX: 10 coordY: 3 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140300 coordX: 3 coordY: 11 rotation: -1 } floor: 11140002 wallpaper: 11140001 sizeId: 1 } } view { id: 3 name: room { id: 1 furniture { id: 11140004 coordX: 102 coordY: 3 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140673 coordX: 11 coordY: 10 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140093 coordX: 11 coordY: 4 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140023 coordX: 5 coordY: 4 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140014 coordX: 2 coordY: 3 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140205 coordX: 4 coordY: 11 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140675 coordX: 2 coordY: 6 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140211 coordX: 9 coordY: 11 rotation: 1 } floor: 11140002 wallpaper: 11140001 sizeId: 1 } } view { id: 4 name: room { id: 1 furniture { id: 11140003 coordX: 7 coordY: 0 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140004 coordX: 10 coordY: 3 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140004 coordX: 102 coordY: 3 rotation: -1 } furniture { id: 11140006 coordX: 8 coordY: 6 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140010 coordX: 2 coordY: 11 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140012 coordX: 3 coordY: 0 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140014 coordX: 2 coordY: 3 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140015 coordX: 7 coordY: 4 rotation: 1 } furniture { id: 11140018 coordX: 8 coordY: 0 rotation: 1 } floor: 11140002 wallpaper: 11140001 sizeId: 1 } } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140010 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140717 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140205 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140012 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140015 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140014 num: 2 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140001 num: 3 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140003 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140002 num: 3 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140194 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140004 num: 5 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140391 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140006 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140093 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11141183 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140479 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11141181 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11141234 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140337 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140339 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140211 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140018 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140917 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140021 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140023 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140662 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140810 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140042 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140172 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140300 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140801 num: 2 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140673 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140992 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140675 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11141188 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140999 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140122 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140189 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140127 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11140307 num: 1 } furnitureId2Num { id: 11141206 num: 1 } comfort: 1678 exchangeRate: 632 exExp: 315 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetHouseInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 44 6 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13339962810278 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetHouseInfoReply 30 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}illustrations { type: 4 ids: 1024 ids: 1 ids: 1025 ids: 2 ids: 1026 ids: 3 ids: 1027 ids: 1028 ids: 1029 ids: 6 ids: 1030 ids: 7 ids: 1031 ids: 8 ids: 1032 ids: 9 ids: 11 ids: 12 ids: 13 ids: 14 ids: 16 ids: 1040 ids: 17 ids: 18 ids: 19 ids: 20 ids: 22 ids: 23 ids: 1047 ids: 24 ids: 25 ids: 1049 ids: 26 ids: 1050 ids: 27 ids: 1051 ids: 28 ids: 29 ids: 30 ids: 1054 ids: 31 ids: 32 ids: 1056 ids: 33 ids: 1057 ids: 1058 ids: 35 ids: 1059 ids: 36 ids: 1060 ids: 37 ids: 1061 ids: 1062 ids: 39 ids: 1063 ids: 40 ids: 41 ids: 42 ids: 43 ids: 44 ids: 1068 ids: 45 ids: 47 ids: 49 ids: 51 ids: 52 ids: 53 ids: 55 ids: 1079 ids: 56 ids: 57 ids: 58 ids: 59 ids: 60 ids: 61 ids: 1085 ids: 62 ids: 1088 ids: 65 ids: 66 ids: 67 ids: 1091 ids: 68 ids: 1092 ids: 69 ids: 70 ids: 71 ids: 1096 ids: 73 ids: 74 ids: 75 ids: 77 ids: 1101 ids: 78 ids: 79 ids: 1103 ids: 80 ids: 1104 ids: 81 ids: 1105 ids: 82 ids: 1106 ids: 84 ids: 86 ids: 87 ids: 88 ids: 1113 ids: 90 ids: 91 ids: 1115 ids: 1116 ids: 94 ids: 1120 ids: 98 ids: 1122 ids: 99 ids: 1123 ids: 104 ids: 105 ids: 1129 ids: 106 ids: 107 ids: 1131 ids: 108 ids: 109 ids: 111 ids: 1135 ids: 112 ids: 113 ids: 1137 ids: 114 ids: 115 ids: 116 ids: 1140 ids: 1141 ids: 118 ids: 1142 ids: 119 ids: 1143 ids: 1144 ids: 121 ids: 122 ids: 123 ids: 124 ids: 125 ids: 126 ids: 127 ids: 1151 ids: 128 ids: 1152 ids: 1153 ids: 131 ids: 132 ids: 1156 ids: 133 ids: 134 ids: 135 ids: 136 ids: 137 ids: 139 ids: 1163 ids: 1164 ids: 1166 ids: 143 ids: 1167 ids: 144 ids: 1168 ids: 148 ids: 1172 ids: 149 ids: 151 ids: 1178 ids: 1180 ids: 1182 ids: 1184 ids: 161 ids: 1187 ids: 1188 ids: 1190 ids: 1191 ids: 170 ids: 1194 ids: 1201 ids: 178 ids: 179 ids: 181 ids: 1205 ids: 185 ids: 193 ids: 208 ids: 209 ids: 210 ids: 211 ids: 212 ids: 214 ids: 215 ids: 216 ids: 218 ids: 219 ids: 220 ids: 221 ids: 225 ids: 226 ids: 227 ids: 228 ids: 229 ids: 233 ids: 237 ids: 238 ids: 239 ids: 244 ids: 249 ids: 250 ids: 251 ids: 252 ids: 282 ids: 290 ids: 293 ids: 294 ids: 295 ids: 296 ids: 298 ids: 299 ids: 300 ids: 306 ids: 309 ids: 314 ids: 316 ids: 317 ids: 319 ids: 320 ids: 321 ids: 323 ids: 324 ids: 350 ids: 351 ids: 354 ids: 357 ids: 358 ids: 359 ids: 361 ids: 362 ids: 363 ids: 364 ids: 365 ids: 366 ids: 367 ids: 368 ids: 369 ids: 370 ids: 371 ids: 372 ids: 376 ids: 378 ids: 379 ids: 380 ids: 381 ids: 386 ids: 388 ids: 390 ids: 392 ids: 394 ids: 395 ids: 396 ids: 397 ids: 401 ids: 402 ids: 403 ids: 404 ids: 408 ids: 413 ids: 415 ids: 416 ids: 417 ids: 420 ids: 424 ids: 426 ids: 427 ids: 430 ids: 432 ids: 433 ids: 434 ids: 436 ids: 438 ids: 439 ids: 440 ids: 443 ids: 444 ids: 446 ids: 447 ids: 448 ids: 449 ids: 466 ids: 467 ids: 468 ids: 469 ids: 470 ids: 471 ids: 473 ids: 475 ids: 478 ids: 482 ids: 486 ids: 488 ids: 491 ids: 492 ids: 494 ids: 498 ids: 499 ids: 510 ids: 512 ids: 513 ids: 518 ids: 519 ids: 520 ids: 521 ids: 522 ids: 523 ids: 524 ids: 525 ids: 527 ids: 528 ids: 533 ids: 534 ids: 536 ids: 537 ids: 538 ids: 540 ids: 541 ids: 544 ids: 545 ids: 546 ids: 551 ids: 552 ids: 557 ids: 581 ids: 582 ids: 583 ids: 584 ids: 585 ids: 586 ids: 587 ids: 588 ids: 592 ids: 600 ids: 601 ids: 603 ids: 608 ids: 610 ids: 612 ids: 621 ids: 623 ids: 624 ids: 628 ids: 651 ids: 653 ids: 657 ids: 658 ids: 662 ids: 663 ids: 666 ids: 667 ids: 675 ids: 676 ids: 685 ids: 687 ids: 688 ids: 695 ids: 696 ids: 697 ids: 698 ids: 702 ids: 703 ids: 704 ids: 706 ids: 707 ids: 710 ids: 711 ids: 718 ids: 720 ids: 721 ids: 724 ids: 725 ids: 726 ids: 727 ids: 728 ids: 761 ids: 770 ids: 771 ids: 776 ids: 777 ids: 778 ids: 779 ids: 780 ids: 784 ids: 786 ids: 791 ids: 792 ids: 794 ids: 798 ids: 803 ids: 804 ids: 805 ids: 807 ids: 808 ids: 809 ids: 810 ids: 811 ids: 812 ids: 813 ids: 814 ids: 815 ids: 816 ids: 817 ids: 818 ids: 819 ids: 820 ids: 821 ids: 827 ids: 829 ids: 830 ids: 832 ids: 833 ids: 835 ids: 839 ids: 842 ids: 844 ids: 845 ids: 846 ids: 848 ids: 849 ids: 852 ids: 853 ids: 855 ids: 856 ids: 859 ids: 862 ids: 863 ids: 864 ids: 890 ids: 891 ids: 892 ids: 893 ids: 896 ids: 897 ids: 898 ids: 901 ids: 902 ids: 904 ids: 905 ids: 906 ids: 907 ids: 914 ids: 916 ids: 918 ids: 923 ids: 924 ids: 928 ids: 959 ids: 960 ids: 961 ids: 966 ids: 968 ids: 970 ids: 971 ids: 975 ids: 976 ids: 979 ids: 981 ids: 983 ids: 986 ids: 989 ids: 990 ids: 993 ids: 994 ids: 998 ids: 1001 ids: 1002 ids: 1003 ids: 1004 ids: 1005 ids: 1006 ids: 1007 ids: 1009 ids: 1011 ids: 1013 ids: 1016 ids: 1018 ids: 1019 ids: 1021 ids: 1022 ids: 1023 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetIllustrationsReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 20 20 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13339962810278 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetIllustrationsReply 31 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=3,id=204 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/room/controller/RoomController: in function '_enterRoomSceneOrRebuild' logic/extensions/room/controller/RoomController: in function '_enterRoomScene' logic/extensions/room/controller/RoomController: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/controller/BaseController: in function 'localNotify' logic/extensions/illustrated/controller/IllustratedController: in function 'handleIllustration' logic/extensions/playerinfo/agent/PlayerInfoAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49]DestroyUnusedResources:76,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=3,id=204 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:49][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/g-s08_hmi_room_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/materials/ui_image_additive.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/room/roomview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/room/roomedititem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/room/roomfooditem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_zhenglong.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gogift.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/objsharereward.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/room/roomtreenode.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/room/roomsubtreenode.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_shadow.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_chamber_p3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_functional_obj.tga isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_sign_jiantou_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/fbx/room_floor_diban_p1.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_floor_diban_p1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_wall_bai_p2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/150115_zltp_jz_d_xuyuan/150115_zltp_jz_d_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/150115_zltp_jz_d_xuyuan/150115_zltp_jz_d_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/room/roomunitnamebar.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_herotask_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/herotasksceneui.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/herotask/herotasksceneui.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc/110114_sznan_fy_q_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/150066_mpt_sy_xuyuan/150066_mpt_sy_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/150066_mpt_sy_xuyuan/150066_mpt_sy_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100011_chouguiyu_xuyuan/100011_chouguiyu_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100011_chouguiyu_xuyuan/100011_chouguiyu_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100110_zzsr_xuyuan/100110_zzsr_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100110_zzsr_xuyuan/100110_zzsr_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/character/100093_yzgl_xuyuan/100093_yzgl_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/character/100093_yzgl_xuyuan/100093_yzgl_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/g-s08_hmi_room_stage.prefab instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 114 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get114InfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}id: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=114,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# 1/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on map cell loaded [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 2/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on map cell loaded [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 3/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on map cell loaded [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 4/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on spine loaded 2121 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 5/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on spine loaded 9527 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 6/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on spine loaded 2071 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 7/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on spine loaded 2011 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 8/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on spine loaded 2104 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 9/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on spine loaded 2087 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 10/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/lbjxw_beijing_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/ui_ztb/ui_ztb.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/ui_ztb/ui_ztb-ui_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100074_head_small04.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/user_headoutline/11110001_user_headoutline.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100011_head_small02.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100110_head_small02.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/headicon_small/100093_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_obj_srjz.tga isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/100035_birth_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_014.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_hbxw_ground3.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_hbxw_zhangpeng_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=114,cmd=1,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_kjxw_ground1.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_kjxw_pingfeng1_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_075_000.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_hbxw_ground5.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_hbxw_beike_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_zsjj_e.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_zsjj_yingtaobiluo_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_017.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_zsxw_ground3.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_zsxw_yugang_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_wbtf_ground2.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_wbtf_yaojiangji_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_ground_lbjxw.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_lbjxw_yutong_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_other_095.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_075_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_wbtf_ground4.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_wbtf_wutai_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_393.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_chasxw_ground1.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_chasxw_yaoyi_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_ground1_hhxw.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_hhxw_jiujiazi_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_ground_hdxw.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_hdxw_shafa_p1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_kjxw_pingfeng2_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_000_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_other_jgt_014.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_trail_004.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_sbxw_ground2.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/room_sbxw_yuanchuang_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/build-prefab/100030_birth_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_diban_zsxw.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/materials_dynload/g-s08_hmi_room_wall_zsxw.mat isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/texture/g-s08_diban_xnxw.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s08_hmi_room/materials_dynload/g-s08_hmi_room_floor_xnxw.mat isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:characterattachment/2011_cgy_peishi/2011_cgy_peishi_atlas.asset isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:characterattachment/2104_zzsr_peishi/2104_zzsr_peishi_atlas.asset isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 1 getBonusCount: 1 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get114InfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 114 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13331249915063 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 Get114InfoReply 32 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]bigbg/headicon_small/100074_head_small04.png instance: @46ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]bigbg/user_headoutline/11110001_user_headoutline.png instance: @47ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]bigbg/headicon_small/100011_head_small02.png instance: @46ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]bigbg/headicon_small/100110_head_small02.png instance: @46ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]language/zh/bigbg/headicon_small/100093_head_small.png instance: @46ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140127_1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 11/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11141206_2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 12/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140810_3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 13/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11141188_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 14/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140307_5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 15/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140992_6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 16/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11141183_7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 17/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140042_8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 18/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11141181_9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 19/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11141234_10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 20/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140717_11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 21/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140391_12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 22/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140801_13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 23/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140801_16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 24/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140917_14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 25/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{}############################# on furniture loaded 1_1_11140122_15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}############################# 26/26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=3,id=204,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/room/stage/RoomSceneStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/room/stage/RoomSceneStage: in function 'onFactoryLoaded' logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory: in function '_onEnterSceneResLoad' logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/room/core/unit/component/RoomFurnishingLoader: in function 'checkLoadedFinished' logic/extensions/room/core/unit/component/RoomFurnishingLoader: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 101 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 3#204 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/factory/RoomSceneFactory.lua:0]:{_onEnterSceneResLoad}RoomSceneFactory build 去掉遮罩 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s08_hmi_room/g-room-astar_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/astar/RoomAStarPath.lua:0]:{_scan}############################# RoomAStarPath:_scan [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/astar/RoomAStarPath.lua:0]:{_updateCollider}############################# collider count: total_14 need_14 toHide_0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/astar/RoomAStarPath.lua:0]:{_scan}############################# Pjg.CSAStarPathUtil.Scan() [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/astar/RoomAStarPath.lua:0]:{_scan}############################# after Scan [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/270022.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:50][@logic/scene/room/astar/RoomAStarPath.lua:0]:{}############################# scan finish [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:51][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:52][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/herotask/herotaskinfoview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:timeline/materials/focus.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/live2dcharacter.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/150115_zltp_da_jz/150115_zltp_da_jz_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:52][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):idle.mtn,default:nil stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/unit/component/live2D/UnitCompLive2D: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010121.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/item_ssr.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:52]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/150115_zltp_da_jz/action/idle.mtn.anim isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:52]bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png instance: @16ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:52]bigbg/itemicon/1010121.png instance: @16ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:52][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 54 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroTaskAccpetRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000253 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=54,cmd=2,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=4,status=0,size=65 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=2,status=0,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000253 state: 2 heroUniqueId: 1326386289 heroId: 2121 location { category: 3 defineId: 1 heroInfo: } nodeId: 10025301 acceptTime: 1684970273 expireTime: 1685048400 unLockTime: 1629946402 doneCount: 38 lastFinishedTime: 1684558000 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 4 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskPush 33 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000253 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroTaskAccpetReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 54 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10001395642757 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HeroTaskAccpetReply 34 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/room/magnifyhero.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_firstcallhero isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_story_0 isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/dialogtype.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/dialogview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/nextbtn.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/profileview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/storyview_textview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/story/storyview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/story/storylookbackitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_story_1 isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_chenshui.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/story/storyanimation/ui_chenshui.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_storymaskeffectview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/story/storyanimation/ui_storymaskeffectview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 3 time: 4000 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/210023.jpg isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/commonbg/herotasktraceview_bg.jpg isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066730953752995 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 35 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]bigbg/story_bigbg/210023.jpg instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53]bigbg/commonbg/herotasktraceview_bg.jpg instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:53][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:stopExpression stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'stopExpression' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '_playExp' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewComponent: in function 'localNotify' ... logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/view/StorySwitchView: in function '_onFadeOutCallback' logic/extensions/story/view/StorySwitchView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/schedule/ScheduleEntry: in function 'update' framework/schedule/Scheduler: in function [builtin#21]: at 0x0103540df4 event: in function '' event: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100132_zltp_da/100132_zltp_da_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):wuguanli_da.mtn,default:nil stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/unit/component/live2D/UnitCompLive2D: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100132_zltp_da/action/idle.mtn.bytes isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100132_zltp_da/action/wuguanli_da.mtn.bytes isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: wuguanli_da.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100132_zltp_da/expression/idle.exp.json isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:idle.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [ERROR:2023-5-25 7:17:54]Live2D Cubism 2.1 / RenderMode.DrawMeshNow Error live2dmodel.draw() must be called in OnPostRender() or OnRenderObject() . ------------------- live2d.   :drawLast() [ERROR:2023-5-25 7:17:54]Live2D Cubism 2.1 / RenderMode.DrawMeshNow Error live2dmodel.draw() must be called in OnPostRender() or OnRenderObject() . ------------------- live2d.   :drawLast() [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 5 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SkipStoryLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}storyId: 312110 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=5,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):idle.mtn,default:idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/impl/UnitLive2DPerson: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '_playMtn' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' ... logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'openStoryView' logic/extensions/story/core/STFunction: in function '_actionFunc' logic/extensions/story/core/STNode: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'skip' logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'skip' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [C]: in function 'GetResource' bootstrap/shortcut_csharp: in function 'getres' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'load' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' ... logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'openStoryView' logic/extensions/story/core/STFunction: in function '_actionFunc' logic/extensions/story/core/STNode: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'skip' logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'skip' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:stopExpression stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'stopExpression' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '_playExp' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewComponent: in function 'localNotify' ... logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'openStoryView' logic/extensions/story/core/STFunction: in function '_actionFunc' logic/extensions/story/core/STNode: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'skip' logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'skip' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:idle.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [C]: in function 'GetResource' bootstrap/shortcut_csharp: in function 'getres' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'load' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'load' ... logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'openStoryView' logic/extensions/story/core/STFunction: in function '_actionFunc' logic/extensions/story/core/STNode: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function '_nodeExecute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'execute' logic/extensions/story/core/STree: in function 'skip' logic/extensions/story/controller/StoryController: in function 'skip' logic/extensions/story/view/StoryDialogView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=5,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SkipStoryLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099970078095794 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SkipStoryLogReply 36 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:54][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:56][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 18 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = StoryBranchChooseLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}storyId: 312110 stepId: 22 index: 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:56]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=18,size=17 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:56]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:56]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=18,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = StoryBranchChooseLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:56][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 18 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10002024844289 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 StoryBranchChooseLogReply 37 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/room/bubble.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 5 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SkipStoryLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}storyId: 312110 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=5,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 114 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get114InfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}id: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=114,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 54 3 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroTaskFinshRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000253 nodeId: 10025301 index: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=54,cmd=3,size=21 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=5,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SkipStoryLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10001504421234 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 SkipStoryLogReply 38 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=114,cmd=1,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=4,status=0,size=60 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=45,cmd=3,status=0,size=21 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=3,status=0,size=18 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 1 getBonusCount: 1 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get114InfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 114 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13337904214859 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 Get114InfoReply 39 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000253 state: 3 heroUniqueId: 1326386289 heroId: 2121 location { category: 3 defineId: 1 heroInfo: } acceptTime: 1684970273 expireTime: 1685048400 unLockTime: 1629946402 doneCount: 38 lastFinishedTime: 1684558000 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 4 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskPush 40 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { id: 61000011 progress: 5 hasFinished: false donCount: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 45 3 || 0 UpdateTaskPush 41 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000253 nodeId: 10025301 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroTaskFinshReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 54 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.16670083254576 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HeroTaskFinshReply 42 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):idle.mtn,default:idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/impl/UnitLive2DPerson: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'onEnter' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'onEnter' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskInfoView: in function 'setLive2dModel' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskInfoView: in function 'onEnter' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' ... logic/extensions/herotask/controller/HeroTaskController: in function 'doTask' logic/extensions/herotask/controller/HeroTaskController: in function 'doNextNode' logic/extensions/herotask/agent/HeroTaskAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [C]: in function 'GetResource' bootstrap/shortcut_csharp: in function 'getres' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'load' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' ... logic/extensions/herotask/controller/HeroTaskController: in function 'doTask' logic/extensions/herotask/controller/HeroTaskController: in function 'doNextNode' logic/extensions/herotask/agent/HeroTaskAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 54 8 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroTaskBonusRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000253 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=54,cmd=8,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=4,status=0,size=54 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=10,cmd=1,status=0,size=28 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=23,cmd=2,status=0,size=319 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=6,status=0,size=35 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=10,status=0,size=23 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=8,status=0,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000253 state: 4 heroUniqueId: 1326386289 heroId: 2121 location { category: 3 defineId: 1 heroInfo: } expireTime: 1685048400 unLockTime: 1629946402 doneCount: 39 lastFinishedTime: 1684970277 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 4 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskPush 43 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { itemId: 11240121 count: 21 lastUseTime: 1644477812000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ItemChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 10 1 || 0 ItemChangePush 44 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heroCharacter { heroId: 2121 exp: 8541 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1121041 voice: 1121040 voice: 1121043 voice: 1121042 voice: 1121044 voice: 1121049 voice: 1121050 voice: 1121053 voice: 1121054 voice: 1121025 voice: 1121024 voice: 1121027 voice: 1121029 voice: 1121028 voice: 1121031 voice: 1121030 voice: 1121033 voice: 1121032 voice: 1121035 voice: 1121034 voice: 1121037 voice: 1121039 voice: 1121038 voice: 1121073 voice: 1121075 voice: 1121074 voice: 1121077 voice: 1121076 voice: 1121079 voice: 1121081 voice: 1121083 voice: 1121082 voice: 1121085 voice: 1121084 voice: 1121087 voice: 1121086 voice: 1121060 voice: 1121065 voice: 1121064 voice: 1121067 voice: 1121066 voice: 1121069 voice: 1121068 voice: 1121070 voice: 1121009 voice: 1121010 voice: 1121013 voice: 1121012 voice: 1121015 voice: 1121014 voice: 1121017 voice: 1121016 voice: 1121019 voice: 1121018 voice: 1121001 voice: 1121000 voice: 1121003 voice: 1121002 voice: 1121005 voice: 1121004 voice: 1121006 voiceHeard: 1121041 voiceHeard: 1121040 voiceHeard: 1121039 infos: 1000738 infos: 1000739 infos: 1000740 usingSkinId: 140233 hasShowInjureView: false storyId: 2121001 storyId: 2121002 maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 3 maxLevel: 55 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroCharacterInfoUpdatePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 23 2 || 0 HeroCharacterInfoUpdatePush 45 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1042 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1043 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}注册了 432000 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { materilType: 9 materilId: 2121 change: 17 } dataList { materilType: 1 materilId: 11240121 change: 1 } getApproach: 43 getApproachSubId: 63000253 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = MaterialChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 20 6 || 0 MaterialChangePush 46 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heroCounts { heroId: 2121 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 1 expireTime: 1685048400 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskCountPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 10 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskCountPush 47 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000253 loveGain: 17 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroTaskBonusReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 54 8 所需时间单位秒 = 0.14141771197319 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HeroTaskBonusReply 48 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_playermtrt isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview02.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/playerinfo/playermtrtakeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/playerinfo/playerrewarditem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/imgstaicfavor.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/txtaddfavor.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotaskfavorview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/common/speechbubble.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_025_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_025_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:57]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:58][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:58][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:58][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:58][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:17:59][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:2][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:3][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):idle.mtn,default:idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/impl/UnitLive2DPerson: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'onEnter' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'onEnter' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'setLive2dModel' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:3][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [C]: in function 'GetResource' bootstrap/shortcut_csharp: in function 'getres' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'load' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' ... logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'setLive2dModel' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:3][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):yaotou.mtn,default:idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/impl/UnitLive2DPerson: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playMtn' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'playVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:3][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:stopExpression stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'stopExpression' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playExps' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'playVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:3][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:idle.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'playExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'addExpToPlayList' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playExps' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'playVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:3][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_charactor_aixin.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:3][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_charactor_aixin.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/150115_zltp_da_jz/action/yaotou.mtn.anim isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:3][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: yaotou.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_001.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_039.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_charactor_aixin.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:5][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:9][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:9][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:12][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:20][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:20][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:31][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:31][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:42][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:42][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController: in function 'enterMainScene' logic/extensions/common/controller/CommonController: in function 'handleBackScene' logic/extensions/room/view/RoomView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 3 time: 56000 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=3,id=204 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{openInAppEvent}打开IAE Card [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52]DestroyUnusedResources:136,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:52][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10000945627689 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 54 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_050_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_055.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_057.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_02.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_collider.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_zjm.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_a.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_b.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_a.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_b.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab instance: @133ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage.lua:0]:{_onAllLoaded}-------------主城主场景加载完毕,开始打开主界面--------------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 49 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}ids: 55 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=49,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 66 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetNpcGroupChatRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{initTriggers}initTriggers: 10 zoneId: 20501 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 77 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 78 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 79 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 80 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=66,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 81 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 82 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 83 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 84 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 85 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 87 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_stageLoadFinishedHandler}成功加载了一个新的场景的舞台,但当前场景还未进入完毕,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 84 挂点: sjcj_xiaohai2_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 80 挂点: sjcj_naren_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 83 挂点: sjcj_wenren_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 79 挂点: sjcj_naren2_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 82 挂点: sjcj_wenren2_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 78 挂点: sjcj_meinv_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 87 挂点: sjcj_xiashi_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 81 挂点: sjcj_nvren_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 85 挂点: sjcj_xiaohai_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 77 挂点: sjcj_laoren_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_checkAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZoneMgr: in function '_loadedCallback' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZone: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 100 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/extensions/pandora/controller/PandoraPanelController.lua:0]:{setPopReady}Pandora bPopReady= enterHallNoGuide [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 9#205 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiaohai2_npc/sjcj_xiaohai2_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiaohai2_npc/sjcj_xiaohai2_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 84 go: SceneTrigger_84_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_naren_npc/sjcj_naren_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_naren_npc/sjcj_naren_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 80 go: SceneTrigger_80_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren_npc/sjcj_wenren_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren_npc/sjcj_wenren_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 83 go: SceneTrigger_83_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_naren2_npc/sjcj_naren2_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_naren2_npc/sjcj_naren2_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 79 go: SceneTrigger_79_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren2_npc/sjcj_wenren2_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren2_npc/sjcj_wenren2_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 82 go: SceneTrigger_82_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_meinv_npc/sjcj_meinv_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_meinv_npc/sjcj_meinv_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 78 go: SceneTrigger_78_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiashi_npc/sjcj_xiashi_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiashi_npc/sjcj_xiashi_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 87 go: SceneTrigger_87_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_nvren_npc/sjcj_nvren_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_nvren_npc/sjcj_nvren_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 81 go: SceneTrigger_81_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiaohai_npc/sjcj_xiaohai_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiaohai_npc/sjcj_xiaohai_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 85 go: SceneTrigger_85_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_laoren_npc/sjcj_laoren_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_laoren_npc/sjcj_laoren_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 77 go: SceneTrigger_77_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/270008.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 49 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099933791905642 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetRedDotInfosReply 56 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=66,cmd=1,status=0,size=12853 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}allMsgGroup { id: 1 allSelect { msgId: 1009 select: 1010 } allSelect { msgId: 1003 select: 1004 } allSelect { msgId: 1015 select: 1016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587690911 readingMsgId: 1017 } allMsgGroup { id: 258 allSelect { msgId: 258002 select: 258003 } allSelect { msgId: 258007 select: 258008 } allSelect { msgId: 258013 select: 258014 } allSelect { msgId: 258020 select: 258021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660760547 lastSubmitTime: 1663812687 readingMsgId: 258026 } allMsgGroup { id: 2 allSelect { msgId: 2013 select: 2024 } allSelect { msgId: 2033 select: 2034 } allSelect { msgId: 2010 select: 2011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997188 lastSubmitTime: 1673605873 readingMsgId: 2060 } allMsgGroup { id: 259 allSelect { msgId: 259003 select: 259004 } allSelect { msgId: 259019 select: 259020 } allSelect { msgId: 259010 select: 259011 } allSelect { msgId: 259021 select: 259022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660819841 lastSubmitTime: 1673605823 readingMsgId: 259023 } allMsgGroup { id: 260 allSelect { msgId: 260027 select: 260028 } allSelect { msgId: 260022 select: 260023 } allSelect { msgId: 260013 select: 260014 } allSelect { msgId: 260004 select: 260005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1662686695 lastSubmitTime: 1673605889 readingMsgId: 260032 } allMsgGroup { id: 261 allSelect { msgId: 261003 select: 261004 } allSelect { msgId: 261010 select: 261011 } allSelect { msgId: 261018 select: 261019 } allSelect { msgId: 261031 select: 261032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1664414741 lastSubmitTime: 1673605906 readingMsgId: 261038 } allMsgGroup { id: 262 allSelect { msgId: 262003 select: 262004 } allSelect { msgId: 262017 select: 262018 } allSelect { msgId: 262008 select: 262009 } allSelect { msgId: 262023 select: 262024 } allSelect { msgId: 262006 select: 262007 } allSelect { msgId: 262012 select: 262013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661380661 lastSubmitTime: 1673605809 readingMsgId: 262029 } allMsgGroup { id: 6 allSelect { msgId: 6020 select: 6021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594289417 lastSubmitTime: 1594289564 readingMsgId: 6035 } allMsgGroup { id: 266 isRead: false unlockTime: 1679795495 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 10 allSelect { msgId: 10024 select: 10025 } allSelect { msgId: 10005 select: 10006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970414 lastSubmitTime: 1587690856 readingMsgId: 10041 } allMsgGroup { id: 269 allSelect { msgId: 269030 select: 269031 } allSelect { msgId: 269038 select: 269039 } allSelect { msgId: 269008 select: 269009 } allSelect { msgId: 269024 select: 269025 } allSelect { msgId: 269017 select: 269018 } allSelect { msgId: 269050 select: 269051 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1663812248 lastSubmitTime: 1664405870 readingMsgId: 269053 } allMsgGroup { id: 14 isRead: true unlockTime: 1594261739 lastSubmitTime: 1594288469 readingMsgId: 14033 } allMsgGroup { id: 15 isRead: false unlockTime: 1678849148 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 16 allSelect { msgId: 16027 select: 16028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588125298 lastSubmitTime: 1588814296 readingMsgId: 16048 } allMsgGroup { id: 17 allSelect { msgId: 17022 select: 17023 } allSelect { msgId: 17019 select: 17020 } allSelect { msgId: 17031 select: 17032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482515 readingMsgId: 17037 } allMsgGroup { id: 18 allSelect { msgId: 18009 select: 18010 } allSelect { msgId: 18045 select: 18050 } allSelect { msgId: 18042 select: 18043 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482683 readingMsgId: 18054 } allMsgGroup { id: 19 allSelect { msgId: 19048 select: 19049 } allSelect { msgId: 19002 select: 19003 } allSelect { msgId: 19043 select: 19044 } allSelect { msgId: 19013 select: 19014 } allSelect { msgId: 19030 select: 19031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1589764165 lastSubmitTime: 1590482040 readingMsgId: 19054 } allMsgGroup { id: 20 allSelect { msgId: 20049 select: 20050 } allSelect { msgId: 20010 select: 20011 } allSelect { msgId: 20026 select: 20027 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587691153 readingMsgId: 20055 } allMsgGroup { id: 21 allSelect { msgId: 21032 select: 21033 } allSelect { msgId: 21012 select: 21019 } allSelect { msgId: 21021 select: 21022 } allSelect { msgId: 21038 select: 21039 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588986828 lastSubmitTime: 1590482389 readingMsgId: 21047 } allMsgGroup { id: 22 allSelect { msgId: 22027 select: 22028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599620293 lastSubmitTime: 1630399685 readingMsgId: 22043 } allMsgGroup { id: 279 allSelect { msgId: 279026 select: 279027 } allSelect { msgId: 279043 select: 279044 } allSelect { msgId: 279047 select: 279048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1669366352 lastSubmitTime: 1673605844 readingMsgId: 279054 } allMsgGroup { id: 23 allSelect { msgId: 23036 select: 23037 } allSelect { msgId: 23009 select: 23010 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590483227 readingMsgId: 23040 } allMsgGroup { id: 24 allSelect { msgId: 24011 select: 24012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1575104903 lastSubmitTime: 1587691086 readingMsgId: 24021 } allMsgGroup { id: 281 allSelect { msgId: 281013 select: 281014 } allSelect { msgId: 281061 select: 281062 } allSelect { msgId: 281046 select: 281047 } allSelect { msgId: 281025 select: 281026 } allSelect { msgId: 281052 select: 281053 } allSelect { msgId: 281006 select: 281007 } allSelect { msgId: 281039 select: 281040 } allSelect { msgId: 281032 select: 281033 } allSelect { msgId: 281049 select: 281050 } allSelect { msgId: 281034 select: 281035 } allSelect { msgId: 281019 select: 281020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1671663193 lastSubmitTime: 1673605794 readingMsgId: 281065 } allMsgGroup { id: 25 allSelect { msgId: 25007 select: 25020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1587691086 lastSubmitTime: 1588814411 readingMsgId: 25040 } allMsgGroup { id: 28 allSelect { msgId: 28033 select: 28034 } allSelect { msgId: 28041 select: 28042 } allSelect { msgId: 28010 select: 28011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482877 readingMsgId: 28052 } allMsgGroup { id: 29 allSelect { msgId: 29019 select: 29020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622799683 lastSubmitTime: 1622799848 readingMsgId: 29039 } allMsgGroup { id: 289 allSelect { msgId: 289008 select: 289009 } allSelect { msgId: 289028 select: 289035 } allSelect { msgId: 289047 select: 289048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1674171687 lastSubmitTime: 1674171725 readingMsgId: 289050 } allMsgGroup { id: 33 isRead: true unlockTime: 1599807555 lastSubmitTime: 1599807677 readingMsgId: 33030 } allMsgGroup { id: 34 allSelect { msgId: 34015 select: 34022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867638 lastSubmitTime: 1646867658 readingMsgId: 34031 } allMsgGroup { id: 290 isRead: false unlockTime: 1675061695 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 35 allSelect { msgId: 35012 select: 35013 } allSelect { msgId: 35027 select: 35036 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665734323 lastSubmitTime: 1673605945 readingMsgId: 35045 } allMsgGroup { id: 36 allSelect { msgId: 36013 select: 36022 } allSelect { msgId: 36029 select: 36030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1609743563 lastSubmitTime: 1630399820 readingMsgId: 36039 } allMsgGroup { id: 294 isRead: false unlockTime: 1675236814 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 295 isRead: false unlockTime: 1674378751 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 42 allSelect { msgId: 42017 select: 42018 } allSelect { msgId: 42041 select: 42042 } allSelect { msgId: 42002 select: 42003 } allSelect { msgId: 42028 select: 42034 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1595745914 lastSubmitTime: 1597337009 readingMsgId: 42045 } allMsgGroup { id: 45 allSelect { msgId: 45025 select: 45026 } allSelect { msgId: 45010 select: 45011 } allSelect { msgId: 45014 select: 45015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622686283 lastSubmitTime: 1637804354 readingMsgId: 45048 } allMsgGroup { id: 302 isRead: false unlockTime: 1679540542 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 304 isRead: false unlockTime: 1680138212 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 51 allSelect { msgId: 51024 select: 51025 } allSelect { msgId: 51017 select: 51018 } allSelect { msgId: 51066 select: 51067 } allSelect { msgId: 51045 select: 51046 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1576030363 lastSubmitTime: 1588814107 readingMsgId: 51068 } allMsgGroup { id: 307 isRead: false unlockTime: 1684316740 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 308 allSelect { msgId: 308011 select: 308012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527678 lastSubmitTime: 1682527982 readingMsgId: 308017 } allMsgGroup { id: 309 isRead: false unlockTime: 1682527982 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 311 allSelect { msgId: 311024 select: 311025 } allSelect { msgId: 311011 select: 311012 } allSelect { msgId: 311020 select: 311021 } allSelect { msgId: 311006 select: 311007 } allSelect { msgId: 311022 select: 311023 } allSelect { msgId: 311016 select: 311017 } allSelect { msgId: 311002 select: 311003 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527653 lastSubmitTime: 1682528000 readingMsgId: 311030 } allMsgGroup { id: 58 allSelect { msgId: 58021 select: 58022 } allSelect { msgId: 58025 select: 58026 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997187 lastSubmitTime: 1673605857 readingMsgId: 58027 } allMsgGroup { id: 59 allSelect { msgId: 59004 select: 59005 } allSelect { msgId: 59010 select: 59015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1673605857 lastSubmitTime: 1674171732 readingMsgId: 59019 } allMsgGroup { id: 60 allSelect { msgId: 60040 select: 60041 } allSelect { msgId: 60009 select: 60010 } allSelect { msgId: 60036 select: 60037 } allSelect { msgId: 60023 select: 60024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1617211678 lastSubmitTime: 1617211964 readingMsgId: 60042 } allMsgGroup { id: 76 allSelect { msgId: 76099 select: 76100 } allSelect { msgId: 76107 select: 76108 } allSelect { msgId: 76101 select: 76102 } allSelect { msgId: 76110 select: 76111 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623147134 lastSubmitTime: 1630399534 readingMsgId: 76113 } allMsgGroup { id: 84 allSelect { msgId: 84026 select: 84027 } allSelect { msgId: 84004 select: 84005 } allSelect { msgId: 84020 select: 84021 } allSelect { msgId: 84044 select: 84045 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599758434 lastSubmitTime: 1611794534 readingMsgId: 84046 } allMsgGroup { id: 89 allSelect { msgId: 89011 select: 89016 } allSelect { msgId: 89034 select: 89035 } allSelect { msgId: 89042 select: 89043 } allSelect { msgId: 89029 select: 89030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1585899984 lastSubmitTime: 1587691249 readingMsgId: 89046 } allMsgGroup { id: 94 allSelect { msgId: 94032 select: 94033 } allSelect { msgId: 94027 select: 94028 } allSelect { msgId: 94030 select: 94031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1615948217 lastSubmitTime: 1630400151 readingMsgId: 94041 } allMsgGroup { id: 99 isRead: false unlockTime: 1683360726 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 106 allSelect { msgId: 106035 select: 106036 } allSelect { msgId: 106002 select: 106003 } allSelect { msgId: 106026 select: 106027 } allSelect { msgId: 106047 select: 106048 } allSelect { msgId: 106006 select: 106007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594887451 lastSubmitTime: 1597337200 readingMsgId: 106053 } allMsgGroup { id: 114 allSelect { msgId: 114008 select: 114009 } allSelect { msgId: 114032 select: 114033 } allSelect { msgId: 114026 select: 114027 } allSelect { msgId: 114015 select: 114016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599555827 lastSubmitTime: 1599620585 readingMsgId: 114037 } allMsgGroup { id: 118 allSelect { msgId: 118025 select: 118026 } allSelect { msgId: 118003 select: 118004 } allSelect { msgId: 118018 select: 118019 } allSelect { msgId: 118013 select: 118014 } allSelect { msgId: 118007 select: 118008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644892574 lastSubmitTime: 1644892601 readingMsgId: 118030 } allMsgGroup { id: 139 allSelect { msgId: 139006 select: 139007 } allSelect { msgId: 139018 select: 139019 } allSelect { msgId: 139020 select: 139021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651080452 lastSubmitTime: 1651080493 readingMsgId: 139025 } allMsgGroup { id: 149 allSelect { msgId: 149003 select: 149004 } allSelect { msgId: 149008 select: 149011 } allSelect { msgId: 149020 select: 149021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1643079030 readingMsgId: 149024 } allMsgGroup { id: 155 allSelect { msgId: 155025 select: 155026 } allSelect { msgId: 155073 select: 155074 } allSelect { msgId: 155153 select: 155154 } allSelect { msgId: 155014 select: 155015 } allSelect { msgId: 155108 select: 155109 } allSelect { msgId: 155125 select: 155126 } allSelect { msgId: 155112 select: 155113 } allSelect { msgId: 155038 select: 155039 } allSelect { msgId: 155117 select: 155118 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646216061 lastSubmitTime: 1652344015 readingMsgId: 155155 redPackets { msgId: 155034 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155068 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2087 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155082 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155141 num: 30 money: 3000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 198 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 119 } receivers { heroId: 2041 money: 18 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 76 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2047 money: 82 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 130 } receivers { heroId: 2020 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 138 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 89 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2062 money: 15 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2096 money: 187 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 72 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 8 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 120 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 22 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 74 } receivers { heroId: 2075 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 108 } receivers { heroId: 2026 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2009 money: 132 } receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 70 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 71 } receivers { heroId: 2032 money: 180 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 177 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 156 allSelect { msgId: 156130 select: 156131 } allSelect { msgId: 156096 select: 156097 } allSelect { msgId: 156071 select: 156072 } allSelect { msgId: 156135 select: 156136 } allSelect { msgId: 156008 select: 156009 } allSelect { msgId: 156104 select: 156127 } allSelect { msgId: 156028 select: 156029 } allSelect { msgId: 156077 select: 156078 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1614847734 readingMsgId: 156137 redPackets { msgId: 156005 num: 1 money: 20000 content: receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 20000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 156033 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2010 money: 15891 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19578 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 14346 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 11779 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 3279 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 19340 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15030 } receivers { heroId: 2060 money: 17531 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 2897 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 327 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156055 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2053 money: 7524 } receivers { heroId: 2046 money: 12429 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 5062 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 6891 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5627 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 18286 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 4717 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 16307 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 6520 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 11806 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 6884 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 17947 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156085 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 5685 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 5813 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 19482 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 12890 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12222 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 7807 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19755 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 14717 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 10355 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 11124 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156134 num: 30 money: 300000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19353 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 3889 } receivers { heroId: 2005 money: 4443 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 1336 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 17464 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5557 } receivers { heroId: 2098 money: 11167 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 11413 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 5746 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 17022 } receivers { heroId: 2074 money: 6954 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 18606 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 7458 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 13068 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15913 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 11634 } receivers { heroId: 2006 money: 9158 } receivers { heroId: 2002 money: 9428 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 2879 } receivers { heroId: 2039 money: 15347 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 15965 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 18884 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 13597 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 7297 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 634 } receivers { heroId: 2038 money: 9405 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 15700 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 8883 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 1799 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 160 allSelect { msgId: 160003 select: 160004 } allSelect { msgId: 160009 select: 160010 } allSelect { msgId: 160017 select: 160018 } allSelect { msgId: 160007 select: 160008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1614847120 lastSubmitTime: 1614847277 readingMsgId: 160028 } allMsgGroup { id: 162 isRead: false unlockTime: 1676883754 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 164 allSelect { msgId: 164023 select: 164024 } allSelect { msgId: 164039 select: 164040 } allSelect { msgId: 164008 select: 164009 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1650495765 lastSubmitTime: 1651080511 readingMsgId: 164050 } allMsgGroup { id: 171 allSelect { msgId: 171011 select: 171012 } allSelect { msgId: 171046 select: 171047 } allSelect { msgId: 171031 select: 171032 } allSelect { msgId: 171044 select: 171045 } allSelect { msgId: 171013 select: 171014 } allSelect { msgId: 171029 select: 171030 } allSelect { msgId: 171002 select: 171003 } allSelect { msgId: 171035 select: 171036 } allSelect { msgId: 171022 select: 171023 } allSelect { msgId: 171007 select: 171008 } allSelect { msgId: 171037 select: 171038 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652948219 lastSubmitTime: 1652948266 readingMsgId: 171048 } allMsgGroup { id: 179 allSelect { msgId: 179006 select: 179007 } allSelect { msgId: 179018 select: 179019 } allSelect { msgId: 179028 select: 179029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623146450 lastSubmitTime: 1637803834 readingMsgId: 179034 } allMsgGroup { id: 183 allSelect { msgId: 183019 select: 183020 } allSelect { msgId: 183035 select: 183036 } allSelect { msgId: 183043 select: 183044 } allSelect { msgId: 183049 select: 183050 } allSelect { msgId: 183031 select: 183032 } allSelect { msgId: 183004 select: 183005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1657757675 lastSubmitTime: 1657757713 readingMsgId: 183051 } allMsgGroup { id: 192 allSelect { msgId: 192002 select: 192003 } allSelect { msgId: 192026 select: 192027 } allSelect { msgId: 192019 select: 192020 } allSelect { msgId: 192008 select: 192009 } allSelect { msgId: 192004 select: 192005 } allSelect { msgId: 192012 select: 192013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910296 lastSubmitTime: 1629948753 readingMsgId: 192031 } allMsgGroup { id: 193 allSelect { msgId: 193019 select: 193020 } allSelect { msgId: 193024 select: 193025 } allSelect { msgId: 193014 select: 193015 } allSelect { msgId: 193007 select: 193008 } allSelect { msgId: 193004 select: 193005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910246 lastSubmitTime: 1630399108 readingMsgId: 193027 } allMsgGroup { id: 194 allSelect { msgId: 194002 select: 194003 } allSelect { msgId: 194014 select: 194015 } allSelect { msgId: 194019 select: 194020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630630150 lastSubmitTime: 1630682597 readingMsgId: 194023 readVoiceIds: 194008 } allMsgGroup { id: 195 allSelect { msgId: 195011 select: 195012 } allSelect { msgId: 195024 select: 195025 } allSelect { msgId: 195048 select: 195049 } allSelect { msgId: 195036 select: 195037 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630549640 lastSubmitTime: 1632545049 readingMsgId: 195050 } allMsgGroup { id: 196 allSelect { msgId: 196010 select: 196011 } allSelect { msgId: 196003 select: 196004 } allSelect { msgId: 196019 select: 196020 } allSelect { msgId: 196027 select: 196028 } allSelect { msgId: 196023 select: 196024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910274 lastSubmitTime: 1630039069 readingMsgId: 196034 } allMsgGroup { id: 199 allSelect { msgId: 199001 select: 199002 } allSelect { msgId: 199008 select: 199009 } allSelect { msgId: 199023 select: 199024 } allSelect { msgId: 199013 select: 199014 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630772775 lastSubmitTime: 1632544881 readingMsgId: 199025 } allMsgGroup { id: 200 allSelect { msgId: 200003 select: 200004 } allSelect { msgId: 200023 select: 200024 } allSelect { msgId: 200039 select: 200040 } allSelect { msgId: 200006 select: 200007 } allSelect { msgId: 200043 select: 200044 } allSelect { msgId: 200026 select: 200027 } allSelect { msgId: 200015 select: 200016 } allSelect { msgId: 200046 select: 200047 } allSelect { msgId: 200029 select: 200030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665198125 lastSubmitTime: 1673605930 readingMsgId: 200049 } allMsgGroup { id: 207 allSelect { msgId: 207010 select: 207011 } allSelect { msgId: 207018 select: 207019 } allSelect { msgId: 207025 select: 207026 } allSelect { msgId: 207014 select: 207015 } allSelect { msgId: 207004 select: 207005 } allSelect { msgId: 207028 select: 207029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1637112991 lastSubmitTime: 1637803510 readingMsgId: 207032 } allMsgGroup { id: 209 allSelect { msgId: 209043 select: 209044 } allSelect { msgId: 209026 select: 209027 } allSelect { msgId: 209047 select: 209048 } allSelect { msgId: 209063 select: 209064 } allSelect { msgId: 209013 select: 209014 } allSelect { msgId: 209029 select: 209030 } allSelect { msgId: 209019 select: 209020 } allSelect { msgId: 209051 select: 209052 } allSelect { msgId: 209034 select: 209035 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1638414393 lastSubmitTime: 1638414969 readingMsgId: 209066 } allMsgGroup { id: 217 allSelect { msgId: 217011 select: 217012 } allSelect { msgId: 217019 select: 217020 } allSelect { msgId: 217002 select: 217003 } allSelect { msgId: 217017 select: 217018 } allSelect { msgId: 217025 select: 217026 } allSelect { msgId: 217005 select: 217006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643079016 readingMsgId: 217028 } allMsgGroup { id: 218 allSelect { msgId: 218009 select: 218010 } allSelect { msgId: 218016 select: 218017 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643078984 readingMsgId: 218024 } allMsgGroup { id: 224 allSelect { msgId: 224027 select: 224028 } allSelect { msgId: 224031 select: 224032 } allSelect { msgId: 224012 select: 224013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644481035 lastSubmitTime: 1644481775 readingMsgId: 224040 } allMsgGroup { id: 229 allSelect { msgId: 229009 select: 229010 } allSelect { msgId: 229129 select: 229141 } allSelect { msgId: 229096 select: 229119 } allSelect { msgId: 229167 select: 229168 } allSelect { msgId: 229036 select: 229037 } allSelect { msgId: 229052 select: 229053 } allSelect { msgId: 229084 select: 229085 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1643985702 lastSubmitTime: 1644481853 readingMsgId: 229173 redPackets { msgId: 229020 num: 3 money: 30000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19549 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 8077 } receivers { heroId: 2121 money: 2374 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229026 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 2119 money: 6031 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 9926 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 14378 } receivers { heroId: 2017 money: 10810 } receivers { heroId: 2094 money: 8855 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229038 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 387 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 5407 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 19316 } receivers { heroId: 2128 money: 9198 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 4910 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12869 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 29634 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 1786 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 2299 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5463 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 16423 } receivers { heroId: 2127 money: 12308 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229046 num: 10 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 10866 } receivers { heroId: 2015 money: 15062 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11817 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 4131 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 4762 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 4262 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 6652 } receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 19964 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 22438 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229064 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11128 } receivers { heroId: 2115 money: 15173 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1433 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 13407 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 8859 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229075 num: 1 money: 10000 content: receivers { heroId: 2125 money: 10000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229079 num: 15 money: 150000 content: receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 4507 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 6285 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 10716 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 3844 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 13617 } receivers { heroId: 2073 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 16256 } receivers { heroId: 2099 money: 7140 } receivers { heroId: 2084 money: 11385 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 12195 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 19308 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 8542 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 15609 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 6844 } receivers { heroId: 2100 money: 13751 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229141 num: 9 money: 700 content: 如虎添翼,心想事成 receivers { heroId: 2101 money: 24 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 142 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 126 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 154 } receivers { heroId: 2081 money: 14 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 60 } receivers { heroId: 2063 money: 43 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 121 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 16 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229157 num: 15 money: 1500 content: receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2018 money: 176 } receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 156 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 200 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 2 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 68 } receivers { heroId: 2105 money: 84 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2108 money: 150 } receivers { heroId: 2012 money: 175 } receivers { heroId: 2120 money: 45 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2067 money: 131 } receivers { heroId: 2097 money: 1 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 230 allSelect { msgId: 230003 select: 230004 } allSelect { msgId: 230034 select: 230035 } allSelect { msgId: 230049 select: 230050 } allSelect { msgId: 230010 select: 230011 } allSelect { msgId: 230057 select: 230058 } allSelect { msgId: 230045 select: 230046 } allSelect { msgId: 230060 select: 230061 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867197 lastSubmitTime: 1646867226 readingMsgId: 230062 } allMsgGroup { id: 236 allSelect { msgId: 236024 select: 236025 } allSelect { msgId: 236006 select: 236007 } allSelect { msgId: 236046 select: 236047 } allSelect { msgId: 236013 select: 236014 } allSelect { msgId: 236037 select: 236038 } allSelect { msgId: 236028 select: 236029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1649842967 lastSubmitTime: 1651080534 readingMsgId: 236050 } allMsgGroup { id: 240 allSelect { msgId: 240009 select: 240010 } allSelect { msgId: 240016 select: 240017 } allSelect { msgId: 240020 select: 240021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216752 lastSubmitTime: 1652343965 readingMsgId: 240023 } allMsgGroup { id: 241 allSelect { msgId: 241011 select: 241012 } allSelect { msgId: 241040 select: 241041 } allSelect { msgId: 241045 select: 241046 } allSelect { msgId: 241049 select: 241050 } allSelect { msgId: 241032 select: 241033 } allSelect { msgId: 241023 select: 241024 } allSelect { msgId: 241055 select: 241056 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652343827 lastSubmitTime: 1652343942 readingMsgId: 241060 } allMsgGroup { id: 245 allSelect { msgId: 245002 select: 245003 } allSelect { msgId: 245017 select: 245018 } allSelect { msgId: 245008 select: 245009 } allSelect { msgId: 245021 select: 245022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216776 lastSubmitTime: 1652343953 readingMsgId: 245024 } allMsgGroup { id: 246 allSelect { msgId: 246025 select: 246026 } allSelect { msgId: 246032 select: 246033 } allSelect { msgId: 246040 select: 246041 } allSelect { msgId: 246047 select: 246048 } allSelect { msgId: 246006 select: 246007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654729473 lastSubmitTime: 1657757747 readingMsgId: 246050 } allMsgGroup { id: 249 allSelect { msgId: 249003 select: 249004 } allSelect { msgId: 249018 select: 249019 } allSelect { msgId: 249008 select: 249009 } allSelect { msgId: 249014 select: 249015 } allSelect { msgId: 249021 select: 249022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654510595 lastSubmitTime: 1657757728 readingMsgId: 249026 } readingMsgGroup { id: 1 allSelect { msgId: 1009 select: 1010 } allSelect { msgId: 1003 select: 1004 } allSelect { msgId: 1015 select: 1016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587690911 readingMsgId: 1017 } readingMsgGroup { id: 258 allSelect { msgId: 258002 select: 258003 } allSelect { msgId: 258007 select: 258008 } allSelect { msgId: 258013 select: 258014 } allSelect { msgId: 258020 select: 258021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660760547 lastSubmitTime: 1663812687 readingMsgId: 258026 } readingMsgGroup { id: 2 allSelect { msgId: 2013 select: 2024 } allSelect { msgId: 2033 select: 2034 } allSelect { msgId: 2010 select: 2011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997188 lastSubmitTime: 1673605873 readingMsgId: 2060 } readingMsgGroup { id: 259 allSelect { msgId: 259003 select: 259004 } allSelect { msgId: 259019 select: 259020 } allSelect { msgId: 259010 select: 259011 } allSelect { msgId: 259021 select: 259022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660819841 lastSubmitTime: 1673605823 readingMsgId: 259023 } readingMsgGroup { id: 260 allSelect { msgId: 260027 select: 260028 } allSelect { msgId: 260022 select: 260023 } allSelect { msgId: 260013 select: 260014 } allSelect { msgId: 260004 select: 260005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1662686695 lastSubmitTime: 1673605889 readingMsgId: 260032 } readingMsgGroup { id: 261 allSelect { msgId: 261003 select: 261004 } allSelect { msgId: 261010 select: 261011 } allSelect { msgId: 261018 select: 261019 } allSelect { msgId: 261031 select: 261032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1664414741 lastSubmitTime: 1673605906 readingMsgId: 261038 } readingMsgGroup { id: 262 allSelect { msgId: 262003 select: 262004 } allSelect { msgId: 262017 select: 262018 } allSelect { msgId: 262008 select: 262009 } allSelect { msgId: 262023 select: 262024 } allSelect { msgId: 262006 select: 262007 } allSelect { msgId: 262012 select: 262013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661380661 lastSubmitTime: 1673605809 readingMsgId: 262029 } readingMsgGroup { id: 6 allSelect { msgId: 6020 select: 6021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594289417 lastSubmitTime: 1594289564 readingMsgId: 6035 } readingMsgGroup { id: 10 allSelect { msgId: 10024 select: 10025 } allSelect { msgId: 10005 select: 10006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970414 lastSubmitTime: 1587690856 readingMsgId: 10041 } readingMsgGroup { id: 269 allSelect { msgId: 269030 select: 269031 } allSelect { msgId: 269038 select: 269039 } allSelect { msgId: 269008 select: 269009 } allSelect { msgId: 269024 select: 269025 } allSelect { msgId: 269017 select: 269018 } allSelect { msgId: 269050 select: 269051 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1663812248 lastSubmitTime: 1664405870 readingMsgId: 269053 } readingMsgGroup { id: 14 isRead: true unlockTime: 1594261739 lastSubmitTime: 1594288469 readingMsgId: 14033 } readingMsgGroup { id: 16 allSelect { msgId: 16027 select: 16028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588125298 lastSubmitTime: 1588814296 readingMsgId: 16048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 17 allSelect { msgId: 17022 select: 17023 } allSelect { msgId: 17019 select: 17020 } allSelect { msgId: 17031 select: 17032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482515 readingMsgId: 17037 } readingMsgGroup { id: 18 allSelect { msgId: 18009 select: 18010 } allSelect { msgId: 18045 select: 18050 } allSelect { msgId: 18042 select: 18043 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482683 readingMsgId: 18054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 19 allSelect { msgId: 19048 select: 19049 } allSelect { msgId: 19002 select: 19003 } allSelect { msgId: 19043 select: 19044 } allSelect { msgId: 19013 select: 19014 } allSelect { msgId: 19030 select: 19031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1589764165 lastSubmitTime: 1590482040 readingMsgId: 19054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 20 allSelect { msgId: 20049 select: 20050 } allSelect { msgId: 20010 select: 20011 } allSelect { msgId: 20026 select: 20027 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587691153 readingMsgId: 20055 } readingMsgGroup { id: 21 allSelect { msgId: 21032 select: 21033 } allSelect { msgId: 21012 select: 21019 } allSelect { msgId: 21021 select: 21022 } allSelect { msgId: 21038 select: 21039 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588986828 lastSubmitTime: 1590482389 readingMsgId: 21047 } readingMsgGroup { id: 22 allSelect { msgId: 22027 select: 22028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599620293 lastSubmitTime: 1630399685 readingMsgId: 22043 } readingMsgGroup { id: 279 allSelect { msgId: 279026 select: 279027 } allSelect { msgId: 279043 select: 279044 } allSelect { msgId: 279047 select: 279048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1669366352 lastSubmitTime: 1673605844 readingMsgId: 279054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 23 allSelect { msgId: 23036 select: 23037 } allSelect { msgId: 23009 select: 23010 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590483227 readingMsgId: 23040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 24 allSelect { msgId: 24011 select: 24012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1575104903 lastSubmitTime: 1587691086 readingMsgId: 24021 } readingMsgGroup { id: 281 allSelect { msgId: 281013 select: 281014 } allSelect { msgId: 281061 select: 281062 } allSelect { msgId: 281046 select: 281047 } allSelect { msgId: 281025 select: 281026 } allSelect { msgId: 281052 select: 281053 } allSelect { msgId: 281006 select: 281007 } allSelect { msgId: 281039 select: 281040 } allSelect { msgId: 281032 select: 281033 } allSelect { msgId: 281049 select: 281050 } allSelect { msgId: 281034 select: 281035 } allSelect { msgId: 281019 select: 281020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1671663193 lastSubmitTime: 1673605794 readingMsgId: 281065 } readingMsgGroup { id: 25 allSelect { msgId: 25007 select: 25020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1587691086 lastSubmitTime: 1588814411 readingMsgId: 25040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 28 allSelect { msgId: 28033 select: 28034 } allSelect { msgId: 28041 select: 28042 } allSelect { msgId: 28010 select: 28011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482877 readingMsgId: 28052 } readingMsgGroup { id: 29 allSelect { msgId: 29019 select: 29020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622799683 lastSubmitTime: 1622799848 readingMsgId: 29039 } readingMsgGroup { id: 289 allSelect { msgId: 289008 select: 289009 } allSelect { msgId: 289028 select: 289035 } allSelect { msgId: 289047 select: 289048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1674171687 lastSubmitTime: 1674171725 readingMsgId: 289050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 33 isRead: true unlockTime: 1599807555 lastSubmitTime: 1599807677 readingMsgId: 33030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 34 allSelect { msgId: 34015 select: 34022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867638 lastSubmitTime: 1646867658 readingMsgId: 34031 } readingMsgGroup { id: 35 allSelect { msgId: 35012 select: 35013 } allSelect { msgId: 35027 select: 35036 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665734323 lastSubmitTime: 1673605945 readingMsgId: 35045 } readingMsgGroup { id: 36 allSelect { msgId: 36013 select: 36022 } allSelect { msgId: 36029 select: 36030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1609743563 lastSubmitTime: 1630399820 readingMsgId: 36039 } readingMsgGroup { id: 42 allSelect { msgId: 42017 select: 42018 } allSelect { msgId: 42041 select: 42042 } allSelect { msgId: 42002 select: 42003 } allSelect { msgId: 42028 select: 42034 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1595745914 lastSubmitTime: 1597337009 readingMsgId: 42045 } readingMsgGroup { id: 45 allSelect { msgId: 45025 select: 45026 } allSelect { msgId: 45010 select: 45011 } allSelect { msgId: 45014 select: 45015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622686283 lastSubmitTime: 1637804354 readingMsgId: 45048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 51 allSelect { msgId: 51024 select: 51025 } allSelect { msgId: 51017 select: 51018 } allSelect { msgId: 51066 select: 51067 } allSelect { msgId: 51045 select: 51046 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1576030363 lastSubmitTime: 1588814107 readingMsgId: 51068 } readingMsgGroup { id: 308 allSelect { msgId: 308011 select: 308012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527678 lastSubmitTime: 1682527982 readingMsgId: 308017 } readingMsgGroup { id: 311 allSelect { msgId: 311024 select: 311025 } allSelect { msgId: 311011 select: 311012 } allSelect { msgId: 311020 select: 311021 } allSelect { msgId: 311006 select: 311007 } allSelect { msgId: 311022 select: 311023 } allSelect { msgId: 311016 select: 311017 } allSelect { msgId: 311002 select: 311003 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527653 lastSubmitTime: 1682528000 readingMsgId: 311030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 58 allSelect { msgId: 58021 select: 58022 } allSelect { msgId: 58025 select: 58026 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997187 lastSubmitTime: 1673605857 readingMsgId: 58027 } readingMsgGroup { id: 59 allSelect { msgId: 59004 select: 59005 } allSelect { msgId: 59010 select: 59015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1673605857 lastSubmitTime: 1674171732 readingMsgId: 59019 } readingMsgGroup { id: 60 allSelect { msgId: 60040 select: 60041 } allSelect { msgId: 60009 select: 60010 } allSelect { msgId: 60036 select: 60037 } allSelect { msgId: 60023 select: 60024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1617211678 lastSubmitTime: 1617211964 readingMsgId: 60042 } readingMsgGroup { id: 76 allSelect { msgId: 76099 select: 76100 } allSelect { msgId: 76107 select: 76108 } allSelect { msgId: 76101 select: 76102 } allSelect { msgId: 76110 select: 76111 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623147134 lastSubmitTime: 1630399534 readingMsgId: 76113 } readingMsgGroup { id: 84 allSelect { msgId: 84026 select: 84027 } allSelect { msgId: 84004 select: 84005 } allSelect { msgId: 84020 select: 84021 } allSelect { msgId: 84044 select: 84045 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599758434 lastSubmitTime: 1611794534 readingMsgId: 84046 } readingMsgGroup { id: 89 allSelect { msgId: 89011 select: 89016 } allSelect { msgId: 89034 select: 89035 } allSelect { msgId: 89042 select: 89043 } allSelect { msgId: 89029 select: 89030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1585899984 lastSubmitTime: 1587691249 readingMsgId: 89046 } readingMsgGroup { id: 94 allSelect { msgId: 94032 select: 94033 } allSelect { msgId: 94027 select: 94028 } allSelect { msgId: 94030 select: 94031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1615948217 lastSubmitTime: 1630400151 readingMsgId: 94041 } readingMsgGroup { id: 106 allSelect { msgId: 106035 select: 106036 } allSelect { msgId: 106002 select: 106003 } allSelect { msgId: 106026 select: 106027 } allSelect { msgId: 106047 select: 106048 } allSelect { msgId: 106006 select: 106007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594887451 lastSubmitTime: 1597337200 readingMsgId: 106053 } readingMsgGroup { id: 114 allSelect { msgId: 114008 select: 114009 } allSelect { msgId: 114032 select: 114033 } allSelect { msgId: 114026 select: 114027 } allSelect { msgId: 114015 select: 114016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599555827 lastSubmitTime: 1599620585 readingMsgId: 114037 } readingMsgGroup { id: 118 allSelect { msgId: 118025 select: 118026 } allSelect { msgId: 118003 select: 118004 } allSelect { msgId: 118018 select: 118019 } allSelect { msgId: 118013 select: 118014 } allSelect { msgId: 118007 select: 118008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644892574 lastSubmitTime: 1644892601 readingMsgId: 118030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 139 allSelect { msgId: 139006 select: 139007 } allSelect { msgId: 139018 select: 139019 } allSelect { msgId: 139020 select: 139021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651080452 lastSubmitTime: 1651080493 readingMsgId: 139025 } readingMsgGroup { id: 149 allSelect { msgId: 149003 select: 149004 } allSelect { msgId: 149008 select: 149011 } allSelect { msgId: 149020 select: 149021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1643079030 readingMsgId: 149024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 155 allSelect { msgId: 155025 select: 155026 } allSelect { msgId: 155073 select: 155074 } allSelect { msgId: 155153 select: 155154 } allSelect { msgId: 155014 select: 155015 } allSelect { msgId: 155108 select: 155109 } allSelect { msgId: 155125 select: 155126 } allSelect { msgId: 155112 select: 155113 } allSelect { msgId: 155038 select: 155039 } allSelect { msgId: 155117 select: 155118 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646216061 lastSubmitTime: 1652344015 readingMsgId: 155155 redPackets { msgId: 155034 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155068 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2087 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155082 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155141 num: 30 money: 3000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 198 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 119 } receivers { heroId: 2041 money: 18 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 76 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2047 money: 82 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 130 } receivers { heroId: 2020 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 138 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 89 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2062 money: 15 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2096 money: 187 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 72 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 8 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 120 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 22 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 74 } receivers { heroId: 2075 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 108 } receivers { heroId: 2026 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2009 money: 132 } receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 70 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 71 } receivers { heroId: 2032 money: 180 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 177 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 156 allSelect { msgId: 156130 select: 156131 } allSelect { msgId: 156096 select: 156097 } allSelect { msgId: 156071 select: 156072 } allSelect { msgId: 156135 select: 156136 } allSelect { msgId: 156008 select: 156009 } allSelect { msgId: 156104 select: 156127 } allSelect { msgId: 156028 select: 156029 } allSelect { msgId: 156077 select: 156078 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1614847734 readingMsgId: 156137 redPackets { msgId: 156005 num: 1 money: 20000 content: receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 20000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 156033 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2010 money: 15891 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19578 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 14346 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 11779 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 3279 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 19340 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15030 } receivers { heroId: 2060 money: 17531 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 2897 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 327 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156055 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2053 money: 7524 } receivers { heroId: 2046 money: 12429 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 5062 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 6891 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5627 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 18286 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 4717 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 16307 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 6520 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 11806 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 6884 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 17947 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156085 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 5685 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 5813 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 19482 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 12890 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12222 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 7807 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19755 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 14717 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 10355 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 11124 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156134 num: 30 money: 300000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19353 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 3889 } receivers { heroId: 2005 money: 4443 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 1336 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 17464 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5557 } receivers { heroId: 2098 money: 11167 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 11413 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 5746 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 17022 } receivers { heroId: 2074 money: 6954 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 18606 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 7458 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 13068 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15913 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 11634 } receivers { heroId: 2006 money: 9158 } receivers { heroId: 2002 money: 9428 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 2879 } receivers { heroId: 2039 money: 15347 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 15965 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 18884 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 13597 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 7297 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 634 } receivers { heroId: 2038 money: 9405 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 15700 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 8883 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 1799 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 160 allSelect { msgId: 160003 select: 160004 } allSelect { msgId: 160009 select: 160010 } allSelect { msgId: 160017 select: 160018 } allSelect { msgId: 160007 select: 160008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1614847120 lastSubmitTime: 1614847277 readingMsgId: 160028 } readingMsgGroup { id: 164 allSelect { msgId: 164023 select: 164024 } allSelect { msgId: 164039 select: 164040 } allSelect { msgId: 164008 select: 164009 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1650495765 lastSubmitTime: 1651080511 readingMsgId: 164050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 171 allSelect { msgId: 171011 select: 171012 } allSelect { msgId: 171046 select: 171047 } allSelect { msgId: 171031 select: 171032 } allSelect { msgId: 171044 select: 171045 } allSelect { msgId: 171013 select: 171014 } allSelect { msgId: 171029 select: 171030 } allSelect { msgId: 171002 select: 171003 } allSelect { msgId: 171035 select: 171036 } allSelect { msgId: 171022 select: 171023 } allSelect { msgId: 171007 select: 171008 } allSelect { msgId: 171037 select: 171038 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652948219 lastSubmitTime: 1652948266 readingMsgId: 171048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 179 allSelect { msgId: 179006 select: 179007 } allSelect { msgId: 179018 select: 179019 } allSelect { msgId: 179028 select: 179029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623146450 lastSubmitTime: 1637803834 readingMsgId: 179034 } readingMsgGroup { id: 183 allSelect { msgId: 183019 select: 183020 } allSelect { msgId: 183035 select: 183036 } allSelect { msgId: 183043 select: 183044 } allSelect { msgId: 183049 select: 183050 } allSelect { msgId: 183031 select: 183032 } allSelect { msgId: 183004 select: 183005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1657757675 lastSubmitTime: 1657757713 readingMsgId: 183051 } readingMsgGroup { id: 192 allSelect { msgId: 192002 select: 192003 } allSelect { msgId: 192026 select: 192027 } allSelect { msgId: 192019 select: 192020 } allSelect { msgId: 192008 select: 192009 } allSelect { msgId: 192004 select: 192005 } allSelect { msgId: 192012 select: 192013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910296 lastSubmitTime: 1629948753 readingMsgId: 192031 } readingMsgGroup { id: 193 allSelect { msgId: 193019 select: 193020 } allSelect { msgId: 193024 select: 193025 } allSelect { msgId: 193014 select: 193015 } allSelect { msgId: 193007 select: 193008 } allSelect { msgId: 193004 select: 193005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910246 lastSubmitTime: 1630399108 readingMsgId: 193027 } readingMsgGroup { id: 194 allSelect { msgId: 194002 select: 194003 } allSelect { msgId: 194014 select: 194015 } allSelect { msgId: 194019 select: 194020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630630150 lastSubmitTime: 1630682597 readingMsgId: 194023 readVoiceIds: 194008 } readingMsgGroup { id: 195 allSelect { msgId: 195011 select: 195012 } allSelect { msgId: 195024 select: 195025 } allSelect { msgId: 195048 select: 195049 } allSelect { msgId: 195036 select: 195037 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630549640 lastSubmitTime: 1632545049 readingMsgId: 195050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 196 allSelect { msgId: 196010 select: 196011 } allSelect { msgId: 196003 select: 196004 } allSelect { msgId: 196019 select: 196020 } allSelect { msgId: 196027 select: 196028 } allSelect { msgId: 196023 select: 196024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910274 lastSubmitTime: 1630039069 readingMsgId: 196034 } readingMsgGroup { id: 199 allSelect { msgId: 199001 select: 199002 } allSelect { msgId: 199008 select: 199009 } allSelect { msgId: 199023 select: 199024 } allSelect { msgId: 199013 select: 199014 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630772775 lastSubmitTime: 1632544881 readingMsgId: 199025 } readingMsgGroup { id: 200 allSelect { msgId: 200003 select: 200004 } allSelect { msgId: 200023 select: 200024 } allSelect { msgId: 200039 select: 200040 } allSelect { msgId: 200006 select: 200007 } allSelect { msgId: 200043 select: 200044 } allSelect { msgId: 200026 select: 200027 } allSelect { msgId: 200015 select: 200016 } allSelect { msgId: 200046 select: 200047 } allSelect { msgId: 200029 select: 200030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665198125 lastSubmitTime: 1673605930 readingMsgId: 200049 } readingMsgGroup { id: 207 allSelect { msgId: 207010 select: 207011 } allSelect { msgId: 207018 select: 207019 } allSelect { msgId: 207025 select: 207026 } allSelect { msgId: 207014 select: 207015 } allSelect { msgId: 207004 select: 207005 } allSelect { msgId: 207028 select: 207029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1637112991 lastSubmitTime: 1637803510 readingMsgId: 207032 } readingMsgGroup { id: 209 allSelect { msgId: 209043 select: 209044 } allSelect { msgId: 209026 select: 209027 } allSelect { msgId: 209047 select: 209048 } allSelect { msgId: 209063 select: 209064 } allSelect { msgId: 209013 select: 209014 } allSelect { msgId: 209029 select: 209030 } allSelect { msgId: 209019 select: 209020 } allSelect { msgId: 209051 select: 209052 } allSelect { msgId: 209034 select: 209035 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1638414393 lastSubmitTime: 1638414969 readingMsgId: 209066 } readingMsgGroup { id: 217 allSelect { msgId: 217011 select: 217012 } allSelect { msgId: 217019 select: 217020 } allSelect { msgId: 217002 select: 217003 } allSelect { msgId: 217017 select: 217018 } allSelect { msgId: 217025 select: 217026 } allSelect { msgId: 217005 select: 217006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643079016 readingMsgId: 217028 } readingMsgGroup { id: 218 allSelect { msgId: 218009 select: 218010 } allSelect { msgId: 218016 select: 218017 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643078984 readingMsgId: 218024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 224 allSelect { msgId: 224027 select: 224028 } allSelect { msgId: 224031 select: 224032 } allSelect { msgId: 224012 select: 224013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644481035 lastSubmitTime: 1644481775 readingMsgId: 224040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 229 allSelect { msgId: 229009 select: 229010 } allSelect { msgId: 229129 select: 229141 } allSelect { msgId: 229096 select: 229119 } allSelect { msgId: 229167 select: 229168 } allSelect { msgId: 229036 select: 229037 } allSelect { msgId: 229052 select: 229053 } allSelect { msgId: 229084 select: 229085 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1643985702 lastSubmitTime: 1644481853 readingMsgId: 229173 redPackets { msgId: 229020 num: 3 money: 30000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19549 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 8077 } receivers { heroId: 2121 money: 2374 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229026 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 2119 money: 6031 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 9926 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 14378 } receivers { heroId: 2017 money: 10810 } receivers { heroId: 2094 money: 8855 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229038 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 387 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 5407 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 19316 } receivers { heroId: 2128 money: 9198 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 4910 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12869 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 29634 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 1786 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 2299 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5463 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 16423 } receivers { heroId: 2127 money: 12308 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229046 num: 10 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 10866 } receivers { heroId: 2015 money: 15062 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11817 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 4131 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 4762 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 4262 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 6652 } receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 19964 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 22438 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229064 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11128 } receivers { heroId: 2115 money: 15173 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1433 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 13407 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 8859 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229075 num: 1 money: 10000 content: receivers { heroId: 2125 money: 10000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229079 num: 15 money: 150000 content: receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 4507 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 6285 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 10716 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 3844 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 13617 } receivers { heroId: 2073 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 16256 } receivers { heroId: 2099 money: 7140 } receivers { heroId: 2084 money: 11385 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 12195 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 19308 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 8542 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 15609 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 6844 } receivers { heroId: 2100 money: 13751 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229141 num: 9 money: 700 content: 如虎添翼,心想事成 receivers { heroId: 2101 money: 24 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 142 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 126 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 154 } receivers { heroId: 2081 money: 14 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 60 } receivers { heroId: 2063 money: 43 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 121 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 16 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229157 num: 15 money: 1500 content: receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2018 money: 176 } receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 156 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 200 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 2 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 68 } receivers { heroId: 2105 money: 84 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2108 money: 150 } receivers { heroId: 2012 money: 175 } receivers { heroId: 2120 money: 45 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2067 money: 131 } receivers { heroId: 2097 money: 1 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 230 allSelect { msgId: 230003 select: 230004 } allSelect { msgId: 230034 select: 230035 } allSelect { msgId: 230049 select: 230050 } allSelect { msgId: 230010 select: 230011 } allSelect { msgId: 230057 select: 230058 } allSelect { msgId: 230045 select: 230046 } allSelect { msgId: 230060 select: 230061 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867197 lastSubmitTime: 1646867226 readingMsgId: 230062 } readingMsgGroup { id: 236 allSelect { msgId: 236024 select: 236025 } allSelect { msgId: 236006 select: 236007 } allSelect { msgId: 236046 select: 236047 } allSelect { msgId: 236013 select: 236014 } allSelect { msgId: 236037 select: 236038 } allSelect { msgId: 236028 select: 236029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1649842967 lastSubmitTime: 1651080534 readingMsgId: 236050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 240 allSelect { msgId: 240009 select: 240010 } allSelect { msgId: 240016 select: 240017 } allSelect { msgId: 240020 select: 240021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216752 lastSubmitTime: 1652343965 readingMsgId: 240023 } readingMsgGroup { id: 241 allSelect { msgId: 241011 select: 241012 } allSelect { msgId: 241040 select: 241041 } allSelect { msgId: 241045 select: 241046 } allSelect { msgId: 241049 select: 241050 } allSelect { msgId: 241032 select: 241033 } allSelect { msgId: 241023 select: 241024 } allSelect { msgId: 241055 select: 241056 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652343827 lastSubmitTime: 1652343942 readingMsgId: 241060 } readingMsgGroup { id: 245 allSelect { msgId: 245002 select: 245003 } allSelect { msgId: 245017 select: 245018 } allSelect { msgId: 245008 select: 245009 } allSelect { msgId: 245021 select: 245022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216776 lastSubmitTime: 1652343953 readingMsgId: 245024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 246 allSelect { msgId: 246025 select: 246026 } allSelect { msgId: 246032 select: 246033 } allSelect { msgId: 246040 select: 246041 } allSelect { msgId: 246047 select: 246048 } allSelect { msgId: 246006 select: 246007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654729473 lastSubmitTime: 1657757747 readingMsgId: 246050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 249 allSelect { msgId: 249003 select: 249004 } allSelect { msgId: 249018 select: 249019 } allSelect { msgId: 249008 select: 249009 } allSelect { msgId: 249014 select: 249015 } allSelect { msgId: 249021 select: 249022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654510595 lastSubmitTime: 1657757728 readingMsgId: 249026 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetNpcGroupChatReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 66 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.1332482509315 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetNpcGroupChatReply 57 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_firstcallhero isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/herotaskheroview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotaskheroview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_herotask_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_herotask_1 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotaskheroitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099999833852053 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 58 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/commonbg/herotasktraceview_bg.jpg isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100132_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010121.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100166_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010150.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100165_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010149.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100135_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010123.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/commonbg/herotasktraceview_bg.jpg instance: @53ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/headicon_summon/100132_headicon_summon.png instance: @21ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/itemicon/1010121.png instance: @21ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/headicon_summon/100166_headicon_summon.png instance: @20ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/itemicon/1010150.png instance: @20ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/headicon_summon/100165_headicon_summon.png instance: @20ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/itemicon/1010149.png instance: @20ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/headicon_summon/100135_headicon_summon.png instance: @20ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/itemicon/1010123.png instance: @19ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100160_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010147.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100141_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010128.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100157_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010142.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100055_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010052.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100150_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010138.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_summon/100151_headicon_summon.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010139.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/headicon_summon/100160_headicon_summon.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/itemicon/1010147.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/headicon_summon/100141_headicon_summon.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/itemicon/1010128.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/headicon_summon/100157_headicon_summon.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/itemicon/1010142.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/headicon_summon/100055_headicon_summon.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/itemicon/1010052.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/headicon_summon/100150_headicon_summon.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/itemicon/1010138.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/headicon_summon/100151_headicon_summon.png instance: @28ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]bigbg/itemicon/1010139.png instance: @28ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_restaurant_2 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/herotasktraceview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotasktraceview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:54]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotasktraceitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:55][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/imagecharacter/100165_zd01.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_075_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:55]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/item_ssr.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:55]bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 21 time: 2000 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:55]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:55]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:55]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:55][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:55][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066737916320562 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 59 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 21 time: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 49 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}ids: 55 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=49,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 66 1 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetNpcGroupChatRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=66,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/herotasksearchview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotasksearchview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_herotasksearchview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用UIParticle方式, effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_herotasksearchview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099972538650036 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 60 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_011.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_017.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_herotasksearchview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 49 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.16664045676589 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetRedDotInfosReply 61 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=66,cmd=1,status=0,size=12853 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}allMsgGroup { id: 1 allSelect { msgId: 1009 select: 1010 } allSelect { msgId: 1003 select: 1004 } allSelect { msgId: 1015 select: 1016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587690911 readingMsgId: 1017 } allMsgGroup { id: 258 allSelect { msgId: 258002 select: 258003 } allSelect { msgId: 258007 select: 258008 } allSelect { msgId: 258013 select: 258014 } allSelect { msgId: 258020 select: 258021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660760547 lastSubmitTime: 1663812687 readingMsgId: 258026 } allMsgGroup { id: 2 allSelect { msgId: 2013 select: 2024 } allSelect { msgId: 2033 select: 2034 } allSelect { msgId: 2010 select: 2011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997188 lastSubmitTime: 1673605873 readingMsgId: 2060 } allMsgGroup { id: 259 allSelect { msgId: 259003 select: 259004 } allSelect { msgId: 259019 select: 259020 } allSelect { msgId: 259010 select: 259011 } allSelect { msgId: 259021 select: 259022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660819841 lastSubmitTime: 1673605823 readingMsgId: 259023 } allMsgGroup { id: 260 allSelect { msgId: 260027 select: 260028 } allSelect { msgId: 260022 select: 260023 } allSelect { msgId: 260013 select: 260014 } allSelect { msgId: 260004 select: 260005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1662686695 lastSubmitTime: 1673605889 readingMsgId: 260032 } allMsgGroup { id: 261 allSelect { msgId: 261003 select: 261004 } allSelect { msgId: 261010 select: 261011 } allSelect { msgId: 261018 select: 261019 } allSelect { msgId: 261031 select: 261032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1664414741 lastSubmitTime: 1673605906 readingMsgId: 261038 } allMsgGroup { id: 262 allSelect { msgId: 262003 select: 262004 } allSelect { msgId: 262017 select: 262018 } allSelect { msgId: 262008 select: 262009 } allSelect { msgId: 262023 select: 262024 } allSelect { msgId: 262006 select: 262007 } allSelect { msgId: 262012 select: 262013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661380661 lastSubmitTime: 1673605809 readingMsgId: 262029 } allMsgGroup { id: 6 allSelect { msgId: 6020 select: 6021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594289417 lastSubmitTime: 1594289564 readingMsgId: 6035 } allMsgGroup { id: 266 isRead: false unlockTime: 1679795495 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 10 allSelect { msgId: 10024 select: 10025 } allSelect { msgId: 10005 select: 10006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970414 lastSubmitTime: 1587690856 readingMsgId: 10041 } allMsgGroup { id: 269 allSelect { msgId: 269030 select: 269031 } allSelect { msgId: 269038 select: 269039 } allSelect { msgId: 269008 select: 269009 } allSelect { msgId: 269024 select: 269025 } allSelect { msgId: 269017 select: 269018 } allSelect { msgId: 269050 select: 269051 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1663812248 lastSubmitTime: 1664405870 readingMsgId: 269053 } allMsgGroup { id: 14 isRead: true unlockTime: 1594261739 lastSubmitTime: 1594288469 readingMsgId: 14033 } allMsgGroup { id: 15 isRead: false unlockTime: 1678849148 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 16 allSelect { msgId: 16027 select: 16028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588125298 lastSubmitTime: 1588814296 readingMsgId: 16048 } allMsgGroup { id: 17 allSelect { msgId: 17022 select: 17023 } allSelect { msgId: 17019 select: 17020 } allSelect { msgId: 17031 select: 17032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482515 readingMsgId: 17037 } allMsgGroup { id: 18 allSelect { msgId: 18009 select: 18010 } allSelect { msgId: 18045 select: 18050 } allSelect { msgId: 18042 select: 18043 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482683 readingMsgId: 18054 } allMsgGroup { id: 19 allSelect { msgId: 19048 select: 19049 } allSelect { msgId: 19002 select: 19003 } allSelect { msgId: 19043 select: 19044 } allSelect { msgId: 19013 select: 19014 } allSelect { msgId: 19030 select: 19031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1589764165 lastSubmitTime: 1590482040 readingMsgId: 19054 } allMsgGroup { id: 20 allSelect { msgId: 20049 select: 20050 } allSelect { msgId: 20010 select: 20011 } allSelect { msgId: 20026 select: 20027 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587691153 readingMsgId: 20055 } allMsgGroup { id: 21 allSelect { msgId: 21032 select: 21033 } allSelect { msgId: 21012 select: 21019 } allSelect { msgId: 21021 select: 21022 } allSelect { msgId: 21038 select: 21039 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588986828 lastSubmitTime: 1590482389 readingMsgId: 21047 } allMsgGroup { id: 22 allSelect { msgId: 22027 select: 22028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599620293 lastSubmitTime: 1630399685 readingMsgId: 22043 } allMsgGroup { id: 279 allSelect { msgId: 279026 select: 279027 } allSelect { msgId: 279043 select: 279044 } allSelect { msgId: 279047 select: 279048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1669366352 lastSubmitTime: 1673605844 readingMsgId: 279054 } allMsgGroup { id: 23 allSelect { msgId: 23036 select: 23037 } allSelect { msgId: 23009 select: 23010 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590483227 readingMsgId: 23040 } allMsgGroup { id: 24 allSelect { msgId: 24011 select: 24012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1575104903 lastSubmitTime: 1587691086 readingMsgId: 24021 } allMsgGroup { id: 281 allSelect { msgId: 281013 select: 281014 } allSelect { msgId: 281061 select: 281062 } allSelect { msgId: 281046 select: 281047 } allSelect { msgId: 281025 select: 281026 } allSelect { msgId: 281052 select: 281053 } allSelect { msgId: 281006 select: 281007 } allSelect { msgId: 281039 select: 281040 } allSelect { msgId: 281032 select: 281033 } allSelect { msgId: 281049 select: 281050 } allSelect { msgId: 281034 select: 281035 } allSelect { msgId: 281019 select: 281020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1671663193 lastSubmitTime: 1673605794 readingMsgId: 281065 } allMsgGroup { id: 25 allSelect { msgId: 25007 select: 25020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1587691086 lastSubmitTime: 1588814411 readingMsgId: 25040 } allMsgGroup { id: 28 allSelect { msgId: 28033 select: 28034 } allSelect { msgId: 28041 select: 28042 } allSelect { msgId: 28010 select: 28011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482877 readingMsgId: 28052 } allMsgGroup { id: 29 allSelect { msgId: 29019 select: 29020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622799683 lastSubmitTime: 1622799848 readingMsgId: 29039 } allMsgGroup { id: 289 allSelect { msgId: 289008 select: 289009 } allSelect { msgId: 289028 select: 289035 } allSelect { msgId: 289047 select: 289048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1674171687 lastSubmitTime: 1674171725 readingMsgId: 289050 } allMsgGroup { id: 33 isRead: true unlockTime: 1599807555 lastSubmitTime: 1599807677 readingMsgId: 33030 } allMsgGroup { id: 34 allSelect { msgId: 34015 select: 34022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867638 lastSubmitTime: 1646867658 readingMsgId: 34031 } allMsgGroup { id: 290 isRead: false unlockTime: 1675061695 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 35 allSelect { msgId: 35012 select: 35013 } allSelect { msgId: 35027 select: 35036 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665734323 lastSubmitTime: 1673605945 readingMsgId: 35045 } allMsgGroup { id: 36 allSelect { msgId: 36013 select: 36022 } allSelect { msgId: 36029 select: 36030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1609743563 lastSubmitTime: 1630399820 readingMsgId: 36039 } allMsgGroup { id: 294 isRead: false unlockTime: 1675236814 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 295 isRead: false unlockTime: 1674378751 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 42 allSelect { msgId: 42017 select: 42018 } allSelect { msgId: 42041 select: 42042 } allSelect { msgId: 42002 select: 42003 } allSelect { msgId: 42028 select: 42034 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1595745914 lastSubmitTime: 1597337009 readingMsgId: 42045 } allMsgGroup { id: 45 allSelect { msgId: 45025 select: 45026 } allSelect { msgId: 45010 select: 45011 } allSelect { msgId: 45014 select: 45015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622686283 lastSubmitTime: 1637804354 readingMsgId: 45048 } allMsgGroup { id: 302 isRead: false unlockTime: 1679540542 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 304 isRead: false unlockTime: 1680138212 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 51 allSelect { msgId: 51024 select: 51025 } allSelect { msgId: 51017 select: 51018 } allSelect { msgId: 51066 select: 51067 } allSelect { msgId: 51045 select: 51046 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1576030363 lastSubmitTime: 1588814107 readingMsgId: 51068 } allMsgGroup { id: 307 isRead: false unlockTime: 1684316740 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 308 allSelect { msgId: 308011 select: 308012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527678 lastSubmitTime: 1682527982 readingMsgId: 308017 } allMsgGroup { id: 309 isRead: false unlockTime: 1682527982 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 311 allSelect { msgId: 311024 select: 311025 } allSelect { msgId: 311011 select: 311012 } allSelect { msgId: 311020 select: 311021 } allSelect { msgId: 311006 select: 311007 } allSelect { msgId: 311022 select: 311023 } allSelect { msgId: 311016 select: 311017 } allSelect { msgId: 311002 select: 311003 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527653 lastSubmitTime: 1682528000 readingMsgId: 311030 } allMsgGroup { id: 58 allSelect { msgId: 58021 select: 58022 } allSelect { msgId: 58025 select: 58026 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997187 lastSubmitTime: 1673605857 readingMsgId: 58027 } allMsgGroup { id: 59 allSelect { msgId: 59004 select: 59005 } allSelect { msgId: 59010 select: 59015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1673605857 lastSubmitTime: 1674171732 readingMsgId: 59019 } allMsgGroup { id: 60 allSelect { msgId: 60040 select: 60041 } allSelect { msgId: 60009 select: 60010 } allSelect { msgId: 60036 select: 60037 } allSelect { msgId: 60023 select: 60024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1617211678 lastSubmitTime: 1617211964 readingMsgId: 60042 } allMsgGroup { id: 76 allSelect { msgId: 76099 select: 76100 } allSelect { msgId: 76107 select: 76108 } allSelect { msgId: 76101 select: 76102 } allSelect { msgId: 76110 select: 76111 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623147134 lastSubmitTime: 1630399534 readingMsgId: 76113 } allMsgGroup { id: 84 allSelect { msgId: 84026 select: 84027 } allSelect { msgId: 84004 select: 84005 } allSelect { msgId: 84020 select: 84021 } allSelect { msgId: 84044 select: 84045 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599758434 lastSubmitTime: 1611794534 readingMsgId: 84046 } allMsgGroup { id: 89 allSelect { msgId: 89011 select: 89016 } allSelect { msgId: 89034 select: 89035 } allSelect { msgId: 89042 select: 89043 } allSelect { msgId: 89029 select: 89030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1585899984 lastSubmitTime: 1587691249 readingMsgId: 89046 } allMsgGroup { id: 94 allSelect { msgId: 94032 select: 94033 } allSelect { msgId: 94027 select: 94028 } allSelect { msgId: 94030 select: 94031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1615948217 lastSubmitTime: 1630400151 readingMsgId: 94041 } allMsgGroup { id: 99 isRead: false unlockTime: 1683360726 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 106 allSelect { msgId: 106035 select: 106036 } allSelect { msgId: 106002 select: 106003 } allSelect { msgId: 106026 select: 106027 } allSelect { msgId: 106047 select: 106048 } allSelect { msgId: 106006 select: 106007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594887451 lastSubmitTime: 1597337200 readingMsgId: 106053 } allMsgGroup { id: 114 allSelect { msgId: 114008 select: 114009 } allSelect { msgId: 114032 select: 114033 } allSelect { msgId: 114026 select: 114027 } allSelect { msgId: 114015 select: 114016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599555827 lastSubmitTime: 1599620585 readingMsgId: 114037 } allMsgGroup { id: 118 allSelect { msgId: 118025 select: 118026 } allSelect { msgId: 118003 select: 118004 } allSelect { msgId: 118018 select: 118019 } allSelect { msgId: 118013 select: 118014 } allSelect { msgId: 118007 select: 118008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644892574 lastSubmitTime: 1644892601 readingMsgId: 118030 } allMsgGroup { id: 139 allSelect { msgId: 139006 select: 139007 } allSelect { msgId: 139018 select: 139019 } allSelect { msgId: 139020 select: 139021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651080452 lastSubmitTime: 1651080493 readingMsgId: 139025 } allMsgGroup { id: 149 allSelect { msgId: 149003 select: 149004 } allSelect { msgId: 149008 select: 149011 } allSelect { msgId: 149020 select: 149021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1643079030 readingMsgId: 149024 } allMsgGroup { id: 155 allSelect { msgId: 155025 select: 155026 } allSelect { msgId: 155073 select: 155074 } allSelect { msgId: 155153 select: 155154 } allSelect { msgId: 155014 select: 155015 } allSelect { msgId: 155108 select: 155109 } allSelect { msgId: 155125 select: 155126 } allSelect { msgId: 155112 select: 155113 } allSelect { msgId: 155038 select: 155039 } allSelect { msgId: 155117 select: 155118 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646216061 lastSubmitTime: 1652344015 readingMsgId: 155155 redPackets { msgId: 155034 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155068 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2087 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155082 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155141 num: 30 money: 3000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 198 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 119 } receivers { heroId: 2041 money: 18 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 76 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2047 money: 82 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 130 } receivers { heroId: 2020 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 138 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 89 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2062 money: 15 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2096 money: 187 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 72 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 8 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 120 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 22 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 74 } receivers { heroId: 2075 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 108 } receivers { heroId: 2026 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2009 money: 132 } receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 70 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 71 } receivers { heroId: 2032 money: 180 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 177 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 156 allSelect { msgId: 156130 select: 156131 } allSelect { msgId: 156096 select: 156097 } allSelect { msgId: 156071 select: 156072 } allSelect { msgId: 156135 select: 156136 } allSelect { msgId: 156008 select: 156009 } allSelect { msgId: 156104 select: 156127 } allSelect { msgId: 156028 select: 156029 } allSelect { msgId: 156077 select: 156078 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1614847734 readingMsgId: 156137 redPackets { msgId: 156005 num: 1 money: 20000 content: receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 20000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 156033 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2010 money: 15891 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19578 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 14346 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 11779 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 3279 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 19340 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15030 } receivers { heroId: 2060 money: 17531 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 2897 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 327 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156055 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2053 money: 7524 } receivers { heroId: 2046 money: 12429 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 5062 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 6891 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5627 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 18286 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 4717 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 16307 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 6520 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 11806 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 6884 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 17947 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156085 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 5685 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 5813 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 19482 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 12890 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12222 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 7807 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19755 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 14717 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 10355 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 11124 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156134 num: 30 money: 300000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19353 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 3889 } receivers { heroId: 2005 money: 4443 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 1336 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 17464 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5557 } receivers { heroId: 2098 money: 11167 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 11413 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 5746 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 17022 } receivers { heroId: 2074 money: 6954 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 18606 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 7458 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 13068 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15913 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 11634 } receivers { heroId: 2006 money: 9158 } receivers { heroId: 2002 money: 9428 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 2879 } receivers { heroId: 2039 money: 15347 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 15965 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 18884 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 13597 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 7297 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 634 } receivers { heroId: 2038 money: 9405 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 15700 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 8883 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 1799 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 160 allSelect { msgId: 160003 select: 160004 } allSelect { msgId: 160009 select: 160010 } allSelect { msgId: 160017 select: 160018 } allSelect { msgId: 160007 select: 160008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1614847120 lastSubmitTime: 1614847277 readingMsgId: 160028 } allMsgGroup { id: 162 isRead: false unlockTime: 1676883754 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 164 allSelect { msgId: 164023 select: 164024 } allSelect { msgId: 164039 select: 164040 } allSelect { msgId: 164008 select: 164009 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1650495765 lastSubmitTime: 1651080511 readingMsgId: 164050 } allMsgGroup { id: 171 allSelect { msgId: 171011 select: 171012 } allSelect { msgId: 171046 select: 171047 } allSelect { msgId: 171031 select: 171032 } allSelect { msgId: 171044 select: 171045 } allSelect { msgId: 171013 select: 171014 } allSelect { msgId: 171029 select: 171030 } allSelect { msgId: 171002 select: 171003 } allSelect { msgId: 171035 select: 171036 } allSelect { msgId: 171022 select: 171023 } allSelect { msgId: 171007 select: 171008 } allSelect { msgId: 171037 select: 171038 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652948219 lastSubmitTime: 1652948266 readingMsgId: 171048 } allMsgGroup { id: 179 allSelect { msgId: 179006 select: 179007 } allSelect { msgId: 179018 select: 179019 } allSelect { msgId: 179028 select: 179029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623146450 lastSubmitTime: 1637803834 readingMsgId: 179034 } allMsgGroup { id: 183 allSelect { msgId: 183019 select: 183020 } allSelect { msgId: 183035 select: 183036 } allSelect { msgId: 183043 select: 183044 } allSelect { msgId: 183049 select: 183050 } allSelect { msgId: 183031 select: 183032 } allSelect { msgId: 183004 select: 183005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1657757675 lastSubmitTime: 1657757713 readingMsgId: 183051 } allMsgGroup { id: 192 allSelect { msgId: 192002 select: 192003 } allSelect { msgId: 192026 select: 192027 } allSelect { msgId: 192019 select: 192020 } allSelect { msgId: 192008 select: 192009 } allSelect { msgId: 192004 select: 192005 } allSelect { msgId: 192012 select: 192013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910296 lastSubmitTime: 1629948753 readingMsgId: 192031 } allMsgGroup { id: 193 allSelect { msgId: 193019 select: 193020 } allSelect { msgId: 193024 select: 193025 } allSelect { msgId: 193014 select: 193015 } allSelect { msgId: 193007 select: 193008 } allSelect { msgId: 193004 select: 193005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910246 lastSubmitTime: 1630399108 readingMsgId: 193027 } allMsgGroup { id: 194 allSelect { msgId: 194002 select: 194003 } allSelect { msgId: 194014 select: 194015 } allSelect { msgId: 194019 select: 194020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630630150 lastSubmitTime: 1630682597 readingMsgId: 194023 readVoiceIds: 194008 } allMsgGroup { id: 195 allSelect { msgId: 195011 select: 195012 } allSelect { msgId: 195024 select: 195025 } allSelect { msgId: 195048 select: 195049 } allSelect { msgId: 195036 select: 195037 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630549640 lastSubmitTime: 1632545049 readingMsgId: 195050 } allMsgGroup { id: 196 allSelect { msgId: 196010 select: 196011 } allSelect { msgId: 196003 select: 196004 } allSelect { msgId: 196019 select: 196020 } allSelect { msgId: 196027 select: 196028 } allSelect { msgId: 196023 select: 196024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910274 lastSubmitTime: 1630039069 readingMsgId: 196034 } allMsgGroup { id: 199 allSelect { msgId: 199001 select: 199002 } allSelect { msgId: 199008 select: 199009 } allSelect { msgId: 199023 select: 199024 } allSelect { msgId: 199013 select: 199014 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630772775 lastSubmitTime: 1632544881 readingMsgId: 199025 } allMsgGroup { id: 200 allSelect { msgId: 200003 select: 200004 } allSelect { msgId: 200023 select: 200024 } allSelect { msgId: 200039 select: 200040 } allSelect { msgId: 200006 select: 200007 } allSelect { msgId: 200043 select: 200044 } allSelect { msgId: 200026 select: 200027 } allSelect { msgId: 200015 select: 200016 } allSelect { msgId: 200046 select: 200047 } allSelect { msgId: 200029 select: 200030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665198125 lastSubmitTime: 1673605930 readingMsgId: 200049 } allMsgGroup { id: 207 allSelect { msgId: 207010 select: 207011 } allSelect { msgId: 207018 select: 207019 } allSelect { msgId: 207025 select: 207026 } allSelect { msgId: 207014 select: 207015 } allSelect { msgId: 207004 select: 207005 } allSelect { msgId: 207028 select: 207029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1637112991 lastSubmitTime: 1637803510 readingMsgId: 207032 } allMsgGroup { id: 209 allSelect { msgId: 209043 select: 209044 } allSelect { msgId: 209026 select: 209027 } allSelect { msgId: 209047 select: 209048 } allSelect { msgId: 209063 select: 209064 } allSelect { msgId: 209013 select: 209014 } allSelect { msgId: 209029 select: 209030 } allSelect { msgId: 209019 select: 209020 } allSelect { msgId: 209051 select: 209052 } allSelect { msgId: 209034 select: 209035 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1638414393 lastSubmitTime: 1638414969 readingMsgId: 209066 } allMsgGroup { id: 217 allSelect { msgId: 217011 select: 217012 } allSelect { msgId: 217019 select: 217020 } allSelect { msgId: 217002 select: 217003 } allSelect { msgId: 217017 select: 217018 } allSelect { msgId: 217025 select: 217026 } allSelect { msgId: 217005 select: 217006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643079016 readingMsgId: 217028 } allMsgGroup { id: 218 allSelect { msgId: 218009 select: 218010 } allSelect { msgId: 218016 select: 218017 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643078984 readingMsgId: 218024 } allMsgGroup { id: 224 allSelect { msgId: 224027 select: 224028 } allSelect { msgId: 224031 select: 224032 } allSelect { msgId: 224012 select: 224013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644481035 lastSubmitTime: 1644481775 readingMsgId: 224040 } allMsgGroup { id: 229 allSelect { msgId: 229009 select: 229010 } allSelect { msgId: 229129 select: 229141 } allSelect { msgId: 229096 select: 229119 } allSelect { msgId: 229167 select: 229168 } allSelect { msgId: 229036 select: 229037 } allSelect { msgId: 229052 select: 229053 } allSelect { msgId: 229084 select: 229085 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1643985702 lastSubmitTime: 1644481853 readingMsgId: 229173 redPackets { msgId: 229020 num: 3 money: 30000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19549 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 8077 } receivers { heroId: 2121 money: 2374 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229026 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 2119 money: 6031 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 9926 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 14378 } receivers { heroId: 2017 money: 10810 } receivers { heroId: 2094 money: 8855 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229038 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 387 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 5407 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 19316 } receivers { heroId: 2128 money: 9198 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 4910 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12869 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 29634 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 1786 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 2299 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5463 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 16423 } receivers { heroId: 2127 money: 12308 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229046 num: 10 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 10866 } receivers { heroId: 2015 money: 15062 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11817 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 4131 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 4762 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 4262 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 6652 } receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 19964 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 22438 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229064 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11128 } receivers { heroId: 2115 money: 15173 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1433 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 13407 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 8859 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229075 num: 1 money: 10000 content: receivers { heroId: 2125 money: 10000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229079 num: 15 money: 150000 content: receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 4507 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 6285 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 10716 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 3844 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 13617 } receivers { heroId: 2073 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 16256 } receivers { heroId: 2099 money: 7140 } receivers { heroId: 2084 money: 11385 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 12195 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 19308 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 8542 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 15609 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 6844 } receivers { heroId: 2100 money: 13751 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229141 num: 9 money: 700 content: 如虎添翼,心想事成 receivers { heroId: 2101 money: 24 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 142 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 126 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 154 } receivers { heroId: 2081 money: 14 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 60 } receivers { heroId: 2063 money: 43 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 121 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 16 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229157 num: 15 money: 1500 content: receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2018 money: 176 } receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 156 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 200 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 2 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 68 } receivers { heroId: 2105 money: 84 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2108 money: 150 } receivers { heroId: 2012 money: 175 } receivers { heroId: 2120 money: 45 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2067 money: 131 } receivers { heroId: 2097 money: 1 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 230 allSelect { msgId: 230003 select: 230004 } allSelect { msgId: 230034 select: 230035 } allSelect { msgId: 230049 select: 230050 } allSelect { msgId: 230010 select: 230011 } allSelect { msgId: 230057 select: 230058 } allSelect { msgId: 230045 select: 230046 } allSelect { msgId: 230060 select: 230061 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867197 lastSubmitTime: 1646867226 readingMsgId: 230062 } allMsgGroup { id: 236 allSelect { msgId: 236024 select: 236025 } allSelect { msgId: 236006 select: 236007 } allSelect { msgId: 236046 select: 236047 } allSelect { msgId: 236013 select: 236014 } allSelect { msgId: 236037 select: 236038 } allSelect { msgId: 236028 select: 236029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1649842967 lastSubmitTime: 1651080534 readingMsgId: 236050 } allMsgGroup { id: 240 allSelect { msgId: 240009 select: 240010 } allSelect { msgId: 240016 select: 240017 } allSelect { msgId: 240020 select: 240021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216752 lastSubmitTime: 1652343965 readingMsgId: 240023 } allMsgGroup { id: 241 allSelect { msgId: 241011 select: 241012 } allSelect { msgId: 241040 select: 241041 } allSelect { msgId: 241045 select: 241046 } allSelect { msgId: 241049 select: 241050 } allSelect { msgId: 241032 select: 241033 } allSelect { msgId: 241023 select: 241024 } allSelect { msgId: 241055 select: 241056 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652343827 lastSubmitTime: 1652343942 readingMsgId: 241060 } allMsgGroup { id: 245 allSelect { msgId: 245002 select: 245003 } allSelect { msgId: 245017 select: 245018 } allSelect { msgId: 245008 select: 245009 } allSelect { msgId: 245021 select: 245022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216776 lastSubmitTime: 1652343953 readingMsgId: 245024 } allMsgGroup { id: 246 allSelect { msgId: 246025 select: 246026 } allSelect { msgId: 246032 select: 246033 } allSelect { msgId: 246040 select: 246041 } allSelect { msgId: 246047 select: 246048 } allSelect { msgId: 246006 select: 246007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654729473 lastSubmitTime: 1657757747 readingMsgId: 246050 } allMsgGroup { id: 249 allSelect { msgId: 249003 select: 249004 } allSelect { msgId: 249018 select: 249019 } allSelect { msgId: 249008 select: 249009 } allSelect { msgId: 249014 select: 249015 } allSelect { msgId: 249021 select: 249022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654510595 lastSubmitTime: 1657757728 readingMsgId: 249026 } readingMsgGroup { id: 1 allSelect { msgId: 1009 select: 1010 } allSelect { msgId: 1003 select: 1004 } allSelect { msgId: 1015 select: 1016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587690911 readingMsgId: 1017 } readingMsgGroup { id: 258 allSelect { msgId: 258002 select: 258003 } allSelect { msgId: 258007 select: 258008 } allSelect { msgId: 258013 select: 258014 } allSelect { msgId: 258020 select: 258021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660760547 lastSubmitTime: 1663812687 readingMsgId: 258026 } readingMsgGroup { id: 2 allSelect { msgId: 2013 select: 2024 } allSelect { msgId: 2033 select: 2034 } allSelect { msgId: 2010 select: 2011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997188 lastSubmitTime: 1673605873 readingMsgId: 2060 } readingMsgGroup { id: 259 allSelect { msgId: 259003 select: 259004 } allSelect { msgId: 259019 select: 259020 } allSelect { msgId: 259010 select: 259011 } allSelect { msgId: 259021 select: 259022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660819841 lastSubmitTime: 1673605823 readingMsgId: 259023 } readingMsgGroup { id: 260 allSelect { msgId: 260027 select: 260028 } allSelect { msgId: 260022 select: 260023 } allSelect { msgId: 260013 select: 260014 } allSelect { msgId: 260004 select: 260005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1662686695 lastSubmitTime: 1673605889 readingMsgId: 260032 } readingMsgGroup { id: 261 allSelect { msgId: 261003 select: 261004 } allSelect { msgId: 261010 select: 261011 } allSelect { msgId: 261018 select: 261019 } allSelect { msgId: 261031 select: 261032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1664414741 lastSubmitTime: 1673605906 readingMsgId: 261038 } readingMsgGroup { id: 262 allSelect { msgId: 262003 select: 262004 } allSelect { msgId: 262017 select: 262018 } allSelect { msgId: 262008 select: 262009 } allSelect { msgId: 262023 select: 262024 } allSelect { msgId: 262006 select: 262007 } allSelect { msgId: 262012 select: 262013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661380661 lastSubmitTime: 1673605809 readingMsgId: 262029 } readingMsgGroup { id: 6 allSelect { msgId: 6020 select: 6021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594289417 lastSubmitTime: 1594289564 readingMsgId: 6035 } readingMsgGroup { id: 10 allSelect { msgId: 10024 select: 10025 } allSelect { msgId: 10005 select: 10006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970414 lastSubmitTime: 1587690856 readingMsgId: 10041 } readingMsgGroup { id: 269 allSelect { msgId: 269030 select: 269031 } allSelect { msgId: 269038 select: 269039 } allSelect { msgId: 269008 select: 269009 } allSelect { msgId: 269024 select: 269025 } allSelect { msgId: 269017 select: 269018 } allSelect { msgId: 269050 select: 269051 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1663812248 lastSubmitTime: 1664405870 readingMsgId: 269053 } readingMsgGroup { id: 14 isRead: true unlockTime: 1594261739 lastSubmitTime: 1594288469 readingMsgId: 14033 } readingMsgGroup { id: 16 allSelect { msgId: 16027 select: 16028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588125298 lastSubmitTime: 1588814296 readingMsgId: 16048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 17 allSelect { msgId: 17022 select: 17023 } allSelect { msgId: 17019 select: 17020 } allSelect { msgId: 17031 select: 17032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482515 readingMsgId: 17037 } readingMsgGroup { id: 18 allSelect { msgId: 18009 select: 18010 } allSelect { msgId: 18045 select: 18050 } allSelect { msgId: 18042 select: 18043 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482683 readingMsgId: 18054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 19 allSelect { msgId: 19048 select: 19049 } allSelect { msgId: 19002 select: 19003 } allSelect { msgId: 19043 select: 19044 } allSelect { msgId: 19013 select: 19014 } allSelect { msgId: 19030 select: 19031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1589764165 lastSubmitTime: 1590482040 readingMsgId: 19054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 20 allSelect { msgId: 20049 select: 20050 } allSelect { msgId: 20010 select: 20011 } allSelect { msgId: 20026 select: 20027 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587691153 readingMsgId: 20055 } readingMsgGroup { id: 21 allSelect { msgId: 21032 select: 21033 } allSelect { msgId: 21012 select: 21019 } allSelect { msgId: 21021 select: 21022 } allSelect { msgId: 21038 select: 21039 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588986828 lastSubmitTime: 1590482389 readingMsgId: 21047 } readingMsgGroup { id: 22 allSelect { msgId: 22027 select: 22028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599620293 lastSubmitTime: 1630399685 readingMsgId: 22043 } readingMsgGroup { id: 279 allSelect { msgId: 279026 select: 279027 } allSelect { msgId: 279043 select: 279044 } allSelect { msgId: 279047 select: 279048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1669366352 lastSubmitTime: 1673605844 readingMsgId: 279054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 23 allSelect { msgId: 23036 select: 23037 } allSelect { msgId: 23009 select: 23010 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590483227 readingMsgId: 23040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 24 allSelect { msgId: 24011 select: 24012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1575104903 lastSubmitTime: 1587691086 readingMsgId: 24021 } readingMsgGroup { id: 281 allSelect { msgId: 281013 select: 281014 } allSelect { msgId: 281061 select: 281062 } allSelect { msgId: 281046 select: 281047 } allSelect { msgId: 281025 select: 281026 } allSelect { msgId: 281052 select: 281053 } allSelect { msgId: 281006 select: 281007 } allSelect { msgId: 281039 select: 281040 } allSelect { msgId: 281032 select: 281033 } allSelect { msgId: 281049 select: 281050 } allSelect { msgId: 281034 select: 281035 } allSelect { msgId: 281019 select: 281020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1671663193 lastSubmitTime: 1673605794 readingMsgId: 281065 } readingMsgGroup { id: 25 allSelect { msgId: 25007 select: 25020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1587691086 lastSubmitTime: 1588814411 readingMsgId: 25040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 28 allSelect { msgId: 28033 select: 28034 } allSelect { msgId: 28041 select: 28042 } allSelect { msgId: 28010 select: 28011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482877 readingMsgId: 28052 } readingMsgGroup { id: 29 allSelect { msgId: 29019 select: 29020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622799683 lastSubmitTime: 1622799848 readingMsgId: 29039 } readingMsgGroup { id: 289 allSelect { msgId: 289008 select: 289009 } allSelect { msgId: 289028 select: 289035 } allSelect { msgId: 289047 select: 289048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1674171687 lastSubmitTime: 1674171725 readingMsgId: 289050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 33 isRead: true unlockTime: 1599807555 lastSubmitTime: 1599807677 readingMsgId: 33030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 34 allSelect { msgId: 34015 select: 34022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867638 lastSubmitTime: 1646867658 readingMsgId: 34031 } readingMsgGroup { id: 35 allSelect { msgId: 35012 select: 35013 } allSelect { msgId: 35027 select: 35036 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665734323 lastSubmitTime: 1673605945 readingMsgId: 35045 } readingMsgGroup { id: 36 allSelect { msgId: 36013 select: 36022 } allSelect { msgId: 36029 select: 36030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1609743563 lastSubmitTime: 1630399820 readingMsgId: 36039 } readingMsgGroup { id: 42 allSelect { msgId: 42017 select: 42018 } allSelect { msgId: 42041 select: 42042 } allSelect { msgId: 42002 select: 42003 } allSelect { msgId: 42028 select: 42034 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1595745914 lastSubmitTime: 1597337009 readingMsgId: 42045 } readingMsgGroup { id: 45 allSelect { msgId: 45025 select: 45026 } allSelect { msgId: 45010 select: 45011 } allSelect { msgId: 45014 select: 45015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622686283 lastSubmitTime: 1637804354 readingMsgId: 45048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 51 allSelect { msgId: 51024 select: 51025 } allSelect { msgId: 51017 select: 51018 } allSelect { msgId: 51066 select: 51067 } allSelect { msgId: 51045 select: 51046 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1576030363 lastSubmitTime: 1588814107 readingMsgId: 51068 } readingMsgGroup { id: 308 allSelect { msgId: 308011 select: 308012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527678 lastSubmitTime: 1682527982 readingMsgId: 308017 } readingMsgGroup { id: 311 allSelect { msgId: 311024 select: 311025 } allSelect { msgId: 311011 select: 311012 } allSelect { msgId: 311020 select: 311021 } allSelect { msgId: 311006 select: 311007 } allSelect { msgId: 311022 select: 311023 } allSelect { msgId: 311016 select: 311017 } allSelect { msgId: 311002 select: 311003 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527653 lastSubmitTime: 1682528000 readingMsgId: 311030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 58 allSelect { msgId: 58021 select: 58022 } allSelect { msgId: 58025 select: 58026 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997187 lastSubmitTime: 1673605857 readingMsgId: 58027 } readingMsgGroup { id: 59 allSelect { msgId: 59004 select: 59005 } allSelect { msgId: 59010 select: 59015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1673605857 lastSubmitTime: 1674171732 readingMsgId: 59019 } readingMsgGroup { id: 60 allSelect { msgId: 60040 select: 60041 } allSelect { msgId: 60009 select: 60010 } allSelect { msgId: 60036 select: 60037 } allSelect { msgId: 60023 select: 60024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1617211678 lastSubmitTime: 1617211964 readingMsgId: 60042 } readingMsgGroup { id: 76 allSelect { msgId: 76099 select: 76100 } allSelect { msgId: 76107 select: 76108 } allSelect { msgId: 76101 select: 76102 } allSelect { msgId: 76110 select: 76111 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623147134 lastSubmitTime: 1630399534 readingMsgId: 76113 } readingMsgGroup { id: 84 allSelect { msgId: 84026 select: 84027 } allSelect { msgId: 84004 select: 84005 } allSelect { msgId: 84020 select: 84021 } allSelect { msgId: 84044 select: 84045 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599758434 lastSubmitTime: 1611794534 readingMsgId: 84046 } readingMsgGroup { id: 89 allSelect { msgId: 89011 select: 89016 } allSelect { msgId: 89034 select: 89035 } allSelect { msgId: 89042 select: 89043 } allSelect { msgId: 89029 select: 89030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1585899984 lastSubmitTime: 1587691249 readingMsgId: 89046 } readingMsgGroup { id: 94 allSelect { msgId: 94032 select: 94033 } allSelect { msgId: 94027 select: 94028 } allSelect { msgId: 94030 select: 94031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1615948217 lastSubmitTime: 1630400151 readingMsgId: 94041 } readingMsgGroup { id: 106 allSelect { msgId: 106035 select: 106036 } allSelect { msgId: 106002 select: 106003 } allSelect { msgId: 106026 select: 106027 } allSelect { msgId: 106047 select: 106048 } allSelect { msgId: 106006 select: 106007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594887451 lastSubmitTime: 1597337200 readingMsgId: 106053 } readingMsgGroup { id: 114 allSelect { msgId: 114008 select: 114009 } allSelect { msgId: 114032 select: 114033 } allSelect { msgId: 114026 select: 114027 } allSelect { msgId: 114015 select: 114016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599555827 lastSubmitTime: 1599620585 readingMsgId: 114037 } readingMsgGroup { id: 118 allSelect { msgId: 118025 select: 118026 } allSelect { msgId: 118003 select: 118004 } allSelect { msgId: 118018 select: 118019 } allSelect { msgId: 118013 select: 118014 } allSelect { msgId: 118007 select: 118008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644892574 lastSubmitTime: 1644892601 readingMsgId: 118030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 139 allSelect { msgId: 139006 select: 139007 } allSelect { msgId: 139018 select: 139019 } allSelect { msgId: 139020 select: 139021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651080452 lastSubmitTime: 1651080493 readingMsgId: 139025 } readingMsgGroup { id: 149 allSelect { msgId: 149003 select: 149004 } allSelect { msgId: 149008 select: 149011 } allSelect { msgId: 149020 select: 149021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1643079030 readingMsgId: 149024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 155 allSelect { msgId: 155025 select: 155026 } allSelect { msgId: 155073 select: 155074 } allSelect { msgId: 155153 select: 155154 } allSelect { msgId: 155014 select: 155015 } allSelect { msgId: 155108 select: 155109 } allSelect { msgId: 155125 select: 155126 } allSelect { msgId: 155112 select: 155113 } allSelect { msgId: 155038 select: 155039 } allSelect { msgId: 155117 select: 155118 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646216061 lastSubmitTime: 1652344015 readingMsgId: 155155 redPackets { msgId: 155034 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155068 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2087 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155082 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155141 num: 30 money: 3000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 198 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 119 } receivers { heroId: 2041 money: 18 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 76 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2047 money: 82 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 130 } receivers { heroId: 2020 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 138 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 89 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2062 money: 15 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2096 money: 187 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 72 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 8 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 120 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 22 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 74 } receivers { heroId: 2075 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 108 } receivers { heroId: 2026 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2009 money: 132 } receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 70 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 71 } receivers { heroId: 2032 money: 180 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 177 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 156 allSelect { msgId: 156130 select: 156131 } allSelect { msgId: 156096 select: 156097 } allSelect { msgId: 156071 select: 156072 } allSelect { msgId: 156135 select: 156136 } allSelect { msgId: 156008 select: 156009 } allSelect { msgId: 156104 select: 156127 } allSelect { msgId: 156028 select: 156029 } allSelect { msgId: 156077 select: 156078 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1614847734 readingMsgId: 156137 redPackets { msgId: 156005 num: 1 money: 20000 content: receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 20000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 156033 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2010 money: 15891 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19578 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 14346 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 11779 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 3279 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 19340 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15030 } receivers { heroId: 2060 money: 17531 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 2897 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 327 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156055 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2053 money: 7524 } receivers { heroId: 2046 money: 12429 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 5062 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 6891 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5627 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 18286 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 4717 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 16307 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 6520 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 11806 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 6884 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 17947 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156085 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 5685 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 5813 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 19482 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 12890 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12222 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 7807 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19755 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 14717 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 10355 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 11124 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156134 num: 30 money: 300000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19353 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 3889 } receivers { heroId: 2005 money: 4443 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 1336 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 17464 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5557 } receivers { heroId: 2098 money: 11167 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 11413 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 5746 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 17022 } receivers { heroId: 2074 money: 6954 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 18606 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 7458 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 13068 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15913 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 11634 } receivers { heroId: 2006 money: 9158 } receivers { heroId: 2002 money: 9428 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 2879 } receivers { heroId: 2039 money: 15347 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 15965 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 18884 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 13597 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 7297 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 634 } receivers { heroId: 2038 money: 9405 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 15700 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 8883 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 1799 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 160 allSelect { msgId: 160003 select: 160004 } allSelect { msgId: 160009 select: 160010 } allSelect { msgId: 160017 select: 160018 } allSelect { msgId: 160007 select: 160008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1614847120 lastSubmitTime: 1614847277 readingMsgId: 160028 } readingMsgGroup { id: 164 allSelect { msgId: 164023 select: 164024 } allSelect { msgId: 164039 select: 164040 } allSelect { msgId: 164008 select: 164009 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1650495765 lastSubmitTime: 1651080511 readingMsgId: 164050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 171 allSelect { msgId: 171011 select: 171012 } allSelect { msgId: 171046 select: 171047 } allSelect { msgId: 171031 select: 171032 } allSelect { msgId: 171044 select: 171045 } allSelect { msgId: 171013 select: 171014 } allSelect { msgId: 171029 select: 171030 } allSelect { msgId: 171002 select: 171003 } allSelect { msgId: 171035 select: 171036 } allSelect { msgId: 171022 select: 171023 } allSelect { msgId: 171007 select: 171008 } allSelect { msgId: 171037 select: 171038 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652948219 lastSubmitTime: 1652948266 readingMsgId: 171048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 179 allSelect { msgId: 179006 select: 179007 } allSelect { msgId: 179018 select: 179019 } allSelect { msgId: 179028 select: 179029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623146450 lastSubmitTime: 1637803834 readingMsgId: 179034 } readingMsgGroup { id: 183 allSelect { msgId: 183019 select: 183020 } allSelect { msgId: 183035 select: 183036 } allSelect { msgId: 183043 select: 183044 } allSelect { msgId: 183049 select: 183050 } allSelect { msgId: 183031 select: 183032 } allSelect { msgId: 183004 select: 183005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1657757675 lastSubmitTime: 1657757713 readingMsgId: 183051 } readingMsgGroup { id: 192 allSelect { msgId: 192002 select: 192003 } allSelect { msgId: 192026 select: 192027 } allSelect { msgId: 192019 select: 192020 } allSelect { msgId: 192008 select: 192009 } allSelect { msgId: 192004 select: 192005 } allSelect { msgId: 192012 select: 192013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910296 lastSubmitTime: 1629948753 readingMsgId: 192031 } readingMsgGroup { id: 193 allSelect { msgId: 193019 select: 193020 } allSelect { msgId: 193024 select: 193025 } allSelect { msgId: 193014 select: 193015 } allSelect { msgId: 193007 select: 193008 } allSelect { msgId: 193004 select: 193005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910246 lastSubmitTime: 1630399108 readingMsgId: 193027 } readingMsgGroup { id: 194 allSelect { msgId: 194002 select: 194003 } allSelect { msgId: 194014 select: 194015 } allSelect { msgId: 194019 select: 194020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630630150 lastSubmitTime: 1630682597 readingMsgId: 194023 readVoiceIds: 194008 } readingMsgGroup { id: 195 allSelect { msgId: 195011 select: 195012 } allSelect { msgId: 195024 select: 195025 } allSelect { msgId: 195048 select: 195049 } allSelect { msgId: 195036 select: 195037 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630549640 lastSubmitTime: 1632545049 readingMsgId: 195050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 196 allSelect { msgId: 196010 select: 196011 } allSelect { msgId: 196003 select: 196004 } allSelect { msgId: 196019 select: 196020 } allSelect { msgId: 196027 select: 196028 } allSelect { msgId: 196023 select: 196024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910274 lastSubmitTime: 1630039069 readingMsgId: 196034 } readingMsgGroup { id: 199 allSelect { msgId: 199001 select: 199002 } allSelect { msgId: 199008 select: 199009 } allSelect { msgId: 199023 select: 199024 } allSelect { msgId: 199013 select: 199014 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630772775 lastSubmitTime: 1632544881 readingMsgId: 199025 } readingMsgGroup { id: 200 allSelect { msgId: 200003 select: 200004 } allSelect { msgId: 200023 select: 200024 } allSelect { msgId: 200039 select: 200040 } allSelect { msgId: 200006 select: 200007 } allSelect { msgId: 200043 select: 200044 } allSelect { msgId: 200026 select: 200027 } allSelect { msgId: 200015 select: 200016 } allSelect { msgId: 200046 select: 200047 } allSelect { msgId: 200029 select: 200030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665198125 lastSubmitTime: 1673605930 readingMsgId: 200049 } readingMsgGroup { id: 207 allSelect { msgId: 207010 select: 207011 } allSelect { msgId: 207018 select: 207019 } allSelect { msgId: 207025 select: 207026 } allSelect { msgId: 207014 select: 207015 } allSelect { msgId: 207004 select: 207005 } allSelect { msgId: 207028 select: 207029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1637112991 lastSubmitTime: 1637803510 readingMsgId: 207032 } readingMsgGroup { id: 209 allSelect { msgId: 209043 select: 209044 } allSelect { msgId: 209026 select: 209027 } allSelect { msgId: 209047 select: 209048 } allSelect { msgId: 209063 select: 209064 } allSelect { msgId: 209013 select: 209014 } allSelect { msgId: 209029 select: 209030 } allSelect { msgId: 209019 select: 209020 } allSelect { msgId: 209051 select: 209052 } allSelect { msgId: 209034 select: 209035 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1638414393 lastSubmitTime: 1638414969 readingMsgId: 209066 } readingMsgGroup { id: 217 allSelect { msgId: 217011 select: 217012 } allSelect { msgId: 217019 select: 217020 } allSelect { msgId: 217002 select: 217003 } allSelect { msgId: 217017 select: 217018 } allSelect { msgId: 217025 select: 217026 } allSelect { msgId: 217005 select: 217006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643079016 readingMsgId: 217028 } readingMsgGroup { id: 218 allSelect { msgId: 218009 select: 218010 } allSelect { msgId: 218016 select: 218017 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643078984 readingMsgId: 218024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 224 allSelect { msgId: 224027 select: 224028 } allSelect { msgId: 224031 select: 224032 } allSelect { msgId: 224012 select: 224013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644481035 lastSubmitTime: 1644481775 readingMsgId: 224040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 229 allSelect { msgId: 229009 select: 229010 } allSelect { msgId: 229129 select: 229141 } allSelect { msgId: 229096 select: 229119 } allSelect { msgId: 229167 select: 229168 } allSelect { msgId: 229036 select: 229037 } allSelect { msgId: 229052 select: 229053 } allSelect { msgId: 229084 select: 229085 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1643985702 lastSubmitTime: 1644481853 readingMsgId: 229173 redPackets { msgId: 229020 num: 3 money: 30000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19549 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 8077 } receivers { heroId: 2121 money: 2374 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229026 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 2119 money: 6031 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 9926 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 14378 } receivers { heroId: 2017 money: 10810 } receivers { heroId: 2094 money: 8855 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229038 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 387 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 5407 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 19316 } receivers { heroId: 2128 money: 9198 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 4910 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12869 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 29634 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 1786 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 2299 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5463 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 16423 } receivers { heroId: 2127 money: 12308 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229046 num: 10 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 10866 } receivers { heroId: 2015 money: 15062 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11817 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 4131 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 4762 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 4262 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 6652 } receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 19964 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 22438 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229064 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11128 } receivers { heroId: 2115 money: 15173 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1433 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 13407 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 8859 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229075 num: 1 money: 10000 content: receivers { heroId: 2125 money: 10000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229079 num: 15 money: 150000 content: receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 4507 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 6285 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 10716 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 3844 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 13617 } receivers { heroId: 2073 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 16256 } receivers { heroId: 2099 money: 7140 } receivers { heroId: 2084 money: 11385 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 12195 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 19308 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 8542 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 15609 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 6844 } receivers { heroId: 2100 money: 13751 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229141 num: 9 money: 700 content: 如虎添翼,心想事成 receivers { heroId: 2101 money: 24 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 142 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 126 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 154 } receivers { heroId: 2081 money: 14 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 60 } receivers { heroId: 2063 money: 43 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 121 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 16 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229157 num: 15 money: 1500 content: receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2018 money: 176 } receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 156 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 200 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 2 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 68 } receivers { heroId: 2105 money: 84 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2108 money: 150 } receivers { heroId: 2012 money: 175 } receivers { heroId: 2120 money: 45 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2067 money: 131 } receivers { heroId: 2097 money: 1 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 230 allSelect { msgId: 230003 select: 230004 } allSelect { msgId: 230034 select: 230035 } allSelect { msgId: 230049 select: 230050 } allSelect { msgId: 230010 select: 230011 } allSelect { msgId: 230057 select: 230058 } allSelect { msgId: 230045 select: 230046 } allSelect { msgId: 230060 select: 230061 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867197 lastSubmitTime: 1646867226 readingMsgId: 230062 } readingMsgGroup { id: 236 allSelect { msgId: 236024 select: 236025 } allSelect { msgId: 236006 select: 236007 } allSelect { msgId: 236046 select: 236047 } allSelect { msgId: 236013 select: 236014 } allSelect { msgId: 236037 select: 236038 } allSelect { msgId: 236028 select: 236029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1649842967 lastSubmitTime: 1651080534 readingMsgId: 236050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 240 allSelect { msgId: 240009 select: 240010 } allSelect { msgId: 240016 select: 240017 } allSelect { msgId: 240020 select: 240021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216752 lastSubmitTime: 1652343965 readingMsgId: 240023 } readingMsgGroup { id: 241 allSelect { msgId: 241011 select: 241012 } allSelect { msgId: 241040 select: 241041 } allSelect { msgId: 241045 select: 241046 } allSelect { msgId: 241049 select: 241050 } allSelect { msgId: 241032 select: 241033 } allSelect { msgId: 241023 select: 241024 } allSelect { msgId: 241055 select: 241056 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652343827 lastSubmitTime: 1652343942 readingMsgId: 241060 } readingMsgGroup { id: 245 allSelect { msgId: 245002 select: 245003 } allSelect { msgId: 245017 select: 245018 } allSelect { msgId: 245008 select: 245009 } allSelect { msgId: 245021 select: 245022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216776 lastSubmitTime: 1652343953 readingMsgId: 245024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 246 allSelect { msgId: 246025 select: 246026 } allSelect { msgId: 246032 select: 246033 } allSelect { msgId: 246040 select: 246041 } allSelect { msgId: 246047 select: 246048 } allSelect { msgId: 246006 select: 246007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654729473 lastSubmitTime: 1657757747 readingMsgId: 246050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 249 allSelect { msgId: 249003 select: 249004 } allSelect { msgId: 249018 select: 249019 } allSelect { msgId: 249008 select: 249009 } allSelect { msgId: 249014 select: 249015 } allSelect { msgId: 249021 select: 249022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654510595 lastSubmitTime: 1657757728 readingMsgId: 249026 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetNpcGroupChatReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:56][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 66 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.199995290488 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetNpcGroupChatReply 62 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:57][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:57][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:58][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 54 11 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroTaskRandomRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heroId: 2149 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=54,cmd=11,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{_onCloseAnimationDone}当关闭完毕后,有animator情况发现没了 [close] 状态,警告无法保证动画拉回来,viewName====== herotasksearchview [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=4,status=0,size=60 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=11,status=0,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000343 state: 1 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 heroId: 2149 location { category: 5 defineId: 2 heroInfo: } openTime: 1684970339 expireTime: 1685048400 unLockTime: 1682526992 doneCount: 4 lastFinishedTime: 1684047472 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 4 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskPush 63 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heroId: 2149 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroTaskRandomReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 54 11 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066578663885593 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HeroTaskRandomReply 64 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_q/100165_head_q.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:18:59]bigbg/headicon_q/100165_head_q.png instance: @66ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:0][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 10 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = TempleFairInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 7 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = FeteFairInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=10,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 43 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=7,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetLevelInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 1 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRestaurantInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 27 当前队列数量= 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetActivityCustomerRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=43,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=27,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=10,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}nextRefleshTime: 1685001600 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = TempleFairInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 10 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10008899495006 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 5 || 0 TempleFairInfoReply 65 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=7,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=43,status=0,size=92 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=18,status=0,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}nextRefleshTime: 1684972800 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = FeteFairInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 7 所需时间单位秒 = 0.16671128943563 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 4 || 0 FeteFairInfoReply 66 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=18,status=0,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=1,status=0,size=23 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}cookingLevel: 4 gotAppearanceItem { id: 170002 } gotAppearanceItem { id: 170003 } gotAppearanceItem { id: 170001 } gotAppearanceItem { id: 170004 } gotAppearanceItem { id: 170005 } gotAppearanceItem { id: 170008 expiredTime: 0 } appearance { type: 101 id: 170001 } appearance { type: 102 id: 170002 } appearance { type: 103 id: 170008 expiredTime: 0 } appearance { type: 201 id: 170004 } appearance { type: 202 id: 170005 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetLevelInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 43 所需时间单位秒 = 0.16671128943563 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 3 || 0 GetLevelInfoReply 67 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=27,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}uid: 1 isSuccess: false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = AutoServingResultPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 39 18 || 0 AutoServingResultPush 68 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}uid: 2 isSuccess: false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = AutoServingResultPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 39 18 || 0 AutoServingResultPush 69 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}toolNum: 4 keChaoEndTime: 0 toolIncrTime: 1684980833273 isClose: false offlineGain: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRestaurantInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.20005616173148 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 GetRestaurantInfoReply 70 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/extensions/restaurant/agent/RestaurantAgent.lua:0]:{}当前 营业新动态 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/extensions/restaurant/agent/RestaurantAgent.lua:0]:{}false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=7,id=203 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/restaurant/facade/RestaurantFacade: in function '_realEnter' logic/extensions/restaurant/facade/RestaurantFacade: in function '_checkAllInfoDone' logic/extensions/restaurant/facade/RestaurantFacade: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/controller/BaseController: in function 'localNotify' logic/extensions/restaurant/agent/RestaurantAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetActivityCustomerReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 27 所需时间单位秒 = 0.20005616173148 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetActivityCustomerReply 71 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/extensions/restaurant/agent/RestaurantAgent.lua:0]:{}handleGetActivityCustomerReply [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.23332224413753 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 72 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]DestroyUnusedResources:76,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=7,id=203 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_003.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_075_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_004.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_164.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s06_hmi_canteen/fbx/g-s06_hmi_obj.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s06_hmi_canteen/texture/g-s06_hmi_canteen.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s75_canteen/fbx/g-s75_zhuozi.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s75_canteen/texture/g-s75_hmi_canteen1.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s75_canteen/g-s75_hmi_canteen_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s75_canteen/g-s75_hmi_canteen_stage.prefab instance: @67ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s75_canteen/fbx/g-s75_canteen_pi2.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s75_canteen/texture/g-s75_hmi_canteen1-2.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s75_canteen/texture/g-s75_hmi_canteen2-2.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s75_canteen/g-s75_zhuozi-2_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_013.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/common_elems/scene_effect_assets/texture/s-effect_guang_a.psd isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s75_canteen/fbx/g-s75_beijingi.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s75_canteen/g-s75_beijingi_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s75_canteen/texture/g-s75_hmi_canteen2.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s75_canteen/g-s75_dimain_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_stageLoadFinishedHandler}成功加载了一个新的场景的舞台,但当前场景还未进入完毕,类型=7,id=203 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 43 9 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = RestaurantStoryRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/scene/restaurant/factory/RestaurantTouristFactory.lua:0]:{onEnterSceneFinished}onEnterSceneFinished [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/extensions/tourist/controller/TouristController.lua:0]:{}_onAfterEnterScene 203 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/extensions/tourist/controller/TouristController.lua:0]:{_start}无游客 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=7,id=203,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' logic/scene/restaurant/stage/RestaurantSceneStage: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/restaurant/stage/RestaurantSceneStage: in function '_checkAllLoaded' logic/scene/restaurant/stage/RestaurantSceneStage: in function 'onAppearanceLoaded' logic/scene/kitchen/AppearanceFactoryBase: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=43,cmd=9,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 101 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 7#203 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:2][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_restaurant_0 isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_restaurant_1 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_restaurant_2 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/restaurantview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/restaurant/restaurantview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 16 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetTableFoodRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=16,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/btnnote.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/restaurant/restaurantnoteui.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/140017_luwu_npc/140017_luwu_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/140017_luwu_npc/140017_luwu_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100165_qjf_maks_xuyuan/100165_qjf_maks_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100165_qjf_xuyuan/100165_qjf_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100165_qjf_maks_xuyuan/100165_qjf_maks_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_herotask_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/herotasksceneui.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/herotask/herotasksceneui.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=2,status=0,size=22 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=43,cmd=9,status=0,size=1581 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 93 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateRedDotPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 49 2 || 0 UpdateRedDotPush 73 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}storyInfo { talkId: 256 unlockTime: 1573201108 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2052 unlockTime: 1569562478 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1541 unlockTime: 1569532858 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1031 unlockTime: 1567610675 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 5131 unlockTime: 1568602714 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2831 unlockTime: 1568602714 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1552 unlockTime: 1578561257 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1041 unlockTime: 1568858102 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 531 unlockTime: 1568134238 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 4631 unlockTime: 1568134238 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2841 unlockTime: 1568858102 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1051 unlockTime: 1572220091 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2331 unlockTime: 1567487667 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 541 unlockTime: 1569389362 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 5151 unlockTime: 1595457707 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2852 unlockTime: 1596064865 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2341 unlockTime: 1569594399 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1831 unlockTime: 1568134238 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 5931 unlockTime: 1588813045 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1841 unlockTime: 1568858102 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1331 unlockTime: 1568858102 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 5431 unlockTime: 1568134238 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1851 unlockTime: 1595457707 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1852 unlockTime: 1600325908 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1341 unlockTime: 1578561257 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 831 unlockTime: 1568822371 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 4931 unlockTime: 1569559256 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2631 unlockTime: 1567487667 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 841 unlockTime: 1569579489 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 331 unlockTime: 1568822371 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 4431 unlockTime: 1568602714 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2641 unlockTime: 1567602957 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2131 unlockTime: 1568548894 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 851 unlockTime: 1569389362 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 852 unlockTime: 1569748981 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 341 unlockTime: 1568602714 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 4951 unlockTime: 1590036080 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 6231 unlockTime: 1588250857 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 3931 unlockTime: 1567610675 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2652 unlockTime: 1595457707 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2141 unlockTime: 1568858102 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1631 unlockTime: 1568858102 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 353 unlockTime: 1573201108 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 5731 unlockTime: 1588297081 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2151 unlockTime: 1595136483 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2152 unlockTime: 1591917485 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1641 unlockTime: 1569325069 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 6251 unlockTime: 1597627530 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1131 unlockTime: 1569420959 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 5231 unlockTime: 1567487667 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2931 unlockTime: 1568134238 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1652 unlockTime: 1569562478 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1141 unlockTime: 1569325069 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1654 unlockTime: 1606985019 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 631 unlockTime: 1568822371 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 4731 unlockTime: 1568602714 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2941 unlockTime: 1567610675 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2431 unlockTime: 1568602714 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1151 unlockTime: 1569824106 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 641 unlockTime: 1568858102 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 5251 unlockTime: 1595986575 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 131 unlockTime: 1568134238 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2441 unlockTime: 1569325069 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1931 unlockTime: 1568822371 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 652 unlockTime: 1632217956 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 653 unlockTime: 1569325069 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 141 unlockTime: 1568858102 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 4751 unlockTime: 1597822995 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 6031 unlockTime: 1588813045 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2453 unlockTime: 1568822371 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1941 unlockTime: 1569532858 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2454 unlockTime: 1632217956 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1431 unlockTime: 1568858102 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 153 unlockTime: 1568858102 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1441 unlockTime: 1568822371 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 931 unlockTime: 1568822371 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 5031 unlockTime: 1568602714 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2731 unlockTime: 1567610675 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 941 unlockTime: 1569389362 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 431 unlockTime: 1568822371 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 4531 unlockTime: 1568858102 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2741 unlockTime: 1578561257 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2231 unlockTime: 1568602714 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 952 unlockTime: 1589605205 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 441 unlockTime: 1568822371 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 4031 unlockTime: 1567476844 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2241 unlockTime: 1568134238 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1731 unlockTime: 1568822371 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 452 unlockTime: 1573201108 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 5831 unlockTime: 1588813045 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 4552 unlockTime: 1600653629 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2252 unlockTime: 1597628476 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1741 unlockTime: 1568858102 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1231 unlockTime: 1568858102 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 5331 unlockTime: 1568822371 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 3031 unlockTime: 1567487667 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1751 unlockTime: 1578561257 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1752 unlockTime: 1600653629 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1241 unlockTime: 1569420959 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1753 unlockTime: 1569559252 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 731 unlockTime: 1568134238 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 3041 unlockTime: 1569389362 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2531 unlockTime: 1567476844 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1251 unlockTime: 1569389362 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 741 unlockTime: 1568822371 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 231 unlockTime: 1568602714 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 5352 unlockTime: 1573201108 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 5353 unlockTime: 1588250495 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 4331 unlockTime: 1568822371 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2541 unlockTime: 1569510274 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2031 unlockTime: 1568134238 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 752 unlockTime: 1594710048 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 241 unlockTime: 1569748981 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 6131 unlockTime: 1588297081 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 2041 unlockTime: 1569574634 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 1531 unlockTime: 1568822371 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 252 unlockTime: 1600325908 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 253 unlockTime: 1597907276 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 254 unlockTime: 1588813045 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 5631 unlockTime: 1588250557 isMarkRead: true } storyInfo { talkId: 255 unlockTime: 1572220091 isMarkRead: true } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = RestaurantStoryReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 43 9 所需时间单位秒 = 0.07031224668026 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 RestaurantStoryReply 74 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=16,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetTableFoodReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 16 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10004474967718 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetTableFoodReply 75 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:3][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:4][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:4][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:4][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/herotask/herotaskinfoview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:timeline/materials/focus.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/live2dcharacter.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100165_qjf_mask/100165_qjf_mask_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:4][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):idle.mtn,default:nil stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/unit/component/live2D/UnitCompLive2D: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010149.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/item_ssr.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:4]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100165_qjf_mask/action/idle.mtn.anim isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:4]bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png instance: @28ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:4]bigbg/itemicon/1010149.png instance: @28ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:4][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 54 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroTaskAccpetRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000343 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=54,cmd=2,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=4,status=0,size=65 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=2,status=0,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000343 state: 2 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 heroId: 2149 location { category: 5 defineId: 2 heroInfo: } nodeId: 10034301 acceptTime: 1684970345 expireTime: 1685048400 unLockTime: 1682526992 doneCount: 4 lastFinishedTime: 1684047472 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 4 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskPush 77 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000343 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroTaskAccpetReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 54 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10004629194736 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HeroTaskAccpetReply 78 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_firstcallhero isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_story_0 isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/dialogtype.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/dialogview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/nextbtn.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/profileview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/storyview_textview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/story/storyview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/story/storylookbackitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_story_1 isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_chenshui.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/story/storyanimation/ui_chenshui.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_storymaskeffectview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/story/storyanimation/ui_storymaskeffectview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 1 time: 2000 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@logic/common/audio/FmodAudioPlayer.lua:0]:{pauseAudio}setPauseResult OK [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/210023.jpg isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/commonbg/herotasktraceview_bg.jpg isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]bigbg/story_bigbg/210023.jpg instance: @49ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5]bigbg/commonbg/herotasktraceview_bg.jpg instance: @50ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.2167193274945 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 79 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 5 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SkipStoryLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}storyId: 314911 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=5,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 16 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetTableFoodRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=16,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/audio/FmodAudioPlayer.lua:0]:{resumeAudio}setPauseResult OK [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 54 3 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroTaskFinshRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000343 nodeId: 10034301 index: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=54,cmd=3,size=21 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=5,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SkipStoryLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099928453564644 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 SkipStoryLogReply 80 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=16,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=4,status=0,size=65 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=3,status=0,size=18 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetTableFoodReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 16 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13337149471045 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetTableFoodReply 81 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000343 state: 2 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 heroId: 2149 location { category: 5 defineId: 2 heroInfo: } nodeId: 10034302 acceptTime: 1684970345 expireTime: 1685048400 unLockTime: 1682526992 doneCount: 4 lastFinishedTime: 1684047472 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 4 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskPush 82 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000343 nodeId: 10034301 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroTaskFinshReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 54 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13337149471045 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HeroTaskFinshReply 83 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 52 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetAidInfoListRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}type: 1 id: 60000091 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=52,cmd=2,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_fb_0 isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gotitle.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbinfoteamview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_achievementandteam isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_fb_automaticpvp_1 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/materials/ui_image_additive.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/herogrid/memberitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/commonteamitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/common/speechbubble.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/battle/supportitemview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=52,cmd=2,status=0,size=71 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 8 9 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SelectFormationRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}formationId: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=8,cmd=9,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}aidInfos { id: -1 name: 鹄羹 level: 1 type: 0 hero { heroId: 0 heroTypeIdx: 2000 level: 1 rank: 1 sks { skillId: 41200000 } sks { skillId: 41200001 } sks { skillId: 41200002 } skinId: 100001 breakthroughCnt: 0 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetAidInfoListReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 52 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.072150003165007 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetAidInfoListReply 84 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000305.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/10000242.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=2,status=0,size=5638 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=51,cmd=2,status=0,size=96 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 101 infos { id: 1769919871 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919869 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787390 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919857 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919854 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919852 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1776643062 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919849 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 122549076 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1527341331 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 806571529 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1667319675 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256909552 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1667319674 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256909553 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1667319677 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1353123002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1667319678 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 19102466 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787358 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 139170401 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1579542537 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1042575880 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 32553408 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580167 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580165 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580162 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580163 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1495992093 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580160 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580161 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 929223002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580170 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580168 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580169 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1403763092 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 173450768 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1326385990 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 16286900 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256903866 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1550020658 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1659193009 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 141141567 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1556865181 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1768243004 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1768243003 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1768243002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5039151 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1728547171 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1409263002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 937586058 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1556865186 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 803130807 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1540127655 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1540127668 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1550020635 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1538069974 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1242049140 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1196873002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5039153 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1540127665 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5039154 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 74123796 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256909933 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 59476231 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1254799941 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1123538534 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 52174218 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 52174213 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1254799957 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813517 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1064406992 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813516 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813519 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813518 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1582457078 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813513 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256909390 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813512 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1162443744 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1254799968 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5033214 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1762243005 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1762243004 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1254799996 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5033206 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1220603002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1579542682 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580150 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1473115405 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1403764074 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1467314612 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580148 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580149 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787445 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580146 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580147 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580144 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580159 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1473115399 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580157 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787453 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580154 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787451 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580155 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580152 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580153 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580130 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1495119816 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580131 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1471753583 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580142 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580143 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5035157 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580141 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5035153 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5035154 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1732380060 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5035155 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1732380061 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1556865069 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 638844155 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787422 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787423 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580124 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787420 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580125 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 871601438 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580123 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919888 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919889 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919886 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919887 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1210233043 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1148133020 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1688445520 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919882 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919883 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919880 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919877 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787405 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919873 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1630110761 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5033293 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1691086285 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188332 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188334 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1733974603 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 871601894 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1733974595 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1733974599 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636547732 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1714072328 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1477135150 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1650945359 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 948151721 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188300 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188303 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1326386238 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1121775078 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 803129502 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1738511581 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 253111388 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1403765991 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1574223002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 253111385 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 72174877 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1471082748 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 670426281 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1100371703 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 727488574 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1353955280 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1733974591 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1733974589 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1235910338 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1688445385 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1723400150 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1752272129 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188241 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188242 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188245 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1471082715 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188244 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1100371683 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1531953207 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 803129509 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 835915439 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1326386289 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1420401111 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 38051270 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 281428802 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636549646 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636549658 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1765604009 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1437580302 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1716870647 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1123537759 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636549669 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 643109371 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636549689 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256904537 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 213752581 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256909654 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1488373003 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1651257810 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5033867 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1696416474 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1776586286 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1353955192 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1744083003 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188403 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188405 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188404 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188407 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188406 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1631604887 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5985667 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188410 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5985670 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5034899 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1775084075 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188362 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188365 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1123538202 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1536287871 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1123538200 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188368 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1736907892 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 643108768 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1465217186 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1353957188 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 948152187 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1421582657 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 744 infos { id: 1769919871 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919869 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787390 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919857 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919854 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919852 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1776643062 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919849 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 122549076 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1527341331 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 806571529 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1667319675 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256909552 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1667319674 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256909553 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1667319677 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1353123002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1667319678 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 19102466 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787358 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 139170401 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1579542537 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1042575880 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 32553408 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580167 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580165 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580162 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580163 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1495992093 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580160 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580161 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 929223002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580170 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580168 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580169 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1403763092 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 173450768 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1326385990 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 16286900 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256903866 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1550020658 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1659193009 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 141141567 value: 0 time: 0 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id: 1254799941 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1123538534 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 52174218 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 52174213 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1254799957 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813517 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1064406992 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813516 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813519 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813518 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1582457078 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813513 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256909390 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1747813512 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1162443744 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1254799968 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5033214 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1762243005 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1762243004 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1254799996 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5033206 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1220603002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1579542682 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580150 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1473115405 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1403764074 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1467314612 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580148 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580149 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787445 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580146 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580147 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580144 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580159 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1473115399 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580157 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787453 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580154 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787451 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580155 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580152 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580153 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580130 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1495119816 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580131 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1471753583 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580142 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580143 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5035157 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580141 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1448163468 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5035153 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5035154 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1732380060 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5035155 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1732380061 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1556865069 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 638844155 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787422 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787423 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580124 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787420 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580125 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 871601438 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1773580123 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919888 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919889 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919886 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919887 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1210233043 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1148133020 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1688445520 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919882 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919883 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919880 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919877 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1735787405 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1769919873 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1630110761 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5033293 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1691086285 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188332 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188334 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1733974603 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 871601894 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1733974595 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1733974599 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636547732 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1714072328 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1477135150 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1650945359 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 948151721 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188300 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188303 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1326386238 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1121775078 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 803129502 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1738511581 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 253111388 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1403765991 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1574223002 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 253111385 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1574223003 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 72174877 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1471082748 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 670426281 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1650945850 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1100371703 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 727488574 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1353955280 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1733974591 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1733974589 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1235910338 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1688445385 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1723400150 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1752272129 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188241 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188242 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188245 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1471082715 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188244 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1100371683 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1531953207 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 803129509 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 835915439 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1326386289 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1420401111 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 38051270 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 281428802 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636549646 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636549658 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1765604009 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1437580302 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1716870647 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1123537759 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1650944973 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636549669 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 643109371 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636549689 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256904537 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 213752581 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1636549682 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1256909654 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1488373003 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1651257810 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5033867 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1696416474 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1776586286 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1353955192 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1744083003 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188403 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188405 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188404 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188407 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188406 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1631604887 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5985667 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188410 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5985670 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 5034899 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1775084075 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188362 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188365 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1123538202 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1536287871 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1123538200 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1751188368 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1736907892 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 643108768 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1465217186 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1353957188 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 948152187 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 1421582657 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateRedDotPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 49 2 || 0 UpdateRedDotPush 85 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/imagecharacter/100087_zd02.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/skinlib/widget/widget_imagetext.asset isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/300029.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/imagecharacter/100005_zd05.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/300019.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/imagecharacter/100080_zd03.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/imagecharacter/100104_zd02.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100001_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]bigbg/itemicon/1000305.png instance: @34ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]bigbg/itemicon/10000242.png instance: @34ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=22,cmd=2,status=0,size=270 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}equipInfoList { uniqueId: 2612497208 defineId: 702016 experience: 300 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 isLocked: false star: 1 sourceInfos { sourceId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 } gainTime: 1678849120000 loveLevel: 0 } equipInfoList { uniqueId: 16632122 defineId: 702017 experience: 5320 heroUniqueId: 0 isLocked: false star: 3 sourceInfos { sourceId: 2 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 } sourceInfos { sourceId: 4 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 } gainTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = EquipInfoUpdatePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 51 2 || 0 EquipInfoUpdatePush 86 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}hero { heroId: 1100371703 isInFormation: true masterPlayerID: 273900 heroTypeIdx: 2076 baseAttr { hp: 7025 atk: 1074 def: 902 critic: 80 critic_dmg: 1200 dodge: 150 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } equipAttr { hp: 2140 atk: 456 def: 439 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 33 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } createTime: 1609730843000 rank: 5 luck: 6 sks { skillId: 41207607 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41207608 strengthenLevel: 3 } sks { skillId: 41207609 strengthenLevel: 4 } exp: 2531010 state: 385 strengthenRate: 0 livingSks { skillId: 40300026 strengthenLevel: 1 maxStrengthenLevel: 1 } breakthroughCnt: 7 skinId: 140121 quality: 0 equipAttrList { sourceId: 1 equipAttr { hp: 2140 atk: 456 def: 439 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 160 dodge: 33 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 2 equipAttr { hp: 3976 atk: 399 def: 456 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 238 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 136 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 3 equipAttr { hp: 940 atk: 68 def: 111 critic: 0 critic_dmg: 0 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } equipAttrList { sourceId: 4 equipAttr { hp: 3188 atk: 508 def: 439 critic: 59 critic_dmg: 638 dodge: 33 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 } } contractUnlock: true contractLevel: 30 autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 loveLevel: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroInfoUpdatePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 22 2 || 0 HeroInfoUpdatePush 87 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=8,cmd=4,status=0,size=142 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=8,cmd=9,status=0,size=10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]bigbg/itemicon/300029.png instance: @50ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}formationInfoList { formationId: 1 formationHeros { index: 0 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1162443744 equipUniqueIds: 1194020764 equipUniqueIds: 1787838584 equipUniqueIds: 1984763687 } formationHeros { index: 1 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 937586058 equipUniqueIds: 2604010754 equipUniqueIds: 2612497206 equipUniqueIds: 2612497213 } formationHeros { index: 2 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1100371703 equipUniqueIds: 30252107 equipUniqueIds: 2612497208 equipUniqueIds: 6192517 } formationHeros { index: 3 typeId: 1 heroUniqueId: 1353957188 equipUniqueIds: 2604010759 equipUniqueIds: 1012841653 equipUniqueIds: 2564349851 } state: 1 name: 一 typeId: 1 seq: 1 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = FormatioChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 8 4 || 0 FormatioChangePush 88 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}formationId: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SelectFormationReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 8 9 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13333224691451 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SelectFormationReply 89 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]bigbg/itemicon/300019.png instance: @83ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]bigbg/headicon_small/100001_head_small.png instance: @114ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 1 time: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/audio/FmodAudioPlayer.lua:0]:{pauseAudio}setPauseResult OK [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066592335700989 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 90 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 31 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = StartBarrierRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dungeonId: 60001 barrierId: 60000091 formationId: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=31,cmd=2,size=20 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=31,cmd=2,status=0,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}battleId: 60000091 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = StartBarrierReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 31 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13347546011209 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 StartBarrierReply 91 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 7 time: 1000 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 16 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetTableFoodRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/audio/FmodAudioPlayer.lua:0]:{resumeAudio}setPauseResult OK [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=16,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2084 isShaping:false skinId:140047 otherSkillId:140051 skills:[41208407,41208408,41208409] otherSkills:[41208410,41208411,41208412,41208413,41208414,41208415,41208416,41208417,41208418,41208419,41208420] allSkillActions:[10009407,10009409,10009408,10008708,10008709,10008707] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2007 isShaping:false skinId:140237 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41200707,41200708,41200709] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15010109,15010107,15010108] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:140121 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207607,41207608,41207609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15005509,15005507,15005508] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2096 isShaping:false skinId:140069 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41209607,41209608,41209609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10010407,10010408,10010409] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(monster) -> id:22074 isShaping:false skinId:100068 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207407,41207412,41207409] otherSkills:[41207401,41207405,41207408] allSkillActions:[10007809,10007808,10007807,10007819] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(monster) -> id:22038 isShaping:false skinId:100040 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41203807,41203808,41203809] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10002909,10002907,10002908] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(monster) -> id:22027 isShaping:false skinId:100029 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41202707,41202708,41202709] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10003309,10003307,10003308] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(monster) -> id:22074 isShaping:false skinId:100068 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207407,41207412,41207409] otherSkills:[41207401,41207405,41207408] allSkillActions:[10007809,10007808,10007807,10007819] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=2,id=220013 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbSelectController: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/fb/agent/FbAgent: in function '_onNotifyStartBarrier' logic/extensions/fb/agent/FbAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 1 time: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/audio/FmodAudioPlayer.lua:0]:{pauseAudio}setPauseResult OK [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 5 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = LeaveRestaurantRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 49 1 当前队列数量= 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}ids: 44 ids: 50 ids: 51 ids: 49 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/extensions/tourist/controller/TouristController.lua:0]:{}_onAfterExitScene [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=7,id=203 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=5,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=49,cmd=1,size=17 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.049638375639915 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 4 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 92 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=16,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=5,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetTableFoodReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 16 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099798334762454 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 3 || 0 GetTableFoodReply 93 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=1,status=0,size=56 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099798334762454 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 94 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = LeaveRestaurantReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099798334762454 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 LeaveRestaurantReply 95 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]DestroyUnusedResources:77,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 49 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 50 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1685001600 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 51 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 44 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1684972800 } replaceAll: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 49 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13315283320844 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRedDotInfosReply 96 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=2,id=220013 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}ArtUpgradeUtil 场景:g-s35_tianye_p 是旧场景 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/common/ArtUpgradeUtil: in function 'log' logic/common/state/scene/CameraSet: in function 'init' logic/scene/battle/stage/SceneLoader: in function 'onEnterScene' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnter' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/schedule/ScheduleEntry: in function 'update' framework/schedule/Scheduler: in function [builtin#21]: at 0x0103540df4 event: in function '' event: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{beginCreate}开始加载全部英雄 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllRole}外部传入需要加载的[英雄]总数=4,已经加载过了的数量=0,检查后真正要加载的总数=4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllRole}英雄id=2084_1,加载的特效[总数=]15,路径=["effect\/prefabs\/show_ylxy_skill3_camera.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_ylxy_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_ylxy_skill6.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_ylxy_skill6_camera.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_ylxy_skill4.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_ylxy_skill4.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_ylxy_skill5.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_ylxy_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_ylxy_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_monstshow.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_roledie.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_buff.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_debuff.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: effect/prefabs/atk_ylxy_skill1.prefab; false; true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: stack traceback: logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool: in function '_setRes' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool: in function '_setWaitRes' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool: in function 'load' logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory: in function '_buildAllRole' logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory: in function 'beginCreate' logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory: in function 'onEnterScene' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnter' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/schedule/ScheduleEntry: in function 'update' framework/schedule/Scheduler: in function [builtin#21]: at 0x0103540df4 event: in function '' event: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllRole}英雄id=2007_2,加载的特效[总数=]7,路径=["effect\/prefabs\/show_ljxr_sy_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_ljxr_sy_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_ljxr_sy_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_ljxr_sy_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_ljxr_sy_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllRole}英雄id=2076_3,加载的特效[总数=]8,路径=["effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_jz_skill3_camera.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_jz_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_flt_jz_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_loop.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_jz_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_jz_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllRole}英雄id=2096_4,加载的特效[总数=]5,路径=["effect\/prefabs\/show_szysb_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_szysb_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_szysb_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{beginCreate}开始加载全部怪物 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllMonster}外部传入需要加载的[怪物]总数=4,已经加载过了的数量=0,检查后真正要加载的总数=4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllMonster}怪物id=60000091_1_22074,加载的特效[总数=]6,路径=["effect\/prefabs\/show_cwhg_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_cwhg_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_cwhg_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_cwhg_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_chaofeng.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllMonster}怪物id=60000091_2_22038,加载的特效[总数=]8,路径=["effect\/prefabs\/show_mapodoufu_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_mapodoufu_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_mapodoufu_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_mapodoufu_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_mapodoufu_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_mapodoufu_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_chaofeng.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllMonster}怪物id=60000091_4_22027,加载的特效[总数=]6,路径=["effect\/prefabs\/atk_duojiaoyutou_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_duojiaoyutou_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_duojiaoyutou_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_duojiaoyutou_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_chaofeng.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_buildAllMonster}怪物id=60000091_999_22074,加载的特效[总数=]6,路径=["effect\/prefabs\/show_cwhg_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_cwhg_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_cwhg_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_cwhg_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_chaofeng.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerCommonderBase.lua:0]:{onEnterScene}进入场景开始监听触发器事件===== [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/extensions/fb/core/core/util/FbUtil.lua:0]:{checkBarrierPlayStoryId}战前无story -> 60000091 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s35_tianye/g-s35_tianye_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/common_elems/environments/cube-maps/san_pedro_telmo/top.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/common_elems/environments/weather/texture/water_foam_surface_simple.jpg isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/common_elems/scene_effect_assets/fbx/effect_typlant_lookcamera.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/common_elems/scene_effect_assets/texture/s-effect_guang_a.psd isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/common_elems/scene_effect_assets/texture/s-effect_leaf_03.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s35_tianye/g-s35_tianye_p.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100094_ylxy_xuyuan/100094_ylxy_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100094_ylxy_xuyuan/100094_ylxy_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100087_ylxy_xuyuan/100087_ylxy_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100087_ylxy_xuyuan/100087_ylxy_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_ylxy_skill3_camera.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_ylxy_mask_001.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_ylxy_mask_006.png isPreload:False refCount:8 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_ylxy_mask_007.png isPreload:False refCount:7 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_ylxy_other_002.png isPreload:False refCount:10 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_ylxy_other_003.png isPreload:False refCount:8 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_ylxy_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_hgtg_skill3_02.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/m_ylxy_fx_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_001.png isPreload:False refCount:10 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_000_000.png isPreload:False refCount:11 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_050_025.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_075_000.png isPreload:False refCount:11 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_014.png isPreload:False refCount:10 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_glow_jgt_001.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_jwhy_mask_009.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_mask_hgtg_005.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_other_jgt_013.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_ylxy_other_001.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_017.png isPreload:False refCount:11 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_043.png isPreload:False refCount:14 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_123.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_124.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/scene_ui_003.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_006.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_024.png isPreload:False refCount:7 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_013.png isPreload:False refCount:8 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_021.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_ylxy_skill6.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_ylxy_skill6_camera.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_050_000.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_ylxy_skill4.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/fire_008.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_003_025_025_025_050.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_mask_hgtg_007.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_ylxy_trail_001.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_004.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_250.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_008.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_ylxy_skill4.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_ylxy_skill5.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_ylxy_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_ylxy_skill3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:9 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_000_025.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/battle_heroact.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/tiaodai_046.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_013.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_21.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_006.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_003.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_020.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/battle_monstshow.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_000.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_012.png isPreload:False refCount:18 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_002.png isPreload:False refCount:7 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/battle_roledie.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/battle_buff.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_001.png isPreload:False refCount:10 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_008.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/battle_debuff.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_battle_0 isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_battle_1 isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/battle/battleunitui_hero.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/150101_ljxr_sy_xuyuan/150101_ljxr_sy_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/150101_ljxr_sy_xuyuan/150101_ljxr_sy_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/luoxuantiaodai_022_wx.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_025_000.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_034.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_038.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_051.png isPreload:False refCount:8 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_075.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_122.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_123.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_059.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_ljxr_sy_skill3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_035.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_005.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_023.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_011.png isPreload:False refCount:9 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_067.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s35_tianye/g-s35_tianye_stage.prefab instance: @45ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_stageLoadFinishedHandler}成功加载了一个新的场景的舞台,但当前场景还未进入完毕,类型=2,id=220013 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage.lua:0]:{closure}1 ====== 战斗场景[舞台]加载完毕 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_ljxr_sy_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_003_025_025_025_025.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_024_1.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_ljxr_sy_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/show_sixiwanzi_skill3_01.fbx isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_015.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_018.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_022.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_024.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_062.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_147.png isPreload:False refCount:7 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_012.png isPreload:False refCount:9 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_ljxr_sy_skill3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/150055_flt_jz_xuyuan/150055_flt_jz_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/150055_flt_jz_xuyuan/150055_flt_jz_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_flt_jz_skill3_camera.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_016.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_flt_jz_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/daoguang_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/zhua_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/daoguang_001.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/fire_011.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_003_025_025_000_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_003_025_025_075_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_004.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_003.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_016.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_029.png isPreload:False refCount:9 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_flt_loop.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/m_flt_mianpian_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待2帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/m_flt_yuan_002.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待3帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_ljxr_sy_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待3帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_013.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待3帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_048.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待3帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_049.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待3帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_flt_jz_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待3帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_baozaifan_skill3_05.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待3帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_hgtg_skill3_01.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待3帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/m_flt_yuan_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待3帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/m_flt_yuan_004.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待3帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/crack_013.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待3帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_006.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待3帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_flt_galaxy_001.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待3帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_flt_other_001.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/shizipian_002.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_023.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_011.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_flt_mask_003.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_flt_mask_004.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_flt_other_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_flt_other_004.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_flt_trail_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_other_jgt_0010.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_other_jgt_007.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_other_jgt_008.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_smoke_hgtg_001.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_072.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_trail_008.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_003.png isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_015.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_036.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_flt_jz_skill3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_flt_jz_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100104_szysb_xuyuan/100104_szysb_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100104_szysb_xuyuan/100104_szysb_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/show_tangyuan_skill3_01.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/show_yangzhouchaofan_skill2_01.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/daoguang_005.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_010.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_glow_tg_001.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_jwhy_mask_002.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gr_mask_hgtg_008.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_010.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_063.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_trail_044.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_trail_082.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_079.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_szysb_skill3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/100002_skill2_002.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_010.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_030.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_szysb_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_018.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_019.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_041.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_030.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_szysb_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100078_cwhg_xuyuan/100078_cwhg_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100078_cwhg_xuyuan/100078_cwhg_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/guangzhu_003.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/guangzhu_004.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_004.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/shitou02.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/crack_015.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/fire_007.png isPreload:False refCount:9 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_007.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_mask_001.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_other_027.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_031.png isPreload:False refCount:8 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_069.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_148.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待4帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_033.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_003_025_025_075_050.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_007.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_008.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_009.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_022.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_027.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_cwhg_skill3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_100002_skill1_006.fbx isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_100062_zty_p_skill1_002.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/huanxing_002.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/shizipian_003.fbx isPreload:False refCount:6 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_040.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_010.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_cwhg_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/hit_cwhg_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/effect/prefabs/battle_chaofeng.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100029_mapodoufu_xuyuan/100029_mapodoufu_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/crack_001.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_075.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/100002_skill2_008.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_dezhoupaji_skill2_01.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/hit_baozaifan_skill1_01.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待5帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/hit_baozaifan_skill1_02.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s35_tianye/g-s35_tianye_p.prefab instance: @130ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage.lua:0]:{} ====== 战斗场景[第22001301个地图区域]加载完毕! [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage.lua:0]:{_onFirstZonesLoaded}2 ====== 战斗场景[第一个地图区域]加载完毕 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2084_1 ====== MyRole_2084_1 英雄的模型 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: effect/prefabs/atk_ylxy_skill1.prefab; false; false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/atk_ylxy_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_heroact.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_debuff.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_ylxy_skill3_camera.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_roledie.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_monstshow.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_ylxy_skill3.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_ylxy_skill6.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_buff.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_ylxy_skill6_camera.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_ylxy_skill4.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_ylxy_skill4.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_ylxy_skill5.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_ylxy_skill2.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2084_1 ====== MyRole_2084_1 英雄的特效总数[15],全部加载好的路径["effect\/prefabs\/atk_ylxy_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_debuff.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_ylxy_skill3_camera.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_roledie.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_monstshow.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_ylxy_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_ylxy_skill6.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_buff.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_ylxy_skill6_camera.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_ylxy_skill4.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_ylxy_skill4.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_ylxy_skill5.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_ylxy_skill2.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2084_1 ====== MyRole_2084_1 英雄的头顶ui [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2007_2 ====== MyRole_2007_2 英雄的头顶ui [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2076_3 ====== MyRole_2076_3 英雄的头顶ui [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2096_4 ====== MyRole_2096_4 英雄的头顶ui [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2007_2 ====== MyRole_2007_2 英雄的模型 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/show_ljxr_sy_skill3.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_heroact.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_ljxr_sy_skill3.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_ljxr_sy_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_ljxr_sy_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_ljxr_sy_skill2.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2007_2 ====== MyRole_2007_2 英雄的特效总数[7],全部加载好的路径["effect\/prefabs\/show_ljxr_sy_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_ljxr_sy_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_ljxr_sy_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_ljxr_sy_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_ljxr_sy_skill2.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2076_3 ====== MyRole_2076_3 英雄的模型 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/show_flt_jz_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_flt_jz_skill3_camera.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_heroact.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_flt_jz_skill3.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_flt_loop.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_flt_jz_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_flt_jz_skill1.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2076_3 ====== MyRole_2076_3 英雄的特效总数[8],全部加载好的路径["effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_jz_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_jz_skill3_camera.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_jz_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_loop.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_flt_jz_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_flt_jz_skill1.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2096_4 ====== MyRole_2096_4 英雄的模型 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_heroact.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_szysb_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_szysb_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_szysb_skill3.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 2096_4 ====== MyRole_2096_4 英雄的特效总数[5],全部加载好的路径["effect\/prefabs\/battle_heroact.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_szysb_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_szysb_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_szysb_skill3.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 60000091_1_22074 ====== Monster_60000091_1_22074 怪物的模型 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 60000091_999_22074 ====== Monster_60000091_999_22074 怪物的模型 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_cwhg_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_chaofeng.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_cwhg_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_cwhg_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_cwhg_skill3.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/hit_cwhg_skill1.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 60000091_1_22074 ====== Monster_60000091_1_22074 怪物的特效总数[6],全部加载好的路径["effect\/prefabs\/battle_chaofeng.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_cwhg_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_cwhg_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_cwhg_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_cwhg_skill1.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_chaofeng.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_cwhg_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_cwhg_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_cwhg_skill3.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/hit_cwhg_skill1.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 60000091_999_22074 ====== Monster_60000091_999_22074 怪物的特效总数[6],全部加载好的路径["effect\/prefabs\/battle_chaofeng.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_cwhg_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_cwhg_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_cwhg_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_cwhg_skill1.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/battle/battleunitui.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 60000091_1_22074 ====== Monster_60000091_1_22074 怪物的头顶ui [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 60000091_2_22038 ====== Monster_60000091_2_22038 怪物的头顶ui [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 60000091_4_22027 ====== Monster_60000091_4_22027 怪物的头顶ui [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 60000091_999_22074 ====== Monster_60000091_999_22074 怪物的头顶ui [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100029_mapodoufu_xuyuan/100029_mapodoufu_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 60000091_2_22038 ====== Monster_60000091_2_22038 怪物的模型 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_003.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_mapodoufu_skill3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_100002_skill1_009.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_baozaifan_skill3_01.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_baozaifan_skill3_04.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_tujuezhenzi_skill1_02.fbx isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/show_yangzhouchaofan_skill3_01.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_003.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_006.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_other_012.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_001.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_023.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_055.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_057.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_065.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_066.png isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_trail_010.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_trail_011.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_mapodoufu_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_mapodoufu_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_mapodoufu_skill3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_mapodoufu_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/hit_mapodoufu_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/show_mapodoufu_skill3.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/hit_mapodoufu_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_chaofeng.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_mapodoufu_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_mapodoufu_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_mapodoufu_skill3.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_mapodoufu_skill2.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 60000091_2_22038 ====== Monster_60000091_2_22038 怪物的特效总数[8],全部加载好的路径["effect\/prefabs\/show_mapodoufu_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_mapodoufu_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_chaofeng.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_mapodoufu_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_mapodoufu_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_mapodoufu_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_mapodoufu_skill2.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100033_duojiaoyutou_xuyuan/100033_duojiaoyutou_xuyuan.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/100033_duojiaoyutou_xuyuan/100033_duojiaoyutou_xuyuan_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 60000091_4_22027 ====== Monster_60000091_4_22027 怪物的模型 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/miantiaoguai_skill2_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/miantiaoguai_skill2_002.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/flash_003_025_025_075_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_008.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_duojiaoyutou_skill2.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/atk_duojiaoyutou_skill3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_038.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/hit_duojiaoyutou_skill1.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_005.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/show_duojiaoyutou_skill3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/atk_duojiaoyutou_skill2.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_chaofeng.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/battle_dizzy.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/atk_duojiaoyutou_skill3.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/hit_duojiaoyutou_skill1.prefab effect obj pool create effect/prefabs/show_duojiaoyutou_skill3.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{}id 60000091_4_22027 ====== Monster_60000091_4_22027 怪物的特效总数[6],全部加载好的路径["effect\/prefabs\/atk_duojiaoyutou_skill2.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_chaofeng.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/battle_dizzy.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/atk_duojiaoyutou_skill3.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/hit_duojiaoyutou_skill1.prefab","effect\/prefabs\/show_duojiaoyutou_skill3.prefab"] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage.lua:0]:{}3 ====== 战斗场景[所有unit]加载完毕 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{_oneMonsterLoaded}TCL:怪物及其特效总加载时长为 0.7953s [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/equip.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_battleunitui_buff_tip_txt.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_battleunitui_damage_critic_txt.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_battleunitui_damage_txt.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/materials/ui_image_additive.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/battle/battlefloating.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage.lua:0]:{}4 ====== 战斗场景[预热资源]加载完毕 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待6帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:Packages/com.unity.postprocessing/PostProcessing/PostProcessResources.asset isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=2,id=220013,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage: in function '_checkAllLoaded' logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage: in function '_onVolumeLoaded' logic/scene/battle/BattleVolumeComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbSelectController.lua:0]:{}进入副本系统, barrierId: 60000091 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{initTriggers}initTriggers: 0 zoneId: nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2084 isShaping:false skinId:140047 otherSkillId:140051 skills:[41208407,41208408,41208409] otherSkills:[41208410,41208411,41208412,41208413,41208414,41208415,41208416,41208417,41208418,41208419,41208420] allSkillActions:[10009407,10009409,10009408,10008708,10008709,10008707] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2007 isShaping:false skinId:140237 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41200707,41200708,41200709] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15010109,15010107,15010108] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:140121 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207607,41207608,41207609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15005509,15005507,15005508] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2096 isShaping:false skinId:140069 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41209607,41209608,41209609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10010407,10010408,10010409] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2084 isShaping:false skinId:140047 otherSkillId:140051 skills:[41208407,41208408,41208409] otherSkills:[41208410,41208411,41208412,41208413,41208414,41208415,41208416,41208417,41208418,41208419,41208420] allSkillActions:[10009407,10009409,10009408,10008708,10008709,10008707] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2007 isShaping:false skinId:140237 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41200707,41200708,41200709] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15010109,15010107,15010108] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:140121 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207607,41207608,41207609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15005509,15005507,15005508] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2096 isShaping:false skinId:140069 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41209607,41209608,41209609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10010407,10010408,10010409] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/extensions/fb/core/core/util/FbUtil.lua:0]:{checkBarrierPlayStoryId}战前无story -> 60000091 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTrace}priority@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleSystem:0: 【BattleSystem】 开始玩法 -》 ; 1; 6; 60000091 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTrace' logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleSystem: in function 'beginFB' logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbSelectController: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage: in function '_checkAllLoaded' logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage: in function '_onVolumeLoaded' logic/scene/battle/BattleVolumeComp: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 101 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 2#220013 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/scene/battle/stage/BattleSceneStage.lua:0]:{_onAllLoaded}4 ====== 战斗场景已经加载完毕,所有东西准备好,可以玩耍 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:font/diyfont/battle_damage.fontsettings isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:font/diyfont/battle_damage_critic.fontsettings isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:font/diyfont/battle_heal.fontsettings isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/210123.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/joystick/joystickpanel.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/btnauto.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/btnbeginattack.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/chat.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/enemyinfo.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gobtn.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gohero.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/battle/battleview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/battle/battleunitdetailview_buffcell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/interruptbattleview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/battle/bossskillitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/battle/challengeitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/hero/skilltipsdetailitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 6 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ManualBattleLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=6,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/fbscenenameview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/battle/fbscenenameview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:font/diyfont/battle_damage_total.fontsettings isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:font/diyfont/battle_cd.fontsettings isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/ui_fangkuang_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_012.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_auto.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=6,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ManualBattleLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 6 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10368262790143 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 ManualBattleLogReply 97 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:8][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 45 14 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = TaskDetectDoneCountRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}doneCountKey: 1 count: 1 formatKey: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=45,cmd=14,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=45,cmd=14,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = TaskDetectDoneCountReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 45 14 所需时间单位秒 = 0.19999879971147 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 TaskDetectDoneCountReply 98 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}UnitCompAnimatorControllerMyRole_2076_3 show commingEffect show_flt_loop in action 10008015 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_displayComingEffect' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_operaBeginCurAction' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_handleActionStart' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function [C]: at 0x01034fcdb0 [C]: in function '__newindex' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitBattleSpine: in function '_updateAnimation' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitBattleSpine: in function 'play' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function 'playAnimation' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function 'battleAction' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/impl/UnitBattle: in function 'execLoopMotionById' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleSpineMoveHandler: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleMover: in function 'update' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/impl/UnitBattlePlayer: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@logic/extensions/fb/core/core/component/FbAutoFightHandler.lua:0]:{_onUpdate}队长碰到战斗点 -------------> barrierId,waveIndex,finishedWaveCount 60000091 1 0 -9.8003420054913 0 -2.3 -11.3 0 -2 1.4996579945087 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@logic/extensions/fb/core/core/component/FbSpaceTriggerHandler.lua:0]:{startFbEnter}startFbEnter ok-------> barrierId: 60000091 turnIndex: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2084 isShaping:false skinId:140047 otherSkillId:140051 skills:[41208407,41208408,41208409] otherSkills:[41208410,41208411,41208412,41208413,41208414,41208415,41208416,41208417,41208418,41208419,41208420] allSkillActions:[10009407,10009409,10009408,10008708,10008709,10008707] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2007 isShaping:false skinId:140237 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41200707,41200708,41200709] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15010109,15010107,15010108] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:140121 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207607,41207608,41207609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15005509,15005507,15005508] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2096 isShaping:false skinId:140069 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41209607,41209608,41209609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10010407,10010408,10010409] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: clear all effect object pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/fb/fbadjustbattleformationeffectview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_jinruzhandou.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用UIParticle方式, effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_jinruzhandou.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}UnitCompAnimatorControllerMyRole_2076_3 show commingEffect show_flt_loop in action 10008004 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_displayComingEffect' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_operaReturnIdle' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_handleActionStart' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function [C]: at 0x01034fcdb0 [C]: in function '__newindex' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitBattleSpine: in function '_updateAnimation' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitBattleSpine: in function 'play' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function 'playAnimation' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function 'setCurIdleActionDataId' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/impl/UnitBattle: in function 'execBattleIdleMotionById' logic/extensions/fb/core/behavior/actionfight/BBAdjustBattleFormation: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/schedule/ScheduleEntry: in function 'update' framework/schedule/Scheduler: in function [builtin#21]: at 0x0103540df4 event: in function '' event: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_018.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:9]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_jinruzhandou.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2084 isShaping:false skinId:140047 otherSkillId:140051 skills:[41208407,41208408,41208409] otherSkills:[41208410,41208411,41208412,41208413,41208414,41208415,41208416,41208417,41208418,41208419,41208420] allSkillActions:[10009407,10009409,10009408,10008708,10008709,10008707] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2007 isShaping:false skinId:140237 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41200707,41200708,41200709] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15010109,15010107,15010108] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:140121 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207607,41207608,41207609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15005509,15005507,15005508] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2096 isShaping:false skinId:140069 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41209607,41209608,41209609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10010407,10010408,10010409] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_monstshow.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2084 isShaping:false skinId:140047 otherSkillId:140051 skills:[41208407,41208408,41208409] otherSkills:[41208410,41208411,41208412,41208413,41208414,41208415,41208416,41208417,41208418,41208419,41208420] allSkillActions:[10009407,10009409,10009408,10008708,10008709,10008707] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2007 isShaping:false skinId:140237 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41200707,41200708,41200709] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15010109,15010107,15010108] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:140121 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207607,41207608,41207609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15005509,15005507,15005508] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2096 isShaping:false skinId:140069 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41209607,41209608,41209609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10010407,10010408,10010409] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_monstshow.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2084 isShaping:false skinId:140047 otherSkillId:140051 skills:[41208407,41208408,41208409] otherSkills:[41208410,41208411,41208412,41208413,41208414,41208415,41208416,41208417,41208418,41208419,41208420] allSkillActions:[10009407,10009409,10009408,10008708,10008709,10008707] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2007 isShaping:false skinId:140237 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41200707,41200708,41200709] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15010109,15010107,15010108] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:140121 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207607,41207608,41207609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15005509,15005507,15005508] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2096 isShaping:false skinId:140069 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41209607,41209608,41209609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10010407,10010408,10010409] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2084 isShaping:false skinId:140047 otherSkillId:140051 skills:[41208407,41208408,41208409] otherSkills:[41208410,41208411,41208412,41208413,41208414,41208415,41208416,41208417,41208418,41208419,41208420] allSkillActions:[10009407,10009409,10009408,10008708,10008709,10008707] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2007 isShaping:false skinId:140237 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41200707,41200708,41200709] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15010109,15010107,15010108] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:140121 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207607,41207608,41207609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15005509,15005507,15005508] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2096 isShaping:false skinId:140069 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41209607,41209608,41209609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10010407,10010408,10010409] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_monstshow.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}UnitCompAnimatorControllerMyRole_2076_3 show commingEffect show_flt_loop in action 10008004 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_displayComingEffect' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_operaReturnIdle' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_handleActionStart' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2084 isShaping:false skinId:140047 otherSkillId:140051 skills:[41208407,41208408,41208409] otherSkills:[41208410,41208411,41208412,41208413,41208414,41208415,41208416,41208417,41208418,41208419,41208420] allSkillActions:[10009407,10009409,10009408,10008708,10008709,10008707] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2007 isShaping:false skinId:140237 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41200707,41200708,41200709] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15010109,15010107,15010108] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:140121 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207607,41207608,41207609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15005509,15005507,15005508] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2096 isShaping:false skinId:140069 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41209607,41209608,41209609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10010407,10010408,10010409] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2084 isShaping:false skinId:140047 otherSkillId:140051 skills:[41208407,41208408,41208409] otherSkills:[41208410,41208411,41208412,41208413,41208414,41208415,41208416,41208417,41208418,41208419,41208420] allSkillActions:[10009407,10009409,10009408,10008708,10008709,10008707] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2007 isShaping:false skinId:140237 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41200707,41200708,41200709] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15010109,15010107,15010108] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:140121 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207607,41207608,41207609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15005509,15005507,15005508] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2096 isShaping:false skinId:140069 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41209607,41209608,41209609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10010407,10010408,10010409] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2084 isShaping:false skinId:140047 otherSkillId:140051 skills:[41208407,41208408,41208409] otherSkills:[41208410,41208411,41208412,41208413,41208414,41208415,41208416,41208417,41208418,41208419,41208420] allSkillActions:[10009407,10009409,10009408,10008708,10008709,10008707] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2007 isShaping:false skinId:140237 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41200707,41200708,41200709] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15010109,15010107,15010108] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:140121 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207607,41207608,41207609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15005509,15005507,15005508] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2096 isShaping:false skinId:140069 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41209607,41209608,41209609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10010407,10010408,10010409] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2084 isShaping:false skinId:140047 otherSkillId:140051 skills:[41208407,41208408,41208409] otherSkills:[41208410,41208411,41208412,41208413,41208414,41208415,41208416,41208417,41208418,41208419,41208420] allSkillActions:[10009407,10009409,10009408,10008708,10008709,10008707] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2007 isShaping:false skinId:140237 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41200707,41200708,41200709] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15010109,15010107,15010108] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2076 isShaping:false skinId:140121 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41207607,41207608,41207609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[15005509,15005507,15005508] allNormalActions:[10008015,10008004] buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/hero/util/HeroUtility.lua:0]:{_createLoadMO}开始加载(hero) -> id:2096 isShaping:false skinId:140069 otherSkillId:nil skills:[41209607,41209608,41209609] otherSkills:null allSkillActions:[10010407,10010408,10010409] allNormalActions:{} buffChangeSkinId:nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 31 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = StartBattleRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=31,cmd=4,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/fbbosscoming.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/battle/fbbosscoming.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=31,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = StartBattleReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 31 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066458255052567 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 StartBattleReply 99 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 4 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = EnterBattleRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 50 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetActivityInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=4,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=50,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1002 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEPowerFull}removepush id 1002 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1003 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 11 : 30 的推送 推送ID为 1003 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1004 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 17 : 30 的推送 推送ID为 1004 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1005 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setExploreFinish}注册了 27107.982000113 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1005 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1006 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setCookFinish}注册了 47488.802000046 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1006 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1007 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 8 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1007 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1008 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 12 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1008 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1009 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 16 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1009 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1010 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 20 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1010 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1011 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 3 的 8 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1011 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1012 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 5 的 16 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1012 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1013 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 0 : 2 的推送 推送ID为 1013 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1014 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1015 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1016 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 7 的 0 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1016 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1017 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 0 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1017 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1018 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 2 的 0 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1018 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1019 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每天的 20 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1019 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1020 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 7 的 12 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1020 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1021 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setEFixedTime}注册了本地时间每周的星期(1=星期天) 1 的 12 : 0 的推送 推送ID为 1021 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1022 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1023 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1024 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1025 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1026 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1027 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1028 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1029 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1030 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1031 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1032 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1033 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1034 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1035 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1036 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1037 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1038 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1039 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1040 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1042 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1043 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1044 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1045 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1046 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1047 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1048 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1049 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1050 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1051 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1052 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1053 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1054 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1055 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1056 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1057 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1058 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1059 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1060 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1061 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1062 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1063 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1064 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1065 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1066 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1067 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1068 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1069 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1070 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1071 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1072 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1073 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1074 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1075 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1076 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1077 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1078 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1079 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1080 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1081 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1082 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1083 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1084 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1085 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1086 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1087 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1088 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1089 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1090 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1091 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1092 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1093 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1094 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1095 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1096 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1097 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1098 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1099 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1100 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1101 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1102 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1103 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1104 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1105 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1106 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1107 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1108 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1109 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1110 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1111 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1112 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1113 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1114 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1115 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1116 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1117 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1118 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1119 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1120 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1121 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1122 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1123 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1124 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1125 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1126 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1127 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1128 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1129 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1130 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1131 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1132 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1133 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1134 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1135 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1136 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1137 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1138 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1139 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1140 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1141 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1142 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1143 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1144 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1145 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1146 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1147 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1148 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1149 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1150 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1151 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1152 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1153 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1154 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1155 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1156 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1157 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1158 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1159 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1160 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1161 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1162 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1163 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1164 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1165 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1166 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1167 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1168 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1169 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1170 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1171 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1172 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1173 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1174 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1175 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1176 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1177 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1178 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1179 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1180 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1181 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1182 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1183 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1184 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1185 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1186 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1187 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1188 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1189 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1190 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1191 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1192 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1193 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1194 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1195 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1196 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setPushOpen}setPush open 1197 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1042 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1043 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}注册了 432000 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=4,cmd=1,status=0,size=863 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}battle { attacker { units { id: 1 modelId: 2084 skinId: 140047 position: 1 baseAttributes { hp: 12426 thp: 12426 atk: 1447 def: 1028 critic: 329 critic_dmg: 681 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 sp: 0 max_sp: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41208407 position: 1 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41208408 position: 2 CD: 0 maxCD: 4 } skillInfo { skillId: 41208409 position: 3 CD: 0 maxCD: 4 } skillInfo { skillId: 40300025 position: 4 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41208420 position: 5 CD: 0 maxCD: 1 } battleUnitType: 1 userId: 273900 summonType: 0 isTransform: false contractLevel: -1 isCopy: false } units { id: 2 modelId: 2007 skinId: 140237 position: 2 baseAttributes { hp: 10052 thp: 10052 atk: 1365 def: 991 critic: 589 critic_dmg: 1354 dodge: 48 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 sp: 0 max_sp: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41200707 position: 1 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41200708 position: 2 CD: 0 maxCD: 4 } skillInfo { skillId: 41200709 position: 3 CD: 1 maxCD: 4 } battleUnitType: 1 userId: 273900 summonType: 0 isTransform: false contractLevel: 34 isCopy: false } units { id: 3 modelId: 2076 skinId: 140121 position: 3 baseAttributes { hp: 9165 thp: 9165 atk: 1530 def: 1341 critic: 139 critic_dmg: 1360 dodge: 183 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 sp: 0 max_sp: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41207607 position: 1 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41207608 position: 2 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41207609 position: 3 CD: 1 maxCD: 6 } battleUnitType: 1 userId: 273900 summonType: 0 isTransform: false contractLevel: 30 isCopy: false } units { id: 4 modelId: 2096 skinId: 140069 position: 4 baseAttributes { hp: 14555 thp: 14555 atk: 1126 def: 1220 critic: 280 critic_dmg: 500 dodge: 30 effect_hit: 224 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 sp: 0 max_sp: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41209607 position: 1 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41209608 position: 2 CD: 0 maxCD: 4 } skillInfo { skillId: 41209609 position: 3 CD: 0 maxCD: 5 } battleUnitType: 1 userId: 273900 summonType: 0 isTransform: false contractLevel: -1 isCopy: false } maxReliveCount: 4 remainReliveCount: 4 userIds: 273900 } defender { units { id: 5 modelId: 22074 skinId: 100068 position: 1 baseAttributes { hp: 3308 thp: 3308 atk: 164 def: 159 critic: 120 critic_dmg: 580 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 sp: 0 max_sp: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41207407 position: 1 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41207412 position: 2 CD: 0 maxCD: 1 } skillInfo { skillId: 41207409 position: 3 CD: 1 maxCD: 4 } battleUnitType: 2 userId: 0 summonType: 0 isTransform: false contractLevel: -1 isCopy: false } units { id: 6 modelId: 22038 skinId: 100040 position: 2 baseAttributes { hp: 2451 thp: 2451 atk: 202 def: 156 critic: 120 critic_dmg: 580 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 sp: 0 max_sp: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41203807 position: 1 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41203808 position: 2 CD: 0 maxCD: 4 } skillInfo { skillId: 41203809 position: 3 CD: 2 maxCD: 5 } battleUnitType: 2 userId: 0 summonType: 0 isTransform: false contractLevel: -1 isCopy: false } units { id: 7 modelId: 22027 skinId: 100029 position: 4 baseAttributes { hp: 2887 thp: 2887 atk: 176 def: 169 critic: 120 critic_dmg: 580 dodge: 0 effect_hit: 0 effect_resist: 0 hit: 0 sp: 0 max_sp: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41202707 position: 1 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41202708 position: 2 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41202709 position: 3 CD: 1 maxCD: 4 } battleUnitType: 2 userId: 0 summonType: 0 isTransform: false contractLevel: -1 isCopy: false } maxReliveCount: 0 remainReliveCount: 0 } curRound: 1 maxRound: 30 isFinish: false extraRoundTeamType: 0 } round0 { battleStep { actorType: 1 castorId: 1 actorId: 40300025 actEffect { targetId: 1 effectType: 5 effectNum: 1 buff { buffId: 301066 duration: 1 id: 8 } } actEffect { targetId: 1 effectType: 15 effectNum: 0 additional: 30 } targetId: 1 } battleStep { actorType: 3 castorId: 0 actorId: 0 actEffect { targetId: 1 effectType: 8 effectNum: 1 additional: 41208420 } actEffect { targetId: 1 effectType: 5 effectNum: 1 buff { buffId: 301075 duration: 1 id: 9 additional: 1864 } } targetId: 0 } isFinish: false round: 0 extraRoundTeamType: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = EnterBattleReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 4 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066663164645433 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 EnterBattleReply 100 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/extensions/battle/data/Battlespace.lua:0]:{initialize}开始战斗---------------------- { "attacker": { "units": [ { "id":1, "modelId":2084, "skinId":140047, "position":1, "baseAttributes": { "hp":12426, "thp":12426, "atk":1447, "def":1028, "critic":329, "critic_dmg":681, "dodge":30, "effect_hit":0, "effect_resist":0, "hit":0, "sp":0, "max_sp":0 }, "skillInfo": [ { "skillId":41208407, "position":1, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41208408, "position":2, "CD":0, "maxCD":4 }, { "skillId":41208409, "position":3, "CD":0, "maxCD":4 }, { "skillId":40300025, "position":4, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41208420, "position":5, "CD":0, "maxCD":1 } ], "buffState": [], "battleUnitType":1, "userId":"273900", "summonType":0, "isTransform":false, "contractLevel":-1, "isCopy":false, "accessoriesIds": [] }, { "id":2, "modelId":2007, "skinId":140237, "position":2, "baseAttributes": { "hp":10052, "thp":10052, "atk":1365, "def":991, "critic":589, "critic_dmg":1354, "dodge":48, "effect_hit":0, "effect_resist":0, "hit":0, "sp":0, "max_sp":0 }, "skillInfo": [ { "skillId":41200707, "position":1, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41200708, "position":2, "CD":0, "maxCD":4 }, { "skillId":41200709, "position":3, "CD":1, "maxCD":4 } ], "buffState": [], "battleUnitType":1, "userId":"273900", "summonType":0, "isTransform":false, "contractLevel":34, "isCopy":false, "accessoriesIds": [] }, { "id":3, "modelId":2076, "skinId":140121, "position":3, "baseAttributes": { "hp":9165, "thp":9165, "atk":1530, "def":1341, "critic":139, "critic_dmg":1360, "dodge":183, "effect_hit":0, "effect_resist":0, "hit":0, "sp":0, "max_sp":0 }, "skillInfo": [ { "skillId":41207607, "position":1, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41207608, "position":2, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41207609, "position":3, "CD":1, "maxCD":6 } ], "buffState": [], "battleUnitType":1, "userId":"273900", "summonType":0, "isTransform":false, "contractLevel":30, "isCopy":false, "accessoriesIds": [] }, { "id":4, "modelId":2096, "skinId":140069, "position":4, "baseAttributes": { "hp":14555, "thp":14555, "atk":1126, "def":1220, "critic":280, "critic_dmg":500, "dodge":30, "effect_hit":224, "effect_resist":0, "hit":0, "sp":0, "max_sp":0 }, "skillInfo": [ { "skillId":41209607, "position":1, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41209608, "position":2, "CD":0, "maxCD":4 }, { "skillId":41209609, "position":3, "CD":0, "maxCD":5 } ], "buffState": [], "battleUnitType":1, "userId":"273900", "summonType":0, "isTransform":false, 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"skillId":41203807, "position":1, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41203808, "position":2, "CD":0, "maxCD":4 }, { "skillId":41203809, "position":3, "CD":2, "maxCD":5 } ], "buffState": [], "battleUnitType":2, "userId":"0", "summonType":0, "isTransform":false, "contractLevel":-1, "isCopy":false, "accessoriesIds": [] }, { "id":7, "modelId":22027, "skinId":100029, "position":4, "baseAttributes": { "hp":2887, "thp":2887, "atk":176, "def":169, "critic":120, "critic_dmg":580, "dodge":0, "effect_hit":0, "effect_resist":0, "hit":0, "sp":0, "max_sp":0 }, "skillInfo": [ { "skillId":41202707, "position":1, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41202708, "position":2, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41202709, "position":3, "CD":1, "maxCD":4 } ], "buffState": [], "battleUnitType":2, "userId":"0", "summonType":0, "isTransform":false, "contractLevel":-1, "isCopy":false, "accessoriesIds": [] } ], "maxReliveCount":0, "remainReliveCount":0, "sceneSummons": [] }, "curRound":1, "maxRound":30, "isFinish":false, "extraRoundTeamType":0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=50,cmd=1,status=0,size=530 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityInfos { id: 10251 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10252 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10264 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10279 startTime: 1619626200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10303 startTime: 1625432400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10323 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10332 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10338 startTime: 1630339800000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10355 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10367 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10377 startTime: 1637805600000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10392 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10410 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10423 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10435 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10450 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10462 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10475 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10486 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10492 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10532 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10542 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10557 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10582 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10602 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10625 startTime: 1684357200000 endTime: 1685548799000 } activityInfos { id: 10627 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10641 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10642 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10644 startTime: 1684962000000 endTime: 1685548799000 } activityInfos { id: 20008 startTime: 1611763800000 endTime: 1740412799000 } activityInfos { id: 10003 startTime: 1546376402000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10005 startTime: 1546376404000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10007 startTime: 1546376400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10010 startTime: 1684962000000 endTime: 1685548799000 } activityInfos { id: 10011 startTime: 1639774800000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10014 startTime: 1556053200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10017 startTime: 1546376400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10018 startTime: 1546376400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10037 startTime: 1569445200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10048 startTime: 1569675600000 endTime: 1913126399000 } activityInfos { id: 10064 startTime: 1559048400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10074 startTime: 1578517200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10201 startTime: 1606320600000 endTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetActivityInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:10][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 50 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13332941010594 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetActivityInfosReply 101 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{beginCreate}开始加载全部英雄 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/scene/battle/factory/BattleUnitFactory.lua:0]:{beginCreate}开始加载全部怪物 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleExtraRoundController.lua:0]:{setExtraRoundType}TCL:setExtraRoundType------------ 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonRequestBeginRound.lua:0]:{onStart}回合开始:请求----------------------> [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonRequestBeginRound.lua:0]:{_tryBeginRound}回合开始:确认----------------------> [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBeginRound.lua:0]:{_tryCloseTimeStopEffect}TCL:begin round, try close time stop effect----- 0 table: 0x013d825860 { _roundId = 1, _isFinish = false, _isEndFinish = false, _steps = { 1 = { "actorType":1, "targetId":1, "actorId":40300025, "actEffect": [ { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "effectNum":1, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":0, "duration":1, "id":8, "buffId":301066, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 }, { "additional":30, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":15, "additional2":0 } ], "castorId":1, "originalTargetId":0 }, 2 = { "actorType":3, "targetId":0, "actorId":0, "actEffect": [ { "additional":41208420, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":1, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":8, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "effectNum":1, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":1864, "duration":1, "id":9, "buffId":301075, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 } ], "castorId":0, "originalTargetId":0 }, }, _startTime = 0, extraRoundTeamType = 0, _isReconnect = false, isPreRound = true, setExtraRoundType = function: 0x01425c0ef0, addStepMO = function: 0x013d825550, New = function: 0x013d824b38, getUnitPickedSkillId = function: 0x013d825800, copyFromPlaybackNO = function: 0x013d825620, onNotifyUserRoundPick = function: 0x013d824530, getStepMO = function: 0x013d825520, getRoundId = function: 0x013d8240f8, copyFromNO = function: 0x013d8255f0, hasUnitPickedSkill = function: 0x013d825830, getIsUserReady = function: 0x013d824560, setIsFinish = function: 0x012e6ce2f8, __index = { setExtraRoundType = function: 0x01425c0ef0, addStepMO = function: 0x013d825550, New = function: 0x013d824b38, getUnitPickedSkillId = function: 0x013d825800, copyFromPlaybackNO = function: 0x013d825620, onNotifyUserRoundPick = function: 0x013d824530, getStepMO = function: 0x013d825520, getRoundId = function: 0x013d8240f8, copyFromNO = function: 0x013d8255f0, hasUnitPickedSkill = function: 0x013d825830, getIsUserReady = function: 0x013d824560, setIsFinish = function: 0x012e6ce2f8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d8242c0, setEndData = function: 0x013d824500, getStartTime = function: 0x013d824ad0, getStepCount = function: 0x013d8254f0, setData = function: 0x013d825650, ctor = function: 0x013d823e40, isDataDone = function: 0x013d824e28, onComplete = function: 0x012e6ce328, setIsReconnect = function: 0x013d824e88, __newindex = function: 0x013d824228, setRoundId = function: 0x013d823948, hasUnitReliveInfo = function: 0x013d825978, isReadyToPick = function: 0x013d824e58, isFinish = function: 0x013d825918, getReliveReplyNO = function: 0x013d825948, isReconnect = function: 0x012e6ce2c8, onDataInit = function: 0x013d824b00, __newindex = function: 0x013d824340, }, setEndData = function: 0x013d824500, getStartTime = function: 0x013d824ad0, getStepCount = function: 0x013d8254f0, setData = function: 0x013d825650, ctor = function: 0x013d823e40, isDataDone = function: 0x013d824e28, onComplete = function: 0x012e6ce328, setIsReconnect = function: 0x013d824e88, __newindex = function: 0x013d824228, setRoundId = function: 0x013d823948, hasUnitReliveInfo = function: 0x013d825978, isReadyToPick = function: 0x013d824e58, isFinish = function: 0x013d825918, getReliveReplyNO = function: 0x013d825948, isReconnect = function: 0x012e6ce2c8, onDataInit = function: 0x013d824b00, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleExtraRoundController.lua:0]:{checkCloseTimeStopEffect}TCL:回合开始推送,检测关闭时停效果 0 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundPick.lua:0]:{_tryFinish}1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundPick.lua:0]:{_tryFinish}table: 0x013d825860 { _roundId = 1, _isFinish = false, _isEndFinish = false, _steps = { 1 = { "actorType":1, "targetId":1, "actorId":40300025, "actEffect": [ { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "effectNum":1, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":0, "duration":1, "id":8, "buffId":301066, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 }, { "additional":30, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":15, "additional2":0 } ], "castorId":1, "originalTargetId":0 }, 2 = { "actorType":3, "targetId":0, "actorId":0, "actEffect": [ { "additional":41208420, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":1, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":8, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "effectNum":1, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":1864, "duration":1, "id":9, "buffId":301075, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 } ], "castorId":0, "originalTargetId":0 }, }, _startTime = 0, extraRoundTeamType = 0, _isReconnect = false, isPreRound = true, setExtraRoundType = function: 0x01425c0ef0, addStepMO = function: 0x013d825550, New = function: 0x013d824b38, getUnitPickedSkillId = function: 0x013d825800, copyFromPlaybackNO = function: 0x013d825620, onNotifyUserRoundPick = function: 0x013d824530, getStepMO = function: 0x013d825520, getRoundId = function: 0x013d8240f8, copyFromNO = function: 0x013d8255f0, hasUnitPickedSkill = function: 0x013d825830, getIsUserReady = function: 0x013d824560, setIsFinish = function: 0x012e6ce2f8, __index = { setExtraRoundType = function: 0x01425c0ef0, addStepMO = function: 0x013d825550, New = function: 0x013d824b38, getUnitPickedSkillId = function: 0x013d825800, copyFromPlaybackNO = function: 0x013d825620, onNotifyUserRoundPick = function: 0x013d824530, getStepMO = function: 0x013d825520, getRoundId = function: 0x013d8240f8, copyFromNO = function: 0x013d8255f0, hasUnitPickedSkill = function: 0x013d825830, getIsUserReady = function: 0x013d824560, setIsFinish = function: 0x012e6ce2f8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d8242c0, setEndData = function: 0x013d824500, getStartTime = function: 0x013d824ad0, getStepCount = function: 0x013d8254f0, setData = function: 0x013d825650, ctor = function: 0x013d823e40, isDataDone = function: 0x013d824e28, onComplete = function: 0x012e6ce328, setIsReconnect = function: 0x013d824e88, __newindex = function: 0x013d824228, setRoundId = function: 0x013d823948, hasUnitReliveInfo = function: 0x013d825978, isReadyToPick = function: 0x013d824e58, isFinish = function: 0x013d825918, getReliveReplyNO = function: 0x013d825948, isReconnect = function: 0x012e6ce2c8, onDataInit = function: 0x013d824b00, __newindex = function: 0x013d824340, }, setEndData = function: 0x013d824500, getStartTime = function: 0x013d824ad0, getStepCount = function: 0x013d8254f0, setData = function: 0x013d825650, ctor = function: 0x013d823e40, isDataDone = function: 0x013d824e28, onComplete = function: 0x012e6ce328, setIsReconnect = function: 0x013d824e88, __newindex = function: 0x013d824228, setRoundId = function: 0x013d823948, hasUnitReliveInfo = function: 0x013d825978, isReadyToPick = function: 0x013d824e58, isFinish = function: 0x013d825918, getReliveReplyNO = function: 0x013d825948, isReconnect = function: 0x012e6ce2c8, onDataInit = function: 0x013d824b00, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_doNextStep}播报开始 -> step:1/2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{onStart}BattelStep:放招----------------------------- { "actorType":1, "targetId":1, "actorId":40300025, "actEffect": [ { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "effectNum":1, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":0, "duration":1, "id":8, "buffId":301066, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 }, { "additional":30, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":15, "additional2":0 } ], "castorId":1, "originalTargetId":0 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}===========================> enqueue and group battle step: 2 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}*********** BattleEffectGroup: StepActionBuff , Range: 1 ~ 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}*********** BattleEffectGroup: StepActionTriggerEquip , Range: 2 ~ 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{executeByOccasion}补充未执行到的技能效果 -------------> { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "effectNum":1, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":0, "duration":1, "id":8, "buffId":301066, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{executeByOccasion}补充未执行到的技能效果 -------------> { "additional":30, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":15, "additional2":0 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> beginHandler: StepActionBuff 1 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/AddOrRemoveBuffHandler.lua:0]:{_beginAddBuff}1[MyRole_1_1][1] 用 40300025 ,令到 1[MyRole_1_1][1] 增加了一个 buff [301066] [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_callback}SkillEffectExecutorBase._onActionDone <<<<< endHandler: StepActionBuff 1 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> beginHandler: StepActionTriggerEquip 2 2 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_callback}SkillEffectExecutorBase._onActionDone <<<<< endHandler: StepActionTriggerEquip 2 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowDie.lua:0]:{onStart}这步骤安全我方没人死 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_callback}播报结束 -> step:1/2, next step [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_doNextStep}播报开始 -> step:2/2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillPureEffectFlow.lua:0]:{onStart}BattelStep:PureEfect----------------------------- { "actorType":3, "targetId":0, "actorId":0, "actEffect": [ { "additional":41208420, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":1, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":8, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "effectNum":1, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":1864, "duration":1, "id":9, "buffId":301075, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 } ], "castorId":0, "originalTargetId":0 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}===========================> enqueue and group battle step: 2 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}*********** BattleEffectGroup: StepActionBuff , Range: 1 ~ 2 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> beginHandler: StepActionBuff 1 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}1[MyRole_1_1][1] 此技能进入 技能CD 等待 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/AddOrRemoveBuffHandler.lua:0]:{_beginAddBuff}非技能触发 ,1[MyRole_1_1][1] 增加了一个 buff [301075] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompStateEffectHandler.lua:0]:{_doCreateEffect}_doCreateEffect -> no go: 1 301075 effect/prefabs/battle_shield.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_battle/100087_head_battle02.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_battle/100005_head_battle05.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_battle/100080_head_battle03.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_battle/100104_head_battle02.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_small/100078_head_small.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/bufficon/atk_add.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/bufficon/guard_0.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/huan_shizi_z.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_060.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/battle_shield.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]bigbg/headicon_battle/100087_head_battle02.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]bigbg/headicon_battle/100005_head_battle05.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]bigbg/headicon_battle/100080_head_battle03.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]bigbg/headicon_battle/100104_head_battle02.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]bigbg/headicon_small/100078_head_small.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]bigbg/bufficon/atk_add.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]bigbg/bufficon/guard_0.png instance: @29ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_shield.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/300029.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]bigbg/itemicon/300029.png instance: @60ms [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_callback}SkillEffectExecutorBase._onActionDone <<<<< endHandler: StepActionBuff 1 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowDie.lua:0]:{onStart}这步骤安全我方没人死 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_callback}播报结束 -> step:2/2, round done [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/agent/BattleAgent.lua:0]:{sendReliveBattleUnitsRequest}开始发送救人---------------------------- {} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 4 5 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ReliveBattleUnitsRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=4,cmd=5,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=4,cmd=5,status=0,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}reliveData { isFinish: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ReliveBattleUnitsReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 4 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066702667623758 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 ReliveBattleUnitsReply 102 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/agent/BattleAgent.lua:0]:{}返回发送救人(0)---------------------------- { "reliveData": { "isFinish":false } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 4 9 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = EndRoundRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=4,cmd=9,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=4,cmd=9,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}isFinish: false nextRoundId: 1 extraRoundTeamType: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = EndRoundReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 4 9 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066617958247662 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 EndRoundReply 103 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/handler/BattleFlowHandler.lua:0]:{endReport}回合播报完成,结束一回合=============== [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/handler/BattleUnitReliveHandler.lua:0]:{endRoundRelive}救人成功,最后本战斗剩余救人次数 4 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonRequestBeginRound.lua:0]:{onStart}回合开始:请求----------------------> [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonRequestBeginRound.lua:0]:{_tryBeginRound}回合开始:确认----------------------> [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBeginRound.lua:0]:{_tryCloseTimeStopEffect}TCL:begin round, try close time stop effect----- 0 table: 0x01441542c0 { _roundId = 1, _isFinish = false, _isEndFinish = false, _startTime = 0, extraRoundTeamType = 0, _isReconnect = false, isPreRound = false, setExtraRoundType = function: 0x01425c0ef0, addStepMO = function: 0x013d825550, New = function: 0x013d824b38, getUnitPickedSkillId = function: 0x013d825800, copyFromPlaybackNO = function: 0x013d825620, onNotifyUserRoundPick = function: 0x013d824530, getStepMO = function: 0x013d825520, getRoundId = function: 0x013d8240f8, copyFromNO = function: 0x013d8255f0, hasUnitPickedSkill = function: 0x013d825830, getIsUserReady = function: 0x013d824560, setIsFinish = function: 0x012e6ce2f8, __index = { setExtraRoundType = function: 0x01425c0ef0, addStepMO = function: 0x013d825550, New = function: 0x013d824b38, getUnitPickedSkillId = function: 0x013d825800, copyFromPlaybackNO = function: 0x013d825620, onNotifyUserRoundPick = function: 0x013d824530, getStepMO = function: 0x013d825520, getRoundId = function: 0x013d8240f8, copyFromNO = function: 0x013d8255f0, hasUnitPickedSkill = function: 0x013d825830, getIsUserReady = function: 0x013d824560, setIsFinish = function: 0x012e6ce2f8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d8242c0, setEndData = function: 0x013d824500, getStartTime = function: 0x013d824ad0, getStepCount = function: 0x013d8254f0, setData = function: 0x013d825650, ctor = function: 0x013d823e40, isDataDone = function: 0x013d824e28, onComplete = function: 0x012e6ce328, setIsReconnect = function: 0x013d824e88, __newindex = function: 0x013d824228, setRoundId = function: 0x013d823948, hasUnitReliveInfo = function: 0x013d825978, isReadyToPick = function: 0x013d824e58, isFinish = function: 0x013d825918, getReliveReplyNO = function: 0x013d825948, isReconnect = function: 0x012e6ce2c8, onDataInit = function: 0x013d824b00, __newindex = function: 0x013d824340, }, setEndData = function: 0x013d824500, getStartTime = function: 0x013d824ad0, getStepCount = function: 0x013d8254f0, setData = function: 0x013d825650, ctor = function: 0x013d823e40, isDataDone = function: 0x013d824e28, onComplete = function: 0x012e6ce328, setIsReconnect = function: 0x013d824e88, __newindex = function: 0x013d824228, setRoundId = function: 0x013d823948, hasUnitReliveInfo = function: 0x013d825978, isReadyToPick = function: 0x013d824e58, isFinish = function: 0x013d825918, getReliveReplyNO = function: 0x013d825948, isReconnect = function: 0x012e6ce2c8, onDataInit = function: 0x013d824b00, } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleExtraRoundController.lua:0]:{checkCloseTimeStopEffect}TCL:回合开始推送,检测关闭时停效果 0 false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/agent/BattleAgent.lua:0]:{sendSelectTarget}请求回合选择目标(单人)------------------------------- { "focusTargetId":0, "forbidUseSkill3":false, "focusTeamMateId":0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 4 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SelectTargetRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}focusTargetId: 0 forbidUseSkill3: false focusTeamMateId: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=4,cmd=2,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=4,cmd=2,status=0,size=474 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}roundData { battleStep { actorType: 1 castorId: 5 actorId: 41207412 actEffect { targetId: 5 effectType: 8 effectNum: 1 additional: 41207412 } targetId: 1 } battleStep { actorType: 1 castorId: 5 actorId: 41207408 actEffect { targetId: 2 effectType: 1 effectNum: 0 additional: 10052 additional2: 0 } targetId: 2 } battleStep { actorType: 1 castorId: 1 actorId: 41208408 actEffect { targetId: 1 effectType: 18 effectNum: 10563 additional: 10563 } actEffect { targetId: 1 effectType: 5 effectNum: 1 buff { buffId: 301080 duration: 1 id: 10 } } actEffect { targetId: 1 effectType: 8 effectNum: 4 additional: 41208408 } actEffect { targetId: 1 effectType: 21 effectNum: 0 skillInfo { skillId: 41208417 position: 1 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41208418 position: 2 CD: 4 maxCD: 4 } skillInfo { skillId: 41208419 position: 3 CD: 0 maxCD: 4 } skillInfo { skillId: 40300025 position: 4 CD: 0 } skillInfo { skillId: 41208420 position: 5 CD: 1 maxCD: 1 } } actEffect { targetId: 1 effectType: 20 effectNum: 1 } targetId: 1 } battleStep { actorType: 1 castorId: 1 actorId: 41208419 actEffect { targetId: 5 effectType: 2 effectNum: 4963 additional: 0 additional2: 4963 additional3: 4963 } actEffect { targetId: 6 effectType: 3 effectNum: 8714 additional: 0 additional2: 8714 additional3: 8714 } actEffect { targetId: 7 effectType: 2 effectNum: 4932 additional: 0 additional2: 4932 additional3: 4932 } actEffect { targetId: 1 effectType: 5 effectNum: 2 buff { buffId: 301001 duration: 2 id: 11 } } actEffect { targetId: 2 effectType: 5 effectNum: 2 buff { buffId: 301001 duration: 2 id: 12 } } actEffect { targetId: 3 effectType: 5 effectNum: 2 buff { buffId: 301001 duration: 2 id: 13 } } actEffect { targetId: 4 effectType: 5 effectNum: 2 buff { buffId: 301001 duration: 2 id: 14 } } targetId: 5 } battleStep { actorType: 3 castorId: 0 actorId: 0 actEffect { targetId: 5 effectType: 9 effectNum: 0 } actEffect { targetId: 6 effectType: 9 effectNum: 0 } actEffect { targetId: 7 effectType: 9 effectNum: 0 } targetId: 0 } battleStep { actorType: 2 castorId: 1 actorId: 8 actEffect { targetId: 1 effectType: 6 effectNum: 0 additional: 8 } targetId: 0 } battleStep { actorType: 2 castorId: 2 actorId: 12 actEffect { targetId: 2 effectType: 7 effectNum: 1 additional: 12 } targetId: 0 } battleStep { actorType: 2 castorId: 3 actorId: 13 actEffect { targetId: 3 effectType: 7 effectNum: 1 additional: 13 } targetId: 0 } battleStep { actorType: 2 castorId: 4 actorId: 14 actEffect { targetId: 4 effectType: 7 effectNum: 1 additional: 14 } targetId: 0 } battleStep { actorType: 2 castorId: 1 actorId: 9 actEffect { targetId: 1 effectType: 6 effectNum: 0 additional: 9 } targetId: 0 } isFinish: true round: 1 extraRoundTeamType: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = BattleRoundResultReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 4 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066686205565929 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 BattleRoundResultReply 104 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleController.lua:0]:{groupBuffAndSkillStep}收到回合数据(单人)----------------------- { "roundData": { "battleStep": [ { "actorType":1, "castorId":5, "actorId":41207412, "actEffect": [ { "targetId":5, "effectType":8, "effectNum":1, "additional":41207412 } ], "targetId":1 }, { "actorType":1, "castorId":5, "actorId":41207408, "actEffect": [ { "targetId":2, "effectType":1, "effectNum":0, "additional":10052, "additional2":0 } ], "targetId":2 }, { "actorType":1, "castorId":1, "actorId":41208408, "actEffect": [ { "targetId":1, "effectType":18, "effectNum":10563, "additional":10563 }, { "targetId":1, "effectType":5, "effectNum":1, "buff": { "buffId":301080, "duration":1, "id":10 } }, { "targetId":1, "effectType":8, "effectNum":4, "additional":41208408 }, { "targetId":1, "effectType":21, "effectNum":0, "skillInfo": [ { "skillId":41208417, "position":1, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41208418, "position":2, "CD":4, "maxCD":4 }, { "skillId":41208419, "position":3, "CD":0, "maxCD":4 }, { "skillId":40300025, "position":4, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41208420, "position":5, "CD":1, "maxCD":1 } ] }, { "targetId":1, "effectType":20, "effectNum":1 } ], "targetId":1 }, { "actorType":1, "castorId":1, "actorId":41208419, "actEffect": [ { "targetId":5, "effectType":2, "effectNum":4963, "additional":0, "additional2":4963, "additional3":4963 }, { "targetId":6, "effectType":3, "effectNum":8714, "additional":0, "additional2":8714, "additional3":8714 }, { "targetId":7, "effectType":2, "effectNum":4932, "additional":0, "additional2":4932, "additional3":4932 }, { "targetId":1, "effectType":5, "effectNum":2, "buff": { "buffId":301001, "duration":2, "id":11 } }, { "targetId":2, "effectType":5, "effectNum":2, "buff": { "buffId":301001, "duration":2, "id":12 } }, { "targetId":3, "effectType":5, "effectNum":2, "buff": { "buffId":301001, "duration":2, "id":13 } }, { "targetId":4, "effectType":5, "effectNum":2, "buff": { "buffId":301001, "duration":2, "id":14 } } ], "targetId":5 }, { "actorType":3, "castorId":0, "actorId":0, "actEffect": [ { "targetId":5, "effectType":9, "effectNum":0 }, { "targetId":6, "effectType":9, "effectNum":0 }, { "targetId":7, "effectType":9, "effectNum":0 } ], "targetId":0 }, { "actorType":2, "castorId":1, "actorId":8, "actEffect": [ { "targetId":1, "effectType":6, "effectNum":0, "additional":8 } ], "targetId":0 }, { "actorType":2, "castorId":2, "actorId":12, "actEffect": [ { "targetId":2, "effectType":7, "effectNum":1, "additional":12 } ], "targetId":0 }, { "actorType":2, "castorId":3, "actorId":13, "actEffect": [ { "targetId":3, "effectType":7, "effectNum":1, "additional":13 } ], "targetId":0 }, { "actorType":2, "castorId":4, "actorId":14, "actEffect": [ { "targetId":4, "effectType":7, "effectNum":1, "additional":14 } ], "targetId":0 }, { "actorType":2, "castorId":1, "actorId":9, "actEffect": [ { "targetId":1, "effectType":6, "effectNum":0, "additional":9 } ], "targetId":0 } ], "isFinish":true, "round":1, "extraRoundTeamType":0 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundPick.lua:0]:{_tryFinish}1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundPick.lua:0]:{_tryFinish}table: 0x01441542c0 { _roundId = 1, _isFinish = true, _isEndFinish = false, _steps = { 1 = { "actorType":1, "targetId":1, "actorId":41207412, "actEffect": [ { "additional":41207412, "targetId":5, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":1, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":8, "additional2":0 } ], "castorId":5, "originalTargetId":0 }, 2 = { "actorType":1, "targetId":2, "actorId":41207408, "actEffect": [ { "additional":10052, "targetId":2, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":1, "additional2":0 } ], "castorId":5, "originalTargetId":0 }, 3 = { "actorType":1, "targetId":1, "actorId":41208408, "actEffect": [ { "additional":10563, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":10563, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":18, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "effectNum":1, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":0, "duration":1, "id":10, "buffId":301080, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 }, { "additional":41208408, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":4, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":8, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "skills": [ { "skillId":41208417, "position":1, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41208418, "position":2, "CD":4, "maxCD":4 }, { "skillId":41208419, "position":3, "CD":0, "maxCD":4 }, { "skillId":40300025, "position":4, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41208420, "position":5, "CD":1, "maxCD":1 } ], "effectNum":0, "effectType":21, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "additional3":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":1, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":20, "additional2":0 } ], "castorId":1, "originalTargetId":0 }, 4 = { "actorType":1, "targetId":5, "actorId":41208419, "actEffect": [ { "additional":0, "targetId":5, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":4963, "effectNum":4963, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":2, "additional2":4963 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":6, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":8714, "effectNum":8714, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":3, "additional2":8714 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":7, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":4932, "effectNum":4932, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":2, "additional2":4932 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "effectNum":2, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":0, "duration":2, "id":11, "buffId":301001, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":2, "effectNum":2, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":0, "duration":2, "id":12, "buffId":301001, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":3, "effectNum":2, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":0, "duration":2, "id":13, "buffId":301001, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":4, "effectNum":2, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":0, "duration":2, "id":14, "buffId":301001, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 } ], "castorId":1, "originalTargetId":0 }, 5 = { "actorType":3, "targetId":0, "actorId":0, "actEffect": [ { "additional":0, "targetId":5, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":9, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":6, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":9, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":7, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":9, "additional2":0 } ], "castorId":0, "originalTargetId":0 }, 6 = { "actEffect": [ { "additional":8, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":6, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":12, "targetId":2, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":1, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":7, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":13, "targetId":3, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":1, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":7, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":14, "targetId":4, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":1, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":7, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":9, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":6, "additional2":0 } ], "originalTargetId":0, "actorType":2 }, }, _startTime = 0, extraRoundTeamType = 0, _isReconnect = false, isPreRound = false, setExtraRoundType = function: 0x01425c0ef0, addStepMO = function: 0x013d825550, New = function: 0x013d824b38, getUnitPickedSkillId = function: 0x013d825800, copyFromPlaybackNO = function: 0x013d825620, onNotifyUserRoundPick = function: 0x013d824530, getStepMO = function: 0x013d825520, getRoundId = function: 0x013d8240f8, copyFromNO = function: 0x013d8255f0, hasUnitPickedSkill = function: 0x013d825830, getIsUserReady = function: 0x013d824560, setIsFinish = function: 0x012e6ce2f8, __index = { setExtraRoundType = function: 0x01425c0ef0, addStepMO = function: 0x013d825550, New = function: 0x013d824b38, getUnitPickedSkillId = function: 0x013d825800, copyFromPlaybackNO = function: 0x013d825620, onNotifyUserRoundPick = function: 0x013d824530, getStepMO = function: 0x013d825520, getRoundId = function: 0x013d8240f8, copyFromNO = function: 0x013d8255f0, hasUnitPickedSkill = function: 0x013d825830, getIsUserReady = function: 0x013d824560, setIsFinish = function: 0x012e6ce2f8, __index = 循环引用: table: 0x013d8242c0, setEndData = function: 0x013d824500, getStartTime = function: 0x013d824ad0, getStepCount = function: 0x013d8254f0, setData = function: 0x013d825650, ctor = function: 0x013d823e40, isDataDone = function: 0x013d824e28, onComplete = function: 0x012e6ce328, setIsReconnect = function: 0x013d824e88, __newindex = function: 0x013d824228, setRoundId = function: 0x013d823948, hasUnitReliveInfo = function: 0x013d825978, isReadyToPick = function: 0x013d824e58, isFinish = function: 0x013d825918, getReliveReplyNO = function: 0x013d825948, isReconnect = function: 0x012e6ce2c8, onDataInit = function: 0x013d824b00, __newindex = function: 0x013d824340, }, setEndData = function: 0x013d824500, getStartTime = function: 0x013d824ad0, getStepCount = function: 0x013d8254f0, setData = function: 0x013d825650, ctor = function: 0x013d823e40, isDataDone = function: 0x013d824e28, onComplete = function: 0x012e6ce328, setIsReconnect = function: 0x013d824e88, __newindex = function: 0x013d824228, setRoundId = function: 0x013d823948, hasUnitReliveInfo = function: 0x013d825978, isReadyToPick = function: 0x013d824e58, isFinish = function: 0x013d825918, getReliveReplyNO = function: 0x013d825948, isReconnect = function: 0x012e6ce2c8, onDataInit = function: 0x013d824b00, } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_doNextStep}播报开始 -> step:1/6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{onStart}BattelStep:放招----------------------------- { "actorType":1, "targetId":1, "actorId":41207412, "actEffect": [ { "additional":41207412, "targetId":5, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":1, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":8, "additional2":0 } ], "castorId":5, "originalTargetId":0 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}===========================> enqueue and group battle step: 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}*********** BattleEffectGroup: StepActionBuff , Range: 1 ~ 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{_beginAttack}使用技能 -》 id:41207412 , 大招:false 结束方式:攻击动作完成 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{_beginAttack}5[Monster_5_1_60000091][1] 用 41207412[10007819] 不是aoe 干了 5[Monster_5_1_60000091][1] 一下 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/skill_icon/10007807.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/skill_icon/10007808.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/skill_icon/10007809.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]bigbg/skill_icon/10007807.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]bigbg/skill_icon/10007808.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11]bigbg/skill_icon/10007809.png instance: @31ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}====第几帧==== 15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:11][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}攻击帧来了,美术资源对了 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}【普通技能】 干完了一个 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{executeByOccasion}补充未执行到的技能效果 -------------> { "additional":41207412, "targetId":5, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":1, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":8, "additional2":0 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> beginHandler: StepActionBuff 1 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5[Monster_5_1_60000091][1] 使用技能 41207412 ,令到 5[Monster_5_1_60000091][1] 此技能进入 技能CD 等待 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_callback}SkillEffectExecutorBase._onActionDone <<<<< endHandler: StepActionBuff 1 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowDie.lua:0]:{onStart}这步骤安全我方没人死 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_callback}播报结束 -> step:1/6, next step [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_doNextStep}播报开始 -> step:2/6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{onStart}BattelStep:放招----------------------------- { "actorType":1, "targetId":2, "actorId":41207408, "actEffect": [ { "additional":10052, "targetId":2, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":1, "additional2":0 } ], "castorId":5, "originalTargetId":0 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}===========================> enqueue and group battle step: 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}*********** BattleEffectGroup: StepActionDamage , Range: 1 ~ 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{_beginAttack}使用技能 -》 id:41207408 , 大招:false 结束方式:攻击动作完成 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{_beginAttack}5[Monster_5_1_60000091][1] 用 41207408[10007808] 不是aoe 干了 2[MyRole_2_2][2] 一下 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}====第几帧==== 21 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}攻击帧来了,美术资源对了 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> beginHandler: StepActionDamage 1 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{_updateDefenderUnitBlood}攻击闪避 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_callback}SkillEffectExecutorBase._onActionDone <<<<< endHandler: StepActionDamage 1 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}====第几帧==== 30 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}buff 来了,美术资源对了 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}【普通技能】 干完了一个 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowDie.lua:0]:{onStart}这步骤安全我方没人死 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_callback}播报结束 -> step:2/6, next step [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_doNextStep}播报开始 -> step:3/6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{onStart}BattelStep:放招----------------------------- { "actorType":1, "targetId":1, "actorId":41208408, "actEffect": [ { "additional":10563, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":10563, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":18, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "effectNum":1, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":0, "duration":1, "id":10, "buffId":301080, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 }, { "additional":41208408, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":4, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":8, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "skills": [ { "skillId":41208417, "position":1, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41208418, "position":2, "CD":4, "maxCD":4 }, { "skillId":41208419, "position":3, "CD":0, "maxCD":4 }, { "skillId":40300025, "position":4, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41208420, "position":5, "CD":1, "maxCD":1 } ], "effectNum":0, "effectType":21, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "additional3":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":1, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":20, "additional2":0 } ], "castorId":1, "originalTargetId":0 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}===========================> enqueue and group battle step: 5 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}*********** BattleEffectGroup: StepActionTHP , Range: 1 ~ 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}*********** BattleEffectGroup: StepActionBuff , Range: 2 ~ 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}*********** BattleEffectGroup: StepActionChangeSkill , Range: 4 ~ 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{_beginAttack}使用技能 -》 id:41208408 , 大招:false 结束方式:攻击动作完成 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{_beginAttack}1[MyRole_1_1][1] 用 41208408[10008708] 不是aoe 干了 1[MyRole_1_1][1] 一下 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:12][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}UnitCompAnimatorControllerMyRole_1_1 show commingEffect show_ylxy_skill2 in action 10008708 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_displayComingEffect' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_operaBeginCurAction' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_handleActionStart' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function [C]: at 0x01034fcdb0 [C]: in function '__newindex' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitBattleSpine: in function '_updateAnimation' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitBattleSpine: in function 'play' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function 'playAnimation' ... frameworkext/ai/workflow/flow/FlowSequence: in function 'next' frameworkext/ai/workflow/flow/FlowSequence: in function 'onChildDone' frameworkext/ai/workflow/work/WorkBase: in function 'onDone' logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_operaReturnIdle' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_handleActionStart' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}【普通技能】 干完了一个 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{executeByOccasion}补充未执行到的技能效果 -------------> { "additional":10563, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":10563, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":18, "additional2":0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{executeByOccasion}补充未执行到的技能效果 -------------> { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "effectNum":1, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":0, "duration":1, "id":10, "buffId":301080, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{executeByOccasion}补充未执行到的技能效果 -------------> { "additional":41208408, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":4, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":8, "additional2":0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{executeByOccasion}补充未执行到的技能效果 -------------> { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "skills": [ { "skillId":41208417, "position":1, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41208418, "position":2, "CD":4, "maxCD":4 }, { "skillId":41208419, "position":3, "CD":0, "maxCD":4 }, { "skillId":40300025, "position":4, "CD":0 }, { "skillId":41208420, "position":5, "CD":1, "maxCD":1 } ], "effectNum":0, "effectType":21, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "additional3":0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{executeByOccasion}补充未执行到的技能效果 -------------> { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":1, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":20, "additional2":0 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> beginHandler: StepActionTHP 1 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/stepaction/StepActionTHP.lua:0]:{execute}1 血量上限更新 -》 前:12426/12426 后:10563/10563 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_callback}SkillEffectExecutorBase._onActionDone <<<<< endHandler: StepActionTHP 1 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> beginHandler: StepActionBuff 2 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/AddOrRemoveBuffHandler.lua:0]:{_beginAddBuff}1[MyRole_1_1][1] 用 41208408 ,令到 1[MyRole_1_1][1] 增加了一个 buff [301080] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}1[MyRole_1_1][1] 使用技能 41208408 ,令到 1[MyRole_1_1][1] 此技能进入 技能CD 等待 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_callback}SkillEffectExecutorBase._onActionDone <<<<< endHandler: StepActionBuff 2 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> beginHandler: StepActionChangeSkill 4 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/stepaction/StepActionChangeSkill.lua:0]:{execute}【换技能】id:1 skillCount:5 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_callback}SkillEffectExecutorBase._onActionDone <<<<< endHandler: StepActionChangeSkill 4 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBSkillShape.lua:0]:{onStart}变身(true) -> id:1 原皮肤:140047 新皮肤:140051 原spine:100087_ylxy_xuyuan 新spine:100094_ylxy_xuyuan [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowDie.lua:0]:{onStart}这步骤安全我方没人死 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_callback}播报结束 -> step:3/6, next step [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_doNextStep}播报开始 -> step:4/6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/bufficon/yushou_0.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/imagecharacter/100087_zd02.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14]bigbg/bufficon/yushou_0.png instance: @60ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowPortrait.lua:0]:{_showEffect}unit play id: 1 audioPath: event:/language/zh/speech/character/audiogongyong/basis/ylxy/ylxy7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/crack_006.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_010.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_031.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_034.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:14]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_hanzhao_camera.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/camera_color_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{onStart}BattelStep:放招----------------------------- { "actorType":1, "targetId":5, "actorId":41208419, "actEffect": [ { "additional":0, "targetId":5, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":4963, "effectNum":4963, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":2, "additional2":4963 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":6, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":8714, "effectNum":8714, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":3, "additional2":8714 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":7, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":4932, "effectNum":4932, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":2, "additional2":4932 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":1, "effectNum":2, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":0, "duration":2, "id":11, "buffId":301001, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":2, "effectNum":2, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":0, "duration":2, "id":12, "buffId":301001, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":3, "effectNum":2, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":0, "duration":2, "id":13, "buffId":301001, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":4, "effectNum":2, "effectType":5, "additional2":0, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "buff": { "additional":0, "duration":2, "id":14, "buffId":301001, "additional2":0 }, "additional3":0, "multipleEffectNum":0 } ], "castorId":1, "originalTargetId":0 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:15][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}===========================> enqueue and group battle step: 7 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:15][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}*********** BattleEffectGroup: StepActionDamage , Range: 1 ~ 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:15][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}*********** BattleEffectGroup: StepActionBuff , Range: 4 ~ 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{_beginAttack}使用技能 -》 id:41208419 , 大招:true 结束方式:闪光帧 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{_beginAttack}1[MyRole_1_1][1] 用 41208419[10009409] 是aoe 干了 对面一堆人 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}UnitCompAnimatorControllerMyRole_1_1 show commingEffect show_ylxy_skill6 in action 10009409 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_displayComingEffect' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_operaBeginCurAction' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function '_handleActionStart' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function [C]: at 0x01034fcdb0 [C]: in function '__newindex' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitBattleSpine: in function '_updateAnimation' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitBattleSpine: in function 'play' logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompAnimatorController: in function 'playAnimation' ... frameworkext/ai/workflow/flow/FlowSequence: in function 'onChildDone' frameworkext/ai/workflow/work/WorkBase: in function 'onDone' logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBAdjustPosition: in function '' logic/common/time/TweenUtil: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/schedule/ScheduleEntry: in function 'update' framework/schedule/Scheduler: in function [builtin#21]: at 0x0103540df4 event: in function '' event: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15]++++++++++++++++拿到的tsssdk的c#的data长度314 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15]))))((((((转换为lua的buffer数据长度(((((314____________314 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 314 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}=============sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包完毕,等协议过去-=-============================= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15]__________删除tsssdk++++++sb数据________ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=1,size=326 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=13,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:15][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10002424567938 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SubmitAntiDataReply 106 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}====第几帧==== 90 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}攻击帧来了,美术资源对了 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> beginHandler: StepActionDamage 1 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 原来有血: 3308/3308 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:620/4963 本段飘:620 本段扣血:620 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 剩余血: 2688/3308 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 原来有血: 2451/2451 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:1089/8714 本段飘:1089 本段扣血:1089 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 剩余血: 1362/2451 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 原来有血: 2887/2887 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:616/4932 本段飘:616 本段扣血:616 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 剩余血: 2271/2887 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}====第几帧==== 100 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}攻击帧来了,美术资源对了 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> requestExecuteHandler: StepActionDamage 1 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 原来有血: 2688/3308 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:1240/4963 本段飘:620 本段扣血:620 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 剩余血: 2068/3308 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 原来有血: 1362/2451 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:2178/8714 本段飘:1089 本段扣血:1089 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 剩余血: 273/2451 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 原来有血: 2271/2887 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:1232/4932 本段飘:616 本段扣血:616 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 剩余血: 1655/2887 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}====第几帧==== 105 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}攻击帧来了,美术资源对了 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> requestExecuteHandler: StepActionDamage 1 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 原来有血: 2068/3308 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:1860/4963 本段飘:620 本段扣血:620 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 剩余血: 1448/3308 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 原来有血: 273/2451 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:3267/8714 本段飘:1089 本段扣血:1089 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 剩余血: 0/2451 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 原来有血: 1655/2887 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:1848/4932 本段飘:616 本段扣血:616 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 剩余血: 1039/2887 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}====第几帧==== 110 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}攻击帧来了,美术资源对了 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> requestExecuteHandler: StepActionDamage 1 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 原来有血: 1448/3308 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:2480/4963 本段飘:620 本段扣血:620 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 剩余血: 828/3308 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 原来有血: 0/2451 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:4356/8714 本段飘:1089 本段扣血:1089 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 剩余血: 0/2451 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 原来有血: 1039/2887 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:2464/4932 本段飘:616 本段扣血:616 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 剩余血: 423/2887 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}====第几帧==== 115 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}攻击帧来了,美术资源对了 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> requestExecuteHandler: StepActionDamage 1 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 原来有血: 828/3308 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:3100/4963 本段飘:620 本段扣血:620 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 剩余血: 208/3308 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 原来有血: 0/2451 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:5445/8714 本段飘:1089 本段扣血:1089 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 剩余血: 0/2451 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 原来有血: 423/2887 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:3080/4932 本段飘:616 本段扣血:616 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:16][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 剩余血: 0/2887 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}====第几帧==== 120 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}攻击帧来了,美术资源对了 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> requestExecuteHandler: StepActionDamage 1 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 原来有血: 208/3308 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:3720/4963 本段飘:620 本段扣血:620 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 剩余血: 0/3308 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 原来有血: 0/2451 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:6534/8714 本段飘:1089 本段扣血:1089 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 剩余血: 0/2451 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 原来有血: 0/2887 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:3696/4932 本段飘:616 本段扣血:616 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 剩余血: 0/2887 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}====第几帧==== 125 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}攻击帧来了,美术资源对了 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> requestExecuteHandler: StepActionDamage 1 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 原来有血: 0/3308 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:4340/4963 本段飘:620 本段扣血:620 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 剩余血: 0/3308 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 原来有血: 0/2451 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:7623/8714 本段飘:1089 本段扣血:1089 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 剩余血: 0/2451 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 原来有血: 0/2887 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 受到攻击(比率:0.125) -》 多段已飘:4312/4932 本段飘:616 本段扣血:616 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 剩余血: 0/2887 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}====第几帧==== 130 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}攻击帧来了,美术资源对了 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> requestExecuteHandler: StepActionDamage 1 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 原来有血: 0/3308 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 受到攻击(比率:1) -》 多段已飘:4963/4963 本段飘:623 本段扣血:623 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}5 -> 剩余血: 0/3308 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 原来有血: 0/2451 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 受到攻击(比率:1) -》 多段已飘:8714/8714 本段飘:1091 本段扣血:1091 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}6 -> 剩余血: 0/2451 剩余盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 原来有血: 0/2887 原来有盾: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 受到攻击(比率:1) -》 多段已飘:4932/4932 本段飘:620 本段扣血:620 本段扣盾:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutor.lua:0]:{closure}7 -> 剩余血: 0/2887 剩余盾: 0 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_callback}SkillEffectExecutorBase._onActionDone <<<<< endHandler: StepActionDamage 1 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> beginHandler: StepActionBuff 4 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/AddOrRemoveBuffHandler.lua:0]:{_beginAddBuff}1[MyRole_1_1][1] 用 41208419 ,令到 1[MyRole_1_1][1] 增加了一个 buff [301001] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/AddOrRemoveBuffHandler.lua:0]:{_beginAddBuff}1[MyRole_1_1][1] 用 41208419 ,令到 2[MyRole_2_2][2] 增加了一个 buff [301001] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_buff.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/AddOrRemoveBuffHandler.lua:0]:{_beginAddBuff}1[MyRole_1_1][1] 用 41208419 ,令到 3[MyRole_3_3][3] 增加了一个 buff [301001] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_buff.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/AddOrRemoveBuffHandler.lua:0]:{_beginAddBuff}1[MyRole_1_1][1] 用 41208419 ,令到 4[MyRole_4_4][4] 增加了一个 buff [301001] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_buff.prefab effect obj pool [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_callback}SkillEffectExecutorBase._onActionDone <<<<< endHandler: StepActionBuff 4 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}====第几帧==== 180 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:17][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}buff 来了,美术资源对了 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:19][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}====第几帧==== 269 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:19][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseSkill.lua:0]:{}【开大】 干完了一个 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowBigSkillTotalDamage.lua:0]:{onStart}开大的总伤害值 18609 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_zongshanghai.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用UIParticle方式, effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_zongshanghai.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_zongshanghai.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowDie.lua:0]:{onStart}这步骤安全我方没人死 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_callback}播报结束 -> step:4/6, next step [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_doNextStep}播报开始 -> step:5/6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillPureEffectFlow.lua:0]:{onStart}BattelStep:PureEfect----------------------------- { "actorType":3, "targetId":0, "actorId":0, "actEffect": [ { "additional":0, "targetId":5, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":9, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":6, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":9, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":0, "targetId":7, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":9, "additional2":0 } ], "castorId":0, "originalTargetId":0 } [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}===========================> enqueue and group battle step: 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{enqueueBattleStep}*********** BattleEffectGroup: StepActionDead , Range: 1 ~ 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_tryDoAction}SkillEffectExecutorBase._tryDoAction >>>>> beginHandler: StepActionDead 1 3 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/impl/SkillEffectExecutorBase.lua:0]:{_callback}SkillEffectExecutorBase._onActionDone <<<<< endHandler: StepActionDead 1 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowDie.lua:0]:{onStart}敌方发生了唯一召唤物重新召唤! [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_roledie.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowDie.lua:0]:{onStart}敌方发生了唯一召唤物重新召唤! [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_roledie.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowDie.lua:0]:{onStart}敌方发生了唯一召唤物重新召唤! [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: create effect/prefabs/battle_roledie.prefab effect obj pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowDie.lua:0]:{onStart}这步骤安全我方没人死 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_callback}播报结束 -> step:5/6, next step [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_doNextStep}播报开始 -> step:6/6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseBuffer.lua:0]:{onStart}BattelStep:Buff----------------------------- { "actEffect": [ { "additional":8, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":6, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":12, "targetId":2, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":1, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":7, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":13, "targetId":3, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":1, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":7, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":14, "targetId":4, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":1, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":7, "additional2":0 }, { "additional":9, "targetId":1, "multipleEffectNumReal":0, "additional3":0, "effectNum":0, "multipleEffectNum":0, "effectType":6, "additional2":0 } ], "originalTargetId":0, "actorType":2 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseBuffer.lua:0]:{_handleBuffChange}[buff结算]移除buff -> targetId:1 buffServerId:8 buffId:301066 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseBuffer.lua:0]:{_handleBuffChange}[buff结算]buff时长 -> targetId:2 buffServerId:12 buffId:301001 持续时间:1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseBuffer.lua:0]:{_handleBuffChange}[buff结算]buff时长 -> targetId:3 buffServerId:13 buffId:301001 持续时间:1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseBuffer.lua:0]:{_handleBuffChange}[buff结算]buff时长 -> targetId:4 buffServerId:14 buffId:301001 持续时间:1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBReleaseBuffer.lua:0]:{_handleBuffChange}[buff结算]移除buff -> targetId:1 buffServerId:9 buffId:301075 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowDie.lua:0]:{onStart}这步骤安全我方没人死 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/battleaction/BBCommonBattleRoundReport.lua:0]:{_callback}播报结束 -> step:6/6, round done [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/agent/BattleAgent.lua:0]:{sendReliveBattleUnitsRequest}开始发送救人---------------------------- {} [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 4 5 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ReliveBattleUnitsRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=4,cmd=5,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=4,cmd=5,status=0,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}reliveData { isFinish: true } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ReliveBattleUnitsReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 4 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066646918654442 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 ReliveBattleUnitsReply 107 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/agent/BattleAgent.lua:0]:{}返回发送救人(0)---------------------------- { "reliveData": { "isFinish":true } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 4 9 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = EndRoundRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=4,cmd=9,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=4,cmd=9,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}isFinish: true nextRoundId: 1 extraRoundTeamType: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = EndRoundReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 4 9 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066826209425926 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 EndRoundReply 108 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/handler/BattleFlowHandler.lua:0]:{endReport}回合播报完成,结束一回合=============== [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 4 3 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = FinishBattleRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=4,cmd=3,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=4,status=0,size=65 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=2,status=0,size=46 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=31,cmd=5,status=0,size=119 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=4,cmd=3,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000343 state: 2 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 heroId: 2149 location { category: 5 defineId: 2 heroInfo: } nodeId: 10034303 acceptTime: 1684970345 expireTime: 1685048400 unLockTime: 1682526992 doneCount: 4 lastFinishedTime: 1684047472 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 4 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskPush 109 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 81 infos { id: 1 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 2 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 3 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 4 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateRedDotPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 49 2 || 0 UpdateRedDotPush 110 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}star: 8 playerExp: 0 heroExp: 0 heroExp: 0 heroExp: 0 heroExp: 0 exExp: 0 hasGetBonus: allDamage: 18609 itemAdditionShow { itemAdditionShowGroup { groupId: 4 source { isFromHero: true id: 0 heroId: 2084 num: 20 isRate: true } } } isReturnFight: false teamDamage { teamTypeId: 1 teamDamage: 18609 teamGetDamage: 0 unitDamages { position: 1 damage: 18609 getDamage: 0 unqiueId: 1162443744 } unitDamages { position: 2 damage: 0 getDamage: 0 unqiueId: 937586058 } unitDamages { position: 3 damage: 0 getDamage: 0 unqiueId: 1100371703 } unitDamages { position: 4 damage: 0 getDamage: 0 unqiueId: 1353957188 } } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = EndBattleBarrierPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 31 5 || 0 EndBattleBarrierPush 111 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/battle/model/CommonFightDataModel.lua:0]:{setStatistics}战斗伤害统计 { "teamTypeId":1, "teamDamage":"18609", "teamGetDamage":"0", "unitDamages": [ { "position":1, "damage":"18609", "getDamage":"0", "unqiueId":"1162443744" }, { "position":2, "damage":"0", "getDamage":"0", "unqiueId":"937586058" }, { "position":3, "damage":"0", "getDamage":"0", "unqiueId":"1100371703" }, { "position":4, "damage":"0", "getDamage":"0", "unqiueId":"1353957188" } ] } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/fb/core/core/component/FbEndHandler.lua:0]:{checkStartShowResult}FbEndHandler.checkStartShowResult -> in battle flow [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = BattleResultReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 4 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.1331758312881 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 BattleResultReply 112 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:20][@logic/extensions/fb/core/behavior/actionfight/BBPlayBattleStep.lua:0]:{closure}BBPlayBattleStep:_onBattleDone -> status:1 isEnterFail:false isAbort:false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:22][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowDie.lua:0]:{}结束死亡动作: Monster_7_4_60000091 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:23][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowDie.lua:0]:{}结束死亡动作: Monster_5_1_60000091 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:23][@logic/extensions/battle/core/core/behavior/action/BBShowDie.lua:0]:{}结束死亡动作: Monster_6_2_60000091 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:23][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: clear all effect object pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:23][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: clear all effect object pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:23][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: clear all effect object pool [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:23][@logic/extensions/fb/core/behavior/actionfight/BBAfterBattleStepFinish.lua:0]:{}一波结束,强制执行GC--------------------------------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:24][@logic/extensions/fb/core/core/util/FbUtil.lua:0]:{checkBarrierPlayStoryId}战后无story -> 60000091 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:24][@logic/extensions/fb/core/core/component/FbSpaceTriggerHandler.lua:0]:{}fb battle tree finish------------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:24][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:24]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_battle_fail isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:24]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/fbvictoryview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:24]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/battle/fbvictoryview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:24]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/imagetext/f_01.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:24][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_fbvictoryview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:24][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用UIParticle方式, effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_fbvictoryview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:24][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:24]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/atk_dezhoupaji_skill3_03.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:24]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_025_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:24]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_055.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:24]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_particle/ui_fbvictoryview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTrace}priority@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleSystem:0: 【BattleSystem】 结束玩法 -》 ; 1; 6; 60000091 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTrace' logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleSystem: in function '_onDestroyCallback' logic/extensions/battle/ecs/BattleContextBase: in function 'destroy' logic/extensions/battle/context/BattleContext: in function 'destroy' logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleSystem: in function 'closeContext' logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbController: in function 'exitFbSpace' logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbController: in function 'exitFbSpaceAndGoToHeroTaskScene' logic/extensions/fb/controller/FbController: in function 'onFbVictoryViewClose' logic/extensions/fb/core/core/impl/FbSpace: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function ... frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewComponent: in function 'localNotify' logic/extensions/fb/view/FbVictoryView: in function '_doCloseAndFireEvent' logic/extensions/fb/view/FbVictoryView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/schedule/ScheduleEntry: in function 'update' framework/schedule/Scheduler: in function [builtin#21]: at 0x0103540df4 event: in function '' event: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 10 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = TempleFairInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 7 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = FeteFairInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 43 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetLevelInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 1 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRestaurantInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 27 当前队列数量= 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetActivityCustomerRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=10,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=7,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=43,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=27,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=10,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}nextRefleshTime: 1685001600 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = TempleFairInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 10 所需时间单位秒 = 0.06680028885603 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 5 || 0 TempleFairInfoReply 113 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=7,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=43,status=0,size=92 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=1,status=0,size=23 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=27,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}nextRefleshTime: 1684972800 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = FeteFairInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 7 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13339295610785 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 4 || 0 FeteFairInfoReply 114 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}cookingLevel: 4 gotAppearanceItem { id: 170002 } gotAppearanceItem { id: 170003 } gotAppearanceItem { id: 170001 } gotAppearanceItem { id: 170004 } gotAppearanceItem { id: 170005 } gotAppearanceItem { id: 170008 expiredTime: 0 } appearance { type: 101 id: 170001 } appearance { type: 102 id: 170002 } appearance { type: 103 id: 170008 expiredTime: 0 } appearance { type: 201 id: 170004 } appearance { type: 202 id: 170005 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetLevelInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 43 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13339295610785 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 3 || 0 GetLevelInfoReply 115 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}toolNum: 4 keChaoEndTime: 0 toolIncrTime: 1684980833273 isClose: false offlineGain: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRestaurantInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13339295610785 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 GetRestaurantInfoReply 116 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/extensions/restaurant/agent/RestaurantAgent.lua:0]:{}当前 营业新动态 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/extensions/restaurant/agent/RestaurantAgent.lua:0]:{}false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=7,id=203 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/restaurant/facade/RestaurantFacade: in function '_realEnter' logic/extensions/restaurant/facade/RestaurantFacade: in function '_checkAllInfoDone' logic/extensions/restaurant/facade/RestaurantFacade: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/lmvc/controller/BaseController: in function 'localNotify' logic/extensions/restaurant/agent/RestaurantAgent: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' frameworkext/lmvc/ExtensionMgr: in function '_org_handleMsg' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/network/NetConnMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerCommonderBase.lua:0]:{onExitScene}退出场景移除监听触发器事件===== [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=2,id=220013 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: clear all effect object pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: clear all effect object pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: clear all effect object pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/battle/core/unit/component/UnitCompBattleEffectObjectPool:0: clear all effect object pool [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetActivityCustomerReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 27 所需时间单位秒 = 0.20296328887343 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetActivityCustomerReply 117 1 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/extensions/restaurant/agent/RestaurantAgent.lua:0]:{}handleGetActivityCustomerReply [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.20296328887343 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 118 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:25][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]DestroyUnusedResources:325,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=7,id=203 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_003.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_075_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_004.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_164.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s06_hmi_canteen/fbx/g-s06_hmi_obj.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s06_hmi_canteen/texture/g-s06_hmi_canteen.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s75_canteen/fbx/g-s75_zhuozi.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s75_canteen/texture/g-s75_hmi_canteen1.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s75_canteen/g-s75_hmi_canteen_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s75_canteen/g-s75_hmi_canteen_stage.prefab instance: @67ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s75_canteen/fbx/g-s75_canteen_pi2.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s75_canteen/texture/g-s75_hmi_canteen1-2.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s75_canteen/texture/g-s75_hmi_canteen2-2.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s75_canteen/g-s75_zhuozi-2_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/sequence_013.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/common_elems/scene_effect_assets/texture/s-effect_guang_a.psd isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s75_canteen/fbx/g-s75_beijingi.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s75_canteen/g-s75_beijingi_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s75_canteen/texture/g-s75_hmi_canteen2.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s75_canteen/g-s75_dimain_p0.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_stageLoadFinishedHandler}成功加载了一个新的场景的舞台,但当前场景还未进入完毕,类型=7,id=203 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@logic/scene/restaurant/factory/RestaurantTouristFactory.lua:0]:{onEnterSceneFinished}onEnterSceneFinished [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@logic/extensions/tourist/controller/TouristController.lua:0]:{}_onAfterEnterScene 203 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@logic/extensions/tourist/controller/TouristController.lua:0]:{_start}无游客 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=7,id=203,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' logic/scene/restaurant/stage/RestaurantSceneStage: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/restaurant/stage/RestaurantSceneStage: in function '_checkAllLoaded' logic/scene/restaurant/stage/RestaurantSceneStage: in function 'onAppearanceLoaded' logic/scene/kitchen/AppearanceFactoryBase: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 101 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 7#203 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_restaurant_0 isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_restaurant_1 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_restaurant_2 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/restaurantview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/restaurant/restaurantview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 16 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetTableFoodRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=16,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/btnnote.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/scenes/restaurant/restaurantnoteui.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/140017_luwu_npc/140017_luwu_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/140017_luwu_npc/140017_luwu_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_bigbg/270011.jpg isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_firstcallhero isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_story_0 isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/dialogtype.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/dialogview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/nextbtn.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/profileview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/storyview_textview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/story/storyview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/story/storylookbackitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_story_1 isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_chenshui.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/story/storyanimation/ui_chenshui.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_storymaskeffectview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/story/storyanimation/ui_storymaskeffectview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=16,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 1 time: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@logic/common/audio/FmodAudioPlayer.lua:0]:{pauseAudio}setPauseResult OK [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetTableFoodReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 16 所需时间单位秒 = 0.15665425360203 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetTableFoodReply 119 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/commonbg/herotasktraceview_bg.jpg isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26]bigbg/commonbg/herotasktraceview_bg.jpg instance: @57ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.21664804406464 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 120 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:26][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_headicon/100029_hb.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27]bigbg/story_headicon/100029_hb.png instance: @62ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 5 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SkipStoryLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}storyId: 314912 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=5,size=13 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 16 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetTableFoodRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@logic/common/audio/FmodAudioPlayer.lua:0]:{resumeAudio}setPauseResult OK [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=16,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 54 3 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroTaskFinshRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000343 nodeId: 10034303 index: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=54,cmd=3,size=21 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=5,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SkipStoryLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10007828846574 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 SkipStoryLogReply 122 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=16,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=4,status=0,size=60 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=45,cmd=3,status=0,size=21 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=3,status=0,size=18 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetTableFoodReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 16 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13344870507717 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetTableFoodReply 123 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000343 state: 3 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 heroId: 2149 location { category: 5 defineId: 2 heroInfo: } acceptTime: 1684970345 expireTime: 1685048400 unLockTime: 1682526992 doneCount: 4 lastFinishedTime: 1684047472 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 4 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskPush 124 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { id: 61000011 progress: 6 hasFinished: false donCount: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:27][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 45 3 || 0 UpdateTaskPush 125 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000343 nodeId: 10034303 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroTaskFinshReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 54 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.16677453741431 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HeroTaskFinshReply 126 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_herotask_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/herotask/herotaskinfoview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:timeline/materials/focus.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/live2dcharacter.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100165_qjf_mask/100165_qjf_mask_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):idle.mtn,default:nil stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/unit/component/live2D/UnitCompLive2D: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1010149.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/item_ssr.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100165_qjf_mask/action/idle.mtn.anim isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]bigbg/itemicon/1000101.png instance: @23ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]bigbg/itemicon/1010149.png instance: @23ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 54 8 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = HeroTaskBonusRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000343 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=54,cmd=8,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=4,status=0,size=54 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=10,cmd=1,status=0,size=28 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=23,cmd=2,status=0,size=96 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=20,cmd=6,status=0,size=35 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=10,status=0,size=23 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=54,cmd=8,status=0,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskInfos { taskId: 63000343 state: 4 heroUniqueId: 1768243003 heroId: 2149 location { category: 5 defineId: 2 heroInfo: } expireTime: 1685048400 unLockTime: 1682526992 doneCount: 5 lastFinishedTime: 1684970368 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 4 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskPush 127 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { itemId: 11240149 count: 25 lastUseTime: 1650991083000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ItemChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 10 1 || 0 ItemChangePush 0 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heroCharacter { heroId: 2149 exp: 254 injuredNum: 0 voice: 1152003 voice: 1152005 voice: 1152004 voice: 1152007 voice: 1152006 voice: 1152025 voice: 1152009 voice: 1152010 voice: 1152013 voice: 1152012 voice: 1152015 voice: 1152014 infos: 1000900 unreadInfos: 1000900 usingSkinId: 100165 hasShowInjureView: false maxBreakthroughCount: 0 maxRank: 4 maxLevel: 71 contractUnlockTime: 0 contractLevel: 0 contractContent: autoUpdateSkinTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroCharacterInfoUpdatePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 23 2 || 0 HeroCharacterInfoUpdatePush 1 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1042 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}removepush id 1043 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/state/notify/NotifyLocalState.lua:0]:{_setENoLoginLongTime}注册了 432000 秒之后的推送 推送ID为 1041 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { materilType: 1 materilId: 11240149 change: 1 } dataList { materilType: 9 materilId: 2149 change: 22 } getApproach: 43 getApproachSubId: 63000343 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = MaterialChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 20 6 || 0 MaterialChangePush 2 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}heroCounts { heroId: 2149 isUnLocked: true dailyCount: 1 expireTime: 1685048400 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateHeroTaskCountPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 54 10 || 0 UpdateHeroTaskCountPush 3 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}taskId: 63000343 loveGain: 22 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = HeroTaskBonusReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 54 8 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13996862620115 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 HeroTaskBonusReply 4 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_playermtrt isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview02.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/playerinfo/playermtrtakeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/playerinfo/playerrewarditem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/imgstaicfavor.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/txtaddfavor.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/herotask/herotaskfavorview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/common/speechbubble.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_000_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_025_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_025_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:28]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:29][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:29][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):idle.mtn,default:idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/impl/UnitLive2DPerson: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'onEnter' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'onEnter' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'setLive2dModel' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:29][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [C]: in function 'GetResource' bootstrap/shortcut_csharp: in function 'getres' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'load' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' ... logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'setLive2dModel' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:29][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):sikao.mtn,default:idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/impl/UnitLive2DPerson: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playMtn' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'playVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:29][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:stopExpression stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'stopExpression' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playExps' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'playVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:29][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:idle.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'playExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'addExpToPlayList' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playExps' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function 'playVoice' logic/extensions/herotask/view/HeroTaskFavorView: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' logic/extensions/playerinfo/view/PlayerMtrTakeView: in function 'onExitFinished' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_org_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function '_onCloseAnimationDone' logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:29][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_charactor_aixin.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:29][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_charactor_aixin.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100165_qjf_mask/action/sikao.mtn.anim isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:29][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: sikao.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_001.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_039.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:29]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_charactor_aixin.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:29][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/main/controller/MainController: in function 'enterMainScene' logic/extensions/common/controller/CommonController: in function 'handleBackScene' logic/extensions/restaurant/view/RestaurantView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/sdk/MSDKManagerImpl.lua:0]:{openInAppEvent}打开IAE Card [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 1 time: 3000 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/audio/FmodAudioPlayer.lua:0]:{pauseAudio}setPauseResult OK [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 39 5 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = LeaveRestaurantRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 49 1 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}ids: 44 ids: 50 ids: 51 ids: 49 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=39,cmd=5,size=9 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/extensions/tourist/controller/TouristController.lua:0]:{}_onAfterExitScene [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=7,id=203 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=49,cmd=1,size=17 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066652581095695 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 5 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=39,cmd=5,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=1,status=0,size=56 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]DestroyUnusedResources:71,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = LeaveRestaurantReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 39 5 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10006683319807 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 LeaveRestaurantReply 6 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 49 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 50 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1685001600 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 51 replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 44 infos { id: 0 value: 0 time: 1684972800 } replaceAll: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 49 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10006683319807 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRedDotInfosReply 7 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_050_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/smoke_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_055.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_057.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_02.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_collider.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/g-s10_zjm.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_a.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/fbx/s10_zjm_dl_b.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_01.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_a.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s10_zjm/texture/g-s10_zjm_dl_b.tga isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_stage.prefab instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]language/zh/scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s10_zjm/g-s10_zjm_p.prefab instance: @133ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage.lua:0]:{_onAllLoaded}-------------主城主场景加载完毕,开始打开主界面--------------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 49 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}ids: 55 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=49,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 66 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetNpcGroupChatRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{initTriggers}initTriggers: 10 zoneId: 20501 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 77 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 78 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=66,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 79 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 80 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 81 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 82 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 83 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 84 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 85 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 87 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_stageLoadFinishedHandler}成功加载了一个新的场景的舞台,但当前场景还未进入完毕,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 84 挂点: sjcj_xiaohai2_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 80 挂点: sjcj_naren_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 83 挂点: sjcj_wenren_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 79 挂点: sjcj_naren2_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 82 挂点: sjcj_wenren2_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 78 挂点: sjcj_meinv_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 87 挂点: sjcj_xiashi_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 81 挂点: sjcj_nvren_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 85 挂点: sjcj_xiaohai_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 77 挂点: sjcj_laoren_npc_p_1 zoneId: 20501 zoneName: g-s10_zjm_p [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=9,id=205,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '_checkAllLoaded' logic/scene/main/stage/MainSceneStage: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZoneMgr: in function '_loadedCallback' frameworkext/scene/zone/SceneZone: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 100 [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/extensions/pandora/controller/PandoraPanelController.lua:0]:{setPopReady}Pandora bPopReady= enterHallNoGuide [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 9#205 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiaohai2_npc/sjcj_xiaohai2_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiaohai2_npc/sjcj_xiaohai2_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 84 go: SceneTrigger_84_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_naren_npc/sjcj_naren_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_naren_npc/sjcj_naren_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 80 go: SceneTrigger_80_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren_npc/sjcj_wenren_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren_npc/sjcj_wenren_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 83 go: SceneTrigger_83_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_naren2_npc/sjcj_naren2_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_naren2_npc/sjcj_naren2_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 79 go: SceneTrigger_79_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren2_npc/sjcj_wenren2_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_wenren2_npc/sjcj_wenren2_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 82 go: SceneTrigger_82_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_meinv_npc/sjcj_meinv_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_meinv_npc/sjcj_meinv_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 78 go: SceneTrigger_78_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiashi_npc/sjcj_xiashi_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiashi_npc/sjcj_xiashi_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 87 go: SceneTrigger_87_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_nvren_npc/sjcj_nvren_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_nvren_npc/sjcj_nvren_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 81 go: SceneTrigger_81_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiaohai_npc/sjcj_xiaohai_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_xiaohai_npc/sjcj_xiaohai_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 85 go: SceneTrigger_85_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_laoren_npc/sjcj_laoren_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/sjcj_laoren_npc/sjcj_laoren_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 77 go: SceneTrigger_77_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 49 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099994834512472 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 GetRedDotInfosReply 8 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=66,cmd=1,status=0,size=12853 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}allMsgGroup { id: 1 allSelect { msgId: 1009 select: 1010 } allSelect { msgId: 1003 select: 1004 } allSelect { msgId: 1015 select: 1016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587690911 readingMsgId: 1017 } allMsgGroup { id: 258 allSelect { msgId: 258002 select: 258003 } allSelect { msgId: 258007 select: 258008 } allSelect { msgId: 258013 select: 258014 } allSelect { msgId: 258020 select: 258021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660760547 lastSubmitTime: 1663812687 readingMsgId: 258026 } allMsgGroup { id: 2 allSelect { msgId: 2013 select: 2024 } allSelect { msgId: 2033 select: 2034 } allSelect { msgId: 2010 select: 2011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997188 lastSubmitTime: 1673605873 readingMsgId: 2060 } allMsgGroup { id: 259 allSelect { msgId: 259003 select: 259004 } allSelect { msgId: 259019 select: 259020 } allSelect { msgId: 259010 select: 259011 } allSelect { msgId: 259021 select: 259022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660819841 lastSubmitTime: 1673605823 readingMsgId: 259023 } allMsgGroup { id: 260 allSelect { msgId: 260027 select: 260028 } allSelect { msgId: 260022 select: 260023 } allSelect { msgId: 260013 select: 260014 } allSelect { msgId: 260004 select: 260005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1662686695 lastSubmitTime: 1673605889 readingMsgId: 260032 } allMsgGroup { id: 261 allSelect { msgId: 261003 select: 261004 } allSelect { msgId: 261010 select: 261011 } allSelect { msgId: 261018 select: 261019 } allSelect { msgId: 261031 select: 261032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1664414741 lastSubmitTime: 1673605906 readingMsgId: 261038 } allMsgGroup { id: 262 allSelect { msgId: 262003 select: 262004 } allSelect { msgId: 262017 select: 262018 } allSelect { msgId: 262008 select: 262009 } allSelect { msgId: 262023 select: 262024 } allSelect { msgId: 262006 select: 262007 } allSelect { msgId: 262012 select: 262013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661380661 lastSubmitTime: 1673605809 readingMsgId: 262029 } allMsgGroup { id: 6 allSelect { msgId: 6020 select: 6021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594289417 lastSubmitTime: 1594289564 readingMsgId: 6035 } allMsgGroup { id: 266 isRead: false unlockTime: 1679795495 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 10 allSelect { msgId: 10024 select: 10025 } allSelect { msgId: 10005 select: 10006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970414 lastSubmitTime: 1587690856 readingMsgId: 10041 } allMsgGroup { id: 269 allSelect { msgId: 269030 select: 269031 } allSelect { msgId: 269038 select: 269039 } allSelect { msgId: 269008 select: 269009 } allSelect { msgId: 269024 select: 269025 } allSelect { msgId: 269017 select: 269018 } allSelect { msgId: 269050 select: 269051 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1663812248 lastSubmitTime: 1664405870 readingMsgId: 269053 } allMsgGroup { id: 14 isRead: true unlockTime: 1594261739 lastSubmitTime: 1594288469 readingMsgId: 14033 } allMsgGroup { id: 15 isRead: false unlockTime: 1678849148 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 16 allSelect { msgId: 16027 select: 16028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588125298 lastSubmitTime: 1588814296 readingMsgId: 16048 } allMsgGroup { id: 17 allSelect { msgId: 17022 select: 17023 } allSelect { msgId: 17019 select: 17020 } allSelect { msgId: 17031 select: 17032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482515 readingMsgId: 17037 } allMsgGroup { id: 18 allSelect { msgId: 18009 select: 18010 } allSelect { msgId: 18045 select: 18050 } allSelect { msgId: 18042 select: 18043 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482683 readingMsgId: 18054 } allMsgGroup { id: 19 allSelect { msgId: 19048 select: 19049 } allSelect { msgId: 19002 select: 19003 } allSelect { msgId: 19043 select: 19044 } allSelect { msgId: 19013 select: 19014 } allSelect { msgId: 19030 select: 19031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1589764165 lastSubmitTime: 1590482040 readingMsgId: 19054 } allMsgGroup { id: 20 allSelect { msgId: 20049 select: 20050 } allSelect { msgId: 20010 select: 20011 } allSelect { msgId: 20026 select: 20027 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587691153 readingMsgId: 20055 } allMsgGroup { id: 21 allSelect { msgId: 21032 select: 21033 } allSelect { msgId: 21012 select: 21019 } allSelect { msgId: 21021 select: 21022 } allSelect { msgId: 21038 select: 21039 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588986828 lastSubmitTime: 1590482389 readingMsgId: 21047 } allMsgGroup { id: 22 allSelect { msgId: 22027 select: 22028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599620293 lastSubmitTime: 1630399685 readingMsgId: 22043 } allMsgGroup { id: 279 allSelect { msgId: 279026 select: 279027 } allSelect { msgId: 279043 select: 279044 } allSelect { msgId: 279047 select: 279048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1669366352 lastSubmitTime: 1673605844 readingMsgId: 279054 } allMsgGroup { id: 23 allSelect { msgId: 23036 select: 23037 } allSelect { msgId: 23009 select: 23010 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590483227 readingMsgId: 23040 } allMsgGroup { id: 24 allSelect { msgId: 24011 select: 24012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1575104903 lastSubmitTime: 1587691086 readingMsgId: 24021 } allMsgGroup { id: 281 allSelect { msgId: 281013 select: 281014 } allSelect { msgId: 281061 select: 281062 } allSelect { msgId: 281046 select: 281047 } allSelect { msgId: 281025 select: 281026 } allSelect { msgId: 281052 select: 281053 } allSelect { msgId: 281006 select: 281007 } allSelect { msgId: 281039 select: 281040 } allSelect { msgId: 281032 select: 281033 } allSelect { msgId: 281049 select: 281050 } allSelect { msgId: 281034 select: 281035 } allSelect { msgId: 281019 select: 281020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1671663193 lastSubmitTime: 1673605794 readingMsgId: 281065 } allMsgGroup { id: 25 allSelect { msgId: 25007 select: 25020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1587691086 lastSubmitTime: 1588814411 readingMsgId: 25040 } allMsgGroup { id: 28 allSelect { msgId: 28033 select: 28034 } allSelect { msgId: 28041 select: 28042 } allSelect { msgId: 28010 select: 28011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482877 readingMsgId: 28052 } allMsgGroup { id: 29 allSelect { msgId: 29019 select: 29020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622799683 lastSubmitTime: 1622799848 readingMsgId: 29039 } allMsgGroup { id: 289 allSelect { msgId: 289008 select: 289009 } allSelect { msgId: 289028 select: 289035 } allSelect { msgId: 289047 select: 289048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1674171687 lastSubmitTime: 1674171725 readingMsgId: 289050 } allMsgGroup { id: 33 isRead: true unlockTime: 1599807555 lastSubmitTime: 1599807677 readingMsgId: 33030 } allMsgGroup { id: 34 allSelect { msgId: 34015 select: 34022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867638 lastSubmitTime: 1646867658 readingMsgId: 34031 } allMsgGroup { id: 290 isRead: false unlockTime: 1675061695 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 35 allSelect { msgId: 35012 select: 35013 } allSelect { msgId: 35027 select: 35036 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665734323 lastSubmitTime: 1673605945 readingMsgId: 35045 } allMsgGroup { id: 36 allSelect { msgId: 36013 select: 36022 } allSelect { msgId: 36029 select: 36030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1609743563 lastSubmitTime: 1630399820 readingMsgId: 36039 } allMsgGroup { id: 294 isRead: false unlockTime: 1675236814 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 295 isRead: false unlockTime: 1674378751 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 42 allSelect { msgId: 42017 select: 42018 } allSelect { msgId: 42041 select: 42042 } allSelect { msgId: 42002 select: 42003 } allSelect { msgId: 42028 select: 42034 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1595745914 lastSubmitTime: 1597337009 readingMsgId: 42045 } allMsgGroup { id: 45 allSelect { msgId: 45025 select: 45026 } allSelect { msgId: 45010 select: 45011 } allSelect { msgId: 45014 select: 45015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622686283 lastSubmitTime: 1637804354 readingMsgId: 45048 } allMsgGroup { id: 302 isRead: false unlockTime: 1679540542 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 304 isRead: false unlockTime: 1680138212 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 51 allSelect { msgId: 51024 select: 51025 } allSelect { msgId: 51017 select: 51018 } allSelect { msgId: 51066 select: 51067 } allSelect { msgId: 51045 select: 51046 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1576030363 lastSubmitTime: 1588814107 readingMsgId: 51068 } allMsgGroup { id: 307 isRead: false unlockTime: 1684316740 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 308 allSelect { msgId: 308011 select: 308012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527678 lastSubmitTime: 1682527982 readingMsgId: 308017 } allMsgGroup { id: 309 isRead: false unlockTime: 1682527982 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 311 allSelect { msgId: 311024 select: 311025 } allSelect { msgId: 311011 select: 311012 } allSelect { msgId: 311020 select: 311021 } allSelect { msgId: 311006 select: 311007 } allSelect { msgId: 311022 select: 311023 } allSelect { msgId: 311016 select: 311017 } allSelect { msgId: 311002 select: 311003 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527653 lastSubmitTime: 1682528000 readingMsgId: 311030 } allMsgGroup { id: 58 allSelect { msgId: 58021 select: 58022 } allSelect { msgId: 58025 select: 58026 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997187 lastSubmitTime: 1673605857 readingMsgId: 58027 } allMsgGroup { id: 59 allSelect { msgId: 59004 select: 59005 } allSelect { msgId: 59010 select: 59015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1673605857 lastSubmitTime: 1674171732 readingMsgId: 59019 } allMsgGroup { id: 60 allSelect { msgId: 60040 select: 60041 } allSelect { msgId: 60009 select: 60010 } allSelect { msgId: 60036 select: 60037 } allSelect { msgId: 60023 select: 60024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1617211678 lastSubmitTime: 1617211964 readingMsgId: 60042 } allMsgGroup { id: 76 allSelect { msgId: 76099 select: 76100 } allSelect { msgId: 76107 select: 76108 } allSelect { msgId: 76101 select: 76102 } allSelect { msgId: 76110 select: 76111 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623147134 lastSubmitTime: 1630399534 readingMsgId: 76113 } allMsgGroup { id: 84 allSelect { msgId: 84026 select: 84027 } allSelect { msgId: 84004 select: 84005 } allSelect { msgId: 84020 select: 84021 } allSelect { msgId: 84044 select: 84045 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599758434 lastSubmitTime: 1611794534 readingMsgId: 84046 } allMsgGroup { id: 89 allSelect { msgId: 89011 select: 89016 } allSelect { msgId: 89034 select: 89035 } allSelect { msgId: 89042 select: 89043 } allSelect { msgId: 89029 select: 89030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1585899984 lastSubmitTime: 1587691249 readingMsgId: 89046 } allMsgGroup { id: 94 allSelect { msgId: 94032 select: 94033 } allSelect { msgId: 94027 select: 94028 } allSelect { msgId: 94030 select: 94031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1615948217 lastSubmitTime: 1630400151 readingMsgId: 94041 } allMsgGroup { id: 99 isRead: false unlockTime: 1683360726 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 106 allSelect { msgId: 106035 select: 106036 } allSelect { msgId: 106002 select: 106003 } allSelect { msgId: 106026 select: 106027 } allSelect { msgId: 106047 select: 106048 } allSelect { msgId: 106006 select: 106007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594887451 lastSubmitTime: 1597337200 readingMsgId: 106053 } allMsgGroup { id: 114 allSelect { msgId: 114008 select: 114009 } allSelect { msgId: 114032 select: 114033 } allSelect { msgId: 114026 select: 114027 } allSelect { msgId: 114015 select: 114016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599555827 lastSubmitTime: 1599620585 readingMsgId: 114037 } allMsgGroup { id: 118 allSelect { msgId: 118025 select: 118026 } allSelect { msgId: 118003 select: 118004 } allSelect { msgId: 118018 select: 118019 } allSelect { msgId: 118013 select: 118014 } allSelect { msgId: 118007 select: 118008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644892574 lastSubmitTime: 1644892601 readingMsgId: 118030 } allMsgGroup { id: 139 allSelect { msgId: 139006 select: 139007 } allSelect { msgId: 139018 select: 139019 } allSelect { msgId: 139020 select: 139021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651080452 lastSubmitTime: 1651080493 readingMsgId: 139025 } allMsgGroup { id: 149 allSelect { msgId: 149003 select: 149004 } allSelect { msgId: 149008 select: 149011 } allSelect { msgId: 149020 select: 149021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1643079030 readingMsgId: 149024 } allMsgGroup { id: 155 allSelect { msgId: 155025 select: 155026 } allSelect { msgId: 155073 select: 155074 } allSelect { msgId: 155153 select: 155154 } allSelect { msgId: 155014 select: 155015 } allSelect { msgId: 155108 select: 155109 } allSelect { msgId: 155125 select: 155126 } allSelect { msgId: 155112 select: 155113 } allSelect { msgId: 155038 select: 155039 } allSelect { msgId: 155117 select: 155118 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646216061 lastSubmitTime: 1652344015 readingMsgId: 155155 redPackets { msgId: 155034 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155068 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2087 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155082 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155141 num: 30 money: 3000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 198 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 119 } receivers { heroId: 2041 money: 18 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 76 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2047 money: 82 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 130 } receivers { heroId: 2020 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 138 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 89 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2062 money: 15 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2096 money: 187 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 72 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 8 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 120 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 22 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 74 } receivers { heroId: 2075 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 108 } receivers { heroId: 2026 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2009 money: 132 } receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 70 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 71 } receivers { heroId: 2032 money: 180 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 177 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 156 allSelect { msgId: 156130 select: 156131 } allSelect { msgId: 156096 select: 156097 } allSelect { msgId: 156071 select: 156072 } allSelect { msgId: 156135 select: 156136 } allSelect { msgId: 156008 select: 156009 } allSelect { msgId: 156104 select: 156127 } allSelect { msgId: 156028 select: 156029 } allSelect { msgId: 156077 select: 156078 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1614847734 readingMsgId: 156137 redPackets { msgId: 156005 num: 1 money: 20000 content: receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 20000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 156033 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2010 money: 15891 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19578 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 14346 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 11779 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 3279 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 19340 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15030 } receivers { heroId: 2060 money: 17531 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 2897 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 327 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156055 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2053 money: 7524 } receivers { heroId: 2046 money: 12429 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 5062 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 6891 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5627 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 18286 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 4717 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 16307 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 6520 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 11806 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 6884 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 17947 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156085 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 5685 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 5813 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 19482 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 12890 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12222 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 7807 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19755 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 14717 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 10355 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 11124 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156134 num: 30 money: 300000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19353 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 3889 } receivers { heroId: 2005 money: 4443 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 1336 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 17464 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5557 } receivers { heroId: 2098 money: 11167 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 11413 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 5746 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 17022 } receivers { heroId: 2074 money: 6954 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 18606 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 7458 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 13068 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15913 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 11634 } receivers { heroId: 2006 money: 9158 } receivers { heroId: 2002 money: 9428 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 2879 } receivers { heroId: 2039 money: 15347 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 15965 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 18884 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 13597 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 7297 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 634 } receivers { heroId: 2038 money: 9405 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 15700 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 8883 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 1799 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 160 allSelect { msgId: 160003 select: 160004 } allSelect { msgId: 160009 select: 160010 } allSelect { msgId: 160017 select: 160018 } allSelect { msgId: 160007 select: 160008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1614847120 lastSubmitTime: 1614847277 readingMsgId: 160028 } allMsgGroup { id: 162 isRead: false unlockTime: 1676883754 lastSubmitTime: 0 readingMsgId: 0 } allMsgGroup { id: 164 allSelect { msgId: 164023 select: 164024 } allSelect { msgId: 164039 select: 164040 } allSelect { msgId: 164008 select: 164009 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1650495765 lastSubmitTime: 1651080511 readingMsgId: 164050 } allMsgGroup { id: 171 allSelect { msgId: 171011 select: 171012 } allSelect { msgId: 171046 select: 171047 } allSelect { msgId: 171031 select: 171032 } allSelect { msgId: 171044 select: 171045 } allSelect { msgId: 171013 select: 171014 } allSelect { msgId: 171029 select: 171030 } allSelect { msgId: 171002 select: 171003 } allSelect { msgId: 171035 select: 171036 } allSelect { msgId: 171022 select: 171023 } allSelect { msgId: 171007 select: 171008 } allSelect { msgId: 171037 select: 171038 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652948219 lastSubmitTime: 1652948266 readingMsgId: 171048 } allMsgGroup { id: 179 allSelect { msgId: 179006 select: 179007 } allSelect { msgId: 179018 select: 179019 } allSelect { msgId: 179028 select: 179029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623146450 lastSubmitTime: 1637803834 readingMsgId: 179034 } allMsgGroup { id: 183 allSelect { msgId: 183019 select: 183020 } allSelect { msgId: 183035 select: 183036 } allSelect { msgId: 183043 select: 183044 } allSelect { msgId: 183049 select: 183050 } allSelect { msgId: 183031 select: 183032 } allSelect { msgId: 183004 select: 183005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1657757675 lastSubmitTime: 1657757713 readingMsgId: 183051 } allMsgGroup { id: 192 allSelect { msgId: 192002 select: 192003 } allSelect { msgId: 192026 select: 192027 } allSelect { msgId: 192019 select: 192020 } allSelect { msgId: 192008 select: 192009 } allSelect { msgId: 192004 select: 192005 } allSelect { msgId: 192012 select: 192013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910296 lastSubmitTime: 1629948753 readingMsgId: 192031 } allMsgGroup { id: 193 allSelect { msgId: 193019 select: 193020 } allSelect { msgId: 193024 select: 193025 } allSelect { msgId: 193014 select: 193015 } allSelect { msgId: 193007 select: 193008 } allSelect { msgId: 193004 select: 193005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910246 lastSubmitTime: 1630399108 readingMsgId: 193027 } allMsgGroup { id: 194 allSelect { msgId: 194002 select: 194003 } allSelect { msgId: 194014 select: 194015 } allSelect { msgId: 194019 select: 194020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630630150 lastSubmitTime: 1630682597 readingMsgId: 194023 readVoiceIds: 194008 } allMsgGroup { id: 195 allSelect { msgId: 195011 select: 195012 } allSelect { msgId: 195024 select: 195025 } allSelect { msgId: 195048 select: 195049 } allSelect { msgId: 195036 select: 195037 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630549640 lastSubmitTime: 1632545049 readingMsgId: 195050 } allMsgGroup { id: 196 allSelect { msgId: 196010 select: 196011 } allSelect { msgId: 196003 select: 196004 } allSelect { msgId: 196019 select: 196020 } allSelect { msgId: 196027 select: 196028 } allSelect { msgId: 196023 select: 196024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910274 lastSubmitTime: 1630039069 readingMsgId: 196034 } allMsgGroup { id: 199 allSelect { msgId: 199001 select: 199002 } allSelect { msgId: 199008 select: 199009 } allSelect { msgId: 199023 select: 199024 } allSelect { msgId: 199013 select: 199014 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630772775 lastSubmitTime: 1632544881 readingMsgId: 199025 } allMsgGroup { id: 200 allSelect { msgId: 200003 select: 200004 } allSelect { msgId: 200023 select: 200024 } allSelect { msgId: 200039 select: 200040 } allSelect { msgId: 200006 select: 200007 } allSelect { msgId: 200043 select: 200044 } allSelect { msgId: 200026 select: 200027 } allSelect { msgId: 200015 select: 200016 } allSelect { msgId: 200046 select: 200047 } allSelect { msgId: 200029 select: 200030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665198125 lastSubmitTime: 1673605930 readingMsgId: 200049 } allMsgGroup { id: 207 allSelect { msgId: 207010 select: 207011 } allSelect { msgId: 207018 select: 207019 } allSelect { msgId: 207025 select: 207026 } allSelect { msgId: 207014 select: 207015 } allSelect { msgId: 207004 select: 207005 } allSelect { msgId: 207028 select: 207029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1637112991 lastSubmitTime: 1637803510 readingMsgId: 207032 } allMsgGroup { id: 209 allSelect { msgId: 209043 select: 209044 } allSelect { msgId: 209026 select: 209027 } allSelect { msgId: 209047 select: 209048 } allSelect { msgId: 209063 select: 209064 } allSelect { msgId: 209013 select: 209014 } allSelect { msgId: 209029 select: 209030 } allSelect { msgId: 209019 select: 209020 } allSelect { msgId: 209051 select: 209052 } allSelect { msgId: 209034 select: 209035 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1638414393 lastSubmitTime: 1638414969 readingMsgId: 209066 } allMsgGroup { id: 217 allSelect { msgId: 217011 select: 217012 } allSelect { msgId: 217019 select: 217020 } allSelect { msgId: 217002 select: 217003 } allSelect { msgId: 217017 select: 217018 } allSelect { msgId: 217025 select: 217026 } allSelect { msgId: 217005 select: 217006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643079016 readingMsgId: 217028 } allMsgGroup { id: 218 allSelect { msgId: 218009 select: 218010 } allSelect { msgId: 218016 select: 218017 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643078984 readingMsgId: 218024 } allMsgGroup { id: 224 allSelect { msgId: 224027 select: 224028 } allSelect { msgId: 224031 select: 224032 } allSelect { msgId: 224012 select: 224013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644481035 lastSubmitTime: 1644481775 readingMsgId: 224040 } allMsgGroup { id: 229 allSelect { msgId: 229009 select: 229010 } allSelect { msgId: 229129 select: 229141 } allSelect { msgId: 229096 select: 229119 } allSelect { msgId: 229167 select: 229168 } allSelect { msgId: 229036 select: 229037 } allSelect { msgId: 229052 select: 229053 } allSelect { msgId: 229084 select: 229085 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1643985702 lastSubmitTime: 1644481853 readingMsgId: 229173 redPackets { msgId: 229020 num: 3 money: 30000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19549 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 8077 } receivers { heroId: 2121 money: 2374 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229026 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 2119 money: 6031 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 9926 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 14378 } receivers { heroId: 2017 money: 10810 } receivers { heroId: 2094 money: 8855 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229038 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 387 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 5407 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 19316 } receivers { heroId: 2128 money: 9198 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 4910 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12869 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 29634 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 1786 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 2299 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5463 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 16423 } receivers { heroId: 2127 money: 12308 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229046 num: 10 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 10866 } receivers { heroId: 2015 money: 15062 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11817 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 4131 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 4762 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 4262 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 6652 } receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 19964 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 22438 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229064 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11128 } receivers { heroId: 2115 money: 15173 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1433 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 13407 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 8859 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229075 num: 1 money: 10000 content: receivers { heroId: 2125 money: 10000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229079 num: 15 money: 150000 content: receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 4507 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 6285 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 10716 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 3844 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 13617 } receivers { heroId: 2073 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 16256 } receivers { heroId: 2099 money: 7140 } receivers { heroId: 2084 money: 11385 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 12195 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 19308 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 8542 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 15609 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 6844 } receivers { heroId: 2100 money: 13751 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229141 num: 9 money: 700 content: 如虎添翼,心想事成 receivers { heroId: 2101 money: 24 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 142 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 126 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 154 } receivers { heroId: 2081 money: 14 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 60 } receivers { heroId: 2063 money: 43 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 121 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 16 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229157 num: 15 money: 1500 content: receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2018 money: 176 } receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 156 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 200 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 2 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 68 } receivers { heroId: 2105 money: 84 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2108 money: 150 } receivers { heroId: 2012 money: 175 } receivers { heroId: 2120 money: 45 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2067 money: 131 } receivers { heroId: 2097 money: 1 } hasGain: true } } allMsgGroup { id: 230 allSelect { msgId: 230003 select: 230004 } allSelect { msgId: 230034 select: 230035 } allSelect { msgId: 230049 select: 230050 } allSelect { msgId: 230010 select: 230011 } allSelect { msgId: 230057 select: 230058 } allSelect { msgId: 230045 select: 230046 } allSelect { msgId: 230060 select: 230061 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867197 lastSubmitTime: 1646867226 readingMsgId: 230062 } allMsgGroup { id: 236 allSelect { msgId: 236024 select: 236025 } allSelect { msgId: 236006 select: 236007 } allSelect { msgId: 236046 select: 236047 } allSelect { msgId: 236013 select: 236014 } allSelect { msgId: 236037 select: 236038 } allSelect { msgId: 236028 select: 236029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1649842967 lastSubmitTime: 1651080534 readingMsgId: 236050 } allMsgGroup { id: 240 allSelect { msgId: 240009 select: 240010 } allSelect { msgId: 240016 select: 240017 } allSelect { msgId: 240020 select: 240021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216752 lastSubmitTime: 1652343965 readingMsgId: 240023 } allMsgGroup { id: 241 allSelect { msgId: 241011 select: 241012 } allSelect { msgId: 241040 select: 241041 } allSelect { msgId: 241045 select: 241046 } allSelect { msgId: 241049 select: 241050 } allSelect { msgId: 241032 select: 241033 } allSelect { msgId: 241023 select: 241024 } allSelect { msgId: 241055 select: 241056 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652343827 lastSubmitTime: 1652343942 readingMsgId: 241060 } allMsgGroup { id: 245 allSelect { msgId: 245002 select: 245003 } allSelect { msgId: 245017 select: 245018 } allSelect { msgId: 245008 select: 245009 } allSelect { msgId: 245021 select: 245022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216776 lastSubmitTime: 1652343953 readingMsgId: 245024 } allMsgGroup { id: 246 allSelect { msgId: 246025 select: 246026 } allSelect { msgId: 246032 select: 246033 } allSelect { msgId: 246040 select: 246041 } allSelect { msgId: 246047 select: 246048 } allSelect { msgId: 246006 select: 246007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654729473 lastSubmitTime: 1657757747 readingMsgId: 246050 } allMsgGroup { id: 249 allSelect { msgId: 249003 select: 249004 } allSelect { msgId: 249018 select: 249019 } allSelect { msgId: 249008 select: 249009 } allSelect { msgId: 249014 select: 249015 } allSelect { msgId: 249021 select: 249022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654510595 lastSubmitTime: 1657757728 readingMsgId: 249026 } readingMsgGroup { id: 1 allSelect { msgId: 1009 select: 1010 } allSelect { msgId: 1003 select: 1004 } allSelect { msgId: 1015 select: 1016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587690911 readingMsgId: 1017 } readingMsgGroup { id: 258 allSelect { msgId: 258002 select: 258003 } allSelect { msgId: 258007 select: 258008 } allSelect { msgId: 258013 select: 258014 } allSelect { msgId: 258020 select: 258021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660760547 lastSubmitTime: 1663812687 readingMsgId: 258026 } readingMsgGroup { id: 2 allSelect { msgId: 2013 select: 2024 } allSelect { msgId: 2033 select: 2034 } allSelect { msgId: 2010 select: 2011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997188 lastSubmitTime: 1673605873 readingMsgId: 2060 } readingMsgGroup { id: 259 allSelect { msgId: 259003 select: 259004 } allSelect { msgId: 259019 select: 259020 } allSelect { msgId: 259010 select: 259011 } allSelect { msgId: 259021 select: 259022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1660819841 lastSubmitTime: 1673605823 readingMsgId: 259023 } readingMsgGroup { id: 260 allSelect { msgId: 260027 select: 260028 } allSelect { msgId: 260022 select: 260023 } allSelect { msgId: 260013 select: 260014 } allSelect { msgId: 260004 select: 260005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1662686695 lastSubmitTime: 1673605889 readingMsgId: 260032 } readingMsgGroup { id: 261 allSelect { msgId: 261003 select: 261004 } allSelect { msgId: 261010 select: 261011 } allSelect { msgId: 261018 select: 261019 } allSelect { msgId: 261031 select: 261032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1664414741 lastSubmitTime: 1673605906 readingMsgId: 261038 } readingMsgGroup { id: 262 allSelect { msgId: 262003 select: 262004 } allSelect { msgId: 262017 select: 262018 } allSelect { msgId: 262008 select: 262009 } allSelect { msgId: 262023 select: 262024 } allSelect { msgId: 262006 select: 262007 } allSelect { msgId: 262012 select: 262013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661380661 lastSubmitTime: 1673605809 readingMsgId: 262029 } readingMsgGroup { id: 6 allSelect { msgId: 6020 select: 6021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594289417 lastSubmitTime: 1594289564 readingMsgId: 6035 } readingMsgGroup { id: 10 allSelect { msgId: 10024 select: 10025 } allSelect { msgId: 10005 select: 10006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970414 lastSubmitTime: 1587690856 readingMsgId: 10041 } readingMsgGroup { id: 269 allSelect { msgId: 269030 select: 269031 } allSelect { msgId: 269038 select: 269039 } allSelect { msgId: 269008 select: 269009 } allSelect { msgId: 269024 select: 269025 } allSelect { msgId: 269017 select: 269018 } allSelect { msgId: 269050 select: 269051 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1663812248 lastSubmitTime: 1664405870 readingMsgId: 269053 } readingMsgGroup { id: 14 isRead: true unlockTime: 1594261739 lastSubmitTime: 1594288469 readingMsgId: 14033 } readingMsgGroup { id: 16 allSelect { msgId: 16027 select: 16028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588125298 lastSubmitTime: 1588814296 readingMsgId: 16048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 17 allSelect { msgId: 17022 select: 17023 } allSelect { msgId: 17019 select: 17020 } allSelect { msgId: 17031 select: 17032 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482515 readingMsgId: 17037 } readingMsgGroup { id: 18 allSelect { msgId: 18009 select: 18010 } allSelect { msgId: 18045 select: 18050 } allSelect { msgId: 18042 select: 18043 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482683 readingMsgId: 18054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 19 allSelect { msgId: 19048 select: 19049 } allSelect { msgId: 19002 select: 19003 } allSelect { msgId: 19043 select: 19044 } allSelect { msgId: 19013 select: 19014 } allSelect { msgId: 19030 select: 19031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1589764165 lastSubmitTime: 1590482040 readingMsgId: 19054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 20 allSelect { msgId: 20049 select: 20050 } allSelect { msgId: 20010 select: 20011 } allSelect { msgId: 20026 select: 20027 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1587691153 readingMsgId: 20055 } readingMsgGroup { id: 21 allSelect { msgId: 21032 select: 21033 } allSelect { msgId: 21012 select: 21019 } allSelect { msgId: 21021 select: 21022 } allSelect { msgId: 21038 select: 21039 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1588986828 lastSubmitTime: 1590482389 readingMsgId: 21047 } readingMsgGroup { id: 22 allSelect { msgId: 22027 select: 22028 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599620293 lastSubmitTime: 1630399685 readingMsgId: 22043 } readingMsgGroup { id: 279 allSelect { msgId: 279026 select: 279027 } allSelect { msgId: 279043 select: 279044 } allSelect { msgId: 279047 select: 279048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1669366352 lastSubmitTime: 1673605844 readingMsgId: 279054 } readingMsgGroup { id: 23 allSelect { msgId: 23036 select: 23037 } allSelect { msgId: 23009 select: 23010 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590483227 readingMsgId: 23040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 24 allSelect { msgId: 24011 select: 24012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1575104903 lastSubmitTime: 1587691086 readingMsgId: 24021 } readingMsgGroup { id: 281 allSelect { msgId: 281013 select: 281014 } allSelect { msgId: 281061 select: 281062 } allSelect { msgId: 281046 select: 281047 } allSelect { msgId: 281025 select: 281026 } allSelect { msgId: 281052 select: 281053 } allSelect { msgId: 281006 select: 281007 } allSelect { msgId: 281039 select: 281040 } allSelect { msgId: 281032 select: 281033 } allSelect { msgId: 281049 select: 281050 } allSelect { msgId: 281034 select: 281035 } allSelect { msgId: 281019 select: 281020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1671663193 lastSubmitTime: 1673605794 readingMsgId: 281065 } readingMsgGroup { id: 25 allSelect { msgId: 25007 select: 25020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1587691086 lastSubmitTime: 1588814411 readingMsgId: 25040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 28 allSelect { msgId: 28033 select: 28034 } allSelect { msgId: 28041 select: 28042 } allSelect { msgId: 28010 select: 28011 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1571970363 lastSubmitTime: 1590482877 readingMsgId: 28052 } readingMsgGroup { id: 29 allSelect { msgId: 29019 select: 29020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622799683 lastSubmitTime: 1622799848 readingMsgId: 29039 } readingMsgGroup { id: 289 allSelect { msgId: 289008 select: 289009 } allSelect { msgId: 289028 select: 289035 } allSelect { msgId: 289047 select: 289048 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1674171687 lastSubmitTime: 1674171725 readingMsgId: 289050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 33 isRead: true unlockTime: 1599807555 lastSubmitTime: 1599807677 readingMsgId: 33030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 34 allSelect { msgId: 34015 select: 34022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867638 lastSubmitTime: 1646867658 readingMsgId: 34031 } readingMsgGroup { id: 35 allSelect { msgId: 35012 select: 35013 } allSelect { msgId: 35027 select: 35036 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665734323 lastSubmitTime: 1673605945 readingMsgId: 35045 } readingMsgGroup { id: 36 allSelect { msgId: 36013 select: 36022 } allSelect { msgId: 36029 select: 36030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1609743563 lastSubmitTime: 1630399820 readingMsgId: 36039 } readingMsgGroup { id: 42 allSelect { msgId: 42017 select: 42018 } allSelect { msgId: 42041 select: 42042 } allSelect { msgId: 42002 select: 42003 } allSelect { msgId: 42028 select: 42034 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1595745914 lastSubmitTime: 1597337009 readingMsgId: 42045 } readingMsgGroup { id: 45 allSelect { msgId: 45025 select: 45026 } allSelect { msgId: 45010 select: 45011 } allSelect { msgId: 45014 select: 45015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1622686283 lastSubmitTime: 1637804354 readingMsgId: 45048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 51 allSelect { msgId: 51024 select: 51025 } allSelect { msgId: 51017 select: 51018 } allSelect { msgId: 51066 select: 51067 } allSelect { msgId: 51045 select: 51046 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1576030363 lastSubmitTime: 1588814107 readingMsgId: 51068 } readingMsgGroup { id: 308 allSelect { msgId: 308011 select: 308012 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527678 lastSubmitTime: 1682527982 readingMsgId: 308017 } readingMsgGroup { id: 311 allSelect { msgId: 311024 select: 311025 } allSelect { msgId: 311011 select: 311012 } allSelect { msgId: 311020 select: 311021 } allSelect { msgId: 311006 select: 311007 } allSelect { msgId: 311022 select: 311023 } allSelect { msgId: 311016 select: 311017 } allSelect { msgId: 311002 select: 311003 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1682527653 lastSubmitTime: 1682528000 readingMsgId: 311030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 58 allSelect { msgId: 58021 select: 58022 } allSelect { msgId: 58025 select: 58026 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1661997187 lastSubmitTime: 1673605857 readingMsgId: 58027 } readingMsgGroup { id: 59 allSelect { msgId: 59004 select: 59005 } allSelect { msgId: 59010 select: 59015 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1673605857 lastSubmitTime: 1674171732 readingMsgId: 59019 } readingMsgGroup { id: 60 allSelect { msgId: 60040 select: 60041 } allSelect { msgId: 60009 select: 60010 } allSelect { msgId: 60036 select: 60037 } allSelect { msgId: 60023 select: 60024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1617211678 lastSubmitTime: 1617211964 readingMsgId: 60042 } readingMsgGroup { id: 76 allSelect { msgId: 76099 select: 76100 } allSelect { msgId: 76107 select: 76108 } allSelect { msgId: 76101 select: 76102 } allSelect { msgId: 76110 select: 76111 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623147134 lastSubmitTime: 1630399534 readingMsgId: 76113 } readingMsgGroup { id: 84 allSelect { msgId: 84026 select: 84027 } allSelect { msgId: 84004 select: 84005 } allSelect { msgId: 84020 select: 84021 } allSelect { msgId: 84044 select: 84045 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599758434 lastSubmitTime: 1611794534 readingMsgId: 84046 } readingMsgGroup { id: 89 allSelect { msgId: 89011 select: 89016 } allSelect { msgId: 89034 select: 89035 } allSelect { msgId: 89042 select: 89043 } allSelect { msgId: 89029 select: 89030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1585899984 lastSubmitTime: 1587691249 readingMsgId: 89046 } readingMsgGroup { id: 94 allSelect { msgId: 94032 select: 94033 } allSelect { msgId: 94027 select: 94028 } allSelect { msgId: 94030 select: 94031 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1615948217 lastSubmitTime: 1630400151 readingMsgId: 94041 } readingMsgGroup { id: 106 allSelect { msgId: 106035 select: 106036 } allSelect { msgId: 106002 select: 106003 } allSelect { msgId: 106026 select: 106027 } allSelect { msgId: 106047 select: 106048 } allSelect { msgId: 106006 select: 106007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1594887451 lastSubmitTime: 1597337200 readingMsgId: 106053 } readingMsgGroup { id: 114 allSelect { msgId: 114008 select: 114009 } allSelect { msgId: 114032 select: 114033 } allSelect { msgId: 114026 select: 114027 } allSelect { msgId: 114015 select: 114016 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1599555827 lastSubmitTime: 1599620585 readingMsgId: 114037 } readingMsgGroup { id: 118 allSelect { msgId: 118025 select: 118026 } allSelect { msgId: 118003 select: 118004 } allSelect { msgId: 118018 select: 118019 } allSelect { msgId: 118013 select: 118014 } allSelect { msgId: 118007 select: 118008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644892574 lastSubmitTime: 1644892601 readingMsgId: 118030 } readingMsgGroup { id: 139 allSelect { msgId: 139006 select: 139007 } allSelect { msgId: 139018 select: 139019 } allSelect { msgId: 139020 select: 139021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651080452 lastSubmitTime: 1651080493 readingMsgId: 139025 } readingMsgGroup { id: 149 allSelect { msgId: 149003 select: 149004 } allSelect { msgId: 149008 select: 149011 } allSelect { msgId: 149020 select: 149021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1643079030 readingMsgId: 149024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 155 allSelect { msgId: 155025 select: 155026 } allSelect { msgId: 155073 select: 155074 } allSelect { msgId: 155153 select: 155154 } allSelect { msgId: 155014 select: 155015 } allSelect { msgId: 155108 select: 155109 } allSelect { msgId: 155125 select: 155126 } allSelect { msgId: 155112 select: 155113 } allSelect { msgId: 155038 select: 155039 } allSelect { msgId: 155117 select: 155118 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646216061 lastSubmitTime: 1652344015 readingMsgId: 155155 redPackets { msgId: 155034 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155068 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2087 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155082 num: 1 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 100000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 155141 num: 30 money: 3000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 198 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 119 } receivers { heroId: 2041 money: 18 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 76 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2047 money: 82 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 130 } receivers { heroId: 2020 money: 140 } receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 138 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 89 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2062 money: 15 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2096 money: 187 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 72 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 8 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 120 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 22 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 74 } receivers { heroId: 2075 money: 64 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 108 } receivers { heroId: 2026 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2009 money: 132 } receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 70 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 71 } receivers { heroId: 2032 money: 180 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 177 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 156 allSelect { msgId: 156130 select: 156131 } allSelect { msgId: 156096 select: 156097 } allSelect { msgId: 156071 select: 156072 } allSelect { msgId: 156135 select: 156136 } allSelect { msgId: 156008 select: 156009 } allSelect { msgId: 156104 select: 156127 } allSelect { msgId: 156028 select: 156029 } allSelect { msgId: 156077 select: 156078 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1613022481 lastSubmitTime: 1614847734 readingMsgId: 156137 redPackets { msgId: 156005 num: 1 money: 20000 content: receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 20000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 156033 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2010 money: 15891 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19578 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 14346 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 11779 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 3279 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 19340 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15030 } receivers { heroId: 2060 money: 17531 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 2897 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 327 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156055 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2053 money: 7524 } receivers { heroId: 2046 money: 12429 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 5062 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 6891 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5627 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 18286 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 4717 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 16307 } receivers { heroId: 2014 money: 6520 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 11806 } receivers { heroId: 2016 money: 6884 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 17947 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156085 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 5685 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 5813 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 19482 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 12890 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12222 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 7807 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19755 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 14717 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 149 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 10355 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 11124 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 156134 num: 30 money: 300000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19353 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 3889 } receivers { heroId: 2005 money: 4443 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 1336 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 17464 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5557 } receivers { heroId: 2098 money: 11167 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 11413 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 5746 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 17022 } receivers { heroId: 2074 money: 6954 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 18606 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 7458 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 13068 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 15913 } receivers { heroId: 2000 money: 11634 } receivers { heroId: 2006 money: 9158 } receivers { heroId: 2002 money: 9428 } receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 2879 } receivers { heroId: 2039 money: 15347 } receivers { heroId: 2054 money: 15965 } receivers { heroId: 9999 money: 18884 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 13597 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 7297 } receivers { heroId: 2004 money: 634 } receivers { heroId: 2038 money: 9405 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 15700 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 8883 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 1799 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 160 allSelect { msgId: 160003 select: 160004 } allSelect { msgId: 160009 select: 160010 } allSelect { msgId: 160017 select: 160018 } allSelect { msgId: 160007 select: 160008 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1614847120 lastSubmitTime: 1614847277 readingMsgId: 160028 } readingMsgGroup { id: 164 allSelect { msgId: 164023 select: 164024 } allSelect { msgId: 164039 select: 164040 } allSelect { msgId: 164008 select: 164009 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1650495765 lastSubmitTime: 1651080511 readingMsgId: 164050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 171 allSelect { msgId: 171011 select: 171012 } allSelect { msgId: 171046 select: 171047 } allSelect { msgId: 171031 select: 171032 } allSelect { msgId: 171044 select: 171045 } allSelect { msgId: 171013 select: 171014 } allSelect { msgId: 171029 select: 171030 } allSelect { msgId: 171002 select: 171003 } allSelect { msgId: 171035 select: 171036 } allSelect { msgId: 171022 select: 171023 } allSelect { msgId: 171007 select: 171008 } allSelect { msgId: 171037 select: 171038 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652948219 lastSubmitTime: 1652948266 readingMsgId: 171048 } readingMsgGroup { id: 179 allSelect { msgId: 179006 select: 179007 } allSelect { msgId: 179018 select: 179019 } allSelect { msgId: 179028 select: 179029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1623146450 lastSubmitTime: 1637803834 readingMsgId: 179034 } readingMsgGroup { id: 183 allSelect { msgId: 183019 select: 183020 } allSelect { msgId: 183035 select: 183036 } allSelect { msgId: 183043 select: 183044 } allSelect { msgId: 183049 select: 183050 } allSelect { msgId: 183031 select: 183032 } allSelect { msgId: 183004 select: 183005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1657757675 lastSubmitTime: 1657757713 readingMsgId: 183051 } readingMsgGroup { id: 192 allSelect { msgId: 192002 select: 192003 } allSelect { msgId: 192026 select: 192027 } allSelect { msgId: 192019 select: 192020 } allSelect { msgId: 192008 select: 192009 } allSelect { msgId: 192004 select: 192005 } allSelect { msgId: 192012 select: 192013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910296 lastSubmitTime: 1629948753 readingMsgId: 192031 } readingMsgGroup { id: 193 allSelect { msgId: 193019 select: 193020 } allSelect { msgId: 193024 select: 193025 } allSelect { msgId: 193014 select: 193015 } allSelect { msgId: 193007 select: 193008 } allSelect { msgId: 193004 select: 193005 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910246 lastSubmitTime: 1630399108 readingMsgId: 193027 } readingMsgGroup { id: 194 allSelect { msgId: 194002 select: 194003 } allSelect { msgId: 194014 select: 194015 } allSelect { msgId: 194019 select: 194020 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630630150 lastSubmitTime: 1630682597 readingMsgId: 194023 readVoiceIds: 194008 } readingMsgGroup { id: 195 allSelect { msgId: 195011 select: 195012 } allSelect { msgId: 195024 select: 195025 } allSelect { msgId: 195048 select: 195049 } allSelect { msgId: 195036 select: 195037 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630549640 lastSubmitTime: 1632545049 readingMsgId: 195050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 196 allSelect { msgId: 196010 select: 196011 } allSelect { msgId: 196003 select: 196004 } allSelect { msgId: 196019 select: 196020 } allSelect { msgId: 196027 select: 196028 } allSelect { msgId: 196023 select: 196024 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1629910274 lastSubmitTime: 1630039069 readingMsgId: 196034 } readingMsgGroup { id: 199 allSelect { msgId: 199001 select: 199002 } allSelect { msgId: 199008 select: 199009 } allSelect { msgId: 199023 select: 199024 } allSelect { msgId: 199013 select: 199014 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1630772775 lastSubmitTime: 1632544881 readingMsgId: 199025 } readingMsgGroup { id: 200 allSelect { msgId: 200003 select: 200004 } allSelect { msgId: 200023 select: 200024 } allSelect { msgId: 200039 select: 200040 } allSelect { msgId: 200006 select: 200007 } allSelect { msgId: 200043 select: 200044 } allSelect { msgId: 200026 select: 200027 } allSelect { msgId: 200015 select: 200016 } allSelect { msgId: 200046 select: 200047 } allSelect { msgId: 200029 select: 200030 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1665198125 lastSubmitTime: 1673605930 readingMsgId: 200049 } readingMsgGroup { id: 207 allSelect { msgId: 207010 select: 207011 } allSelect { msgId: 207018 select: 207019 } allSelect { msgId: 207025 select: 207026 } allSelect { msgId: 207014 select: 207015 } allSelect { msgId: 207004 select: 207005 } allSelect { msgId: 207028 select: 207029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1637112991 lastSubmitTime: 1637803510 readingMsgId: 207032 } readingMsgGroup { id: 209 allSelect { msgId: 209043 select: 209044 } allSelect { msgId: 209026 select: 209027 } allSelect { msgId: 209047 select: 209048 } allSelect { msgId: 209063 select: 209064 } allSelect { msgId: 209013 select: 209014 } allSelect { msgId: 209029 select: 209030 } allSelect { msgId: 209019 select: 209020 } allSelect { msgId: 209051 select: 209052 } allSelect { msgId: 209034 select: 209035 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1638414393 lastSubmitTime: 1638414969 readingMsgId: 209066 } readingMsgGroup { id: 217 allSelect { msgId: 217011 select: 217012 } allSelect { msgId: 217019 select: 217020 } allSelect { msgId: 217002 select: 217003 } allSelect { msgId: 217017 select: 217018 } allSelect { msgId: 217025 select: 217026 } allSelect { msgId: 217005 select: 217006 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643079016 readingMsgId: 217028 } readingMsgGroup { id: 218 allSelect { msgId: 218009 select: 218010 } allSelect { msgId: 218016 select: 218017 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1640432828 lastSubmitTime: 1643078984 readingMsgId: 218024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 224 allSelect { msgId: 224027 select: 224028 } allSelect { msgId: 224031 select: 224032 } allSelect { msgId: 224012 select: 224013 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1644481035 lastSubmitTime: 1644481775 readingMsgId: 224040 } readingMsgGroup { id: 229 allSelect { msgId: 229009 select: 229010 } allSelect { msgId: 229129 select: 229141 } allSelect { msgId: 229096 select: 229119 } allSelect { msgId: 229167 select: 229168 } allSelect { msgId: 229036 select: 229037 } allSelect { msgId: 229052 select: 229053 } allSelect { msgId: 229084 select: 229085 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1643985702 lastSubmitTime: 1644481853 readingMsgId: 229173 redPackets { msgId: 229020 num: 3 money: 30000 content: receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 19549 } receivers { heroId: 2003 money: 8077 } receivers { heroId: 2121 money: 2374 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229026 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 2119 money: 6031 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 9926 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 14378 } receivers { heroId: 2017 money: 10810 } receivers { heroId: 2094 money: 8855 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229038 num: 12 money: 120000 content: receivers { heroId: 2008 money: 387 } receivers { heroId: 2061 money: 5407 } receivers { heroId: 2025 money: 19316 } receivers { heroId: 2128 money: 9198 } receivers { heroId: 2070 money: 4910 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 12869 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 29634 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 1786 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 2299 } receivers { heroId: 2050 money: 5463 } receivers { heroId: 2055 money: 16423 } receivers { heroId: 2127 money: 12308 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229046 num: 10 money: 100000 content: receivers { heroId: 2044 money: 46 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 10866 } receivers { heroId: 2015 money: 15062 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11817 } receivers { heroId: 2092 money: 4131 } receivers { heroId: 2064 money: 4762 } receivers { heroId: 2030 money: 4262 } receivers { heroId: 2076 money: 6652 } receivers { heroId: 2048 money: 19964 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 22438 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229064 num: 5 money: 50000 content: receivers { heroId: 0 money: 11128 } receivers { heroId: 2115 money: 15173 } receivers { heroId: 2034 money: 1433 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 13407 } receivers { heroId: 2019 money: 8859 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229075 num: 1 money: 10000 content: receivers { heroId: 2125 money: 10000 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229079 num: 15 money: 150000 content: receivers { heroId: 2031 money: 4507 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 6285 } receivers { heroId: 2022 money: 10716 } receivers { heroId: 2049 money: 3844 } receivers { heroId: 2043 money: 13617 } receivers { heroId: 2073 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2122 money: 16256 } receivers { heroId: 2099 money: 7140 } receivers { heroId: 2084 money: 11385 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 12195 } receivers { heroId: 2021 money: 19308 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 8542 } receivers { heroId: 2040 money: 15609 } receivers { heroId: 2052 money: 6844 } receivers { heroId: 2100 money: 13751 } hasGain: true } redPackets { msgId: 229141 num: 9 money: 700 content: 如虎添翼,心想事成 receivers { heroId: 2101 money: 24 } receivers { heroId: 2104 money: 142 } receivers { heroId: 2001 money: 126 } receivers { heroId: 2011 money: 154 } receivers { heroId: 2081 money: 14 } receivers { heroId: 2079 money: 60 } receivers { heroId: 2063 money: 43 } receivers { heroId: 2007 money: 121 } receivers { heroId: 2078 money: 16 } hasGain: false } redPackets { msgId: 229157 num: 15 money: 1500 content: receivers { heroId: 2042 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 2018 money: 176 } receivers { heroId: 2029 money: 1 } receivers { heroId: 0 money: 156 } receivers { heroId: 2024 money: 200 } receivers { heroId: 2023 money: 2 } receivers { heroId: 2069 money: 68 } receivers { heroId: 2105 money: 84 } receivers { heroId: 2033 money: 171 } receivers { heroId: 2108 money: 150 } receivers { heroId: 2012 money: 175 } receivers { heroId: 2120 money: 45 } receivers { heroId: 2058 money: 139 } receivers { heroId: 2067 money: 131 } receivers { heroId: 2097 money: 1 } hasGain: true } } readingMsgGroup { id: 230 allSelect { msgId: 230003 select: 230004 } allSelect { msgId: 230034 select: 230035 } allSelect { msgId: 230049 select: 230050 } allSelect { msgId: 230010 select: 230011 } allSelect { msgId: 230057 select: 230058 } allSelect { msgId: 230045 select: 230046 } allSelect { msgId: 230060 select: 230061 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1646867197 lastSubmitTime: 1646867226 readingMsgId: 230062 } readingMsgGroup { id: 236 allSelect { msgId: 236024 select: 236025 } allSelect { msgId: 236006 select: 236007 } allSelect { msgId: 236046 select: 236047 } allSelect { msgId: 236013 select: 236014 } allSelect { msgId: 236037 select: 236038 } allSelect { msgId: 236028 select: 236029 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1649842967 lastSubmitTime: 1651080534 readingMsgId: 236050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 240 allSelect { msgId: 240009 select: 240010 } allSelect { msgId: 240016 select: 240017 } allSelect { msgId: 240020 select: 240021 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216752 lastSubmitTime: 1652343965 readingMsgId: 240023 } readingMsgGroup { id: 241 allSelect { msgId: 241011 select: 241012 } allSelect { msgId: 241040 select: 241041 } allSelect { msgId: 241045 select: 241046 } allSelect { msgId: 241049 select: 241050 } allSelect { msgId: 241032 select: 241033 } allSelect { msgId: 241023 select: 241024 } allSelect { msgId: 241055 select: 241056 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1652343827 lastSubmitTime: 1652343942 readingMsgId: 241060 } readingMsgGroup { id: 245 allSelect { msgId: 245002 select: 245003 } allSelect { msgId: 245017 select: 245018 } allSelect { msgId: 245008 select: 245009 } allSelect { msgId: 245021 select: 245022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1651216776 lastSubmitTime: 1652343953 readingMsgId: 245024 } readingMsgGroup { id: 246 allSelect { msgId: 246025 select: 246026 } allSelect { msgId: 246032 select: 246033 } allSelect { msgId: 246040 select: 246041 } allSelect { msgId: 246047 select: 246048 } allSelect { msgId: 246006 select: 246007 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654729473 lastSubmitTime: 1657757747 readingMsgId: 246050 } readingMsgGroup { id: 249 allSelect { msgId: 249003 select: 249004 } allSelect { msgId: 249018 select: 249019 } allSelect { msgId: 249008 select: 249009 } allSelect { msgId: 249014 select: 249015 } allSelect { msgId: 249021 select: 249022 } isRead: true unlockTime: 1654510595 lastSubmitTime: 1657757728 readingMsgId: 249026 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetNpcGroupChatReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 66 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.13333579525352 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetNpcGroupChatReply 9 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:32][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:37][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:37][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:37][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_main_1 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/animations/mainview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/chat.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/container.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gopanel.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/imgstaicfavor.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/txtaddfavor.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/main/mainview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/promo/promoimagecell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/common/speechbubble.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/maingroupchattips.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/main/maingroupchattips.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:timeline/materials/focus.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/live2dcharacter.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMonthCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 22 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetWeeklyCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=4,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=22,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:stopExpression stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'stopExpression' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playExps' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playVoice' logic/extensions/main/view/MainCharacterView: in function 'playCharacterVoice' logic/extensions/main/view/MainCharacterView: in function 'setMainCharacter' logic/extensions/main/view/MainCharacterView: in function 'onEnter' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_onVisualEvent' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_doOpen' frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewPresentor: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleReconnectMgr.lua:0]:{startup}已经启动重连: 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/extensions/common/facade/CommonFacade.lua:0]:{clearFloatTipsCacheAndRelease}恢复飘字,清空缓存的飘字 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 103 1 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get103InfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=103,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 1 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetTopupInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 10 当前队列数量= 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}isOpenView: false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=10,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/extensions/playerinfo/model/PlayerInfoModel.lua:0]:{isSuperR}TCL: ilevel:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isSuperR false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isShow false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 31 17 当前队列数量= 6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetJinyumantangInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=31,cmd=17,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 22 34 当前队列数量= 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SummonPoolRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}poolId: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 43 39 当前队列数量= 8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetUnReadNewspaperRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 7 当前队列数量= 9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=22,cmd=34,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=43,cmd=39,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=7,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 137 1 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get137InfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=137,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/atlas/ui_views_emoji_zh isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/emoji/ui_emoji.asset isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100166_sjyr/100166_sjyr_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):molian.mtn,default:nil stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/unit/component/live2D/UnitCompLive2D: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:nanguo.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'playExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/unit/component/live2D/UnitCompLive2D: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=22,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=103,cmd=1,status=0,size=1071 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=1,status=0,size=4523 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=53,cmd=10,status=0,size=551 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=31,cmd=17,status=0,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=22,cmd=34,status=0,size=224 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=43,cmd=39,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=41,cmd=7,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=137,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/headicon_q/100155_head_q.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/user_headoutline/11110265_user_headoutline.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_001.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_002.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_005.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_onlinespot.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/xiaoyugan_ui_npc/xiaoyugan_ui_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/xiaoyugan_ui_npc/xiaoyugan_ui_npc-ui_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/main_icon/icon_108.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/main_icon/wordicon_108.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/main_icon/icon_4.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/main_icon/wordicon_4.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_075_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_sequence_068.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_chunjiicon.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/certificate/texun_yrjj1.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/certificate/texun_ysjj2.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/main_icon/zjmicon_04.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]bigbg/headicon_q/100155_head_q.png instance: @22ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]bigbg/user_headoutline/11110265_user_headoutline.png instance: @22ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]bigbg/main_icon/icon_108.png instance: @21ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]language/zh/bigbg/main_icon/wordicon_108.png instance: @21ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]bigbg/main_icon/icon_4.png instance: @21ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMonthCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.31081245094538 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 GetMonthCardInfoReply 11 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 11 2 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetCurrencyInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}currencyId: 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetWeeklyCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 22 所需时间单位秒 = 0.31081245094538 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 GetWeeklyCardInfoReply 12 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=11,cmd=2,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { day: 1 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十二 } infos { day: 2 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十三 } infos { day: 3 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十四 } infos { day: 4 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十五 } infos { day: 5 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 15 drawIds: 72 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十六 } infos { day: 6 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 2 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十七 lunarFestival: 立夏 } infos { day: 7 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 4 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十八 } infos { day: 8 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 78 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十九 } infos { day: 9 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 75 drawIds: 10 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 19 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月二十 } infos { day: 10 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 1 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 8 drawIds: 74 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿一 } infos { day: 11 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 77 drawIds: 65 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿二 } infos { day: 12 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 15 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 18 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿三 } infos { day: 13 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 5 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 18 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿四 } infos { day: 14 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 33 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 72 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿五 } infos { day: 15 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 1 drawIds: 4 drawIds: 11 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿六 } infos { day: 16 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 91 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿七 } infos { day: 17 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 65 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿八 } infos { day: 18 hasSignIn: false luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 88 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿九 } infos { day: 19 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初一 } infos { day: 20 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 1 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 5 drawIds: 91 drawIds: 33 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初二 } infos { day: 21 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 5 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 16 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初三 lunarFestival: 小满 } infos { day: 22 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初四 } infos { day: 23 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初五 } infos { day: 24 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 13 drawIds: 16 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初六 } infos { day: 25 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 77 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初七 } serverTime: 1684970378849 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get103InfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 103 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.31081245094538 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 8 || 0 Get103InfosReply 13 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100166_sjyr/action/idle.mtn.anim isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100166_sjyr/action/molian.mtn.anim isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]language/zh/bigbg/main_icon/wordicon_4.png instance: @40ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]bigbg/certificate/texun_yrjj1.png instance: @39ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]language/zh/bigbg/certificate/texun_ysjj2.png instance: @39ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]bigbg/main_icon/zjmicon_04.png instance: @39ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: molian.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { topupId: 4100 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10307 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10308 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10309 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10310 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10311 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10312 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10313 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10314 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10315 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10316 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10410 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10416 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10417 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10418 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10419 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10420 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10421 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10422 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10423 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10424 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10425 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10426 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10427 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10428 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10429 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10430 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10431 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8402 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8403 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8404 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8405 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8406 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8407 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8408 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8409 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8410 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8411 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8412 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8413 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8414 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8415 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8416 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8417 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8418 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10531 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10532 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10533 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10555 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10604 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10605 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10606 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10607 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10608 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10609 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10610 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10611 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10612 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10613 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10614 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10615 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8604 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8605 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8606 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8607 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8608 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10716 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10717 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10718 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10719 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8706 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8707 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10819 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10820 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10821 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10822 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10823 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10824 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10825 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10826 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10916 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10917 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10918 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10919 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10920 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10921 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10926 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10927 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10928 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10929 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10930 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10931 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10932 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10933 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11016 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11017 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11018 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11019 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11020 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11021 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11022 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11023 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11026 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11029 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11030 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11031 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11127 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11215 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11216 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11217 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11218 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11219 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11220 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11221 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11222 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11223 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11225 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11226 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9215 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1024 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9216 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1025 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9217 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1026 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1027 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1028 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1114 buyCount: 1 } infos { topupId: 9306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7300 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1218 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1219 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1220 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1307 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1308 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1309 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1310 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1311 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1312 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1313 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1317 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1318 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5414 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1319 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5415 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1320 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1321 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1323 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9515 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1324 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9516 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1325 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9517 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1326 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9518 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9519 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9520 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9521 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9522 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7501 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7502 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7503 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7504 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7505 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7506 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7507 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7508 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7509 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7510 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7511 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7512 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7513 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7514 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1402 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1403 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1404 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7706 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7707 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7708 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7709 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7710 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7711 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7712 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7713 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7714 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7720 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7721 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7722 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9819 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9820 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9821 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9822 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9823 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9826 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5800 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9916 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9917 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9918 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9919 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9920 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10016 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10017 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10118 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10119 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10120 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10121 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10122 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10123 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10124 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10129 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10130 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10131 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10132 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10133 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10134 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10135 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10136 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4037 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4038 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4039 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 2001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6100 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4081 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4082 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4083 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4084 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4085 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4086 buyCount: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetTopupInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.33336282521486 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 7 || 0 GetTopupInfoReply 14 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/topup/agent/TopupAgent:0: MidasMarketingInfo ====> TopupAgent:_queryMarketingInfo; zoneId=4; roleId=273900 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 8201 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8202 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8203 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8204 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8501 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8502 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8503 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8504 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8505 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8506 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8507 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8508 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8509 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8510 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8511 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8603 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7003 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7004 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7005 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7006 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7007 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1008 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1009 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1010 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1101 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1102 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1103 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1104 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1105 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1106 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1107 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1108 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1109 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1110 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1111 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1112 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1113 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1114 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1115 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1116 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1117 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1201 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1202 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1401 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1402 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1403 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1404 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1606 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10024 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10025 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } 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[INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}time: 1683364412787 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetJinyumantangInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 31 17 所需时间单位秒 = 0.33336282521486 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 6 || 0 GetJinyumantangInfoReply 16 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=11,cmd=2,status=0,size=26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:38][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}summonPools { poolId: 1 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 5 doneCount: 187 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false poolSkewRare { rareId: 5 count: 2 } heroSkewRare { heroId: 2007 count: 2 poolCount: 182 cdTime: 182 } extraDailyCount: 0 needCountUntilSsr: 62 } summonPools { poolId: 9997 freeEndTime: 0 ssrCount: 1 doneCount: 10 actGainCount: 0 actIsGained: false poolSkewRare { rareId: 5 count: 1 } heroSkewRare { heroId: 2014 count: 1 poolCount: 10 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7:19:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 10 1 || 0 ItemChangePush 24 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { materilType: 1 materilId: 11070002 change: 400 } getApproach: 47 getApproachSubId: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = MaterialChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 20 6 || 0 MaterialChangePush 25 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 741 infos { id: 96 value: 0 time: 0 } infos { id: 95 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 623 infos { id: 10456 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } redDotInfos { defineId: 52 infos { id: 10007 value: 0 time: 0 } replaceAll: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = UpdateRedDotPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 49 2 || 0 UpdateRedDotPush 26 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}defineIds: 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get107AllBonusReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 107 3 所需时间单位秒 = 0.1336557045579 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 Get107AllBonusReply 27 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_playermtrt isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/playermtrtakeview02.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/playerinfo/playermtrtakeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/playerinfo/playerrewarditem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/plane_001.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_000_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/glow_003_025_025_025_025.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_001_025_025_025_000.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:41]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:42][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:42]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1014.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:42]language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1014.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:43][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:45][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:45][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: _onMotionEnd: idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:46]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1043.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:46]language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1043.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:47][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:48][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:48][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:48][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情播放完毕:idle.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:48][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:kaixin.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'playExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:50]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1000.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:50]language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner1000.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:50][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:50][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:50][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 613 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:50]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:50]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_certificate_0 isPreload:False refCount:8 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/certificate/certificatecommonview_bg.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/commonbg/improveview_hero.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/certificate/improve/improveview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/certificate/swimsuit/swimsuitrewardview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/certificate/swimsuit/swimsuittrainview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/certificate/swimsuit/swimsuitrewarditem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/certificate/improve/improvetraincell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/10000186.png isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 160 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get160InfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityId: 10644 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=160,cmd=1,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.11033100262284 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 29 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=160,cmd=1,status=0,size=41 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityId: 10644 score: 4 canBuyScoreCount: 20 bonusInfo { id: 1 normalStatus: 1 specialStatus: 0 } bonusInfo { id: 2 normalStatus: 1 specialStatus: 0 } canRefreshWeeklyCount: 10 hasBuySpecial: false canRefreshTodayCount: 10 activityScore: 75 activityInc: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get160InfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 160 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099990747869015 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 Get160InfoReply 30 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000316.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000305.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000315.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]bigbg/itemicon/1000316.png instance: @54ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]bigbg/itemicon/1000305.png instance: @33ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:51]bigbg/itemicon/1000315.png instance: @32ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 160 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get160TargetInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityId: 10644 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=160,cmd=4,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=160,cmd=4,status=0,size=100 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityId: 10644 targetInfos { targetId: 4 progress: 0 finishCount: 0 } targetInfos { targetId: 13 progress: 3 finishCount: 1 } targetInfos { targetId: 8 progress: 5 finishCount: 1 } targetInfos { targetId: 11 progress: 500 finishCount: 1 } targetInfos { targetId: 14 progress: 3 finishCount: 1 } targetInfos { targetId: 29 progress: 0 finishCount: 0 } targetInfos { targetId: 19 progress: 18 finishCount: 0 } targetInfos { targetId: 28 progress: 2 finishCount: 0 } targetInfos { targetId: 26 progress: 1 finishCount: 0 } targetInfos { targetId: 21 progress: 5 finishCount: 0 } targetInfos { targetId: 20 progress: 0 finishCount: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get160TargetInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 160 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10010203719139 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 Get160TargetInfoReply 31 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 49 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}ids: 269 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=49,cmd=1,size=12 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=49,cmd=1,status=0,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}redDotInfos { defineId: 269 replaceAll: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetRedDotInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 49 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066596210002899 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetRedDotInfosReply 32 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:52][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gogift.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/promoview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/promo/promoview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/promo/promoleftcell.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 50 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetActivityInfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=50,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=50,cmd=1,status=0,size=530 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}activityInfos { id: 10251 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10252 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10264 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10279 startTime: 1619626200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10303 startTime: 1625432400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10323 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10332 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10338 startTime: 1630339800000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10355 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10367 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10377 startTime: 1637805600000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10392 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10410 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10423 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10435 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10450 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10462 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10475 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10486 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10492 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10532 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10542 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10557 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10582 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10602 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10625 startTime: 1684357200000 endTime: 1685548799000 } activityInfos { id: 10627 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10641 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10642 startTime: 0 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10644 startTime: 1684962000000 endTime: 1685548799000 } activityInfos { id: 20008 startTime: 1611763800000 endTime: 1740412799000 } activityInfos { id: 10003 startTime: 1546376402000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10005 startTime: 1546376404000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10007 startTime: 1546376400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10010 startTime: 1684962000000 endTime: 1685548799000 } activityInfos { id: 10011 startTime: 1639774800000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10014 startTime: 1556053200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10017 startTime: 1546376400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10018 startTime: 1546376400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10037 startTime: 1569445200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10048 startTime: 1569675600000 endTime: 1913126399000 } activityInfos { id: 10064 startTime: 1559048400000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10074 startTime: 1578517200000 endTime: 0 } activityInfos { id: 10201 startTime: 1606320600000 endTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetActivityInfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 50 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10005016624928 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetActivityInfosReply 33 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 114 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get114InfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}id: 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=114,cmd=1,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/ui_bondcardadd.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/materials/ui_image_gray.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/ui/views/promo/promoview111.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 111 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get111InfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=111,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]||||| Sender socketClient version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter.lua:0]:{_processDone}Live2DCharacter 动作+表情完了,可以重复触摸 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:stopExpression stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function 'stopExpression' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function '_playExps' logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter: in function 'playLive2DByConfig' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoice' logic/extensions/common/view/live2dcharacter/Live2DCharacterUI: in function 'playLive2DVoiceSimple' logic/extensions/promo/view/PromoView111: in function '_playCharacter' logic/extensions/promo/view/PromoView111: in function 'onEnter' logic/extensions/promo/view/PromoView: in function '_finishCallback' framework/resource/loader/MultiResLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=114,cmd=1,status=0,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 3 getBonusCount: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get114InfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 114 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.066673789173365 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 Get114InfoReply 34 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/academies_btn01.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/fettercard/academies_arrow.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner111001.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/common/hg_0.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100091_hg_sr/100091_hg_sr_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=1,extId=111,cmd=1,status=0,size=28 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]bigbg/fettercard/academies_btn01.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]bigbg/fettercard/academies_arrow.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]language/zh/bigbg/banner/banner111001.png instance: @30ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:begin play(mtn):idle.mtn,default:nil stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function 'playMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '' bootstrap/starter_lua.lua: in function [C]: in function 'trycall' framework/notify/NotifyDispatcher: in function 'dispatch' frameworkext/unit/component/live2D/UnitCompLive2D: in function '_loadedHandler' framework/resource/loader/PrefabLoader: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}actInfos { id: 1 state: 0 } actInfos { id: 2 state: 0 } actInfos { id: 3 state: 0 } freeCount: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get111InfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 111 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.06666437536478 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 Get111InfoReply 35 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100091_hg_sr/action/idle.mtn.bytes isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils: end play motion: idle.mtn stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_playCurMotion' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DMotion: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:live2dcharacter/100091_hg_sr/expression/haixiu.exp.json isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:53][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情:haixiu.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_playCurExpression' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function '_finishCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function 'invokeCallback' logic/common/MultiResLoaderOptimize: in function [WARN:2023-5-25 7:19:55][@logic/extensions/pandora/controller/PandoraMsgController.lua:0]:{closure}收到潘多拉回调红点,模块名= notice 红点数= 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:55][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:56][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:59][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:19:59][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:20:1]GameDevice isFront = False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:2]1 headerBuffer== socketClient version=1@ error code =10038@SocketException@The descriptor is not a socket at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 size, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags socketFlags) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Framework.ByteMsgReceiver.Run () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadStart.Invoke () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Threading.ContextCallback.Invoke (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadStart.Invoke () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:2]reciever LostConnect,version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]GameDevice isFront = True [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]1 receiver DoLostConnect,version=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]1 status:DisConnect [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{closure}非手动,非服务器推送消息主动断开socket 的情况下,接收到Socket连接断开 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{_checkIsLostConnect}开始重连流程 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{_checkIsLostConnect}注意重连次数大于总次数,就重登。当前次数=,总次数= 0 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]1 sender LostConnect [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{_execReConnet}开始重新建立socket连接 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{sendSocketConnect}==============开始等待一段时间,然后再执行Socket连接服务器, ip=, port=, isYield= game.swy.qq.com 40105 true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{}==============等待一段时间到了,还未有收到socket回调结果,真的开始执行Socket连接服务器, ip=, port= game.swy.qq.com 40105 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]1 sender DoLostConnect [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3][@logic/common/sdk/SDKManager.lua:0]:{}===SDKManager.impl.queryHostByDomain param.ipv6 or param.ipv4 看看是啥==== [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3][@logic/common/sdk/SDKManager.lua:0]:{}===SDKManager.impl.queryHostByDomain resultIp====== [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]==============link network is ipv4============ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]1 status:Connecting [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]1 Connect,ip=,port=40105,verson=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{}看看刚调用执行Socket连接服务器的结果,此结果不代表连接结果,是表示有没有system socket还未回来,true表示 旧的 已经回来过,可以开始连接,, result= true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{}==============已经发出去了socket连接,等结果把 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]1 AsyncConnectCallBack call by system,connectingVersion=1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]1 AsyncConnectCallBack End:Status=Connecting,socket.Connected=True [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]1 Same version,socket.Connected=True [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]1 Do EndConnect [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]1 Do EndConnect Done [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]1 status:Connected [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]1 ConnectSucc True [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{closure}===============执行Socket连接服务器完毕,看下结果吧:1, true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}socket连服务器成功,当前状态==== true true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=-1,cmd=1,size=83 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:3]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=-1,cmd=1,status=0,size=18 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{sendGetLostCmdRespRequest}开始发送补包,downTag= 36 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=-1,cmd=3,size=10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=-1,cmd=5,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=32,cmd=4,status=0,size=296 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=-1,cmd=3,status=0,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}1当前收到补包开始下发,在这个时间前是需要补发的数据包的消息,当前游戏运行时间值= 1444.7843303028 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}userMail { incrId: 1352995903 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 0 createTime: 1684971002000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 5月25日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = NewMailPush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 32 4 || 0 NewMailPush 37 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/extensions/login/agent/LoginAgent.lua:0]:{}补包协议回来了,看下结果,msg.canGet=,status= true 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}2当前收到补包返回成功 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{_reConnectFinishTodo}断线重连成功 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMonthCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 22 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetWeeklyCardInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=4,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=22,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/extensions/battle/controller/BattleReconnectMgr.lua:0]:{startup}已经启动重连: 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/extensions/common/facade/CommonFacade.lua:0]:{clearFloatTipsCacheAndRelease}恢复飘字,清空缓存的飘字 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 103 1 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get103InfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 1 当前队列数量= 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetTopupInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=103,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 53 10 当前队列数量= 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}isOpenView: false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=53,cmd=10,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/extensions/playerinfo/model/PlayerInfoModel.lua:0]:{isSuperR}TCL: ilevel:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isSuperR false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainTencentView.lua:0]:{_updateForXinYueSuperLevel}TCL: isShow false [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 31 17 当前队列数量= 6 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetJinyumantangInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=31,cmd=17,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 22 34 当前队列数量= 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SummonPoolRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}poolId: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 43 39 当前队列数量= 8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetUnReadNewspaperRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 7 当前队列数量= 9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetMysteryStoreInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=22,cmd=34,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=43,cmd=39,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=7,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 137 1 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = Get137InfosRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=137,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainViewPresentor.lua:0]:{_onEnterAnimationDone}主界面打开动画完毕,广播主界面打开完毕GlobalNotify.BeginShowMainViewFinish,准备好了,对于启动流程有作用的 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=53,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=53,cmd=22,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=103,cmd=1,status=0,size=1071 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetMonthCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.24998841620982 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 GetMonthCardInfoReply 39 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 11 2 当前队列数量= 10 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetCurrencyInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}currencyId: 4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetWeeklyCardInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 22 所需时间单位秒 = 0.24998841620982 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 9 || 0 GetWeeklyCardInfoReply 40 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=11,cmd=2,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { day: 1 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十二 } infos { day: 2 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十三 } infos { day: 3 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十四 } infos { day: 4 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十五 } infos { day: 5 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 15 drawIds: 72 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十六 } infos { day: 6 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 2 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十七 lunarFestival: 立夏 } infos { day: 7 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 4 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十八 } infos { day: 8 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 78 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月十九 } infos { day: 9 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 75 drawIds: 10 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 19 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月二十 } infos { day: 10 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 1 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 26 drawIds: 8 drawIds: 74 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿一 } infos { day: 11 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 77 drawIds: 65 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿二 } infos { day: 12 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 15 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 18 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿三 } infos { day: 13 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 5 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 16 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 18 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿四 } infos { day: 14 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 33 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 72 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿五 } infos { day: 15 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 1 drawIds: 4 drawIds: 11 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿六 } infos { day: 16 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 91 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿七 } infos { day: 17 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 3 drawIds: 65 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿八 } infos { day: 18 hasSignIn: false luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 88 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 18 drawIds: 20 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 三月廿九 } infos { day: 19 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初一 } infos { day: 20 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 1 drawIds: 62 drawIds: 5 drawIds: 91 drawIds: 33 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初二 } infos { day: 21 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 5 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 17 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 16 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初三 lunarFestival: 小满 } infos { day: 22 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 60 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初四 } infos { day: 23 hasSignIn: false lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初五 } infos { day: 24 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 2 drawIds: 12 drawIds: 63 drawIds: 13 drawIds: 16 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初六 } infos { day: 25 hasSignIn: true luckLevel: 4 drawIds: 77 drawIds: 20 drawIds: 19 drawIds: 17 lunarYear: 癸卯兔年 lunarMonthAndDay: 四月初七 } serverTime: 1684971184901 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = Get103InfosReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 103 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.24998841620982 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 8 || 0 Get103InfosReply 41 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=53,cmd=1,status=0,size=4523 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=53,cmd=10,status=0,size=551 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:4]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=31,cmd=17,status=0,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=22,cmd=34,status=0,size=224 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=43,cmd=39,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { topupId: 4100 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10307 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10308 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10309 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10310 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10311 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10312 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10313 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10314 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10315 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10316 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10410 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10416 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10417 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10418 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10419 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10420 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10421 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10422 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10423 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10424 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10425 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10426 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10427 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10428 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10429 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10430 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10431 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8402 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8403 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8404 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8405 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8406 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8407 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8408 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8409 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8410 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8411 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8412 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8413 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8414 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8415 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8416 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8417 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8418 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10531 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10532 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10533 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10555 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10604 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10605 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10606 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10607 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10608 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10609 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10610 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10611 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10612 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10613 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10614 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10615 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8604 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8605 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8606 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8607 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8608 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10716 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10717 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10718 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10719 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8706 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8707 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10819 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10820 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10821 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10822 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10823 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10824 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10825 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10826 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10916 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10917 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10918 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10919 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10920 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10921 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10926 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10927 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10928 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10929 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10930 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10931 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10932 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10933 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11016 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11017 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11018 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11019 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11020 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11021 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11022 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11023 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11026 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11029 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11030 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11031 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11127 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11215 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11216 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11217 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11218 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11219 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11220 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11221 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11222 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11223 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11225 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 11226 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9208 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9210 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9211 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9212 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9213 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9214 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9215 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1024 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9216 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1025 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9217 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1026 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1027 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1028 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7203 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7204 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1114 buyCount: 1 } infos { topupId: 9306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7300 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1202 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1205 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1206 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1207 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1209 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1218 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1219 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1220 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1301 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1302 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1303 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1304 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1305 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1306 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1307 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1308 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1309 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1310 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1311 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1312 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1313 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1317 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1318 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5414 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1319 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5415 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1320 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1321 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1323 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9515 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1324 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9516 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1325 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9517 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1326 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9518 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9519 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9520 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9521 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9522 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7501 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7502 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7503 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7504 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7505 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7506 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7507 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7508 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7509 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7510 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7511 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7512 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7513 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7514 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1401 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1402 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1403 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1404 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5602 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5603 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7706 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7707 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7708 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7709 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7710 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7711 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7712 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7713 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7714 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7720 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7721 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7722 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 1601 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5701 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5702 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5703 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5704 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5705 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9819 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9820 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9821 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9822 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9823 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9826 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7802 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7814 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5800 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5801 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5803 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5804 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5805 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5806 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5807 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5808 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5809 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5810 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5811 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5812 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5813 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5815 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5816 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5817 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5818 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9916 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9917 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9918 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9919 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 9920 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7907 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7908 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7909 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7910 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7911 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7912 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7913 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7914 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 7915 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5901 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5902 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5903 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5904 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5905 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 5906 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10007 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10008 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10009 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10010 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10011 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10013 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10014 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10015 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10016 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10017 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8003 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8004 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8005 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8006 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6002 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6012 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10118 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10119 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10120 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10121 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10122 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10123 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10124 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10129 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10130 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10131 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10132 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10133 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10134 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10135 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10136 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 8104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4037 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4038 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4039 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 2001 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6100 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6101 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6102 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6103 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6104 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6105 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 10201 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6106 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6107 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6108 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6109 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6110 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6111 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6112 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6113 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6114 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6115 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6116 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 6117 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4081 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4082 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4083 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4084 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4085 buyCount: 0 } infos { topupId: 4086 buyCount: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetTopupInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.31665558181703 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 7 || 0 GetTopupInfoReply 42 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=41,cmd=7,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintWithBugly}priority@logic/extensions/topup/agent/TopupAgent:0: MidasMarketingInfo ====> TopupAgent:_queryMarketingInfo; zoneId=4; roleId=273900 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=137,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}infos { id: 8201 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8202 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8203 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8204 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8501 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8502 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8503 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8504 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8505 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8506 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8507 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8508 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8509 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8510 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8511 buyCount: 1 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 8603 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7003 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7004 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7005 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7006 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 7007 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1008 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1009 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1010 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1101 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1102 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1103 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1104 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1105 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1106 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1107 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1108 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1109 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1110 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1111 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1112 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1113 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1114 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1115 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1116 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1117 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1201 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1202 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1401 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1402 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1403 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1404 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 1606 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10024 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10025 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6001 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6002 buyCount: 0 expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 10106 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 6100 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } infos { id: 4084 buyCount: 0 isNew: false expiredTime: 0 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetGiftBagInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 53 10 所需时间单位秒 = 0.31665558181703 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 6 || 0 GetGiftBagInfoReply 43 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 41 5 当前队列数量= 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetStoreFreeGiftBagInfoRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=41,cmd=5,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=11,cmd=2,status=0,size=26 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}time: 1683364412787 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetJinyumantangInfoReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 31 17 所需时间单位秒 = 0.31665558181703 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 6 || 0 GetJinyumantangInfoReply 44 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:5][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}summonPools { poolId: 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params: attachment: 2#2#1000 state: 1 createTime: 1603353373000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【拼图领雪霁羹信物】活动奖励 content: 请注意查收 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 559139190 mailId: 20084 params: 握刀法·初 attachment: 2#26#100|2#1#50|2#2#10000 state: 1 createTime: 1595208852000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 850991263 mailId: 305203 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240052#4 state: 1 createTime: 1614866554000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1322496741 mailId: 311301 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240113#2 state: 1 createTime: 1679539484000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1107330615 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11180001#4|1#11160003#1 state: 1 createTime: 1648722726000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月31日补偿小礼 content: 少主敬启:   针对3月31日版本上线后的部分体验问题——部分少主受影响无法进入战斗,以及客人进场速度变慢导致客潮单场收益减少(每个菜品获得奖励不受影响),对上述问题造成的不便,管理司深表歉意! 管理司在此为少主奉上补偿小礼:「大份干粮」*1、「餐厅传单」*4,感谢少主的包容和理解。 如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 《食物语》空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 617938669 mailId: 1145003 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598495704000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1330901870 mailId: 20073 params: 鞭牛祈丰#1554 attachment: 2#2#20000|1#10000016#1|2#11#20 state: 1 createTime: 1681315233000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1292505911 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 1 createTime: 1674909858000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 617938666 mailId: 1145001 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598495695000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 617938667 mailId: 1145002 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598495699000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1349077032 mailId: 314902 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240149#3 state: 1 createTime: 1684316740627 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1344270429 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683593893785 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1346895882 mailId: 20424 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1684211348393 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1342725194 mailId: 315002 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240150#3 state: 1 createTime: 1683359362309 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1346895883 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684211348775 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 781518545 mailId: 307602 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240076#3 state: 1 createTime: 1609741449000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1304839042 mailId: 20044 params: 896 attachment: 2#11#10|2#12#35|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1676754021000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1328549240 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680653787000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1318546142 mailId: 314601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240146#2 state: 1 createTime: 1678930136000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 840665170 mailId: 308403 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#4 state: 1 createTime: 1614039381000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1318546141 mailId: 309701 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240097#2 state: 1 createTime: 1678930127000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340265902 mailId: 315001 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240150#2 state: 1 createTime: 1682527058000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 628828982 mailId: 1145006 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599045842000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1340265903 mailId: 314901 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240149#2 state: 1 createTime: 1682527079000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187935902 mailId: 313801 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240138#2 state: 1 createTime: 1660759778000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187935903 mailId: 313901 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240139#2 state: 1 createTime: 1660759790000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1315877436 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1161 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1678482023000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340265904 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1682528402000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月27日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1329805072 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681127223000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347223577 mailId: 20009 params: 965 attachment: 2#8#700|2#1#160|2#2#18000 state: 0 createTime: 1684096204930 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1328926049 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680573008000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1326623559 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680476291000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347223578 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684145833894 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1349077040 mailId: 314903 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240149#4 state: 1 createTime: 1684317668050 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1349077043 mailId: 315003 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240150#4 state: 1 createTime: 1684317837094 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326900044 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680308380000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1346888733 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683943830740 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1346888732 mailId: 29 params: attachment: 2#1#10 state: 0 createTime: 1683943830193 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1261203312 mailId: 20392 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1671279383000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1341383599 mailId: 20073 params: 百鬼众魅#1026 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 0 createTime: 1683493213380 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1326912841 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680412454000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1246536748 mailId: 314301 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240143#2 state: 1 createTime: 1668652051000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 846051333 mailId: 305201 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240052#2 state: 1 createTime: 1614414412000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1271014824 mailId: 157 params: attachment: 1#11190024#1|2#2#50000|2#12#10 state: 1 createTime: 1672565493000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 830020883 mailId: 308401 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#2 state: 1 createTime: 1613022690000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1246536743 mailId: 314201 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240142#2 state: 1 createTime: 1668652040000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 830020885 mailId: 308402 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#3 state: 1 createTime: 1613022702000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1333742864 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1681682248000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 846051357 mailId: 305202 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240052#3 state: 1 createTime: 1614414658000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1341380993 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#845 attachment: 2#12#35|2#11#10|2#2#14000 state: 0 createTime: 1683320411728 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1346510903 mailId: 20423 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1684046355968 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1311294558 mailId: 20009 params: 1170 attachment: 2#1#150|2#2#16000|2#8#600 state: 1 createTime: 1678048204000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1346510904 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684046356300 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1248056856 mailId: 20084 params: 大翻勺·初 attachment: 2#26#250|2#1#80|2#2#16000 state: 1 createTime: 1669017190000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330663725 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1681085064000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1187615924 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000244#5000 state: 1 createTime: 1660754679000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330166582 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680737401000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月6日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1324908167 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679967493000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187615926 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000242#5 state: 1 createTime: 1660754758000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330166583 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680751011000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1136017719 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#27#520|2#2#13140|1#11090033#1|1#11060006#52 state: 1 createTime: 1653049221000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 锵锵~愿世界充满爱 content: 少主, 今天真是个充满爱意的日子呀,大家好像都在谈论"爱"呢!"520"——"我爱你",多么美好的谐音~多亏这个日子,虾饺也有了关于新歌的想法,一个愿世界充满爱的音乐灵感,等这首歌出来,虾饺一定要第一个唱给少主听! 虾饺 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1324906107 mailId: 20084 params: 切花刀·初 attachment: 2#26#400|2#2#22000|2#1#120 state: 1 createTime: 1679881932000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350938113 mailId: 20044 params: 1054 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1684616411922 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1324906108 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679881932000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1262398907 mailId: 20044 params: 836 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#12#35|2#11#10 state: 1 createTime: 1671310819000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1200630550 mailId: 1145032 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662083975000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 866833698 mailId: 302001 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240020#2 state: 1 createTime: 1616839459000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1213547231 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#994 attachment: 2#12#35|2#11#10|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1663362024000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 781882384 mailId: 307604 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240076#5 state: 1 createTime: 1609837976000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1324790371 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1680046613000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1312268962 mailId: 20073 params: 黑白双子#1063 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1677963615000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 781597198 mailId: 307601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240076#2 state: 1 createTime: 1609731449000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 645588195 mailId: 304004 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240040#5 state: 1 createTime: 1599896748000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340395902 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1682546387000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 937737086 mailId: 312001 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240120#2 state: 1 createTime: 1625967649000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1352995903 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 0 createTime: 1684971002000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 5月25日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1352995902 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684967496525 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1352326657 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684930322229 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347530957 mailId: 20073 params: 智斗灵机#769 attachment: 1#10000016#2|2#2#25000|2#11#25 state: 0 createTime: 1684339223248 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1349904619 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684743903619 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1336156421 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#43#1500|1#11160003#1|2#1#100 state: 0 createTime: 1681729692000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【舌尖争擂】活动调整补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的空桑少主,   由于【舌尖争擂】活动在断开网络连接后有概率会出现无法登录游戏的问题,为确保少主的体验,管理司决定暂时关闭【舌尖争擂】活动,后续开启时间将另行通知,因活动关闭给少主游戏造成不便,管理司深表歉意!在此奉上补偿小礼:「金玉」*100、「大份干粮」*1、「擂主令」*1500,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1195148189 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1 state: 1 createTime: 1661414183000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 好友功能异常补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的少主:   8月25日更新后部分少主出现好友功能异常的问题,目前该异常管理司已修复,对此造成的不便,管理司深表歉意!在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「大份干粮」*1,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 911326963 mailId: 306901 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240069#2 state: 1 createTime: 1622686263000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1336156422 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681788150000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1312267408 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#1019 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1677877216000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1122990662 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1651216736000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1338239849 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1074 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 0 createTime: 1682283612000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1152655903 mailId: 20347 params: attachment: 2#1#100|8#11110226#1|1#11160003#1|8#11100175#1 state: 1 createTime: 1655943063000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1121955956 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 4#2104#7 state: 1 createTime: 1651080001000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1349895902 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684362981379 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1121955953 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 17#160005#1 state: 1 createTime: 1651079943000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340055921 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#20000 state: 0 createTime: 1682526255000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 579064372 mailId: 20084 params: 握刀法·初 attachment: 2#26#100|2#2#10000|2#1#50 state: 1 createTime: 1596424453000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217170 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#1000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217171 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#2000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326913965 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680466587000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1298528222 mailId: 314501 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240145#2 state: 1 createTime: 1675676301000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217174 mailId: 151 params: attachment: 1#11190024#1|1#11090110#1|1#10000123#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177002139 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#6000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659687755000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177002138 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#5000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659687755000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1139594065 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1654069140000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1170589560 mailId: 301603 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#4 state: 1 createTime: 1658740316000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217172 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#3000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1177217173 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#4000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659578783000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1225308104 mailId: 312303 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#4 state: 1 createTime: 1665223381000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 734725902 mailId: 20121 params: attachment: 1#10040006#10 state: 1 createTime: 1606333625000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326616020 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1680132602000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月30日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 695578547 mailId: 136 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1603335117000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1326616021 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1680138030000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1203163518 mailId: 1145035 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662342003000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1178882190 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#1000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659952456000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1179023496 mailId: 20355 params: 今天有阿佛了#2000#2 attachment: 1#10000243#2 state: 1 createTime: 1660014541000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 987576851 mailId: 20250 params: attachment: 1#10000123#1|2#11#3 state: 1 createTime: 1631134810000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 990566853 mailId: 309603 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#4 state: 1 createTime: 1631348761000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1347558019 mailId: 20052 params: 2#2693115#20 attachment: 2#7#330|2#2#33000 state: 1 createTime: 1684098014079 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 990352340 mailId: 309604 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#5 state: 1 createTime: 1631446480000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1333924689 mailId: 20009 params: 3076 attachment: 2#8#500|2#1#140|2#2#14000 state: 0 createTime: 1681677011000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1337710957 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1682237047000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1170591506 mailId: 301604 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#5 state: 1 createTime: 1658839961000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1327150016 mailId: 20049 params: 辣椒#麻辣火锅 attachment: 1#11300001#1 state: 0 createTime: 1680440977000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1165347241 mailId: 20073 params: 黑白双子#1154 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1658005217000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1119899167 mailId: 20073 params: 百鬼众魅#1333 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1650834019000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1344809719 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683540387940 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1084446275 mailId: 20307 params: attachment: 2#1#100|8#11100166#1|1#11160003#1|8#11110209#1 state: 1 createTime: 1644887912000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1102285648 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1648020902000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 985541720 mailId: 1145015 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631007368000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 985541719 mailId: 1145014 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631007363000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1116087407 mailId: 20044 params: 1388 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1650142814000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1314825904 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1678318201000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月9日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1338176306 mailId: 20052 params: 3#822156#49 attachment: 2#7#110|2#2#11000 state: 1 createTime: 1682110810000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1239507216 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1097 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1667595622000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 629995903 mailId: 1145007 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599087158000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1347526822 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#873 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#11#10|2#12#35 state: 0 createTime: 1683925213391 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 889486844 mailId: 301602 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#3 state: 1 createTime: 1619660314000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1312168141 mailId: 20052 params: 1#2304192#38 attachment: 2#7#165|2#2#16500 state: 1 createTime: 1678222809000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1304837437 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#1334 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1676667630000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1304132421 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 1 createTime: 1676843438000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1205648601 mailId: 1145036 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662513914000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1327167007 mailId: 20073 params: 战车军魂#922 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#12#35|2#11#10 state: 1 createTime: 1680296415000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1100189334 mailId: 300803 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240008#4 state: 1 createTime: 1647591802000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1037201108 mailId: 20084 params: 大翻勺·初 attachment: 2#1#80|2#2#16000|2#26#250 state: 1 createTime: 1638151347000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330659927 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680940623000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1116091279 mailId: 20073 params: 较艺行拳#2172 attachment: 1#10000016#1|2#11#15|2#2#15000 state: 1 createTime: 1650470427000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1205648599 mailId: 1145037 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662513907000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 675661646 mailId: 20084 params: 握刀法·高 attachment: 2#26#200|2#1#70|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1601853930000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1207389946 mailId: 1145039 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662685739000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 987985902 mailId: 1145017 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631140431000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 639787820 mailId: 300701 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#2 state: 1 createTime: 1599556891000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1207389945 mailId: 1145038 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662685734000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1319607222 mailId: 20073 params: 海市蜃楼#482 attachment: 2#2#16000|2#11#11|2#12#40 state: 1 createTime: 1679086815000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1336237748 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日] attachment: 2#37#1 state: 0 createTime: 1681905991000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1255818696 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000264#1000|2#6#500|2#1#200|1#11190024#1 state: 1 createTime: 1670343601000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 12月7日开服小礼·一 content: 少主敬启:   空桑入口现已重新开放,一日不见,甚是想念。因停服一日间少主未能参与空桑内活动,管理司为少主备了些许特别开服小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 975481655 mailId: 300103 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240001#4 state: 1 createTime: 1630075571000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1096525903 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1646866801000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月10日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 656214536 mailId: 306201 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240062#2 state: 1 createTime: 1600656052000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 988286975 mailId: 309601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#2 state: 1 createTime: 1631154691000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1343341323 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683301792015 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1343341322 mailId: 20009 params: 1441 attachment: 2#1#150|2#2#16000|2#8#600 state: 0 createTime: 1682886606224 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 975481656 mailId: 300104 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240001#5 state: 1 createTime: 1630075584000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1200967817 mailId: 1145031 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662019712000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326905865 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1680490176000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 805126877 mailId: 306601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240066#2 state: 1 createTime: 1611733687000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337351826 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1682284852000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1039096523 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11140976#1|1#11140975#1|1#11140979#1|1#11140978#1|1#11140977#1 state: 1 createTime: 1638413206000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 食物语必胜客联动礼包 content: 亲爱的少主,感谢您对本次联动的喜爱。联动限定礼包现已发送,请注意查收!空桑管理司 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1303958684 mailId: 142 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1676630805000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1039096522 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11140968#1|1#11140967#1|1#11140966#1|1#11140965#1|1#11140969#1 state: 1 createTime: 1638413206000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 食物语必胜客联动礼包 content: 亲爱的少主,感谢您对本次联动的喜爱。联动限定礼包现已发送,请注意查收!空桑管理司 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1347529592 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1043 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1684098015784 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1340402381 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日] attachment: 2#37#1 state: 0 createTime: 1682835313000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1038986436 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11140972#1|1#11140973#1|1#11140974#1|1#11140970#1|1#11140971#1 state: 1 createTime: 1638413206000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 食物语必胜客联动礼包 content: 亲爱的少主,感谢您对本次联动的喜爱。联动限定礼包现已发送,请注意查收!空桑管理司 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 972835542 mailId: 301101 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240011#2 state: 1 createTime: 1629980236000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 946483521 mailId: 135 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1627112950000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1228507158 mailId: 312304 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#5 state: 1 createTime: 1665645661000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 632145538 mailId: 1145008 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599274344000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1250206132 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 1 createTime: 1669244403000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 11月24日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1209936172 mailId: 1145040 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662822617000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1307759306 mailId: 314701 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240147#2 state: 1 createTime: 1677204956000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 697188023 mailId: 302703 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240027#4 state: 1 createTime: 1603442049000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1322375149 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 1 createTime: 1679868578000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1322308079 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000294#1000|1#10000293#1000 state: 1 createTime: 1679574130000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【误入桃源】调整补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的空桑少主,      为确保少主们的体验,本次更新后建造【农田】、【林场】时将仅消耗金瓜子,不再需要消耗稻谷或林木,在此奉上补偿小礼:「稻谷」*1000与「林木」*1000,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 885486466 mailId: 0 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1619055606000 sender: 且止微醺 title: 协会广播 content: 游戏上线了协会合并功能,我们接到了满级协会的联系,大家同意协会上扣1,不同意扣2,有其他建议可以私我。 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 972835513 mailId: 303301 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240033#2 state: 1 createTime: 1629980120000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 877628679 mailId: 301601 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240016#2 state: 1 createTime: 1617895798000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1265955902 mailId: 155 params: attachment: 1#11190024#1|2#2#88888|1#10000123#2 state: 1 createTime: 1671661391000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187931520 mailId: 313802 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240138#3 state: 1 createTime: 1660818558000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1200973530 mailId: 1145033 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662176149000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 843897091 mailId: 308404 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240084#5 state: 1 createTime: 1614221675000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1323197836 mailId: 20049 params: 辣椒#麻辣火锅 attachment: 1#11300001#1 state: 1 createTime: 1679835636000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350939603 mailId: 20073 params: 楼兰奇兵#957 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#11#10|2#12#35 state: 0 createTime: 1684702816904 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1121965960 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#15903004#1 state: 1 createTime: 1651079988000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1323107206 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1134 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1679691622000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1151289282 mailId: 307501 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240075#2 state: 1 createTime: 1655862002000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1216976342 mailId: 20372 params: attachment: 14#150002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1663810465000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 856510573 mailId: 305204 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240052#5 state: 1 createTime: 1615516686000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1349901588 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1684675507268 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1280302378 mailId: 312802 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240128#3 state: 1 createTime: 1673603367000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1349901587 mailId: 29 params: attachment: 1#11070001#500 state: 1 createTime: 1684675506795 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1341382292 mailId: 20073 params: 黑白双子#1067 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 0 createTime: 1683406814481 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1327168624 mailId: 20044 params: 836 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#12#35|2#11#10 state: 1 createTime: 1680382823000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1225826400 mailId: 312301 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#2 state: 1 createTime: 1665196326000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 908022638 mailId: 20073 params: 天道酬勤#1830 attachment: 2#11#8|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1622649618000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 579916263 mailId: 20084 params: 握刀法·初 attachment: 2#2#10000|2#1#50|2#26#100 state: 1 createTime: 1596430760000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187605939 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 11#140237#1 state: 1 createTime: 1660754695000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 充值失败补发 content: 充值失败补发 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350988038 mailId: 20052 params: 3#1541148#26 attachment: 2#2#22000|2#7#220 state: 1 createTime: 1684702815654 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337351733 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1682284850000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 640090018 mailId: 300703 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#4 state: 1 createTime: 1599620885000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 936101967 mailId: 20238 params: 百才争魁 attachment: 1#11040002#1|1#10000157#200|2#12#20|1#11060006#5 state: 1 createTime: 1625815922000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 936101966 mailId: 20239 params: 百才争魁 attachment: 2#11#5|1#10000157#100|2#2#20000 state: 1 createTime: 1625815922000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1350359546 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 0 createTime: 1684366201000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 5月18日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1311557034 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1677713403000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 3月2日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1217402652 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#300 state: 1 createTime: 1663933279000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 「牡丹蝎托」技能调整补偿小礼 content: 亲爱的少主:   很抱歉此次对于「牡丹蝎托」技能调整方案给少主带来了负面的体验,管理司在此向少主表达深切的歉意!   在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「金玉*300」,感谢少主的包容和理解。   对于9月21日及之前已拥有「牡丹蝎托」少主的追加补偿小礼,将随9月29日周版本更新后通过邮件发放,详情还请少主查看正式公告。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1308557423 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#1192 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1677272413000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1217840387 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1320 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1664139622000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1172227656 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1|2#2#20000|1#10000238#300 state: 1 createTime: 1658980396000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 7月28日【万物守恒】小游戏补偿 content: 亲爱的空桑少主,   7月28日更新后的【万物守恒】小游戏玩法出现部分物品重量计算不正确的问题,目前该异常管理司已修复,对上述问题造成的不便,管理司深表歉意!在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「大份干粮」*1、「真金砝码」*300、「贝币」*20000,感谢少主的包容和理解。如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 《食物语》空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1330663623 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1681085060000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1304840785 mailId: 20073 params: 天狐幻戏#1365 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1676840424000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1221433684 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#926 attachment: 2#12#35|2#11#10|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1665176421000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1225826441 mailId: 312302 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240123#3 state: 1 createTime: 1665198224000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 656214663 mailId: 306202 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240062#3 state: 1 createTime: 1600656270000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 983369475 mailId: 1145013 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1630772757000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 640089990 mailId: 99 params: attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599620107000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1333575902 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1681342200000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月13日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 781518641 mailId: 307603 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240076#4 state: 1 createTime: 1609743563000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 639787911 mailId: 300702 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#3 state: 1 createTime: 1599558135000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 985484568 mailId: 1145016 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631065426000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337986153 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11160002#1|2#1#60 state: 0 createTime: 1681947000000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 4月20日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 988322626 mailId: 1145018 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1631263183000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337986154 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681954043000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 981805354 mailId: 1145012 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1630711040000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1322503548 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679795349000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1333582028 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1681657489000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 988322651 mailId: 309602 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240096#3 state: 1 createTime: 1631263485000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 643638254 mailId: 300704 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240007#5 state: 1 createTime: 1599758437000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1280076280 mailId: 20401 params: attachment: 1#11160003#1|8#11100286#1|8#11110258#1|2#1#100 state: 1 createTime: 1673486316000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1187890037 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#10000244#500|2#2#20000|1#11160003#1 state: 1 createTime: 1660784412000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 【沙排之王】活动延期补偿 content: 亲爱的少主:   由于【沙排之王】活动在特定机型下会出现异常问题,管理司正在加紧修复问题,为确保少主的体验,管理司决定将【沙排之王】活动统一调整至8月25日更新后开启,同时将活动结束时间顺延一周至9月14日23:59。因活动延期给少主游戏造成不便,管理司深表歉意!在此特为少主奉上补偿小礼:「大份干粮」*1、「水晶球」*500、「贝币」*20000,感谢少主的包容和理解。   如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行! 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1220346629 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 1#11190024#10 state: 1 createTime: 1664421734000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 「牡丹蝎托」技能调整追加补偿 content: 亲爱的少主:很抱歉此次对于「牡丹蝎托」技能调整方案给少主带来了负面的体验,管理司在此向少主表达深切的歉意!在此特为少主奉上追加补偿小礼:「魂芯*10」、「膳具碎片·御*50」,补偿将分为两封邮件发放,感谢少主的包容和理解。如有任何疑问建议,可联系客服进行反馈。承蒙少主久伴不弃,希望未来的日子里能与您携手同行!空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 640090012 mailId: 1145009 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599620775000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 640090013 mailId: 1145010 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1599620781000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1254257023 mailId: 20073 params: 名伶绝唱#954 attachment: 2#11#10|2#12#35|2#2#14000 state: 1 createTime: 1670014812000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1209576358 mailId: 153 params: attachment: 1#11090077#1|1#11040003#1|2#12#20|4#2079#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662816114000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1343123916 mailId: 29 params: attachment: 2#1#10 state: 0 createTime: 1683433906254 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1343123917 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1683433906879 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1209582025 mailId: 20084 params: 大翻勺·中 attachment: 2#2#18000|2#1#90|2#26#300 state: 1 createTime: 1662952913000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 697187935 mailId: 302702 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240027#3 state: 1 createTime: 1603440794000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1341063741 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 15#1000004#1 state: 0 createTime: 1682891510000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1333742764 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1681682246000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1208007640 mailId: 20044 params: 1340 attachment: 2#2#12000|2#12#30 state: 1 createTime: 1662843616000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1322496818 mailId: 311302 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240113#3 state: 1 createTime: 1679540548000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 952625954 mailId: 20248 params: attachment: 2#1#100|1#11160003#1|8#11110172#1|8#11100150#1 state: 1 createTime: 1627519900000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1203157585 mailId: 1145034 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000247#1 state: 1 createTime: 1662252091000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 982090081 mailId: 1145011 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#10000177#1 state: 1 createTime: 1630630450000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 700251220 mailId: 20073 params: 楼兰奇兵#3170 attachment: 2#12#25|2#2#11000 state: 1 createTime: 1603659612000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1337715792 mailId: 20290 params: 每日任务·一[每日], 每日任务·二[每日] attachment: 2#37#3 state: 0 createTime: 1682472637000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1119835983 mailId: 20052 params: 3#2401875#1 attachment: 2#2#80000|2#7#800 state: 1 createTime: 1650574813000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 925257429 mailId: 20229 params: 2591 attachment: 2#11#15|1#10000016#1|2#2#15000 state: 1 createTime: 1624464265000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1172229674 mailId: 306501 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240065#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659079788000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1347528103 mailId: 20044 params: 805 attachment: 2#2#14000|2#11#10|2#12#35 state: 0 createTime: 1684011613196 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1172229672 mailId: 312801 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240128#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659079646000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1207341582 mailId: 303404 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240034#5 state: 1 createTime: 1662712309000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 625356991 mailId: 1145005 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598833947000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1172229671 mailId: 312101 params: 小怪兽 attachment: 1#11240121#2 state: 1 createTime: 1659079628000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 1326623465 mailId: 20047 params: 今天有阿佛了 attachment: 1#11340011#10 state: 0 createTime: 1680476286000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } userMail { incrId: 1323110179 mailId: 20073 params: 百鬼众魅#1062 attachment: 2#12#30|2#2#12000 state: 1 createTime: 1679864420000 isCollection: true isLock: false isGet: true } userMail { incrId: 619769615 mailId: 1145004 params: 小怪兽 attachment: state: 1 createTime: 1598579392000 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:6][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetAllMailsReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:6][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 32 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10001279041171 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetAllMailsReply 52 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:6][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:7]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/itemicon/1000067.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:7]bigbg/itemicon/1000067.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:8][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{printStack}------Live2DUtils:表情播放完毕:kaixin.exp stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'printStack' logic/extensions/common/unit/Live2DUtils: in function 'debug' logic/extensions/common/unit/component/live2d/UnitCompLive2DExpression: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:8][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter.lua:0]:{_processDone}Live2DCharacter 动作+表情完了,可以重复触摸 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:11][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_equipandmail isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/backpack/backpackitemuse.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:11]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/commonsourceitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:14][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:15]++++++++++++++++拿到的tsssdk的c#的data长度70 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:15]))))((((((转换为lua的buffer数据长度(((((70____________70 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:15][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 70 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:15][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}=============sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包完毕,等协议过去-=-============================= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:15][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:15] [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:15]__________删除tsssdk++++++sb数据________ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:15]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=1,size=81 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:15]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:15]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=13,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:15][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:15][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099966332316399 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SubmitAntiDataReply 54 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 32 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ReadRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}incrId: 1352995903 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=32,cmd=2,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=10,cmd=1,status=0,size=29 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { itemId: 11160002 count: 136 lastUseTime: 1537162378000 composeCount: 0 isLocked: false } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ItemChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 10 1 || 0 ItemChangePush 55 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=11,cmd=1,status=0,size=18 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=20,cmd=6,status=0,size=31 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=32,cmd=2,status=0,size=296 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { currencyId: 1 change: 60 count: 53893 } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CurrencyChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 11 1 || 0 CurrencyChangePush 56 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@logic/extensions/currency/model/CurrencyMO.lua:0]:{copyToSelf}no recover_limit, currencyId: 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}dataList { materilType: 1 materilId: 11160002 change: 1 } dataList { materilType: 2 materilId: 1 change: 60 } getApproach: 22 getApproachSubId: 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = MaterialChangePush <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来,但是没找到队列里面有发送过,要不就是服务器推送,ext=,cmd= 20 6 || 0 MaterialChangePush 57 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}_load effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@logic/common/ugui/UIEffect.lua:0]:{_load}使用RT方式, effect/prefabs/ui_playermtrtakeview.prefab [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}userMail { incrId: 1352995903 mailId: 0 params: attachment: 2#1#60|1#11160002#1 state: 1 createTime: 1684971002000 sender: 空桑管理司 title: 5月25日修葺小礼 content: 少主敬启:   本次空桑的修缮维护工程已告一段落,现恭迎少主归来。管理司准备了些许小礼,附于信柬中,还望少主笑纳。 空桑管理司·敬上 isCollection: false isLock: false isGet: true } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ReadReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:22][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 32 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.3666622005403 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 ReadReply 58 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:23][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:23][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 32 8 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:23][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = CollectionRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:23][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}incrId: 1352995903 isCollection: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:23]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=32,cmd=8,size=17 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:23]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:23]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=32,cmd=8,status=0,size=16 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:23][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}incrId: 1352995903 isCollection: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:23][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = CollectionReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:23][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 32 8 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10003708302975 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 CollectionReply 59 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:24][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:26][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:26]++++++++++++++++拿到的tsssdk的c#的data长度34 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:26]))))((((((转换为lua的buffer数据长度(((((34____________34 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:26][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 34 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:26][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}=============sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包完毕,等协议过去-=-============================= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:26][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 13 1 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}antiData: "  hello, world [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:26]__________删除tsssdk++++++sb数据________ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:26]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=13,cmd=1,size=45 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:26]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:26]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=13,cmd=1,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:26][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SubmitAntiDataReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:26][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 13 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10008975863457 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SubmitAntiDataReply 61 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 准备进入一个新的场景,类型=10,id=280001 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function 'enter' logic/extensions/illustrated/facade/IllustratedFacade: in function 'enterIllustratedScene' logic/extensions/main/view/MainView: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099994502961636 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 62 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29][@logic/extensions/main/view/MainLive2DCharacter.lua:0]:{_processDone}Live2DCharacter 动作+表情完了,可以重复触摸 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}成功退出了上一个场景,类型=9,id=205 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_realEnter}======稍微等待一下,执行立即gc清理干净上一个场景,同时保证这时候没有做任何加载东西,不会有加的时候gc的问题======= [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:29][@logic/common/logic/FrameworkReLogicMgr.lua:0]:{}---------大内存设备且是销毁弹窗界面,不gc--------- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================不延时,立即gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30]DestroyUnusedResources:146,3,time=,paths: [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{}开始进入一个新的场景,类型=10,id=280001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/other_093.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_assets/g-s11_tjjm/texture/g-s11_smoke.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s11_tjjm/g-s11_tjjm_stage.prefab isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_illustrated_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_illustrated_2 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/illustratedmainview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/illustrated/illustratedmainview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30]scene/pj-g_scene_prefab/g-s11_tjjm/g-s11_tjjm_stage.prefab instance: @67ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/scene/SceneMgr.lua:0]:{_stageLoadFinishedHandler}成功加载了一个新的场景的舞台,但当前场景还未进入完毕,类型=10,id=280001 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{initTriggers}initTriggers: 2 zoneId: nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 97 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{ctor}trigger -> id: 98 找到: true [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 98 挂点: npc_01 zoneId: nil zoneName: nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerEntity.lua:0]:{tryInit}在场景中查找挂点 -> id: 97 挂点: npc_02 zoneId: nil zoneName: nil [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/common/GameUtils.lua:0]:{forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly}priority@logic/scene/SceneMgr:0: 成功进入了一个新的场景,类型=10,id=280001,当前堆积,需要再切换的场景数量=0 stack traceback: logic/common/GameUtils: in function 'forcePrintStackTraceWithBugly' logic/scene/SceneMgr: in function '_enterFinishedHandler' frameworkext/scene/SceneBase: in function 'onEnterFinished' frameworkext/scene/stage/SceneStageBase: in function '_onAllLoaded' logic/scene/illustrated/stage/IllustratedStage: in function '_onAllResLoaded' logic/scene/illustrated/stage/IllustratedStage: in function [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 7 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/common/msdk/tgpa/TGPAHelperController.lua:0]:{recordTGPAScene}================recordTGPAScene================ 101 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@bootstrap/msdk/gpm/GpmMgr.lua:0]:{}=======场景加载完毕,发送gsdk统计======= loading 10#280001 完成 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/140017_luwu_npc/140017_luwu_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:character/140017_luwu_npc/140017_luwu_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 98 go: SceneTrigger_98_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/character/shu_ui_npc/shu_ui_npc.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:language/zh/character/shu_ui_npc/shu_ui_npc_p.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:30][@logic/scene/common/trigger/TriggerFactory.lua:0]:{_callback}trigger创建成功 -》 id: 97 go: SceneTrigger_97_4 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 45 14 当前队列数量= 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = TaskDetectDoneCountRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}doneCountKey: 3 count: 1 formatKey: 2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=45,cmd=14,size=15 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/storysystemview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/storysystem/storysystemview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/storysystem/storychapterview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/storysystem/storylistview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_storysystem_1 isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/storysystem/storychapteritem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/storysystem/storyactivityitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_storysystem_0 isPreload:False refCount:5 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/storysystem/storycharacteritem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/storysystem/storyrestaurantitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_storysystem_letter_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/storysystem/storyletteritem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:atlas/ui_views_storysystem_newspaper_0 isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/storysystem/storynewspaperitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/commonblanktype3.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 43 1 当前队列数量= 3 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetUnlockMainStoryIdsRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=43,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.20005282759666 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 2 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 63 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=45,cmd=14,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = TaskDetectDoneCountReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 45 14 所需时间单位秒 = 0.23330653458834 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 1 || 0 TaskDetectDoneCountReply 64 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=43,cmd=1,status=0,size=1920 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}story { storyId: 1001007 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001006 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001005 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001004 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001003 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001002 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001001 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001000 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000511 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000510 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000509 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000508 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000507 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000506 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000505 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000504 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000503 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000502 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001014 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000501 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001013 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000500 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001012 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001011 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001010 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001009 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001008 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000003 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000002 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000514 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000001 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000513 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000000 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000512 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001103 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001102 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001101 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001100 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000607 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000606 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000605 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000604 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000603 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000602 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000601 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000600 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001112 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001111 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001110 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001109 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400028 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001108 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001107 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001106 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400027 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001105 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001104 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000111 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000110 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000109 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000108 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000107 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000106 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000105 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000104 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000103 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000102 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000101 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400044 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000100 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400045 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000611 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000610 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000609 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000608 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400054 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400055 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400052 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400053 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000115 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400058 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000114 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000113 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400056 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000112 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400057 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400086 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400084 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400085 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400082 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400083 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400081 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400102 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400101 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000703 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000702 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1100001 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000701 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1100002 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000700 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001212 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100003 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001211 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100004 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001210 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100005 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001209 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100006 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001208 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100007 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001207 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100008 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001206 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100009 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001205 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100010 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001204 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100011 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001203 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100012 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001202 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100013 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001201 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001200 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000207 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000206 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000205 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000204 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000203 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000202 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000201 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000200 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000712 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000711 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000710 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000709 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000708 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000707 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000706 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000705 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000704 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000217 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000216 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000215 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000214 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000213 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000212 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000211 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000210 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000209 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000208 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001311 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001310 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001309 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001308 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001307 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001306 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001305 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001304 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001303 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001302 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001301 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001300 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000303 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000302 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000814 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000301 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000813 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000300 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000812 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000811 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000810 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000809 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000808 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000807 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000806 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000805 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000804 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000803 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000802 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001314 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000801 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001313 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000800 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001312 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000314 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000313 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000312 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000311 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000310 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000309 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000308 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000307 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000306 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000305 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000304 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1200000 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1200001 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001407 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001406 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001405 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001404 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001403 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001402 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001401 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001400 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000911 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000910 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000909 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000908 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000907 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000906 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000905 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000904 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000903 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000902 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000901 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000900 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001412 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001411 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001410 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001409 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001408 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000412 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000411 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000410 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000409 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000408 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000407 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000406 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000405 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000404 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000403 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000402 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000914 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000401 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000913 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000400 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000912 isRead: true } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetUnlockMainStoryIdsReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 43 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099943745881319 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetUnlockMainStoryIdsReply 65 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_chaptericon/10000.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_chaptericon/10001.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_chaptericon/10002.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_chaptericon/10003.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]bigbg/story_chaptericon/10000.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]bigbg/story_chaptericon/10001.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]bigbg/story_chaptericon/10002.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:31]bigbg/story_chaptericon/10003.png instance: @62ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 4 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = ClickIconLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}iconType: 77 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=4,size=11 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=46,cmd=4,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = ClickIconLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 4 所需时间单位秒 = 0.099968876689672 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 ClickIconLogReply 66 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_chaptericon/10015.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/fbx/ui_xiantiao_002.fbx isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_noise_010.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/gt_trail_008.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/ring_007.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/res/tex/trail_030.png isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:effect/prefabs/ui_storychapteritem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_chaptericon/10016.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_chaptericon/10017.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:bigbg/story_chaptericon/10019.png isPreload:True refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]bigbg/story_chaptericon/10015.png instance: @56ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]bigbg/story_chaptericon/10016.png instance: @65ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]bigbg/story_chaptericon/10017.png instance: @64ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:32]bigbg/story_chaptericon/10019.png instance: @63ms [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:34][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:34]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/gotitle.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:34]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/storysystem/storymainlineview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:34]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/materials/ui_image_gray.mat isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:34]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/storysystem/storymainlineitem.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:34][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:36][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:36][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送 43 1 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:36][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = GetUnlockMainStoryIdsRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:36][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:36]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=43,cmd=1,size=9 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:36]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:36]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=43,cmd=1,status=0,size=1920 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:36][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}story { storyId: 1001007 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001006 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001005 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001004 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001003 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001002 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001001 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001000 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000511 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000510 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000509 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000508 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000507 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000506 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000505 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000504 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000503 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000502 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001014 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000501 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001013 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000500 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001012 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001011 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001010 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001009 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001008 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000003 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000002 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000514 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000001 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000513 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000000 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000512 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001103 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001102 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001101 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001100 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000607 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000606 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000605 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000604 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000603 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000602 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000601 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000600 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001112 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001111 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001110 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001109 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400028 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001108 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001107 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001106 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400027 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001105 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001104 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000111 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000110 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000109 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000108 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000107 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000106 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000105 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000104 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000103 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000102 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000101 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400044 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000100 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400045 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000611 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000610 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000609 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000608 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400054 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400055 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400052 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400053 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000115 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400058 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000114 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000113 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400056 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000112 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400057 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400086 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400084 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400085 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400082 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400083 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400081 isRead: false } story { storyId: 400102 isRead: true } story { storyId: 400101 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000703 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000702 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1100001 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000701 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1100002 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000700 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001212 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100003 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001211 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100004 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001210 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100005 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001209 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100006 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001208 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100007 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001207 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100008 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001206 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100009 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001205 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100010 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001204 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100011 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001203 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100012 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001202 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1100013 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001201 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001200 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000207 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000206 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000205 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000204 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000203 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000202 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000201 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000200 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000712 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000711 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000710 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000709 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000708 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000707 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000706 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000705 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000704 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000217 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000216 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000215 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000214 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000213 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000212 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000211 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000210 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000209 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000208 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001311 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001310 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001309 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001308 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001307 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001306 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001305 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001304 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001303 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001302 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001301 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001300 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000303 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000302 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000814 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000301 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000813 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000300 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000812 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000811 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000810 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000809 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000808 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000807 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000806 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000805 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000804 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000803 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000802 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001314 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000801 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001313 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000800 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001312 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000314 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000313 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000312 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000311 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000310 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000309 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000308 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000307 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000306 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000305 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000304 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1200000 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1200001 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001407 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001406 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001405 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001404 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001403 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001402 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001401 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001400 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000911 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000910 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000909 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000908 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000907 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000906 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000905 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000904 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000903 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000902 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000901 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000900 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1001412 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001411 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001410 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001409 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1001408 isRead: false } story { storyId: 1000412 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000411 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000410 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000409 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000408 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000407 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000406 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000405 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000404 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000403 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000402 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000914 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000401 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000913 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000400 isRead: true } story { storyId: 1000912 isRead: true } [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:36][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = GetUnlockMainStoryIdsReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:36][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有消息回来 43 1 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10012383013964 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 GetUnlockMainStoryIdsReply 67 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:37][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData发送腾讯需要的tsssdk数据包长度为------ 0 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:37][@bootstrap/msdk/tersafe/TersafeSDKMgr.lua:0]:{sendSubmitTssSdkData}+++++++++++++++++++++++++sendSubmitTssSdkData在sdk那边拿到的数据包长度=======0,不需要发给服务端,浪费 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:37][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:37][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:37][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}发送==[非重要消息]== 46 2 当前队列数量= 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:37][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{sendMsg}---> sendMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogRequest [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:37][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}systemTypeId: 17 time: 6000 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:37]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=46,cmd=2,size=14 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:37]||||| Sender socketClient version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:37]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=2,extId=46,cmd=2,status=0,size=8 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:37][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{_dumpMsg}empty fields [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:37][@framework/network/NetConnMgr.lua:0]:{closure}handleMsg,structName = SystemEnterLogReply <--- [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:37][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}有==[非重要消息]==回来 46 2 所需时间单位秒 = 0.10012499988079 移走了序号= 1 的消息,当前队列数量= 0 || 0 SystemEnterLogReply 69 1 [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:38][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:38][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 7:33:39]GameDevice isFront = False [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:40]1 headerBuffer== socketClient version=2@ error code =10038@SocketException@The descriptor is not a socket at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 size, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags socketFlags) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Framework.ByteMsgReceiver.Run () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadStart.Invoke () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Threading.ContextCallback.Invoke (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadStart.Invoke () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:40]reciever LostConnect,version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]GameDevice isFront = True [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]1 receiver DoLostConnect,version=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]1 status:DisConnect [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]1 sender LostConnect [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{closure}非手动,非服务器推送消息主动断开socket 的情况下,接收到Socket连接断开 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{_checkIsLostConnect}开始重连流程 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{_checkIsLostConnect}注意重连次数大于总次数,就重登。当前次数=,总次数= 0 5 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{_execReConnet}开始重新建立socket连接 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{sendSocketConnect}==============开始等待一段时间,然后再执行Socket连接服务器, ip=, port=, isYield= game.swy.qq.com 40105 true [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{}==============等待一段时间到了,还未有收到socket回调结果,真的开始执行Socket连接服务器, ip=, port= game.swy.qq.com 40105 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]1 sender DoLostConnect [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41][@logic/common/sdk/SDKManager.lua:0]:{}===SDKManager.impl.queryHostByDomain param.ipv6 or param.ipv4 看看是啥==== [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41][@logic/common/sdk/SDKManager.lua:0]:{}===SDKManager.impl.queryHostByDomain resultIp====== [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]==============link network is ipv4============ [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]1 status:Connecting [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]1 Connect,ip=,port=40105,verson=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{}看看刚调用执行Socket连接服务器的结果,此结果不代表连接结果,是表示有没有system socket还未回来,true表示 旧的 已经回来过,可以开始连接,, result= true [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{}==============已经发出去了socket连接,等结果把 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]1 AsyncConnectCallBack call by system,connectingVersion=2 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]1 AsyncConnectCallBack End:Status=Connecting,socket.Connected=True [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]1 Same version,socket.Connected=True [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]1 Do EndConnect [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]1 Do EndConnect Done [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]1 status:Connected [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]1 ConnectSucc True [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{closure}===============执行Socket连接服务器完毕,看下结果吧:1, true [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{}socket连服务器成功,当前状态==== true true [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]==> Sender Auto Serialize Message,extId=-1,cmd=1,size=83 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]||||| Sender socketClient version=3 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]<== Receiver Message, socketClient version=3,extId=-1,cmd=1,status=-1,size=60 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41][@logic/common/state/net/ReConnectionMgr.lua:0]:{_reConnectFailTodo}网络连接着,需要重登陆,主动断开socket连接 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41][@logic/extensions/login/controller/LoginController.lua:0]:{execCleanSocket}手动断开Socket连接,会过滤掉Socket连接断开的回调 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]1 sender LostConnect [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]1 headerBuffer== socketClient version=3@ThreadAbortException@ at System.Net.Sockets.SafeSocketHandle.UnRegisterForBlockingSyscall () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive_internal (System.Net.Sockets.SafeSocketHandle safeHandle, System.Byte* buffer, System.Int32 count, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags flags, System.Int32& error, System.Boolean blocking) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 size, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags socketFlags, System.Net.Sockets.SocketError& errorCode) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive (System.Byte[] buffer, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 size, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags socketFlags) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Framework.ByteMsgReceiver.Run () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadStart.Invoke () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Threading.ContextCallback.Invoke (System.Object state) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Threading.ThreadStart.Invoke () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:41]reciever LostConnect,version=3 [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:42]1 status:DisConnect [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:42][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:42][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================[只是警报]正在执行加载资源,暂不能gc,再走一次延时gc检测================ [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:42][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{gc}================准备执行gc================ [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:42]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/animations/msgboxview.controller isPreload:False refCount:4 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:42]unity2017 的UnityWebRequest yield www.Send ===完毕=== 当前等待1帧,当前次数=0最多次数=5当前进度=1|||||===== -> path:ui/views/common/msgboxview.prefab isPreload:False refCount:3 isDone:False isDestroy:False hasAb:False abUnload:False [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:42][@frameworkext/lmvc/view/ViewBlockMgr.lua:0]:{_tryCreateBlockClickMask}_tryCreateBlockClickMask [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:42]1 sender DoLostConnect [INFO:2023-5-25 8:47:43][@logic/common/logic/ResPreLoadMgr.lua:0]:{_rgc}================真正执行gc================